CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 3

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OsMn C~mpa3zy IS NIIARLY HLERE- Anid you wilI be looking wltere to huy >our plaîtt. VoitwilI îîake tio muistak.' hy giviîîg ni.-' a trial. H-ave the' fiîîeet tCANNAS KINfi HUMBERT GERANIUMS Not the Ibig latitky ontis, but 11 lti- liy planut-. omîiuig tuf biidS. SAIVIAS, LOBELIAS AND 1iJ SW[EET ALLYSUM f RIEI. with evert of-der for two dollars or more will give 3 rose bushes f R!!I CUT ROSES F1" r aiuy tiedsioitlalwvays oit biaii at lowes-t t pi lIM Notit ai li b. at 111< tspray of îts . Br'tte' tihaii tlit stîîfYt I vinîe dt-i ii y i il have héb.e.î gr ttîîîg. JOSEPHI KOHOUT Florist Greenhouses on Chicago & Milwaukee lElectric Line, between Libertypcille end Rondout. Phone Greenhouse 1 74-J. alter 6 p. m. 291-R-2 keper was posted inaide and h. - lt-TUE ', à i e UMrWE nITi r I tlas wi udom, -t ln the- uoor (<ilth IN À BARN IT'S SAID TO0 W N CONTESTS IN SYMPATIIY MOVE ý s w noi te o hc oiide - i< ~(onîluued Front Page One 1- 1 il i at lteymuîst gîvteawk Mrs. err~,Formrly o Hig- lioard hilip 2 tîiiephiîe e Twety-Si Weaers oeCt- itiICC iefoî- letînt- Anoiier niiut Mrs. Perrytortirlî ofeHgr-î; i $1ilf r elle tout b lioit w!d M ksHpeaoorR- war hlp ý lolfhli le tains ty-ixWeark es Ci- f' ii moeMae Apaifr e W,, itin ui or ededy li-'ait r roîsbioa turn of 3 Children. Sîtrllltg -t1,Thtluia 1ii jit-t Following Demand. te o -îci ciioii ebi)o rralit0 antltis î )teeI ait. [torils, 3, Lois ('armahti Stil auctier -lgîî wa-i ln a forelga Recentiy IJljdgePersonsti tiert-îl ti ai ng lr Bok, Ry Zîon t(îîy MNat1I -Twent six lt e laliguua. order takiîg tie six tîtlltren front IAndtersao; 3, Chester Siiolîl, curtalît weateri at 1i 20 yeslerday atOi Tht- ct-part -r I-aciýtithat the- mein NIr. and NIrs. Perry of Iighwood and Penmanshp-l, illein Spauling 2. ernoon ouil-iloff their workiîîg liait îalke-d ot ai i-s;, andtihie lace plarlng ttirmur n varions state lusitiý.u- imaThiele ; 3, Wllfretl.tîii cî lothes, lail ltia îî tieir tbols anti t urtaiti niai hirie-ti werli euirely lied tiens where they ean bie cared fori FREMONT. Joied thet-1 lace iseaters who strtîck up l. Fl furtii-c learnel ltit hre properîs-. This action was tllkes artt Aritlîmeic-1, Chtlstia %V. ,îtoîî- 2. [aat wpek when te management ne-- werî 2l; uitsn -iplîtîed ou ilit, citain, Pr wllnesses hall testilled that 'hie 1aîtora-(Jsseli. '_ Almta Tegimeyer. fused îo conceede tht demandres tht-y'machîîtesnd aitt ltiLite iunioin was mother wal ît aiîing proper care ,f Sp-ilIing-1, NeIipl-iluîiîîigîott2, made relative to the- empîttyment of eniblatoiîrîg ic, litprt Ili-, !etisîîrîad tiheur, ihai tht-e nslronmenls5 were tend Frances Meyer; 3, Aloia Tegtuuey'lr alapreniices on the lace machines. 