CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 12

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- LARE cotu PRIL 30,1915.- CONRACTORSUAE 'STANDINWi PAT' IN CARPENTER STRIKI Declare It Would Put Themn Oui of Business to Concede to Demnanded Terms. MET ON TUESDAY NIGHT. Decide to Co-Operate Witý Chicago Contractors and May Even loin Body. A possble adjustmeut c«f the car penters' t riko muoer loolted more re fiole th an ai th e presont ttme. Mu'n bers of tho W'aukegan Contractors association derlare tl would moan fi nancual muin for thom te coucoule tL flit' demnuds uftIhe carponters. A' it resulu tie>' assert that thoy Inteni lu stand pat if fitltakes ail aummer. 'rhe contractura hell a meeting Tues dut> night at whlcb the>' lisienou Lt Mierit. Nelson and Cody, delegatp: ]rom the Chicago Contractures asso ciat ion. As a result oft(hie meetinîg a (ci tuite lino of actioun was decided uplon FIRST-The Waukegan con- tracter* assured the Chicago con. tractors of their sincere support and c-opration and assertedthey may even go te thée etent of join- ing the Chicago association. SECONOý-Withdrsw the tenta- tive offer of 671/ cents an heur for theélait six menthes et the three year agreement, which proposition was made te the car- penters (lits apring und which wasrefused. THI il>-beciare that they wili neyer content te s settlement et the prient fablor difficulity uniéss a unitorm agreement between ail the, building trade union& us agreed upon. FOURTH - Retuse te permit the carpenters te insert a clause in their agr-ement which weuid niake It necessAry te have the union stamp on &Il manuactured matérial. FiFTH - Tender a note ot thanks te' the Chicago Contract- ors' association for sending thé two delegates hee.. Tie delogates from tChilcago laid the entire situation before (ho local cor: tractors. They told juet bow matter'- are- progressing lu Chilcago andl audeul that ne, contracture are joiuing the- association oser>' day. John Suthor land,. secretary of the local associa lion, dociares fihat the saine condition lrevils lu Waukegan. He says moru contractura are joining right along Tiros o! them JotueulTuesula>' ighu, ho declares. "We dectded filat wo coulul not suhi nit ta the terme of tho cerlionters uîiomî,'Sunderlandl said] Wednesaie morning when questlouod about flime neeting. "*The wage scsIe wae unly cuis uofthebothings t at suîe. One al lte must important was the tusistence ut the carpenlors (bat ail nanufae iurcd malerial utiot litar tlue union, siamî.Thrie contreî'tors fetit hibis wotld rmin ihoîr business (lui th(br were other rlauses wliih we rouit nul agroe to." Acorfi¶ug lu the lstatemnmt utcon fractura tht-y moltih carlienters part way whon the question of a nets agreemeut came up eaml>' lu the spriag. The carpenters demaudoul70 cents an heuir. The- contracture offer (il ta psy 67%,' far the iast six months oft ho three year agreement. Ont' of tuinero olareul toda>'file hafle wlllm tlrawai of (lis uffer lmout aIl-he save I(at if the- carlienters continue lu hold out Ihat flue sosie will lie boru-cu down, evco btlow(lie 65 cetn Eiale. The unifuriu agreeument le une ut the thuuuga whlch the- conutracera are bulding out for auud lhey uelare tht-s wll standltest Uderfilinsaseetmont wbkli woului have to liti iu,'d y ail fle building radtes union,,i woutu, bce imPossible for one unionu t,ileclar" a strike and t(heu(rail outf(lue ()iluer (radtes in symîie(by. An>' "ýrievatuce that comnes up would have litlue suit. mitteul lu an arbulretion board coun- Posed out Ove contracture auud fve union meu, Their derision wou li lie "This unitornagreementul woulu force ail non-union menouin t h' union," 'slr. Sutherland dociars'd, "N(, manscouId flnd work unlesa hle sloug- edul th ieunion, If the carîceuters couilul un>'seif (bat way if wouîtd lie une of the liet arrangemenuts (liat coulul bt-meule." '.ax Baade, iîustnesa agent for flie local carlîcutore' tunion, dociared Wed- Thus witlu the opposimmg forces soii lametrically upliosed il louks ;..