CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 May 1915, p. 5

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cIlr.ChSeuo an aycil the>- have mou ru the Ln ud l i.,tue H dited by F.J. ORUCE Phono l Wuftoii cottage ret-iniiy cai-aî,-f i bite Il Orders Taken for Job Work lreot ait1 Advertitlng rates on applcation. Mrm . t. îGrib M ut iicai,imciuýitetir Speciat rates on it f .rad uatlî ihtositîc I nai. teletifsiin- ' i-iai îîr Litnrt> i ttc. at Boyd'i. Stadu, Lihertyvifle. : Mr@. E. Thea> i-r etîins î1îîlteillitsî. rayefake wifi have a regular 4rh -A afiru Aîii-i s îia3iaiî Jul>- cefebration IbiaV~ear. 11.-sf five, tor bFrfamt week. tir Krigtituftàiikî-- enthasiaosii mon have1>e.1et t the t l fîead ut the cummitteesi, saittih eefra- geliwas iout u Sitai ii , nglitattiii tfon Will lic the btict ttiat a i, i-velr dii-td r ab hee irs. ltrouift.îi -i lii,'n iiikiiis ber.. ~~~~abouut the- aii-NfoM -ii- in I ont tariet t(ý,, tr grad uation1 pre.s-nts. ' l'lie i fi.Store, firie 1)îr iîg imcanîitifor tiir, Mrs Ail NMeade intrtafneif the %W,. s-,~ ikliscfe î,îi' wns (Itifd Wednewdls>. h ii eùqieil Tht e I-ikt soci-ali-tien liv the lBand The io '>af Seugfiior silauijti,- is 1tafi ig iMi e w iiti-rs eat *s'-fî î ii-tIîg Boys. vasa ftirti giidud ttiiiîi-i and lireariîg tfur a eiams ,aiiipliîîii viivii Mie . Laîît t ii fCf. i-iagi pi-at tc1 ciiîidtc- ie.wI i i~, i week with lber riiterm, titis liatlire-ij e t-iifîur-iabedeyla Sîiday tiI,-. tin sud Miss Mande fTurner. the ciuiei-rren utte iday. lîcegi Ircbt Mises Carrne %Wfituiuré ut Lifuri>ville tt. jî plifuith10týiîing ta>-. tPettlant wr-k with fier oniclte an(] au..nt iur eLo M. L. Cartietdd anî lCartietd irii, sr iiiku .ht The lirayétake t.euiiiery Siie wcitt itiet witb Mit i,,Kappî1î tc iT ihur.- ÂNTIOCH day, May 27 't,~h ,iîî-i ii Niiacka. %va. ,cji- Mire. Rois (ian a-iiIif i Wa k-i-aàn i i t l"fi t, le ot Jwaks i rîtr%, m andi i-fýit Iai.i lrilsy f-t' -alliig u ini.i rîtrirfri-ndm ili ifisiiii kiirm.. Rid tiagrier efs-rit lait a-k a i l, 'Allil ltîî1' ti l- atai- relatives i Wauki-gaii. rîtitiiitjg Strir. 1T. A. >ijii,letuiiii ac- Le igilirifl,- day xan. rît iiilir- Mouiifacr Ii î- ui-ia Mins Fr-if f.ý j dl- i ut fi , îj i fiili,-îiare large i u.. ,if i-raifitt, ti,, ci-ti- cttfa1n.îîtr fti-iingi U-l fnci--iei -i-istc iiItih it uel Jeii Lîîigrîiatigt rani,at. 1'- - t cra Ilj, i-M ay du îft in ciagis WAedni-.,dav hi mi îa, ii fit iil-t,, lin nef, Mie Freif KueIkiýr sC»i iii tituiiu tiili Fridi ii-riliccas. icia atî e f-î fier tiotesr St Z-ida. tii1. i and 8a1il 'il1,-,rjitu-taiuim i-hua e f Cr-ai 1tatirt. Mr. and it .Jîtîiri M wk'-Learei, ,iilîni- (tr-i--Tcv- udaf î t-fuif their îlaughtcn, Mn., Louî,u t i n sd 1 amrf-TbYpanwi-of(*kmh famil>- aI Ausin.cWbi.w,areited lucre h> t i-deattioft il,- Mr. nd dro C' . iiiir slLj -; to er., fthen. Paroi-fl Tfav,r Ma nSn. d eiAy ilf.ri-ut Sinatur Mnr. ittebraud an-f dani-itr (tih ui dba Snd y 111.