CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDE PENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN1 VOL. XXII.-NO. 36. SIXTREN PAGES. LIBERTYVrLLE, LAKE COU=T, ILL., FRJIDAY, -MAY 28, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCI REPUBLICANS IN '24 BILLS PASSED LAKE COUNTV MEN LOVE FI3AST GROOM BY LE61lSLATURE TAKEN IN A NET DY THE T1IREE JUDEIES! Springfild 11 . Ma, 2 the end THIE DETECTIVES Members of Four County Cen- j1hn, rt .v nith gî-nerai asserni ' Mari in Jail Here Said to Be tral Commttees at Wauke- ilotai l ' Iî. îls have Peen intro OI n o tes nCut du, cd I iii.- senate andi house,.iI 0flO yOnofthrinCu y gan Parish House. ticeflamber having orlglnated inte Who Face Arrest. SEE NO REASON FOR ALARM. lower branch andi 515 in the senaieMN RSE I EO (yr titi-i total JuSt twerlt%-four have!M N RETDI KNO Most Enthusiastio Demnonstr a pseeti otb branches and' have een Dtcie1ecaeTe r tion of Politicians Clears At- ilad ,l cor etcieDun fr l"~a Breaking Up Systematic mosphere of Rumors. Theiînderstandlng among te îaw- Robbery of Freight Cars. -- - wnthey tIelarieti for their Wneaocountyyis entitiedt t a homes,~ for the weeit enîd rece-s waa trl IabrBi at eoh circuit judge: Lake county la entitieti Siatmehnwark of he sessionwIiI corn t0 a circuit judge. Whether McHenry in a close Friday niglit, Jui jon l aea h ott ail coufty in entitiedti t a circuit jutige Foiiovirlg are the apptropration one oman le In the counly jaîl i Wau- orfot eal lt s*BUT.,NE taue hc arai aelatt kegan tactng charges of havlng re NO CI'CUM8TANCES chou1id ctheribt os and have bevîî abpro. cd vilet stolen goods. They were Wirtnebsgo or Lake county b. with.'blîotht oe oýcaught ,In the net of the detectives -if out a juàdge"-this mort charitable Bs anaday-Atppropriatlng i theo e orto h Westthenhefts rotuthe car- statemnent mdeby Judge Charles H.,lfor the incidentai exiienses of the s«_ ec- tic ompany wbhe hs o ha e enrg Donneity. McHenry countys Repubti- re:tary of state's department 1 can nomnel for re-election ta the. By boule appropriations coi.mlttee iti o for Close to tWO years. judiciary, echacti a etrong sentiment -Apîropriatlng tt84h u reim- The man locked p ni, the countY and croat.d a mant Intense feeling et hurne ire stock owners tn the extent lai lun aukegau gave his name am thse luncheon ser-eed Saturday in thîe 1 oe-aflaempaesenrre f Gitinello lBe aras brought 10 Wsukegsn Prus Houle.through the elaughter of animais on i Waukegan Wdedyatroub The luncheon had been arranged for Kccount of tbe foot anti moutb cou- DetectUve William Jeffer>' of the nrmbprs of the county central coml- tagion. The, federai government wîîî North Western rond. He waa s e yiitesm or Lake, Mc-Henry, Wiunelîago pav the other bailf. la hearlng before Police Magistrale anti Bonne counities and fully 200 men By Represeutative Smaejkal Pro- Walter Taylor and was bounti over to .at down 10 dinner served by the Or- 1vlding Ibat the net value of banetit the grand jury in bonde of $1.000. d<r of Eastern Star. There were dele-1certi&kates of fraternal beneiilaryj The liaI of people under arret at gates from eachîotnty andtirlie me- ocltipaq shah ha e eemptt frotu tata-J Kenosha luclude8 Frank AieUo. ageti ing proved a most delightful anti en- ion.1yerheweTrsAelbi thustasîl tit nu. ifer ai, formai and By lgoe-{ý'reating