CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 12

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r MÂY7 1915- Overy othe-r ommualwnty ,îe couaty. lu ibort, IFitsli eowty people 3L TOGTE*,. theyIre AUL bonef- M&d An&daBUT ONE = a hould usûr IV UZ'~QDY p b b. 1 . t liou Ibat each imdi- v»sid' nter"stuare mutual-what hlipu one cannob help but aid th. others.î in a recent mqultne article, -Samuel G. Elythe pun- dtures the Japanese menace M fui# holes. Re points out the tact that ah. ight captnuie 0-f our Island poses- abuns and evon Invade lb. -Ub'ttsd SCotes but iu 1h. snd Would b. overwhelmed. 'Me.-do.. not bar nor doeasah. a~dbfear our fighting forces but what would boat ber li ~wuld b. Unaleofa's pocketbook.A head b 0"people arled i -1he limit. Auy fathe y wpsld amt tc, coul Son.Ur.AIOUIith. Uutodg S a eand greau urourtaxbilflbut tbey AfflM compt! w#l t 11..Of Japan. The money a&a4 tbe resources oi this nation are the lhlng la ehand. f the vould-be *spoiler. ,Tbey m.Ui moaurance wo bave Ibat envious and ambitionsnaos lot31. us very much algue. Itreally looks as if lbe suit now startec! by which &0. t4qu M Zon City loes aare tbeb.tested as t th. power to »1 drug gtor.s, etc., via leaïes, la a stop which ahould ~be.u saxated lopgMW1go and lima have 1h. mooteclquest- b . c# IMywk ad oUttt%é bWounwbchit, ýee tmi%1he bi4ûba on whlch It eaabliabed, : ' d'a clausi wbtcI orbade drugstores, e., lsn't lm. sf ot mprdehon-tor eisybody knew that vui tob o ofth lO uré o t e ot  A d we say e ~1tou ~, esonal uWpuIlq , ba drug store linZMoi, vs ~ i ailVli~3oX ele.thtsc tr teesyothllf~ eIau a whole. How- lil do. eeé Oh~ei1h ttt Iej, W . ieO s mh. tov m d ot et uU B4 fi~xpctsOM hâbve a l~tho1A Ui .abee llOBOCAMFBROK~ i -~ Waub.gaa ~ ~I ENUPPYCOMISION. I ER 6EO. POWELL ..-~IaD. Haney. a brother cg lial Omr*1.rM. J. Iaey of Wiukegan pdl a foroer residant of Wai*apmablet- 1"s, asrried lu Chlcso,,,ui 11937dairstesmoou ta miss IIllsaiatb Jmhaay aIma or! tt alty.. T5. WM ec1.k-place la -t. UlvlyU4I nibchrh Rev. Pathor 0OBrten Èïtlu. The couple werc attend- r bK . .J. Haàcy of Waukalmn aud qfua.menauM ubns ofChlcago. op sud ira. W. E. ToU anid tjaber, Pialle, wcre up f roua Chi- caWadnoeidlyvisiting thelu douge- Zê. lir. 1. kJouIs, ni ibm. aflen- u»Wsthye drova 10 Ib mo f Ciu- te.1à Toi aI Gaes cornera uhere lte &er Ur. Toll sud lira. Ciluton Toit $teWtecd thir brthdays together, Il *hppenIng Ihatteïr natal dey la Q*th aine date. Thcy alwsys ~beerve t1ýs qaut togthar at one or othcr'i uJr Bon Thackar sud son Lewin tide, Ps., are vIsiting Clucuit li.& ra kU 0.Breckway. lMum &,m .Mu. Tlicobr, uit. 1mW'uaprincipal of the Sbas beeau rs4ecd uoedî- t of the sechaclsat Newcate t Will Ma ta Waukegan lu June Y'apeud lhe Summer heu-eulit is holil,. Cosmlission-ar E. V. O)rvîs mstatad tçday fiat ha la uow du-swing papers 2%Ï vaiCh ha lutends lmmelataly ta lna suit lu circuit court anaigt- ~oPpe sud Pope for the vecor- Ma I batwesu $6000 sud $7.. eï~ be maya.qiS Paidt tem forl.