Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. tatered st the Pootoffice et Lîbertyvllis, III., as Second Class Mai Matter Officiai Paper for Lake County. &*oued Evéry t'riday. Advertislng Rate@ Made Known on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITHq ............................ ......................................... Edîtor F. 0. SMITH ..................................................................... managor M. J WEBER ....................................Retident Manager, Phone mo-J HAVE YOU A SUGGESTION? IF 80, GIVE IT TO US. The I.Àake U nuit 'Ivîidelen e] <n t i isLkv e HIiît.vslbig FAMLLriy 1> PEI! Vus- ils a ftanuil vafait, aliluivetore iUs mowers aie de.'iirons ail the time of makiiig it jîîst what the tIl1imsand(1 of fainiies in Lake e-otiîitv really iwant in theit' homie. Naturall'-vsonietiînes mwe inake nîistakes wlmo tl oes îot? But, wue try always to iake the pnper the lest etiliii- try paper that can he prited. We trY to inaprove it in eVery liiae possible, but even then perhaps 've faîl short in the opinions, of soine thinking people. Hom-ever, as it is oui' desire alw'ays to have it THE BEST, suggestions of readers frcquentiv il1 hielp inake ininproveîîîents. Ad t o hv ern n eet ing suggestions. If v-ou, as a member of the Jndepenideîît's big fainihv, have anY suggestion- whiu'hî You feel w ili lîelp improve the paper, w n)il t 'ot just diropi us a note calling attention to i'hat Yomi think w-nild ]îelp inake the Judepeudent GREATER. BETTER aiît more l)opullal eveîî if it nerely foren, our opinion. \Ve ant to please evervbodv, there- foe vervbodv 'ý s sugg-estion is reevivî'd ini the kindly spirit it nav be tendeî'ed. What gond idea havî e YOI for' the fdjeolo sinî- proveineflt + . Fox Lake is having its share of fires. Looks as if the state fire inspection department will have te(> do soine work in that locallty ere long. With the cost of living soaring, with the prices of labor soaning with wings of an aeroplane, witli material prices going up and everything taking the upward fight, it looks as if th ime iUrne eot distant when improvenients, repairs, investments, etc., will be made only when absolutely nec- emsary and seldom when the investor can get along with- out. In fact, it looks as if the general situation is any- thing but rosy. _____ The election, for the twelfth tirne of John O 'Keef e as superintendent of the railroad men's home at Highland Park and the hearty endorsement given him by the board whlch handies that institution is a most emphatic slap at those who tried to "get" Mr. O'Keefe by making siander- ous remarks about him which liii friends, knew were un- true. With the entire confidence of the board back of hlm and thefr expressed willingness to aid him In clearing the stencli raised against him,, Mr. O'Keefe is placed in the position where he may well feel that bis administration has been satisfactory to those to whom he la accountable -and that's the principal thing lielias reason to deuire. IA( OUNTYia, Of .ieryvilleQ Huobert Bond bas returned froin Circie, Montana. Mr. and Mr@. H. S. Elurîbutt were GraYolake vlitors Monday. The Tiula Chapter wlIll meet witb Mr@. 1Wm. Deckar neat week Tuesday evsning. The Presbyterian Ladies' Aid wiIi bave a baksry sale ai Raye@ Furniture store neit Saturday afternoon at 2:30. The Ramareas wlll play the lirot gaine of the ssagon witb Avon Center on the Libertyvif le grounds next Sunday. lire. Wm. Kunkeand son William weut o P'alra, Ill., Wednesday, where they will make an extendécd visit with the former'» daughter, Mrs. Dîrake. The lise Motor Combany gave qulte a number oi lis friends a banquet at the Lyrlc Rettaurant Wednesday evening. Several representatives of. automobile concerne for wblcb the local company Is sales agent, were present. )W~i F!LDÂ, ýAPRIL 23, 1915. WAS SURRENDERED Ch urch ?