CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 4

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1.,& U'1l' rT-V 1 fflUlMPLWnETWP ITTT PR Tr. 2fl f30115. tm ePourli t.j t .nL .s.a> - --------- - Lake County Independent Xdd/diona/?/;,ws Waukegan Weekly Sun o 015 ce Telephone Number t, Libeityville Exchsange.I liuter Il ai tw .tn I h e at i în-îris Oie Ill seam --s md ses Mail Matter ifficial Paper for Lake COuOtY. WW. Safor of Autiocli, was hi-r.. u oued i-î-ry i ila V.sîýlîirtisînizts M Nade Knun n un I)Plii.atlofl. busin.-... Tuepêday and Wednasday. SUBSORIPTION PRICE, $150 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Tii..future of the iams of 19157, who W.J. SMITH ...- ........>........... . ............. ... Editor know.î ? Cim.. hear Biarwh Schancik, F. G.SM ITH ....... .. ..................................M anager aY 13 M. j WEBER.... .................... Resident Manage.r, Phone,189-J Tiie.]set wil i the @ixtëen senloî s ut A. K. Stearus tried to 'corne back" by running forkt5 w- h îi*d ni -,a .y1 mayor of Lake Bluff. Just because Doc Pearce was able h .Nlar.v teain. te "orn bak" ws n siu tat A K.coud dothesam lr. and Srs L. E Golding sud d1ugt(ý to "omebac" wa nosig tht A.K. ou dotheran -p1eu nuday in Waueonda artii.e thing. Sonse men CAN, others C*NNOT! 'îumîeof F. L. Carr. ire . .F. itahcuck ut Mlwauki- -plenti Henry B. Eger, the new chairnian of the county board Saturîlay aud Sunday with her Irutiier is a man who will handle the position wth credit. He was Jamues H. Swan and tauily. elected to the board frorn Libertyville four years ago, suc- Thgiloiti iha-ulg- b ceeding W. F. Miller. He bas been a rnost active member,, are workiug liard. Don t la i l hu-r in fact, he has always been one of the tbinking men on the theiin May 13. ThFy have a tr--at foir board. Original and keen in hie business ideas, he bas on.. ud ail. aspired to lhe chairmanship before but loat by a smiil Learu the. trutli ashut vote. That he will make good in the important position ila faîlts. titeir viitups, theur opinionls ot certain. By his election another honor has been showu est-b uther, lu thee risse statisti stu b.. Libertyville, from where, for so mauy yeara "Shorty"j given bi' Eva Williams. ýLes Whtney let Wednisday nîglîl for Mffiler went as supervisor and was tendered the chairman- Alden, JOwa, to attend the tuneral ot is ahi-p lwice. grandiather, Danuiel îirPhere-în, ahu died Tuesday aiurning. The public as well as county officiais will appreciate M."dSr .Hl the change made by the supervisors in abandoning the theirapartiiýents at 1:17 Nu. ltidgeland switch-board plan of telepboniug at the court house. The Ave. Oak Park andopenied thir uiuer plan in vogue for a few years has proved inefficinent so home nîîrth tif Liliertyville. far as quick service bas prevailed. Too rnany limies the . mii have euoyeîl-iur DioCarc Nighit "busy signal"' la received wben so many phones fflled the e-tuots« in theiimat - well, r.-meibtrr two hunes into the couuty building; too many lies was il then tii ke- îîri-. Thureday -v--iîing, - - -.M ay 1lb. Tiîat b h eti..night. Impossible for officiais to get lines out-and the result was t.hat everybody in and ont of the court house was "kick- ing" because of the system that was originated in a de - sire for economy but -which was more expensive tha.n the single lime plan and~ far leas speedy. Thus the change will be hailed generally.