LARE CO'UNTY INDEPEND)ENT,1 WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN )L. XXII.-NO. 30. PART TWO. àBLTRY'PVTLTE.IL.. PRImA*VAPRIL 2.15 81M -~lPER YE.AR IN AV~1V. '~ bIttRIII(IbEGER ISELECWED Iiïiin~iv b Cli OARDSwayer, Dietmeyer, Powell and OrVis Elected 1 By Vote of 17 to 9-.Liberty- Commissioners--Election Was One of Sur- victr of Voliva Ticket Causes ville Man Leads County prises Not Only in M ayoralty But Also in Gener Great Tumult--Drug StoreFah and House Stormed.-- Commissioner Results--Almost lie Be- W11 - - KING HIS ONLYOPPONENT. tween Orvis and Conolly--Analysis of Vote ANTS PANA CNTET.Conrad id Not Permit Name Shows Bidinger Carried North Haif of BT Declare that Voliva People Bld to be Presented to Board as Lw1 Things Which Gives Them a Chairman of the Board. City But Peiarce Swept the South Haif. part Reaon or our Rcion 13 a oteof 7 ii 9 Hery ger:)f MAYORS 0F WAUKEGAN. siiiers te serve with the nutw mavor pa More trouble brewitig fîor Zioii! llbechyvilc wasa eected chairmen of w ac. I foc the t- tfiour years: PROSP Reasoiit he id i 1 cI th btoard of supervisera ovîr James 1897-189--W. W eri IoeN Pwl, 83 'i'hii-sd y l la ih-iion Iii iug ef Lae Forest, at the apeclal 189-1900---W. W. Pearce. Cog .Pwl,211 bee uady.Imee-ing hehd tii Thursday mring 19011902-F. Finir. -tamps L. Swayer, 2848. O R. W, The Vliva ticket won,. ii, tiiheiad- ah ite court houai. 1903-1904.-.W. W. Pearce. i11. J. hieht-yer, 2814. Publi peadenls plan iigaiouî ii. t- Inde- IF<jwar Conrad or Waukigan, wbo 190-1906-W. S. Buiiock.rE. V. Orvîs, 2175. ELMEil pendents lied woii, tlit-n hue Veu menied a a thirdcadat. 1907-190-W. S. Buliock. Tht defeated commissionpr candi- Pbi Peoplie wouid have atarted soméiting. dld not upermit is nae te corne bi- 1909-1910-Fed Buck. dtsadhervesflo:J. J.1 Seaobdyla isaponte. l fore titi board, and lefore titi session 19111915--J. F. Bidinger. Cabr ttîritery, 27. Stre Titi Indîpeîîdents lest aie -ery ho. luga h as known titat titi Conrad 1915-1919-W. W. Pearce. Peftrt Ceonoll, 2021.S L Zion eiectpid the Tlîeorratlc or Vo, 0strngi h wouid go to NMr. Eger. AitlonDuls 97 ceuni liva ticket by najorlhîeo ste)ve sou ; of the Waukegan supervisera are be- W.W - re ao fWuea against theii ndependent ticket. Wîî- lièved ho have cash their ballot for for ibree terme under tite sldermanic The victory of Onui over Conlly GEORG bir Voiva. te overseer, preuicted Nr. Eger. form of govîrnment, wes elîcted may- by but four votes la thei feafure of Public1 that the end of the- Independent mie'e.1 Messrs. Goeas and Conrad wer. nom- or of titi cihy lu Tuesdays election, thte commissioner figlit, bast as was ment was ah band. ) inated for emporery charMan. Con.