CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 May 1915, p. 4

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goPour LAKE COU=NtY UIEPENDENT. ]FRIÂY. MAY 7, 19*15. _______________________________________________ e Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Libertyville Exchange. ]Entereëd at thn Poet,tijre et Lihertyville, Ill.,ffasSecond f'laFfi Mail Matter 'fl.iua Paper for Lake County. lfcuted I 'f lt tinttlcreng Enlft-eiadp Km n n i Apîlieatilu. SUBSRIPTION PRICE. $1.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH .... ..............-................Editor F. G .SMITH .... . ........................... Manager M . J WEBER ............ Resident Manager, Phone 169-J BUYING AT HOME." The Waukegan business men who went through the county Wednesday to spread the gospel of TRADE AT HOME, met a cordial reception and merchants in the coun- try towns were cognizant of the fact that something of the sort was needed to combat the inroads\jbeing made by the mail-order bouses who are making inestimable fortunes by their metbods of seiling goods. In almost each town the Waukegan merchants learned of cases wbere local merch- ants had competed with the mail-order bouses in a man- ner which saved customers money as well as time. For instance, here's. a case that came to light as per- taining to Waukegan: A man entered a Waukegan groc- ery. "Here's a $25 order which I planned sending to a nial-order bouse; if you can duplicate the prices I 'd rather give you tbe order," bhe said. Tbe Waukuegan mercbant took the order-and, AT HIS REGULAR PRICES, HE SAVED THE PURCHASER $2.75. In other words, tbe purchaser got tbe groceries from tbe Waukegan mercbant for $22.25, wbereas be fully planned paying the mail order bouse $25 for tbem.1 In every town similar instances were revealed by tbe merchants wbo insisted tbey can sell as cbeap or even cheaper than the mail-order bouses and StUR deliver tbe goods on the spot, instead of expecting the purchaser to wait two weeks for them. A Fox Lake merchant said a man came to bis place and wanted an axe handle. Tbe price was 25 cents. He said he could get it by mail for,15 cents. "Give me your 15 cnts-l'il do the same," said the merchant. did 80 and thon asked for the handle. "Corne around in two weeka and Ill give it to you, just like the mail-order bouse ,would," replied the merchant. A Fox Lake woman said she saved money by buying ber piano in WauIfýegan. "Some of my neigbbors askeci me why I didn't go to Chicago. I told tbem it was bandier to go to Waukegan and handier to get tbe piano AND THAT I SAVED MONEY. Théy' didn't believe me, but I hmow it to be the fact-I DID save money; I got the. lain a hurry, and there wasn't the trouble of unpack- Setc. When I can't get stuif in Fox Lake I always gu to Waukegan and flnd I do even better there than in Chi cagea a me."0 Waukegan certainly grabbed off ail the important places on the reaily important committees of the super- visors. The only real important committee that the cbair- manship went Into the country was the sanitarium com- mittee, headed by Supervisor Wiil Stratton of Grant. The other big conuittees were given Wo Waukegan and as a resuit, the Waukegan supervisors are feeling quite "cocky" at the recognition given tbem by Obairman Eger. There surely is a chance in Lake county for some pbil- anthropic man or woman to perpetuate bis or ber name and memory by providing a home for dependent cbildren. There are miany cases where children could