- if1 lie strîke wîuuld bang ouu iud'liiicl.,' leanwhile building 10 lracîl- ub" iI stanIdt ilI. The IdIenes n Clies. Ont- overshadowlng reason ntîy bore are su man! lulle people lu the 'lites len(thoIbero le tua nînch tîncuil lvateu lansdilu the Country. ilow long 'euti t (alietohle'worid to lt-ara (bal seemed te lie btter tint today the î,hystcian lu charge of lita case ex- prossed l itie hoîuo for the vîctim'B re- Teela nuici mvstery abiout the l a maîuîer in, lutich Hansen receiveu lites injuries but he lias lico u nable toi inka sfaiemîeuit becauso of ite na- iMsalons -f t' of hslusies. î - We are look;ig ltotuhuematteri'l v e r a T anhd huipe l(ohealî,lu oniako aiarrot a i obhorîl>'," Assistant .tate's Attorney- - Riyard suid (bis afternuon. "Sontmeth r ' of Ilu(,lpeuple iu Russell express the W a n r v he re nat eough rollertnv desl, opinion that lisnse'n met lis nuin ostogo round. whereas Nature lias through being struck by anauo - nade it poFssble fer ail hr tlldren bile ,,,i îhe înature of lus wounds dues o mako their fooçl?--lous.tin Posl. ot heur outt hile heory. XVe have ijeen worklng on the case for the Jait Kncw Setter Than to Sy IL oiTjlle ordayus adthie Kenosha au- '01;, dear." groafled the 'd'ýnniz w1fe. ilorities are ('O-oieratlng wilh us." 'l donit knon w ha; 1 o et 1rais,'>,y Nir. iiiiYarîl sald Ihat the reports 'îread: Ive trîcît everytting. \'Aer ri'aclhing tus ollkte are to the effect 'tek anud a couple of jact.'urcms oî;glît ilat (livre b a "girl inthie case." He o do It," ilioiht lher hîsbatid, but 5 huoking loto ( lie matter ou Ihia 10e didn't say Il ;loudt thieory. SUPER VISORS' COMM ESAP= POINTED ON TIIURS. Supers sor' corrilttces appuinteul hy Cliairmau; Eger et Thursilay aornings session: Ceunty Farm -Stralton (L. V.), Me 'ullougli, Webb. County Farm Audit-White, Meyers. F.), Maethor. Erreneous Assesoments Clark, Vuute. Tuttie. Etections 1mapo., iikt-, Nicyer 1 Roads andl Bridges-Bairetosu Rock- ubachl, (uigdal State Chartés--Tiionpson, tluutun, l'a rk. Swamnp Lands -lildridge, Stralioi (G.), Gog$s. Settiement wth County Treasmrer- 'utct'ulloglu, Goss. Uludrldge, Settlemeut with Count>' Cerk- M~ Kirscumer, Stratuimu (L.V.), Brooks. Settiesuent with Sherift Waieh, Thompuion, Kiroclnerý Settiément with Circuit Cerk- 'lungulalul, Maeuher, King. Lake County SaniteriumStrattoni ( C , M yere (W ., M artin.1 Lake Ceunt>' Sanitorium Auditing-, Maefiuer, Brooks, ('repu. ýFJ-. .--' Jvmom Educatien -ltockelîbach, Martin, The Turklih Ides. Wîite. A wealihy Turk once complalued. Fees and Salaries--Meyers iF), about the iirItist ulme tn Egypt. "lent tiair8tow,, Tuunîusun. It Just?" lie 'ses askeul. "That le ex- Finance-Tule. Webb, Slrattlu (L. actly flpi .oublo," hoe replied. "I have Do more Influence with the goveru. V. i ment than the wat"r carrier. Of what Judiciary --Brooks-, Kirslînier. F:'i1- use bas If heen tii me to work biard nions. and accumulate riches if (bey bring License Fueke, Walsh, B3airtilow me ne more favoýs from the govera- Miscellaneous Clalms-Gos,,, Kluîg. ment than the' ustur carrier can Set S;traltun <G.). sbo lias mx, money?" Poor (W., S. à .)