- lung clisen by a malenlty of 227 the apparent vichory of Hussey over W. H. Clendenîn was n -electesi may- 1 rad wlthdrew and Goes a ws aamed. votes over %layor Bidinger. ho guide Pearce by two then tireé- anîd aer Now or oer . E 61 iajrit. Ie askid for nominations for per- titi destinies oft hie iOunty seah ot four votes In thei pnlmacy ilglith lu on titi Theodore Forby buai 11>es Carr for marient chairmen. Henry Meyer nom- Lake county durlug thei second four- his case titi recourut put Pearce lu first thi elty/.atorey b 57. Jhn 1. Toma Inaed ing Wm.Strtto no inae year tint of th it iy anden the cont- as tit eninee, enougit votes bîlng la how uefeated Join llanks for city clerk) Eger. mleusr. meyera and Stratton m ission focmn plan. Titi vote for thei found te give hlm titi pluralihy. hi aleo byS 577 and Josepht H. Paxton led D. A *wire eamed as tillera and on titi vote two candidates stood as felhows: Hard Flght AIl Day. dcunel Chambsera for cty treasîiurr y 586. 1h wa shewn that Eger was duly Pearce, 2677. Thcaoat iltwsalad ou izîd Miiadre ceeetd eected. idiager, 2450. Temyriyfg a ir n zD.I Nieadre eeeetdfrom Mr. King ah itiesente time titat Mr. Titese men were elicted commis- (C ntinued on page eigbt.) Dr.î a te live wards. ail Thiocratic, by ma- Conra.d noved that Mr. Eger hi de- ________________ ________________ iti st joritea anglng rent 76 te 159. the ______________ But. thte lndepndents today aerved fmtad mpam t* bre&m)j, J ,a * ,der thi forcial notice tisat they wll cer..- the SmjsMav"Ic. siiotion outcorn I 1A thei courts and -- i~ L~ ,demand a new el Pin eaueetji lu>EI r tbree Important thingo, nameiy: J lI-Z <c W Z o ..1-Tliat the simple balot as posted W gr gr 0 3: did net contain the etra linos on Frj - O W Oa * 0 *'A. otr@ oud 3i i nms*ofÙ! Z, thair candidates if flot stlled with <F -~ thoe eon th. ballot. -J , ~ ~ w. 2-Thet ths officiei ballot when sub- 0 W~O w 0 mtt.d te voteraiet the boothe were .0 ~ ~ i different from tho simples boause 9:, the nom*s hâd bien ehoved closer to- v1 gether and ne room was loft te permit let, Men ... 191 158! 107 184ý 221 192j 80, 891.189 258... lot, Men I wriinginnams venwit n lioslot, Women.. 22111 95) 1631 2031 1791 551 701 155, 259 ..lot, Women provided. 2nd, Men .... 1i39: 1201 761 111ý 1591 1371 76, 96j 1731 171 ...2nd, Min1 8-htmn u ttw oea2nd, Women ... 1 1471 68'; 78 83[ 1511 103j 50ý 701 123 160 - ..2iid, Womenj were permtte ut oft f orterlia rd, WMen .. 92021 133301 2091 235j1771 1131142, 219 256 ..3rd, Men weepomttdtfvtefr h olv SdWo ..1 0, 133 001 1831 213 1701 174j 102,164 ý255 .. .3rd, Women ticket and thet many Independenti 4th, Mn 11 i 8, 1 16 12 731 . thMe ,wers threwn eut and nt prmitted te Defeat of Mayor Christianson 4th, Women.. 124! 1101 901 66J 12811 84; 119 105! 129 139 . . .4th, Women vote. by SmaII Majority of 13 Il- 111 ~ 6 3 011410 0?1313 4 5hWr: 4-That Voilva centroiied the cite- lustrates Fight. th Mn .... . 91ý 155j 140f 84 118 48 1201 128! 164! 96, Men 1 tien officiaitsand that mony Indepen- Sh o i 1,8 15 3 0 9 8 9 8 8... 81 ee detOh eeual esueei ECKER BEATEN FOR ATTY. 7th, omn ... 2121 1!891 8 7120113j35 29WtoMen, det wowoeuab212suez1n 7 15 31 J143: 13 . .th WMen names between the naines on the bal- 8th, Men.... 99 235j 1531 179 141513 6!1419 S i lots were net ahi. te have jmdges write e th. Women. 85i 1121 97) '105! 59 71l1091 76 79 .. .th, WOMenE thom In forthein when they were r.N- rh hiag ias an Excltung 9th, Min. .... 