- Services nendarati durlug Ibe yeara P" Udlgltaelast administration and 14lciha d caims lhey bad un rlght to.1 Attou-uey Guy Backus, formerly cf Wgukegan but now of lowa, uhere ha b4s beau a cily atorney lu i home OUFv for some lime, bas been vlsltlng 1.lends in Laite connty. Walter lIcou-g, a .cnipple, uas arnestu 94 l<anday lgbt ai 10:30 ociock eu & cbm4ge Of begging Ounlte streets. He- ",M t e nlgbtlnlutIbmCity lai). u-. Phil Malman reluruedti heu- hou.e on Clarke avenu. at eveniug ~wChicago ubene ah. spent a feu 7svsting ber alher, M. k Uilth. MdcaUi. Joseph Mou-iaof Car- tliïwBll, Ill., au-c vislting with titelu- sçp. T. A. Mouris, eT Southt Shermdan U*sd.. for a feu days. *00 'm -ch4~ heu-c of the binli of a Nsaj ma.daY tu lira. M. L. Richiardison *i. puaij.2 ,fornmeniy of Pairview 110014>WaukMu, Ol %a s stiminf P& . 4 mmn" Complaint'Had Beon Made to Hlmn That. Hoboes Wee Camping oi, the Flats. WERE NEAR GILLETTE AVE. People Complained ecause. Smai Boys Made Ut àPlan to Visit the Camp. Waukmgau, IMay 3. Commlssioner George Powell r"qilv- md a complaint ou Sunday uigbt ltiat a numbon 0f boboea had aalablisbed as camp at Ibm foot of Giliette avenue and Ibm request wusmade Ibat the nuisance be abateti. Mn. Powell saut iPolicemen Lyous, Booth sud Mets tb Lite acene lu tbm police pàtuoi. The fatllows were placeti undar au-nemi. e Thay gave Ihair names as follius: kMika tlobus, &ad33. Niai Ullk m* d28 Ben Wluklar, agad 20. G. Wiukler. sgad 22. John Schreluer, aged 46. Robent Stewart, ageti 40. The fellous speut ibe uighî ln Ibm clty mail sud Ibis morning ',One asow- > d la go upon thair promise tbat lbay wouid imave the city lImmedislcly sud upon the uarnlug thal If tbmy ucre caugbt lu a nepellîlon o! Ibm offemu Ihal they wll be given a longer sob tanna ln Jail. People ling on North Sienldan rosi complalu ibat fou- nore lima the hoboes hava bad a camp on Ibm faid. Thay build lau-gm honOires there &ud make tain homne tiare for tisys sa "e.aOua of the objections le 1b1 1Mail boys have beeu vlaltiug ltae camp aud It ls faIt Ibat Ibis ls uoltich proper muvîroumeut for Ibm youuug- stars. Buy It Now The smr wuof bu+i VM pem m wii . it noww&y Js'W BAR WELL BY BUCK Marion Street Property, to Be UsO«for Settiement Work, ChangesHands. BUSINESS BRISK IN WEEK. Total -Loans Were $66,342 With 90 Transfers-Deals Ail Over County. Business of the recorders office for the week leudlug May 1, 1915: Number of luansfera, 90. Numbar of lbans, 33. Total number of Instruments fimed, 128.1 -Total amount of lbans, 166,342.87. Business bas been rather bu-tek dur- théIb wesk. the more Important 0aisbings sown below loans are gti11 bcio the average. Sb Beuton township the master ln çh4uceu-y aolint Samuel S. Hoimes thi Bayes holdings of 170 acres ln sec- ttlou 34 snd 35 for $40000, the smre h*lng sold under order ofrtle circuit court. lai Mon Wlbur G. Voliva secured a iffu of $20.000 on 120 acres ln section "$ lu Newport township. Rose Webb lought thm William Peudor faru of gg,,acres in section 4 for a nominal oonelderatiou. lun Avow township D. Edward Mce- Outre b.a*ht froua Mary F. Thomson part of the west hait southwest quar- e sectioun.27 for $2,006. In Warren townsbip.nton and TiI- dOs Salmi bought rom Margaret Syl- "lo' mort or Iç a lo Nore tIn tr1 aiIi bodt Jotm bois aide sicl DI CIAJ STORWSI New Yok, May 4.