County In-dependentj wemkgegan weekly Sun.1 OffieTlephone Number 1, Libertyvilie Exchange. -flased t ithe Postoffice et Libercyville, III., as Second Claie Uiali Natter 0 Officiai Paper for Laie County. Ised Every Frday. Ad vertising Rates Made Known on Application. SUBSORIPTION PRICE, 81.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANOE W. J. SMIT14................... '......................................... ....... Edtor L J WEBER»......................... Resident Manager, Phne 16 -J Làooks as if the North Chicago administration doesn't intend to condone the disorderly features in the city that characterized it during the previous administration. The three women evidently presumed that matters would pro. ceed as they had before, hence their failure to guard against a possible change in sentiment of officiais. 5lust because that y'ung man in the European trenches clainu bis mind waà cleared by smoking a cigaret and he thus was able to dig himself out to safety, it's no argu- mentjfor smoking cigarèts. Anybody who tries to apply it as such better flot rely on cgaets as a means of national safety in this German crisis-for the Gernuans smoke pipes, not cigarets. The suggestion of Judge Persons for the establishment of a home for dlinquent children on the county's prop- erty at the bospîta1 grounds is one well worth consider- ing. The county * grwlngapidly and the disposition of the. dependent cildren is daily becoming a matter o! vital importance which cannot be overlooked or treated witb indifférence. -If the county could see its way clear to pro- vide such a home it seems as if it would b. money wel» spent because of the good it will do for the children of Lake county, those whom fortune bas not looked witb fa- vor »noif. If the Gerým criis reaches the stage 'wbere it looks 111h wur, it would seem the better judgment to avoid sac- ri&ecln Americn lives if it is possible and we believe it 18 andfstiil permit the United States te maintain its bonor. One way to show our contenit for the kaiser's posil ignoring o! our Prealdent's demanda la to immediately autoffshipments of gooda abroad a nd compel our resi-o dlent. to "lstayat home." The United State s laPLECNTY1 LARGE enough te cars for ita own pol splendidly; in 4 fact, we are about thbe only nationwhc can get along, vithont the. aid of the others. 80,, .why flot whip any ad-i versuies abroad in that mannor rather than involve our- ades in a personal conflict wblch would flot bring back tie liveS that have been loat but instead would resuti loi. of msny Uves of those wiio rlght seek to mantain our national honor? "lThere'. more than one way of skinning i a at sut"l an old slang .aylng, but it fits right nowl i ude dward l ancs BTL a kentscndatoicui fouge.H ain ithe mai who now eresnt hoie cots y onir ti on ofdtheaotber siai hgba de go, o d irct ition.r Hbut been rladaofid b has povlers ftherefre, hie anbit omn uIaeetnLake county tand tn o tsfoge to.ditur nin e oil suor thlcm n'she fohcan- dodt e u h f ed nsista t a i nt rnce do't of pairm Judge dwda' ha oes. t aercoty an&t going têlanLgy c hane n t. Tee nxeptiSng teprIThe forhcnidthe makes Il apper at h.ediet. ion ire s7170ITting jdgeIn ouray dirctIThere Church zArw Meihodist-Episcooal. 1 Nit sqjmtay. Me&y 28, servîtes viii he belti s follove: At Il o'cioc inlathe loremoon the service viii W patriotic in chamacer Mnd Bey. Ream will preach on the subject "O)ur Ptrott Ptter*b." i the mbers of the Lîbertyvîlle 0. A. R. *iii ttedn uebody. n the evenug ai 7» 8O te msetîsi vii , "The MIdsurIDgt S&»iard 01f Ufe." Thoe. iii W eclal minis for botb services. The publie la coilally Invteti. "The Oblidren of Our Town sud a Falr Chasse" viii be the ubWet of the Epworth Lsue service nezi Bunday evenlng ai 6-.45. Ge0. B. FoiWel vii lead the meeting. AUei odally levited. ÇWlr rehearual on FrldaY