CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Apr 1915, p. 6

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Prae oiv AE(ONYIDPNETFWY PI 3 95 LDIAMOND ïAi] Giordon anal Pearl Ray suent sunat anal Iondaja iu Chicagu. -Irs. Sa-roder ivas a Lake Bluff vistor Wdneeday. A. Lus-eh tieni thé wéek-endl n Clica- go). Mr. andl tIrs. Abert Dyér motonéal lu Au rora Satunday. iss Elsie Bauer ut Chicago, spet thé week-end ft Mis. A. Roues Walter Papis and Boeil Selck s-ère in Chicago Suoday anda alendeal iingiing cireue. Percy Andrew-s o Lake Fureat, spent Sundey ber. 3Mr. and Mrs. Oso. Mitchell ntertaineal is BuMsbing andl T1'ieefamilles ot La@.ZZrnelc, Bund*y. E. fichroder anal famlly motoreal to Wankegau Thureday svsnlog. I ARKJERVIEW thé lat two neeéka Mlie Hulda tMeyer spent aiandasy nitia ber piarents. S. Bilnski apnt $Unday in Claiagia. tirs. Wéenzel lîiéuc diéa] Fridarv. Shé hai been Ill ton s(,ae é imé ailh cancer. The lunénal services wer e léla a thé St. Mary s Cathaîlia- ahura at Frémonit Céntér tlanday. REAL FARM EFFICIENCY Remnarkable SMaternent by Ohio Station Director. Misâ. Sarnuel Chase. who passéal the East.'r vacation wlth her daîightér. iss Polly. wbc, Is at Peahaa,I lna tii. Ea@t basi returiéd borne. Mr. and nI. Charles (;unn aad iannir, Frank Dunt andaMieMas Jane Gordona, wiîî have ta-en the guestO of thie tianu ai iiy an Florida tbis wiater, are e."-eted to r.'tunaa home thé latter part ut May. Arthuir $mitb uf Davempot, Iowa, sipent the week-end at tih. home ofi hie One of Americas bet-knowa tam ather. Hlugh Smnith. nItera palal Drécior Thorne of the Thplygvnb eLaeFrt Ohio éxperiment station a s-eilde h lygénh-ti aeFne serveal compliment s-hen hé sald: Womn's club at thé Duranal Art lu- "lTe direCtor talks utile but saya stInte Tuesday evening, was well mucl." Duriang the entré quarter con. alteodeal andl enjoyéd. iury of lits sonk ai thé Ohio sttlin. LasI s-o.k Lake Forast was busy witb lié basbad a message. lu lanliecauje théy kmos- l ie s-h ave aomething W4 worthi hile to a y, tbat the fermera of Ohio have aome tai lisien to Thorne. Lâtely, thé dîrecior bas gven but a i Mirs, W. S. Coon anal eildernofotW au- singe uaragra.p n ,,....,,li @uis u kega amapedin tw weks ithre.rel tarin efflciency. Man> sruera kegn ae send.g wos-sks -itMrs sonld use an éntîré liook to givé ont I. tioon. thé mîsas s-ilcb la contained lin thé Mfr. spitAr@. J. A. Mao.ns-ère Chic- paraga'aph s-Mhi toilais-:1 ago vtitors liiday andl Saturday. '0hio gros-s 30,000,000 huebels of Mrs. Wm. Stanclhi etertaioed coi- ws-bat on 2,000000 acres of lanal. Wltli pay arin Auburn Park Bunday. thé same total exiienalinure. but differ- pan> eotly dislributed-less talior. mors Uma. Wýtle Richards spént Baturday eééd anal more manuré anal fertilizer- anal Sondajrsith lber parants. Ohio mgbt easlly gxrs- ibis aneat on Mr. anal Idr. Umbach anal son ilu&rt 1500000 acres, tins saviug the rent anal tIraà. . E. Knocaier spent Fwfdrât on hait a million acres; or. It ow-néal. S. S. Stangereata Ravina. permtting il 10 rest for thé coming Cor Krsge his-okhn inLihnîrgeneration, ahîcin ha sure lu iaéed fit (;Oa Ku@gr i wrkig i fberY-Andal Isau a ith other crops. Ohio ville. tarmèrs are aunually ioilang ocer a H. W. Koopi @petit Sundar analMain- mllIon acres ut landl. that for their day lea ead4ééa-- aké anal that of postanit> voujd bet- Geore RIhard utqlen-miwhas tueier lie pérmittéal ta-grue up mmilirusht Geoge ichrd@of ile viw hb tenanal Reedas (ut course grasor fruit viting ai A. C. Richards. s-ouîllie thé logical cropaa. This Is tIra. ueo. Coin rianaChic-agoa viitea L ie brani utof fciency a-e are trying 10 ns, J. AiLangllins aléa aaycs t veék -' eat.