be sent to sucb a home instead of to a state institution and their future thus be unmarred as is now tbe case. We know of one case n0w where a young girl sbould be takien care of ini sucb a home and where the parents do flot like to bave ber de- clared a delinquent under the law and sent Wo a state in- stiution. In ber case it would be a God-send to bave a proper place to send ber to. And, sbe's but 13 years old, a Waukegan cbld at that. Such bomes, for cbildren, would do more for a man's memory than ail tbe libraries in Christiandom. of iberiyville Tir Mmtsere Nelie andi Eva 1 avison o! Waîltregan, oltent Sunda>' Wîîh NIrg. Sarali Mason andi daughter, Miss Mary. The homie ni Mr. and Mr8s W. H. Bar- lo. ln Grand Riapide, Micti., wa@ the scene of a pretty weddinir Wednesday eveniug, Aprit 21, when Miee Elizabeth Letî)ta Brandon, minter oi Mrm. Barlow, was marrieti to Balford Harry Ite-ker, Chicago, a brother i Vj. E.llecker, oi Libertyvîlle. Folloa xîg the îereniony a receîtion was heiti, eîxty-is e guems iteing prement. lhome froni Lait- tounty attending the wedding were: Wnî . E tet-ker oi Liberty s lie, T. B. leiier (i Highland Park, .ndrew E. Dvlopr of W'aukegan, Rena ('.liecker of Evan.tot. Mîr. and Mrs. Itecker leit Ihursday noon for their nrwltîomie ln Evaneton, wlîere they wll b- iorniatil- at home aller .iune tiret. Thetitate Food inspectîîebatîniadethe round@ of the local grocerieo and bakery andi found everything ln perfect @anltary Condition. At the lbertyville Baker>' he iounid that more windows are con- tained in the building than are requireil by law, and the Inopector ouid flot refrain ironi sh4,wlng hie delight ln ind- i euch a periectly elean condition ln the bakery. To a local groceryman the Inepector jmade this reniark: lInthe Libertyvilie baiter>' 1 fîund the sanitarr conditions iar sueiror to the nialorit>' ni baloprîe ln titi' ate *'Suh a tate- men t, ominit irtt iiia <ate official, shud nIdonvinirv Pve ryonue that i t p ay e 1 rnadr products, SUCCESSFUL'PATRON'S DAY AT PUBLIC SCJIOOL lIERE The tiret Patrons Day ever hati b> the gramniar and high ocboolhbere wae held ID the chool bouise iast Friday afternoon. Il proved to be a ninet eneceseful one, approximatel>' tbree hundreti adulte and as many chiltiren attendtng. The doore ol the building w@re unlocked et 2 o'ciock Ia the alternoon andt romthat time on natif 5.30 ths public crowdeti the roome. Each teacher hati arranged the every day work of her echolare ln diepla>' abot iti'-nthe ali r wlih. ln the 9-1, ai%"'te1' rttJ t oa ]dor thi, Occasion. 'The svork nif every pupil was shown glving the Parentes Plendid opportnitîy to compare that ni their children with the other nes in their classes. 1It was tndeeti Inleremting to pas roni the beginners exhibit, through the mounis consecutirely to the higil echool and ses the growt lth Ie chlid mind. Ititealso reruarkable the ,,cope covercî b>' the etudies taaght the chiltiren betng detinite ideas as to eonjue oi the work for whtch speciat teachere are Irrovlded in larger si-houle. re echool t r atntng ni; chlitdren playss a greal part lntaht e nid- ing ni cliacacler, a fact whfch eemed to lie realized by thre mny who showed tbetr fnterest by attend jng the exhibit, Thre work ni the htgl, echool showed op splendidly In aIl branches, sonie especlaîl>' fine cover and composition work la the Englîeh classes, map svork ln hîstor.