-W'obb. t'lark, Meoyer (M'j.Expe, Tosdermy. Poor (Balance ot County)-Moyer ln the ait or modern taxidermy the iW.) I. irad, Walsh. nid oystem uof imply "Stufliug" the Printing-FHumîomu. EmmonB, N~lc('ul- skins uf animais bas basa dons away lougli. witli and a stasndard .nethod of se- Purchasing Cour-ait, <'rapu, (luton. clratelilfenizo umîosýleing establitbed. Over a car,,fiilly made plaster cast et Public Buildings and Grunds-Em- tbis mudrlIthe elin ta tretcheul. glued nions, Tultie anid'ourait. and sewed s0 tiîat tl s8dhllcuit t(os5e Public Buildings Auditing Ki;ug, how If wan aceoruplisheul; for the n- I toldridgc lhîî'k,'muiîelî. meut It IF easy to helleve that the Resolutions Martin. llluugîlalmt, snimraii itseîf bas licou preserved Iu- Floke. tact lu some marvelous manner. On The Genesce Street Bridge je B14-t St- 5 Floors; The Day. ight Store Lake Counrtys Largost, Oldest and Bosi Store Ofers You Values that Cannot Be Ouplicated $4.00 Llr<NK SPRING, ANY SIZE 02.69 This week b r o n z e we offer. a finish, heavy lin k. special rp 1-i*ug, - r a in e A MlsBe26 Have yalu siten lte besi Combinatlon Ceal amd Gas ut ove mate? Lasi week ve iellvered six ettf s sttves. IheieMsr e a Reason.. $12.00 Lt'-ri;ger-ator RUOS! RUGS! $ 7.95 B3aldwln Acre sweepa r FREE Mediumn i4ef- a par'- wih every rug amout- ity. zinc pr.osuol nosing to $20.00 or more ion -ha nlira, 'II____ slî. *I A BIG ASSOMTMENTj AlFIlI Lne 01 Garden Rose anidI lpenients. Folr Ntieani Sereen ClotitEs PRCE A thousand men who e- always paid for their w are prosented during thisi attempted hei'eabouts beic Flore we tell you again of Uie tiemi rs. M"Nbb usu, goUlus Y.adr toàÈrry -Kintïiy. Tie tuou la uaid to bave bern gose sesational at the preliminary bearing tbat tbe newu- paars or Escanaba wers forbidden b>' the. court (o print details. Tbe case was taken to *Washugton for trial. MrS. 'Young went along as oue of the threp. principal wItnesses. Uhîpatee frOm Washington s5tete tbat Mn, Mc-1 Nabli was awarded a verdict o! $30,- (00. -urnes auder union niles agal. Hnsj 'U N >T ays ihat with poice protectio teN Mi'DEAII¶ he plant thie produsols manufacture'l1 ,re (ho sainue as îirisuui meue anmd tlai, RUSSELL DYINi; mion carîîtntt'rs will eut bauudle any-, 'hng Ibat t'unies frumu (bis plant. 1 D Rtobert D)ow, hea ofuthIe pliant, de- CAS3 IS PROBED lares fluetlic bas aven thlrty moen t- ___ vork andl oxpocts to aves' more wilh. Asst. State's Attorney Runyard n fhe noxt te, ulsys. lie seys ho lias ecelseul severalt flreats but tluut Says He Understands Man liere base ijeen no acluiel du'moslra- Cannot Recover. ions, lie esys (bat the way flic it- etion is liard up ho aud the heaule LATER -Hansen died Thuraday il other pîauiug mîlîs are sure ta merning ln Kenesha without makin] Nilu in uthoenul andl(bat tht " eattefent ne te how he was hurt; MuIL wll bclientu-sluuiîu îuiiL the i l hohadjb..e ln delirium for twelve Chiago district, 'hourI. Next week the oucmbers o; tiue var îemters' union tu Waukegaui as weîî W'ord rocelveul lu>'tho states aller- s ta the entire district, 16,000 nimiinej»ýnyeoffice lunXaukt-gaa (ada>' Is te lI. beglu tu draw ;5 wwoody ouIut ofbte efeet (liatIlngov Hansen, 25 yoars ho union troaýsuîry. This is to belii'olul, who was founul lu a semi-con- uPPort Iluemu white ubey are oumt ouiou odtonjsbot o usll trike, ?Mr. Baade declareul toulav tiat ' s-oscrdto ia ot tRsol f (he o ndlrine short tiiet if %%Il lu, 1 early Runtla>' mrorilg, andl who was un t'as>' lhimug tuget mtîi'i', 0-fi remuoved f0 a Keiuoaluý t'ospitet wbere iuione who art' sorking 10 ciij)i b t' ielb eing careul