1olterattîr-. Fkichier 0 iftirîie.. it the and thal it was fîor their besi iInter- Readlng-1, Tressa (amnine, 2 , Cfýar The withtlrawal tif Ihe additioîîalifactory wtre iieprtîi-,li * taNMr. Pastel ta he taken away. At tht- timternil Pot-ans; 3, <rait- Pîifali 126 lace curtaîn weat -rit means tht- SissIJng. aho stepped iiit froti te thte nather ereulrd a sceelit court, l'enmranship) --1, (ora itnoues 2.1 necessary retirement of tmoint-15iea rcof thtedoorkee;î.-r aloi lîst-n M, scressmlng she would oui permit hier Frances Meyer; 3, Crac- ,~i- other hauds whose work dePpenoti 0.10caichtht- (tsI of ie ciinersaaion. c hildren triolhe tailtfroue her. AVON. tht- curtain machine proiuîcî. These IAs manas the doorpepr rcatil hi-. ,Mrs. Peccy appeared bt-fort- Juigl-, %rtiiinetr.-l , Allite-Jiige,gt -'nîtlikety aIlilulsh t UpodavandtI herelt-tt-dowit wrnîte ititle glasti-. n. Persoîis on We*dnettday and salîtabc- ces b anZandl, 3, tiioril lait/er. wîll te nothing foc tht-ii tio <o- !ilýot wih ia bang atîiht- reporter hiatiitt eritvisit the chiltiren liiiSt Slteililog b. Dîmis %Aie. : .Att- nîorcow sgt tht-i Il (w tilliît o icewitlttrt-w. iîaitiîgltarnil wat hmi i Vlncet-its Orihan asylum In Chicago .iuîe:',Face1 ui7tlturn. wét<for. She saldt hat tht- yaungest chîlti had! lýeatlîg-1, Berthta i 1oi tle 1ta Tht-latler portionîof îte ciillcierq 1lit thre' eantinu the t- ikers naid 5Pvere -oldandrougs, nd ciedý)o"(i 'a are ual among the bigle îattried ptc-t<allt-d a nias% nmeetingitgo lite eld at Iîicesmanitl: Site taid shtreeact-illiter liîîîatltp i, iîieaWrîgh-o- . Ie like te weavrrs ht-i t- teforci-I 2p. ni., att-r tht- trug stiort, Thli titiv wofitd tIlt- unIes, site was fpt- (ai Pi-sier: -?, Tona ii)lH i .l retirement front thec fat-titra il wock Ile aiji cUrialu itlit-caors tniiî-clng rnttiedti itulle Ih home. Se ar1n 1GRANT. a hart'sitîbîon tient as many tlit al]aiboiut toumenassemenird anti the oetirer twot ctildren ln fichi lîuit luîcae, iefrîîiday iii titi on îhercistenedtiutvarioles uionofficiais.lBe- tioîtuwert- caicerneii, site saldti het scritilineîie- 1, Lauis- iatet . -11liaisea: rnîvgs.>oîd ta]',. hîwtepr, nothîng in the weedsaitidadwsidt O;r t-i-la n lt-y;-, arn ii Ru iii irt , TI titi.ttyih ea-ali oîitiof th(,- iltt t-aias-of a solut ion cou Id he arn ced boîtrne- wiib hier. ,Spe-lltîtg -. Maittt ,iiBiîi sefutlitnal 2e; waetrt. aîtdî-îi littte12 ai.Thet-sîeîhîtng acounî te sireet -tela ee ,llkau-ret IýwMueît-r. 3, Isabtel lilmi a et-k, Ihere art- rt-ahi ts -trikers i <inters aflrrwactis îookliz preliy and tble t tîîc trtinîint-d iii contider lltitiing -1, Nlltttiii ii-: -iliti out tif tht- lîani t d ittiii ui nts lîlie. i 't'itheiii giîiig aIiý ol i iilit, tti - elit :l. (race rl ilijtlier aili liethelii - I di tiîiîîal itaitt-Pckets Guard Plant. a-tiI jiiili- sent Probtion Oficrs PIiaitttlip 1. i I.ti ft. i;(1 .wtio quîtitti t-tî-îîing, îîaliîî - iii tI (titi t-é,Noirii tetitckispick- Miss lt aileîîîîtîieîî,i-h teelii makr ~litii tw i iliop: l i lt ,01i itui-abîouît i iaîîd - ifs i-ilriglîî îîîiy t fis acre psetit-i Ith-ecccissuîtgs all ait iiîeptigati nu Sheit- att