CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 May 1915, p. 9

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LAR"E Cci -UNTY IN.I.)EPENIDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXTI.-NO. 33. PART TWO. LI-BERTYVILEF. ILL., FRIDAY. NIAY 14, 1915. EIGHT PAGES. SL50 PER YEÂR EN ÂDV4ANC&B %NE DROWNS, TWO ARE RESCUI3I> IN AN ANTIOCII TRAiEDY First Drowning of Season Mon- day at L.ake Catherine, .West of Antioch, BODY CAP4NOT BE FOUND. It la Believed That Victim Lies at Bot tom of Some Deep Hole Mot Far From Shore. Autioch, Nfay 12.-John Manak, aged 34, liens t the bottom of a deep Isole In Lae Catherlue, mest wtst if AnUiocb and, le date ne concerled ef- fort bas been made tu recover hie body wieb tank fremx sigbt 3Monday atteraoon white be and two friend9e vere ouI in a roviioat. "SNKING LUSITANIA AN ADVERTISEMENT FOR'ME," SAID FRA MOTIIER Of LAIE FOREST WOMAÀN A VICTIM 0f BOAT Mrs. Robert D. Thorne of Th,t City Beieves Her Motherî Died When Ship San k. IN DOUBT ABOUT MR. LUND. As a Result Relatives Are Hop- ing That Both He and Moun- sey MayBe Saved. Mi>stt-ry bas loseal in ta make douhi>' uncertain the- fate utftdns. 1Cathserine E. Wiley, mther ut Ns-s.l Robent D. Thorne ut Laite Fort-st, iste outhtie vice pîsesideut ut Mont- gomen>'Ward & Co. Telegraphed to 'Chicago Nonda> f rom ttutchlflaou. Kau., came tise neis tliat sister et The. tregody w«s the firt of the j - Mra. Wflllebr's bad .iust received a we»rm seasosi in the- sake district. teEîo Hlvd b b cable message fron ttie misine wom- MRlfCipale b.ino: sboard Lustania just beore ves- an. The nesg a ae iQges TKNE VICTIM-John Manak, Cud.a- Un ~ tWun and read: h, Wii. Elhest Hubbard the autisor vas "Ail e. Terribl>' mangit-a." THIE SUAVIVans-Jo. Herbaeek, Jahoard the Luaitania, t lpeoed l Soon aler Ibis news was relayed and Frank Travook. Friday off the Irish coast. -To b. The latter two owe tbeir lives 10toiiedoed voulil b. a glorlous va>' tuiou<Cicago a disîîatrh t rom Qut-ens- the imeR>' &id given Ibent b>'onet- . ~Peter out," he said juzt befortsali- lowu announced taI a Ledy' anded lIeps, vito soeeng thet Iree men. Up ing, "but it would b. a good a&r at Kînsait-, had been identified as thal over ini the rowboat. Jumped inoan- Bfl utr e. o Mrs. Catberine F. Willey. M rs. other boat and rassied 10 Ibeir aid. Be - Caherine E. Willey in the 0ui>' per- use able tb ave the two but Manak, linable 10 avwim, snk and lhier e-:d noq ENsn outhtat noîe un the passeneer liaI forte proved futie when the>' tri f-!BI NESSI 14EN iYL i Tis- sîmilaril>' lu the nanseg la suffi- to ranch hietc. A!he cNrAUTOe.RIPl ent to lbrow tise already dsrce day Ttesaa fa oreman front thet- Oft- foOeNidAuUTdepaTRagIn Utu Bron, le contpany sanrothers TO F Fad th e a i Huand ai." worled t e e lort te locale Manak. CIO r-1NE afl Tise> giined no cine tb where bis ETa Fî AREÏ'S 1 he ase flot given up hope," sald body' miat b.. The>' appeaied ta An-.-1 Miss Elizabeth Nioiinsey' aitbe Mou11- luch, but, according tea11r. 00158.j Waukegan Merchants loin in s8e> bonle.,4' La Porte avenue, Chbi- am in s oeresort the droirunng 10k Aohr tTôehrM - Cago' 1". , 'oiody vould corne ouItfront nti e Tgte oe Yesterday a cabiegranl sent b>'My AnllocIs obhelp un without being an- ment* AMong Farmersl. C. B Lund, Milss Mounsey'usstr sutai 015 a day for tise vok and n- _____trom te lmî.eial isolel, QuOefnstoWfl. b"d> lia an>' rognon 10 Promise liaI WAUCONDA JOINS IN MAOVE.1 reacbed tht- remainine members