CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 10

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P '1w.. ____________ lIFARS F PnAs TO et MOdM eeting. OPP9SEOPE4IN WED. EVE. Merohants W4U Not Keep Their ,o.sOM wsWathe, Tie Wau'kegan CÔminetélal Associa- tAon directors heié a mant Interesting ana Importanit session aut leu r eguiar vecitir meetng authle Washburn blote] Corpogation CaimBel Arthur BulibiOY va. a gSem et -houer. lîvlted tead- vise the asoeelaton' dmtons about the dtails of the hearing befare the Me&&% it gbleIMtWwtl, ommii on o t». uwtter eofAIgreadmk, 4n ratas an AbmCicmgo& Miivaukeea laclnlc. At torney Bulkley stated that the quest- ions ¶nvbivéd ln the prent m requlre lie services of thR eIp legaS mi, %Mtion expers lb. cillu mUsa&e aions lhe *Xgli aborsaroe Vprming ta ho pxoperiy represanteé snd tial Wauliegan vpuld ho on the Job. Socrolnry MagAîl rend a comnmuai- cation ftom rIRe Waaitegan mail car- itu stag tb.t Jea. C. Jecbeen mtu:iattud the lutate 4oa'eniioa et ua eir tfPonla tiSAs vemt ai0 woîid lite 1ta te au Invitat4on froin lit CumerlalAssociation ta holé their convention net yenr t Wauka' Upga. Ihe éiyectorm votad unellIpffoip teextaiil aa.niaat cordialh InvtatIon ta th.wâmmsConvention taMethêre m0d 436 pç9vidaa meting place and speclal euteelMAimp.t for thoni. - T»t 400is r f uplilte ato-e q»» on 'titllai d"y', ulalît vas thon brought upeutd dd. A. lite uffl- t$me. Seoetxp Me<ll Watlq ltà a epleedam 'phtone vote of là mrch- Moi U l reul lina. es beed but tour iafn qr « »beplmg open,. ,A rveotonet l"e atomobile " boW. ibt asmoas thefanems. of the Oum" ut Wedmdar brouuitl ont mas tac tiai 'theslafriemant au a iaam* Aboi unUs oc . Wpum4o.ehlobues cOWentya" emUe";l i»a' wauKbeffluanud tter ,couaUmr able dmmno& t Vas Lnedl ta aà- Point a ommtbeetocanaier the mat- ter'o t ab*bu aIlgamuni arkiatiet viene4fae*je oeuid. Pin*t titerirn prodaice ovay day mad lad a ma-rt for k.L Il v a. thouglit Aatah mn arrangemtents vauld provide an ont- iSire imUaMO andl a neead amr- »tgr'Waubsge and b. a. preut a suMMee as snob intitutions have prov- ewuin otie, Cition, and vonld regmin brilbWgmy.mare farmnera jotathis ciqi zehllavlr thm nov coame, a bon- eUit LW.tbe inuers,caur mercimuts and the cUians genoraiiy. It vM aima Voteé ta hba imtier emolter n lb.efleur future and the »FWhd.t va. autboAaed. taappont a utme fur tlist purpame. -mi.isa-p NgilireporteI that tli Redpatk O~u*uqlmhaL lust ussign- ed lhe voot beglnnlng vlth tie 27t1t orell$b deat150r the Waukegau ,tbsapqom and li tat fleam o- QMlote ud4bwlAw"mt fur AbiMeuls Ote0c h 4okaloe every «Mrt teý QMIOW ~faber date. pratemhly a Offfiirs 'Tyrrçfl and CaIWthan' Rave Visions of the Plains on South Side. ~&t1dwed~lretl Atb Q aiy hd put ln the tempora* "poud.1" There they nov are avaiting c& Ims from their owners, whlo, vhen tbey go Io the pasaire this. evenins for thatr evenIng's mling vil flnd their pr'o- ducers gone snd lfeiy t1ieyý¶ ile a démeind! on the polîicé te 'Orodacýe titeir' attie forthwth. "'rite. oWs brok« ont anid trampi- ed PeOple's lains ail over the South Side. We had many compiainta