irtd si Ite airike. lai\ veslerdav. Tht- men are jeter- iiiiiit-liatpli iii il,- aaciiaieri- Iti- W.AUCONDA 'rttt i aîîî t--ai-tit î.ihantO-i ii rittal iri)stikt- lrealers will tîtîînîi ihi-i ning îItmalaelvislirii- îtoe . itt ,e-ii-ti iiim-niu, s athie lce adi itiirail ttiis withi othir uloi ngl a ndlru atii hle i-i iinh-îit-tis îucin thSeuile 1. lriii:.i I -tt, -iiidat-fa nil ihe it-i-i-importn t- o, ill tlipiio tlî di t- a hioule-arid kîîkiig ls i-t iilr etinOXli V tiiiohscniîi 2 liti i i 'i u it îîts,,ni-aaeaur'uare iîntîîî-il b, unit-t tir Th-,ooe Forby, yeste-- hi- air, il as in tii(- b-etof heallt. lditiii 1. Prîiî-îll:î I ý1it 'l2 ac tt-i tip it as i., cepocit-elil, ieii i, lb.- iiUî ltat-eltuaiti att-mlit at law- tutllîîînîl i it-il tcoth,,r ih i'eli-rsot; ,t Albe- pt it lantiotutu liii - i'laîiawlîl b,, le.hiost-tuu iîi l- put clown io short it t hiltireit itîtd fîînd iheiti pîaviiiit- lt-iiiitiiehili I. lt, ii tt- 2 iloi-d -l er "[Iliatu of elet- srîkers IletI uslut tliof-t cltit llcen aPiîirt-l c pt-- -tralsit i,sf-tlid 23, Ali - . Take Firm Stand, titir titigi-r ii cause a Hrs.a and <bey-il lt-il iycontrnte,]. LiBERTYVIL LE, Th - t itaitiivlat-ttrqsenl a oom- t-o Io t, i.iulitv yul i eWaukegan NIcs. I'erny tloîd iiforme-i .iiid.,e - rtJiietilîc I..te il I:iIigt-r. 2 i otîîtatîlîn t anagpr Page of the ln t-bort oriier. i-, jatiw illepi- [Pt sciiI;tat utc anîd lher hi sua nil - it-nrvn Eptr:- .:It-erîiiid -Mil lt-r. Ifartun ii ah-lth-ttht-s- niati ocertansis. .Yf r hiall mîîîeî o Hiîgihland Parka-ht-rt- Sprlling 1l, l-redditt'- -Itc-ttii ' itiniaitts, îîaîîîely - Tharireuit-rikinr, A delintalion of independeuts vent ulît-saîîl hec aetcevu lis n' iiunt-r liirothv SSNrs: , Eitta l.lcirig lace sseavi-rs îîîusîtic taken tac't andte,10Chicago andti itlrviewed tht-Mar- tuaciero Reading-i1. Christtitita ielrt-îti:2. ibat th it-untision exact-i bv the -shallField campanyt- v ali as-tw of At itue rt-q itstcif liii-,tcourtni iss o titrotty Sayers - 23. Et ta -:1ifrinîg. eI -attr n-af telliriie a pOrêtIires ir3iîig lt silttle trestrtkt-, bu t Ihet liloînelceîî h stîoîîttofi titaI liighland f Penniaiishîp-t, Ett-it, ltler: . 2 muse ut- cotîecideti hY tit fattorylimet %viil noencourage t.i Tht-> Park. 4lîttundîuitthe itumber aitl ieinry Epker ?. Ditrith'Lititielt elad a. Tire factor% offli aIs pali no vwert-tolti lhatelte conîîany voult riglitilirîlottad of liv ing ut tht- ELA. Iteot-uto thelidemandu tatd the ometsîj 01 yieid 10 tht- demanda of tire men botuut-re-, 'tIc. andti itrs Pt-rr>-re- 5riihînetic -i. i2sloit i- .2Ht-nq- ai cordlngly quit. lanîd tltIin ahl prohabhlity the iacp, tile in tt teiall mrttisli cotrnection i-tt Phmn .LfoiisurTht- handuîerchit-i anti utîon ik- isitory voulti shut dawu for thre a liiia biarn iti e reasr oi the-lurent- Spe-ling-lAnnaiX tL- Ieîi .parlementîs are runnlng aItlîcesent [liaimeiora. As Iti- ludependenîs depend thse1shtr(lt -it eii ni te dt-îarlmt-îts art- innportanit