LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, M Y28 115\W Page Tre * ~ ~~~ ENTn RirE core 1:*A >-yE.METOT aa ,° YAGER PLANS TO gz. tla organz i ., politIcsu or It, Candidate for IS FRECTl!IE .CTELLS At METING wi" d Bc orlvdiý UllD IF PRICE- - - Af"lec ydourli lea<ers, sýee that they TUE ýrQE LINE e LlW TOBILlD CITY: o ' IS SATISFACTORY Election June 7, 191 - 9have the best leaders in schools, re- sNew Rule which Compels Pur- Y aMoral Conditions Very Neces- °A'sa i a fre, bi fhnýa l us Has Submitted Plans for Mod-I de chse ofý Ticket at Ticket R sary in the Building of a b>e done together andi iit add.l a ern Brick Building to Lo- Offipels Exteñsive. Citys, Says Mr. Ott. acan.Te m o thtcal Contractors. Ofhç,e~ PEE tsie F we must reduce taxes andi runl thle city --- HITS lalTERURBANS ONLY. 7iIT NEEDS RIGHTEOUSNESS. ha ae wuea u il tndEXPECTS BIDS SHORTLY., n ~Ing in the center of the roaid bloc king tr- -lits progress. Puli -eeal Stl Muc 4.n-i Speaker Declares Waukegan "what Is really essentan nedd Says Price He Is Able to Get ou-sed-Conductor Explains Must Pick Out Leaders and to run and bildb upý il eily arc politie, Will Depend Uipon Whether Reason for New Rule. Support Themn Heartily. religion, schoQl and social leaders" or Not He Builds. - After the address of NIr. Ott, See-egn la 6 retary Niagill spo'ke a short time oi Weot a u ean, ciclaye 26. u- Wau£egan, May 26. "1 believe that what Waukegan te erutn of new members into Rprthaebncruaedo sIncnetowththe new rude of needs mont, te more rig hteous- the asscialtin. He the clefothstreet for several days that Louis -the street car company put Into oper- neos, and bettier ocial and moral snuch applications as would be made J. Yager, the Genesee street merchant &tion Tuesday, whereby nobody butlcniin?-Ewr mes that night. Nine signed applications hastio mad a arrn eetor th Ott.. froma Waukegan business men were eeto famdr he tr those having tickets are permitted toe rc uligo ahntnsre ltboïard the Interurban cars either at PThe above message was carried to unee assi st ai askd for just east of the -fedrl building. Washington stfreet or Edison court, It 200 members of the Waukegan Com- membrsip committee on getting of lit tagles that ailan."h eotlnot true isofabees n.dvlp hti aanwrlefc-mercial association Tuesday evening new members. FIve offered their md. r.aersdtoy."Asa dIve ail along the system. aet Blumberg-Wetzel hall whien Mlr.lservices and wvill work a coulfniatter of fart the plans have been pFrom Evanston toi Milwaukee, be,- trrý !Ott appeared as the chief speaker to enrollmer t of such of terfriend plcditehdsolcacnra- -gnnnTudanpesnwsa-advance ideas on "comm unity butild- as they can get to join thre associa. ors and th ey have been asked to sub- s.Initted to the cars at spots where there ing." Former Comisiner Clarenc, tion. mit bits. I pon the priceIamtge it.1 Diver presented Mr. Ott, who said he twill deppend whiether or not I shall are ticket offic as right at hand. Thre jwould firsit refer to the need of a A vote of thanks was then given build." easo thrfr"sepandb o- Neutral Allie@" Preserving and EnrichIng This Good Land of Ours WMh prto hroy nWuea far. Ott and all repaired to, the re- The plans were drawn by Architect e, ainteeoel xlie yacn out Any of the Horrors of War.