CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 3

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LAME COIINTY INL)EPENDENT, FRIEDAY, APRIL 30, 191,5. s:umu:m:s::u..-------- ------------OSz Agairi we eau supply you with SILVER LAKE ICE GREAM THÉ! BESTI EVER F. B. LOVELL C0. LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS OUJR FINE BREAD GOES FARTIIEST Olur fine oweet and wholc'souîw bread ig we'l Worthî waiting for. But you dtont hiave to wait. (Or baking is done in large quantitiee and at. regular lioura§. Jlegil, now -aok for Libertyville bread îioxt time you order fromn peur groetir, or get il ever% dlay at the borne of the beitt bread made -tit LIBERETYVILLE BÂER.Y FRED bOO19EMIM.Prop. mmmmm them REDUCED PRICES ON Flowersoui Planit's J,'gstetut t amnatu ir -ii,, - c 1 ii s, -ii tftii' T 1 i' . tTu m 1. l~ , . 1 lu , Meredith FHower & Vegetabte Co. LIBE RTYVILLE ILLINOIS ý LYRICI TH EATRE J. T.Robert-on Proprietor Fri.y, April 30 The Crimson Mot 1 The Fates and F. Forfl.sshing. Th e Treache-y in the Clousd. \ ttg rati l I - . r eqIN Saturday, May 1 The Plot The Bond Sinster - - Bî,gcrii h -I railla Cactus Jake, Heart Breatker mii'terr i lîî'ldy PHONE 1140-M W. H. LEIIWALI)T Violinist, Pianist and Teacherj 308 CORY AVE. WAUKEGAN, ILL.I Uet Un Make Tour Plu»> Inia~I~r PinoCo. $1951 cmanow convrt your pdo eo th. a nte o 88olv a te : e:c p, ,u ,iber iyi THEATRE Phot-play F. A. Suydam, P o Four Reela of th Beat Licensed Pici F rnuav, Api ml li A Daughter of Israel - . J 2r-1 In<iri\ i ures.t Palythings nf Fate - - liluujiral.t1, t 1i' ailla iThe Strenuoos tzia' rîta. ; tv 1 Surgeon Warren'. Ward - r2,'t l.-,n,î. 'îîî Love'. S-ag.. Hate Th. Man. The Mission and the Mad . . ,t t ' îî j A War Baby Th. Barrîer BetwenE Bîga1ù rainaE The City Gratte, and th. Unpr-E lected Rubes-s-otEiînE Everq year for one week the Ilotpomnt lElectric Co. cuts the reqular price of one of ils f amuilj of appli- ances. This yqar the arti- cle selected is ýEl Oristovo A combinalion Ile c tr ic Stove and Grill thal will boit, bru and Irjj and per- Iorm anqj lwo ut these operations at the same time, one above the other below the glowing cois. COUR g IICbloOiIS Not even exceptinR granite ware may be« used for the cooking and this is a feat- ure ofi this littie light weight haudsomely finu ished appliance whose uses are marked at ail times and particularly in sum- mer. You eau cook a sat- isfying and varied meal on EL GRILSTOVO REGLJLAR PRICE $5 Oonng the week of the sale May 3rd t10 Mayj 8th PRICE 53.35 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS DOFS A IOODOO PRIVATE PHIONES 1MRS McCORMICK 1SECY. 0F NAVY 7 FOLLOW OFFICE 0F FOR COURT BOUSE TO BUILD A FINE FAVORS 5 MILE DRY FOX LAKE JUSTICE? OFFICIALS NOW HOME IN L. FOREST