-The compiaint Illed Wlth the United States attorliey gèeou-s by lhe Independent Retal Tobaccaulat A»Ssocation of America asking the dissolution of the United Cgar Stores Company of America as An Illegal canibluation under the Shermén anti-trust law ha. been for. Wardede heu-e to Speclal Assistant At- tou-ney (limerai Claude A. Thoqipson for Investigation. The compiaint alieges that the Amn. encean Tobacco com)>auy disposes of le products only to the United Cigar @tores Couipauy of American mna r.- fusas to oslI. 10 ludependeut dealers: that the United Cigar Stores compauy la cOnuected wllh the United Profit Sharln; orporation, whlch deis t. coupoifand giT t enterprises. NORTHI ClICAEiO The Puogrese club met lait eveulng lu sPaclal session for the purposa 01 taWilng Up the matier af thc Pourti of July calabnUton tht they plan t0 Pull Off airoes' ar-k this yeau-. A goodly number was present con. sldering the weather. Pive new names were added tu the club. Karl Nelson, Andro Pucin, Chanrlesud Carl KnlcieIbean, andi Louis YourjevWà A committes was appoiuted to, take up some matters of Impuovemeut ai the Park with thm park board. The committee waa as follows, Messrg. DeYoe, Kaplin autO Nelson. The que%- ion e a' a lurih of Jily celabration was discusaad ai Iangth and'al tha members pressaI weré enthliaîic lu having Ibis tie greaesit celebu-tiai aver given banc. The matter of parade was taken up sud msny thougbt it would be a good plan oa -u.1 etgr TaLa nominal cousideration 40 have a goond aId fashion parade. Presl- rs ln lhe southeast quarter of sec- dént; Brean thought that the naval la 40 boys mugit bo Inducedti t help wlth IpL 14bmrtyville Alice Kelly aold îwo this. On account of the reain a num- *t4#M etgbsreet to Rose Dienbaugh ber of the gaci workers af the dluo "MbI t Haessey for $1.150 and Ju- were flot prenent, neol waa thougit ýLPu-Ice soid tu Thomas and Fran- l>est te os»Ospne the appointing Of a oie a 60-foot lot on Hlgb street the cammittoas until the regular meet- $400. ing Thursday evenlng. ir4 aucoda nd Cba ownsips Little C*tlbarine Mrakuzlc, 6 months aWarren Powers Tarm of 130 acres odduhe fPakMiizeo w sold by Cella M. Poweu-s ta Aug- Narth Chicago. dieO Sunday afiornoon tMavis for- a nominal U~nslderation. at three o'clook atîhe Lake Bluff ou-- MainI gave baclt a trust deed phanage of Tuberculosis. A teir $8,000.monîha ago lirs. Mu-akusir. was ne- l* ishgn Pak eveal eas wremoved tathe, Lake CouiLty (eneral Codd he u Parksteve<is wteehospîtal sufffering of the marne dîsease. ou-dd. he iggeî Ou blng Ilm was found necessary ti, send tbe le of the Fre derlck P. Reati proper- ffve chUldren lu dIfferent homes and ,of Oive acres an Sheridan road lu 'the youngest was sent t0 Lake Bluff. eth Highilandi addition to Conradi H. There was saine oxcltement Sunday eppaubansen for $19,750. morning, in Police quartera. As the Predeu-Ick M. SImule solti a 76-foot two new policemen were