10W (IT lIAPPEN13D Unie Burkhalter of ZMon Car- ries Secret of Fatal Burns . tHer Grave. 'l'LL LEAVE ALL TO GOD.' af used Medicàl Aid and Mere- ly Wanted Prayers-Dies a FrightfulDeath. -OPRINGFIELD, fl.i, Mmy 11.-P*eei- dent Wilson wms mmued that Illineos(A lndorm whatever action h. msy toaiCAM for "maintmlnlng th. honor and dig- nity o! the nation" In connI¶ctiofl wlth ou the torpedoing of the Lusitania ln a resolution adeptd by thé, e nate. The vote w» 47te.1, atorHad- Eugene Ing votlng avainsoth1 resolution and cago Senato- Srnlth nlot votlng. AI Thore are six "W»s"lu the nov ZMonB City couneil. Tiiey are Aldermen BOUGH Brighit, Buts. Beckeor. Bird, 1BrIster sud Burgess. This mnius tiiat tbere yul Eugene lxk no rooni for drones ln tii. bîve h.- cago, tbrc ceuse they'll b. stung. flled a p [PEL CRYN JT 0F C0NTRAUT Saved AtpNorth Chi- Fie cion in Court *ainstJohn Hale. IT HOUSE AND LOT DM. gavageo f North Ciii- înugh Attorney ChàrIes Kiug, etîtion. lu Circuit court la 1"19 lt g i s il edthat john'ü ho beld th a coutract wvii o ie dims ho etersd Itoth iiihm a feW -ye.sm Ugo. The case appears to ho, on. ln vblch gavage purchased a bore and lot on the. lustalîmeal pian. I Oavage sots forth lu bs ill. hit on Noveauber i, 19M,. ho eter.d in- to a contract vftii John Hale for the. PUrcbmse of a boums and lot sltuated li; North Chicago. Ho says a atthey botlh slgned a vritten areement in vblcb gavage says ho agroed to psy $500 lancasead î81 a mnth or more nutil the, entire aniaunt vas pald. Up to the preseontitmoho says ho han pald $1,038. Accordiagi to hie staternat Hale agreemnansd fot only vil not aie. cept «uY more inonthly paymeats but refuses to accept the. lump smi c viiat ln due ou the. Contract. H. ays be refuses to deal junrth'vitii hlm la aDy nianor. SHe Isiies tii. stand that Mr. Hale le bound hy a coatrat sud ho visiies an order of court ordorlng hlm to live Uit to the ternis of thie agreement. States Atoruey [lady; Deputy Siier- I15 Green and Deputy Coroner Conrad veut ta Russell on Mouday ta look far furthor clews Into thxe Ingolf Hanisen d;ath. W:OI 1I A T ALTON, ILL. Alton, III., May 9-The Illunois stato board of adminilstration la planning to estahlsihbers a colony for the. 100 lepers It la clalrned are Iving lu tiie state of Illnois. Dr. Goorge A. Seller, lienit of the, stots board ofadinistration .1. au- tiiorlty for tiie staterna that the. lepor colouy nisy be estlabed et Alten, la conasction vith tiie statoi DC. do#l, li.te, surgon la chKhs o! the. IaMbe boapital. id If the col- ony vers , establisbied ho vould b villîni to remaln la charge of Il. Former NMayor [Devis S. Rooe- 0f Milwaukee. Mondoy Bled a volunhar? petition la bsonkruptey. statln is ié,£ billtlos at $37,613, of vhlcb $32,264 MI* secured. AsseIs ors pl*ced ot $84.- 400. Exemiptions are given at 18400. TheOlilver 'Typevriter vonis st Woodstock le operatlnt untU 9 I olock live aights svory ve* lu order to beep uk vltb an unpreceated food or orders vblcb bas nearly svampe& lhe plant )for 4me tume. Buraed toa amost a crisp luinals ove"y part of ber body exceptlug her fot sud tiiereforo vîthout question *proachIng the verte of death. UlR- sis Burklislter, 35 years nid, faned the bdlax a most romarkable manner, ro- femlng to anever questions as to boy à,he was burned and niaking tbis ré-, *l to mli lnqplrleg: "We wili leave it ail to Gad. Juet qsy for m-that'sa il." The. voman's death Sunday In Zian tty vas noted exclusively In Mon- IyaDelly Sun. ThNelnquest. heId by 1).iJuty Coroner Conrad Manday ait- ~1Of, revealed sanie nterosttng ft.Tii. verdict wss as faoveW1: "Bq3rus causod by lgniting cf ber o4otiios ln a raout off the kitclîen wblle Obn. W. furtiior fiud froni tii.ovi- tweoe 'uhst sai t tes was onbject lié melaehola1 Tii. jury vas cornposed of E. B. jjplllngswortii. John Sayrs, 3. H. ~Oak, Henry Sine.,.J. W. lpwell, B. - eevidence tended to show tbat th oman vas in a rouai off tii. kttch- of the. bomne viere as ellved t *%lèb ore 15 other persons iiad boom ldnt. She vas alone et the time 6'efforts tu find ont If mii. intention- af presd keroseno over Insr .loy *ahaated it proved vain. Kerosene iEoee er. e en on tii fluor but * ay bave spillod It vile lgbtLng ~lu.The masn ofthtei.ouselisord edrm eosfr ielp and ran in to lier lbody covered vltb fOMMe. baermii. bai been terrubly hum- TIbi vas loto Saturday asee ,uSadsy mornlang. Prayed for Her. voWs a meniber or tiie Glft of *.uoseet snd tiiey iiad a fine time ~olgforber. Sbe refused aIl iisp sopm rayer sud ber deatii v" fiuexpeeted. 