îiiif. aLuulet Tueday ortanarr pUt afi titriîru Wm. leiaasoiiImla'Pfainc- . iii-dJAhnI On tact I-rida>- ai tic- îuiilu- ishi ichardson lat Wednesday. slter,tIlrw ieu. .-b,(.i.Uurreî te Mm Jm Lngabughsud rqýH j1deatfi f 'stz.-11M. Thai-r.Hc hâd MrsilJallieLongsbaJoinatd Mit Battu Ells wre i"u 0 frend i Mitt i- anc-ir oici ttcctiiiai-fc HWi iave., to Frida>- and Satarda>r. -moaru bIifi.-auit l1,is %c iei, îhree ciue,ouae FOUNI> Tht place afcene yu 3 Iui] l i mtser, Mr,. (i-i. titt n, ni (rithtr, imore good thinga toir*f1(Jo than Ot J buS (a>er, and ricet,"and nephevc. i-ver tboughit ut gettng and saistifait httr.a sfeda ltunSn wit th t goutte. . L.C;arril-d Ci.i 'hitl day. Interuient in uilîtlîîîrî,i-meter.v Lest jear we laid w. fad fîie ti-t wurk chue in Icîvu beaums e atboiugbt i-o. Nowv w, cay it beeauce ve know it b>- tensLTry safpair. 8,L.Cartfefd Co. -fî S Dance at Round Lake OIpera BEuee Saturda>- eveniD n M>-2flS Milnes Gertrude Maniî-urriî,,l [)ei plaine@ te s guesî t MIr. and Mrm. tG-. Cevetand. Mi-. sani r.Wilf Fri8tpent Saturda>- and dunda>- with refativet fn Cticeago, Dr E àMootton aciompanied fîr ir.Tuin- WWOD 01 tChicago, tperii Wedricdav and Thunsday st îLe honme uf W. m. Husuri. Dr. and Mms A S tYI l lint Stlîirdty in Waukegsn E. A. Brown and %vile si-na Tueeday in Chcago. Excavation is pîrîigresfng ravili for the nsw reidente ut John Aiainu, >r . on LIn-oln Ave. Frank Cunningham sud tamîf>- ut Chi- -ago opewb a tew day.s t Round Lake. Geo. tocin and ville, Ueo Cleveland and viile ere Foi Laïoivfsîtort§Wedues- da-Y. Geo. Roslng (if Woooter Lake étaktd out hic bouse iou Tneeday lapt. Rendit Broc, wil bud s t o-fiat bilding fori hitu Who sald Round Laite vaeflot on tht map? You woutd have thought it vas if you had heen ait thet UWai t the oofkce station one nigbt fat week. j Tht Keysto)ntOit Company- wtt fintali a new gagoîf ne tank at Round Lake this a tek. The>- have ernpioyed Jtut Fita doliver oil aiàd gaotline. A lg 4th oi Jul>- reihration a-ifli e hefd at Round Lake un J uf> 4tb and fth, u idtr auspies utf St. Jusi-phs Cathufie True Wledom. Wlice myingc often fal on barren groffld, but a kfnd word le Au ibrova away.-HeAta NOW I8 THE TIXE TO USE KRESO DIPS U"Cure Gern and Insect cure. Try it in your lien house. LW& sLiquid and Powdered Lice Killer, 25c lb. can. Fleck's Lice lKiller, 25e lb. THE 'REXALL STORE DRUCE DRUG CO. Miss Ida Jamttî,n entertain,-d jui- çuany ,troum Lieryilic Saturday and Sunda>-. Berc and d lre A.tii iatt uni au-re Chicago vuu.tuns the pfusl -cL. Mr. and tirm J. A. SLrani- an,] uthenii attendeci tise turiral ot trs t lia.rona at Iluroe Monda> Fred BaidIe tif îitmirs. titim, - tran- sasted butiin-e u n our hîîrg Wednecday. Mis Ruby