CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 2

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u.TIM Fly Time Coming Get behind our screeos. The safest place for comlort. Corne and bring the mnasure wiith yjou. We it ang openinq. See our patent Door Catch, holds ail doors shut. Libertyville lifiher Co@ Dosea by the. Old Deput. Beau there 20 years E. A. Bisbop, Mgr. SSaits that are jubilant with dash and distinctivenes-Blue Serges, Homnespuns, tropical weights, skeleton-lined and un- lined garînents for tho warm session <of Siîi elr ti . . biuo - ant with grace and gumption. SSnug-setting models and loose, swagger ones; ail the fetching fabric-effects-vim in every line and design. These eiothes are eloquent of Michaeis-Steru energy in tail- ~oriug up to our standards- Band yours. ft Cieriv ille fems-m To fleurs publication in the Indepen- dent. copy musi b. initheoffice nolater than Tuesda, of oaci' week. Adver- tilios. especialiy areasakad ta tako particular notice to ihis effect. WEÂTHER REPORT Weather forcaitfon the week begin- ning Wednesday May 26, issusd by the U. S. Weaaher Bureau, Washngton, 0. C. For the raglan ai the Girent Lekea: Generally [air sesather during itshe ek. For the upper Missssippi valley and plainastatea: Geusraiiy fir weather el prevail witb seasoueble temperatures. (Additionai Local News on Page 4) W. S. Rinsar ai Antiaeb, vwai n visiter bere Monday. A. J. Bockelman bas rsiurned from bis trip ta McAlliter, Oklahoma. Thera selb.eno service ai St. Lawe- rane s Epiacapal cburch nsxt Sunday evening. Attorney Martin Decker and family ai North Chcago, apent Sunday with Wm. Dpeker and iamlly. The Pi-sabyterian Ladies' 'id society seul bold a bakery salenat Raye inurniture stars Saturday aiternoon. lire. Wm. Wheeler on Wednesday en- tortained Mrs. Vosener. Mrs. Geirke, son James and friend ai Diemnoud Lake. Miss Amber M. ColLy submitted toaua operation for tLe remnoval of ber touailo iait week et the Preshyteriau hospîtai, Chicago. Vhs Ber& The ta girls ai the M. E. Sun- day scbool, seere entertaiued ni the home ai Misa Ethel Whseier, Monday eveing. Mr.s T.A.Resynolds resurned on Thur@. day ta Grayalaàke ta, reapen ber home there alter baving @peut tLe past ive mantha bers. Vhs montbly business meeting ai tLe Pieshyterian Sunday sahoal wai bLad at the Lame ai Mns. E H ronlett an Mou- day avening. lt-v E.1ward S.IYi,. Soi. %Wlrond .Ii Xartîn k'lt uîet ttLeulued lthe convention ai the Episcopal cbnrcb lu Chicago Tneaday. Sunday marnlng at the M. E. cbureh, by Invitation îseenty-twa aid @saiers attsnded the service and lislsned toae vary eppropriate memoial addresa de livered by Rev. . E. Bsam. An ex- cesllent musical pragram seas given. Vbere seam a large attendance. Ou Moudag a calaad af cruebed tone acreeninges wai spread on Milweaukee avenus rom the corner ai Higb sîreai sonib ta Orchard sîrset. Vhs sereenînga seere spreed ouly on tLe est heuali te treet whic babd nat been ouled, iLs work ai finisblng the job ai lliug Laving Leen tapped unei twweeksaega on aeeoîjiel of tLe raina. Friday, Ray 21, the ibertyvillefi. S. base bail ieem pleyed tbeG(rayolake H. S. team aI the F<air graundii and defeated tbem hy the score ai 3 to 2. Vhs game was a closaneuanad tLe resuit Wa@ lu danbt Mliithe sud oiflte eieventh iuning, two extra foulnge helng usceseary ta gst the verdict. Manaer Pierce scored two ruse and Capt. Monnais cored the Win- ning rua lu the leventb. hinybe If mars ai the L. Il. S. team were oiiic.ara ses wauid get mare runti The score: G. El.8..... 00 10 01 0 00 00-2 L.Il.8..... 1 000 0 0 010 01-8 Batteries-G. H. ., M unsan and Kappia. L. H. S., Praline andGreeuwood; êtruck- out by Munson 11, $y Protine 15. Ail ai the aid saldiers ai Libertyville and vleluiîy seul meet et Ivanitas SUn. day aitarnoan ai two o'clack ta attend memonle service lu the Ivanboe church and ta dacoraia the graves ai departed camradas lu tbe uametery there. A very appropriate pragram bai been arrangad. 