asm tioost entiri-li for supptî rotrtmthe \rîllîec f isntiîîî vre i home- but Ieiiiîg t,1IRosa Ste ( lu . Ida t-onpared io tht- curtain and lace ti--l-lace factor% oati as rtet- Cook Eler- a iiglithror cichsafeti tht- Informa- \W3i - 21.Elianor Fox- 1partments anti there isol tonuh tnt-ai pletiaisînlc iîtnlng abisîhatf tion ihal stite ddt it tihnnk tr2s Pt- rs' î'eoîîîaîî ii-tta . Vtilaî \tyer: 2. chance of tht- management 'eeping irus normoalritumber of men, tht-y Sud tîad aastîed a tii-h iii the atelk. tt-IlitîaKaslec ?. .Aitut Witi-kerslieiîo t ht-m going mucit longer wîth tht- big- ihat rafler ail "liiîepeudent. slafoi tailîîît tht-rt-. ger drtartmt-îtis shut doan bt-canot- indepeniti-t but depends vers niater- Td Jdi esn rtale- CU BA. thte meis hase walked out. ials on lits ft-low men for«Suppori. teîlay aigel'eciuinwicie roe a le,- Xnii-iti b. , t-el Watie; 2. Ma- May Ilmport Workmnen. On'th t iler baud the strike doues net hec requeta d ait-ad lhetiaucýhtil bt- I ltcglîîrîî .11usetta Stroacli. Tht- repart lm cîîr-rnî rihal tht- -affect Voliva or tht- Zion people ont- lutsi ui ite tiîttlr-n O rlttti su- c F t-Mig-lîr, Thtime adst- acý lare company officiais arenoa- malt-!iota.Tht-rt- are no loyal ZIon men tht-y aci for tie pri-eti alt-astiR.î ing arrangements tu hriug atitionai vaorking ai the- fattory and so thse Readrig1. arjis-e Wde;", P' weacers lnt Zion to taire tht- places ýZion stores do not depentianMar- lit- Kirs, issetr, Tht-Iota Strohack off tht- men who have stniick. JusIt liaI l Fit-Id employez for Ils patr-on- CO RTDSS L ES Soterimbsit 1 Elanit-v Mi where tiiey are corning frn lnrot ag:, nos, dues tise citurcîstdetienti on COU T DSSOLVE. S Soe rml, Slinaî astelifrtithlng. TH~ iDEEiuFIEuLOI a lit-e on men vîto waultt-et plac es. On tht- other hransi tht- rlostng oif ISIL oe i 1î;ecîrueie Brckles - ' Acrording to one man vho vas aiIrf ite fartons messis the- teaîh-knell -o TnL B AN K CA E lFlorence iuirtuit iii3, Mblel Mat I 1îtie depot tits morninig vhen thet rain <lie Indeuendeut stores. THE BÀN CÀ E 1Slielliîg -t. Ni]> Engloutti. 2, Ilar- rame in front Kenonha, but Ibret- Speaing ai a union mîeeting lte ley Sclimt. ::u lact Sinetdoti girls came In <o .,k at tht- lace3 îuht-r day, onert-fihe deit-gates got a i'portmeotion of States Attorney R. Readintg _i, i'situit-Webster - 2 luanI Oýrdînarntî vtht-rt-are 1503 girls îîastY lhrust ai tht- Englinli lacemak- iý lati (ircult futige Caire C. Ed- Eitart Ctldtiig -- Ct-mit dit-Vri-i9 fronetihe Kertosha district-anti many lt-ns. Tht- Nottingham met, he sald. wards <lits morning dissulveti the ln- Peutînanslîîp iNtt rSt-iot iront WaUlkegn a ltyael- trcn aeva joctonaglis te ous ole lit1 tý oletta (touaa -Hazel Clatit-c "Tht- norlh endi of tilrfactor Jloti andtihey look on other English or tht- North Chit-ago Stille Bank case. WARREN. trîuk iLt syiiitaihs- a-thti he sourtîP rt-iih laciniers as 25 pt-r cent Ataorie% Martin DIls-etr, reprt-nt-nting Aittimetie 1,Irent- (hop, 2. md. -saîi ont- uMain a-t-svrt-c ba' eslace veat-er.Tht- Amenican, tht- stockhoidt-rn blntht-btank, w. was(ii -r Nltcalf. rthur NMcClure- Isitotr in Zion, iiowever, naiti'tht- delegate, gets hi, gieun til nexi Friday to file bisl Spelliug I i. teChopt-; 2, LFtt li The lace a urkecu Ibelli a mteetinug utît-es .frntn tht- Engiishnian, tit- amendeti bill. 