- Thé Ladies Vernon Cetnrae"n Inity luvie utPrésadetit Wlsns mcs s-lI m-els-iS trs.Frak oityausage thal Amena-a muait heliu téd thé Thuraday t wtearnoo, Frank o nt world in 1916, Direa-lor Thores staté- Thurdayaltrnoo, Arilmentz selionlalhave gréa wi sght Hi pointa ot thé way sithout our ivèma l'he Indeedent leadsaail. increaslng présent acreage. THE CITIZENS BANK la a good bank witb which to open a Check- tng Account. We malce a spec'talty of amali checking ac- counts and f urnisb al Supplies, free of charge. $1.00 Open& a Checking Account-$1.00 ITHE CITIZENS' BANK SaMAKE THIS BANK YOUR BUSINESS HOME" Area, Illinois I pe eV et iaeaaty cents muré lu pay listare lu anal froan Highland Park If hé pays on théeaar than if la.' juchasédal ticket Thésanme innca- is applica- ble ta othér cillés along thé lina-. Bets-éni hère anal Evanstuta theré la a ahlnly cent houait. Wiaélhr thé public-w-lji accéçat tIi. concession. miade hy thé stra-et cala aompany or ahéthér thé iglit will ha képI up ta get lanak thé sanie rates thal appliléa béton.' a-latber oneaa.tis for a ticket un tha- car or nul, ia noui kuown. huit iévaloîaménls taar lieexpécled ai al- naust anv tame. APPEAL IS MADE FOR THlE BIRDS BY MRS. EDW. LEMON long 1flt.of nietertajunats. chier of 'hch w&as lbe ciy lection. Thé Speaker Before Women Points omaus club enienlaiientinl Andér- Out Need for Protecting ns bail Tburaday évening s-as greati> Feathered Tribe. ujoyed. F'riday evening thé Maccabeee _____ otertaineal wlth an old algbqed Pariy. CONSERVE THEM NOW. lie sanie evenlng a Scotch dance -as ela ai ONell's ball anal lbe young eople ut thé C. E. socetv béldt ieir Declares Time to Start Show- ànuai sterlainnient al@a, ouonibat ing Consideration of The ýveniaig. Birds isSpring. Frederiat MacLaughlin wil rsturn lu Lake Foreet Ibis we.ek alle r an exuéenisal Tii. meeting uf the. Waukégan Wom- ata> In Calilornia. an'.,thiab Nlonday aftennoun a-as un- tir. anal Ars. Ernest A. Haml anal de, tli.'ausiceas ot thme-Conse.rvaion Mie@ Eeanun tBouill i lIa,, na-at we Couanilta-a- Mrs, Edward Lémon. ut [r t inginha. Hat Springs. The.% wiIh he Due item '(o lruvse.iekéon-uonenvaa oue about îwo s-cru anal inimeiaately liOli . Shite t. naialn ofutthé C un- onreunii îîl opnthaaar country servatioun omnaîltee outahi.'Elévéntha hoii rLarnke Frst. aup e@n - lýDsrict anal a i nember out he Consér- aunie~~~~~~~ iLkeFîstwhrAieHali vallon ('aunmute utthaeStaté Feal- iariage tu Kent Clow a-il laké Place ératton utf'aomtis ('lob, ut wlmlch alan eaniy dune. Nlrs E. .Clark. otthéettaukean Mr. nd M@. Lurane Arour ilclub 's àaiîaemher. tir anl trs.Lauani Amur n-a, La-mon spolie more especially nove hère MIay 1.7. Thé inata-uvements ufthuli- i un, which hai héen atémptéal ona the lirsille Balx-oa-k bous4e shah ihée y tb>- liai' mitéé to c licla ime hé- have bought. ailIlée iauialalted about longpdti malier ovin aity. One ut lic that ie. -bletraeffortsi liai heén to Interést the u-lilir.'mî oviaanal girls. hy jersoual tir. anal trs. Jamnes Woan Thurne anal tallsasndai alrougla téacliers or parents. Mr. anal Mni