ZONE ABOUT STAT'N DYMOND E AUSTIN Loanis, Insurance, Real Estate and H-ouse Renting. Office m Kaiser Block, LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Ferdinand W. Schulz Dies and il ontitiid 'roin I It iitjTre ce uchsd ni.r rnPage l Attorney-at-La. Demise Marks Third Death toalIn t arte, i itin Heart of City on Which 'F,, idt i ,Iite ' îextR~ C entering About Job. i.jeidesîrcîl anid ti, J'rtitl 1 Fine Homes Wîi Rise. i iTiiî . li-ixiie'O Office in Triggs Building. for Ple l'Calliiig the tltilge'i0 pmnî-ilo- l"-i FTati ,-LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS UNUSAUL CIRCUMSTANCES. ttii'nîas uickîy as [Iitî lgln i-ate LOANS LOW DURINO WEEK. ti l ,î'Tttiiiii itl.lii LYELL H. MORRIS Th i due i i, O i ra it iatiiiiit fie,, îrînil li ..lio i ii,.T - ýA A Recenty DefateT y Geo i 1,hi au Reen1 tirtd yGer er, uiare bilut w In-guiiîg rie niktes Many Minor Deals Marked the <""*" T r oLibertyioie Illintois K o t - P a d lt e a d K I l ii lot t r i, ut-g ilig ( [i k Ilten R ealty T rad e D uring P ast <t i ni.a iii t i i \Il- i ii D unn Deaths Recalld. de cIa -ked film upav::tg IJliTai! (if We!nCut.I aieaiîntSnIi P,,,. I!t, iý W tltýIl oue Ji Fox lake. Ajiril22 .Ferdinand W. at. uh it iîaTrranîgement illii i' w tq]iiess of <hi ")rl-'s f iiu o ili o <ii I iiii lili A' CDCE Schuiz dledaItfits thome itîcre this oiI badCla lo 1î,rie i(-wtken iirA ril I i i not tirr os l o lt monmma, aged 47 yi'ars 'lHe had heesi'iiii ur itnai îii liimicwe ndn triJ Iiuv en iortitTal nil[,o i1x-tirSt . Eer5"Sato l ck for saine tiin iti' lti kdney trouble ichanîge Thteboard aîenori 1iit' iii Number of trautfiT'i'tiii-i iliitii i i 4i Pne i , .. Pehtre Statoh and the end was tooked for for a tew eii Nlî i îrad"I ii ugg-toi lii ridiri»n-i Nmber of Jeans, _)7i rarementî t ' ii 1oi hlu-unîtiit iîrcii tsPoei31,f days I-le leaves a w t tebut nu fami1W. oriri ldat iorUa nil rortllr-tie, boardil Toal nutmr riof ti--s i >lit>re ii o>T-r oi çiitl I t i \,tTiH CHICAGOt. ILLINOIS M r. Setiulz'a stekness dateil froei ;iu i<lietiîii 0 i th"e lIe . anruning for the officp lie)mo itwemilet aon.PU A UFN of ju mtIce of the peace at the mprlng ý ie otidiiitltan <if cattiing i Le i iilftt Total anuouîîi of toaîîs O't DV DVC TES OSTON A NEACGY F etpetion carIs lî ts nonth wltfithe re-lfitie'idirect. Guisiroiii'it iotion iiiil This liatbeen a faine iiy t k. The position of the' dv eenrt A'ITORN'E AT LAW. suit <fat fie wasgtv n a set-fiark and t taît ciri l iîîatiugin î lai ist i i itoward the fite mlle dry zone plan lîîîieroyvltelle ltob 1 iiii lre ,frng beortr l I I (a aitiugl nobi deis av re1shown 1n the statement below tode his. stekness grew worse rtght atong. ,' jllnul.POMS 'Hoodoo" ta Office. iii1iiiiiioiiy orded landJeains tiave tien ni , bv lie.Thomas R.QuIteserrctary POE8 bahot terfieiofaicero tiehofo te irke c rad l.'