evenin aet , 'leieaP. i4t every ember We Preeatfor ope"la onk. Priabyterian. guedajr5cooll0a.I. Claseesfraii lamia bhs aryelcoense iad figrnlng services 11,a.m. Tiieme, *,To Phase 8bali veGo?"' jesusChrist >s ' god-Styen anever tothe question. bol*lEsdeavor *:45 p. m. Subect, "RsllÉtou BRsding, Wbat sud Why." I*aàw, Edth Smasle. *,s.I.ig service 7:80 p. m. Theme, *-r Dlgrtbday aof the Cburch' ,AanalCdngregatlOfli meeting June 8. Tet Our velcome. St Lawrenice Epitcapal. Bol Cmmuno every Sunday 7:45 .. Fi Trt8undaylumonth 10:80e. m. Mornnng Proyer evsry Sunday excepi above 10:80 a. m. Sunday oecool 11:45 a. m. Evoulng service 8:00 p. ut. Ail Roly Days. Hoiy Communion 9:00 a. ni. ENTER PLEA 0F GUILTY. Waukegan, May 16. Atter hing held five days until the goode they vers suepected of having stolen vers Identifieti. tbree men, one givlng th neme a! Laci anti hie age et 24 anoihan, Joseph Brovn, 69, sud the tiin, Gyne>' Jackson. 38, vers broughita trial IbiS morulng chergeti Wit bevlug tolen 40 pounde of cop- per vire froin teNotbvesteru rail- roati et Wiimeite. They vsro syresieilest Thursday ity S. NichaIs, epecle aget for the B. J. & E. noad. viten h. dlscoverei theut valkng davu tse machvittce vire. Taking them W the station t.e Police heid tem. bslng unaet Wils- caver any ouplini of any virs bey. lug beasu staien. Ths local police hli tsesuspecte andi uotifled aurrouudlng tovns tlit they bail pichetinp tse vire sud vers ready fora e iement. Thte Northvclt- ern roaii sent up apecl en lt, vito identiflet It as belng teir property and un havlng been stolen et Wil- mette tram saute vorimen vho vers repairiug vimes. When aken before Police Magfie- traie Taylor tey pleaded guilti' iD the charge of pet» larceny andi vers seuteuceti. Loch and Jackson receiv- ed30 tcys la te Sconn u il, vhite Brown vas nejuendeti fon 40 dayye Iof .ciheryd/ Chester H. Dbbie wv@as e nosha vialto Suday. Wm. Rotigers of Mendota, DL, mpsint the weai end wiib Jas.,El. Swan ant i famly. %ire. J. S. Hyatt veut tW UCicago on Wednasdey wbere abs vili undergo ant operatlon fon appendicitie. Bart Sitar brougthilIs!autily ront Kaniosaalait vei anti meved ie othe Taylor resîdeure ou Hurlbutt Ceuni. Kenneth Loveil bas reigned isi posi- tion wih the Americar Radiator Co. lu Mlwaukee and returned to bs homel hteme Henry Kennedy ef Racine, and Mrs. JOs. Dorfer of Nortb Chicago were bers last Saturday to atend tbe uerai of their faiher, James Kennedy. There wiii W e aspecial meeting of LilWrtyville Lodge No. 492, A. F. & A. M., Friday evening, May 21, commencing et 8 o'cloci. Work on entered apPren- tice degree. Stepheu Scbulze bias purchased the 0. L. Hubbard property of 54, acres on Lake streei. The trsaio was made hy B.LU. Boyd. The relatives of tirs. Eva Proser were caiied te ber bedoide lu the W'aukegan hospibai Weduesday mrnlng as It was leared by the bospitai physiciae that sbe could )ive ouly e few bouts longer. Wbeu the relatives arrived as the hospital tbey found Sire. Prosser very low, but she Lad a very strong faitb of being able to return home lu a few days. Ou Monday E. L. Davis. in company witb DI. M. White of Miliburu, (Jeo. McCullougb of Gonnee, vent to Waucon- daete adjuet the loas of E. E. Gilbert wbose barn vs@truck by llghtning Frida, nlght, hurnlng the barn and ail ont buildings te the ground and illiig 18 cowe and 4 Lorses. AIl tarm machin. ery andto ols vers aise dfetroyesl and 45 tons of Lay and a large quantity of grain vas burnsd. SMr. Gilber'@ loela $4,000. Ouly $1100 Insurance In the Milîhuru Co. vas cerrieti on buildings andi contents. ALPIA CLUB IIOLDS ELECTION 0F OFFICERS At the meeting of the Alpha Club hsld ai the home of! Mrs. Croier Wedneeday afiernoon, the foliovlng officers vers oletteti for the snnlngyear: President-lirs. Lulu IMattocks. Vice Preddent-Mrs. Emma Trlpp. Secretary-Mdrs. Lueila