-Courtesy Farmers' Revie w "h prto hroY nWakgnI rsmn \.Wbtrfrwo enr hductor who said: it hloped to attain highest success. teresment tale were coffee, s and- C.W s e f or whomega enard D. T. SMILEY r-"Wynot? Where there are ticket He explained that Waukegan's suce- wiches and cigars were served.bLatzis the Waukegan representative. * SOWING TH E GRAIN Bsed. On three of them no plant food cess depended on the sPirit Of each Te alfratresoybik(rmteacfr eulc a offices at hand it il just am easy to OF POVERTY was applied. On two a fertilizer cou- Ind ividual. "Gentlemen, I am very "gno rance of the Law.," building with forty-three feet front on 22, 1915.) purchase a ticket as to pay thre COQ- taining phosphoric actid and potanth well pleased. This city has progresm- Take an inncent !uttle statute. one Washington street. The estimatedl D. T. Smiley, of Woodstock, fil., la ,ductor on the car. There lm a reason Rye a soit Builder and a Money- wona used amOnt w o orie a ie ed more in the past four years than inwyer irnaybe a emmtr'lyoner) ost ofa the strcte i s 500 cTe auaddt o ici ug ns léfor this change. The fact ls that Maker.. d hm teedoporca It has done in the previous 16 years. esa tiv t lni ohv w tre oae Seventeenth Judicial Circuit by the man tme pope tad ronda ta .~¯ , Firn that thesto poucn This town has spirit, ginger and doels notv knwlThe or ]!ileatmin on the ground floor; the second floor petition of thousands of votera In this tion like Edison court and watt for Bwi e rino pv and harvesting a crop of wheat under na.W hveeredtwntodoor goig, wheth,,r it is alive or dead, whIr lo l be devo e ! to offie a the cruteps lh adDt- p ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ l aa carI tepiuesouihylo' yo h outybe than Yoinge the system followed on Mr. Helnie' big things, but it cani't be done by one afoot or horseback. And yet "no man tidforwleue o eog h all Fr te ast igh uty ndg onehf At a carcket-- uts Btthey w oo y o the car id ou'"trty remaerkedan eccen- farmis la$11, the average- net profit on man. The big things In lIfe must be can plead Ignorance of thre law." A Puhpo'ses- er'ehsbe onyJdeo gi Tat's why the can e is made thec r ilcfarmer toil a g r af his neih the unfertilized plots was $2.57 per done by tena work, must be done to- man) maly go to, .,iI if hie does; not Mir. Yager admits that the carpen. McHenry County, and during all that "Thn gah, t i aknwn ac tht orslat eek Isowd ome'wldacre figuring wheatx at the low prie gether. All that could be done for know the law-nie hla a lawyer. ters' strike has delayed his plans time not to exceed thbree appeatis have man aan pepl who ge kon acat tiatheorts' many year ago and the harestof75, ens pr ushl.Thi i a oaWauegnhbeGd ad ntue, asOhyo ExctScincnKasa Ciy omehaeasthecotratos ddiotdeeitaenfro hsodciion tt datin feorl a horgt run Bas bag ble snt t oe'"a my in g. adthe reapers 1mrgin of profitn eiut wet been done. The rest muslt be done by Times. know whether to figure on the old higher courts, although millions Of fortionshortrd an rtin tlhwy ils tf- mydbortokaa aleaigo p rietfoo, th euf the hosprcthepol. scale or whether they woyuld have toe lr'wrho poet aebe tentims revnt th cnduto ge--only a run.down farmn -f My wifes. ocdadr td omiainrsle Here he referrec to the conditions When Spencer Tried Vezgetarianismn. Inay As ewslea fguracor inoled tns judthgets andu orer, tingthrughthecar efoe te frst I found Out that 1 could not grows in a net profit of $4.64 per acrea. Esti- that hadl existed in Des Mine whr Herbert Spenceýr trirl vegetarianis ingy Aso aresl each condtoacto Hstn fOrtergtwhotfa pern whesg togt.The c hangor t e thire ularge crops. especallye.wh Otng mating as above, thbe use of a fertiliser he lived for several years. "It was for about a màr say thle ILOdor submitted tobdeccndtnaor favor, in curt or out ofi. i thus ta meant to help them get fares a bout for a suitable crop 1 struck On ontng alld treled on ath oite element becus weddnthae nityr tat- chronilaes t the nd otfithat time,» uphyn the outcome of the carpenters' election means a Square Deal for Év. collected more readily. That, I under-' rye, as it readily taks& the place of of plan fodrsle nantpottehdeeeto h iywr l.h eae , int over ail