Frank Hibtiaral wijj return or lauîb uo féel a responsihiiy lu car- tu théir couîntry homes un West Laie lng turn lie hrda, théhr youug anal lir Forait earjr in May. Ihast-a; tauplace chblu ieir reacla lu thé libraries anal public achools tIrs. Hugh Meirne > anad danghter pamphlet-. anal books contaiiug Inter- Missi Isahèlla aujl go lu t irgina Hot ésthîîg aninnstructive articles on how spiiego ibis s-eéi. lu proteci anal save thé hîrds; tb urge tuéie buiilng anal placitig ut bird bouses Thé mariage of Mis@ Marlaun Fans-ehs-liera muat needéal vo lry 10 teach daughiter of tMr. anal Ma'. Frank C. them ahi- o lplréserve théeaidfinwsr Fars-elI. to Reginalal Fosier of Boston, 5 as mehnas the brds-to value plant s-bicb s-as 10 taie place Monday, April lité as ai-la antmal fle. 19t, as ee potpuedowng o he Slae sai' ithé sPring titméevefli- lUth ha bée polponal s-io totis hing séani. to plead for coservalbon." llness ut thé brîde-eleci, s-ho je nus- ft 5h. 'spolie o tbe vartous fines of Tryon. N Y,s-itb ber moihér. work hala-lathé membeas ot the Con- Mr.HoharItC. Chatlhéla-Taylor gave sersatloiommittee trom tbe State' a ucho Prs.tth asn cuFédération Ihave uncertaken t. belD. a lnchonhan a th Cain clbTiaéy tii to havé préserveal the Chicago, Wednesday in hunîr utfAr@. White Pluma toréaitIn Ogle counîr: the Augusi Beimont anal Mimse Ala&Ils-er, Starveal Rock ParU - as preseirveal s-bu arrîvea trom Nés-York un.Tnsday 5su Ibrougi teir effors; they bave beén viilu inChicago ftuab iout a ek. Intéeeteaî an lime -aters-fy bille anal in ailifots lu 1reserve our bhala anal tir. anal trs daîlan t> Lear ,clébrateal aili floavirs;iaal are now gréatly In- ther ts-enty-filrot s-eiing coniversary téreés-a lin h s-ork ut heautitylnié on Thunsalay. A prilh1 5t. thé timaa-ulaa Hîghs-fi. Tbèy also ad- vocale i'arent-Teacumérs- associations Thé six montt e oni ai duhier ait Mr..aal a hua --aucaîon ot thé tOrelgu été- anal %Ire TbiîoamasHarau i idWednés- lii-at t i liai-valué ufthlie birds ana ldh day. llrl il tii. ater liavinutliai an fluai i-ni- ah iis country. opération. irs Llion's lnteresling andmain- .lrouaie a-is lwaas folios-éd by an hu- __________________osuai1al.aiusslun. A very délihittul On Seetr 'Tme.a tîraauaaa as enJureal by thé memý lu Skcter Tme. ler-. atdia nms s-linattendai. fIcre. sigineal ubài nhappy bouse- 1 bolder, as hée put olmt the ligbt ad atFrSlecdithIN cras-leal tbnouglheti'canopy fato lied, I WnFrSleca5l h N '19 s-hère 1 retiré to my second lino of DEPENDENT reach 15,000 personia defense.'-Newark News. -wokly. T SOME BEE W ISOM.I Less lias beer lone towaral the lm- provemnt of be thau hais beeta aa,îe wth fair othiar bAud of stock, largely becausithe mais tasbeyonal coitrol. Thougli increasia niay be made lu bées more ràsî)ldiy fand easlly than la other k-ids of stock. no other klnd of stock 1.4 .o dihllIcuit to keep pure. There la ou question that lu tbis country an Italian colooy wili store more houer than a colony of blacks. The iiest way to get a start in bees je to buy ns manio stand.s of good. lanthy beýés of jpure breeding as you can weil tînnaie and carefully Increase your colonies eacb year frona the swarnîs wblch these wlll give off. Queens sornatimes die durlng the wnter and earlY iPrbnat. and slun-e there La4 no brood froin wblch the bee4 cau replace tbem the qaeenless colo- nies are -bopeiesily qaîeenless." Bee- laeeper's