______ With Secretary Daniels of the navy backing the 5 mile dry zone bill about the naval training station, oppon- enta of a "dry Waukiegan-North Chicago"> have reason to feel concerued. Iu fact, they may well feel greatly con- cerned. With such a high officiai backing a measure in the legilature, he's sure to wield much weight. Fact is nome fine morning Waukegan may wake up and find itself made dry wthout the residents themselves having had an tbig say about it. Wheu that happens then again wfleoplesay: "Well who ever thought ilcould bedoue so quicky?" "ets1 wiZ then say: "'They can't do such a tbiug"-BUT, it will have been doue, and, the way the vritlng on the wall now looks, it appeara as if the time isu't dstant when such a morning revelation will be made. Votera of tbis, the l7th judicial district will not re- *cive with much enthuaiasm or even much consideration the report that the three county judges of the counties of thes district are contemplating entering the race for the cir- cuit judgeship. They theutselves will be ahowing lack of judgment if they decide to enter the contest for the higher seat. They>ve waited too long to make it apparsuch a stop would be justifted. The votera generallgin le dis- trict have taken il for granted that the three old circuit judges are the men for the place and we are firm in the belief that the entrance of. the three county officiais for the circuit jobs would create little conceru or intereat. The circuit judgea have been tried and proved and there ia no real argument why they should be displaced by their coun- ty court associatea excepting as a mater of persoual pref- erence.- It's not a question of superior abllty-it's just personal. And, in the judiciary, votera have corne to, feel that ability more than peraonality must be the chirci consideration. Judges Donuelly, Frost and Edwards will be re-elected and not even the three county judges and personal figts ad feeingà can prevent i. C/i rch qlews gFROM - LOCAL - CHURCHES Methodist-Episcopal. flloiwîg frogcam weiii te rendered nit Sundsay tirgan ireluiii- mr.A. m. mai-allum al Uî Linîe I nu, Me .........cîîerîeîî h)ý-i Ci nie tiiThme...- . ..l... r îîna Sites i.ia Mi-Cirnili(- Re.adinrg- Hie Mutirs Si-imon.... .......... ,........ ....Ian M ailare.. Services net Snndas. May -Jnd ati-s)Mr. ilipha Harding folos,: bunday st-boul session at 10 'iet- Huiw Seceet the Nainîe ut Jasue o'coc; mrnng roebig t 1 oclik. Soumi ...................... Brown ocioerco;mi-Dn i-sarit-bn i t-lo-.Mm-. M. E. Williams,. MissHazel Rid Qarlthevcomninase3rv T. SunReading of the Siripions and Prayer day. wl ho veau ilu@tat 73 edmorm.n EnSel. T. E. Reami tbem wiil give au iailtate srnou Oferbory Duet. Piano aud Orga .. St. Pebu" TherswIl ha 37 beautifllly Pinoslo--------------Select culored susses on theifilit, work sud ln Miss........Ha.............aid ce travelo of the GCea naiulue P-est-ber. li8HzlRi Nex Tusodaky afrnoon, May 4th the Ave Maria-----------------........ Gunod Ladims Ad socioy wil ivietaiuin theo Voices,Miss MCormlck gyma um o th ebueb fom :30 o H M issTalor; Slollu, Mr. Lovel 4:»0. AilU U ladies.ot the chuecb snd Organ, Ni-s. Durand thir fr"eis are Invited to corne and Benediction.......................... brintm iel fancy siori and suîoy tiie Organ Postinde-.......M. Ma"Clinm afta.