ueturning on Ravine avenue te Martha Zim- from their bas ta the north aide )rmau for a nominal consideralion. Ibey gaw a man worklug at lbe cash gx J liooney bougbt a lot on Me- drawer lu George Gehliug's barber ieis avenue from William J. Scee- îhop. Word was sent te the station f9r Uf,000 and Ralpb A. Bard bougbl wbile eue of tbemk toa'& hie place ai lo on Sheridan road Trou John V. the front andîbe other ai the rear of -cross for $410. the store. Leslie Davisto! Ihe station i0 North Chicago Daniel Dockstader came on ibherun ouly te Sud Ihat kl 14f al afinTlereat lu 116 lots 10 Pe_ waa Mr. Gehring blusOîf cbecking up Pble for a nominal conaidenatiou bis cash account. The new farce are dPeter Eble conveyed 120 lots te breaklug loto ibm work inufine shape.ý loIl Doikatader. The basebaîl seasan epened lu full ImL Waukegan several lnteu-esting blast yesterday with a redl hot gake, M ecilcns took place, among them bctweeu tbe Polonla aociety bail club lg the recording of ibe deed from aud the Cheaters. City Atly. Pu-si- .d W. Buck sud David E. Clarke te bau-ai Pitched the Oirat bail. Thé li W. Barwell of the lot on_,Mar- Polonlas have a fant buuch cf young xs treet ta be usdaitas a seltlemeut fellows and they put Up a gond game ls aad aise the sale, by Jacobi Gold- fTar the tiret game of the soseon. The m»dI et, is fiat building aI HaL1M- score wus5 t la n halu-favar. l avenue and MUister avenue, te The lecture given by Prof. Kennedy. p4tbs 'B. Walnwnlght sud Waln- laie of Chicago University, waa given fit Soveyed ta Goldscbmldt 13 10 a fair slzed audience lait evenlug a n Blmwood avenue, a lot On n sd s veu-y well rcceived. Prof. 'rIon street sud two lots oun u-OOk- Kennedy dlacussed many of Ibe social lavenue. problema of tbm prenant day. lavillo 9. Wilhur sold bie bouae on Rev. Newliu cloacti his achool work lee avenue to Ernal H. sud Jeu- St the McCormick Semluary yesterday 7. Harper for $3,500. andi expect tb speuti the Summer lu North Chicago. Mr. Neullu bas doue 'PwUWiSUEA5Ta.s.Plendid work lu North Chicago RMWIMM I sine he bas been hereand bas at the same lime kept up bis achool il m-Tu PENSION ok FROM WIRE GO. Esther ,Nourse of DeKaIb WiII BS etired From Steel Company Service. Fou- thec Oral lime lu Ibm blstory 01 tae DeKalb steel mliii. a uoran apiploya 0f the bg Iudustry la 10 be Iei a ppnsion. having fulâlIed the t0pt cf euuploypet for thecocmpauy and lse pu-deccasors. Tbc lortunate anc la Miss Ester Nourie &W mia bas beau lu the m- ploy0fr the sIeel corporation or Ils pcOefflou-s for the period o<f 22 ~m'sé stIzn as a vcry Young gil- 191àtb. actou-y when il was owued by tha llwood luteres. Trire have uieen instances la 01cr or the mille uhere tic pension sys-j t"m bas gîven .funds 10 feminiua uou-k- ert tfhe auest simîmut, but titis la lbe rut Instance viere lt has ual-bcd ta ti tend Iu the DeKai uilils. '- ' il baa beau reported Ibal some boys bave been goiug ouIta Ibmhe day dump pile sud coljedtiug rb- bush lu baga ta seil otae IbmL- brau-y club ladies ou dlean-up day. A speclal meting of Ibm ladies Il- bran' club comucll was halO