% anu geometrical and mechani- cal drawinge taniathernatie, as well as tn the, other studies belng on dimplay. Tliose svho attended iiertainly appre. ciated thre opportunity> andi Profeseor HolcIr and hi@ co-workere are to lie con. gratulateti0on thre oucèssithe fi ret Patrons Day. CLASS NIOIIT ANO a-.. irstSudaereeyamotind alv-lGLEE CLUB PROGRAM h m r c h ý caboire 10.30 a. lm. etr'ltna x-~t____ Suda ochMitrn45tn in.The girls tti the iýibert3-tille 111151 EFsnfng servkte 8:01t 1). ectihonI will preuent their -lacs nîght anti FROM - LOCAL - CHURCH-ES Ail Hflitavs, Bfinis- t -uîîîîunlttîî m gine ctitî Jrograni on Friday night, Il a - Ma>' 14. The progratu le î-everand M rs Methodist-Ep.scoisal. chorus ni thirt!-five volces Io one nif1the Preachmnit services next Sunda>' wtll be "ýMOTIIER'S DAY" SERVICE ttest tIrat she Iras @ser managed. The feldi both morningz antd evering at the secool bas presenteti a number of excel- usoal tiue. At Il w t ni. A AT TUE M. E. CHURCII lent >.etr-iments in tIre past , b ut Ilîte "Mdothers tay ' servi- will le olsers-et entertalamnent svtll far outelase anything anti 1ev. Rean i tl rea, i upttn titat Neit Sanda>' morning. May' th, an that tIrs>'bave atteniptet itn ttîe past t home. In the eVen4ng at 7 30 thelappropriate Notherem Day'- sersvice toer.Alet4aeeevd subst of thesermion willbe',why (iode under tIre auspices ni tIre Ladies' Aid admIssionite25 rýente. Secureyour seats People shouîti ielHappy.- pca iuî oit> lilensreiaitIre Ltberty- lna atvance at Lui-elles drngz store. The at the evenlng servit-e, ville M. E. ihon-h. TheIres.fsa icI a chaos niglit nonibere are rich. "The Activit> ofthtIe Propho t s. ut lie 0srvIce isn-st laudahie anti ehonîi be Prograni thes sobject of the Epworth League ser- encînrageti ors anti mors to brtghlen (a) "Hall Thon Lovel>' Month-Gaoul vIceasit Sunda>' evenng sIt 6:45. MiMstIre lites of our moilier e anti maks theni (bii"In the Titre ni Roes'...... Rielardt; MalnPregton wtl mati thre tieeing. nuire anti morebonoreti. lîved anti Chorus Ail cordiail>latiteti. r teit 1 b> their chltiren, to reminti Marc-pianlo ..-.-.-......_........ Hollander There will ble a buseiness nmeeting t nan nti tangbters anti especiall>' bus>' Mies Hawisy sociable oi ths Epwortb Leagcue t lùtheanti succeeeful nmen anti womeo 0i tIre Senior C&@@seitatielies ........Eva williamis '1. E. gynnas uni on fiaturda! '1venin5 uI uslieh devottuof nithesr mothers anti (a) "113e Nightingale Bias a Lyre of ni this weçk. rsyein toi on'e agaln remnath Ie world oi the Golti'-----------------.........Wheipley Prayein great value of tras woinanhood, sncb an (hi "Sacrment ........ ..MDermid Mdornitg service il a. ni. Stbteit, , efiort le indeed mnint preleeworthy. (c) "'TIe Year'e at thre Sp'-nfn'. ...Hartog -The Cherch. a Famil>' -' Cîmnnitîeee have been appointed th 1e Mrs. Aurelia 0i JOhaDSen Sanda>' fchool 10 a. ni Saliîtt 'nLadies' Aid socleS>' to carry out the real laiBen .......... ....... ..... tinsaso Imperlshable Friendshtp.*rieaning anti spirit of the day. Rev. T. (h) The EIephant . .. ...............Sims Oriettan Endeas or ';,4~ .- .ini. ' 1ieani, pamborof therhurch will preacb Chorus Dhsonationai Stuti>. Leaders, 'lles 'on thre thenie, "The Measure ni True Senior Proither>' ....... .Blanche SIranck Hamn, mi"sPetrich .Wtmanbooti, andthdis ingtng wil e (ai ThShnwerArr ro *'IlTrovatore"î Eveniag servIce »7:3<, Il rît 5ubýet. In keeping witIr the spir ni t Irsth service. ...