six adit lional son Michael Mele, and biestieugiter huariy entiorsemeni of the judictal circuit jutigships In Cook counîy. (jarmieita Alll, ail or Bain station; ronventions three nomittes. Judgea lly Atwood- Autborizing schooil of- Joseih Scopta andi Constantino 0i- Dctneliy. Frost anti Edwarta. va. con- leers to Issue warrants lu anticipa_ rardo of Keneeha, but enspioyed at «-mcpd lion o taxas. IN'ithroiHarbor; Enrico Dominato In subtan ith- mort i vch each B), Buxton- Aulhori.itîg iouuly anti Oresto Bracoienti of Kenoaba. Il (-unty pre-senteti regarding the Jutit cîounlc boards to malle appropriationsliprbleta hr msateà- (-lai situation in the district ifieti uot exceediog $250 a year to aidi on between Willow lu Racine county down In thts one conîditiont or situa- colimtY poullry exhibitions. :anti Uplon in Iake county. may ha ___________ matie during the day, but if these air- Thpres 'othiug tlii ifRepuli N UfM retreare made the dafendants wiii IIi ans will ciy gel oui and vote con Lfl[THE B N fl f be brougbt ettiser to êlflL* Jue -71h-if tev do. thite t ire- I triai or to Racine for trial lu Racine lutiges are sure of re-lecîilît y a btg IVI ý N OO ouitti \early ail of the arrmaIs wer" nilr-t. L KE O ce ot nade as a resuit of tur work of De- W S SnSmit, (iiaruttan tif i.alle AJIM IT tectîse Solienberg of thse Sortît ,ouots centrai ionimilee preaided. AND M 13111 EASE -Western force, but contrlbuting 10 the Ii.t assureti the viitora thal ail whiciî-hucei f te investigation were Po- 1- eîessr 10naîre tciry 10Ail~ 11 - licce Uft"içcer Tony Pingatore. wiso ar- i- nretsalY I Inurevicorylm o Al Lke ouny i<tîîiirî Wilirestertithree of the men, anti Siertff GET OU'T THE VOTE. le argeti to RedWtInretfWht taiofKnsatrog woee- tcr', lu remnîtîleitfarniers liol Inine- Ra ihItrsofW a SalofKnhtrug woee- gieci ibeir dut> MHer Has Been Done Now. forts the îwo mîen front Wnthrop W F %tre-, MHnycouitts iarlicr nier, arreateti on Wednaatiay. vitairman, sailili te najoritv of titeir Springfield, Ill.,-Illa: 2, The state itA of lthe italians beldInil the Keno- commitice favorithie ihree jlittge,. -.1 board of lire stock commissioners Itha îounly lau are aI present cisargeti .as for Jutîge Smiley for cîîunty Jutige hlaie isseet an order laking Lakte with receiving anti tisposing of etoien but nom, I arn met as sirong againtlcotv frontlise rnodbied. area, re- goonds. but it la possible tisaI charges hitit for circuit jutige as i was for o'rting tise foot anti mouth titseaae of grand Iarceny may be brought hlm for the otiser jutigesil. -- sali quarantine anti repiacing tiset in tbe agatuat them later. Aello and tise %Ir. Wire, plainly stattug that he con- restrîcteti area. lu tisamodilleti area, members o bis famiiy wbo were tala- idered lit 111 etiviseti for ,iudge Smiley sipmenls could ibe matie withoul lu- en there fromr Bain laie Tuetiay In enter lise race as an Intiepandent sectIon 10 tise quarantina district )i! e'ening, have matie a full confession Jutiga Frot-"Su far as Winnebago the Union Stock Yards, Chicago; in 10 the officers. Prom tbe bornes of county goas. l'ni nol authortzedtoi the restrictedi district shipusants cen the varlous tiefendauts tha ocfiWs se- âpeait. but, from whal i bave seen. be matie without Inspection on tis@ cureti stoien gooda to the value of i dont iblink Iheres the least danger premisas 10 any public stock yards more than rive huntireti dollars anti In het, ee iti Jdge. Wcu»for immediate siaugiter. itlle declaredti tisaatrogfn lu theee tvo other mattens ara upat tise samte trne h believe va viii have out a big vote, wherea.