3ev. V. E. Rlaem and Attarney B. H. Miller sel b. speakers at the service. Ou Monday te G. A. R. mambers sl decorate ths graves iu the Liberlll cemetery aud otiter cameteresa lu tbis viinity. Vhesesperais menoinii r- vice and dacoratlug ai the grave. ai Ivanhoe le dans because tLe Liberlyville Poat could ual pay the respect ta ail ai its depertkd memiters who are buried in Ibis and nereby cemeteries ail in ans day. The generai publie ls beartily welcomed ta join the G. A. IL. metubers in proper observance ai thesesevc. While no officiai proclamation bas@tisen made namlng a *deean-up iveek5 for Libertyvîlle, il allil would be very In- partant that the local people seho bave aiiowed lin caneanad pilies ai ashes ta remain sehere lbhey were placed dnring the sinter, tauIsue individuel "procla- mations" and get ta work ai riddiug tLe village ai anch nuisances. Those thinga are ual anuly uusigbtly but aiso tLe braeding place of file.. and ses take il for grauied tuat no ans reaily seants la b. tapI bnsy swattilng tLe fiy Il ha eau preveni sncb extra work by detroving the breeding place. JusI a uitile pride seuL jual a litile work nawse sesave mauy a rulsed nuctie by reducing tse number aifs satst." They say swatting th da In h: d w th F1~ A. ~ .E I'4)I..[) tis rainy wetber over the draaping ofie A .'R Y N L StresIlimbe aver walks. lu mauy placea Opposite North Garage Libertyviile, Illinois the branches are so lo w Ibat padetriansP have ta stoop quite low ta keep irom c Daler i4, EVERYTHING THAT MEN and BOYS ,WEAR getting sinpped lu the face hy the wet k ______________________î____________ ranch«s. Pr orly ownere should ksep 01 thoir treestimmed up qulte lgb. lu aM iuher afIinstances wbsre persans gaI aoakted around the collar tbe.v promplly 13 broke off Leeaff.»dl,,g branch aud wst STAVER AND JANESVULLE îisr way. a L ihrylePn r ,planning ta attend the annuel G. A. R. State Eucampment ta Lbe beid et Malins, B u g g ie sIli., June 1, 2 and 3. T. A. Ilsynaldo aned flermauce Wheeier, bath ai Liberty- S U ýrvilla., w,, A th, dlega, tesom the Y S e tC . Waukegau Post, 374, 6. A. Rt, wlll at-b e tc . tend the encampinent. Mr. Reyuoide la chairman ai the delegatian. A spetial train irom tLe union depai, via C. M. &v A ag So k fie fi h t. Paul ins aI 10:80 a. M., will reaeh1 A bar e ~ock Prces iug r Mlins at 2:30 p. m. I Corne in and look them over VlliagT..t CbaàrrnF. eS.Iefred1 ibis week ihal the Chicago. Mlwaukee( Sk & St. Paul railroad had egreed ta givec IF IT S ~Ci lCLîbertyville a theater train svery Balur- S c h a n c k day f rous Chicago, commenciagil nue fth. FROM ThIa irain leavea Chicago at 11.80 P. M. HnrAra e Coderabla preasubs la belng used to CIIANCK'S had a ave the raiiroad ruau thia train ai far a@ Llhertyvllls avery ulght of the wssk. IT'S Com pany LUb@r lIe people bave beau seekitg 000.)LiIe4tyville. thaï,thébirwisL la aon ta b.grauted. lu ons ai the Windows at te gaioffice la arranged oue ofthîe moet Interesting1 diapisysave!ramen. The south window cotans quite a number oi war relies _______________________________________________________________ iamthe Civil sean, the articles Lluibote property ai local aid saldiera or thair e neu .C LE AN W OR K relatives. Vhs cllection wiegotin 0 iIIflI~ gtagether hy A. C. Murray, local manager -P 11uu A for the gai campauLv. Amoug the col- J o b L 24 A F LÉ C UNTlections are army muakets, pistais, ______________________________________________________ words, saddipe, unexplc.ded sheli and cannon bail, madel of ranvasa pantoan bridge desIgned Ly tbe late 1. S. Gieason fin n l th[ aiLibenlyvîlle, the deaignuen cpe by the gavarument and fifty of the UI B tst bridgea Leiug constructed duriug the U.e.s. L reprmsnted Phone. 