G(lfngeii iiting fuir &ont un New') urk. The Hiivkaday i-ufiuif - ised Fruday- Miss Bertha White epent we eal duys a îh ber iter, lts, J. Sý Denînan. Mn. Jucidon dxp-ite to mîlle fruîu te J. C. Choipe honsetIisveek. Severai ran, thîs rirunit>- attended tht entertalnment ut Gtinue Monda>- ni-bt. W. Thayer of Antloeb. vaas bnrred in MilII hrn uttaeter>- Sundây- The funeraI sercice vas hetd ut the Millburn churcb, Mr. Thayer vas 4;7 yearsoid sud ftumer- 1>- lired (1%ii a ruilie veatt utMitinrn. Rt casves a vite and tbree cons14ta MOUn hig, foo. GURNE Thelounerai f tMis. C. M. Brawa, vho died Saturda>- vas held Moada> altt-r- Miss Ethci Murru f tRacirsevlsiti-d frlende here -faturda>- snd Sunda>-. Mnt. R. W. Keef rettirned Fridity ni-ht fnuum a week'@ c-ttt vth tfmcaciu ni-fa-- tires. Rtusel-l Cattspnt Sunday aitbreltivce@ The sehoouit îertainoîent vas pîîe- ponied Saturds>- evening u accat it o tht etrere etortu. Clarence Crawford vas opersted on ut MeAlister hospla Frîda> b>- Dra. FoIe>- and Young. Mrs. Corotlinttrtalncd fri-nde tram tht City- thé latter part of lacstwttkl. Tht Bovnan dsiry Inepector worked tiIs territor>- lent week. A number ut our young blonds attend- ad tht carulvai ut North Chicago laut weei-k No detait. rtported. Mir.sudfMms.Willf Sitgel sud Mmre. O.J. Ormati>-outWilukregan, vieted relative@ ber@ the ltter part uf iast wvet. Ijurnet base hall team plsyed a Wauke- gan teani bece Sanda>-, dravini- the long end a(itetiare 17 lu 4. The pisay etitd "Our Bue>- Ladies' AId" vif I beitrin hy tht Ivanhoe choir Frida>- tvening, Ma>- 28, at tht Wood- Mari hall bIn vanhat, Evenybody In- vited. Admission 25c. -t il mLxti!l-Il' àÂA, MAI 21, 1915. [IhZ~~IZ] UILDINE 15 AT ÀA MRS. CHAS. BROWN !qRAYSLAKE MAN Rtev. Hupen preai-be a v.iry interekl lug emo SnayiigitTýr %a08aSTANDSTJILTIIRU PASSED AWAY AT ý ARRESTED AFTER yngoo e aî ud ni t he e.a. The Ladies Aid Sî<eyaiil tîh A IM KS IK î IU L N Ii<IL «IBIÏAfUS Mr». Howard o I'iitire.ttCîPE TE if?,HO E N UR E uBi, À OU j *May '-1'A Large _. Nflts.m . ii c* . At Least One Lre ling M 4 i,î ii tir,,,, t7,i i, aM--GAtir - ui - ,y Would Have Been Under <tlii,~,,iii x iîiî i, ti-ij Serific- u ~I~~> Vay But for Stfike. aitlti - i î î f-, t ,Il a Jalmes Ltîfi unî cair,] f, 1Iii -f sta (~ ari)ite r-, itrji', , a À iîe- expeci-f ifdt', î Ilî ii- t couple ot da.v iit Il li. î \îl I r i. Il. ai e. f o I P - bha, , , Il.'jîis s i rct11%îr oi.a aire., :ii; 1 j liihe unir- s. Suer. 'ut t tiiiisi ic ai l ,î r . . , -, tI î2 -ilu %h u il it 11 it-rîîii with ii-r far-ilit- i iiit ttttii a- j.i u li it. f i tit ii-ii, l o., (i I-t i-uIci . M éirii-i cé1nitery- 1'. Mii. iiiifîi,ii oitfat lil iiii ci-,i it- j i , a pfart hiii I, l fc . iiiiif r u hfîî a ttii-c ict cc-i-. iandt fia If, Il*il t., I i-bf or i fil i u ,-k t h arles- il . ll-,-ei- iîa i îi- !