î ordinariiy tise vote woulti ha smaii 1I rmhy hliave tise Ibrea jutiges will vin by a bg major- ty. itle important that men ha cltp cuit jutigea vbo shaîl guard youn prop- erty anti yonr act..h dont ipeais againsi the qualifications o! Jutige4 Smley. BUT if ha e 10 ha eiected. I shall mean Etivards- dfeat' A man wvisanSasgiven up hie pivate business anti matie gondi as circuit jutige. Or ehail il ha Jutige Donnelhy, who wilt 18 years' expenlauce bas matie hisimeaif mluently qualified ta holdth ie Position, a man visa kDovA no personal friands or entamies on lise hauch, a mats vio has, hi his long services endeaCet imtsaîf 10 the voeaeanti people?" Jutige Donnly-'l avent any fear o! the reaulîs lnt our roanty, vils ment l11[e M. Wire vorilng 10 gel out tisa vola, anti, trous visatI've heard, Iu certaio tisaIlise votera vili show- strotig favor te lise thrae sittlng jutigas i. 'n t e!raid o! tise anial vork or tise vork ta be doue munlise trencises or the fortfications by tise fourtis candidtae. Wheh may coma f rom tise suismarinte source I doult knov. h prsooally ove my lavation to tise vont o! my freotis, visa, lu tise OirsI place sioved me fritis e position o! jutige; lu fart, 15mastIt upon me. inice tisen 1 hava ti-ice von outtln hart figits-aot lm lu tise race te t'ue finisht nov I stili have ail my factulias, excaptiog tisat t can't ruti î'ery tast," saidthtis judga as tise mai-t gave essent by bout paplausa as tise venerabla jurist Selti aloft thosa risan- matlcally affectet Sandas ics, i-bila (Continuati on page lhree.) Tise above telegraus inieresîs al j Lake couty becanse, since the font- mots trouble braite out in Lake couuîy, among tise fialunlise stala, siipments vilisout inspection i-are Dot possible.Tisa resait bas ben thst mauy fermera movlng fram lise counîy badto1 sacrifice tisir stock ha- cause they coulnttlaite il vilh tisetu and, mauy movlng Jintahie county aacrlficed thiai stock becausa Iisey Omdldn't bring il frous anotiser stala loto, Lake county. By tise nai- orter mal tesuethtie situation hi reliaveti vary mucis An oMiIl notice statea Ihal tise govrnument isaa modifiaitise 1ev rel- ative ta foot-mots tusase In cer- tain counties iu Llînols, among thaus Lake county, Dtals aof Ibis modifi- celio ance habd tram lise chiaf o! tise Bureau o! Animal fnuntry, Wash- hugton, D. C. Carl Vnooman, acting iecretary 0f agriculture. FOUND AÀS-LEEP ON RAILROAD TRACKS Siesen Smithtio! Hihlland Park, ]L was taveti fnom deats lst night by railroati titn vso founti iim aslaep ou tue railroati trackIthe tsaChicago, Milwvaukee & Bt. Peuh Yards neer tise nid as house et 10 oclocit lest nigt. Tbay cariet hlm 1tiste dapot anti taried i hm over to Police Officer Laodwabr, This mornlng Smth i-es Ouned $3 andi rosIs andt lint leava the cty Immediatahy.