ot sun for tie imen badl no relaives the famil>', lriuging deapair lalils bere. W. accordingl>' appealed ta CnUntry o î gcbrevity. il read: tbe sBeriff for belp and expected hlm Auto omeS Fr' Saved. Faîber eý. nusuand bait." lste toda>' te send us aid," AS;SiSt in 'Buy-at-Hcune' 'We cannot heip but hope that Gobak ad tIaI >anak, wvi a Campaign in County. ftîer and Nir. -lund, separaledfrn walting for a Job tu deveiop et 1h s>' sister, have been rescued and Oetting iebouse. came 10 bis pace set-en autos, loadeil witb Waukega't taken to same litIle town alang tbe laie Monda>', ol a boat, and witb business nmen made a trip> îbroueb the- coasl. Mr. Lundia nante was among lb. others, vent. Tht-y ver. nil tht- offiiai liaI ut survivors and itlai oves 75 feel away front short- wheu IceunI>' Wtdnt-sda>' for lise purPose 1 osible tisa my sister bas itad nu thie boat llPPed and ail tibree tell Inbttaof tainlue 10and greeting the farmers wno utIt and lu ber bysterical con, thý isaler. The- laite aI Ihal point :n ut laie count>'. is as nul a selingdition bas bteu unabletlu maîe ra »Ild la be tull of deep isoles and thet- rp-jusl lu '-get acquanted trip.' searebîg- inîluir>'. Relatives Iu beilef lu Manaï feullaotoune for, de- I h aswihlf i93)wr Liverpoul have bt-tn cabied ta ascen- »Pite lb. apparent proximîl> 10 sitore l iecr iibl-la :J eetain lige trot- situation." no trace of bis body was tound. tht- followlne driversaud gflesta: OlBcgai reports show ihat Lund isas James Walrous car Ed Sargent saved, wile tht- body'ot Mounse>' Is RA E N ItAIEWilarg iard, Lou Yeoman. eîorted tu iave bt-en dnfi. Robt. Hautý, rFed Peters. Tise unît-e situation rt-mains tbe IS AS ED B THEsaute in Zion Cil>'. Pîckets bave bt-en IS A KEI BY TuE W. . Lyon car: R. J. Dougas. Frank l paced un tise Nortbwettern tracks ELCRCRMRA)BukeIr.TCrawfo, TedMshehre tige rands nun dosn teulise lace ELE TRCR RO D 1T.E.Gry'sca A N. Rbl, .tactury. Temnaeeiilc e ut N. Magli. and ntiîer side set-ms ncined te Deupte the asiranos AMat vas r.- F. G. 8mitb: Aea Ht-in, Hîraus give Iu. Stt-ps nia>' Lt taken in a few ceiveal a sort time, a alt thei.i- Kucker. Juiius Synakin, ime Kcliker, da>'s toala out lies men on tbecsr- cago and Miivanteeei'lc ralroad C. 1o00. tain machines- and this vili mea a it ail prohabiity wouid flot mike- an Charles Birstov's: Thson Higgii- gent-rai st8rle luvlviug about 700 peo- effort ta increase Ibeir passenger botbam. Sulas Brigbam, Mark Redli- lu. Telc n ftefcoyi rates, ithe officiaIs ut tht- compan>' are Tht- routes assigned ta. the sarlouslire. Tht- icetendulise pacd tr>'ll ding Ibeir beul lu stcure permission cars were as toliows, tht- drivers di- airy e a cmîgitel>of aii-da s u il for Iis front the t- lie publie utiiities vidIng Up Iheir eetrgies aud efforts..oui>' e gmatît-rutavteu asoti commision. 'Route No. 1-Grand avenue ta Lake1 mais'utlt grsyu at-l0a>1I g Reresntatvesut ht- ompn>' p- ill md L~t-.ou accoont utfiaving nu more lace lu RepesetaIve ofth copan a - illaand- -o La-e rt-pair orgettrt-ad>' for tht- market. peered btfore tht- comissaion lu Chi- Rout1e No. ' Wshingtols street ta" cage un Tutsdi>'atternonan d r.