-neoo. St. Lawrence Eplacopsi. Thse oâl"ia board of the M. E. i-hurt-h Boly Commuion evsry Suaday 7:45 wJihold theo rogar motiiiy business a.-m- Frtguudayiumonthlo:80a.m. imeting o the church ust Wedneeday Moriff Prayer svery Sunday excevi ov.Sig at8:30. eo vs 10:80 a. m. Non 1Ou.dal eveniug ait<6:45 ueewîîî Sunday mbool 11:45 âa .un arn mBpworth LAagu nSting o Ai i Evrdg erie lsteoreeloun the uh jet"The Prtmspe 0,Al El Boyservies 8:00Copuni n :00 Pare"oalRlghleouaues.*Misa Eva a. M* Wilm. wilîl have charge. 5ev. EiUwAHiD S. WHITE, Prieet-iu-t-barge ~ sERs Preuityteria-.. Thse Vesper Service oi the..I. E. i-hurt-h Snuday St-boul 10 a. m. R. F. W righu, wW ho held net Suuday atternoon, Supt.- Map 2ud t 3 o'ciOtk. Lar-gs audienes Moriug servicesIl a.m. bava atteuded theee mrvies al thi-.ugb Christian Endeavar i- 145 p. m. theo year abowlag thoir appreciation of Eveniug Worsblp 7:80. theosploadid proglama vendered. The H. M. Aîbrt. i'aoor. Tbîrty-eglîr î.di l-X-lowm ansd triends went fi. Waukegsn Tîîeciay ev.-nîeg to attend anuopen îmieeting ut th.. Nauiz-gsî i.dgc. Tht-3 made the trip inl a spe-ialI cal' Marsbal Limberry le keeping s eharîl iookout for ail automohiles and mîtor- cycles witb the old orna liceuse numbers. Hie promises to deal sbarply with ait wbo un cb rebictes altar May iret wuîhout the proper ireuse. Nata b. Mahar, preideut of the Maber Idfg. Co. , r.turued an Wedneday t i-im a trip through the sautheru part of Mis- souri lu the Interest of the local taitory. lis landed a big buucb oi orders for lighting Satures sud reports the future prospects of the company as@sery prom- tiig as the vol urne iiiorders are growing Indications are ttsat the. newtv eiected Presidtnt aud members ot the viltage board wiil take theur seat@ atthe regutar meeting to 4,h eid nut M Iou ay ntgbt. Jay B. Morse ahI taie the chair of Presldeutticbuaebete, whose term expires. Truptees Etteworth and Ceveland wiii ha suceeeded by B. B. Ege.r sud Jus.W. Hart, wble A. B. Titus eclil sni-ieed hlm- self, hsving bei-n re-elicted. tii-orge Quentin has suid hig residence property on Laie sireet tu Dyiond & Austin, cho il urtombave- iold t te Nat.. L. Mliir, thi- presideut ut the Nisher Mfg. Co.,- who will taie possession shout May 15th, part ut bis furuiture nîîw b..- lng stored lunhiig new home. Mr. sud Lire. Quentin eut muves ruChcago sount wbere they have reuted a home at 1325 Wiltcuz treet. Mr. Quentin uwus a mur- ing pi-toi-e houqe.Iluthat ity.t The. Ladies ut the Lakeeîde Cemery Association bereby give noterta ail de- linqueut lot uwners unies@ their annuai dues are paid! soon their lot wil- not ha taken rare of in the future. The cemetery bas been tlken cars ai for tweuty years hy 1 dies ut Lihrtyvilte sud the peuple ail Zelproud of their eori. They i-an not du thîs wîîrk wtbout money. Mosi everybody has friende buied thtr,sud are auxiaus tii have the eemetery kept up. The associatio)n me incorpîîrateîi snd any persun owning a loi by îiaylng $50 wil i sure tiie. îare ut their lut iîîrever. Please taie unotice sud s@end your dues tut Miss Imugene Sihaut-i. Libertys lii, e.ho wiii send yon s receipitacorsanie. ISAÂCS ANODALUE DROP TOUER CIJARQES This is to announce that iget motor Co. LIBERTVVILLE, ILL. mVili stipply motor car own- crs of this cormnrnuty w.ith Automobile and Motorcycle Tires, Tubes and Accessories Ain ever grossing demand for Firestones iii this locaiity and c-sery locality stiiere quaiity is n pprec ated lias matde 't necessary ta eStablish lieadquarters here. ,.