9h. refused to tel be o* ccident, and said sie ou ~o ala 0. a*omai etier dled s most i~4*fi des11 or It vos mont pain- *$,It vu on or the otiier. Etber r ves vers al'iiattered by thie et tofIbm terrible butas or tbey !itted iier te eustaln7 unhearabie YêVt tbrPugii It ail she sdiiered berw belle!: No Medicine, no doctors. v,1 onsan, accordlng tu tii. vit- hqm ai been ratiier "quest" for a". u Mrs& George Mtchiel vers ï1e:o! lie si ain vituesses. Tiiey te. tblat Mis Bnnhalter iiad llved theni for about four years sud 5at tlms e »Iairrational. TOCOI(COUNTY ~lecouaty conirissionors o! Coo " ty Mdondsy voted te recelvo froni fer Treasurer William U OCou- mii$117.677 la lnerest on county "à-@ and la returu give him s recsipt lwj il for ail Interest due. Tii . c MM closed the. long drava out dis- Uts beflven the. board ad the treas- *Âu. la vhicb Il appeared for a aime *9 tMr. O'Coaael vould keep the. Z e hlsel, as bis prodecemsrs tnacS»tored t104d. '" ý.Tii. resolutlon vos sdopted over tqe stenous. protest o! Commission- o-r[saIsI Morlsrtty. riséO'Conn.iI SCoop Pledge. «J lst liaI Mr. O'Connell sbould bc made le keep bis pedge lttu 4"f *5wIntumouüle, . ald. --T hUppossihle to determine vhat âmm iba.te couaty o* Is fnde unleos *idl&t of the books la Mde.Ti. eOoatY beard bas asss aoresolutlon W%5p> comPels lie preset onty osrrte ko.p a record o luter- Mt aon.y." -8's year tii, previous boutd votai t recel,. th- O'Coaal ltr.st -on gococut,"but Mr. O'Conuel id 1»mt' imrs the. lterest over tu e connty, *OlI0sg liat the elgbt votes vhlôb th*pi ieresolution wveo l ot. e tap Teterday's order vas passai *p &tmesnvotes. ?Mr. j9T4Mneil mid b, vould tors # lie Îýftn u th e ecounly nmre tia. This Stre Ha. t Coumity .WIK e pta- tati3Uk for FAIR TKEATMLNT You ean corne te tis store and feel ait home any tiu.e-we make fi our business te tareat, you vel& and prove te you that our interestina entored fn your-cotnpleie satisfaction. AillRo&ds Lead to ___ TrHE STORE 0F ECONO)WY U8ÇAT OW- women will fidth EN wonderful valuùes of the season in Spring Suits, Dreses, Skirts, Waists, etc., at this Most Coats, store. Tremendous purchases from several manufacturers at less than HALE flICE enable us to make these won- derful offerrngs. TreeMammot uchssof, Coats ' ut Sampi. ýGarments.from the Country's Largest: Manufacturers ]Regislir'-$d40.OO Suits Regular $35.00 Suits On Sale at The M ost Wonderful Values Lver Offered On Sale at Ail of these suits are worth $40.00, and likewise the coats are worth $35.00. They are in dozens of hand- some styles an-d the newest materials. Ail céIors thataefsobe are icuded. Ail sizes. You will hayç to see thesd'beautiful garments.to fully appreciate their real worth.. You will probably neyer see such a wýonderful nioney-saving event again. CXTRIA SPECIAL IEXT#A'SPEÇCIAIL Great Purchpe of 300 New, AO Whïtel Wash Sklirts, 1.98 and - 2.50 Values, .......... Handaome new i»odels.in rf6ifne, linen crash, pique, poplin and other stumnlngterials. Yoke 'top full flare styles *ith front flap pockets and butte» trinuned. Ail aises.; $2.98 and 3.50 Washable Crepe .9 de Chtne 'and ChIna',SÛR __ Charxning new styles ju st received and they ail go on sale ai $1.98. Pretty styles, and handiom.e color effects. All sizes. The ery est Waists That One Dollar Will Buy &Are At This Store The choicest styles êf a dozen different waist manufacturers is the reason we can sell the lest 1.00)waist that money can buy. Often- times we purchape large quantities of 1.50 and 2.00 waists in such a way that we can seil them for 1.00, and those are the kind that are in this sale. You may be sure that you will not find the equal, anywhereof OIaIIde. VoiI. ph HH els* 5s M~ Ilbeautiful ayl. In sas, 1 at f0 OiaT # tI hIdo:elr.- ________ _______ Children',s Coats iTwo Great, Lots 3.9& values "9" 1.95 5.00 Values a ea ta 295 This means the gretest values ever offered, for thee handome litile coats are clverly siyled and are of the best materài. AUl new colors, wlthilalnty tinuungs. Regular 3.50 hidi and White Check Sorts modla,1.98 Yako , k fpýo'okts and effective button _mi. 'JYey aihev st arrived id go on sle8aur- an<Mon._ day. Dot ai get oie -of these handsome sirti, AU sie« from 23 waist measure and up.