lithe aortb cau frequently buy queens f rom southerai breeders early lu thé sprlog, and naaturaliy ibis l9 better than ieavtng the colony wltb- out fi queen untili the bees eau refit oine, a» it la important that tbere lie no stoppage ft titis season. Ail hiles sbouid b. carefullY exs.m- lned esrly ln the epring; ail deod col- oniles shoulal bave thelr biles put ont oft réicb of robbers and waxr mous. the wealc colonies' entrancas. shouid be contracted. and al etrances made larger or amailer, accordlng to the asue of the colooy. The weak ibat are wtbont food sboîld be ted, and the otrong made trouger as faut au PO- silta. -iVANHOE WILL CONCESSION SuMnd i irtyi t ,Deer/iS/d 0F ELECTRIC LINE Mijs liaîy \iiil'lev, retiirn-d iat À IE PU LC a eek irau i Rhîilsnder l'ai. ,who h >aa".' tr. i rl il ttav.'n-îv iau- _____ o- tctsepteaulier. I ge-ofle lisa@ been mti. a. i. e 11, a' o er~'aa I'-Or Wil People Demand That By T.F. SWAN Missa.Emaia(rabb.' and litlaN ri, andl Mr,-(iV. Pettie. Samne Schiedule of Fares Correspondent and Agent isata-d Geoarge MNie *%r fittiw .' liiitâ i Mses l-lauor Meyer %Nasi tlii.' vak-éaadApyonte as isaturdiay Vioh fouli dhlm galiig aloi gi-ýet .aItusiraons Macadie o it Chiiiagia. Apyo as ________haing tii li able iii coule hum.' this Vtn. lgert and daugiit.r Lilian or MEANS BIG INCONVENIENCE. .1H kes. aadlanua çanat-uniayweek. Chiaagi a w.'r. thé Sunday guës.ts ti Air._____ an Iaie Zu$ d&ýstîeo.a mMiesai j"iîngi ."a nd ria nelian éherger u If One Forgets to Purchase a 'ar-P . ye.. itIa~iail ~ dvsbr..~6 iîiisBe'l'inna 1tiaSur Ticket it WilI Cost Much -Ité1).A.l Tu seda ui-.v o I-i AnPa. Ar. 1Buainger and -un ofUi aia~ day anal Sonilar agua-at aitMi---FloairneM r o h as i4elTedyith..H v ii , al.'rs Inliis JlîaSatweo-L Vi .Ilt.iiii.Haltiick ofuFtnSheridan. More onthe Cars '~iaa-térScii-a 'laas te (iV t - Mtrs MtAbrt Sol3dur ent.'rtaii.'d ier r Nianad Mrs. Nchlaasanaldiloan aîrnéli IThé Chicago ana l 'iiwaiikae Eler vv..' l itis aii-' iiliiatia.. nother and siter M, nday. a st.'o relatives in Chiciago taady trie railroad isla seking au miake it Wmi. Weber i.. quit.' iii fattiie'home ' titis Smith le vsiting Jarenfts ft t1'- tir, and tIrs. Cyde tiia ianal chldron atiiear that ihere has lleena i noInn hi> daughter, tMr. Hrrauan in. sent. He' andal la- ile l.xixéa-tlk oaireviorii tiirutliy anidHumern vîcît.'d tlrma humlltion ut raislug theé i-a laloruttarés a-hm rhersa wll -. lildFraarCaliaonoia the irs ualMa to spand cotai.'Hateli ot Chicago.,Tlanrday. ian long as peéople paarchlas.d tickets. Cho el i héatai i! tIrbanl i r... ytiamié euh Cliord Payne lu lhoap.e tuat Niss ttacy Siig visiterd triidiaa~n ilen- hbit the staiemént i a fimiar une for eve.n liee reo M.adM .J he ang ta îaentiia v i e%-Sunday.tiair owO agents deî lare abat al ar- B. Rugei ha--u aeérangements bai béa-lmadeai.' upat ThéLades idwil mét oa édn5- Mmr. C. 1, llr n dier iMss liras elict th vOeek..uî gu.'sts ut Mrnaid irs J.thé lncréaséd rates loto effect on day, April 28, wltl Mms. IR. A. Sminith. Wednesday in Chia-agia . ie(ié-elt. Ir. April 15. The pamphlet lssued by i. H. Knigg wet lu South Iléna. lirs. John Shepherd final trs. E A. Tuea mrtgth éni nl the ctiin.y showlng the Increaseal Saturday wtbthé Lake Foreet aolege Ransam wer.' tVauk..gan viiters Satur- .T t origtemee n aires, 'coptes aof whia-lawéré leftIni hall tesa ifor agaméeaith Noire Pamé.e- day. e ish él ae@loc he intandr n C gavé thethédketlct fimspre ion al le lir. and lira. J. a. ,ynseentertained tMr. andl Clamtierlara are Lais e oreét.tSudyingv hedtect mreso ta h Oso. Rosa and tamlty utChicagoSuDdaY. 