- Green Ha>' road, nortb and vest 10 quesîed that the roa b. permittt-d Wadsvorth, Mliburu end Antiucb. te increaee the- rates from 1.42 cents Route* No. 3-Belvîdere street ta 10 1.75 cents a mile. Grayslake. Round Lake, etc. Representatives ut ighland Park, Roule No. 4-5 Points noad west ti Giencot-, Wlnneîka, Ktnlwortb and Milwaukee- road, south ta Lihertyvilit- Lake Forest bave rt-gltert-d a peo- to Art-a, Ivanhoe and Wauconda. and lest and wîli st-el le induce tise con- retura via Diamand Lake, Prairie mission t0 leave tht- rates vht-re lIse> Vit-w, etc. are. Wault-gan people have nol taken 'Route N. 5-Washin.eton sîreet an>' îîeps la register a protest as sud. south on Telegreph road ta Ev- tise>'vers frm ln tb. conviction tsaItretîeand Dt-trfleld. tise cospan>' bad given up tise plan A cirlead ef Wattconda membera ut la dentanfi an increase. tht-fr commercial club came la Wau- This assurance wu galned tht- mid-lt-gailn d Joint-f tht- Waukegan comI- dle.of April %rben tie compin>' resus. ingent lu makine tht- trip. ed its former scale of prices atter In tht- Watt<inda car vere: Ht-r- havng announced a proposed ln. man Maiman. awner; Presideut R. C. cr..,.. Up t& Ihat tinte Wulegan Kent, W. . Hughes, E. H. DAhlse. people had plaisned lu enter tise figit and leep tbe rates down. Tise cbances Mrs. Lawrt-nce- Ferry, aged 52 yefrs, ire tiat a delegation fron thIis cRI>' dled ail her home la Mirwin, Mo,, ivill Joîn liose trom tht- other cilles. Tuesday, MVa>' 111h, flleving, a thred Thie beafi of thse cospan>' are seeling year' Iliness, burlal aI Betni cerne-' btý prove tisaI Ibsîr operiting. ex. tes-y Thurada>', May' 131h, at tvo oa. penseof bave Increasefi and Ihat lie>' dock ftram tht- Methadiet cisurcis of are tntitled ta an lncreaaed tare la Zian CiIty. Mrs. Ferry vas tise mti. meel erpenses and 10 compete vils tr of Raîph, Chanton andi Charlotte. *tie North Western road on an equal Tht- faml>' former!>' lived tg Lake bunis. Thse commission intenda la count>' for sun>' years. TIse>'ptoved Iear ail phasesofthlie questioa. ha- î from LaIt-count>' la Iova, tison 10 £ore laking an>' action. KanSaa andi later b MisourL. CHICAGOANS LOST S. S. CONROY DIES ON THE LUSITANIA SDEL HL IN A BARBER SIIOP His Death Was Due to Chronic VANDERBILT TOLD GERMANS WOULD SINK LUSITANIAI fD Ailred G. Vanderbilt. 0 Alfredl G. Vanderbilt vas on. of tise passeusg-ss on tiseiII-ated Lusi- tania. Just bt-fore the vesseR sallsil, he received Ibis aoyostels- gra-ar:"Have il ndt I.atir il>' tihe Lusitania pe ,d You b.d bettes cancel pssag< int. anediately?" Thse milhionsire dd nofi ~b* tihe telegrasi sers-lI. STRIKERS REJECT 2 1-2 CENT OFFER ,BY CONTRACTORS Had Long Been Sufferer. CAME WITHOUT WARNING. Deceased Had Conducted a Grocery Store Here for the Last Several Years. Waukegan, Nlay Il~. Mlaurice S. Cunroy, aged 54, drop- ped dead titis mornifle at 9:30 o'cllock while waltiîîg bis turn ln a littl bar- ber sbop Juat south of bis grocerv istore on Marlon atreet. Death waq due lu beart disease and whie the end came euddenly It was flot entdre- Iy unexpected as Dr. Gourle>', who Ihad been ateldflg Nr. Couroy fur affection eventuali>' would cauge hlm to drop dead Ruddenly. j mat death came instantanreeualy lu evîdent from the tact that Mr. Conro>' was laughlug and joking Up to the moment hie was stricken. A few mn.i l utes before enteriug the barber siaup he bad been chatting wlth W. O. 9,'a- 'nn, discusslug the weather and sa>'- iug that It was too Lad hie hadl toride -. nstead ot exterlor work on secb a pleasant day. The barber sirop In question lu Io- cated in a basement two or three doors south ot Browning avenue. Tbere was a customer ln the chair whben Mr. Canin>' entered the abop and he &at down and began to t4lk wllb another patron. Sudideuly hie stopped ln the middle