and ltst lochai thom 'up," saitt Officer 'TYrreli. It vill colt the otuérs Il a day for each day the police keep them. IWOWIlS'WÀY TO Young Virginiahn'Passes 'Thru Waulcgan Souad Noeth to Win a Waoer. GAVE AN EXKI8ITION I4ERE. Streetanid Theji Pass i Mis RIfatArouh. Did you see hlm! lRe passed thrqugb tovn Monday night vav'ilng big vay ta hie home ln Virginia. Baly yesterday evenlng a ybag Mau af atout ibuid vtth a decided êouthern drawi 'dsturbed the peace And! quiet by walilg dovn Genèses *&reet and ln a iaud vole lnvitlng ail to attend a f rfe exhibition ln heavy W*efght juggling thut lie va. about to glve. far having caliectedl a crovd at the corner of Washington and Ge. ,me streseta ha uneartbed am 044 lad- der and an oid truck iheel tro »mue vhere and uet.d la viti be * esbulop f beavy vuiaht pinsu. MM alaUîàg Utb thecrowd diqi mot, ýbsvq blgA euieR aytbiu.g vseales iàaUed them hat if they dté ual bave It1 »Wrta n tunt w.. emut he tae- .4i 11» laider and tesett aet. lrot murlug -his audience thàt there poei- flwly vere no strilgi attmabe -to thal *0. imder l lac&.e ha h.ibt t& him iboulder thm.n ta bis iuoeth. holding laS Ob taposition for about two mnutes. Afier tbis prfomance h. pasmsa the bat. Something lie,forty cents fell tto A. Neit we.m tho wheei uact. healo leggle titis vagon trucb wheel volAi.. about ilty vounds n hlm teeth. E ain passed the bat. This Umne hbe flOved soventy conte. Wlaap he dlmeore e bamount Usat pas ln the seood. lbat ho walked ovar put on bis èoat. Soineono n the crovd wranted te kpow vhether thi. 4ii0w va. over. "ete. shaow Asail ovar for tonlgbt, thanit you," salé the yoit aus buterted to roll lte bot- rowed -wagon vbeel baok toIts .ovu-, er. '1 meroiy vmnted to get enoai to stand me-for my rom and hoard for this evenlng, gentlemen. l'mna omtiieir.gentlemen, and lf have s, 'liebitt nia ieahpKM t&,tate y&* *Money awmy t<s'apu vluout giýtAns. aw âie omeubios la ieu." -FMvig beau faund inter ibema1 that i. s aeva. Hamyy Icz aMi that he vas verbg bis vay fromr Milvaukee ta ihlmoen îRiomni ta vin a hundred dollarbet. ZhVfu4 trT *MNERS S««I(CATLE. 'Peu aImrs"nou' Wihmuée thein oscape rin lie lé Sundorlu Pasture aou Belvldere treat vwend 'arrested" thla qc»uqg nudt MWvame tuitlimeyard ut Dr. Oas, Semli, meterinary, liant gf lie Dedi bwulmg, off Genefeet 'bain 'capture" .waa effectué by An- gpAnt mleia Tyrrell anmé Officer Cal- laisa..UaLlr le oldtiw»Swie oy, a* glAca dd al "moxnunt limAs Irus- h ti tÏga nd aisargelbte herd. int Me » ioderu catlle driver,. beylié .tat, mueimmi lie bit Police auto and pars«m1 tie la-4bley luen gaI aijoard 'h qý.,nlce lbig&Y, aut] with thimi O>rmW,>orae. tlîey nlas.ed tIbm.. n'a rn starid iton Belid et ~eet ovn viti 'GlAeer Tei bandllua Aie Unes aéOffcicer Cails ban dlrecUng lie course oi tie camle 1>7 valking alang lie highway. Alta,.r LAST YI3A flRU Water Wom,4 EnqunerUrgezf Sabt $ lés t eo nmhe where Lon Ôcured. DISCUSS WATER REBATE. Vote$6Ô te Aid in FIitind the EeottrpRad goost in Rates eMiih Work.Done. WOIK OP COUNSICIL. I-Rective report for yaar oi W. J. Allen, chiei engIns.,. at water1 worit., cantaininq necammenda. Alens, etc. 2--Refer matter ai Installing arc lilgt te Mayaor Pesrco, mter a pe. tîtian le recelved. Seflcalve communication tram Commlander MafettotA a vals OtIon, in reply- ta reolution &bout weîcoming rocrults hors. 4.