-.ýt year the Firestone Fmîtory -ire.idy tlih lîrgest exclus-ive tire lilant in the worid -i-sîil fîrther enl:rgehi. Output incrcased 78,,,c to iî thie dc-mand. And teLb.fictory and te dem.und -ire stili gi osinz Firetone Niet& Ruer o. C... ugt a ais. , . ..MAu Aks. hîB, S h9.4l1 1 D$10M n$Là.neb . 2014 weut tbuudering îhrougb the. streets at SENATE PASSES BILL FOR $1,000,. a groater speed than allowed by the la,0 STOCK RELIEF. anîd Marshai Lîiberry raiied up th.ý Springfried, Ill., ADrIl 23.-Tbe Bon- Grayslake iuarshal to kfflp an eye on ate today passed the house $1000,000 Diale, and shurtly aftt.rward was Dlitied appropriation bill1 for the relief of by pune u rune ad ~farmers whose stock was killed, he- by hon tocom ad gt hm raiiatcause of the foot and mouth disease GraYiiiake, whw.h ho. did.1 epidemnic. The bill was amended to Aiter beng arrested Dlei. wîie out a'rare for tbree or four iseparate cases. warrant againemt iaancs for nut having a and must go back to the bouse for con-, mlite ebile iveme nd he hre cae@curreuce before t reaches the goveru- siat veîrleliinis audtii thre rsesor. were set for Wedinesday aitemrnui two urcluit. tefore the triailIDale and lsaaCs came to an und.rstanding tii drop theîr charge.., Dale agreeng to pay the rosts. lin the opeeding caig.. against Daie prelerred by the marshai Justice of the Peace Davis Oued D aie I'$5 aud cost8, the total comt@ and fine paid by him on tiie. sveral charges aniount. in. tn 21 G 70 REV. IH. M4. LLBIJRT i TO BE ORDAINED I Harry fiacellris AIburt, a studeirt il .NcUirriirk iSemiiarY - Chcagu, for the Pant four piais sud actinig minlmer oi the Preehyteriancihurt-b bers for the hast two, eili on AMondav esening nest he itrdalued as a miinister oii the Prssby- terian ith. The ordaination sud in- staliation si-vi,.ie eut taie îplace lu the Preebyterian char-b ber.. at 7:30 that eveutng sud weut ha under the dirsection ofth t..Presbytery ut Chicago. The toiiuwing pragrant euhllIaoreudereti: lVh.-,av-The Pitie,-tie Chorus" i Sunday moruiug Cari Isaac@, ehile Dozoliigy sud Invocation atteniptina to P»ana automobile stand- Hymu 228 Iug lu the road usar Hait Day with ie Seziptur.esson owu machine, @truck RueIl Dais, the Athem-"Nearer My God ta Thee' owuer ofthLe standing t-ar lu the back as Sermon-Dr. George S. Rtobinson, D. D. bo did flot nutiles Dals partiy under the P. H. D. machine makiug 50H10 repaire. It sias a Aunounuement ufthte. action u1thle whoily unavoldabis accident sas Ineace Pi-eebytery ut Chicago. claiued was lu sucelàa oé Propoundiug ai Costtutlunai Que@- tion liat ho had difficuty Ilu asait Mous and had flot moae b.Mau PartJY Under The Prayer af OrdainatilODsud Instat- the standing automobilesuntli il ese laioa-Di-. Henry 8. Browu. t00 lato. Tohret h utrD.Agëu Atter triklng Dais with Ous Oi theoCarretrge ieP.torDr.Agu'u frant waeehurtaacbut uslod 0f omeIlthid The charge ta the Peuple-Dr. Arthur man Das t t w uleurt l1ses wtldA. H aye, D. 1). by aletha howa unurtlases &B