for, wilildie of tbe ind belp 0100f tue c\licuiscs outh(le munslircee, nTeda'h itrikers. nuiesh eevd.O uMyh do N'S Ewi! jreved thse greateet g s avant any store bias aeo The following di#patoli froni Vsb- 51101114Ibu alioxed the Owife, lisplî inton telle orme c aïe. of thea choseget minUî 0 ,t' lit u1 Washington, April 28-A $P»O00 stor. Mr. Kiuneym'6dgS S verdict for bm'eacb of promi is *nounced tbat the (MM0 WfllI wtuî awerded by a jury to Mru. Ida'4Mo. lpetiot! o a bigber court. ý Nabb, a 37year-old widow 01 EluesaaThe case baus ttracted'tbu attelàtion lia, 'Midi., against John 0. Kinney, 78 of Prominent people la Washington years old. a. Michigan mine owner. because of the reputed wsalth of Mr. Mrs. MeNabb sued lunithe courts or Kiuney,,and because fi; wus br* (bat (lie'District o! Columbia fer $500,0f>ii, 1srs. MeNalib met Mfr. Kinney wbéfl The Jury was omut ail niglit, wraug. as was seeking financl aid for a ling Over the amount of damiages (bat phIlanthropic farm proposition. Your Clithes on Needs EK housand Men Got Trheir Warin- Vear this week at Mlghty Savings either, bought Spring Suits- or furnishhi2s, spent far beloqthgt wbich they ~armwathe wea . Adjust tink, these same remarkable oprunte entire iveek of wondertul vlues jtlst for meni. Notb-iîîg like men's week bas ever rre. Nothing quiite soextenisive. Nothing sotimelv. Nothingso comprehensive. those shîme spei'tjd offerings. I)otî't fail to îead theni. Aie'a Week Wili continue Ail Nexe We.k--Oout' Atlas lia Exooptionai Bargaina and Young Men's Spring SUITS Special purchases from two of America's foremost clothes makers are what enable these mighty values ut this advanee date. $5 to $10 is what, we eau save you on a suit this week-on the most detieldable clothes it is possible to, produce. Better "drop in" and look these values over-toniglit or tomorrow. Ail Spring Hats Greatly Reduced FURN ISHINGS Our Spring LUnes of Summer Shirts, Underwear, Etc., Greatly Underpriced Duringt This Great Sale MEN'S WEEK 25c Socks, now . ... l9c 35c SIIk Socks, now 21 c 50ç SHk Socks, now 42c 25c Neckwear ....21c 50e Neckwear ....39c 25e Seita, -oow ....2l 50e Beits. Oow ....42c 25c Suspenders nt .. 19c 50c Nlpltabirte .... 42; $1 Nlghtshlrts ...89C $2 Jersey Sweaters 1.49 $3.50 & $4 Shoes at 1.79 »tIý'-Y0UW«G'TESTIFIED., Mrs. (lgeYoung of Escsaliba, M lob,, b ttrerly a weil kuown resi- dent Of Wankegan, was oeeof the prtfll,.I itueses lu the $500000 beart balan uit wbicli Mn, Ida Mu. fsabb, formerl>' of Escaneba, but now ef 'Milwautkee, lrouglit agaiuat John1 G. inlne>', a 'milionaîre mine owuer. Mm. McNabb liveul next door (o Mrs.1 Young for four moutha, This was at1 Tomorrow, Satur- day, and ail this weell V4 0 MIL] D~E A DI -li Par $1 Shirts hiow ....85c 1.50 shirt"snow .. ..1.29 $2 Shirts, now .... 1.49 $3 SIlrts, 10w ... .2.4i9 Sateen Shirts at .. . .33c 50c Union Suits at 42c $1 UioniS.S t 85C $1.50 Union Suita 1.29 $2 UnionSuits .... 1.49 25c Drowersaet... 19e 50c Dre.wers at ..35c 10 Ocsocks,uEow... 7L Bartai.s in Boys' Clothlng EqGaUly»às ig.-Sttts and Furnlshlngs MMIO'.WleEK U.L THIS «i'M àý l-mi. i 5ar aN' lan.d No Ti ili, a s'rd' lu 'bob- -'eofr.- Trhe headeul ectînu at Lai aiove (I are do; main h plans au bot-n ta mer foi have ci Tulles, Nortm one of i Skind lu denteIlu lions ai uug the lu bave young i aiways rades, e tuas mi was tho adopt s Cross c _guas lis The, western land Pa urda>' t the old Ssmday comoma! more Il neya tl Coi, 1 and reli fatber, been dt boys ru lave th ~and a&l tbrown DAuliso as the ouisly, a ablle to 1

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