CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 8

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LAKe COUNTY INIDEPENDENT, U'RIDAY, APIL 30. 1915. -LONfi LAKE TEAM (ÎETS TIIIRD PLACE IADVERT1iIt4.G IN A B161 SHOOT RATES I 6c per line eacn insertion Less lhan 6 finesý 26c first inserton ... .. ...... .. FOR SALE FOR SAiE- it yVt tv9 tlolt'ttltu Horace Bukley. Libert.pi ii.'. :l' 1) 1 FOR SALE-tise fine. yourur driving lorse. Priresright. John lani,tPrairie \ iew. 3221 FOR RENT-Miodern 7-roou Houme laqulz FIrst National lBank, Liberty- ville. IJel FOR SALE-Fresh milk Angora goat with kidm. Waler WaI bel.ak ut. ' FOR SALE-Buggy, bartiess. feed cutler, lîay track, with rope an utîlleysn Mr@ W J. Mundee. Lbertyvile. Plitone 1 wili exchange a heavy farrxt mare for a light driver.I1ihave 2.--Ious timothy lîay for tale. C. C. Copeland. Llbort3 - FOR SALE-Yonug p..rlectl2 otatchtrd driving tearu, wt 1100 Il- cnch, aico itoice of 2 faîallY horms. I netl hy L:ev. Usise, A. G.s Schwermn. Ghumer. Iii :lcîf FOR SALE-S. C. f.i. 1lied eggs for batching. $110 for 15. Stock ftor male.. isorge Demlow, Libertyvîlle. Phone 2734.-2. :llctf FOR SALE-l0-Room Route s nteraiiy located ln Area, %4 acres lot with gonid harn. Bard and soIt watsr. M'rite or phono John G. Wirtz, Ara, 111. Phone 282-W-2. 8lrtl FOR SALE-13 t ons good baled hay under cover, Timotby and Claver mùixed, $16 a ton. J. R. Morris, P. 0. l)eertiel. Tlephone Lake Forett i97-4. 3lctt FOR SALE-Piocher Piano, ln good con- dition. Cheap. Appiy at Lyrlc Retau- rant, Liberltyviloe. itiet! FOR SALE-liegiotered Poland China boa,, 3 yeare old, sure breeder. J. R Morris. P. 0. Deerfield. Tel. Lake For. eet 797y4 lllctf FOR 8ALE-Three year old colt, $185 R. Voelliug. R. 2, Prairie. View. Phoue 30-R-S Lake Zurich. 31F2 FOR SALE-Two well br.-d Aredals Pupples, females. l'rices right. A. J. Bart4eit, Lake Vlla, 111. lIlr2 FOR SALE-Pour pure bred Hostein bulla. registered. Two yearlings, one .aturod and one caif; aU right in every way. PriCe from $60 to $126. M. O01on, phone 910Y-3. Lewis Ave., wËkekgan. l Wly. FOR SALE-lÏwe îy-if r..luadi nieneral purpaSe horseo, frout 900 la 1800. lbs., t wo maresare ini foal. Severali sels of second hanti hamesseand wagitiis. Terms, cash or on time. N. IL. Lad'd, phone 4, Libertyr-ille. 28e0L! We baie a number of flue Itoutes for âale ormnrosI. Dmond &AuPtin. Liberty- ville. c.2MIt FOR SALE-Pure-bred Chester White Gilta, bredtofarrowinspring. Thom W. Eagsr, Manager Osborne Farm . Puone 275-M1. C28 tf FOR UALE-UMeiqtered lBrown Swlea Bull., aref[rm igh.productng cowm and of righitypeff. Hawthoru Farm. P. (). addrsssBoxIil Hawthorn Farm, Lake FOR SALE-Purebred Baret Plymouth Rock ans, ettlog oof 15 Fred tlrabbe, Ars. Phone 261M.. 8tl q. FOR RENT q FOR RENT--Good bonse. bar.. aud gardan. And fopalIe new gasolinp. range. and 6Obole cSao tovo. W. B. Appley. Phona 212 J, Libertyville. 8t FARUS FOR SALE-la Traverse County minnaota and Robert. S. D') ln Catbollc and Latberman ettieruient. Very fine land, tise richeet soîl lu the world and whe crpe are sure. The bealtblest cleme us tbh found anywhere. Low pneu for lands. Forparticularnaddree Gea. J.Vanderwal. Dumont, Ilin 2PI +. q..q qqq..q . q + -ANTEO--Good girl for general house work. Phone 109-R1. Liberty ville. 