Ray. Treesurer-Mdre. Jennie illier. Pnogram Commltge-ifre. Emma Lripp, thalrman; Idris. Mary Juil, Mrs. Mary P>ayne, Mrs. J. B. MetGuffic, Mnis. Aia Alihuri.1 Parliamentarlan-Mrs. Jennis Bond. Librany Committee-Missn LoulseCater, chalrman; Mr@. Mary McCormick, Miss Boésie Bond, Mnrs. Bfesee Greenvooti, Idni. Mebel Woolnidge. JAEESJKENEDY PASSED AWAY THURSDAY, EAY 13 Mn. James Kennedy, a vel inovi egeti resîdent aofLertyville, paaSet sway ait the home of Lie tiaughter, bdri. Therega McCarty, on Thirti street on Thuraiay, May 18, eit the age, o! 78 years. He bailbison Ill for about tines monis with ivenltrouble. Mn. Kennedy bail mais Lis home vlth Lie daughte; for about six years. The deceasied lmeavas Wmouru hlim fou: sons n sudxehdaughter., beaides a num- Wer of ersandcblldren. Mris. MeCarthy of hors andi Mrs. Joseph Donfler of North Chicago, are tLe ouiy chlildren renldlug ln Lake county. The funeral service vas helt ai Si. Joosph's Cathoiiechcureh Saturday mornlng et 10 otilock, Rey. 'Tather Lulirsil officletlng. The remains vere taien tW Highlandi Pari for Interment. nitLAY hAl aT 31st On3 the afiernoon of May 819t, the day set aside s0 Memorial Day, for that holIday this yeer falis ou Suaday, the annuel "fat" anti "isan" base bal] gamas wiii We stegeti ou the fair grountis unden the management of the business man. The management promises sematblug reai big lu the lins o! amusement aseomne "'ive ball stuute" wlll te îulledoefi. Anti all this viii W ,dons tW increasa tLs funtis in the coffers 0f tLe Libert.vville Cemetary Association, for acoiiection wviil be taken up for the boeeit o! thet assciation. '<'e geme le to stant prottptly at two ,,',-tck, so ynu'ti ettrnget yen? lunch sariyseu the gooti Lousewtfe andi daugh- tens wiîi bave pienty eoftims. te ix np and ltiit to tLe fair groutid e haleathe gains getsunder wey. Alter yen have at your eyes over the lellowirtg lune-up ef playere yon simply wou't Le able to nesist seelng tLe game. Ail Irolessional playens bavV been bârr-d. Ths lins-up. y Ir er CARO 0F TI4ANKS 1 viL@ ta exprese my laee.gratitude to ail my fiends uanti iea my pastor, Rey. Fatbsr Luttreil, for tbsîr many kiatneess to me turing the luines anti desih of my dear latber,Jamea Ksnnedy. Mdrs. Teresa bilcarthy. s c t e I s Fais Leans- Paul Ray Dr. J. L. Taylort Paul Morris H. itoyes 1 Frank uydam 0Nefigb Frank Kern EHBCorlett Ciso. Fredericks Paul King Ný K. Ladd Roy F. Wrght J. N. Bernard J.1. illenmaier H. M. Alburt f. Keliner J. T. Robertson W. Whitney J. A. Treptow Walter Lytle J. W. Brown Ray Smih E. T. Laugworihy fli. . Triggs J. H. Swan J. h'. colley Vmpires: Mayor Jay B. Morse, citas. EMason. officIielScore Keeper: Max Kohner. Bat Boy: Dr. F. B. Martin. Waser Boy: R. B. Bond. Special Police: Jas. T. Da,j@. liso't Special Police: Citas. 1i. Proctor. From tbe look@ oibe aboya lins-up of players a good game cen ie expected but the managers are taklng no chances sud bave provided theifleelvee wltb a big flet ol5 second-lins recruite, some of vbom iuay have to W cailed upon to belp filt bbc battie. We tant gîve tbe position 0f each player at this tîme, bt ettlb W knowntihatfDom aaong botb aggrega- tione ai le«a.s good pitcher (pcture) f ranie-up taun W eecured, vho aloo conid "undertais" tW play the gae alone; two morsetam ip "banked" on to maie a good shoving, vhiie no leus than seven tan "tut off" good slces for their aide, and In case of a mistu< there viii We one ready tuo "hea" hit notanter. tImpire Morse no donbt wili We very handy witn the tape ins and give gond detisions. but lui tlght places we ad vise hlm tW cail on brother Chas. Mason to, beip hlm "shave" the doubtfnl ones., As bat b>y the managle chose Dr. F. B. lMartin 10 verform thie critital operation, and vs belleve "*Dot" viii maie good. The vater boy la aivaye a noeteity et sncb occaions and the managlers have provided