CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1915, p. 2

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oci6 ertyvd/ile Yem s£ - Fly Tine Coming Get behind our screens. The safest place for cornfort. Corne and bring the mnesure with jou. We fit angj openinq. See our patent Door Catch, Ibods ail doors shut. Libertyville Lnumber Co@ Down by the. Olti Depot. Been there 20 years. Phone 47 E. A. Bishop, Mgr. VERITABLE "VIM-CLOTIIES"p Our store these days is a trysting place for the iveliest Spring styles ever sprung? Suits; that are jubilant with lamh and distinctiveness-Blue Serges, Homespun@, tropical weights, mkeleton-lined and un- lined garmenté, for the warm Ssession of Surninr time. biîoy- .ant mitlî grace and guiîptiou. SSnug-setting niodels and loose, swagger oDes; ail the fetching Sfabric-effects-vim in every line ~and design. mThese clotlîeu are eloquent of jMichaels Stern energy in tail. Eoring up to our standards- Landud s T. A. REYNOLDS Opposite North Garage Libertyvifle, Illinois Derner in EVERYTHING THAT MEN and BOYS WEAR STAVER AND JANESVIILE Buggies, Surreys, etc. A Large Stock, Prices Right Corne in and look them over IF IT s Schanck FROM SCIANCK'S Iiardwate IT'S Company G0O~)Libertyville. Mmie. Stephens' Beauty Parlors OVES GAS OFFICE LIBERTY VILLE Manicuring, Shampooing, Hair Dress- ingQ7,acial Massage,& Scalp Treatmyent BY APPOINT14ENT ONLY. Phone 100 AII!OS ODINANCE REOULATINEIAMUSEMENTS The village board et a special niestlnq bsld Thursday nlght uf aut wesk, passed ordinance number 256 which amende an ordlmaacsentîtled "An ordinance regu- latlng theatrlcale and aLlier exhibition@, showssud amusements and to provide for licensing the @ame."- By thîsordinancethe hoard fixes the surn of $25 00 for halls orother plaes utf amusements bsvlng ons hundred or I exhibitions per ennuni, proi-iding that fer esacli oving picture show or exhibi- tion at sald place ot amusement, an additional suni of onedollar wlll be paid. Movlng picture ilîserres and other ttîeatr5s or places of amiusement avereg- lngl100 ehibitions or mo re lier ennui,, and bavinga a sating capaditv utfle@ than 200, $25 perannuin wiiibecharged, andi aIl sucliplaces ofutriamements avsraging 100 exhibitions or more per annuni andi having a seaclng capaeity ut, more than 200 the icuse will ho $25 per year with $10 per year extra for eacb aditionel buodredseatîugcapaclty The work of olling Milwaukes avenue ln the business district was mtartsi Wednesday mornlng. Wm. Boit and two sous of Chcago, @pont Suuday witb Mr, anti lre. 0. L., Hubbard and famlly. Idrs. P. L. Rolch le maklnganextentied visit ln Borner, Midi., wltb ber mother, Mirs. W. H. Cortriglit. Frank James la on the slck liât andi bas not been able to work ut the green- bouse for the past two weeks. Mir. and Mirs Clark Herringahaw of Chicago, visiteti from Saturtiay to McOi- daY witb Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wel&. A. Jerrlby bas arrlved bers with a strlng ot borses which wlll be trained ut tbe mile track for the grand circuit races. HenrY Dooler returned imlswee after a threes wekmstaey at the Lake County hospital. He Se mucb improveti. The cliss ulgbî andi gIse club programu wlll be given ln the auditorium on Fri- day nigbt, May 14. Boy your tickets ln ativancp. Miss Helen Casey, who bas been taking a business course et Valpariasu, md., bas compîsted iber study anti returned to ber homne boe. tirs. Charlotte Prollue andi Mr&. C. Llng and son William spent Tuestiay with tMr@. Wm. Pbillp andi tarily at the Lllac Farm, Grayalake. 