31t1 lor ti(ti iird stralgltlime te Ch- caga Con loîb annexed tht- monthly shoot cfi tlt Interurban league at the Kensingtonit raps, Chicago, Sunday aft- ernoon. Eight clubs rompt-ted linte shoot, and unusoally ligh scores were the raie. The Chicaga club's t-soi ran up a total nfi7 for five muen, whiil' te Etanslon flan clubi scitreil 2:30 for second ptlace. Ttird honor, 'SILENT' SMITII'S WIDOWIS WEDDED;j IS THIRD VENTURE \hit up hSpringsW Va Api t MsJanes lic rx "Smith of Lontîdont , ito f the lu t('Ta tnt-s IIleurs 'i et Smnithluof New Y tri, a tt i(tot lier of the- Duclier.. ol t , Aliita Stet-wart). ichose it îsbuttd, lte -Nge of t Bctia ragaîtua. lsa a re- 1ert o ti e .'0ltlitro ne of Portgttal, and "rn . îHSt Cyr of New' t'ork. wohtse r' t r di t-tl ttntJan, I. si tre îa rri,'tl litrt- weuî to thte Long Lakte Con club a 11il h e' l t 'trctoutple thiîtlt-eI ti ,rNow a leam count of 2 7, whlle the Lakte cri- 'uiîtti. A rlitngUc)n I leighttr, Soutlh \ t st. r t r a-i \11tnie '1t ttcIrolît. Chicago, Vaipariso sot lilverside lit' ilaugîtter of Cctt .ohittA.Armi Gun clubs finislit Il i thtie ort ior7itrtg ofBailtiltotre. Shur is a sîster named. tI l rs . At iîttt J. Dlrexel of Philadci- C. Gray of te 'talpari.o Cui lulit it. lit li 79 slite Iecame te wife af tas h igîr tîîîîatetîr inuthte In teriîrirau XliillaitR tlhinelantl,'r Stetaart, a son league shorot. breaking 'rorîl 'Iin, Ilisîtu'îard t Sewart. Lat-r divorce of the ird-. T .1' Bie sand1. ', ,araed th-tu atntlshoitenarriet *"Si- Yaungaifte Chitcago club, ttried Inb tr ji"thî. scores of iorty-eight. as dit F. Pro- \Ir. Siit was huite li Miiirn, Ili., btrt ai the Lakte Counly aggregation. Ilis îanily. laier miovedi to Evanrîcut. Four alter speciai tvents were Whbcttlie' aas 12 lii.tstîic.eie' heiti, being divided up amoag the 'Sinitî,t. 10k hit abroadti b tc etitîat- members aifte arlous clubs. As ed.tteluriting ta Amiertca lite esta b was te case in te league shoot, higli isîtet hiimeli in Netw York as a m ent- scores were tîte rule. lunflic tweniy ' litr of te firîi of Getidet & Smithî, five target er'ent ut sixteen yards bioluers. His uncle. George, who liat three shoolers-0O A. Johnson. C. C. matie over $50.000.000 in Chiîcago anti Emery aud J. R. Graham-broke i lwaukee iîîveslîneîîls. beiueaiheîi twaunty-flve stralit. "Sileol" Stulli thte huittif bis for- The scores aifte Lakte counly toile. shooters: "Sic.t '1;Sa iuli let intKyolo, Jatait. Long Lake. su ilt'co, a tript troinn tht- worid. E. ecCormicit (18) ................47 Antotig hittbettelactious was ,a -it ai W. Jackson (21) ................. 4f' itSti.ttke"s itl a, (Ch i- T. E. Graham (20).................45cg G. MeDermot 1q)................ 45 E-L WVli (6................4 'bIais .'r.. .22 Lake County. P. Probeslt (19) ... ............481 J. C. Btciter (10>.................. 4" J. L. Humpfer (18)................ 4, J. Mt. W'Iicoxen (17) ............. 4 R. Probest (18)................... 42, Total.......................221 A report reacites lit-rethat the Oliv- ern factor), at Woodstock fi, 10nmanu- facture hutuimi. for flitegoveruimentl Time repart lias il Ihal a night force of 90 meni Lt' put ta sork tnattngi 1itese itomîts. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENTj filaIs ufIlilinois, Countt-oftlLake,. ss lu the. Couutv Court of L.ak- Couît.. May Terut, . A[Il191.- Estale af Clarent'..F. Wells, tiet ai-et. To J. Willit Wells, os, il the hetrs at law anti legtattes of Ciarne.F. 'lis, deceaset. You are h..rehy îuttifed Ibat lite unter. smignet. surrlving ,expeutniceii o! lits ast wilIIanmd testament of Clarence F. W'ells, teceacet. will lon Montiay rlie :lIcîday o! %la *vA t) 1915, ai the 1C tunty Court rouauin the- Court Flouse'itnthet dlv or Waukegan. Lake touaI> -Ililinois, itlore tht- Honorable Perry L. Itermosus, Judgs tif sait Caurt,. ut1he.lîru r t(i 10 it'lttk a. lit. present Ibrir final accrlulanud report ssut'h survting exect urfî'cs and ask 10 havt- thie mauttapprovet. said etate delanet sPttirîl and loset andt 1 be miuthart-et ac sutrfh .ecutrict.n.ea w'hidi lune anti plai'.. on itt nmy ipeur il yitu desirecsu tit 'lt Dutedt Iis Qlttbdat-otri irilA. 1). Pil... 2Auna K Foot'. IluaMNIWells, lui n ut es' îlIit oftîtue lu-t w'il -adstleclt'nt ofl lareîr' eF. Wells, deeaeet, :iQcl BE-Nfil. MILLER. Atrne, ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Put-lenaître g' 5Imth lt.. Sttb scribte, Adtateuroftthe Estate otri ttitz ltetuti.iteuesed. sutatteird 1theCoudt Court of Lake Conîly. at a terut terot tu be hoileiu a1the Court Iloti-.filtWauliegsi. hiucxlii Couiyun ltme test Moiutiy of .titi niaI. 1915 wte.n sd bere aitneso hàanît riais,,ainst rati Etate are ioltt...tand retuestedtu t..rierent the saue îî sait Court ltr adjudicationm JOt HN'i1i. AS tutt.Atiii'rl Sturgt. i tti ';t Ou1. Apiti Mti Ilî WANTEO TO BUY-100j or more acres imjtroved farm Mail desription and îowest puneslRobert C RFenn.-tt. 195 Miwaukes Av., Cicago. IIi 32(-1 +q..qq.qq..qq.+q..+ +~ BOCELANEOUS +.. ...... .... .. MARRV IF YOU ARE LONELV-The liliahie Contidiential suceeolul club has large numwer ol weaithv eligible meut- hwe o! totcee, wiehing early marri, age. Lk-eripLion free. Mr@. Wruttei. Roi 26 (Oakland, Cal. p-30-2 Durand & Durandi REAL ESTATE INSU RANCE COi LECTIONS 1liýp9ssiblQ forwyu to h-iix) Monuy inthert-fô 1sÎ1s Jnmslbillýy w nouaU là-fash iond if& It a da" ihnbut no a mnmg a~ot *n da iepttaawli oam .mia 9 u wy hat l*,p Uni~e~an n'e.InpiiJtasae*îma&" 1 ~ N ti~~Eka ad fforts q juae -%à. ~ A t' isi9ht~and, 4y. The trtthre 'Urwaahlr l:LU 'li- ge I*coe AlTa rU L ~1 LiIERTYVILLE ILLIN-OIS - f RAMIAREAS TAKE FIRST UNAE 0F THE SEASON W for Ilay alut Ftor î1al> sse inii,,,îusai' ki.t.he a! »rot cd liat I aui,'t is 1, lt'.oîut onily lu %it, kîudly t, plîy te part aittnr'ulstt,'bîmx.ce-n of lime gtîat. te iti was prîed off te ,uoricerfuii9y econutîii ýli usut. As k y D. trcailiras.. hall etascii last Stîuday wlîh gt'.îr. Aid lry Calumet next bake day. a siaut Te ii.. irt'l itristeat',i faimtariu, RcevdHîhssA ad gave a vt-rrfinue démonsmtration toI 1h.. -ivd% hstAw îueanug stf the irel part of thitr name WM.P aîut rawmet home a victmîry. The- sciure .F-riEeea... 