for a bond ises W gel vater tW the grounds. Crowdse t a bail gamevery seidom gai unruly, but f rom the meaeflei'ý ap- pointmen of Jas. T. Davis andi Chas. D. Proctor as special police, fit oisas if the crowd wiliiciamor for a second gama to W pieyed before It vilii W appeased and t wiii W the dub.y of 'iti"Jim tW uéede heip tW cai on "big" Cbeniey. Then, too, ehouiti the suppiy of base- runners feu shbort, Jim anti Cherley could round np enough fieb-foobers Wo brin« lu a tliy. K. C'S UAND AMÀIlEA TREIR'FIR9 IJIFEAT Whenever tLe home teem Lai to taie dis short endi o! 1h. score, lh is up to the ver scribe to funnieh an alibi. la lait Suday's game thîs part là easy, ln tact vs cen furnleh e perfectiy goond, tva etigeti one, uemely: Morris Lad au off. day andi out boys ver. shy on the bit staff. The game stenteti out under very undsrabie veatten conditions, nasty vest i nt sudaa cosstomai spatter of nain aud the dilemonti vas heavy andi slov. Thie was anybbing but proper tu, brlng resuits from out big south psy, vho ies 'em Lot anti baeide@ Howard Cecil VenVaienîlue, glaises anti ai, vho vas dolug slab duty for the visitons vas paaimlng l ie i vy est velu. The K. C'a got two men ou In tLe tiret but they vers 1lfit etraudeti vhen Calishen vhlfed for the third out. We dldn'î even get thet fer. Davis fansi. Mlloy popped out and fBapi groundeti ont secandta Wfiret. N=lie aide aoi anythlig lunîLehemondbut lu te thîrd came theb.ig lghov-off. Cecul stsjnisd with e reflt er Rudy aendivent becitg the bWncL. Smitit tiove out a .%ce siugle snd vas sis e s uti on a fissioti ettemptat adouble pl"f. Golden dirave a tva bsggsr ta loft, sconlestva and vent ta th cion lte lhrov Lame. MMiauaman valieti, vent dovnuon ltse tiret one andti t tird wteSgmoiescorsi on sliahsu'osinlue tarlghl. Morrie tben unconketia vIlti a" andi Rani éconei. lied galng ta tiid. Tiis as qulte sufflsnt for theo vitt hop@ and Boystaok aven lte job. MeDermott âk1sd tWDevis, Moràn MsIngot to contter scorlng: Callahan andi Loo Durhîn vLiUs live tous ou four bits andti ley looketi mlgbty big aiet tnage of ltehgee. The ouiv round sfi .ta nvIrhî viettWrs ihrsenad vaslthe fltb vhen tbey hat io on the thà viti o0 dovu but Rudy pulleti off alslnens baud doubla play anti pulledth Ie fat oui 09th li te Out s'de pni ibreq maeresover ln tLe fourth and tîbigs befan to look up. Mslioy led off witb a di'ivs W lafit iat S.nithdroppeti. IHapie itéat ont a bout anti vhen DanSer laid on.etiovn the signais got mixeti anti 8tub4yas foreid et thîrd. Bapia a"tiDanSes tien puilisi, à double steel, roosted on 1 hein respee-! IL4 e 4 4 23 4 2 K. C. ABR H P A E Smitb, If .............. 410 0 1 O Il E. l)urkin, il. i .........1 O00 00 O Lou Durin,e...... 4 1 013 O O ............ 2 1 1 3 1 2 mcmanaman, 2h .... 3 2 :1 1 0 Calaban, fi......... 3 i 2 O 9) O MeDermott, se ..... 4 0 1 2 1 Moran, 3b............. 4 U 1 3 1 O Leo iiurkini, e ...f.. 4 4 1 0 O Merriman, l ..p.... 4 0J O 0 2 1 e24 8 Summary 'bye base bits. Stafford, Giolden;s@toien bases, Hapke 4, Detier, Myars 2, John, son; bit by pltched bail, flapie, Caliaban; double piays, Dorier unamslted, Moran to MeMansman; @truck-out hy Morris 8, hy Boyen 19. by Merriman 131; base on balie, off Morris 2, off Boyes 3, off Meriman 3; wild pitcb. Morris, Marri- man. Notes Little guets of frigiti wind Little drupe of rain A a epring tînu bail gamne Surs give mesa pain. t It aieo glves the management a pain ta the viclnily of the gaie eceipte. Any plther %bat tan bLd aur bunch to four ltile bingles Laq sarneti s geme. Nexi Bunday Atloch tomes bers andi ve are pullung for saute decent veatter. Dning the ebovers manager Mlon set undan a tomaeau tan sd epi fairiy dry. A maxlut eliencer ounEM Durkil voulti enchante the popuiarity of the K. C. team. tougp to e bve e Woil port er, atDl c ourse escen't vin 'Sm ail but t la gh Wo loose eut witLeo many chances More. [)ve'sr, we are giad thet the K. C.'s est isstsutcseded ln vinuina à game gof the l)espi lusrirr I# .Object. ,go 7o01 vent to roduce 0TM dghr eald the pbysical culture e» rL "No," repiltithe cSller,"I wely vent tW set mb osoort;;t o letie actlvity that vili permit 'me te mr clotes that -a» really light Md i la waru seather." ndependont &doe-road by 25.000. m1orses-are1 cheap, onty the best can bc raised at a profit.