îýii a<euIn la heavG ewfio fias Ilenat Springfield tis wpeeý , DR. O. F. BUTTERFIELD. taeied<o lieoffce f jstIe o th <t <fe Tce oadlawstirhs 00W Jobn rIffith of L.akc ,Forci't iaisurging the passage ufth<fe bill wfilch VTRNR UO pence at F'ox laite la the tear of soma e pcding hefure the legislatîîre and again been fiuylng properti ut 1K wuldmaie WukeaSURdGoEONCh persho fio ote. itScocers t. wIlihwas recommended fiy '*ulerln- ncqiired for anominal conmnîtrntioUiiCage dry. SCAATIAEVTINkn 1dPlatfOf1o!I rm. Scfi11ulZ.ii In tfie irst ptace, ('farles Pasde- Ift t i'i llghways Russett. If pro-<ie <'harle" C, Lînthîcuni Tac h<< e i Sgoierintteni fias estabish-Lbtyile lio. loupe dipd ust alter Estert]tst eerBliffs Icitenoome u1eyfod a (riIn_______LakeBluf._Illinois,________E% loue bal e jusatie r stie atiye. i<î,les( uehoeruefo aioutI thrcand a tialf acreq 01oNI nti ' P ai C n, snaval traning station whtch D .E .S II TIIe nd been sIefor n etîm. itttlgronds, both il) <atter u Of ct, nue and Gtren Briar lanc Il< in tifortbuiltdiugs and equupment is the 1)R ILV SMT Then fie 'apalgfor an eeclo andil eeting materiat sait(]generat 1derstoud <tiaitth<i, proitirto im ~. largest in tire wortd. [est vear theru' PYSCA AOSUGi Among tlîe candidates was George eoîiirurtlon NIr. liendtele md the t lia it uoftu e NiMm.'y rus 11.eM'.irinitîî u i re iirohTe satt m 1,00n o ys Mane i f,,,« -0si n l.ai4<i ntr, I P0 [Dun.,the man wfiiudroptiusitdeadIn biîiards attentlin te Seflatcill bUt 1Officeate<tc itne ii iie<tu ii t- <ini ae iwe fi, hmefStoriee.' Chficago whtte runnlng to catch a'a moisi, disagrterousiieie tif legitatlun alre mua etng prepared fie.retnteîts lime. Matît.of tirera tou, never sana 1 LIBERTYVsILLE. ILLINOIS train. flis dealfi cause>d a sfock. f encniei-ilas it soutit rearrange the 1 hts etw.&llmloîaît~t isto uI hycm uIi egiD.i ,TYO Tfien came thie eée<tlon. The can-j tis elw ailo.adi aonoti hycm etenih didates were Scfiî ntzsd George Coniiiit (if ronînty affatrs in att courti-a, înn tî'hoe t eni ltorfood uf Northfi'lcagou nuistWaukc fiein rtNtinlBnkBidn Koetfi.w The latter won <fie office. liem, lie telt il a meitate ait aditeitarndt Harold\Itc('ornîrk draai fruinithe ina itt uas and Couuirt tsu,-le ci:îo <sondtlI ni That wS na'tew weeks ago. Now titian ttesmarre iuuis er m iOuIvert- W Griffith aisei fiiit ta loiir ot t tiTI ll tages of tc north C(entral states'sn raw.opsiePa cl wuat r son a dett nîionfhatit juil tgoue ne (ii mi ii iagains1 iiiasIin gton iaveî-n ue, Laskec -'ori-stand for staltre andit tîalthtît ey are Lîoerxyvllie. ullnols Fox Lake. ]le raui e Scfi<iz fotel l t NI cirsTaitle, King rît ltatrstow'frt îîîtni 1 t.1 Monalian tlue best reî