15 to I loks rather woree tbau the gaute reallY vasior th.. vîsitrurs mats a' *~" creditulie sbowing for the iret four»I rounds, bolding the Iborne ut' h:i1t,,O a uîp tthe 1111h. Boye@ opencti for the Rautareas and niet litsezeti alonit for three intnge, wiîiu urinlitntumen farint- hiut, but Le wubied In the faurth jusi euough tu let Avon put mier tht-m 3 oiarkers. White httpe Morris took up thfui ta8k aI the- start o! the tif1h and hlttitht-m hille@@sfortr h..balance. There was a in.. chance in aur hall of the tiîird tuotarl somethînt- for te honor of Libertyvilir, Ar,-a and vieinity, but Maso.. the smallest manager in tapttrity hecanue unduly excitet t the prospet anti cru.btitd the aet- Davis) caine arrose sitb attie bit alter MeIluty i.âesr l-s liat whitiilsandi wî'nI 1tullird wheu r hsà.D.ts.k.Ds.s l tofiler drove a cltiun single tît the ot ur easi-, hIe'Iulesr. tield. Shity was e oachmng at thirti aa iaboring unter lt.. stress of the momient,- lait a ge-rtle hand iu the r(înlt-r; ahether by wayoft restraint, comtndatlttn or NARRIAGE LICLNSERS. encouragement we inîte. fot, but it tsaped not thie t-agiee yt- of Wilson the Ear t'. Nlumfordi, Great Laites, II., umît and ths runner w'as raliet tut as 27. lter A. G. '6palding Howerrr tht- lose Jennette C. Smith, Wau'iegan, 23. wam ot ftalfor uins pek,, up igi Vincenît 'Wenting. Cleveland, O., 22. a'a nîi ata Itr sttl.e ut-îci o rt t Bertha Beblint-. Waukegan, 19. cuart iii thttilt h and w heîu te sutoke Paul Lelst, Waukegan, Ill., 21. chi.aîî'd a> s... liai> setveitlarge îuuî'y Filorencn e -,esaute. 19. s"'ore wii'l pruvit h' tu e a stîffit'itt'. Albert A. Sherman, Milwaukee, ?,6. Juet tu shtow that il couit ire don"- the iAuna Bart'inecbt, same, 29. boule cgîîard madeua l-w mitre tefrt'trt Le Harry Vantierspoel, Libertyvilie, t.louse andt lui ig iitiO t tigt' tter lt.tut er- . ,.22. ittrîsdîtings rirre nery iattslarttr> ý, At-uts Seivert, saue, 20. Tii, sciure. ' Johnt P. Shmltt, Milwaukee, 37. Ilamarea AiB R H P A ~ eîatili-,sue 9 it-litY cs8@_ . .G i1 11(I 0 Betaîî mr sm, 9 h)ans, 2bt........... ......: 2 :j Richard t' Vahuite. Onalasta, XVisla Hapke, 3h, ...2 ........ Dotrîler, Il.......... 4 1 Staffos-t, nI...........'5 2 Marris, cf, p....... 4 1 Kiiiggt-, lb ............ 4 1 Johuson, ......... .... 4 1 ltttyss, p ............... 1 0 King. cli..............2.-1 I NMvrset!............. .13 AvnA B Il D.olittleo ,, 2 . . ...4 1 H. Oison, se...... ...4 1 C. Oison, p ........... 4 t Shîmon,. lb............'4 i Fîsh. Il ............. .... 4 0 D)rue..,( c............. 4 (i ('atalauti. nI.- 3 0 :i Sum trsy Titreite, utafitird; 4001 17 27 13 3 Il P A il oIi 4 0 hi 1 hi 111 0311 31 2 3 7 2 hase ltitA, Stafford. Dortler. Knijtge, 1-ook; stoien baseslDavis, Hapke, Ksuiize2, Myers: sacrifice hits, Hapke, 1motîler. Knigge. Ilook; truck ont, hy Boy.-. 4, by Morris -, tty Oison 1); lame on balle, off Boyes 1; ouf Morris 1.;.îuld pitch, (Boyý. A nie.- rrowd rame out for the firet gaine. iant forg.-t lits ttblts..allî(lance at the town hall irîds v v ing and Il, lp the btoys giét t1ltimgs sa -> Neit tSuntiay te,, ail I be htg ditnizo on the.. homergr.îîtd.t. Them lovs w Il barseter iriifîmuu,,n.. - d r st.w Mtaytor ail te on)tti ttlt,,l te. ,'Ihial .11 biuIage cirsm. Frx I ais viiit Triggs B dg., i ibertyv~iIe ltit tîtosîtitîn mart-dit i.l'i Wu sOcme Phons2, Ubertyville; 470-M. Lakefluff gii- Ct-ite. C line>-, Oxford, Wls., 18. .icrry liths. Mlwaukcee. Wl>., 27. Nadcittt'lialun, saute. 