CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 30 Apr 1915, p. 9

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usLAKE CouŽNy IDEPEND)ENT, WAUKEGAN .WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXII.-NO. 31. PART 1'WO. LIBERTYVILLE, IELL., FRTDAY. API>RL 30, 1915. FOUIR PAGES $1.50 PER YEIAR MC ÂV, W,173 TOTAL 0F $1009000 IN 7 FAIM4 DEALS BY A WAUKEiAN BFI Stahi and Conrad Announce Sales of Seven Pieces Dur- ing a Recent Period. FINE HOMES ARE RISING. Mews. Woodin and Wilson Erecting Fine Places and A. F. McKeown Plans His. Wth tahi and Conrad n. nounclng the oftitie ta savon &eprte ferme muthwest of Wauk.gmn, etotaiiing $00 consîdeamilon, it le qut apparent thAt reulty ln and &bout Wauke. gan la Moving and movlng et à fast clip. ln fact, iî look@ ne if thînge ore picklng up fast and that roi .stte n Lake county la ti forglng ahead ne t~ he mont valuhi. ln any territory heuar thte bg nitropolis. UaIe Coany people do not realîze rwhat a tranaformation la belng wrought 80uthweet of VWaukegan and 9119110Y outeast of Warrontoo, on, theb two larme formerly known as the Sheridan snd Merriman places. ln the first place, on thoe errimau farro, G. G. Woodin of Chicago, a wealtiiy resident of thnt cty. bans tart- eti work with a big force of men and there now la ln course of construc- tion: Superintendent'à residence. Three mmal farm bouse for work- Mon, One huge barn. And,. Mr. Woodin later wlill tart lls property adjoins the Wilson tract at the isouth. Mr. McKeown ban his entire tract under cultivation and Itl l said of hlm that he bas the largeet farm on the north shore east of the St. Paul rallroad that sa under cultivation. It le one of the mont prettily atuated tracta ln the county and a personai vilst f0 the site of hlis new hume and a glance over the acres which are ln bis naine, shows what a beautfîfili place it la. one wbich would lie bard to dutlcate and Impossible f0 beat ln the county. The tract runs 24 mles east and %of a mle forth and soufb. Making New Roade. .Nessrc. Wilson, NicKeown and Woodin lhemsel'.eg have lpuf Up $1,500 for road Improvement ln the localiiy t their homes and a bi gang of men UNIFORM QUARAN- TINE REEiULATION FOR LARE COUNTY Lake County Medical Society on Tuesday Night Decided to Work for This End. HOLD MEETINGS MONTHLY. Number of Papers Read-Dr. O'Neil Elected Delegate to the State Convention. The Laite Couty Medîcal eociely beld lils quarterly meeting at FHgih land Park Tuesday nigit;' Dinner wae served et soven oclocit at the. Mor- aine botol. The following physiciant from Waukegan.drove tothe-meetlnc In autos:lDrs. Ambrose, harkor. FBel- lows, Foley Herachleder and Tom- liaugi. They report an excellent Two changes were decided iton. Tboy are- Flrât-The regular meetings In- stead of heing hieldi quafterly wlll be held monthly. Second-A unIform ijuarantîne reg- ulatIrîn throughout fhe county was de- cided upicns andi ail fhemembere ofl t he modical socief y will work toward that endi. There la now no unirorm q<uarantlne regulaflone In the cnunty. For In- stance, authorittes or one community may quarantine for flie or six woeks for some contaglous diseasi' while In anoîber communify they willift the quarantine ban ln two or three weekq. This resulfa ln confusion and dissat- lfaction. Tbe medîcal society wli ondoavor f0 take thee matter up ln work on a neautiful nome, wnîcn, Itwo1 la aid. viii cot upwards orf$10(),000. now les ai w on the fele.rah roati suci a way that lbe regulalions On tie Donlly ferni, The. E. Wil- and also on lhe ast and west road fhrougiiou thie counfy vîI li e the son ot Chicago, presient of lhe Nel near their iroporties. Thia money samne. Dr. H. fII. lOberte of