/ewsi BY fISBONDSM4AN F____ -_LOCAL_-________ As a Resuit Highland Park Man *seihodlau.Epiacopal. is Now Locked up ini the Preacblnfi servicsânDoi Sunday willl h Lake County Jail. b:ld bath morning and evenlng at the INDICTED BY GRAND. JUR~Y Ream wiWi lPleOth on ithe topie, "Hoart not Head Religion, ln the eeening at Is Charged With Having Beat- 7:80 there wlii b1- a 'long service alter wbicb ther@ willlb, a sermon on the en an Eleven Year OId Boy- -aubjeet, "Lie's Needi Thingae." A to Hear Case Soon. cordial litvltiton le sxtended iii ail. "'The issioary. Wbat tbe Leaguse Recause lisbondamen did 001 cars Doing lu India. wiii Le the suhjêee af to remain on bis bail auîy longer, Jo- iLs fpworiiî League serviee next Sundav espb Goduski of Highland Park, la svsning ai (:45. Mma.Lattis Protine Dow bOcaicerated In tbe county jaiwill tend the meeting. 5Suendid inglng. In Waukegan. He was brougbt bers Ail cordiehly' invlted. Frlday by bie bondsmen wbo turned Cobir will mieet for relipi'rwaloîn Friday 1 hlm over to tse sherlff. lie thon ceas- evening pronpilyeîSociocîk. Ail mcm ed ta be responsible for tuls eppear- bers urged ta attend. ance In court wberi bis trial taesa The WomaensHomue -Niss8ioury mocîet, place. im igathering clotbing for the Lincaîn Stt. 'Gaduaki wae arresued a few moniha lustitutîonal churuL ai Chicago. Dty ag e t H-ighland Park on a charge of Prashvn nbgreî pr - . - vngsuh ament ni as ae heateno basevedutey an eleven ve .a se . --n,,,,. l.i..- ' *i.-s M -. stu. l. estr, iu fis cndcte aold byWho 1ivd near thers. Godus. Cheever who lias iliarge of the aork. blacksmnitb and wagon shop on Mil. lki was atiegsd te have beaten ihtm waukee avenue for tis lest nine yearo, wiih the ratifer tire off a buggy whsel. Si. Lawrence Episcopai. bassol bs bsiessta tee Kstal >~ He was given a bearlng in police Hol.i Communion every Sunday 7:45 Lake Feoet, who took possession on court- ln Higland Park and was a. m. Firot8undayin meîntirlu 0:3oa. m.I Monday. Mu. Kosilal moved his bouse- hound Over to the grand Jury. The MorniDng Prayer every Sundaý excepi hold Recode into the Peter Mioore flat on grand Jury beard the evidence ln the abo -e 10:3e a. ni. Pest teast eldedyo as ta wbat r.ecae ad then held hlm on a charge of Snnday sehoot 11:45 a. um. wille dosinteie st wa oassault. Evenîng service 80.n. n wil d inth fuur..Goduski secured a bandamnan and Ail Huly P)aye, îoîy Comuninon ii0 A draft' The Morris vs. rSandberg trial cameneri) bas been et liberty eipur since. Just ain ibs.1 at the town hall last Saturday afier- whet caused bis bontdsman ta wleb ta 1ev. ,uÀuuS, WiIITS...Priet-in .-harge I1 naoa. Santie very sensational testimony get off bis bond isafnot known but If rsyeil.a es was given. The vase wa8 deelded ini le seld ho feered he înigbt nlot be ablePebtran i s favor utftire. Sandhrerg. The suit wasl ta produce Goduaki t the trial. i Sna co, uau lF rgu, te'î for the possession ai a bouse aîd fata Therefore, he brougbt hlm ta the sai.tortu blouging ta Cash Bulkley, of.wbicbithe eheriff and surrendered hlm. Itf1la Mornlng service il A. A&U Morris and $andberg familles claimed net known wbether or net GodugkiI Ch rîstian Etdeaxuir 6:45 p.,iai. frS0 ihey had alase. Tbetesilmony brought wlIl be ahle ta get anyone tIse te go I ivening 1ormhiçi 7:30. for, 4u ont the tact ihat Morris actually ibreat. onrieisbonds. He hadt trouble ln the gradeb rg'ato. i 41 ened to, shoot tirs. Sandberg If she d'ld 1firet place and It was only when thegr e not leave the bouse. Mir. Bulkiey'Lq teetuI- original bail wa'u reduced thet hoe f i S mony tended ta prove that lie leased the cîîred a man who teas willing ta 9 in[ F L ~~L s J fo ,j place ta the Sandberg's and ne flOtii t tihîî Morris. " The Sbanty ai Treiiibling Hill Noma adl wsabetolav Eeetanay i A two ri'el drame adapted ifcor bouse on Tbursday for tire irettlime tý1AKI<ESI 3 Boys front The f>unsey Magazine, featîîring sine