nus <fiatai m c fouriîi li AnertiThîe otficeirsare' deligfile<lDR. GOLDING and fiait ben a justice of the Ileace air'tt aiitei teto oo' tuTui ihitî bls ltii. C fhriti~ani T Nlitrensen Witt, tfir atîearnne wfien Iiev tri vears fiant a n Tprt liai-k Io teiiiii i Tiplîes îîngtnîi a n of lmît ini til-e nînttn mil- o te Ii) teliitlc.,hits. Butsnear <l-, DENTIST aTiti ettued illtt apîîînî titi. Tire e ti iiiteeof pti i- iltu t 12 ni ui t r ot.î i ito ltere are taTi cilles, Northi En0 i tur hS 12 a. i, 1tuOit 0pM. D EKAY ASKS NEW TRIAL; aiii andTi liluttitiTiii tIil.iîigius. in. (ChiciagoianiIîk@tn(lî,witîfa largeo <r, National Bank li (olgrco fr l nmber of natcooli many ut tilera the iTi htir,î, 11EJ. ttes Phoneiac.7 .1. r BAIL FIXED AT $20,00 t ti i I tutu ligt luiCa ntitlital oes1, ti eIe ii-tingisfed <for Libevtvs'ile. Ittînol, t' r tit italidît Oil I -Ti -'imin et iiîn-ituraio înî l i i i rte n ittage of !Itîcîr Ohttîti. ihei' tIiiisiesm;.anditpar- rîa' s [IN' l is Ie5 %%T i airend. r îîî,t ioc moil ii itîiitn Si tti'li r iul ariv fuir s<tiîîg tintuoir tiirobinrts DR. E, . II SMITH, HedolPoiene .1 ; i mv(s iiiIiîiilented atti in iii cri, shaiîti îîîîîcht tilt, FraNI \ and te tu riikards. lîlti these saloons-i ENTIST. Bank Which Went to Wall s niitheir r-Tcurdsi and toc sut ' 1 tlotetîîi isi itaitint - iii me iti yn !)îî 1 efore tite stationl as; bullt aitvEtaî LIKI CoriNT ATIONAL BANK. Sentenced in-East. rmcei arîîiv dtsrretîaînî .,' timpolrt STiant jiingld iT teri ii i îîtîrane zoneh' as esîatî1tîshed . i)t!:à ae . m. anoite oSp. m iv ii c t ii iarions official. iiialunna] l o a ld<iTillTT< a t l ioseila a l îsaloons ai <hi'eAIY Wiatilegaît Alîrîl 21 s I thfieîîd ut the i iltage of North Chi LbertyvIlle Illnol. Au oiiitg tii sdn ice4 fron;, 'roiî mrî'îîîîrîn ttatngchctn e î i iii-i iratev. In tie etit l iiVii iiulittîliititliîiiiî t -uil den",R(huile tsland, todav to The The reptort was referretlri>tlie h i- ,aggnTiTgtnt il sxaTtidiint iaif a(r-stucaothefie tadeciî esph@clads buteCA.N TPE .D Son.tNV. F Nîtrati president ofth<fe liante coiinîîitie foîr stTtriil.The Intronuîîîîîcvistîîiti(l* lui-(iertiti .,d attionl Ater the closlng of therseHoEATC hautnîîinmiti tleîîmnandt John W board aîîî the ets m e ic ,rond-i to yII'eiiigiiiTl THît aotsOIes taebor mneit- BPCA rHaIt tRGO DeK~,torieti f i'aikgan w r tite Titiiite, ai ti i i i fi îew1T exteîited thesaloon district so that Imlirated aflentlir(iig fai aure sdort- iii'iltdiitno alnoons; routa fie ptaced nîong Phase 90 Offitce oser Gas Co. led the easîmni- ctii. ans iodai' so-n.i ait îuttt In iemyiîle Wittiatii l d4(cilg Ithe edge outh<fe zone, andt 7 more open Lisertyville, 111. tencei tolu ie ear n <ithu' stalle rIn i Niiltrirrî'i rook-i. a i , iiSini ts ' 'm",oliigtttitte Warren Cd <helr denrs. There are now 75 sa- - oi in tirat cn <y' j iii i ias cutratnte i. i tii'rt i tfi i t i ilmoî i;lo iît ons i Northi Chirago saidXtuauke- DR. VCTR .HENR 't ic e ci niîuîetus Ieraf~ ii c lggan, snit ifire is a bitter atitagonlsm OSEPTC PH ICA "ansmanleIeit<h,' t'iied i"l'court Tebadfxe i.