of a sentence and toppled out of bis chair ta the floor. He badl been subjeci tu taint- Ing spelsa caused by his heart and tue barber tbmzgtît it wn.i another mpi onf the ne Mord. He hurrled ta thie aide :it the strick- Top te buttn: Mis. JamesMarray, en man and ai the same tinie aura- Miss Mary, F. Nicol and Mms moned a physician from a drul; store Chardes Yousng. located three doors awav. It took These Chicago women were pas- tbe physician but a glance to see that songera on thei Lusitania duusng be the vietlmi was dead]. last voyage. Their nîmes are flot in..- Members ufthtetaîu!iy hadl beer. cluded lin thse bât of thse saved. summoned wlîen il wathought tire' - r--attack was notbing mo,3 serions titan a taintiug speil. They were rrostrat- A ed wbeu ibey arrived aud touind 'he M S LLEN URR Y vlctim dead. The rmlswr è moved to tbe Conrad and liart under- DIES AT IHOSPITAL taiing r as rsddl iVHILE ON A V JSIT gan abot1 or 19 years. For nme time hoebeid s responsiblo position - Rt the oid sugar refinery. For sev- Weil Known Elgin Pionef Ta- eral years past be bai1 con!du.!ted a ken îck henVisiing el- grocery store aithIe corner of Msri9si ken ick hen isitng iel- street and Browning avenue. The atives Three Weeks Ago. store formerîy was conducted by a man tramed] Ek. CAME TO ILLINOIS Iliq 943. The deceased was a ver>' fleshy - - -man, weigbing conslderably over 300 Tuesday eveiing jt 6:2n O'clock lnn pouuds. Il was Ibis condition of ob- the McAllslIer liosýpital occurred the esit>' that waa responsible for his death of Mrs. liS.r Murray, wlfe ot weak heart. He hall heen afflicted for George F. Murray f. Elgin, and a the lasI tour or flie years but durlng salunt by nirrriai,. bt Fred Murray anut he last tew weeks the condition had Waulkegau.l it-r dei,,nefOlowed agrown worse. He badl had lwo or three mw elis* i". from kidney tliree bad speils durlng the last week. troule iti "Ii(ilshewanralier Bt-ides bis wife hie leaves the fol- suddenly sîriekei i uln sheb carne te,1 lowiug cblîdrenfi: Oliver and Cather- Waukegarl 10 vs-lt r'laives. lue ot Wauiegau: Mrs. Ralpb Blythe ~Lrs Mur> ii inuy aigua.o- tIndianapolis, sud Mrs. Ted Fogel- tances ln Wagkîýg;ag: but in Elgin shelorOfCia. Obituary. stas widely kiioi i. beig une ofthte M 'nu ,sbiul otn Ploneer setlers eto! [it cîty. . ie oul>' NwaYur.lnAu oso,8. lier mame ru o-ir was Ellen Steb-ErecuiyNwYok g.1182 bins snd lier bitii i oeurred in Muzier, Ht- was married !ni 1883 lu Buffalo, Town, Crawford i ,iioy, Pennsylvanla, N.Y, lu Miss Margaret Beler. For lFeb. 22, 1837, 'ioikli:g bi-r 78 yeara u 22 years hie was inlutlie employ oftheb age. o sugar refluer>'. For lige last live years Mrs. Murrays I,I,liîd wîîo survives lie hadt conducted a grocery store. Be- bier, waS a brtler Io William P. Mur- sides hie wite and four children ho ra>', tige faiher orF lred aud Carence îeàves a sisier, Mirs. Oliver Knapp. ot Murray ut Waukegiii, Mrs. Murray Butfalo. was a sîster uf lrý. William F. Mur- Be was a niember ef tbe tollowlug ray. lodges: Waukegau Commandery, the ray, the relatioi. [up ligua hein g close Kiiglits Tempiar and Knlghts of the as tisa brotigers narred tiso sîsters. Maccabees. Itlal expected tbat ho wili Sie cameli Iolliluo.i with ber par- bave a Masoule tulmerai and wbilt- the enteslit 1843, goîuug to C'hicago via tige1 date lias nut yet been flxed, Itl:ebeha lake. From Chiîcagu ah. moved to Ileved tbat It: wiii be on Sunda>'. Oswego and froin i Iere in, Aurora, acnapol eir hsal