-Vote 1$W ta heip d.fray expense ai figiîne prOPOsod raieIn raes on the Chicage and Mlwukee Blea. Anic Une. 5.-Dbscuss matt., ai wter roea" his ycmr and flnîliy defer action until nexA meeting night. O.-Adopt reslutIan calling for audit Intomancy &pont In pont yemî for epreading spécli abnmmenee 1-geoide teacmli for bld. ai le le-W col nswpapers ta dolerin. whlch *hall b. officiai pmper. .-Matle, ai iaoi,'ginto bii!@bout t urning ISanidan Rend ovr ta Linarkuitbon.r rsirred ta Cemmtttee Oi tWe. 9.-Approve bond prcsanted by City, Tremaurar L.ouis C. Tewau, for 10.-Discuas briefly mail.,. ai reiund- lng mehsI te Wm. Feivey but na fou'msl action i. takes.. The ity council liad an exrtremeiy liuay session -on Monday igit and hbxasbed out muuy InlarestIng mat- Alen'& Annuai Report. The annual report submitteà hy W. J. Allen, chief ougîneer ut lhe valer -wents, vas oneofo!tle mont Internet- ;Iug oser snubmltteé. Mr. AMlen huéd -usée il very complets, comparlng Aie 'réoord of the luit peur vith the roc- oé& af several peurs at puat. ; ?bhe report mioved thtainmne lb. 'vuter v*rsva. establilhed on May 1, 1896, Aie amosint ofaiulumod bhum %een 67,416,210 pounds. The amount; of vater Pumped ha. heen 1,1,7, 4n galions. buvng the tant peur 'hé smid Aat 601,0981pannés of caul bad beatusumm for emengency pur.- Poses. -Ne reports a siiortage ai 442,. Pfgoudnée ai cou l h ho altrib- itée. em4er ta short velgita or ta -Wsog*vetghtt given bp the ffremon. 'ile l1cm.amounts tui 01,000 andé h. suggoats that a tract scale ho ln- ktmlid by tlieftly t te Ibtis 11a1e, 3lmoffInion heng that thia qèloéi be a vle luveelment hocunnse of tic enarmoas lame. Le,er e Arc Light. kcomlQunicatian vus received, elgIJned iy J. D. Hamiliton, andé Abtly- oua othars, m*igAat tise city tu- $ajI au arc lilhahIar the brIdge p *aPis avenue. Tt vas joinled ont. by thie petitianers Aat et the preeut lime Il Is vcry darlx near the bridge uané as a resuit lthe eafoly ai vomen wOften la menacod. 'rie matter va. r1terred ta lie maya,. n viooe de- ivurlment lie publiec utility malterai an-e piacod. Lette,. iran, Moi#tt. etrm Commnauder NoffetI aofltsenaval 4clnpgaatiqe lat aAsMmm. lution »"«ssa1 by ,tî"-conseil;t - i b croit. are 1=1Sme, a AWIantegan&t jail lime. Nma IM ter fflave: giparipM Citye lerl De an 8fr: *PerMît me ta acknowiedge lie ne- of ai our,-lette,. ai Map 11,1915, i Anbmlnt me eaitheiebannaise Ofa letontnbp tbm City ,coiuel Of u n on May lt, -It niait A a dlsneé Ath the QjweuWA %ir ity ar recrifte front lii i an- l1; station wva t ai timmo icohe.- Att vr,- g+mftnéta6 me te hase fience and eateem l in ilte. titeoguot peale rWt1~ l. Mcd ceallai ustum ie I.4 l»? 0e Pl bi S sie eta tliîniyot fi Very truliy yotre. 