154 R war. The dispia>' la e-roklng coualder. jýable comment. COmmENCEMENT 0F SUL TUE iION COO The annual Commencement et the LIbertyvilie High Sebool wi be held lu the Auditorium on thanigat of Jane 4th. Seventeen ai Our Young peop)le wili be graduated et that time. Tbey are ns§ followa: Orson Pierce, Marlon Taylor, Vida Jamison, Liola Whte,.Emma Keiri, Blanche Scbanck, Luella Sanborn, Eliza- beth Scbancki, Elizabeth Cook, Eva Wlliam@, George Stedman, Veronira Sullivan, Fred Praline, Marjory Taylor, Mary Ream, Gertrude Daviea and D)ale Collin@. The speaker of the evenlng wili he Mr. W. 1). Scott,Profeoeor of Psycbolagy at Nortbwestern University. There will be opecial muoec but tbis has nat been arrangsd as yet. Mariory Taylor willl deliver the Salutatorlan's address and Marion Taylor wîll give the Valedltory. The iacult.v expect to have an exception. ally fine Commencement, Theexpenoes forcommencement wili ha verv blgb, tberefare a fes of 25 cents will he charged. Have yaur meats reslerved st Lovelis drug store. The annual Baccainureats services ln behali of the graduating cam. of 1915 of the Libertyvilla High sehool wili be held next Sunday evening at ths M. E. cburch at 7:30. Set wlll be rserved for ail members of tha cIaasýfor aIl teachers and memberb of the scbool board. The sermon wlll be delivered by 1kv. T. E. Reain, wbo wilii eeak on the topic, "Cbaraeter Building or Reachlng up Towards Ideals." The publie is cordi- aliy invlted to attend this service and thus give evidenre oi appreciation not oniy for the gzraduates of 1915 biut for our publice choole as wel This will be a union service as far as possible. SENIOR PLAY ÀT TU1E AUDITORIUM4 The senior clase ai the Lîbertyville High Sebool wlll present "The Mrchant of Veulce UpfJ) ate- in the Auditorium on the ulght of J une :I rd. Ths play leaa make a bit. There are seventeen lu the clans and aIl of thsm have had conwider- able experlence seakilw before tLe public. You wlllremember some aithir good work lu the debate with the huai. neas men laut Thanksgiving. Ag the lasa la compossd mo.lly ai girls It le necemuarfora numnI.r nf the girl@ tei le fly lnmud exeruise, but sehatso the neem oau- - - --"-Kri U taie ils part. Mr@. Wayne Colby Las s@e ai seorking ail summer wben e tew b them, lu training ion same time and minutes nawwsll sava a areat oaesoai îey are penieling their parts raidiî bat ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h k@daexrcs.Vsst. wiii bc ou sale severail days tn advanes ai De-kerA- Bonds V hs' MIRS. EVA PROSSER - dmiasion le >Sîc for tRi front hall oI tLe DIED N NOSITAL ouse and 25, for thLer. No expensie DIE INHOSIT L 1 bc'n nrd tamaiete sa succesa. There sell h borate âceneny and At the blts Couuty Hospital on Thurs -gogenscostumes. Tickets afy ha day oesing lait week oeeured the deai b iii. lg cu ui of lins. Eva Prosser aiter anulimae dat- Ail sente ar, reserved. Ig irom the 2lst de y ai Jauuary. Re _________ ,ed beau confluerd!ta ber bed aIne that .ay. She was taten ta tLe Lospital lu Whsn will the time -îîme whe 'UnI oe W'eukegau titres weeks ega lu tLe Lape Toms Cabin"seull ose ite charu, to the bast trealment would bring a change for rîeing génération. Jndging by ia lpre. he botter. She died at tLhe ge oi 51 sent ireabusa.ils nlling poseera will 'ear. ha perenniai. ThEre la somtiig mn the Eva Stone sens hum lunIfresden, t-Lia, akililul combinetian of the paihetie and )etob.r 31. 1863. On Jenuary 22, 1890, Ihs Lumorous that neyer taetu a mi- sha sea marriad ta Richard Prasser, n"e and tLe @tory that It talla ai the wbo died JNovember 21, 189l6. Mrs- suffering ai the poar slave@ appeals Prassar badl livsd lu Lihartyvhlle and vi- directly ta the ituet seusibilities of1lthe cinlty ion sigittean years and seas seil bunian suni. Sncb pinys ara Latter tbaîî knowu bore She leaves ta monum ber, sermo-nsý. Vbey point tua emoral aud one eau, Byron. and and a daughtsr, adoru a tale. Tbey taeit us -lassons lu Mro H.. Badjy, othof bleplae;thoughtlunnand cbanlty. Vhey im- aira. Hone ettrd, M@bDAt aitt iiapreonaur minda tLe precepta ai the alaa r o an ater, andMra. D . aedaGolden Rui.le. wStoseebaok la ans T umerai elatIvead frinds, ai nonofthe greatasi boots ai literainra. hé- Theinnraiweebed Snda aiernonceuse It lawI sllquestions of im- from the bQuse, 3ev. V. E. Ream