Highlandi on MIorris Packing company, 1la rct- they lurned over f0 ftie fowo, or con- Part and Dr. 1,. H. Tombaugb of Wau- ing: iracfed 1in do su In order f0 hase the. kegan were appointodl as a commiflee Superinfendent's home. rosid work dune riait andi not lie .1 f faite up fie mattor and arrange If A buge lare. burden 10 faxpayers. safisfactorily. Abd, tinlaiase known fiat, wien Mr. Wilson le to make a specialty 1mas moregfrduthldifnvastheclete thai. tirt buldinga are finiaieti, ho on hie place of raimîng fine biorees, Inhatorifrii hupole f0 w s ecue alec viii ret & basutiful home to cost andi ha nov bas liffeen head grazing grafer niitbeossben tisoer- A Mr. Erickson cf Chicago le arcfu-o l eno.Hemzinedn. bers of the medical profession of fie tact for Woodin. ville George Dip- John Dixon. already has arrived fromi Poil le archfet for Wilson. Fort Wayne, to taite charge of ma:- county If the meetings are helti more Mr. DIppel le personally On the tors anti belli eroit the home viiero oflen. Thon. fo0. il willlgîte thom ground and bae charge of the con- hie family wlll reelde, in a nîceîy lu- an oîstortunlty 10 diseuse vIf i each struction vonkt tas going on on cafed tract near the. road. maffiers problema that ariee from fume bath th Wilson and the Woodlo People drl'.ing ho Liberfyville can t ie places. ditînguiel the. McKeown farm hy Dr. J. P. ONeil of Highland Park The Woodin place le on lie veet glancîna to the nortiveet as tisey vas electeti delegate f0 the tate con. aideof elerap rod wileWilondrie wst rai nv Pontsandsepvent ion which lJef0 lie beld et Spring- le on theoeuft aide of lie road. Botb the buge white haronvbh etandse ouf fieldi ln lie near future. Dr. M. Paces are not fer south of Belvidere againet tii. sky. This barn le saitifo Herschieder or Wauitegan was eiecfed etreet. Telegragîi road le the tirâtIlefelrti ate oufy a Iternate. nrh nd ot ieDd f unba40tx160 fot and accommodates 5( The folowing program was giveTs: Have id-Tracka in. heati of caille and lie uppor portion ,'cnI -tnrr1c,,c. tirof taste'in Thaftiihese men are man of influence 1 le shown by the faitthat a switch track wae laid from the veat banch of fie North Western ln ortier f0 baul materlal lto their propert>'. The1 N4orth Western orlginaliy lntendedf nover to lay a evltch tracit for any- body off of their main weat ino vhich vas iîuit for spesti. but.viion menoff MeKeown's. Wisona and Woodlna standing made 'a r.quet for tacit ac-i çommodatIons If ditnt faie long for ralmroati officiaIs to compi>' vith tbeir desires. Tii. presence of these men ln the. localit>' has alec reaulted inI the Sit. Paul alroati topplng trains tE Warrenton whlch nover before voulti oves hsitate at fiat amail station. The coming of Mesrs. Wilson and Wooden Int that section meane tthe boomina of property tiiemabouts as It9 marks the nortbwarti mamch past Laie Bluff and Lait, Purent of lb. wealtiy ('hicagoans ln heir desime to bave ino country placee handtio Chicago. Tbeire are the filet places tu he start-j cd ln the ferrltory Iying north of the oad leading tinLbertyville trom Fîve l'oints. Anti 1n confection wvl thfe exten- sive plans wblcii theme mon nov are carying on ln tiie erectionofo the pre- liminar>' buildings, the Installation of fine shrubbemy, etc., If le Intereat- lng to itnow fhat Alexander F. Me- Iteovu. voil knovn ln Waukegan, alse la aying plans for the erection on hie 770 acre tract of a heaufiful bomne vbtcb viii make fhree bandi- wihi hoitiMout ons out bey. Credît to McKeowui. 