2. Tiîetdttrc uRienschnteide-r.,liia'au- kre. Wls - U. Eus Ia.t rd, Rocitiorti,Ill., 26. Otto Salon. Detroit, Midi., 31. Edtlli Carlson, Milwauktee, W'fs.. 21. Johntît itto. <hicaga, Ill., 25. Filiniqui taonlti, salue, 31. Frnîk SiaSin. Watiswortlî,Ili. 26, ElizabîeltRoIl. saute. 26. Sîsîley zwa'tt,Northt Chicage,.Illi.. 21. Nlttitt ilr'atke sanie. 19. Patul Kaptittmau. Waîtktgait, 111 . 25. Stelit/Nowait. sarue, 20. Johti Pustaetk. Waukegazit.IllI.,333 Joitanîta I'tus. saute. 19. Jot-fi. (utieraît, HighlantdPark.Ill., 21. WilIlîlnilntî Luerigt. ligiwood, Ill., 21. George H. Nelston,. Chicago. Ili., 24. Loils L. 'Jttlains. Highîland Park. Ill., 24, Chanr-es Aber. Racinte, Wls., 20. \'iasktî iadik. saute. 18. Barthltottiew OMahoney. Hlghyood, Ill. .29ý Edward Nitite, Milwauke-e, Wis.. 25. Lt-cita Ioritenhagen, came, 18. Sebasîlan Schit.tiNos-h Chicago, Il- -'.2 Sofit-Kolonaska. saute, 16. Edward NiunphyMlwaukee, Wis., 3L Josit- Labinsky, same, 26. REAL ESTÂTE TRANSFERS Furnished by LAKE COUNTYTITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracîs of Tille. Tilles Guaranterd. Masonic Temple Bldg, Waukegan. Ajîrîl 20, 1917,.-Eizabeth C. Hlt tu Village ai Deertiti. pas-t Park avenue in S. E. '/. set-iou 29, Deerfielti. Girant. April 1 92 W il. Pester antd ait'IlttPe iKosîil,.Lt au Fast sitit Ntllataitteaivt-nue ini village ai iierîvr lut- . D[t, $2500. ('. C.Li nthlui an sd ie. Lot 285, Laike Fttrt-t to-Iolit' Griffith, W D., D anti-lI le:. - andtl iIf4, ilîttît -S, IitglttttrtttlIo F1'.P a tiins, %v. Il, fout tirs-M'Iarbtit .tnd a icl, 10 Cellia e'llai t iul. Ltt26, larllt anud I ittsti,' adti t. to tun Ni,>pers.iik tC'ictagot TIlile ix.Trtr.î t înîpaty lto E. Coil-tantuttiuie, L.ot 9t Blckt2, %Xashalldaie Sulhtiiioît lit Set-cont 13, tlrsîut Tîrunsftp, lIt-t-t.$225. A pri i 22, 1917 .1oi utSievelt 't t tu ('harles Sitala. iLot 2, Illoek 1, lies' lin r, Subivliýioti > . lîglesîde. \%'. D., $30u.e M' S. Rînear tnd a ut. to Louise fluo. Lot 186, (Cuity (erk's Subtitvisionu hi. Antioceli. W'. D-.$1.00. MayA. Wssllng an.d luusbaîît, la W. P.Plagge. 6 2 .1 acres mcl wesl îtf V'illage- af Deerflt-ld. Deet. $1.00 (%trrfc William, anti hustisîtt. lt li1'- P. Erekine anti E. Il1. Runyari. g0 acres In North i%/,of Section .0, Wau- kegaît Township. MW.D., $101 1- P. Erskln n d' stîifîe. ltot aIrue WVilliain,. iLots 2 and 2,. Blck 1l). Ladd & Ctorge"' audditionti utWaisgaîi. \V. a,. $10. Vl F. Sîreeter aîud aile, tut Aîolph l>erîiberg, Lot., 191. sud 194, Shaw's Lotit- L.ake Subdivsilon, W. ID_,$So0). April z.3. 1915-P.'. tclianti w lie l ('harles SItalCi,, %st s80 >acres of sotlw'est quiarter, section 9, Wetst Anlindili tomiiqliittW.D. $10. W' W. R. Nixon 10 A. F. Beatuhien, lots 18 antd 20 blockt 2 snd lot 21, blockt 4, Oaklantd.tbiica.,WstMt-ugan Q C' $25. G. D.Ilrutra nd tîwaifeielt .1essie Il. Torgersîî, lots O8tantdi9, hbltct 3?.Laite llttft XM'. D.91,75Û. %V. E.ltîrr tundamife 10 Eta J. Car- ilil lu., burt itorthhali sooli t-sI qutarlt-et tiîlin:;6, t)erflelt ownshtit. iited. $1»ý \V. .Ni lt t iianuilwlifet- 1 V'illiaru P'restotntanti aife, lois 21, 22 andi tast tiaIt lot -,lhlot k 2, ('ootrum subtîvîs ion, i.tiertt t i]lt' X. 1). $1. J. J. Nionaitaîtandtif tic bJohnutGril. ili, part lot 294, Laite Faret-ctMW. D. $1>' Atiitu Blohis ho Frank J. Cuber, Il atcres5 lni irtiieaslquarter southwest quîarter sec-tiatn 26 Warren lownqhig. %V' 1). $1.6001 IIOMIESEEKERS' EXCURS-ION Fa osYellowstone Valley Froso Chicago to Mfiles City District, Custer Co., Montana, and return, includ- ing every expanse. May 3, May 17, May 31 Trains leasing Chicago via. C. & N. W. Ry., 10:00 P. M. A 40,000 acre sheop ranch to ha suh- sivided and sold ta fariner.. Joins Ft. Kenlgh Military Reservation (U. S. Gov- erament Horse t.