-a, ftei o, .ie lelhulta i,,onthfe iTart or Nortît C'hicago agaînat, SEP Hi PYICN an fllwsbi, on icio mne <ss1 ait Ti iIe as 't smi'e 't ti( i k ct ie un tai îstatiloti A little whlle ago 21t5 2Madison S t., Waukegan. tIII an oon ier1fiT (i la rgeito f mls at1)pr o prita t 1g i 1tenrk ofî1 Tii toanrd 0ti Nii nnetî taJIt ti le iii n i fNea Iiu'rry a <ii cirrowd out tiiunts poured out of Office Hours, tonds of tie tcîdiitg bank out <fat rttv nîtneit taer, l i S aii tidt $:.50fui rontW<,ioloIli3 i oia saloturî iiorfiChicago and 51- t-12 A. M.: 1-4 P M.; 7-8 P. IL tI , iiiinig iseî , ueltiangs dma..Ilfssisant.Il iiti,,(aii ffi(, ' i1or acked ITT ilii tc vIoung seamen. Aftt Suria by Appaîntinent On fi;- tiakng mîîîîsîliured ans i a- iias-int i xirnitlag î ilmtiittI en etrirntehi iiiformtIti' nifurni Ifey tue <teKs; n andt their compan th fe StslC e 5iti Tii-S t m as-iauthor- i a le FNIti; ltiil Cpatîx fliiiigt<a tauwre thet mu atîone of thent into in- Toiephone 228. \Itxîîan Ptaiktng compan; uiedtu iTuil i itinii ns sîîpearanre 1i0ifîlairdt ron lin" Noiirii tIllino i nscnsilit,ansd starled te do thec anme i DeKAY FACES PRISON. tii-muni th ti xtî iili te,'hoard nui tnn Coli- - îîtmîtîti -tu <he s'condîlmariî xîleîî <aupolice- That OeKay facers a prison term I,(t ITII a titi <tic tiitnîic'l subinalpvansmen resî'nîed thent. 1. L. REDDINO, D.V. M.- alt leus hown fig the tact that he wsa iontiieh tireiri We uîsolipropsse a tise miliemnper- VETERINARY SURGEON jfound guity at themarme turne as Met- 1 lolurger] tua ki"i ' tîuaî iitecutîte Ittgîîîîî î,îîe 'e- iî lis i u perouoseda<l-ialtato rdasCîaoVl ol caFf and hîs attorneys are malklngaet ii . ittu«upossible.lraîkt'Itt;ki;"furDan ii s, tit10a<oi ti'zonlardtheosavalFort Siorn OffIceatesîdhicag e Colerais *e'emndftght 10 keep him o0f11 i a nsiritsît m ok<i e tuanî ftîîîdîu Tiitii lu O i dnîî The goveeninicnt ai Washin<gton Av.Poe13-' IpinJuist after the U. S. ju ge 1peu i 1t iîîashuiri tio fas anîtten mepeatedly te Springfiold_________ jhad sentenced Metcalf lu prison, at. 1s s;,nsud Mmpl.tE -.forryliii..a]n linhgiîi.îîuît funut k iiS; i- Iiiitd i r losetifins Ianlels,sacctaiv of the SPECIALIST in t'on for a new trial, and, pendlng is ttc ime itiiiI tii tuuîîîgtiT t r i tin Nu cmiii n oti ,t-î s oîîfn %,an(trJN.E arrîson, secre- * decision which witi e argued later, 1,înoîi ori$77o, li ît îîî "i îu eKysbail was flaed at $20.000. ,ialtnv iimiii îei ~- i eitmu iifrint th'ii go i It, 1dm; utf is r, baie etdorseil snd arc FITTING GLA.