1W. A. MQFFM'T, Commander,1U. 9. lXavr, Couuinat&at. $60Was VotL Corporation Couasel Arthinr. uilt-I loy PkMeMed a vnitlan report of his- 'sIct . tObCiego a fav deA" b t' 'ihich. iiiatlanded n meQt11g oS dele- gales -tramNorth Shore citiez ut Wih plana o ige csee0fnt ü'ý lud te fiait Aie ptoffled innwemme la rites Wici lie Cilcago and A lo" kee NDlectric raliraad lsastning of the *0at$:Pithc Utiliem comminsgon. Ar reb1outu-ia adopted ln vbiob the clIp, vôted $60 tobehousOd lu'Ieiing la defray the expeneel is olie fgt tint vili ho ueceseary. Otior cties along the north Shore arevotlng sins. liar amounts. The Wslsr Rebat.. Commîsioner Orvîs presented a resolution nwvich ho calimé allen- tion te the fuct thul the liai le at baud viien the aly saouilfM Sm I amount af the valer rebua t iogviii he gîven Ibis pear ta tbogo lotop% lie tam earip. He vus of th.elUi. Pression Ihat Ihe rehate U" yeu should ho more than tnanertemat.m he thoughI people vould Mako it; & Point la puy eariier if the »sate 6. large enougi la mal tul Adce meni. Conimissioner Dletmmoervau of lhe opinion liatIn vv e ýtbti. need af money tbis year theetlIpca- flet afford ta give a luiair rbate. Commîssioner Orvs. m êai' bm opA.- Ian tiaItiherebute sudidgb4e et Imuat 16 Per omêt. I1flmuoemr vua thanaht .411 Ut 4 lM>il - e hoald bu Spli, uahiugIl t 9 w Ccti, aMd muée,& denIon ga»ieeffeeLMUytw Pearcê%ý.-t# tan m omye.pat1 lie ellp'ya4 iv e .mm i a a es thIré r*bue',atIlau ubI meuell coul4A rulrdta e utlma vmI Der *saStIll euer.- Cmnihloi IsSoepieum iaI t lb.. 1ci o u- aot afford ta have thielilgits on the bridge liaI t liardly en nffard ta give aucqi a large rebat.. Comma L ffptt of Naval' 'tC-APACITY )8 B(Éèh IAXED. Oifflors Deolare Many Traned ýftr dOut 'rventy thoneané lruiaed menaa peu fr th lelavY af lie United States *%aa fl ol u n t of tihle Naval Train- &"bu B u tUSGreat Laites vieneven a 'pe order-bAsroeé edfor naval CeqdmaaU' WlllaXA.MofftIt, la .'am th'u ffsaloi, pointai Out ta- 4Wp tint, SaltbaUg fl S0men an-e nuthu' lniUlg ipI1réshGreat Laites te lie aaia-geaI' naSgal training riadOMfflWsAR ie' 'onmnry, and liat Ile ',mamma " W luI cese af uap dEde«otas' mméitubn Il. 'h. larguaIttraining stablan lInlise cammgth tint t Newport. Tiere are aAliep ÈUMisis at Norfolk, Va. and Thi, peung mon necelved labo lie Groat Laites station came from lie Mîddito WMl nsoetly, buit many are re- oelsod tou 'PelWan md otite,.Soutiorsi lUcaites, Chose lips mie oputhIsrougt ab coSuse, ft0siaAbut noIr ouiny mux telra'PWOWMlean& sd- tay il fôr Sanice alomWd ehlp. but b.- Riagi tue isuces t flieeai scioolina liat muas be continuoi by aubitioti. loysa ttor tuep have heeli tranmforred loa ntto, srie commander Molfoîl mid An n lter- slew tinttlants can ho suppiai ton lie hnndling ai anu nnlmied numham' o! men nI Abe station. Rassura.. Ara lmati. 