1101 79 82) 69 47 961 611 93, 57, Mon quested te do *o. Election Marked by Advent Oth, Women . . . 33, 791 531~ 41[2 52 47i 59ý 41. .9th, Women 1- 1 - - l ! - - . 1 "We wîîî file papers In te nr lu- of New Policies. Total Men. .j 1244;168811161i1277I153 109 124712617131527 .... Total Men1 ture. Lawyera are now iooking lto I--_ h--i---_j.I--! the matter" Sald an Independent to- The %entire Citizen@' ticket with the Total Women.J 120d9891 9161 894,12771 898 17811 9l0111001321 -Total Women day adingtîat he hanin ortheexcpton r cîrkan ciy atorey Grand Total.; 24502677:20772I7l 2814119472028217512813.2848 .. Grand Totall official ballot arrangement over the vin elected yesterday after the hoet---_ .-_-- -- 1 sampie ballot la the mont serious of alTtlMnadWm Ve@ ti 1ti a a very plain; he said doz- test political campaign ever known IuTtaninadWee1Vts a. Independents vie wisbed te thte city of Northi Chicago.1h. was a - nt l namea or titeir candidates close race aIl down the lins and thie s, > e E were unabie to squeze dhem in be- largest vote evrkun eew E ~E 'i." tween thei official namtj3. lam .Z c 0 3 Rioting et Night. caat, 1216 votes being eut by wards C.L CoO ~ o n. s laa olw.1 42: 2581 214 34 41 6 35 1 59 344 517 Thîre was rioting 1i ith'i evînlng art- i Bfllw 1 2 252 1881 4 1941 342406126165 296 33 er the resuita became known. Accord- The winners were as follows: 3 394ý 3351 230 392 448 477 224 383:1 511 Ing to an Indîpendent, hsre's what Mayor-L.. B. Joliey, Citizena. 4 2351 278 176 164 257 1862422 302 2851 -happened at itie old Woman's league Cekou as rgs 5 3311 2761 202 247 327 24 262 279 362ý 322 building, nuioReedey P.og.esosiven:6 178i 240J 2M3134 216 84 199 221 246 174 builingnQwowne by . D.Johnon.7 3421 572497 273 443845 481 605 WB8392 Commitee of 25 tarted te hold meet- 1csrrFak eznk,~841 347 50 285 279 174 206 269 220! 218 ed it, made audit a noise that.Johnon City Attorney-Max PrzybeWj, Pro- 818 begged tbem te, leave. They rî!uaîd gressive.. Totali1245012677 2077121712814,194712 2175 2813 2848 and began titrowing tiings at itie win- Alderman let Ward-JoeqghsPcf ro- dowsanad doors. They ruehid for thei alus. Citizens. m a. s -. s building te Storm It. W. H. Lichty 0*.iim U EaIem 5iIi'. MsI : W Alderman Zad Ward-Lee Vedds, V55U5i- 55V55 al E a.wm u RguIUIU9UNorth OM M went te Johnaon's nid. Thsy tried to ie ______ ________ puati the min and wemen back. I tizens.AS AT tbe melee Llchty pusbed a woman ton Alderman ftsd Ward-Wiiliam Kap- _____MYRTES TV bard and aomebody bit hlm; tben liel.I aome-body bit Johnson. 'lhe police The maJorities were amal l l almoat cou0 were callîd and rushid te the acene. every case. Dr. Jollsy rsceived a ma- > c X- P. F. Humphrey wàa arrested. Jority of only 13 votes. This lone . j.c Thte authorities rîtuaid te admit sliould sober the thougitta of the Citi- li, i . 1113__014;839-lll2 i 399 hlm ite bail outil titreatened with a zen partS'. Tbey have a big tbei- let, ee 1889,3 ý l 4 2 710 !9,7 habeas corpus action In circuit Cout ote o r fte mk ey mis- 2nd, Men ... 