$fS JOeKay's n ;le1 i ai uttTrlig îthemîoeemeîît. Waukegan Ttîe semtencinîg nMtafagin eui ,îî i t'ii on uîniîint Il On Tii tiif wauîtlfin,'vecît ndry at <fie last Ait Kinda of Glisses Repaired rallier tîadtx for tîeKay wtîo, Itf Iiii iietîioui<I tnî'îctilIîin<iect teI ls tke; sîitt suie ir'im n'iiiOfi iii iT Ili î,îîk ii nil, Ii , tu T" t' stîîwed a iUIajorityagainst the san-~ .J I IsD ' là bei ail-e tu aas one of <ith ie s u -' iHi mhoii. iits -reiiil Unilt<fe-sIiltage of Northi (hica-D. .M Fse, .D th h î a rerked (f e a lfi si 1,ic.r,, ,I a, t til Fi 1ing .ni 'nidI-Tt' i Mgui e i t'raucniugv c, theretore leadachea. Nervousness, Cross <y.. John W. ,DeKay Vet Free., ui lii T. iT ii 5i u iiiiitiii tIl aoo s rm eradFr-ih ae Jo n V.De av te man acer il1 ,1 I I, i> (.. i ireut Ti il -e inuit, .\ airîillustration: A lîttle mti My Specialty. tuîh W' DeEn, te '<ain arto" T. iliT i i ii i ~iTii sii nIl i n \NIltiil in, iii; li i nt I tlji i agi)'omuni, iiiof t'e seauuleuappreuticea i n ite1el-Çv nterprfses, andt former- ii n îîîT Fn iT! Il iiiitreiî ia-aluniuuuitmuWaukegau anduuone Office oster SPrîng's Restaurant Phone 34 <n itni tii', Iaiukcgan Gazette, ,n iim i ii i- jt Iluu. i r-iii i n im qiTi u i tit tirurtt after drinking Ilire fleers Lbertyvllle. 111. TuedYs. 9 t 4 7 ass ýtuuted tri rite feiti'at grand jurye1 i t AoiiTi i n, nI titi f tuetî'anite ravitlg driutk.le rusheitoutt taT ai n eiinIýt tj iiîwilîIb Uuii1ii1) f'i-i n,<ti'MuosItipulic corner in 'uIauke fatc .T itN oîurt., aine lhin'li iiFior iiiîîî r i i:,t ut n c iigan and liegnu, t<o fuu< senîle uPUBLIC ALJCTIONEERING uîeu er allte TInt cil iicirnn ids o~ n î i . . ni T i" i i I i reor iu -tttx psd y A l5~ steiln îtî u ragn liciait Isi,1,1: lT unileliiasthe: iuied bthAn H selit ittiit i'pal toiatang Tu Unti lat uit- î i tai ned thli t - o o i i, i iii i iiii Tiitii ne ffiî<r o!ftie statiot nna e up and an <miction ati , an bsi t cfres îts in hanIl Unitd Sate and bit riaiiIl 1i- iioti fon T 1e 7.iiii rpsedui fim andîlite waa;seterety Pou.- 1119 saie [,on i'n, N e r ieumî ti'fas mcciimari muT "I T i i T i lcinItit 11,T lltK titTuk andilii ng inu cru-st 'll tt tnifi t ii i or nik Ma <i 1 t. eî irTai lad te nusoivon a battit' l i tnile of îuîrses. agius and hiitin ite Cat iilbNrnte nTfi iSo tîîtî mi TiTlil tr t lirhiiCIwo Agreatbit eutîina s- I.IPENRY rSINE iii an lnurie tu' rutî NIi <ii tuu ti-ilTai grei f atltsluu . < hontes 148 or 48 ZION CITY, 1ILL- ut the ucanui.'ba', feuu atone tn fi $4,cIN ste ', exslîions auiîe,f'5titai ______________________ icouri lu ightthTie bail], sud ti l uaomtînt aI.ttk' iiiirs i it T i' li ti itil t The uttlt ___ a Mearlr'iecat! gn feîGr seo. "ir1n <'I-l sun'.if ti',. nT I is T