'nlless sort-efurther Etîtlan; 2. Macguer-cite Thorîte. t-n î,rlO, k tsiniglil le dîscs the Sctibuait and ithet-ellher foreigners action la taken at ihat lime tht- dis- iteading-i. t-cuites tCarroll;2, situation. ;anti lie ast-s tht-bt-st lhe cen find and solutioan order ailîs tanud, Madrlyn Tîtoltit t- ýsi-n - J, .lsii-t-i el Wthitt-ont-rpct-hantutritai plans aci- sut betasthèes ail. lie consideredth îe ln tht- irst plaice tht- assensor fix- i ty- heing rnde lui impact lace wonkers to Aoiericaît lacemakers tht-bt-st lare- - rd tht- amntn of the anntssment I'eiiniauîtîliiii 1 Irrite Chiope; 2. f11ib]th places of tht- stnikers, anotherjtitakere lii tit-e arîi agaînst te stxk of tht- North Chf-,- iElizabetht P 3, liai it-suit-Clîett k <I.,tai tht- IanohallFit-Id rainiany ago State Btank This sprng when, Town tollecîor Fuît saught te cal- letc tht- mont-y ihe stockhaldens af te tank filed a complaînt In circuit court lu whîci t îey askedti iat a temtiarary iiiiunrtiou directeti againatii tht- lown colector he mont-il, restrain- ing i front rotlectlng tht- taxes. It was set forth in <is bill that aboutthle lime the amount nf tht- as. sesument vas Iixetd tht- stock of thse hank w55 10ln rocesa of liquidation andt Iat Il shoulti not have bot-n as- ssstel aIi ls full par value. Tht- re- straining order wa Issued. This mornling tht- state's attorneyi on bt-hait of tht- county appeareti be-- fore Jndgo Edwardn and asked that tht- InJunction he dissolveti, bis ar- gument being that at thet Inte the assessment vas fixed the stoe, of the bank vas Intact anti that the liquidation process vas fnot itartmd until later, Ho maîrtaineti that the stos2khtuldenit should hait- taken arîy enniplaint tht-y had before tht- board of rt-vit-w Insteati of taklng tht- course that has ht-en takt-u. Attorney Docker Éat-rn-i that be-- cause of tht- liquidation it is fain that only tht- hank building itat-If shoulti be taken loto coîîsideratioîi lu malt- li;g tht- asseasment amd declareti that tht- stockholder8 have net bt-tn earn- ing auy dis identis an lt-mi stock. Independont reader? BE ONOE, AN ENGiINE BREAKS AWAY FROMI TRAIN; AVERI ACCIDENT After tht-v I idt uttabedti eir sert- Ires in Chuicagit Sunday, tht- Zlon restoration h( s tlrtturnt-d in tht- No.rtb IWtstertit tii-palant i lUedtitret- coacheus on uhi lu . .train, This t rain s due In Zion City ai 9:0-, it ho. s ati tt-s.t alf au ttnt,1 1 1Il deteroîfietl nI ta oyield andti lt ites will, Insteati of beîng foedti 1 rîcutgoize tht- deniandit of the vork- mnet, cle îown the plant tempar-t arily anti