1401 !14 4 144114 6 2 'le a eesd taiglatîr. takes tite Progrisaive ltepublicana wili 2nd, Women..121012 120 6 101 130 6 ua11r10 "e. ' ri g ~3rd, Min....79&75 3[18763 492 57 4 7081 Tith e cow t.ormed the drug stand ready te corne back egaluI two 3rd, Womîn.. 1 70~ 48l il 58 59 1 71 45 1ý 45' 69 j'ior ad ig ere thrown ahet. years. Tbe content bas bien a bitter - ----- 9 iT na rew botter and botter. oe but now if ail tbe unkind and cru- Total ......;1716041 1911642 54211 576 603 29 63 558 At lest, eccordlng te another report, el worda could hi forgiven and forgot- -I--- 1--'1 1 ____________________ton and aIl unite for titi progresa or Total, Min .. .. 330ý16l356 î 301 17? 387 3241 19 i371 307 - <Ootlnued on Pamu slgt) titicity In whIcb wi live. Ttl Wmn12872481 61 à62I253I l 3l7111261 251 -ýA UNEXPECTED DEFEA4T.0f CHANGE 111f r l"u lB BUT FBW raIIy Conceded Swayer Take Diver's Job- -Pow- I1 Takes Atterbery's. 1ARE WELL OUALIFIED. Fixes Dr. Pearce's De- ment- -Other Two De- îrtments Unchanged. PECTIVE LINE UP 0F THE COMMISSION. V, W. PEARCE- -Oepartmont of c Affaira. rt V. ORVS- partment of ic Propecty and 1;arks. DIETMEVER-Department oet Stsand Public lmpcovîments. SSWAVER-Dipactmient o! Ac- iianmd Finances. AE POWELL-Oepartment o! Heaith and Saféty. Waukigan, Alîril 21. rthat there are uitw memiiera eCity Comîmission,îoe oetii inga titat peiople are wonderitig vthei differîkh deporimenta will otted. TIhis mattîr aIII niýt hi ,d officially uuîhil after titi nîw lias bien sîated au~ duf;- orgaîi- tfiree, as maayon. automaticaily tep inho titi position o!fitead of 3artrnent o! Public affaira. Un- las depertmnent corne thei publice co ions etc. That titi mal- bil ha of titis deuiartment la previled ln the commission form law. 1h. la giueraiiy conceded titat Cent- missioner Dlehmeyîr wili rimai> at tihe ad>of tite Depertmint orf itreets and Public lmiîrovemenis. Hielba de- voted titi lest four years ho tits de- partaient and titis experinceIli la tit, will increase bis îfficiîncy and malte hlm elle ho administer 1h bitter hhaît e niw man. For titi samne riason Commissionier Onvîs luaIl] proitaiilitS' will remain nt ttie boad etftitiDeparhmînt of Public Pnopirty and Parkg. Hi tas held itis position for four y'eans sud lias moade a good showtng. Titis lt-avis but hwo changes onuiet part oif titi commisaieners. James L. Swaysr witbeut doubt wiil lie ailotted tite positioni of 1usd etftthi Diiîartment oif Accounis sud Finances. Titis la thie dipartmint tuai Commis- aient-n Divîr bas fIllid tonrtte lest four yiera Mc. Svayir lias itad censid- iraitie experience iit tis capacitS' and would aienitho le titi logical man for titi place. Quihe naturally George Powell will assume tiiht-had of titi Publie Healtit sud SafetS' department, titi place uow iteid ly (ommisqionen Aitecbt-ry. Mr. Powell lias aerved as Sitîriff et hakte ('ounty and as chit-f of police o! Watt- kîgan 80 hi will halte te if as naturaily as a dock te watt-r. James L.. Swayir, oeeotfttie nsw commisaienera, la a product ot War- ren township, Lake cuntS'. Hi was a deputy ceuntS' clerk for soe uysars Prier te, then ite