'rie maya,. saggesteé ltaI peaably "Our eupaclly ha. curer heen test, a bond imues.woUfsi.i t' he at.5k ý. .1 - -.. . up, luagcod shape. aMr. Dieymer sal lb u«yproboilnlîwosld have tla IpOve, anc mWey. Decanseorethle diffl ea.f opinion l vas deelded to eave lt. malter openamt! lie nogl meelima. la thé mmmcli.. the mayer aud eammlslocm wavl lla*thlie malter oser anu éiede ucen lie site of lie sie. Te lave un Audit. At lie lait Meeting or lie Cauneil lie mayas pn6'eiole a camnmulea- lion la viMi ho aged the a&- vmabliiy of 'ai" u5a udt la de- 'termine the exuel fleasmal e«Madlln Uoft lecltp. At tie Meeting Mondaée aibIt a remluton va.s.pdsaented sumd paueé calling £ta, au uaidit ta hi muée la delermîne lie sucunt et mouep liat bauson avent aInce lie penn 1913 lua preAlag speaiaue- sesmeni. Th. OffliPaper.. The malter o ai lng for bide for the selection cf 'i oAcial papen ai lie clty vaff branaht mp undCommis. aiamen r sls ,movl tint lhe cosmia- elonen o! uccouts andi finances pro- cead loadvtisetle for blés. 'The plan lag ta avaré the contract 10 lie loromI bidée,.. ahe 'cl@. Road Mater. 'tapor Peut-es npoileé tint he huét receiveé froat Reprsemtntlve Shurt- -1eR tie«Spr cf &a.bil l hci raclé have the élecI * aitü..nsai Oeridait 7«dé oser te hl ibalu P&A boaré *t Cilcaga. '!%e contenta of Ibis bin vas éetaliiod n"'Pie Sunla fewr énpm ugo. ThRe alter vin i'fteied la Aie haayon and Commissioner Dielmeper. Dopd of Ciy Treamnrer. L. C. 'ret, ecoltly appointeti tp treaifirer, preatel 1mb 83».,000 bond fon lie aliprovi of -lie tianucil. rî vas signet!b3by lmdlhf nué lhe fahior- ng men au unroties: '1bodore H. Duret. Cilcm S.. PerMer, D tet.U Joues, fe. Sharat,,. mmanuel i chartants d W. Il. imli. Mapar Pearce vus of ltme oDaplimlat. lia, "onésmeu sootS' bava matal tint tlicp ve ïo"fcAiIfl mmaile for Ahe amount or thc bond. 'Ite cos- milslenerg couMdeléel Iis u=eeomu- gariy ai tuer muaIl le titt h51er. vas na anestiosi abopt tii.borduoe islnag omé 11W 'lie .aimiOmilof,'lie loué. 'be-mtefr vampat te a 'vte and vacanrîcé v$lýh but ou. dlmsint-i Ing vote, I"sbutanet bp lte, Mayor. The PeNuy Matter. William Wehvey'rwu presentanué again brol tp lié 'malter airse- '.nrlng n rebat, anla sUlmonlicense. I'husM ats, 'bolbtes« 'ibtWnrratD t lie mayor ar. 'Oedosnhgsemi' w uinI corporation Comw 'Mu&lÈp. TueW *Mter tla. .ltg 'WbemI-là. 'hiver Eeited vaýint' &l eft*me about 't qititee WAet Yirat'- mu p a're- «lA mee4ma t-;te"-leivm id. "Il woUlt a'tiie-Melisagit tode- aide pan ianrulsteitdW --ai -t'oim f lie malter vere np la, me alaie," repliai the corporation counsel. "If thé alier membersaoflthe aonimile aid," sanl the cammandaut. "but la eeo annî emorgencp It voulé ha founé liaI aur resounces are very elaslic and bat vo coulé responé ta nonrly amp édeMané fan men. "'At the present lime ve have about 1,000 boys unden training. 'bey ame tanguA la be, pnelpgoad eamen ha- iore thep have ever aiffed bine valer -liaI le, ver man aoflissa never have. "lu came tie demmué came I voulé feel perfectly mate la unéerlaking ta turu oser 20,000 men a peur ta tise mnvy, vhicb vould menu 10,000 every ksix months. Ordtaarily thé boys here gei a six montha' coure hich sarte A.bem ln thelr sas service wth a lot of useful knowiedge. "But in the avent of a great demanil for gomon w. outl sharten the taes here ta four monthe haudie thrmm hbatches of reoruita maâteat of tva, go Auto camp vltb thRe men vavreu- ablie to bouse; and thug inareuse aur output remendousty. Velue of Training Mtations. "It la a miatalte toassume, as la tsaujetîmes done. that 'gond salloa cun oaly be