î'l'-i-i .1-r , ii- ffi i 1 a :a-;li'ic i lia- 111, t i iu i-aîti tire ai-iL ý. T h.>I, -.y-%v. ru e t i tor i l ir it i l ag u tir l- J tifci- ~ dd k.. ,, - :- ;,.,,- i- irder Waa - - t illt it., iii iiîii,r. XM,-, '- - t, di i,, î ihat the t siku , i i«Ii- r (0IIi,, adiiiiiiit hat lit valici-,, t frst NtciMr, ' tii,,, lii W A S O T .tarl.Ili Thé Contrari ' 'iu-i-t a farmi-îîî i - r ' - N i 17t h ~~' ~ ' *.~ -itnreitilrai-uc for the List or thé - i'iii ~ u ' Iii l11imii i.- ii-c S~î irat".oial]ail ~Islati, i .iii~ ine ciNéir iuntract bu' ii asi uri- tIjuni-if i ii iiii - h i'i& , !ii.r ni ti s ntudio, :i -t~vile ti d tuait ti> the carfeu 'r, \,ta rI,- fisi.i -éiaé,imi-i -ni. Ni;la M u M rgaet .tIlii ghi t o i tii-agi i, csul rii, iti s i -r -':Iout- IL (Bi-owa,. a?-suiof (tiri--- tia ir1 iifiiii i-icaf ,s~- est ii--fl citt lie atlf.svon, (Ifjiret dif ini ifai, Thifs j, i-speciatty trwi, ii tai,- Th,, l-ce-i i rut ,,I'in ti ili l.ii i cuit unole.local businessu tman had for i etjilitîl.- Iii,,l'lit il ,< ilt], 1' I é si>fiL-.~' -irm e ii. àta k 1ijid i îrmctiially ail i,îi> foi- the îtîîrtng tiié-lai.t Ijîir îîjîîî,îfî r1i i I ailoi v l-tii-rtti-liiie til, i ljacs i-cictjîim iifa large mli r it !,if u -.iur ý iItiji %,e;il i-iga i-ili j- - r-- i sii1tîîîif tihP- W A i a.iutLiléîit.yc ile iandt fiite bitldfng i the di ,toann r)i uit.. ' cii ii.l iîîtîîîî iii i se T~i'-fai-,ili, i' i-,rit Ir- waa bofîut rui d ta '-f lic-r death ccac ittelv -f i -t iiîtt- r l 'Ilntii l i,aî -t 1tr -il . - tîi, bth , f rart a-heu t i, î nir-r-s' niitifis. -i-hapr -a-eks. Ilie ;.il'Ir th i oti,, [l i f fIj ýIti rc i.4 îîiao1 t h i- îfî(lo -inot knoa i mý t hé Ili, 3 roiiirgr -1; i., . t!.,il;a ci ii d aotthe matte. VO1< I'LANS TO ui ftPilf ~1g tO BEAT SUNDAY TO IT; tfjî lji, (t it . -aîîi% ijiaiý. iaIs nict i t- )ýi 'id n (i \ý.t4g o théi tra-iihi rtic c'an« lit.lic a li.],,,Icsii ijiiS rlz hi- (to héJo, , 1bT the alo 14. mihi %) SiiitiýlS(harz frntu, sor. r. 1ie'IIU. IIULYI TY?,, in, iit k ll., j NI r.uni %Ir.. M'ri)tMaddeLl î-np-rtain. d a n.] iilber ut friî'-dmt ti rda ýv ci i n 1 hiîuor uf Ni r. Wad(delist4 i,jr'hds . Tf e III tf trj oîitut t-v.] Wn re Mr sud lim. Philii ften.iug.-r ut Lfberty ville. tGeorge RufB te reporiid un vthe- i-Llit. r 'ROSERAN _ liv.irtjll exchanged putçîitq witf i tv. Hu.-te of Isomrers. latSunday. Th, Liadice Aid sovîcty mnet with Mime Cathierine (einno n Wednemday alter- nu.