-Rîgni (Courler. Want. For Suie, etc ad@ n thse IN- DEPENOINT rmachs15.0M0pesons etlien gootis bas beau golng on for se long a ime tisaIt itla probable tisaI thausaantis o! dollars' vortis o! goodi vere shitpati frous Kenosha andi thar points tu 'fautas' iu Chiscago and other cIlles Tise booty incîndati colt- ly ornementai rage, silits, ciotbins of~ ai descriptions, sisoas, giovea anti many otier sorts o! articles, Itlal dectaredti hat ail of tisase articles vere stoieu from cars o! tise Nontis- WVestern roati hy a band of Iblevea vis o voketi eytematically bel-eau lise vîiages of Wiiov andi Baiu. Vite Alberge, an Itluan, recently convicteti of robiing cars lu Racine counly anti sentencadte ba Ove year teramilupris- on, lsailegedtie have heen aI tise iseat o! tise gang lu tisa vrof rois- bing lise cars. Tisa elgisîtiefandauts taken te Ken- osha assert tisaI liay bave net bati any part lu tise actuai robbery o! tise cars, baltishey admit tisey recalved large conigument o! tise stoien mar- chandise frein Ahargo andt iaItisaiy eltisan converteti it taebisir ovu use or arrangedte taesli ILTise office of tisa Kenosisa jail vasliterally fila i i-bi trunka anti baga filia ti vlsmarchan- dise allegedte10have bee a atnt tromn tise cars. Tise confesion of A.ilio andtihie menuhans o! is family 1te esherltt and tisa railvay dtetcvas on Tues- day nigisî, openadt he vay for lise allier arreats anti Police Officar Pinga- lare o! Kanoîha, vas sent ontte10lo- cale anti arreat tisa Kenoaba suspects. Neaniy ail o! tiseu matie confessions Wetinestiay. Il vas declaradt hat ail o! tise mem- bers o! tisa Party voulti pleati gulty ta charges matie difing tisa atternoonl (Continueti ou page tIree.) BOX CAR ROBBERS LAKE CO. FARM IM= ARRESTED AND HELIi PROVEMENT ASSN. FoeEncaren chared wisth hving, IS INCORPORATED hery of box cars et Rondoul for te past eix montho vere, arreiIed andl Assn. Which Promotes Scienti- broughî bo WattAegan Thursda.%.îight fic Farming Is to Be Locat- and three boun over to tht- grandi ed at Libertyville. jutry Ibis moalng. For some six montls box cars iylîîg A BG DA S PN I aiong the traci ai Roudout have A BG DA S PN IO iteen broken mb ail ,h-ido! hun- dretis of dolanrrworih of gondis. Ail, Involves About $18,OO-Ani efforts of tise 5pctiai gnsolh St. Paul rod faijedti 10discover any Agreement Filed - Other ciew as 1 o o mmitted the rob Realty News of Week. horles. Il was fot entîli a Chticago stool- Business of the recoriier> - ofii- for Pigeon toidthie police of the Shake- s peare avenue station that a row d the w eek nding _N a - ,22 il. from tisaI district were in the habit Nîtînhtr of transfersii of dkaving Ciicago about twIce a week snd retUrning wii -oodim ha Nuinher of lbans. 2- thought woea tolen tfrm moute rail-'Totlinurnher of intsrtîiteit-filet. roat, tisaItbe rsllroad detectîves ob 1. taineti a clew as h'O v-hi> vas robhing -2 them. oa ron flas 3.9 Tise crowd weewatchpd. Sergeant Toalamuntofqasiet.2% Renneiy 0f Chicago was put tn charge' Real esiale bas heenveyqet Of te case. Tlàunday he founti goodsad oaitt Iia verv muchb ielow the,.as- on the Men tbst were identified ais erage, tbe gond.a t w er.