'ilucb ofthfe credif le due Mr. Mc- Keonîtfor Intore8ting tIhicagoans ila farmina iroierty anti summor homos ln the district north of fhe li've Points road. Titere. yoars ago. ho sav what would prove a beautîful eum- mer home district and lier. bo invest- ed heavlly iimseif anti later bis pros- once and buge bulings attracteti ohhers until the îîew district le open- eti Up anti ilfltitthat If viit eoit woriing northward and tiiel, ee long. many more big estates will be con- verteti into summner places for rich Chicagoana, stch as 'Messrs. Wilson. Wuodln anti McKeown. Have Much Under Option. But, in connect ion vifi tb ese deai. if la lnteretng to note hoy tbey weme matie anti vio mati. Ihem. Stahi anti Conradi of Waukegan hantil- edthor emIn fie cases of Wilson anti Wootin anti, If Io saldt fat the Wau- itegan reait>' firm at the preeenf fime bas 32 other pleces of land untior option in hopes of intereaUIng other Chicagoane In locatlng thelr homos tu that district. Dîriog fthe past severai veelts the local roal etato firm iandled secrn farmn sales vlth a total lnveefnsent of Djiscussion oponed b>' Dr. Il. B. Rtoberts. PaLper- liylîcrîeihroma, lDr. P .Ni Barit r. Discutssiotn openeti b>' tr. A. R. Sheltion. Paper-Funetional1 lests ilu enai Idishurbance, Dr M. fler8chieder. Discussion oîîened hy Dr. W. S. Bel. lova. Case Reportaftenai surger>', Dr. J. C. Foley. JUDGE DAVID T. SMILEV. McHenry county jui e, of County court. who, this week announced that lie in a candidate forircut judge in this, the llth judicial district, against Judges Donnelly, Edwards antd Frost. EXTRACTION 0f, À B-AN KER'S TfETII ' IS' ALMOST 'FATAL0 Highland ParkýBank Cashifr in, Serlous Condition Fromý Loss of Bîood. IT CEMENTS FRIENDSHIP. 1IHIS CASE IS ONE 0F A FEW.1 Effort Is Made to Encourage and Remind People to 'Buy Goods at Home.' Wauiteaab ivn"P0hatF'oacquaint- ed wlhh country merchants \Wedis- day. Thaf le. 0ev nierclianîs ilu the .-uuu- t>' seat anti new inerchants in flic country towns sbî,îk banda and tait- ed over business rdf ons od tmer- chante of th~ e, t(ifferent districts renewed oid acquabitîances. Unusual Circumstances Sur- round Case Which Attracts Attention atHighland Pk. C2harles P'. Grant. 35 years olti anti cashier of lte Hlgiîland Park Stafe Blanit* la ln a serious condition ai the Aug uatana hospîtal as lhe resulf of insa of blood afier the extraction of Iveise teih Slonday. The liediîîg kelît Mr. Grant awake ail Of Monday night atnd the. Tamiiy ph ysician sum nîoned yestorday vas unabie f0ostol)thle lus, of Wîoodi. Fear an., that his patientrniietbilleedti t The occasions us-thle tour Ibrough :ethal.tfe ii>stcian, i)r. l.ioytiM. nothera Laite cni-villages ut Ms. Bergen, sentIir.tGrant lu the hospitai auto loada of taikegan business menin lC hicago. wiio went for th,. solo purîtose orfi)r. N. M. t'erry foui thti case In siîtving the cutisry merchantstilpt anti anti at :; o'ciock yesterday att- -ttternoon twenty tfour hours after if flic> are condutiîg a tamlîaignu trig Iegan-succectlcd iii atopfth fe lues lng TRALIE IN L \Klî'OUNTY idea,(tt blond. on fhe mmnd of il.publile. *This is tht- resitf o a itienome- In est-h towu tlît isaitora nmade' aîlî.tinîophiia -a rallier rare case," tour of fie huit-ss districts. suait said Dr. Percv. 'We fimtd thee Iog banda wilhî liw merchanîs anîd lleîr, as we cali thom, about une teiling that the W.tN',kegan club wasn't lu 10,000t cases. ouf looking ortoc 'ut ess for Its owni "lu s causeti hy a condition of the memiers but joiî.î ing tb instili nlîotî,whicbhrevests coagulation. if lu thie mincis orfiii' *,îtutry folksts fat, doca tiot ntean tîsat the ptatient la in oser>' cent theY- 'idlutin la'ie counîy 111 heaith of au>' iînti." )1-Discussion ohtetîctl ly Dr. J. iL. Tay-1 1. indirecfhy uset,- help Laite WIIOLE STATE I115 FORCING AÀ SUNDAY LAW IN EARNEST House Body Recommends the Passage of Measure Provid- ing Penalty for Off icials. Srnfelti, Ill., April 28.