waa superviser rnt Warren and chitarman of ttie conty board. Hi has a bost et friands ln ail parts o ftite counhy. Cieorge N. Powell, titi otitîr new comnmisalottir, was chut of police undîr Pearce as mayor sorne yeara ago. lie was a rîpublIcan aad Pearce ,was a dsmocrat-yit its made a good chutf. Laer be was elictid ahoriff or Lake county and aerved wlth crîdit. Latîr, fonryîers ega, hi cen again but EImer Green beat hlm. Howîver, 'lies corne back" ln sarneat uow, îîroved by bis ahowieg o! Tees- day. l ln Ccown Point bnd. a marriage Il- cense was lssued on Mouday te Aubin W, Leie, Chaicago and Rutht Biche, Lake Bluff. Sînahor Oison waas ce-electîd mayor of Woodsiock Tuisday ove, George Cotn. canrylue everS' pricIflct lu titi city. A tîtuat detu-rmint-d effort wes mnade te beut thei mayor for re-election but be carried lotit min and vomne vote lu every ward. ELECTION REUULTS IN VARIOUS TOWNS 0F 1THE COUNTY ON TUESIJAY AT LIBERTYV Titi election of J. B hertyvihie for titie ffic foliowed an exrimily laign. Mrs deteehed uafe majurlty. Titi soti Met Morse------------..298 Ellsworth ......... 134 Titi vote on trustes Titus............... Eger............... Reuse ............. liart............... '.Voilrilge ........... zook ................ r.' - + Jk VILLE. 600, was titi largeat evîr cait luaa . Morse et Li-mnieiiial election there. Titi womeu playid a big part ln Ute ýe et preidinf' elechion. lu Des Plaines, the defeat rspirlfed crn- of Wllilam M. Lawson for village preql- Ellswortht iy a idiot ity Wllilam Wicki was attat- te follows: buted te thieir votes n Wornsn Total i8 127 416 BARRINGTON-(No OppetloOn) 4 146 280 -Prisident-A. W. Meyer. follows: For Village Trustees-A. W. Éuther- -......349 land, George J. Ill5gi, George T.' -......389 Stieffenhoefer. -.......539 GRAV6LAKE-(No Opposition.) S269 Presidnt-Fred Battirabail. ......... 69 Trustees- Wm. Brensdtetter,. O .. ..1..309 Ricitardiqon, E. V. Hervey'. AT FOX LAKE. Titet leihiot o! Maypoe e t Fox Lake, afte-n tne t-ihte est trînueus et-cions lu te itiiitony oet tiat vil- lage. caused î-onsiderable surprise net ontiy ln tiat village but aise ln otiter parts ofetiiceutS. Ostrauder, titi man wto lies served as lîcsidînt dur- ing titi lest yean, rau a poor third lu titi race. Nagli, tiet iird ma on the ticket, rau a close race witlh ay- poli, being dEeatid by but tweuty votes. 'Te vote for lîresident fellows: Min Womea Total Naypote.. .......... 94 47 141 Nagle ............... 77 50 127 Ostrander----------..30 17 47 Titree trustees were te le electid hou bsne were eiglit candidates rua- luig for titi positions. Titi vote waà as follows: Min Wornîn Total Oitultz-------------..83 34 1171 Hayek-------------..49 17 66 Dandurand .......... 64 41 105 Hendricks----------1..7 49 106 Converse . .......... 51 26 771 Daiiîy .............. 