t-ct-l ermanenlly fi forcetid to. Tht- aonkme t lerntst-tts co- cede that tecomnpany 10 ibig t-nough t0 carry ouI ans- plan Iltidecides aut n titis malter. Ils a fart thai tht-e Marshall Fit-Id comnpany tm; saidtiu< be te onlvc cuncerti i iChicago on ai-t IteceIr has to harrav mauey on which 10 work. That heing tht- rase, It i.a set-n tht- rampany rau do vitateven overdue, Whatn about a mile front ronfrout tht- lace vanta. the North Chicago station the en - QuiT WITH THE SHIFT CHANGE. gmt- suddenly broke off froni the- lent- is what the Sun'î ZMon cor- train atnd spt-ediîg along by lt-If loft respoudeut neya of tht- situation that the coacbes au lt-ast a mile in tht- deselopeti Wednesday: rt-ar, When tht- engineer founti that Promptly ai I10, wben tht- change bis engîne was dlnconnecteil ho vas uf shift rame tht- curtain machine obligedti o kecît going for fear that operators valketi ont to a man. The thse carniages nigtu bunip mbe tht- onîy mnt who rentame [s Mr. Tom- engine If lbe siepliei deati. so lie kept linson. a foroman over tht- curlain golng tI lihe wa., suint the cars lied machtines, ant ihe is given tht- alterna- stoppt-d. tive of worklng a curtain machine Tht-n le h,îuketi up anti the brake- himseîf or hé vîli have ta go with man vas despaîcheti about a mit- ta tht-rt-st Ht- vas given tIIl today to <ho rt-ar ta fieg a train that loft Chi- dec-it-. 1< la saiti that tht-ne are lais cago ut 8-litp. ni Tht- train Was steu 0of orders for tht- fine grade of ctîr- comlng in tht- distance but vas lit-tiI tainsts iite roanser ont-s are mere- up by tht- traieian, Iv hting matie for stock. A newiPaper man veut ta thet- ac- IàAke Countys big veekly-INrni. ons yeaterdav attennoon t10Iniervit-w PENDENT, bîr Page, huit faunti be vas ouI.Oui Independent reader' BE ONE. £HEATRE PtoPI&Y F. A.Suydam, Peop. Four Reels off the Best Licensed Pictures. Friday, Mlay 21 Oh, Where is My Wsndering Boy To.Night E-îsn« trîn - - 2-reýelEdsn rm The. Hut in Sycamnore Gap - A Model Wife. Kalêm-i-l,îînedy SaturdaV. May -2 The. Osocers Ruse - - . - i- Éfigrapii- 1)ramua How Cissy Made Goosi . - - 3-reel Vîitairraph-týoinedy Fraturing FitzGeraid Sundar, &May 2:1 Three Hats- - - - 2-re-iBirpl-ttn-riaîn The. Navajo Ring - - * - titti4raphti lat The. Furnac. Man, Lukin-Coriipdy -----------sg:::: DR. E. V. SMITtil PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON t-t. o10. at-ho t- àd 7 to f P. 0 0M0r er RayH.Furniture Store. LIBERTYVILLE. ILUNOIS DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in Fir.t National Bank Building MOURS:- 1Ito 3 »Oand t ( s m. àesideu.e n Broadway. oppooite Part Litryii.thinoin. DR. GOLDING DENTIST Floue@ 8 to 12 am.-I to 5 p.m. t t-r Flr..t National Bank (titi, ', 'bonp 19,j. thon. Phone Y 7-J. LibertIrville. Illinois DR. E. H. SMITH, DENTIST. 3VEB LAKI COVNTY NATIONAL BANK. lliRai-S tc ".à a. m. and 1 ta ô p. m. t)AILY. Libertyvilo Ilinisl CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Piton. 