- toien from a Th olwn artecirdaI1 car et Rondoot. h olwn r h he ei lu Company witis SPeciai Agenttif intecest Ibrougisout the county: 1 CoWan be starteti to Waukegan wils In Newport township, Isabelle M.1 bis four prisocers and ti Inîne ' W ateon bougbt from the Margaret L.1 dlock Tbursday ulgist they vere loct-, Watson eslale a place of landi lu the1 eti safely bebluti tbe bars of Ibe Waukegan juil. northwest quarter of section ?il, for a1 Tbey gave the names of Louis nominal consitieration. Heluimeun, age 24; Herman Winkel. ln Antiocb township, the Wiite- age 26; Norman Hortan, age 19, sud faie nincu fCscgbub Elmer Schultme, ago 17. I eto nia lubetiariPark osubivisI This morning they were brougist 1tolt I e ak udvso befora Poice Magisotrale Taylor. IM- ou Crooked Laike frotu William Me- dence agahut tbe latter tisree was, Nîchios. Sevarai lots ln J t.L Shaw's sucb tisat Magitrale Taylor orderetud ivso on Fox Laie have beau tisem isltiovar 10 lieh grad -1jury. ig hewek Louis Hebinmean. accortiing ta b olidrlgtsevct policeWelsa not Implîcated inl the rois-1 lun LîbertyvtUle tovnship, Richard berles but ha bati receiveti a l1111e norfi Bisseli iought from Frank R. Bis- thse stlen gondis. he vas allos-edti i seil for $1,200, one-tisird Interest lu Accordlng ta Srgeant Kenneliy ofnrtetqutrnoîetqatr the Chicago force, Iis wiii mean lise section .15. 8. Schulz bought from breakiog up of a gang ihai bad bea Sarais J. Hubiard for a nominal con- glving lise Cbicago police consider alt ieration 51/ acres 1n northwest able trouble. ____________quarter section 17. luI Vernon township, Berthsa L. L AKE VILLA BOYfo LuaE Srgefo 20 AIAn agreement for lise sale of tise IS IRJESTEDJ ON À Michael Boiger fartu of 90 acres in CHIARGE 0F TIIEfT Irving G. Pester Charged With Stealing Money-From Man Named John Nader. Irving C. Pelter, a youth resldingi ai Laite ils, vas Placed untier ar- reslt on Monda, on a charge o!fiavtng etlen $4?.511 frîont a man nameti John Nater. lie was given a hearing ha- fore a justice of tise peace anti vas bounti oser to tise grand jury. He i-as brougisi lu Waakegan lotiay anti va: lociteti niin lise county jeU tlI ai-ait tise action of lise grand jury viîciprobahi> yl convana nazI moulis. Fesler, accordtng 1tatise local au- tisorlies, is an oIt offantier. As mach as four or fic years ega ho vas Ar- restai onlati milar charge,filIn selti, andti atisI ime vae santeuceti ta lise boys' echool aI Rt Charles. Ha hadt ua ieen there long isfore he succeedati in maklng bis ascape andi variai hie vay home la Lake Villa. Rimer Green,viso i-aisseif! ai lthe lIme, locatedth ie boy antibat i hm ratunnedta bthee institution, visera ha nemnainati up to about a yaar ago. At thel ime he vas perolti. If hoIsal founti guilty t isali ha may ha sent lt tise raforoîators' et PontIarý Attack Lakte Foreten, John Riant, o! Laite Forest, vas arrestet inlu ake Bluff on Montiay, cisargedth isdsordenly couduct. Tise charge was tuat ha matie an ludeceut erposure in public, Ha vili spenti four de> s un tise coluty jafli IMPROVEMENT CO. IS INCORPORATED Waukegan, May 24. Word vap recoleiv ifrous Sprtigfieldi this mrnîiug taI a licausa vas issueti ta lncorportiî'tu0Elizabeth McCugo, Cornelius P. ioran anti Georga W. Fieathte Waukagan Improvernu C'ompany. Elizabetht Sctugo, vile o! Michiael NicCugo, who for some lima isas beau ln the coniracilng business isere. His parînersil,î,th utuBîoci t ft tIlime tise rt wa. kuovît as McCugo & Builock. Thir parvnershhp vas dis- solveti ant iettc ent luto îîartttersitip vils Pal Morait Noue of te petitsconcerueti rouît ha locaeeta1 gise aîîy turtiierdta.a The frot o incorporaeetifor $10.000. tiorliseasi quarter section 1 on toi-n lina 10 ClIfford M. teotiarti. for $235 par acre vas lati lu Deerfieldti ovnsipRarI W. Gsell bougisî 3 