but ln 1848 eue nîoved te Elgini sud1Wuodpeleela tmll wlth-tbe exception uf one Year, wiîen i pox sere ai that place was exaggerat- sire ived in McfleniîY, sbte sportt tbe ,'ed sud tbat It was almost ail over bo- rensaluder of lber lite lu tige Kanoýcuun fore tbe public became awaure that ty cty.Hermariageloo Plce ct.there hadl bden an>' cases. Mre. Gainer ty189 clty. 11er nrydsrelokpae Oct. îîad practicaliy recovered ai the time dia. 1859, a iiry audlgn weeime-lber son came down. Both wers quar- iely inselî olul'igu isiser esti autîzed and isoiated caretuli>' and liner bus hi It eoutuuedber rei- ere iasu't been a chance of the ail- child, Jennie, whîo died lu Elgin four meut apreading, declare businesq yearsago nd wa bured lnthe uen. Their cases were very light as ryarlota wsuredl ht u-have aiea been thoeai Volo. IF STRIKE CLOSES> PLANT IT MAY QUIT FOR (600b ALL TIM It Is Said Ziorf Lace Workers Plan Preseting Ultimatum to Marshall Field Company. LIKELY TO REFUSE DEMAND Latter Are Ready to Retaliate by Permanently Closing the Plant-Situation Acute. Zion City, Mfa> 12-The situation et tbe Marghali Field lace irorks lu -assumine an scute respect. 'la tact, il toda>' la bordering on tise mont crucial potin t. Istglr>'. Today or tomaorrow ma>' speil the end of the big lace works gnder the Marsball Field managemeut andl ownersbip; It ma>' mark the edgme et the plant as the cemp)any's deti te workmen Who are uniilling te complY Witb the com- panys ruies. It develops tbat lant niglat. listing util inidnlgbl, a meeting of entploysf ut tbe plant,. ifluding tbe .43 Who struck last week and ettbers viso -coffl 1llnued werking, was ht-Id la the durg .ture hall and malters vere diacussi pro-and con. Another meeting wàS heid this morning and another vau to i- bt-Id this afternoon. Reports came out thst thes employas b.d reuchaid s declelon te serve an ultimatum on thie comarly éi@l that, provling the. old empbe>4.o Who etru ck lest week are--fnot m'egr te thair positions b>' to<sirewtw nMbug s4d their demani sdhered teu M ref- erencs to the BpIN'ftIée flw'ý t tRie entire expert t or et dtle., would refuse ta go te work tbMbPmrw, tins down the PleUVI1 t bmqf-ý flot produce WU ipua l r . And, ln anote z- Ms ~ê " one f rom tihe lace moiibiii i-- ment te thie. ffect tRial, iU swbeè course. wr resorted le, t«Malthe IjUS aoi FI.W Company' net- eely Veisil ceaqe trying ta adjust ostrevesioe but wouid cloue downt sie V o tory ind.finitsly, perhffl for 9@84,4% with tisaI. meny 0158.'.imdOtrleft Ra not vs.>' materloi te thées whh.e. t4~y aporaIs the Moen plant or not Thus, worknten vus are' la dire need ni! vork Ioda>' are iu'yi gto fort. itail such a dt-velpme,nimatter wblie men who are unntarrled aad wbo perbiPs bave saved up a sun for a ralny day, are urging radical steips regardlesu of tht- càsssqeneeu te Ibis, the- biggest antd mest-,impota*t Indusîr> ln ZMon. Thse ciomsigefthlé plant would wek unintagnable bard- slps oo tie cl> vici,. at It buet, bas a bard tinte provlding- vos-k for Its residents. ISLEPROSY Y&!%-E CASEUPTlu U. S. Cook County Hospital Sheters Rare Form of Dread Disease. Chicago bas a new cage of lepros>' practicali>' alUes, and thge tume le ou ils bande. ripe tisaI tht- publie should nois For four days tht- couni>' hoopltal where tht- respansilsllit>' for thE, bas harborsal Anus; Jacoba, 62 years sîrike lies. When ourIinvestigation old, wbo bas bt-en taund 80 b. afflicted la ended tht- public wili 1know man>' iitis anaestht-tic lt-pros>', lb. rareut af tht- secrets ufthlie building sud la-' foras of tise dit-ad dîsease. bor aperatians et tht- cil>'." ' Up to Goviemmnt Tht- cotradturs isli nul be spared Tht- local immigration office vili t4- lu tht- Investigation, etlier, ho said. day b. asked le determine wbether lte voman may>'o edtporled toi ber native Sprinsgfield, Ill., Ms>' 12, 1 a. m.