ysterday and an ordinanca passed prohibltný Ibe practica. They fesi Ibat lie-m la rtibbisb euougb lu tic clty hulas, with. OuI going mbt Waukegan or outalde O! Ibm clty for Il. Hereaftr a flue of 6 cents peu- ssck will ba Imposeti for- cvery violation of theoradînauce. Trweuty-aeven saloons have pnb Ibeirliîcenam rau- thc ymar of 1915. The iollowiag la tae lisI of the ucu finemnen for North Chcago- J. D. Sullilvan, chlef; W. A. Wiit, 41au*rY Denman, 'Hue~ Drury, Rober-t Kapbalm, Joseph Belon,'John Svetlich. There have blicoesftrai as. siaruas but no reai lu-ailusce tbm ncw dapartment took charge, Tbmre wilî lie a regular dr-i Thureday cvenlng. Bom ou-aMu. sud lMu-s. Don Sayior Monday, an 8% pounti sou. _______ t 206-208- 210-212 North smoses Street wauh sgan, Sillinols THE- STORE FOR WOWEN Some of the Biggest Money Saving Opportunities Ever Presented are Found liere SA T. AND MO N. New $1.50 and $2.00 Chlldren's Wash Dresses, 9 Speclal o e o 95teCalsuha Ileatîtifiul Iem 1stylesi]th eybest wudhintras uh s gingliains, ereps, vhaînirax'nma(da, tc \Lany îaxîdsonc colors and color combinations and dainty tr lunnng. Sizes 1far<11111 i )de, liget ot 15) yar's. More Full Lenig th Crepe Ki.o..,, 79c I-egîlar $1X(>{arutîclîtt- Xaslîable v-iepes ini îew sty les and miî- liîually ptetty <Itsigis. Satinîi ti-- ilîgs. Colors anîd conîbinations of' lav- endeî-, piîik, blue, red, gr-ay, 79 c navY, etc. Sat. and Mon. .... The COATS SATURDAY AND MONDAY AT 1500 7,95 12.e50 1Are the Season's Bout Values. New~ st vles and fashioui- able niaterials in the Nvait- ed colors. Beautiful lelted and flare bottorn and sport styles; ail sizes. New 1.50 and 2.00 1 f Wash Dresses 1000U A îîew sliiîeîî(.it or' tlîes< i(.tvdresses thiat ai-e so iniîlîi in <ieîiaîitlf'îiîdooî- New~ st * les anîd inalteî'ials as ginghains, plain seoi-st<'ker, Nvoveîî îmadras, etc. Ail effertively trîiniliiîtd. SizeS 34 to 50-iîu-hi. Sat. and mon.only *100 New Shepherd Check Skirts Saturday and Monday Reg. $4 Vals. 1.98 fftiebîîttouî triîuîîîed, yoke top inodels ili cireu- lar flare styles. Splc.îdidly tailored garrneîîts that bang perfectly. Al ize-s1 in wai8t ineasureinents froîîî 23 up. Our Greatest Sale of Children's Coats Sat. and Mon., A Wonderful and Timiely Off erlng Coats Cas 'l iConts fl formerly to * 'Iformnerly to * formerly to 3.98 ...... 5.98 ......6.98 ...... A wonderful and tirnely offering, beca use this sale includes our entire stock of coats for ehidren and the big reductions, made at a tùne when the coats are most wanted. Natty little styles iii ail the fashionable aind useyie-giNiiig rnaterials and ini the new colors, too. mlite serge Cents Nevelly Mixtures SUIE Poolins Na -Y serg- ea. lpet -0-0Chpeeku Gabawjtue DIace Serge Cogis weg i eplnsMoire Cents Souetlot Cillé-au 2 veau-ate 1 à Madras Cloth and Shepherd2,9 Check Dress eRgu Uer price $5.00,j Stylish, up-to-date models that are included in this one-day sale at $2,95. Ail t hese dresses are effectively trunmed and corne in a. wide range o f styles anîd sizes. 1 1.-

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