acres ho outbvest sec- tion 30 from Julia A. Piillipa for $3,- 000. lu Wauconda anti Framont Gene- vieva C. Roney bougist fronm John R. Roney for a nominal conzlderation, 246 acres ln soutiseasl quarter sec- thon 12 anti nortisaast quarter section 13, Waucontia, anti 72.84 acres lu soulisuest quarter section 7, Framont. lu Cuba townsip, Herman Gar- biscis bougist a 66 foot lot ou Waai- lugton street lu village of Barington frous Heury' Giesite for $300. lu Higisiaut Park Aurrilita A. Daw- son boagis t-vo iota on Wankags.n aNenue, mest soutis of Higbvood ave- nue, frous Chanci H. Carpenter for a nominal considerallon. In Higisvood, Emil Rutiolpis bougisî a lot on Lake Forest avenue for a nominal consitierathon. Iu Waukagau, Etivard F. anti An- na NI. 'l'iehen bougisî a lot ou Loy avenue 'frous Mary A, Lavrence fur $1.275. Moles J. Suit bougist tise Bloonufilelti bouse ou corner of Nortis anti Massina avenues for a nominal consitieralion, anti Alex E. Beaauble boaght a lot ou Jackson Street Êutis of Glen Rock frotu Jas. W. Kennedy for a nominal consitiarallon. Tise LalteCounty Farlu Improve- ment association, an association 10 encourage scienlific farming, etc., and located t ai bertyville,, lat ils car- tîlicate of iticorPoratlit LOCAL ELKS PLAN TO ATTEND STATE CONVENTION SOON Officiera o! tise Waukagan Ruts lotige hava eceivet Iinvitations t0a a- tendth ie 121h snnai Ek's smata 000- venti on viicisla ta hbeitel t East St. Louis, May 25-26-27, 1915. Il la ha- Ilevedt hal sevarai from isere wihIen- deasor îo attend. Tise Ciy o! Eait St. louis bas bean maklng arrange- ments to entartain fuihy five Ihausanti ER'ts andtihie- program tisat vili ha given viii be a hie one. Tisera viii be automobile paradas anti tis atreets of the City viii ha briliantiy lgiteti turing the convention. Arrangements bave beau matie for sleeping anti eat- ing accommodations. Intiepandent reader? BR ONE. BIGi FARMS SOLD TWO MEN KILLED AT RONDOUT INSTANTLY BV A Aiiiîcr biîg reaitî dia1l aci FAST TRAIN JIERE lad adsttvo \ uk-a,ýaeveait-fi Iod ay vlîî'îî h lbecaitne kooni BODIES ARE UNIDENTIFIED. t taIttese tiitiplace- liati bceiî tir- i iaseti h., V. El-oV ti v11 (len-rît l >riicttr &. itipany: JIM KELLY FARM-120 acres, on Teiegraph roati, just south of Ftse Points roati. ANDREW SIMPSON FARM- 80 acres, adjacent 10 Kelly place. Il le reportedt haf the consideraliotî n the -sale of tiiese tîso places i-t larg- -ri bhau ri ait c f tiretearin. :ales lii titat ocvality durlng the receiti fre- tuent deais Whiie titc transfer n il -ilitt a nîomîinal considepraîlon. Il i-t -taiti tit- ai rage per acre lt ioieitig icp $250 Ta Erect Fine Home. It t,-understood thal Mr. Whit sl t, erect oi tlite site tltti acquireti finse Ironte for htmself andt lat ha i-lî tends t make a speciaity of raising regîsiereti full bloodeti caIlle. Tise honte lie wiii erect wl ha one of tbe fiuest lu the series of places 1teise hbit hy ricis (hicagoans viso have laîely acquireti holding ou the Teie- grapb moati Ouyse Crops Aima. Titat Nir.White le anxhous to gel posession aI once la sisovu by lise fact that hie purchaseti from Mr. Lin- steati, leesee of the Simpson place, bis lease anti be also purchaseti trom Lin- steat anti Kelly liseir crops, paylug theut. il le saiti, for the material anti labor expendeti in the seasons plant- ing. Mr, Kell> s