'Mise Lllah MeCormick entertaineti Miss Hausmella of Chicago, over Snnday. Mi@@ Bansmella sang a solo et the Presbyterlan chu rch Sumday mornlng. Mr. rundptt ment tri the Eye anti Ear n t h ait, ti .,',andl in Fridey îînderwentan operation ou oms ut is eyes. Ee lo reporteti s gettimg aiomgntcely. Mrs. Eva Prosser, who bas been seck at ber home on Bigb sîreet tormon time pait, was fast Fritiay taken to tbe Lake Counîy bospital vîhere sh6 willl receive treatment. tir. anti tr@. C. H. Kaiser have cloaeti their home anti are now stayiug witb Mrs. Kaisers@ parents, Mir. and Mrs. C. Woulrlige. The Kaiser', are bevlng their bouse refinisheti. The Eaenest Worker.s..1u the M. E. Suntiay echool will meet witb Miss Mary 1 tisson Frlday atternoon. tiay 14. PieuseE brlng contributions of eggs for the Old r Ladies' Home at Etigewater.1 An eigbt pounti taughter wass hum Lu tir. and tirs. Ray Kramer ot Joliet, III., on Tuesday, May 4tb. tMrs. Kramer and chililmen are at the home ut ber parents, Me. anti Mr@. Chrîs Hapke, here. To insure publication ln the Indopen-1 dent. copy musi be in the office nolster than Tuesday of ssci' week. Adver- lisers. sspscially are asked 10 tek, particular notice to this effect. (Additionai Local News on Page 4) tirs. A. C. Miurray lo vlsing with friende In Marengo. Tickets for clame nilt are now on siale st Lovelles drug store. Every seat will be reserveti. prsien; ilasBIânarhy Sean thiurt ic an racioethreo jer 00 ic president; FisrankcHaveSac, omarytheBy thuee pasigoftt'isortiiene w hc MIW@ Fannie Llgbt.botiy, treasurer; F. E. board with its recauîinndatio,î, the Overson, cborlster; Mise Ruby Wiliams, difierences between t he village board sti planoisî. Bsres.ments were serveti and the awflrsofthe Libertyville Auditorium a social tins bat afler the ciosing ot the have been adjnsled aud the big bal ill1 business meeting. The new oltceS uto again be thrown open tu the public atter fthe leeguehoititheir llrstî-ablnet mueeting beimg closeti for nearly a year. The this wesk. former ordinance speciti a lîcense ut The Moter'sDay sevieeat he 100 for theatrlcals andi other amuse- T.E hutSunDay serice t thements not conîjucteti b.!,local clubs, anti M. E chucb asî nuda wa attnd~the managers tieciiedta t close ,the anti. 4a veeY large congregation, The audi- torluni as tbey maintaineti that the rate torium ut the church was, 11usd ta iLs Wsé îoo bigh. utmost capacity aud it becaîtîr uecegssry The motion picture bouse@ wlll aiea ta opeu ibe Suntiay achool mrnta ienefit by the new rates as tlite icenees accoummatiate those who attendEti. The are consiteal îdcd .T tb-tu themaes ut the hymne anti the spittai drbyrÉue .T oeto muéi wee o "MoherandHompLif-.paYimg $50 per year for the Ly rie asu nîusc wre n "uthr ad Hme ife Frank A. Suydam payitug $1 l'ilper yeae and toucheti ail beartms The subject ut for the Llberty Theatre. the sermon un "The Gospel Messure ot The huard aiso paeoed au ordinane Womanhoati" was a tribute to mobes Damigtemnero!h Hadi anti women lu ail apheres oi lite andi was Bealthe menbers ofthepocare o practical anti full ut Inspiration. The BCh. F The , Joser p IV. Harent whute carnation, the emblem fioweot DhasE. V.SmiîhJsehW Hr n Motherbootivrais eveeywhere visible lin_______ the cungregation The cburcb was AUTO TVRIMS TUMTE beautltnlly decorete inSOwTit0F anERgreenL. The service wam under teupm fte SU8O IE YIL Ladies' Aid society uftheIbe hrcb. Au automobile turnlng bottom side At the special mesting ut the village up pinueil severel of the five occu. board Tbursday uligit ut last wesk pents under Itlenati Saturday atternoon Trustes B. B. Eger set ln motion the about 5 o'clock wben a five-passeuger proposition ut Pavlng Mlwaukse avenus Regal wsnt Into a dltch near the Cud- front the C. M. & St. P. tracks soutb to ahy fartu on Milwaukee avenue, usmer the C. & M. siectrie lino, wben be suggest- Llbertyville, andi nortb uf HaIt Day. cd anti urge] the se ciraI members ut the Accoedng to the story tlid by the buard to gsi alter the property aowners iv (hiagas wba wcre an Ibeir way along sati street and bu try and getl atTaylor'@ Lake to spenti Sunday, the tu corne to a meeting whlcb coulti car swerveti sligbtly ia the litich as belti in the uer future. Mr. Eger aisealweiunnglogtaiodre suggesteti that the vilage board approve Ispeeds ud ibe drivetwa geg be of apla tahav themerhaus ly ue ar up on mure level grounti