- PURE BRED, 1MPORTED IN DAM PERCHERON STALLION Bon carence Do. 6é1610 A draft horsesof the best quality, weighs today 2,307 ibe. Illinois Stallion Board certificats No. 8340. 1 tbiîik a colt hy BotiL wt c'will bst worth at least W,50i0 1110 as a four 3'sar old that a v'olt from the' saille imare by asiy liorsm that travels froni stanid t(i stand in Lake Uouînty. A two year 01(1 filIy by Boti Lawrî'uce lias soldl for ý40O, and thrcs' yearlinîg stud volts have solti for $1,4(0,. The (iusrin Brothers mold a foui year old grade gelifing by Bon Lawrenee for ý275. Stallions of the quality of Bon Lawre'nce' stan4l for ý;O. It will surely pay yon to hrîng yotîr mare to liiin. Trhe great danger juKt now o! contagious aind infectiouta dîseases both to horges and catti and thte danger of traveling to so îalîîable a horst, bave caused us to 8taîîd hiim at hoine, at Roduey Faruns, this sea- son at the Iow price o! $1 5-to insiure the mare with foal. SEASON 0F 1915 A1' RODNEY FARMS One and one-half miles west of Libertyville, 111. R. B. SWIFT, Owner. J. B. HABERKORN, Mgr. I. s :wm:< oe sus~s~ We have just rIýlCan 8upply al 8oft opene Qur.. sort notice. We deliver t) ope 14' f1 4 dealers uwe . coll ~aer rant Bottlinq Works AT AREA Phone 311J In titis free country of OursOur moneyl Our .taxes and time, go for construction. The rail- roada and other improvernents which have been constructed during the Iast fifty years, have been modle to stali and wiil be eijoyed for ail time to corne. Our Datural resources, clirate, soil, location, mines, timber and the ike, are te things which go to make our country the best on earth. Money and mates jal being used for construction, we are the best eulucated, best housed, boit c!othed people on the face of the earth. Life Onsurance is one of the oeonomic and constructive institutions. It i8 just as nec- essary as food, clothing, or shelter, juat a little fartiier awa'. It is the best thing. Do not bother with thse thinga which destroy, but rather, the things which construct. Insure==IN, SURE--Insurance JOHN HODGE AREA Manager ILLINOIS "d W *ae. bt e on an erra? aitrt ic ontoi- on the mlspis, r hers1. ecored on s'ithaetrlie-ut. A double play crabbed îgood chance for the home team In the e ribe s d si e second On l to W doubled wben Dorfier'a smash vent %uraightInto Moran's mit. Wemsanaged to score another in our bail of the sevenih. Golden missed a throv on Johnson's rouler and Frier went dent to iecond, etois thIrd and scored on a wlld amarescame amigbt near iylng tLe eount lu the eighth. Hapke weiked and wbiie Doriler and Myers were being disposed of he siole second aud third. 8bafford wam up wltb a count of two and two and on tLe next pitecb Bap came ln from thîrd Ilke a shot. Be had it stoien eaaily but Btrick didn't know be was coming and reacbed ont for the tast, strie. Theu the flood decended and the game bad! to W caledý The score. Ramerea A B R. H P A E Davis, 2b............. 3 0 0 3 0 2 Melloy, @ se........... 4 0 0 0 1 Q flapie, 3h ............ 2 11(0 1 O Dorfler. lb ............ 4 1 0 7 0 0 Myere,cef.............. 4 Oi1)0 0 0 Stafford, If ........... 2 1 1 1 0 0 Barbour, rnI..........q3o0i1 0O0O Johnson.C ............ :1 1 012 1 O Morris. p.............. 0 0(0 O i O Boyes, p........ ...... 3 4)O t)0(0 Chics Ex thena Llný" Fr Ge. anti day. Ge out i Bros hics Wl Map il yo mtati Th a ne, aeei dolit A 1 bLd u idea chur 2 1 0 L