-aiing station. $10.00 TO 140.00 PE-R ACRE Wlssat and Corn Lsnd Oppoetunity Monts,.'a record for whole state far 15 ysars (1900-1914 p beatu thes ail Custes County corn rues fronm 35 ta 75 bushels par acre. Very best hors., caItll, sh &Man hog district. Frea els an trains bath Ways. Fse. Pullman berthe both ways. Free hatl aic es, misai and rooms. Froesautaonobile service. Thes.- ex-umrions are for hîunîeseeker@ ani erery rorîfort wili l leprovided. ïr nr, t our .-sîui.ur for resiervationa. Writ for full particularo. HISLOP & PIERSON 815 Stock Exchange BIdli. Chicago, Illinois DYMOND IR AUSTIN, Local Agents Real Bargains in Real Eistate Lake County, Ill., Farma and Farmn Land. Desirable Residence Property. Well Located Vacant Lots. Rentais. Telepkone D LibSgtyile1 H. C. Burridge & Son - Nursery Stock> "HARDY PERENI.ALLS" Cantebury Bella, Clovo Pinks, Fox gloves, Iris, Larkepur, Platycodon. Phlox, Shasta Daisy, Sweet William. PANSIES IN BASKETS Fairholm Gardens Dyumond Rond Theodore H-. Durst. Prosident. W. B. Smith, Vice Presidant. F. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager Hon. DeWitt L, Jones,, en. Counsel TELEPHONE 8 1 SECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital$1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN Bell1 - - ILLINOIS System If there is anythiî'g about the telephone bill that is not clear, have an early ex- pianation and adjustme nt of the account. Do flot hold the bill, but get the difficul- ty straightened out. The Fifteenth Day of the Current Month is the Iast day to îvhich you should allow your Telephone account to run. Some Wil1 always wait for that day, sorne Wil1 be so situated that t ey cannot gel around before. This in- variably causes a rush ah the last, the inconve- nuence of which can be avoided by- the great ma)ority of subscribers if they will but arrange to corne in e:îrlîer. Cheques sent in pavmeîîî of bis should bc drawn to the order of the Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager Telephont 9901 LOW PRICES ON WIRE FENCING CALL AT OUR FACTORY AÂMERICÂN WIRE FENCE CO. PHONE 80 LIBERTYVILL ige'Eig1it Phone 102-R vc TOI stahi Sali 1b 1 ý 1 1 . 1 1 FIN E Mess Erei F. w Mous "vs cons that gan thin that coul ne 'what wrotig Sherld ln t farm. weultfi ed w. thora tien: Sup. Thsr M5100 One And la sai On son 0o son Mi lng: Sup. Ahb about A b tact I pollI M r. groun fîtruct bath places The aide c la os places ets-sot road nos-th The le eh. truack of th( mate, W4orth stever body vas i MeKE stand corE rails-o desir ln lb. St . P XVkrr e tes Th( Wood boom mnark Bluff C (hics Thels ed ln l'oint An sire Cas-r lîmîn of fl lng1 Iteo aise on i homt soute log i gene finoii yeas-t local resld pos-tu devel huie wlth Mr land just Sleadi the wha 2

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