officiel- meaiurabîs huma. Import, and the play lug. Bunial seas l lnkealda cemneteny. liasif la anaeaifibane simple maiter-pecea Ibal rau neyer die. If it dosa no mare titan ta keap alive the memarY ai the OBITUARY riae and fait ai ane ai tLs greatestInli- Frlday, May 14. et titaWestSuburban quilles thet history dens elth, It seas basiie, bîega acurel'lie daihainai senilten lu valu. Mort Steeces colos- booptal Chcag, oeured he eat salen]Unels Toms@ Cabin Campany ,wsel Mra. Tho@. Ranyard ai Chicago, seho appear lu Liberlyvilla under a big lent, bad reieldlf on many yeera near tlb seturday, May Butterfiald sebool aoutb-weai ai Liberty- ! ville. Vhs uerai. wblch sees privais,__________________ wm eai LaidMy lî, hurl a tForeat Home. Drs. Ranyerd la aurvivel Ly ber busheul', Thameas ienyard, sebo la S l sel known in ibis communiy; Ly four Silk Sa e E t ebildran. Fred of Seatle, Narman ai Chicago, Auna of Minnesota, and Rntb wu oi Chicago. blac AT THE THCTS Saturday, May 29, "One Nlght Out" wll h e ahown as the Liherty TbatWe. la tbis Charles Chaplin lwo parti Esaaay reeas, l le clear that the comadian lait noue ai bis abillty to enverlain when ha let the Keyslone Companuy. "One Nigt Ot" keAe an audience lu au almoal perpetuai uproar. Il la Chaplin at his tunuleat, and supportîne hlm la a etrang company that iollows hie methad as lbough accustomed ta ht from long e. perlence. Ths situations are ratber goad lu themesîves and lLey are ueed ta tbe very bet advantage. There will be a public demanatration et Walrond'o store Friday and Seturday af Ibis week to show the excellent drink- iug quali ties ai Durand & Kaspers choies hlend aI coaties. Camie ane, came ail. it Have yau , acres or more, vacant or Improved that you vwb ta PoiI. Ses H. D. Boyd. Bie bas more cutamers tban [and. h textu unes PHONE 29 * MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE 0 SYSTEM" :Consistant Increase 0 Every year for more than tweîîty * years mir patrons have been stead - 0ily increasing in number, whieh 0 fact mîakeis is feel tlîat the peo- O ple appreciate the servic'e of a *bank that co-operates with thoîn. OIf you (Io not have abank accouint o at this bank, we hope yon wilI oOpen an account To-dlay e 0 Lake County National Bank 0 0 (0 0 Capital, Surplus and Profitsa-*$00,000.00 0 * Total Rsources, - - - 750,000.00 - PEA. HULLS A DAIRY MOI) RICII IN PROTIEIN AND A BIG MILK PRODUCER. A car load wilI he ini thipi ws-k that we caiti sil froîî tlie car for- ti- low price of. $22.00 PER TON '1 hîs rice i for thîs car ïuiy, as it iii the Iast one before fall. Coîne anîd get a ioad hefore tlîey are all r.old ont. .. -- HARBAUGH-MILLER LUMBER COMPANY TÉLÉPHIONE 50 132 Sprague Street, Libertyville. Illino>is. Onie block east of Scliaîî-k'rî Hardware. CHOICE GROG &RIES, WMTS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILLe. ILI- A. W. LINDROTH U1BERTYVULE, INOIS M ILINERYW.e a ow showing tiha vsry lates i adilu and DRY G00DB A la-ge aeeort.aentinl beatilful dosion.. Hats Made-to-Or<Iem a Specialty. Prices Reasonable. W. carry a mica lino of Ladies tjadewear, Waista, Glovas, Col- ler and Cuff Setii osiery and Notions ai Lose Prices. Thec Parisiana Corset from - $1.00 to $3.00 raordlinary lie the present supply lasts we wilI moil a fine quality ck Mesaline Silk, 36 inches wide and a beautiful soft Lure and lustrons finish for 75c per yard, this is an muai value for this money and will appeal to ail who it. NORTH STORE LAKE COUNTY IN1EPM!DENT. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1915. Phone 47 VERITABIE "VIM-CLOTIIES" Our store these days is a trysting place for the liveliest Spring styles ever sprung? Our Stock of U 4ruln lo very complote and contains garments of many qualities. Some special values in Ladies' Skirts and Gowns Weare wefl stocked also with Ladies' and Children's Summer tnew a And would be pleamed to bave you inspect these garments. W. W. CÂIRROLL & SONS COMPANY Fu.. pi le y 10 ýtlvi:!VA

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