thaet I had strike. A settlement of this strike erybody: for Judge Smiley knorws the stand, ls one of the chief arguments 1wheat ln the rotation and will yield a of $6.15 per acre. At presient pricels lowed to run the town, where they written duirinig th yealr, nnid consignedl or at least a worklinge agreemntit, lawtandaaepliesitt fearlessly.nfrt or reasonts for the change." Ilfair crop mont anywhere. It la well foreat Thes aontZ e iments were- onyafutho h oulto.,lu v et toou i et bbeor thek end ofs ths a mark arosi the quare nfrn Peope Ar Vexd sIted to thin, worn and sandy land cale that the highest yield and the Th goodt lepeootaconweeadcaatlh cnlso thatacr rav week- lo hsty ineitan w i e otefo PepeAesxd uchli as I had. My neighbors knew of greatest profit comes from the use of a o elfish thrat they wouldn't work tional life 1% a comrpromni, Inte ihtr local ontelrctoshed ub- onesyaresadE ny However, the fact remains thlat peo-1 my poor farin and my worse financial fertiliter containing ammonia as well to help the city and community. It matter of diet if i; best t,, stý th niiedsonte Mroose buildingOT -pie still are much peeved over the 1condition no one of thema nicknamed as phosphoric actid and potash.-The took a crisis such as they hadl to happy mieanu te theé tier pýac- and thiese will be opened ln theMAKYU BLOT r change, operation of whicha was noted ilMy rya, which was about the only Fars' Gutide. awa'<en themn. It ls also necessary to Iing its cage and thie coni lying upon course of three or four days. At that :Z1 For Circuit Judge l n The Sun liait evening, showing how prop I could grow then, 'the grain Of have the help of the newspapers to the gloase. time Mr. Yager will decide whetherD.TSMLY wornen were turned back ln the rain pove" ma1vdnedsgso WH EAT IN STANDING CORN miake a community prosperous. They... or not he will proceed with the plans. lit - ogttetickets before they could stoppIng is story a friendly crony are somne of the leading factors.- --- --- - ------- --- -set on the i nb sig WlSls A Profitable Short Cuit ln Wheat Pro- ".As toc What in needed in Wauke. There seemsn to be a difference of as neither you nor youtr land are so duction.gaIwudayttthgrttin opinion ais to the companry's right to poor as you once were, why do youedt rp ha ru Waukegan needs ls more righteousl put such a rute into effect. .-1trroaine claim 1keep on growing this 'grain of pov. -You don't nee to dowhafrmns. You can't improve a town n they can do so, seeing that they main- Tor wchSlsoniuda ter0onthe alkI "becauean 0old-tm til you Improve Its moral conditin. tain ticket offices close at hand. Oth- Wlrewl rwms n lc nin ha rwr What we need in better educational a r l it î a ic E e t i î b - ers contend that go long as thea while wheat demanda a.good seed baid Coniffuuing he said: "Why, not more and religious institutions and more trou has his money In his hand hisand ts rather choice ln lits habite, rye than half my corn ls cut, but every of them, entitled to the ride, grows and matures a crop mont any- ilacre of, corn ground gos lnto wheat Teach the Young man, who ls a a d P wr P a t where. Another thing about rye, It is just the same. What's more,' getting city's greatest asset, industry In the One person, h died amveo t te not so easily injuredi by drought or the the rest of the crop out early enough schools. Back the Y. M. C. A., and Adapted for use in Country Homes, Far m Houses and Stables, Summer Resorts askedi what would happen If he board- growing rye on mighty tin land 1 doesn't worry me any more either. If ilaornztosfrth mrliH teMls D re, c oq C pBasadfrPrabeU . ed the car at Water street instead of ha ve found out that I can get bigger the corn's slow ln getting ripe, 1 don't 1uplift of the boy. See