0Dowaia-a-piig théetilpb bouse laeFoet ncréaséd raies would hé ebargeal Ars. Roes anal son are spandinr thé 'd eHwin n arl ana teiliaaioTiauday thé Ton-n Ticket wbethér a tlc'iet was tiarahaseal or week.began work vith thé whtewashîng out- ws-unrwithi a large maîriir. Those lethér one paid on thé car. Thews-le anda-hli ol ev. Zabel arrîveal fit tiIsweek. iraiteal. Président, W. A. Whting; clerk, The ouly logîcal solution for the Tuesday rom Kan&"s. The parsouage M W h Theo. J. Kneak; trusteee. J. A. Richét, change appears tu héie hal thé Chi- bas be. made ready for theiroceuPancy. Mm .Kuke pn nd it Jr. C. W. Pettis, Frank Hempstead. cago and Miw-aukee Ehctrlc road ber daaghlers Ada and Ruhy in Wauké- MiW Clara Gosas-liler o! Highland Iran. Fred Haggle tell 'Saturday évening anal heads sas- the siorna ot protési ap- Park, @peut Sunday with MIss Ellén boeiiarIt roacblng anal lhought thér coulal Gomwllter Asoia eting 01l Lehelal c onute- tMrs. Ed iler of Chiaago. visileal hér "gel firom-lnder" gracétuliy iay caIm- Miss Lliao Russell andl rienal, MIss ssscaioîsi ebll nSau-Jter. Mr@. Sarala Adamis séveral daye tng that thé incréaséd tares applieal day, May 1, 1915,. at 2 P. in. in thé nywe aeswr ado h Evaais ut Austin, spent Sunday et thé churu'h taeemeol for the liarposé 0, fact week ot bntrsw-épllo h Thoo.Ruesll hme.letlog a prooîdent andl direa-lor. Allot- P. L. Jorgensen ot Waukegan. s-a theéas turs. William KnIgge lia@ Wué quit@ os-nets are entitled to a vote. Suaday guet of F. B. Mesér îaacîrihlie t roarageet isoesa ot sîck for thé past ts-o wééks. Hér condi- _________ James Woodmau ut Waukégaaa, spént s-hihs-as tu have goule Inlu efféct taon Io regardéd am crîticai.l . Sundav at the borné o1 bis mtothér. rson April 15,fil néverthlaeis makes it Thé életIon Tueeday passéal ohf vrv GL .LP. Tuodd.raerncvéitfoueshods qiutély, tbere bing but one ticket inth Jacob Alites solal hi@ baume last wéek nul havé time lo uraachase a ticket fild. Ail the canddates s-ère for reler. Mss Ban-ara Aianai spént Suniday at Thé Chritian Endeavon of thé Présby- béfore hoardlng a car. Thé tares taon and the resut makés nia ahangd in ber honi ejare téran clurch s-il havé a saoci ai thé chargeal ou thé cars will hé éxhorbi- jtbé board membershiti. Mrt. Coîu-.'î lias naît leen venv ccli ion borne of Eliabahth Riehéit Saturday tant. For examaîte il wlila-ual one ADDRESS AUGUST RADLOFF WESTWOOD FARM LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Phone 273-M-2 SPIECIAL' OFFER "COUNTRY 6ENTLEMAN99 One year - $1 .00 Three montha 25 Ces. WE WANT LAKE COUNTY FARMS Rogular price $1.50 If yo want to sell per year ." Tlhis offér lim made through aeîa-ts yo ur farm and your otaly. sa'nd rders to p i e i i h , w G. H. GIBSON pîeî ihw Subscription Agecc Lake Forest. M. can get you a buyer Want, For Baie, etc ad. ln the IN. FRANK Ml. JUST & CO. DEPENDENT éçach 15,000 peraons 29 So. LaSalle St. Chicago weekly. Or Libertyville Illinois 23000 Miles and NOT ONE CENT Repair Expense 'iliafs the h md of Serv ice Vouta ;-tfroan a C H E V ROLE T Baby Grand Touring Car $87%5 (.'i)CNlt. ANI)EXAMNT -.IEt' Stional Motor ANt) Stripped Chassis An- ma i