îii and efeited uttieers fui tthe eneuing yesr. Allen [(ion epenrt Munday in iurii"- anid ttended tht tua-raf ut Mire (fias. Bruwn. Edward Liafile s tiuildinu a -vent titii fur A If.tfiinet t r t hnfiPrafirie. FIS1IIRMEN ARE ASSURED ISiçjlNIi IN STATE IS 600OD ]FIshermen. who bave been excited for sec eral days over an erroneous report that M ay and June are closed montha for ait kînds of' flshlng, may cesse their alarm. The tact Io, accoitding to. Deputy Game and F'ish Warden Samuel W. Btrown of Aurora, that May and June are closed Bessons for aIt commercial fshfog and no tubh may be bought or sofd. as titis la the time the liaht are spawning. F'isbfng wfth r' f and l'ne for one own private catch of fish je otin- terfoired with. The Iaw provtdet fitnt flah of legaf size or weight may be caught, ta7ten or kilfed wtlh a hoôk an-1 tfu-3at any lime, but thst It. ahalf be unlawful ta self or ahfi, otter for sie or sbip- ment, or recuve for shlpment, trom snd inctudlnz tire liret day ot May te andlohî.. the thirtieth day of June of each year, sny fiait or frogs caught lni sny of the waters under the jurtsdlctf on of the etate. Ff shermen, thereforC, may catch tii-h for own use at any time durtng the coming two monthe. providtng they are caught with handliot ani1 hook, or pole, Ufne and book, but tbey are prohfbited front seflling any of their catch. Niany anglere cafled off fishing trips ut tht Jaist minute on account of tht treport. Mlany inquiries were recelved F t The Courier Office and at the city hall front anxlous fiebermen. I- ijariZ Say ltatI îîît,î i-r, ufth e arpiinters' union have pri Cited hie- i-anc- hi- lu not emploioîg utîni t a. iîur. Tu thie tir. Schwartz cafd i-. reiufied that he bas roiliii orih o! furnîturi-ln frelght cars iii the focal raîfroad yards and in star-agi-. lie says u tat fie mut unoaud tfîty soan or ie wîlI tii-cbarged di-rurr-age.rDot 1o mnifon the riaik otfi--uc ng c aluable fnarniture ln sncb quartu-rs He as- eerned that i- aiways bau empioyed union tabor, f5 a fin tbeii-ficir In lit and bau boosted It on al occasions but 8ays that in the present case he cao not take the chance ut cuffertog perbapu a tremendous four i,> sltfrîg for tlle strfke f0 i- settled. Tht condftion ai the i>o)w nit, atr cardîngIo ta'..Dow, i-i unchanged. The plant fa hifoi coîîdîîcted as an opien aboplieh- ayt,anti larilniog liraclieaity tht samne as it did hifore the walkuut. Tht sirikcrs are affer- ni- n01 the clight"ut fterference, feei-tng confident tha t tey witi rt- ci-fie tbefr posititons ci-en tht trîke maiter inafi> lu adjuuted. Another large jobfi Oclihue 0011 bei-n able ta go ahi-ad hi-rt as a ne- suit o! tht carpentfrs' strtie lu tht ni-v theater wbîcb tht Spoors plan to trect on tfheusie ot the old Waukegan scademy, This fbuilding wouid hace bei-n vett ioder ýava had (t flot bei-n for tht strike. PARTITION SUIT IN TIJAYER CASE IS CAUS E 0 F TAN4ILE Widow of Parnell Thayer Is Suing to Secure Third In- terest in the Estate. An Int-ri-siing Situation bau arisen fn the partition ,uIt,.0f Mrs. Paroi-If Thayer o! Highlanud Parkas the reminît of bier husbaîtd'r ifemise ycouple ot days ai-o Recenrfy the 1,f Thayer farm ait Nliffhurn waun cîîd tnd tht proceedu wert