>.......................Veuzie "Thng tatar LeS Ateah ntane i Irechrc ter wlI(b) Absent-----------------.. .....Mtcalf 1,Tlngethâ ar Ljý1, t eclientrnceof he hurc thre iliChorus Tbf. la the ebnrch ni th(- npi-n hearth, ule a onittes whlcb will pissent be Harp Solo------------.......Marian Taylor thgalleoing bandi andthIe unt'harîgtng e ail lady, eatering the rhurch a white Senior WiI-------------.........Mary' Reate rCbrn. A valcome for ail, carnathi, the euebleuefio0wer of" Mother'a 1(a) "Watern>'ni........MeLaugrlîn St. Lawrence Episcopat. k'" atboe, hushande antisons are i-----------------------McLg bt.... Mdoi>' Communion every Sunday 7:45 j eseclali>' inviteti, IChorus I -. 't _____________________________ In the Light of firestont Etras y OU whi. nwknowte vaue, fro lexleence; but note aiso the speerfications in ttiis section. The 1 saine relatitve values a1PplY in ail s1zes.c Firestone tie.Fr in'stance, in the 30 x 3 inch, you pay oniy 40 cents more for thie nttî e rnileaee \tIle' represented in these extras. And only a tritie wnoce i-i uro portion for the larger sizes. les matertal au-iI -tgradts are traps tts make sales on prices. The Firestone orgarîîzatiors, thîe largest ta the world spectaliz- ing on tires, can make andi market lires andi tubes at a lower cost to yots, the user, than any industry. P,. i 4 mi- . C . .5 Ftn.- . -3 pi.. J, a. odiý,.. a, odioy. .~ \Fwreatoe Net Prices vig 34lotih fin.- -i.1y .F-. to ù C a WE . . . lta hi,,.,,TpIthmrdIbc. Fi 4 t1 41-h f d otsii,,, 1 t00 0, t.Oit. 'R2i23 i, .1 5 , ,t 61,,. --h 5t a i.ne34.4 t~2 3.045 f-toni..t. 30 .3F- 3.4 20 13515 wt5.5 37,533.5 55 67 RIIEMOTOR COMPANY LIBERTYVILLI!, ILL. An Ordinance Providing for the AP-, Notice te bereli> given tbat oealed bî,im pintmet ofth. Village Treasurer and PU:e eclve c teNTIC itg o. fi xing his opnainhrfr. iso iso ii haso b ono B it ordained.iby the President anti Grant, Count>' of Lake, State ,fil lln.ts, Bonard nif Tri-tîtees ni tiivillage "I onWednestiay, the 121h lia! i %-ay. a Litsert> iiîe Lake I 'OULft!, Illinei, as 2 o'clok 1). ni., 191.), for iîîlrîtn iollowe' n nwceet cirvert, 20 fretlog SEC<TtIN 1. That at lie first meetIng feet bv 4) feet oponlng, anti f-trocilitn of the Huard ni Truotees ln Ma! Of eacb abutmnts il feet bigli andti;I t ),,DItg year a CitvbTreamurer lie aîtpointed b>'ý for 2 other bridges i naidt T vtos b..j, the Preotdent, and sncb apitet ctdnear)I tin Fetîi i-, 0 ratifIet or rejecteti b>'the Board tif rode soulli tîtW1otnir tDIo andtihtei Trustees at sai meeting wlthencb dattes saine will we-let tty î-,ntract ptîilic]3lîtu sas are provided bystalute andi peracribeti the towest respttnsihl, bitîttîlet tiie b>' the Board oi Trustees;. Satd treasurer hîîur tii2 tîtnktiiWetnmF(i1 , tu %ta ehal bolti office for one year or until hie 1213, l1 i o ititljwt-Ijvî,; -i. successor le apîtolnted andi iualifieti. sciel 1301bon- SEIiTON 2.That thee mode A Iii ir Iatrd at i thr,,- i,-;trt i o- village ronîing to the lisad isiosaad Mac lPii1 treaitirer lie tepositeti at once asmu.1tî,u 'rîjiart. fuode ni threvillage ln threninetefi te ,4-',-rau-r' village ni Libertyvilîs, by hlmu as treas- Martin t' n-tutti urer, in alhank or banke, to bedesiignated my-nis7 tnîeirestiHgta b>' lIreboacr cof truetees. SECTION 3. That as cnaipensati)n ifr hie services saiti treasurer ebaîl receive the suni of $10000 per ysar, payable semi-annually. SECT1oN r4. Tiat any anda teree seruig nsadfud@èhalbete ances or restlutione in whoie or ta part, inconitent Irrrewittî, in conflit with or contrar>' to the Itrovsieons ni t1Ifs ni-dm- ance are as to sueb contradictions anti