wben the or two biocko of pavimg et the costs ut rigbt front axis bruke, te cutiten the business mn caring ta enter sncb an break theosriug te big car acrose the arrangement. Its the impression of the dltcix turîîlug a complets somersault. huard that should une bluet of brick Th l>,ocpnsaimeado pav!ug be put In on Milwaukee avenue, propscty owners along that anti other lime Io u iîp as thie auto wPut over streets wuuld not be content wlth îîlrt su fast ibat nioue of themn realîzëdth Oe ruade and would sast the village to Predicament they wcre inotiil afier spreati assessutents for pariug. The It ail bappened, huard contende that alter Milwaukee Two off tteitenacre quitto tatiy avenue lm paved between the pointe hurt, ane uf thetu -arry J. Snyder- meutioneti above the village coulti spend bedtiatbcl talîcu tram under the ina- the înuneY that eveey year go@@ tor chine, as the car had i hm riined ta rspalring that street. un other streets the grounti. Hie Injuries consisted wblcbusedduinig. Brick pavingproperly of a badly brulseti shoulder. One oth- put lu lasîs a lietime aud ia noteontirnu. er man had his leg Injureti, but neither ally a drain ce the village finances, of theni realiy needed the eervices of a physicien. i~T - u TH ~TCPS A passing automobile took the iwo Injureti meni luLibertyville. wheree On Monday. %May lé th Miernuon andti hey notiiied the Ree Mater Company svening, et the Liberty Theatre wlll ta go etter te other met, aid the be p)resenteti the biggest andi best wrecketi car. sensation lu motion pictures ever given The warst part ut the accident la lu Libertyville, esheu the Rentax Musical that the automobile was hireti for te Macles wili be ehuwn. There will be trip andti Lone o! theue nu are lu two reels uft Ie Musical (talkiug) movese, sue]i coniforlable circumstances as to the lateet thing lu motion pictures,wiîlcb be able la bear the cot ut iepatrlng are crsatlng a big sensation ail over th,- the machine. c'ountry wherever slîown. Thecompant The damage ta te automobile' colt baeklng theme talking pIctures Isehooklii sisstd of a broken fronît aIle, t(,eet- them Only lu the largest motion picture tire top emasheti. wIntshield broken bouses etnd ueually akipm the emalier and the body Io batily twlsesd. * A ivi sericeexaination wlil be bl ~ttb Liertvile postoflice on June 12, to fi l the position o! rural carrier at Area, anti vacuees thet May uccur ont ather rural routes lu Laike county. Wm. Thotm, who hbas tisepenting the winter months with bis sou, w. S. Thom out North Bendi. Neh., celleti ont frieutis bers Mt.nday. Heexpeetsîto tayt with a danghter et Lombard, 111, this summner. The Amici club held their annuel Mayt Party at the toivu hall lest week Thur@- day een-.9. The hail a'ad PrOtl** own buit trougn a happy arrange- decorat»d ln pink and white and refresh- tuent Lihertyville Wa@ lnciuded lu the ment@ were served. This wai the last ltinerary. timides the musical pictures dance of the seation of the club. there willbl, three reelsotofhig clams tmb. Mîr. and Mrs. George Crans of Chicago, tion plctures. The matines wll begin are the parents of a littie son born Tues. prumptly at 3.45, and the tiret show in day, May 4th. Mr. Crane ie a brother ofthe. eiiig will be at 7 o'ciock. These Dr. E. A. t'rane of this city and Mrs. pietures are a big success amd if you love trn a frel Miss HateMDik to seesomnething differen t front the utai Whramv e rwas orm er attMîm ,y'ou should not tailti hear the voices of why lvea brssib erDaon, om the plaSerd while looking at thepictures. At the Lihertyville Auditorium on The Libertyville grammar sci4ool hase Thureday evening, May 2Oth, wîll be bail teaml defested theDeerfield grammar givenl a Minstrel Show whlesh will be achool teal at the Lihertyville fair acc,Rpaîîed by a complote orchlestra, grounds last haturday rnorning by the aseisted by Robt. E. Quait. Jr., tenor, score of 18 to L2. Two extra lnnings troni the Chilcago Madrigal Club, and H. bad tu be played