63 29 93 Fchter------------..47 31 79 Johnuson------------..83 39 122 HIGH-LAND PARK. Hightland Pari pertlcIpatid lan e ef titi meat pictureaque ilictiona le its history. Samuel M. Hastings, prîsideat etftiti Illinois Mantactur- ers' association, belng elsctid mayor over Samuel Levin. a jewsler, by a vote of 1,286 te 275. It waa the Ifrt elîctien under titi commission terni Titi succeaafui candidates for cern- misalonera wîre Howerd itchcock, vice prîsidînt etftiti FIrat National Bank et Ciicago; Ward W. WIItl,, presidentoe thtitiAdarn-Westlàke company, ad Fritz Bahr, and B. G. Huber, Highland Park business min. Titivoveistood: MAYOR. Samuel M. Hastingsa-----------.3326 Semuei Livin .-...........-----276 COMI418810NERS (4 elected). lzt Bahr--------------------..820 Howard H. Hitchtcock----------.927 Edward G, Huber--------------..722 Alfred A. Moses---------------..665 Wiliam N&t berg--------------..532 William 3. Ole--------------..371. Frank W. Steaiten-------------.427 .Ward W. Wlilts---------------..892 Stearne Losis at Lake Bluff. lu Lake Bluff. A. K, Stiane, fermer legilator, aspired te titi village priai. decy. but got oaiy 108 votes te Meay- or W. F. CochraaWs 216. Eugene Ryckoff, weli keewe fer- mer Waukeganite, waa. elech.ed trustes as was aIse Herbert Angater, Leuis Knorr and Wnt. Ries. The above ticket 'waa titi Citlzeni's partS'. Titese min weet dewn te, de- fiat wlth Stiarna: August Sbinsky. Citauncy tD. Flent, Frak Rosentital, Johnu Mensuelus. IN NEARBY TOWNS. Joliets firat electlen undt- tthe com- miasion form resultsd la William C. Barber eeslng out William H. Clare for mayor b>' 416 votes. A total et 14,780 ballets wui cast. Barber, an a'vowod dry, lest nlght gave credît for liii vlctory te ora a'i ns aority. At Aurore a wom*a' priect or- gaization carrled James E. Harle>' lointe tiayeralty chair. COf titi956 majerit>', 842 came freinthtit won.l Titi electlon waa feught on a non-j partisan basîs. Peter G. Hertz waal titi defeateti candidate. Thei vote, 14,-j ANTIOCH (Unopposed.> Prenident-W. S. Rineer. Triagurec-.i. Ernest Brook,. Clerk-to 11h vacancy-l4HarrY A. lases. Trusteea-C. A. Powles, W. E. Voit- man, J. Il. .tlcvey. DEERFIELO. Preadet- W. A. Whiting--192. F. Stryker-97.Clerk- Kraak-201. No opposition. Trushees- l-ernstead 194. Rickelt-190. Ira Gardner-100. Pete Perry-87. Hîrmen Bigiow-103. Tite wet and dry issue was brmg4t into tit i fgit here where tit i Jds- peadents wito were defeateti doèisfed la their canipalga that if. the rs'elr. ticket were elected thi returuofO ticket wire electîd the retura of the shiort tinte. WINTI4ROP HAftbOA. Titi People'a party won by a 141-go ntjorlty In iviry case, Prealdnt- George Kirk Trustes- -Anton Sorensen. Charles Staiti. George Zlmmers, Chiarles Logernana. Police Magistrte- C'harles Berrong. - LAKE VILLA. Presidet- - F. 'M. Harniin, Truaftes- B. R. Asery. F. F. Hamlnl. D). R. Siauzîr.- WAUCONDA (No opposition). Preadet- i. Kent. Trstee- MI. C. Clar'c. 1). E. Sroker, i. Kuedlen. John Meyeres waa the auccesaftl candidate for Mayor of Highwood. de feating Redding and Walsh, thoir po- sitions being respectively, firat. sec- ond and third. The election waa cSn- teated hotly. Walsh la a conduCtor on the electrtc lini. NEW CKAIRMAN 0F LAKE CO. BOARD S MPERVISORS MUTILE1 ~' unfmx hlm "In,, AJJLJLMJLIW.L JL V 'u" Eir2HT PAGFR-