divlded amngtheie hi-Ire. Mr. Thayer rce--if dau lts sitar- of tht partition thesutî,ofut$1,600. Hic wife, aho hlldnot bei-olli- witia hlm, and a tnIste aid to Iliavi-in- stitnti-d dicorce îîroceedings agalnst hlm, at once rttirted action tu si-cure one-titird of tIti-uiiotint, hi-r content- Ion befng thal site cisc entltled to thîs under tht laci' Mr. Thayer wur paf d $iti0l mme- dlateiy, titis ti-ut o-thîrds of tht amnount i- vas 1o recelve, Tht llgbt then vas tI lieti-imine wbether lhe vas tu recef vi- the other one-third or wbether tbis sboîtld go to bis vife. Ht vas represented b> Attorney Beau- bien,. Two days hi-fore Thayer died a de- cision vas ri-ndere dîhat the -monte- btlonged tou bu rather then to hlm vife and Master ln Cbancery Hi-y- dtcktr, who Is in California, vas wlred that Ibis di-cisi ait iad hi-to made and vas asked to reluro tht montey. Be- fort this conld tii dont and befor e tht mnont>- coufd tii turned over Thayer dted and under the iaw fils wtdov nov viii hi- entitiid to ont-thtrd of tht remaînini- i-Blte. lu other vords, che vil Irecelvi orue-tbird o! tht $500 as the othi-r $1100, it 1te satd, vas uesed tntipsndeut reader? dE ONfE.-i Charles Smiîth Was Seen hy, Marshai In Leave House Af- ter the Robbery. 'ilhii lie -ttiM'i,,i rati-i., A, kcr-ci r frac ulafli- pt- .r - - taIf nttî a sniaillbox atnf îraici i1 t t,îutec froi ,a i-oll i [ti îfîîi, i-"',.i il i, , for ciltuic- firniu - intt'îiin uir,- îfî-îî]tl hotit hi- rniaft tai,ý a Si,, on "rifac .MaY f1ltthStijitlil,'i flis aacviîak ttue tuikrýr-ii-, cfe-ihf,' fait tii--n g utntiatr- facv pii -c bus1v. -t--k il tt, -'o iis- aiiri (1, -at(x, - t i fi te box f 'II wicîji, s, a\% liiemtplioyer i-c r,i e' tijotte- r i hot c l i , iikcd ;ip fIiic antdt -ontentsr attî ccafleif le isi y aica-, i-arr ting ttir- ou tiler !il. iîrnî. ttfgbt ilar ti- hbuse,firoi i il- i f iait i hanceîtetiidiriecttrtevc- lac,- ntarsbaf. tIr. Mtillfan. île uaw Snoîl, a sirtinzer in the ciffage, unît îîîîtfeed the box unider ttils arn]. tii, a t1asiift toccîtrceî t tu bfmthat thb- lu- tijefif b'otoletn. vo, htirrying ta tj- i ec liai-e, fi,- uiked 'irs i, i fi'fis ad it Pcn Snjith a box. i' i noîiii. mititft li- ar-hai cushteC i rtki iit, I iiiii. fie fouitld the box $' M fil ntoney, -unie del-ds and ilili-r c aijiable papi-rs. Siti fîcias îîîf tn ponition f0 niaLi i ifîttiai u i, titifi -o fiealced ex.- iilfl(It, '-tit-- iîccClurcbli tîan a lîhourdf fi-t hî granid jury rut iii" i bonds, If tithhi Siiiiuy du-ýert i urne fi% Tluî tjitckiciirk ot the marshut i preuî-ît piano hci- tu iku c v o fod 'hI- fILurlng ontt hut the box ml-ht bý cago a daeling place- of safnts, a otin piriiperty c ait that enable, sontherI>- suil)urfu o! Zfoo City, vhere Ilin, toapftur- the tht-f un bandîf' thi-re i- vi e niliber drinkini- o! Smith Jslunbthe