to decide the tie, wbicb C. Drant, comediene, known on the waa 12 tu 12 at the sud Of the <Jtb Chicago stage as "&BilIy Kelly." This timing. wll be an evenîng of somg and bumnor. One of the large windows in the .huild- Iteserved deats on sale at Decker and ing occupied by j. W. Brown's; pool Bouds drug store. rouai was broken the latter part ot last week in a peculiar niner. A large First danc-e ut the season ait Hertel'@ mtone was hurled againtit the. wlndow hy Park Pavillon, Haîf Day, Set.. May 22. an automobile tire attachsd to a hsavy car goinget a moderato speed. The tire 1 have îust reýelved a carload ut Ply. @truck the stone ln such a maniner that iYouth Binder Twlne. As the twime it wae flung a distance of about twenty merket s's ettled on account of the teet, striklng the wimdow about eIgbt Mexican war soute seemtu t think there test blgb from the waik level. Insurance Io lkely to 1)5 a shortage for the cornlmg adjusters were taklng the measeurements barveet. and twine iseflot likely to be ot the ,glasm on Mouday and the new cheaper. If -you hiîy yotir twime now glass arived on Wednssday and put lu you will be sure to have fitwhen Your placie the samie day. - needfi . BI. Eger. 1lbs On Mondey lMarshall LImhsrry arrest- ed John Onstatson, a Young man Who was eberged wltb disorderly conduct. Be hati a hearing betoye Justice of the Peece Lysl .L Morris in the evenlng andi was asesssd a fins of $7.40. ge bail gotten into a fighît on àdlweukes avenue Sunday ibt tbrough using abusive languag1f e bfore a Young mnandi a lady. A friemi of GOustafeon aiso recelived a few -,whallops," andtihe»tonwasf arresteti on M.onday but was Inter The Epwortb L-eague (t the M. E. cburcb belti their annual election of afiliers ln their gym lest Satîîrday even- iitg. The folio wlng mem bers were chossu to attfr thetiomingvear. ). A. Young, presîdent; Miss Eva Wllilams, tiret vie president; Miss Ida Wbesler. second vine "MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE 0 0 SYSTEM" 03% Compound Interest Will do more than any one thing ta 0 muike you financially independent. O0 t0 Why don't you open an account in 0 0 Our Savings Departmnent to-day, and o0' o let your savings grow at Compound o Interest. *$1 -Opens an AcC-ouOtsm$l i : Lake County NationalBank f' 0 Capital, Surplus and Profits - S100,000.00 i @ Total Remources, 750,000.00 0 - -- -- -- - - - -- - - - - BUILDING MATERIAL Cernent Studding fiooring Lime Sheeting Frames Sand Siding Doors -ýBrick Lath Windows Joists Shingles Roof 'Boards freming Timbers Screen Doors Doors ami Windows Window Screens Everything in the Une of Buiding Material Tige and Sewer Pipe fence Posts COAL and WOOD Harbaugli- Miller Luwbcr Coi Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. CHOICE GROCERIS, MEÂATS, SVEGETÂBLES ÂND'FRUITS.I CORLETT & [FREDERICKSI Phono 30. IBERTYVILLE, ILL.j A. W. LINDROTH uBERTY VILL.E, ILLINOIS M ILLIN ERY We are now showing the very latest in Ladies and DRY GOODS A large assoriment in beautiful designs. Hats Made-to-Order a Specialty., Prices Reasonable. * We carry a nice line of Ladies' Llnderwear, Waiste, Glovez, Col- ler and Cuff Sets, Hosiery and Notio.ns et Low Prices. The Parisiana Corset f rom - $ 1.00 ta $3.00 Silk Sale Extraordinary While the present supply lasts we will seil a fine quality black Mesaline Silk, 36 inches wide and a beautiful soft texture and lustrous finish for 75c per yard, this is an unusual value for this money and will appeal toalal wbo see it Our Stock of Undermusins la very complete and cantains garnients of many qualities. Some special values in Ladies' Skirts and Gowns We are welI stacked also with Ladies' and Children's Summer Underwear And would be plmeas Ita bave you inspect these garments. W. W. CÂRROL&L & SONS COMPANY PHONE 29 NORTH STORE o tL, îg w çee I '.erat (4erai RI w. reprsmntePhne 1544 LAKE COUNTY Mý ýBNT- FMAT. MAY 14,-1915. mý 1 il ViVi:irAw NORTH STORE

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