plans for the future are n01 kuown. The sale la important as thé Relis place le one of tisebhast knovîitriîthtiIsection anti fewmati ire better known in ant i bout War- reoton anti Itnuhout than KeUY. 1S DADY TO SEND DETECTIVES INTO THE LAKE REQIONý Refuses to Deny That He WiI Investigate Reports Saloons Violated the Law. That State'e Attorney R. J. Datiy has matie arrangements to employ de- tectIves t conuct au Investigation In tise Fox Lake district 10, determine wbether or not tise saluons tisera are oparating lu violation orthtisa unday closlng law, vas a report tisaIlbe-- came current today. Wban question-- ati vitis regard t1 tise truti ot tise report tise state's attorneyaravs lu- cllnedtu10 e evasîve. Thsis lends adti- ed importance to tiesa tatetncnts. "la It trua lisat you bave arrauged 10 probe m tiste saloon question et Fox Laie?" ha vas a9ked. 'm flnot preperedtiu10say," NMr. Dady saiti smillugly. Ha voulti not discuss tise situation aI furtiser lenglis. "Wit Ihere ha a special grand Jury caliet inluJune?" ha vas asitati "11 he very probable-lu fact 1 tiink 1 can say tisaItisera viii h," vas tisa raply. "la il fair 10 presfumea tisInome malter encis as tise saloon situation whi ha brougist up for Iuvastigation?" "I cent ansi-ar tisaI question." George Jackson, a i-aIl kuowu bus ownar aI FMox Lake vas tise victhus of a tabbing affair ast Suutiay afrt- ernoon. Cinton Rosait, hIe assaliant, la saldtoi h ava bean under tise Influ- ence o! liqueur isicis Se lasalit to bave tieclarat atlie lime ha purtisas- eti lu different isotels lu tise Fox Lale district, He tiechareti, It la saidti.ta ise hati no trouble lu gettiug &Il tisa liquor ha vantad. Hia tatement came as quite a surprise for It bati beau suppaledti Ibt ince tise strict pracautiona o! violations tise saoonas et Fox Lakte bat heurt obeylng lise lai- cloaely. lu tact Il la knoi- liat difficuly vas aucanintared In leasing @ame o! tise batela becaus tise Sun- day bar feture vouiti not ha fassi- hie. Tise report tisaI han gaineti urrn- cy l u lis te affect that haglnnlug vils next Runday tisera viii ha dabactives et Fox Lake i-ho iti maka il a point 10 vlail ail tise saloons andti sl bars ta find viether or noltishe lav la hehug.violatd. If sucis is tise case, Il sems certainviaI tise malter vili ha brougisi before the grandtiJury aI lise session next mostit Accident Took Place iust East 1of the Cemetery on Private Right of Way. VERDICT 0F JURY. The coroner's inquest vas held Sst. afternoon and resulted in s verdict being relurnedti IaItithe two mon came 10 their deats by being hIt by a train, unknown to the Jury, somne time before 3 A. M. this morning, and visile they wece ssaiking on thse coms- pany's private rlght of way about I1- 650 feet Sauth of thse South avenue croîssng. On the underwesr af on. of the men was found tihe number "66" ln large figures. itlal thought this may be an identifying clew. An Investigation in being eanducted ta see If the victime were two of the In- usne patients wlso escaped wth a number o!falters front thseDunninq institution near Chicago. Thei'e la evidence 10 indicate titis msy bo the cage' Two men au yet unidsntified but who appear ta ha tramps or dey Isberss were instUntly killed sonetinte Thureday nigiti on eaniy on Friday when they %veres&truck by a train on the Chicago and North-Western mril- way. Thse tregedy oew'r.i lui seaM af St. Mary% cesery se the o..