i, li- aiit tigrhicnaval oticer' Î, it <bis" LOCAL DRLJGGIST WauenaryIl. FINAL UftLFLflISoiluntru i tii tii' satîe was sluututyai lInr- )Ks', wtiuse preuiauneni iniNorthl Nilitnun iailtîîiun Tiiii iîtî f<î îîi i' AE lias uittracted il n tte sît Wîue j ( ff, N C IbI t'nty ne0uiiiultT >,ll l i t iît,.rîT het al e tn of itbi sirii I-mur gan ferasoc ticfurmerl; II cd fere , ISSUED 3 IE luuunîgtKirhis to niTi alito ii ' lîie ecSexpecbt o ra in'Frace,'clatatIepoewob" andt was In nea spatuer businessiil htot ru iîunn( Il n \If T Tii , t-jrtst<ie exPmien <o a îP thie mrt-îuînî h r bac tr Poplhte lu e f'illrbe inîî iegsn gts ',Eknelr il lion ...CTJ LJ ( Il e m station at Lake Bluiffsaud it îsu tînrîi Hut t o those s ho do mut wso - whI t n TueaiivestisTii iNr iiiiONn ittopy nonstronîs tiarflic iîîîcresîis toido iiis-c wIlisas' try the mlx tieebire. Shi" frequcmttfias vîsîlit utfture natiotn tself antirlle Iuterests tIIi r utsimpîle Uuckthomn barik. gît- tient fier arnîthe<tifanri spent one f' jjjî AIbut tfusauds tif fuss shoutd it-i putni iiiit etc., knowni as Adlcr-t-ka. Tis- s meintecIedîtg whlch tîme \NIl kg yaoîri ,EjIIJJi. iiuî'parity hy 7,n atlessatoons.tiut c eed'b5 uiief lciminn OeKar ;va, revi-ctee !r t<fie F nt tiîd2oC 't Fdsards it If this tiila-cru"uo u i ultf ttîfiit JST ONE DOSE relierea sont 'lexîman Paîktîccuîînsgafîl <i rtlCImÂBC mI iercme tti'elireseutnetnNtueu lnTeaso fesuaf u o ,nnroihg M'..enlst<nrlerderon t<Fie SC A CO- ER tîsents <Itu awtti'r soustseTugo 10 stilTTtion INSTAN'lLY. People sfio stîct i bgplans siand fiefiwhtle jt Zîii ('tue snokti iti ion case. Thisn a station atiere <fiers are' sueman% fi , dtcr-t ka are ourliseitat its ftit ci ertistt..madc till) a wea<tfiy order a'as pran tuvaiý> tuttimedin lmThe' s~îIÂl EILE aloons andit are lucre are t' uiui Il action. ma.Sun front inieIo r'I'y fl(,l t w ma. fi ~n' ii ~ IJAI Iuîstaten tie plu ntau fiuhni,,cartir, ECKER & BOND, Uruggusts oni JohnMW' DeKav,1s saidt<o have meartr att ptaci-rutîie elty. Witts-chllî llcaato rîî ni fee orlg rtfi etaIn eadersas regardlusmokingnr uticesIdealits Chicago Firm Pays for the DId ctt;aestu tut'<i toi; r ni S I~ <hi oeg ersnaic For In- oir on depot Pltufttium, tfiey arepe- Iai tien-ttin stance, hfi t.crediteit witfi heinc the mîtted 1te5h0"ioi ii, emevolong as Ifier Copper Pipes and Tanks of<tic tatio tan swtîo pumnifascit the war muni- do flot stocke in il -muait. The order Factory. ADJUDICATION NOTICE. MANUFACTURER OF tions wfitcf were bclng sent on the dues mut speru'fy aitât shaîl constitute <uttrSl climlngnt fa A . sîcanuer abuse detenttori by' the <'mît- a crowd andttom titis reason it la ex- Publît<uesra ope ic NofticeitnI'iilis i i ne LIthqst ed States frouîgfifon<fie .sîiiure oftIecteitftlait nmur,, ut' ess troufle