-tIlinols ma>' get a Suntiay closing lav affectina erory saloon In fie state, Chicago in- cludeti, fiat vili ho more tien a 'deati1 et e," if fie bIh reporteti otutfthe . bouse tomîterance commit tee hecomes1 eome pliaces ln thaf vîcinify, eacii le. $l100,720, anti, tiie farta lande have a1ev, lng bulit ln a vay te contorm f0 the solti at a fine figure. Belov are shovo Tii. bihi came ouf tonîgh ithl general situation of the otiier. It le the nomes of the most Important unaf<mous vote. It sîrengtîeos the finovu tiat M. %IcKeown viso some transactions whichtis husfling firm Present statufe, heidt o le Ineffective yeara ago began huying landtIin that bas comîueteti lafely. ln many countieg, su thaf a ieavy locallty, hati plane matie for is ovn Guy' D. Wootiln. purchaser et Chas, Penalty lile, against officiais, from residence, but vas vaîtîna for the op- Brovn, 166 acres ai $200, $32,000; KCel. state', att orneys tiovn. vho do not at- porfune time to efart t hem anti if nov 1ly place, 80 acres et $200, $16.000; H. tempt f0 enforce the 1ev, develope fie time ls not distant vben Merimanea 80 acres, ai $200, $16,000. The bouse jutiiary committee un- bis beautiful farma viii ho graceti Tho. B, Wilseon, purchaser of Bld. expectetil> roportoti tavoraîl> tihe wlfh s ment bantisomre home. dînger famm, 60 acres, at $150, $9.000; anfi-cîgamot bill vilci prohibita the Mr. McKeown bas juef 771 acres of Donneli>' farm, 80 acres at $150. $12.- manufacture, sale or gft of cigarete. lanti on fie tract in question. If lies 000. The bouse license committe, re- just norf h of fhe Five Points roand Wm. Tiiompeon, purchaser of Krueger porteti ouf fie Merritt billviici Ieadlng te Ubrtyvihle, anti haif Io on Iros, 72 acres at $115, $9.720. voulti aholsh tlpping ln ahi butais the at anti bal on fho e ef aie'oro A. Salmi, purciieser of 5Sylvester anti other public places, ciaimedtiet what la knovn as Telograpi foaod. place, 60 acresi et $100, $6,000, bo aimeçI at theo tippine trust." cîîutitv anti that e vcry t tT ats gîtent ouII aiie of Laite (-t,jntfvla tfat muia taitoî awsy frontitake count>'. In each îown i t- itircbants recels-- c d lb. vistors %%Pt enthuslssm sud a kindly spirit: iiicxcii case tii.> promiseti co-operaionnsu, far as fpos- eile. _ some of tW. *arger places If va, urge ont1iti itWaukegan men f0 senti a conîiie fo their ovn email commercial - til meetings and fait thinge oser lii a formai session. This ma>' lc dilîtît.StL.akeo Villa, Grayehake anti Routîtt Lakte. BUY AT iIO\Fl- were thie words vhich fluafeti troîti lanners in tic front of oaci o!rflic cars anti, as fhîcy passeti country pitt-i's, even chltren were beard f0 yell tott: "-Buy whaf ai homo?" andi the invariable repi>' of fie aufoists was: 'l'veythlng," Tii, part y of lw(t-iiy-sevon mon bad dinner ah the Siuonts bouse, Anfiochi. after uvblcb fie>' tv"nt f0 Laite Villa. The route tooïi tht' art>' ail ovor ftîe nothern lier of ft)wf anti on Fr1- day tiiey laite tite southern portion, intendîf g b>' su dolng, f0 cuver thie entîre couufy. Tbe tourîsts as a viiole, wien fhey roturneti at 5:30,. wore much eateti over the receit ion lii.> hati recel veti: tbey feit lie>' hati gof dloser ln tonch; vltb tiie country nierchants and tbey foit fiat a big stritie bad been matie to iring tbe coutnry'ant i cty doser together iu an Industriel vayy. Tlît'rt- s nu extlatat ion of the cause of te au ca 1ied "liaemophilia," ac- ctrdiUg lu physiclans who dlacussed the case, 0- Marriage Licenses @ hLawrenc .1. DeSwarlc Milwaukee, Wct., 43. .Marlitiaoseri santie, Flarry %V. Qualîîtaîîcc. Tamplico, fil., Florenîce .1. Ktelly, Walnut, Ill., 24. Chlarles W . Aiuiersof, auitegan, Mi., :;2. Flotretnce Watts. samne. 