aoa i reailiza- wlay t havrotet îjaaiaty AA'V A YS wiaae. laiLko a deuliiastrîaoa of liarleci ruding cunafaînl. ansmsct tii.' eanifnl finish anal -omplete ée ijui ea-nd ouîd y l viIkauw itlia ( ItEVRl«LE'T is théeiar aif i-asr'a forîN,,ttaaitunu. Guaranteed Service Deliverites Now CHEVROLET MOTOR CO. 0F ILL. 14t4 Machigana Av. t.Chicago ltioneC talmet 5à!.4 C. A. SCHRECK, Sales Agent Phone 267M2 Libertyville, 111. FARMERS ATTENTION You a Iave been looking for a good light iu vour homes for a long turne. Aladdiu Mantie Lampe are made to give satisfaction, and are guarauteed to do su. Thèse lamps require only &bout ihree minutes cleaning eaa-h day anal wilt givas a brilliant white light three timea. the vanie power of any -onaîîou round wick tamp on balf the oit. They are noiselessa and oilerless. 1 Aladahin lamp will save $8.5() %ortb of oil each yenr comp:îred witb thei saine volume of light from comumnnlampas. 'lhi@, lsnp bac beeti an the miarket for six years; Noit may try thea.e ianîiai for ta o or tbre venings. Thev are giving entire siatisfaction s-lerai usa1. LE ROY PROCTOR.. Distributor Telephone 286M2 Libastyvalbe. Hihnos 1 -us lui--~ 4 Cyjl. $985 8 C41I. $1295 THE SENSATION 0F THE SEASON The only Eight Cylinder Car on the market for the money An entirely new enjoyment in motoring "'ECIOTS" vs. "SIX" For a gven power tihe eight cyinder i. ishter dia. the. six. The crânât case is decidedly lighter in weaght andl the craauk shaht is 25 par cent shorter than in tiie six cylînder. The eight cylnder bas torque 33 per cent more unafersas tlan the six. The cam shaht of the. .ight ha& eght camae as compared wth twetve cames on the six cyinder. Cao ha throttled dos-n te 2 1-2 miles per heur on high gear andl negotiates the steepest grades ndýheav. jeài sanal or mual without pounding or odier evideace of tahoring. The four cylinder is the onty long stroke hall beazing nietor produceal ie America, is 32 herse pow-er, 112 nch wheel hase, multiple dise clutch, fuit ftoating rear axie, Stromberg carburator, Remy or Westinghouse starting and ighting syslem. Uphoitered in genuse leattier. The cars corne "fully equippeal" and muet b. seen te ha appreciateal. For a demenstratien cati phone 272-W-1, Luertyville air cars may b. seen aet the Ubertyrilte Garage. GORDON B. CROWF, -ihertyville, fil, Agent'Lake ansd McHenry Counties. tA'à ri J* DO%~ RU 30 Wi Plan WATC Report Som Nianutaa tél tbaa itueil sh, thanty tl alilenip tiiopaila alasairai -hua ila ilia ua ia tari 4 'at rliatua aili .,lai- c aonra, a Mirli- tIall lai ltir a% a, chia 1 yi7lit il pat lialI li-11 ei - l'y a ha. 'l'lie aait ilig tha lîr datavilila thra-w lai aIl n'l, hr lia 1 ati il t l a-i la. ,aKi Il on tiii-a -i- w ,,t douai mei wba abistas C place Ih; as pecalll he disco% waar-bme ing. nouai rat whli-mait fil huila bas ha-en or the W Wéate. a buildinîg te salal. b Thé blali asee-t nae The- lona O'Siieaa thé Knéba - hrs lia, panaefaor fielc t us-neal h] Uield anal leave for Safe Deposit Boxes for rent 11 1 LIGHT SIX $1175 d it LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, APRIL 23,1915. m Lakeas blg wooekFUîDEPEMNDNT. SEED CORN FOR SALE WHITE t-DENT- Firit Champion andl Grand Champion ai Waukeffan Corn Show, Dec. 3-4, 1914. Aiso won twe seconds andl one tlurd in Classes. Cauaranteed to Grow and Ripen in 100 days

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