count>- jatt. spirits, smoking o! tobucco nor chew- ni of i-uru. ndtptndtnt: ,Miore readerétIhan üe WlIlbnr Glenn o offa plans inhi-at county wvetalie comblned. Sunda>- io if Ont of tht next ytar hi- Iniende to dec-oIe int monthe 10 tht Purification of Chicago, afttr tht" cttrollc. manner of is predectusor, Jonu Alexander Dovît. At tht Zion templeI- n Michigan ave- r a 1 t ý nue. Chbicago the ovireter announced hIs ofoemu]ontha' campaigo agaînst the (Chicago di-vit Sunda> aflernoon. SPECIA I vilI cfp tht cil>- open and la>- hartettcsoins!" he critd, "Where O l Dovie gave tht cf t> buckshot I ylO i tire cannon hat, ont o! tht gospel. and mc 1 viilsiart 1 lnwtb thi- pursons.' Gum chevîni- vomi-n and smoking Between M preachere atua vert tari-itu for Vol- Ivas gospel hovîtai-ru. ai.8. TU ALL PERSONS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: 0Y ' Ncitic-e C tiu-rýI-u* iiv ii, i tiat tb, uuiiif- tigruid, Ui lbiaî.%t.t' uagirtiau of Libertyville Beirnsard f lui-le and Ani-fia Thipe mîiîuurs, cciii ual i atpivuattin t(, tte!i countyCou',trit fLake Ctiiunîv.St Bý regufar er ruih-reuit ti li fieft atthe tý'urt Houne-i tuei), iy(f titikegan na gaid cqný Cumr uii e ifrcrtiiinuay 0uflie1 A. Dl 1917.,fu-iu t t dayv tiieni-lu fuir an iuni fi- sa cijitI iuirt liri'-itni- fini s. saîd guinnîiaa tii ieili lIn- tîu,,itîni- n-ai i-taite fieloriiiiii- u sif minoiré, or su ni-vbt, hereuitastt aud t imnrt citait si-i-rn otie fuir theuintereer of ssid muors,' situâttd un tii,- tîinty ut Lakleand statc ut Illinoisu. tiýitr Lot ftour (4)tni Wiilliamn Il. Sniiîhi Seconiud Additmu at lluuîid Lakle, Lake t'uîintv Illfinuisi. saîd additioni betag a part oftSection Twi-nty-.iint f db Town- sbuî 4., North. Ranie Ten i110t East ut tht lIrd Principal àMeridiantifon thtente - port snd education ot estd minora , and for tht piurpo.ifiinvesting.,uch procteds of said etualt lis e mmediattl1v nueded forun isd supuport sud edncstfuo un athen ni-ai estate, or of otherwlss luveetîni- the tame. William A. Itusini-,@al Gusrdisn tut eaid MfaurOeW A SH e1ta>- 14-21-28 GRÂYBLÂKE i UelIvely URugs Mode Ir'- , ad carpet. -drd oclthe. - - ANY SIZE FROM 2703Oju. Io I2xI5 fect For particularsw rte or Cal1on JA. GRAVES Liberty,,IIe,Ililinai. Duirand & Durand REAL ESTATE I NSU RANCE COLLECTIONS be ed ,Triggs BIag., Libertyville 'yPha. 2, LihertyvW. 470»M, I.Bluff Independ6nt rmachos ail, polotg In Lake County. on Photos W RATES 1graduation chool work lay l5th ,id June l5th STUDIO lilinois / ~Headquartsrs for MosfRakes And anything in Hardware and Garden Tools Plumbir - the Hardware Man Chicago Office, 310 Reaper Bik. . - ~ ,~-<» p I IAJTO SALE -i Monday, May 3l1st 22 Beautiful Haif Acre Lots at Grayalake De COUDRES BROTHERS Grayslake, Ill. fou Particulars Next Week 1 i 1 ýýý

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