bs ccien a eekeg .1 iFrancis X.iiusbnian and Nellie R.Creîg. danîgern Mnedobis say h accident weaisu.thhe F !N i IT GAD ronienc, ai love and strîfe in the northJ Lus to sta and Robert Lyon were on the wagoî ui IL iI Sod.tb polenot arlsTher-iee so lt loaded with Abert Lsons furaiturCI D ea tsîudb itr brdbeiî fn wenabeds4tead slipped off the ura,, Ifl u EFifrontî the amsuel runaif uch ploie. Tbe wiuili ra os, CHARGE INrs.. n te ______ac tilng and pliotugrepby are ixdcuate. whelfirloI ,ej'v hrgi. ,In v the e BIsai hle au ntuerteining ituuiber, it Liberty, caeened, knocking Norman off the iront TerTens her.StreArl2 af the wagon onto theswbifletrees wbere Spent the Night in Local Jail One a bie was kicked bib e face a nuinter ai as Stayovers. Daniel S. Gregory, edîtor of Stan- 1 R .S ines befare he was freed froni hfie uosi. dard dictionary, and ln 1878 president R .S tien as the wagon colllded witb tLse e The Waukegan police ibis morning Of Lake Forest universliy, la dead i*** wben bie wa knocked ta ans sIde ai the placed undier errent ibree boys wbo, in East Orange, N. J. At bisdeh wago. Rber Lyn@ agu ece ilare wanted by the Kenosha police on be was presîdent af the Bible League wao. RoeiLyn ie eeved a charge of burgiary. The boys twhoofNrhAeia sucb a severe shock at that tins whicb are ail In thefir 'taens gave their fNtbAec. ceused the shattering af bis nerves îîear names as follows: bis rlght tqliaulder. EMERY DODD, aged 18. Ws ony WRALTE R PHYES, aged 1. Jaonnys uncle was vIsItIng ai hIg ____FR____ ANKT1R PTES, aged . oue'Hewisei, nntey. Jo b J. B. MORSEjELECTED These baye were pfclred up on the bue ewssyn oJbn J. B. MOREIELEUEDstreets berset 1:40 o'ciock ibis nita.î hope you neyer ftght wib Your littieJ o VILLAO PRESIENT1lg. They tcld a policeman tbeybhad neighbor. No, siree.- anewerd_____ of work. Tbey were taken ta the po- tban ' The way the 701 men and wamen lice station, booked as stay-overs, and given a todgIng. Dodd la a negro. votes were casi at lest Tuedaysm elec- This morning about nine o'clock i tlou was quit@ a surprise. Had the de- tbey were releasedi by the City jai cision hinged on the womens@votes aione and wsre sent about iheir business..- the entire Votera ticket, beaded by Elle- Sbortly afler ten o'clock the Keno- S1sha potice called aip the local police worb, would have tisen elecied, wbilea !td inquired about tihe young fellows. just the opposite was tbe resuli 0i the 1'hey said they bave arrested tbree mens vote, tbeenotire Peoples ticket te- Young men ln Kenoaba wbo have ceiving a maority of tbe mensm votes. plead guilty ta a sertes of robbeliss The wamen casi 77 stralght balots lior and tbey bave lmplilated the tbtriee tbe Peoples ticket and 109 for the Vo- as stayovers. 1i t i ters party. The ins) gave 174 strelgbt Assistant Chief Tyrreli burried lio- T th pra v for the People@ party anîd 90 for tbe 10w thse bill and by gond fortune found"'otep au Voter, ticket. Joseph W. Hlart was the thse youngsters wbo were waiiing for To the joker it's a soutb bonditfrelgbt train fln the otemsrlf only candidate on the Voter, ticket ta North Western yaýds. They were ot'mirIi ho elected. taken to tbe Jai and the Kenosha au- To the' loafer lif The candidates elected are. iborities were nottfied. otelw rli Presiden-Jay B. orse, P.The assistant chief bers says he ln-Toteayei ir@ditJ_ .Mre .tns da question the three boys te, To the poet life' Trustees-Adam B. Titus, P.; Eenry se ftae nwayhn bu h otedco i B. Eger, P.; Jooepb W. Hart, V. two robbenles pei'petrated ln Wauke-Tot'doorI The total vote le as follows: gan Monday nlgbt. That ineeds treat Women. tMen. Toal. The faci tirai ane of the trio carrled T h ode i For President.