made at sez. The moderni battlmblp la a bute floating machine 1 sbop and the vonktoe b done *board mucb à mhip la vastly different from; that vhich obtained An the naval serv- tce of the dnyi gonoe by. Th« drMli taught bore, tIinstruetions given lui oecry Phase of salions duty tbat caet bo handicé apantt rou. tbe shlp vould ail bave te be tangbt the boy a- n ahtpboard Af lAt vere ual for the existence of these training station. *1 amp uay tint the necruits for lhe naval servie are amuaily pan t menaot-Une mhmtactarsta iTboore la neot a deu bil.p 'of mnla IUset.itd tao Ibmhe glasted navai leçone ef the llnited Stl A. mont; them are *many hlgh achool and uniVerully men. r "There la a glamor about the sea; l tai Oleot emIu$gma itlimbg. 7 t O t» aUM 7 01àU4t*1110WR-Vite-1*aI. A n this feUlAsdo- go beame, lbovins beer dunted, thep "Wtnt td sec, mometbing of thq varld la Unçl#r ta selvis. ileml. wM lw ' Mmore matlatactary 'mai o emlong the mlt *litom ale tIneM aS Atu tlnitod States a avy.l oL roUu ui7 twa*ig.for mnp yotng Mmm.' no, matter wvuhai'e -pedmen Uube An pivate lite. The service Anaculatesý thelle, gn.illmeof tair play, honor- abi. daulng, &clama ig aad seleé- fg,; he imm. way. s,01;thetii.atter 8, nit- ydoé * -d c ,eý4 ti4 - SI -No action va. -taken anig dia mat- rter wa. de4rred auàonat;ically. Oui.,. Work Dme. * The armuail Ibrary report sjiovAug 'tbe iinber of booka Iganeé dtalug 'thd yeaf, etc., veas pr0meutm au placeon Ilie. ý4fIé" lflvamirT-rutirÉfleChÀtr.& May vas approved subject ta the up- Provai af lb. clvii service commis- mion. WbIla the administration af lhe station lmaln lb. iandm ai Command- er MaffelI a4UidLeuteant Coawqud- er Cym-u . C", the. actual, huIing o flie mOsIr ficln**e'cf BOMWUtal ogicera 081er hlm, viehol ns buis 'lte udwr les station just er@ctý ru:t &Wli ocheo l a.0f eommes rangs, ¶1ntliUaeoul~lisOru' dLh 300 fesot hig, araelamdy comphtIZ sad' lhebatteries vileii a stlAd îtila a evdua. Ilýen lte Ismataitie in complets, Groat LAi tes ié" station viii b. Athe coaunUng Hunit hetveen ,Wamiunnsué lie Pacifie 0o049 au& a reiay for lhe tléet the, #lit fdarforte Ad1o of ifha Park w $e orety to IverIdÈM. KEPT MATTER A SE0CT. Leaked Out WhenthegI4Mr in Case Retumetd iOm to the- C9unty' iI1 Ruiph 0. 1 rooks 80 peint aId aof Riversiée. Ili., superlfltendenlt of lie MaCanmicit von-km aftie internationaul Harvoster Campany, and miae. Mur- borie Aldridge. 268panne clé, af Nii- lIné Park. aurae urPriseé hY 4 MY&- Wauk ' -cRM NY -lCI4IèAG. WeIl Known *Yung *éhan MISA AlAce Amoelli Payne, dtlbâtè ai Mr,. Amma PaYlAn"117 eld .4e nue, vîli he aone af lie pninatbla IDi à C" t bq 4 tit b. miaiél w ha G»qwmmm i*. a wu*dit no*ii poungumau of lta"sOur. , At lianes. Iour Ur,.Maasmnr Mies Xarara, vU oilne anieé te Dr. The cofemonp villir e fîbe In tii Chunarch oflie lisiy Cros, Wodlan, Mtd lit lelu l u m mueNI Offilte at boti reédîbas. 