26. Jantes E-. Taylor. Waukegati, Ill., 24. Eiiel Simonttîtsante. 25. George E. Kt'lly, Antioci, Ill., 25. I arrie lietî'tfy, sanie, 18. O BIT U ARY. [arry' Willianm, only soit of William 4 CIRCUIT JUD(iIS VIDED-BY-NEW-LAW Develops That There ls a Bill Now on Its Third Reading at Springfield. IS BOONE SLATED FOR IT? ReportedThat Feeling-Is iudge DeWolf .Would Be Mùn Ten- dered -the N ew -Plate. -BULLETIN.. Springfilid, 111., ApriI,, 28.- Lieut. Gov. Barratt OMHara Tues- day s¶gned RepreentIve-. gais emnergencybill providng.foreia additlonal Circuit court judges ln Cook county. Thse meaure ha. heen paamed by both houmes, aed 1 naw goes ta the governor, Who la eapected ta slgn It. As smon es the billlesigned It wil ,becomne 1 effective, mc diAat the addltionmi judges cam ha . elected -,et ,tie judicial election lni June. A tact of intereat In the Judicial I situationln tIlig.,tÙi l7th dlàmIt4,ls willgivei4the td1msit' four pcîirciii iu4 jainstead ofitbree as IB!tboeýcaàeA at pI¶nt. , j .Andl,\If that law doea becpte op- oratiN'os what 'county vil g. et f oethfjtudge?t 1Teýanswer asmade bylthipe wb Boolelcou'otyj et ,theirecéntýj~ vi-l convention, throdibl lils de 1a tion, came'frwrd leagodh ittt Weare by fe r the. itallOst coulty;, '.. i431ILI*ie. Mcfiênry and Wlinue- hafc.l aying the Judges as la the case, atCipl8ent; therefore. ve do nof offer. any candidate at this convention; vo are to stand solidly for the three mit- îing jutiges, Donoelly, Frost and Ed-' ,wards.' So, If four Judges are to be the rule heeaffer, Boono, by ail fairnees, It la argued, ehouldbl ie vn tb. fourtb. 8111 Up for Signaturae& The "six Judgee blli" pameed botb bjouses by a two-thirds vote as emer- gency logisiat ion, but If bas not reach- cd Governor Dunne liecause If bas nt boen slgned by the lieutenant govern- or. Impeachment proceedînga againet Lieutenant Govrnor Ilarratt Ol-tara for failure to sign the bill creatlng the now Circuif court judcahips are tteing discusaed lyth fe Cookt county Itopublican county committee. Tbey wiil consuit today to decide whefhor they shouitisentd emisearlea f0 Spring- fieldi to urge the. bouse fapensa articles plalcng the lieutenant governor on triai before the bar of the soate. "Palpable omission oif duty," le tie charge on which they may seek ac- tion. County Chairman Daviti F. Matcheft and others have been busy for sev- oral days looktng into the modus oit- erandi of [mpeachmenf s. Tiey malin- tain that the signlng of bills by the proaidlng officer of the fwo bouses !a merely a miniterlal duîy. The way this new bill happenod ta come Into existence, vias ibis: Cook coufity as'ied for six newi jutiges for the Circuit hench. The stafo pays the jutiges their salaries, so. the out- aide cotnties came back tof Cook wlth: "If yon take six more, then give us one more ln oaci district." anti. It la saiti. the Cook counity represonta- tires who advocafed the change in Cook cuunty aesquiescsed in the coun- her proposition andtihle bill bas gone ahoat i vthout any proteBt being rais- ed aganat fif. If seemas certai it wil liecome a iaw. "Watchfuiiy Waiting." And, If la sait It la this bllI whicb iantia uis chiclsertof Gurne, wascaused ti dtge Smiley o! Woodetock. -outrageons, anti If begln u, f0 Ppana humn ai lruices Laite. Jul>'31, 1913. DeWolf of Boone, anti Persona of tisat a drastlc remeti> shouid hoe. dited Aitril 21, 1915. The funeral vas Laite, uftIhue count>' beucii, to itilt piieti. The inlng or a blU by the belti tram fie borne iti burial at hacit annouocing their prospective presldîng offIcer o! eacis bo«mela pure W'arren cemefery, candidacies for