wi lt i i0frsra opr iSib(iir lelas a b and Granite V'eura Criz nd stud lust precilttated a enIone Rs.fitleNoi T i fficiats, tli5.s 4lau it e inmagine serai) couperiuin I undî t V'vtaiiicuiît Thîomais wnr fetaccu <fils Counturyandt inexîco. lainuet, <tildî'Ii-,î tiait tîireor bsfo uunnun iit uha trice? L DeKaN <feretore Indîrti waant(fe Peuple ipakntuita n'owd. '<'et <fats whlîa reported teluhave 'icie. dec i Ned x i.attend fltheum ni i-anse'ufofihetictdentii iquestion The sîtortîc i'; , rceeuîîng tile citty lîcî ttui fonr t<fieartp cupper art f<tue T ,titî iCouriniof taki t uuuii,5at tfirougfi listing purchunnet the 'i. Of tZiob iIntlnaii'fiit tteY willlappeai luit' 1 tuukegaui sugar retiment'. tenit tîucîî iite noidein at h'eCourti ltins tinqu testtoni thfe InotiiCton iilirAttorne Wtl Menu tuvecarrived trot Chicago for lit 'eininIiinku'c iilu nsait Count Cenetery Work of Every listu Fabry y sei tttis murnlng <fiat tut' iuinluse uf tesnlng oni att tie oint tt<uiîîgetilt ut- X~ntt 2 Tte îufi- f ths corse iii"ti hat ie l ti'tier ien. tankls, etc.,ailtue tltucoetiticOIlefiT Niniilat iif Joue nexu.Decipto' iv*smgltt <uTamate i' îinîuiitbe fouses i pPear tiefure tii i;ilpllate court anditwaokt andiutla leartued t Iat tire pltt'i nn I. a ir itand hure att pcruniný.) sc i t as nuîancv uy uicma f usiututîo p tuai tl(, nt'-iiii u it orrrtaidtîo the glucose cumipan; fuir <f i tiiitausi ats atetts n Crepnec olle c urs uictîaîucera ssorinot ion< fei 1 ui(n uitr lor eIfi ll "'oraiun' aas $ On uid.- If 1; salul i i tiuttiTt uttust sd esetait __air,___ day iilteh\ iol, ' mnne coturt. The nmade as iute T n rî ent tisene la a densuu a g*u < fi egiatc rua uni, thîutîunior depot plt-î andthe ri' uabtityts uusupp<yth(,tuede sit atif nuCuourt tor adjudicatuon ciin gnI hecs gis arith fe purcascrs oftue si-rap coLT ALFRED W'.lAtt a lc l aia,,, h tit' utafOne ('li t,,it ntuh,,nomten wticîîtinoro-ter witi doublte their muuiev tallrth-'iExclin I 16 Genesee St lorn etCulaiinjonction agaimut fierl tUed<fi a tn ililtut s tokefili f- suocîtn ut ofhthe plntlnliet Ifcit bTh.stu fertd iotatseithe aprtt t' 1fic 'feet o! u, ni mn nce ut a stourt'v n sd put ItoovarIouls uses. WktI.,AL ___________________ I~~~~~ Tf or itse h tîeiu lia etucose plantIlietehue tocal > tit, bildiing.' tut t finu i'tt suioke as scous fuithe decision of file Samgri asfegt ent-Tshtoeoraun li fcu tahnk-pispsuc c., aund t tu' DsIy ouh.Wld..aprod Generail Deeepton. Muiteii Wodmi901ut)Aeliciflîll 'tuitank, pîpa, et amuine.h However mean youn lite l etr a t i anu iug la largety s mather aI u»W Circuit coîurt, whtcî, enjoimei t hle a d u itttl tn i ee oe is hiro t., i atulns ftlîa sucfi a fotts", _ I. . 1V_ - r... ý. t Pagfe Three 6

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