- country, Norisa>, altboughaisbe bas Tise bouse comfinitîet un publice11111- heen a resîdent of Ciicaga sime the;0 lit-s et 12:20 u'ciock kiiled tht- Me- isu8 yeans aId, Gloon 110>'y car" billb>' a vote of 14 "Cases of anaestht-tic teproiy are te 13.' Thie bllIias bacetilb>' tht- rare," sead Dr. Carl A. Meyer,. usada solid labar lebby>'asd tht- Allied Rail-.isarden orthlie iosptal laut nigist. "I raad Employes Tise railroad compan- doubt If ihore are tour or hle other lt-g bave bt-tn fleting 10 detealtihe cases lunlise United States. Tuliee. bill1 t-estriluice Il isas lntroduct-d. Tht-Ian lt-pros>',lise tort Of lie dhaies bill would have limited frtight trainesishicli lie lt-pt-r laHghland Park lu tu a 60-car maximum. Thse defeat et affiict-d isitb, li subcOsnsDOites. tht-e51 bilîslniteu one or tht- blggesî No Danger tof Infe#L. PrOPOsîtions before tise jegielature. Tueeant-o udanger visetever ot la- Judge Smiley, ishen ht-rt- froas fe-îîon lu Ibis fori. aecording 1teh Woodolac'i Tut-oda>', declared ho sîilîlbetathglorltit-s. W. a.r ke0lslg tise la a candidate tas- circuit judge, de- patient islated as an added prées* ciarlng that tise fallune ot tht- six lion, iteiever. 'lie, isiasbas <0 jud'ges lavten pas tht-legislature iZsý fer sud »te casl l.nigreat latulet flot material 10 bis candidac>'. iznit-dibl cim4ma." sali- Êoral. Gant, iere5f tt- JgiIy adini andS Kte, .t. r 714t r Carpenters' Leaders Refuse a Proposai Made by Coun- cil Mediators. Tht- sr,0oo strîikîng carpenlers oti Chicago (whicb Includes Waukegan. as Il la ln tise Chicago district, lt a clsauice ta t-ad thea strike,-ahip Ibrougis their fingers yeuterday. WItls an offer et 2% cents an hour luscrease for tht- last elglsteen menihs bt-fore tht-m tht- lise rePremstntatives of thse Carpenters' District councl explained to AId. Murray's cummittee Ibat it would bc uselese ta tale such an ut- fer back 10 tht- district council. Tbrough AId. NMurray's committe. It ls undt-rsteod that tise conîractors agreed to refit- he offer vhicis was tabit-d b>' tbe district counicti prier le tite strlit-. Spurr-d on b>' certain elemenîs ln tise district coluncii, tht- rt-prt-sentative@ oftht- carpenters egnin retused ibis Incresse In wagt-s. Aldermen Don't lnalst. Tht- representatives of tht- caspeu- hers sald tht- offer wud b. subiait- ted lu tht- district ceuncil If thse ai- dermanlc committe- isted, but add- ed that tht-y believed it useles. Wlth that sentiment lu tbe rummlttee of CarPeulers, lthe tise aldermen dect4d Il was futile 10 urge tb. subsission ob lthe ait tr. Tht- state board of arirateus vii, start errangemealaIt oda>' for op.niug public heaninge Monda?'. Chaliman Lt-o J. Wlnit-cki atatt-d lest night tisaI tht- investigation of tht- etate board would caver t-ver>' angle ut tht- strike and would be oneofuthtie muaI thor- ougit labor Investigaions t-ver made b>' e stae bohard. Glvmn Pient>' of lime. "Tht- carpenzers aud tbe contract- ure have bt-en gîven pieut>'ofutlime te sttlt- tht- strîke," Chiarman Wialeckl said. "Tise>'bave stupped wbrk lu

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