- panye private igst of wsY. Tues'. was nothinq ln the clotlsing of tise mnen ta, aid ln their identificaIon. Their description foUcwl: FMAT VIC1'IM. Wsigitt-Abesst 165 posinds. Hoight-,4boitt 5 ft., 10/g ln. Hair-Ught brcwn or sundy. Eyee-41u5. a -Aet 0years. CflthIng-Wore blackc woits truase; darle là wkflamw shire trps le bnw saek ot e, black overals; s»boutàa'N.. g site; waene o aund@fWca Or soks. SECOND VICTIIN. Weight--About 180 p0auns. H-eight-Abot t5 it., S/a2lM. Hslr-narlcbrown or bl..k. Eyss-&Mon. Age,-About 30 y.mml Clothing - Wong darlt Mu. striped woest. troubsfs; dhr4 blue sweter; floeee 11ud 8u11111 wear; about à No. S9doc ,wer. no éocks. One of tise section main disoovcaed ona of tisa bodies about ive 0400sk flday a. m., and notiiedtheUicBasa at tisastation, Tise Conrad snd IKart deat waon i-aIs aumaiie. Whsm the velhicla arrivai thse aller boê. lying about foryfeet fartier 20ort111h hati beau descoveneti, Tise Soit boê vas ylng juil est of tishe ntish ou tracit about four feet tram UiceO«et rail on tise aise af a steep 1ince. Tise second body was found fortY test faitiser nntisantivas veet af thse north banni liek. Tisat tisey bai lain lu tise min some time was indicateti trou the e t ct t their clothlng vw« vater-osoked. Ita evidentlyhaîtc been extinot fer s=0 lime, LO. Msthevs. Bld %r thé Norths-Western roni lun'WI&Q11:11112 vas calhedtu tahie Conrad adHat andentaising establishsment Ibis main- lng. Prom tisa description turadf hlm by Mr. Conrad , tise dePutY cor- oner, ho wias of tise 0opinion1 iaItise tva men muet have bems st bi y a nantis iounti train. He pintd eut lisat a soutis bound train would not hava bai tise mocentum tb rov o0e o! tisa bodise torty test bacause Il wouiti bave luit puliai out of tise sta- lion bsers, i-hile e nortis bound train vouhi ha coastiug dowa tise Incline ai tis spolut and i-ou habgoint et a mucis more rapîi rate o! spaad. He vas tenable 10 say visatisr il vas one of tisa ale trains Tlsuratiay night or one of thse eanhy traina Ibis more- Ing. ilt insaidti tisIengine Pilote viii ha examinai today to sec If there la mai tr.6e of blond wicis mlgist Idicate visicis train killedth ie men. qf tisa men i-ara tramps. as them chotiing voulti seam 10 indicat, lil tg Igured tley i-are Waïdng aloig thé tracit eithen on tiseir vay to or trac Waukegan. Tisa accident my'have isppaneti turing Inaeiseavy wow ' of rmnand i-heu tise tog vas lAi* est, This votaitbava proveated tM from bearlug the a aPlloneCifg trin snd volîihava obecurclishevision of the engineer no tisaIise voeudMot ses tiseir presanca on the Irecis. Tisera ia a poaËslHfly. is0Ovevr. tisaIlise Ivo victime ane Waakeffl moan aud tisaI lsey may bave becs on tiseir vay 10 on tram i-or in a local faclory. A numlban of Waukesgandat Nortis Chicago peopla bava vievai tise bodies but as yet no one iba sen aisle btb row any Ught oatise ldesMt of tise victime, but fti:sasoped tbat before thesenof atle day tiscir Ids.- lily may be establislscd. 'isat bots men i-oea klliai insanat. iy le hadlca*ed by tise InjrIes tic receivei, Thesa unIs of! hlmml were laid o»«c lun eyerai places Mdl thee *loune voteltihave lesitlotu deatis. Bolhsusffereti savane Internai inJuries. lii

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