100 Office over Gai Co. Libertyvilie, 111. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 215 Madison St., Wtuk@gMn.. ID Office Houri, 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P IL; 79 p. IL Sundays by Appointetent Onty Telephone 230. J. L. REDDING, D.V.M. VKTERiNARV suftEON Graduate Chicago vat Celg Office et Rasiduice 770 GrsI Ave. Phone 1136-W. PUBLIC AUCTIONEXRING CloeNot attention paid t asrianstn auetion sales and boit reaenlu adi t "ame. Ait kînde of bories', wagons Mmd harneae for sale or eoghae atlti..., HENRY SINE Phones 148 or 48 ZION CITY, ILL LOCAL DRUGGIST MAIES A STATEMENT We always advise people who have stomach or bowel trouble tu, ne. a doctor. But to those who do Dlot wiah to do thtis we wil agay: try the mix- ture of simple buckthorn bark. gly- cerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka. This simpfle now remedy Je go powrerful that JIJST ONE DOSE relievez sont- stonuach. gas on the ntomach and coa- etipation INSTANTLY. People wbo trý Adler-i-ka are surprised et [ta QUICK action. DECKER & BOND, Oruggigs LADIES' IATS Let us blesch sud re-b&sci your PanamaHualto sa ew stylith shape, et shoot oee- fourth the. cost of a noeu re. National Hat Bleachery 24 F. Adam St., Chicago Betwee, State andi Wash PHONE 1 140-M W. H. LEIIWALDT Violinist, Pianist and Teacher 308 CORY AVE. WAUKEGAN, ILL ~~223',.~f.T~A2iu. t2~. ,\ - r2r-"'-txets'raitht.2--~ . -- Scens froin àA* iîUuo~e 2 .00I MO Electric Lighting FOR Motor Cars The ideal Mazda Iamp outfit for thia purpose consista of two [headlighta off 20 candie power each, two sideligbts of 2 or 4 c-p each, and one tail light off 2 c-p. The wbole consumption is 461to 50 watts, supplied by a 10(0 ampere- hour 6 volt battery, which will operate ail the lampa continuously for 12 hours witbout recharging. The batter weigha about 55 pounda, but as it can also be used for engine ignition, it wil replace an equal weght now iPepresented by the ordinary igni- tion battery, which weighs about 25 lb,. and the gas tank 30 pounds. The bat- tery is carried on the running board and the leads connected through suita- ble fuses to twia conductors off flexible wire leading to the lamps. Public Service Company 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS iý i Housclea- t - îàgj Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIB. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law Monty <o I.oan on Goand Approvel Real Office in Triggs Building. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOttEY-t T-LA W Ltttertyville Ilinois Lace tiit- k-t lth-hute1.5-,2 U. MARTIN C. DECKER 4 etC TTOR'iEY-AT.i.AW , tht'(pp. 18tni St. Eloctre Staton Pftiee PhonoeOt4cî Roi. Phono 1360JR NORTH CH[CAGO, ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Llberhyvlio, lilinols paon*sa DR. O. FE BUTITRFIELD. VETERINARY SURGEON Anui&TINT STATS vETEIUIIASIAS. Lihertyvtiie. Ililuole.

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