that the local1 at Washington. He was told that yilds on good fertile sotls and that hurry the cutting along at all, bukgo jhead of the Y. -M. C. A. can spend his - would be all right. So, rather thrant rye responds to plenty of fertiliser ahead and drill my wheat in the 1time working on thle yougmni-5 wak ac arosthe street to the! just the same as wheat. I nos, uas standing corn. sta ofwrinunit-antnne ticket office, hie walked to Water about 200 to 300 pounds Of a high "The five-hoe grain drill with a fer- Compare the boy's chances who Plsh a sgrade comlet wheate ferilz can myr. ad tilizer attachment is one of the handi- hangs on thle streeýt corners withTa ste n d oarde th nc e ar teNre, hn- rye. I apply It through the fertiliser est tools on the farmo. In the tast I0 those of the boy who ls regularly at ingove hi niklefar toNorh Ci-attachment of the grain drill just as I years it has saved the day many ateY .C .I hsrsetWu cag. augin, h sidto the con- do for wheat. time. Besides drilling wheat ln @tand- ductor, "Weil, you dIdn't makle me "When my land was very thin, 1Iing corn, I use It to apply fertiliser in kegan has been tardy; now la the (en - 2,3 buy a ticket after all, did you?" sowed rye ln myt corn at the last culti. the vineyard and the garden. It's light time to makle up. It will mean better4 The new rule does not apply to the vation, pastured It ln the fait and and la a one-horse tool." lhelp to the business man.",iai loca ca -Jut t th Inerubais. turnedit Itunder in the spring. I used 'Any special precautions to observe ý .Nlr. Ott again went back to the loalcrsjstt te nerran. rye for green manure crops, emer- when seeding wheat ln standing building of business and th1rm-o gency forage crops-in fact 1 sowed it crIqusondtonfactysaigthtbses--Sef END R ARLSon al land that was vacant. My soit "Yes," he answered. "IYou know a mien soul us c the struth that buinteg-sstntre MR AN was.EÀ L n soon fiHedl with humus and or. corn crop uses tp an awful lot of moi,- me shuduetetuttri ne- atti tre gantc matter and the crops kept get- 1ture and plant food. Well, bersides try- rity ls the best; city asset. j(H SSEY BACg FROM ,e :e ;ott:s;,.e:oy g"rte"My s."lof°cistend>o".s" te, etiarttth1ee inention ofothebarrforI AutomateoLightieysten, it was neces time so I took a new hold on life b,_ somne for the.wheat. The corn la cul- are going to be true to the merchants sil' N\ il 11 i-Ilted( plAlts toI "lse all eIxpellsive( a11(1 lillefilent Storaeb - THEIR HONEYM N gan to study my work and to put-sys- tivated as long ais we can mas the and they shouldt be loyal to us by pro- týg bat-m{alecerilgysirtl temn and brasins into It. 1 began keep. sulky, after whicha we go tot the field moting the social side of life. Wau. lia Fanr ýe(l(l tl Sboret l e Isgl lt lwrSselwihi Ing more and botter live stock, and re- with a one-horse cultIvator. That kegan needs more pfleasures. It has N'%Il ltittv"liitildSsei hvii WI.adMe ar useMy 26.rn enfrcied th ae ith o uitbe antaMIns thresi uc hc od the boeat amount of pleasures of any "iliratl 1, I\ iI1bout tile lise of alittrl k<Nle tol'aIge fatery Í ilihes ci r- 31r andes ir Eaf rl Huseyretrn ' fertilise unodh il fry a h osue city along the north shore. Tt neeada rent dilreý- fronlt the .Iynllino to) the ÌanH ips ()r other electric apliance«ýs which gons tip frósà elght bushels per acre NVwin talking that plant food edTusayatenonfrma edigte 36 buelà last year. Question last when lit ought to comns clean pleasures, household joys. We in;aly beu reg-ilire(d, tina sayillg thle gl'en loss oif v ellt ilsumed throuigh bat- tripa spent ln Wisconsin. Their trip «You know the tarin has changedt as tiret. We begin by putting all our nu. should have more bands to give pull- t erios ;lld thle