Solo-"Love Neyer Faiieth", Misa abuaed, wheouepon ho jumped I lto i. McCormat-î. car sud chaited off. Dais toiiowed hlmu Bndeln ln his auto. and as Isasaescame to the s Beuectiîiu. te Ftbr E. j. & B. track a fegt ilocked bis PeId~iias eleFte. way aud ho wasaforces t Sutop. iu a short time Dais puiiod up alougmide aud Atanta, Go'AÂpYII 22-Lec Prank tbis atternoon fOed -plt C&atiu Inmped intofesases machine and started Gcdl>. H. yancey, secretai'! of Biais in ta pueeai hm. Aitor the treight prison commission. bis Ptition for panseti by lssacsetarteti for Lbertyvîlle executive ceomeucy. It waS at1.0 y to âear out oa warrant agaluet Dais for Attorney Henry A, Alezander, Ons Of ti l u mti-.Aotl.sme tat Isac* airived in town Dals Ons o! lits imprlaonment. Morses are cheap, only the best can be raised at a profit. PUIàE BRED, IMPORTED IN DAM PERCHERON STALLION . Don tawrennDo. ôsiss A draft horse of the best quality, weighs today 2,307 ibs. Illinois Stallion Board certificate No. 8340. 1 t butk a euolt hy Bon 1JP.w rt-nc i-e l la- 's îrtli lit It-at S-7,0iit .aiseHa lour î-ar tîliltijatiao(lit trom tlivi s.3îîC lîart liv an y hoîrs-: t liat t rav-i. fi-uni t4îîd ta st atid iii La kt Cotixtty. A tu îî vtar îîld fiily )îy Bitlsr-l i as soîIil 1</r ,400t, aud t lire>- yearl ing stud cot i a\ so sîd fiou $ i, 400)'l'lie Guvrjît Brothers s«iii)a four i s-ar îîld gradie- gt-ding by Bont Lawrteve for )k275. Stallions of the» quality of Bii îLawriiceî- îtawli for >. It wilI sîîreiy pay yiîîîtii hriiîg vîîr mare- to ii hit. ,'rbe great danîger just îîow tif î-îîtagiiîîs aîîd itîfeitionît dispases hoth to luorsesi and ctattle and tlie danger of traveling to so valtahie- a horst- have c.aumed us tii stand hit at lioua. at Rîîdiwîy Farmst iis se-a- soait the-, 1,)w irici- of W,15 toi nsuirî-the- mari- witli foal. SEASON 0F 1915 AT RODNEY FARMS Que and one-haif miles west of Libertyville, 111. R. 8. SWIFT, Owne. J. B. HABERKORN, Mgr. ----------- --------------OSS SdSS UUU We have just opened our.. AT AREA (Jaui rtp)îiy ail S.- f i riiiks iiît myait', aiititvn i -.iiirt not-ie. vîdtcivi -ît- d(»ies iii iîywlicri-. Area Spring Bottting Works Phone 311J E d on tri M rr Itingu Wai FOI -,ver t wtth 1 Mar Try for Chi to, ton Sto r., .1. C. atîti I. Mer 11 ý.1i bu,- M i il- ii bd r., Lami îy t-ai Vrai tbo0- White the go with theiî4L 1% iâ f raady th@in-il .uai-.- W an woi-i graduni Ni r> hlr.. A t t.,i ;rayil il Lad Mtonde The. DIâ m.- %Ireý ki.-. v îsiti-d Tbe workil snd nel The i wili b.. Avon. Md r. viRIted Inde. cominty Ki~ A sui Try Lee'@ Lie Fleck car TE DR j "Just Like That" The Oid Michigan Mutual Lif e now bas approximateiy one hundred amd ten dollars of unabrinkabie assets for every bundred dollars of liabilities, a most gratifying ratio. On the whole the statement of the transactions of the Company for tbe year 1914 shows great pro- gresa in ail the features which make for ad- ditional strength and solidity of the Company and these ar tbe features to be comidereci by the insuriDg p'ublic. IPROM DETROIT SATIJRDAY NIGIIJ For particulars addrem Mr. H. . Maiman, Wauconda Mr. W. M. Mason, Prairie View Mr. J. C. Dorfier, Area Mr. Charte D. Proctor, Libertyvile Judge Walter A. Taylor, Waukegan JOHN HODME Manager AREA ILLINOIS M AML- 1

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