inconsielencies, bereli>'repealeti. SFirrio. C(;.This'ordinance cIraIt take elleet and lie i tîrte froni andi aiter itm passage and îtu,lîctlon. j t iB. Mîîa- - i-î.tttt U A ttect E. Hi. C,,tLI t t - iterk. PaseetiMay :3, 19tii Aptprttîrd tuay 3. mils Ptibîîit"jd 'May 7, 1915: OROîNANCE NO. 255 An Ordinance Namning the Members ofthe Board of Local Improvements and repeaieg ail Ordinances conficiing with ihis Ordinance. Be il;îtrdaîned tty tIre Presitient and Board iof Trustes. tii the vullage ni Libertys-ilie, Lake ('ount', Illinois. SD'TtON 1. la accordance witIrtIre provielorte tif trdinance NO. MIS, 113e Board oi Tructees oi eatidvillage de- signate antiapîpoint Henry' B. Eger anti Adami Tittie aq tIe teen membere of salti Board who lttbJ. B. Morse, the liresi- tient of saiti board, shail conebitule lthe Board of Lottal lImprovemente fîîr saiti village untîl further ttberwlse pruvîdeti b>' ordinance, SeîyrION 2. AIl ordinancets or pacte of ordinances eontictin&g wlth tbf. ordin- anme lis andtihIe sanieare herebi> repealeti. Passeti May a, 191. Approveti May';t, j1015 Puhuîstieti May 7, 191.,. JAs B. Mise- 'illage Preeidertt. Atteet E. B. Vtis.-,tillage Cisck Mis Speciafty. 'Did ynu limar &bout Mugglne lakIng UP 8eUlement, woîk?" "Yea; ho mUSU. &Ury voike bis creditora for 50 0mte Mn th* dohr."--Town Tapioe& Morses are cheap, only the best can be raised at a profit. PURE BRED, IMPORTED IN DAM PERCHERON A draft horse of the best quali ty, weighs today 2,307 lbs. Illinois Stallion Board certificate No. 8S4. 1 ihiitk aci t bllly Biot .- tr-i-'wii % i li t- «trti, the, si-liteitaii' by a- i lttîs" i at - t-1- îiî r tai fît si aîfd iii Lake' tt tnt '. A ttoy cari' tifilî i. . i ;wn-tî ia -tî foi, ý4 0 ,L iii i 111 tIîî'î' , îhliutg -411ul itolit', i <tItI foi * L,400(1 'I'li" ijî i lîi-irs ,(>I(l a foin. Nti tId grauh- gelciîiig hy WBon Lawre-iîi-s'foi-X,2 75. Stalîjons if' ftli- îjîality of Bon îLawroi-îî'îtiattl for i;t-M. It willýp1ilrî'l\ ay y\iitoiiiliig yoîîr liarr- t(,ii it. ' l'h.- gî-êat d.iigs'î-ji.-t iov f t i iîtagittil. a îîtl iifs'cti i: îsdîieiat-s bioth tb lirst-s iai(i att I.-'and théi- danîger oft ira ve'linîg tt(4 o ahI abis- a lit rshave' -aîîsef uis to ttand hiti at Iioîît. at Rodtitîy Farm's. (lis sea- sn it the,' i ,vries-<of X15 t iîsuîr.- tIti-'Mare' withî SEASON 0F 1915 AT RODNEY FARMS One and one-haif miles west of Libertyville, Ill. R. B. SWIFT, Owner. J. B. HABERKORN, Mgr. -------------------------------------------------m9 We have just opened o..... AT ARFA ('aîîi.îiily al -f D)1iîîk.,iii ail y qîaîîtitv x -Ilht ot13ice W~e Jdru ýt, t . alr-. .îîîywlite'r.-. Area Spring Bottling Works Phono 311J = 5d1 It Is a Fact The greatest and most beneficial inlstitutionl in the world is Life In- surance. Not exactly "lii e" insur- ance, for this is a misnomer, but income insurance. If you are in- sured and death overtakes, the OId Michigan Mutual Liue Insurance Com= pangj will pay your folks some of the money you would have earned had you lived. It will not be lost. If you die, your folks get it, but if you live, gjou get it. Do flot say you do flot want anything that you have to die to get, for, did you ever stop to think that you will have to die to get to Heaven? JOHN HODGE Area Manager Illinois mni fil.e -ilWe ! ,-r tit gan M i-s ver! w 1,tv tira tîtir ri wittt htri1, u M t aGt t"nd, taRi, l iIa,k lie ', t-,npd e : îrrer Mar.Cil It-tut'-ut A surt- Tr i, Lice .i,.-i-ti I aiti <iTiti- 7,rIJ

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