excessive vost ofrlo ilig baittel'ies fr'omI time to time. consisted of an' auto tour of the takre mucha ln appearance au au old homte nure on the orn and tn addition abut lie conce'rts. There should be at Tepati ltnaial trel tpeiadrglaeUååcntn that has been tmproved by the addi. 200 pounde per acre of a high tirade teast seven or eight public orches- "uIliii ltiltvlvsý"((,sowdiidrgltd iàaentn district ln Northern Wisconsin. They tien of new porches, chimneys, weath.. fertilizer. That makes a 70-bushel corn tiras throughout the city and ln the 4u I a it \ all c( ail b)e itse( at interVais il r •liilols,,burnini frorn one to one were ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a acomane by Mr. an Mr.e origaidw n otn fco n evssm ln odfrpbi chools. You business men li(idre(d hiamps anld alWaVs at tlle bgliest efiiec IthO Gilnnishiing capa- Blair Oliver of Chicago. peint. go you se rye la partly Ire. the wheat. Buit we don't stop thora, %houldgtteyugmntgte. t.It i T R Ub unn nayo h hsadS O P Da tmat- The arrageof %fis Luis Myar ponible at least.for my rebult tairin. Thatt wheatt gets 250 pounds Der «aeteyugmntgter i .I l ytriigo i ftelgit ld9 O P I uon Th arigeo Ms LuseMla My arm han made me quite a Vile of of a high grade fertiliser applied Have them take more Interest ln the I\-ti-iig off the 1,AST lighit, cosqetycausing no expense When of Chicago to Mr. Hussey, who ls the MonDey seo you see why I stick to the through the fertiliser .attachment of welfare of their community. Get son of Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Hussey of 'grain of poverty.'" the grain drill. It gives the when thtemt together and organize them. is to ei atteWÌ oepwr ltroaewhnnti s n Waukegan, wars related ln the Sun a enoughl fail growth to winter well agn Get the Young men of different indtse- so-g atr ills vvirt hn ti i( n test days ago, IncidentaHly It mnay be CULUR PLOTd TEL TR °*,a bumper Crop of the highest tries organized so that by their 0111 Mpo7)ler centi of ('ir vrelt is availitble, dite to tlhe loss and said~ULUR that theL dipachs ro Ws quality." knowledge the cily will prosper and s kg, consin announcing that the bride was Ho h onyAetFudOtfr IGRTMTYPOIS become beautiful. T Ve arrell Aiitoiiiatic Sy'StvIll is <lesiglibet to flirinisl thle Ilgetpossible an ctes dd rs Hssy n njs.Himself. 1 -Te thrcae<e oenscub ienerv at tile lowest cost, per-inittinig îhle lise of Stan<dard1apille such as lice because alhe never wias, on the -... A net gain of $6 per acre in a six- that should be backed by every maim- 'eneratliuse ini large voinnuiiniti es. The Farrell Nystenii fuirnishes cur- «&ge ln hier lIfe. she ls a cousin Of Yields of from 16.7 bushiae of wheast year trotation of timothy three yelars ber. of the Commercial association. r tatIlvolts, saIIe as lst l eer, ihig&P NrCmais Bt thi Stevens brothers who conduct a par acre up to 27.4 bushelà per .aura olwdb on asadwetec These women wishi to beautify the oilt10vtse YC;(,'idLgttg& m-iCnpa e.(B - large store In Chicago and a prom- on the saMe field, w 'Ith thei same seed une year was obtaned in experiments city. D)on't directly block their irork Ier-Y Plillits gvellerally lise f rolill 1 to) 3. volts.) tient Young socisty wOman on; the sied with trowing conditions Identical' at the Cornelt College Of Agriculture. by posting repulsive advertising T isplanlt is olne ally fariller (,all af for(1, as; til Íirst (-osi is voniparatively sout sid in hicgo. ust oûj el er otne on the farmn of joseph in thesse experiments the timothy was abont the city. spend that money ln} sto oprtn alllgke isy y g] erwo crept bin the .dispatches le not . wha a . top-. idressed with higha grade fertiliser 1the newsapers where It will do thbore Tlsiuliewl lrlslelTltfrlltv oe o ahr a