fie Circuit bonch, as, 1>' a ministerlal dut>'. Wheu eiher fie>' figureti, 80 dope the vise unes, officer fails to elan a blU &ad iluche CARO 0F THANKS. fiat fie>' vouiti bave a gooti chance a gooti reasun. he la deroelit lu bis We wisb ltiitank out friends anti ut lantilng tie fourfi job in caso fie dol>' la b, nOf? neighîors for their kinti sympati>' lav la effective. "Our information in tnat tue ix tiurlng tfli linesa anti ieath of aur ifovover, it ia also a coatanty that. 1udges tbill vont tu Mr. OHarsm mm darftng baby; aiea for fie man>' beau- in the evout of theo 1ev ps.slng.the ihan a veek &go. eo inemboeuof il. litil l flers. ues vo hadto do vlfh the nomlinat- soname se>'. Why bas It been hlteti Mîr. anti Mrs. \Vîîî Schlcier. lng of Justges Frost, Etivards andnlnifs vay 10 Goyernor Dunne for VOt.O %L Wkly. If Donneily viii mereiy get togetber af or appreval? - ,-., TliE-BUY,'AT-IOME PARADE 1>ROVES A BUSINESS BOOSTER 1Waukegan Business Men Meet the Country Merchants Dur- ing Wednesday Trip. DIRECTORS ARE -1 POINTfED FO-R These Directors From Ail Parts of County Were Appointed by Preffident.White. WILL MEET ON.MAYýElQHTi4. Discuss. the Ma tgr:of tiidng Soil ,Expert-M~llDeoide 4 the.lMatteriSoon. Tii. L.ake, County Farm çfImpmova. ment association la ,near* comptetioli and týhe.fInal arrangementas wIll >h. niadeslhortly... The, ireçtors,,for,,th varlous towns in lhe con¶ bavt~ selected as follows: Ed. Bacon, Wxuconda, McHeury, III.. R. F. D. Fred.'Kirgcbner, Cuba. Barriaton. Arthur z tanforth, ,Grant, Round Laike. -A. N.' Tiffany. West Antioch. D. H-. mifito, ZEut Antloch. J. J. Rouge, F,ýnsont. Ares. E. M. Wlleni, i~,vl Wm. ub4eît DdId. ,field.i P~ jPaul e ýZ..ýjei s. e GordonBoer e C. C. Ame . a* n. SClarensce 04fl. Aq wo We out. ,'The a . f va4»ugý coni;mIttees «;r* anto in'de.'q brouiac tee.1 tçgether - with tecutelsoeth >membere. The uaming ,of. the committeffa 14u up te B. M. Wblitoe, pres4Mpto association. bàut, ho basA" .ao directors to as-ilst hindaL ý )le bas'called a Meetig.tôOs>- May 8, 1915, ait which'sll the!i~' are urged te be promeut. At :0ismot ing It la probable that ail plano *l ho made for furtiier business ad the~ organIzation wilI b. complotedl. The chances are that nothlng will be done at thie time toward the hir- ing of a soil expert as the matinue14l g0 fer advanced that he couid inet ho of much assistance te te pring cropa. Thon tuo, theo association la net fully completed as yet. But Inasmucb as the charter h"a been secured the plan la te hire the soit expert at the eariiest possiuble moment. another serni-oi'Iicial convention and nomînate Judg, DeWolf of Bmono county In ordor to permit each courty In thue district te have a Circuit judge. In that event there would ho four nominees of the convention and, if Judges Smiloy of Bonne, or Persans of Lake, ontered the content th.y would hd running against theofieid. Thlnk Oath la Vioiatéd. Repuîlican. cbbefm lualat tust Udu- tenant Govornor 'Ham haa no dis- cretionary power in the matter. sud they argue tlsat lu withho4ding hi.. signature O'Hara la vlolating hlm oatu f0 "faltbfuily discharge the duties of the office." The Republicans point out that the constitutiou mWies ail civ!! o0cars of the. etate lhable to "limpeachfnt for any miedemoanor In oMfce." In digging t.brough the criminal code thoy have come acrome s provisioa covering palpable omission of duty, and this they mainfaîn la apparsiltly muffclent for impeachment pufiposea. "We are stili looking up the a. said County Chairman Matcheît lait, uight. "The. action of the liintéà governor ie heing denounced by la*- yers and candidates and othera ma 1

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