- a mask ln bis pocket conseil the loohcaodirl oo r@det-tfficers ta tin'c ibai possibiy the boys To the teacher l J. B. Morse, P ....127 288 415 bave started out on a systematîn rem- Life's a good thi E. E. Elswortb, V.146 134 280 palg ouf crime. For Trustes- Make Admlaalons. lt's a failure to1 A. B. Ttus, P ....108 241 :349 Tbe ibres youngsters When "sweat- To the mnan upci ed out' by Assstant Chier Tyrreil ad- Lf' oga Hf I. EerP .11 27 u9 mihte bat tbey hadl taken part ln a J. C. Renie, P ....102 227 329 hig senies of robbertes i Kenosha. I' a bet J. W. Hart, V ....165 190 355 Peterson confessed to four burgiar- Tlthea gambl t B. F. Woolrldge, V....141 128 269 les; Murphy confessed ta iwo burg- T h eca S. D. Zaok, V.....145 164 30..taries and two purs, suaichinga; Life's a picture ________ white Dodd adn1tted baving taken To the rasca1 Hf, part in six burglarles. NEW BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY Tbey gave a flot of their hurgiary Life perhaps is exploie as foliowa: To the inan bent 2 ashos stores. Lf f oeyt 'Teworld is go full of a nnmbeu of i feed store.LieilVIyt books, i furnîture store. To the rlayer lif l' sure we should al be as happy as carpenter sbopi. iemybalo 1lilquor store.Lie ay ea Cook@ 1 scbooi hous. To thet mani upoi For tbo' h may chance tirat tise flitIanal 1 crsamery. fare, The local poliles ntend ta senti the Life' is but a loiý Displayed for aur pleasure in generous youngeters ta Kenosha whero they To the în4n Who ape wlll bie biged t0 face these charges. Life's an everlasi Prove name limtes uneven or uat ta Ou 41 8ton MellefTo shun duty tlx teste.1 The itellgent tieman waa betng To the earnest C 'Twill suitsomeanteelsesgochereanoithing lained ta pues on the jury in a Life's a story eve ta wasîe." murder trial. 'Do you beloeve in cap- ifazin-Thupe ai Bis own Houriebold. iai Punishinent?" Inqulred thse attot- Life iS what we1 Burobani-Heaven ai Love. neY. -Yow bei 1 do.' came the prompt oa dewhti Haged:ru-Faces lu the Dawa. rallifflue. *limagio' the trusts, and Cnrdw a Oppnhein-Idr. (irez ai Monte CarIa.1 w5it ta ses b al! of Wall street In J O H NI 4 Oppenhin-To Win the Lovebho sougli. j.1 hr hybln Prydz-l8anporil. A E Resd-Len (lanneti. 'lie~likeea fooll But, papa14AR1A StsztLofi-Nigbtlngale. be asked me inta xl-ry hlm." "HO bas? Weil, dont tver tell Me 1 canai you Cari rechl 15,000peans week- aise up people.'-Houston Pont. ly tiirough the indrnennt. Ithm ftebi ultwih oa ,0 Illinois Stallion Board certificate No. 8340. 1tbiîîk a colt by Bon 1,P.wreiîce wilI he wortli tx i nore a s a fouirvea r nid t hau a volt froin ne iîlare hy aîîy liorso tJuat travuls fi-oi ,aîî * iii Lake Couiity. *4. two yeaolnd filly by Bnî Lawreuce lîas soP ), antîthlree- yearlinîg stiid ((olts liat e solil fur Guer (îî-iîî Brothbers sold a fé uîr xear oid gelding by Bont Lawrence for- k-75 Stallioîim of thee iîality of Bon Larîto4tai11d [lgrvat dauiger j îst 11w of îoîîit;îgiî ii., niii t]-ý diseases lo4i to horses aiiîd uattlIt'and tL., of traveliîîg to so aiîa holi-stlia vv 'a tipse- tad lîiîîî uithine. :t R îiiî,*y arîin. tlii.s-t'a* th 1 w prne ofni ýl5 to îîîsumr.the' niant' with SEASON OF 1915 AT RODNEY FARMS and one-half miles west of Libertyville, Ill. ATJFT, Owner. J. B. HABERKORN, Mgr. -------------------------------::sp p Pirinting CLEAN WORK A FULL COUNT ~id1 Adi by Ji Lilab ber h bestifit ber ai contril waa p. naine. Inde connt) Ki~ A sui Try Lee's Lic Fleck DRI Morses arc cheap, only the best can be raised at a profit. PURE BRED, IMPORTED IN DAM PERCHERON STALLION DO# &&ec D.éss lite to yoii<- er life'd a se'nîîni., s a jest; fe 18 tlOuetY. ife is rest. life's a trial, es a song; fe's a patient atinent niglit aIong. life's a battie, life's a school; iing to, the' gralter, the fool. on the englue id heaVy grade; othe gambler; it life is trade. Sto the artist, ife'H a fraud:, but a burden neath the hod. cthe' lover, fe's a play; lad of trouble on the dray. îg vacation ) loves bis wonk, 4ing effort othe shirk. C~hristian worker er îiew; try to, make it- id life to you?" HODGE ILLINOIS