'Tie. ete44au" #l've*nm et tbeu OlP411Y oelsql but Aille Payai. bbotht or of fbe *aukWbn -bride. moifi'te anql of flic "beat men.» Vaiiawlng lhe weéding, tir. a"d Il uana wiu Iavw ou a twese»~a. opte. hlitem aut sA. a l i vii tr a 10wAulpam " fusor -1 prisant. vIIilée ut tPthepiib iLrý du Ormqé avenue. A numbar of luncetlus at'. iklë plumulE ir iSlamP"80 le, si ÀI Nt-leIao bsawensit aiekm i-bd ." #héme' ##114ws, bobsg-am* de 4". * bie1 Ydww'*Omm w a e Il. * tenIous reportlo ai aI. marlage lt pesîeui. aS ele 5 Salnrdap At tint lime he madiér dtatinbêt, lu cmn3ëteele.*kws"bb "Caul «undernneé ifven't seaulna~#Or' beéé udtlià.be hèe' tUrne Miss Aldidige for a viet. Y did't Md I laideVp0001e t jad~ isg-sc taire ont'asmplicemme. Muet ho.aslis- inom"esi (!hhalkComtb terv W b e hr tate. Dont tuer avMpiinga aIit At"future iumbmnd- mIli "d neam I c« MiseAlrile'. relativers mud: m5a site 'Wib aIlytoot l mser4lp. "-Mîsaite. 'hep IL" tb.o W e r 70t 01W a ine lheleilirbie lp Q«tob&. We knovhhasan't amen mce od a l>i!!vsi u 0 bererr o a veet. ffl su't icen ouItcam llhappînesa ln the future t6na ai lie house taday." Mime Ppu l. " - u en Wa u. Yestenéay lte marriage hîcense, kebfil anir tscIentla lem caunterelgaeé hp a minlater, va. 111.4 vîi tIbe coanty «aiet t <eiL.Il siaîeé thal an Saturdap, May 16, (iA S Rnhph à. Brooks Lad lMarions Aldnlége voue nnnnlad helieya. Lyrman iR. Bayard, pastoet thlbéUrmle Metiodist church i etGenkeva. 111. Miss Aîdridto laevail tueun laWau- kgma, having mini friands bore. Wien her local, friende herniétle rat reports tiat a liceem i mnébinismeé 10fé4BttaOd.a for hon.'mmrie litai ver, surprlsed. b- KpBSU8ra -"~ as ti*y i"adiSuppiausi Ue mmrmige to Puns Them. was flot tu tuPait lce mutffI . Tise- mysbery liai eided lihe case muée OVER-RUWIftG IRE -CITY. I lhein oreIntaelug.Thcy lare ual surprised wvith lotilumad ofthie qubigequent dlmiove a etody adI, 1 ;V itFm.W cthW 'WB" g C>wmWîth Them Eer hy., tdtele Si#u a 1ellEicft "Imei l edlie d teput devs 1 a robellc ionibmtheCy-pren@, via bai t"~ 4t-om hil hhi tempalieit 'Ula va usidr Poe lt cu 0itia.: f ose. die Wmelot mi .for .lm mea Maefefsne. w ~IfUphlaiy *IaeaSWei lhe clé rPO»a iotbni,.lli a sigi: W~Wvmp~ frrte »plt a»l "1dm th UP Ot.e nué vil a dbctrlmq Len» ian B ii otalempu van».4R deallne vith Aie 1miaor *W$. bal* 4dimemi Ibisb a*'l kecgio wa 'ma miss. numw.qi offlag %wAtt b«8e. 'lmsp shUn 'lte* im IdkeSy Itii ' *Wb 43,.t .46 dW@ la -'hibCmWcIvjul..h Hugime» tetm muat~~ h "op' Aie lbegtara ses~nIBi¶tamAt4 dlsmwà-thmiieA ite UiàomË4'*fl lite ilawsr a gt a a-e'i'l' du slmp svâr. »abis'pmo dfdclu alvuys véaImait amdmfbalpn fWibe Titis lce'lb'lu e »W He » u. - a cea atum ulUvWi %ami -penuiseb i ,âava lte tr a'aha , 'bare. NanIbtu - je* auti bm à* w ai eu lie ua ho ggelng Ueuw. *omu Wài,~1a!t e lotw is' -7 @ couaty ali .81erhie;$Miemlam ual puy a -§»orf 4800-mai-ca. ý a le** 1Wgegal *~ WesL tp am te lima om> À>ieagth Ibmne a la ,eI*i ton '5tii. 0 01» ebt Durltg lihe 1maItue o r ~qqwbi Afficr of tue a=çOi~pp, ,5lg lie ;e1w~ travd u o. - thep hase gaon al 1Insolent. 50.4 base met 'be<ged" money. -'jho ba demaéed IL-t.-à anl efi by ie Wi v*r ires dot *- for jus Che que *th >le boit Wn eV Amn pec Çon lA proi lime and rqoi A Mei out ili lime qve E No mwd id bj a muau ýuv wuutu cieur me maiver

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