CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 28 May 1915, p. 4

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fEýs Nur Lake County Independenlt Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Number 1, Lebdiyvolle Exchange. Wnh.rsd a% the Postoiflice et Libertyville. III, a@ Second ClVan Mail Matter officiai Paper for Leke ('ounty. laued Every Prtda ' ytdrtiming Rates Made Knon n ou Application. SUBSORIPTION PRICE. $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH---.......................Edior F. G. SMITH .................................................................. Manager M. j WEBER .............. . ....... .. . Resîdent Manager, Phone 169-J In view of the bold statemient that the Fox Lak~e sa- loons were running wide open on Sunday in violation of the. law it would appear that the only course that can be taken ýis for the state's attorney to conduct an investiga- tion. Aftèr the severe penalties meted out to the Fox Lake saloonmen last year it was feit they had learxxed a lesson. If they have flot it is the proper tinie to find out. The spirit of America and Ainericans was shown this week in Waukegan when a South ide foreigner who ped!1j, dies fruit, vegetables, etc., made the remark to a number of persons in a casual conversation: "The only reason I cazm to America was to get the money; I neyer did lk. the country, and viien I get enough money, I'm going to go back." It isstated that every person who purciased of Mim that day and who heard Mis statement, miade Mim take back the thinga he had aold to tiiem. In a way it is too bad to think that the battery is to ô. mustered out but there is comfort in the fact that a naval reserve is assured to take its place. And, from wiiat bas been heard of the, work of the. naval reserve it wiil be far easier to get enlistments for a reserve than it was for the battery. The. lin. of work is said to b. more pleasing and therefore appeals to young men the stronger. Because o! its location on the lake shore and proxinlity to the, Naval .4 A - . - 4 1k .....+ w , .. - f01 cfi Xddrna/ ?/eWS ANTIOC TIES AtN liý ÀWFUL WÀLLOI>INQI 110 C»ryvi/e iiI Nirs. Chas. Appley le very Ill. Miss Mary Reami visited iiu Souîi Elgin Sunday. The Preshyterian Ladies Aid wiil mefli with Mrs. Fred Su.vdam) Thursday ai ter- muon, Jue 3rd. There wili be peetluî o! oficers and alil members are requiisted tu lie present. C. Rt. Dusenberry o! Tuscon, Arizona, whui accompanied the remnains o! bis wife here toc burial at the Diamond Lake cemetery, le making au extcnded visit witb E. W. Bttertield an] famifly. Tihetbody of Mvs. C . R. l)usenherry o! Tuscon, Arzona, was brouglit bere j Wednesday alternorîn for burial. Mr. Dusenherry accocipanied the romain@. Borial iook place et the hiamon] Lake cemetery, Rcv. Tý E. Reaci officiating et the grave. The deceased, who vins 38 yearé old. was a relative o! E. W. Bulterliel] uft xii. place, and reided in Chicago lietore golng tu Arizonne. Henry A. Boyes ot Lihertyville, and] Mies Alice Emly Nase of Highland Park, were marrie] hy 1ev. B. M. Alîburi at the Preshyterian Manse Tuesday eeu- lng. The groom Io a sou o! Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Boyee au] Io wadI known bere. Bie bride le e daugiter oi George Neas of Highland Park. The young couple le! t on a laie train iliat niglit to @pend their boueyciîon in Wlscons3in. Tbey wili maie tb.elr homeîsin Liberty- ville. Il Training Station, it aoes seem tnat w aukan, o u i xxv, ~~» la one viier. a branch of the naval reserve should be miain- WM. 140RFAN DIIED tained. WEDNESDAY MORNINQ The slow, cumbersome -routine of the. grand jury as William Moran die] et bis niothers@ compared te tiie quick method o! meting out justice ln the homne, Mors. Jua Moran, about 1% Mclle state of Wisconsin hau been demonstrated witMin tiie luat eust o! Llhertyviiie Wedneedey moruning Anse A umbe o!men~"d ome -"r- ar~d~ t the age 43 ycar., ater an ilninse o! few ays.A nuber f me andwome wer aff t bout four nionilis. Mr. Moren was the charge of breaking iute freigiit cars ln Lake and Keno- well known bers as@lie wau born an] sa counties. One man was bound over to thie grand jury7aliway s live] on the fari. aud is tml in the. county jail here waiting action by the. Be leaves to inooru bis deetbh Li grand jury next montii. If he is indlcted iio will flot re- motirer, two bruthers, Frank o! Lake1 neitFail Ai tha tie ii n~,st 1e'Forest, Michael wbo lives on the terni; COIve a trial Ditil nz al lltafiehenm i n ive iters, m. Mary, Moruen 0' jLTii. other alleged thieves wero arrested iunKenosha. Wauiegan, Mr@. James Bowden of Highi- 'Wtiua day or tva after thefr arrest tiiey were tried, con. Ian] Park, Mmr. Edgar Hart ali Meiott, victed and are already aervmng sentences. It is anotiier Ind,Mrs. Staieiy ofSoutha Chicago, Mmc. argument for the abohsbhment o! the grand jury system. tiuu srvcsallebe]a Bector Ganoter of Christ churcii, Waukegan, Sunday St. Joseph'@ Caiholicchurch un Sainm]ay devoted a coniderable part of hia morning sermon to em- mornlnîr, conducte] hy 1ev. Faîher phaasimg thie tact that the. vorld ta growmng better deSpite Luttreil. The remairus ail> he interce] the awful carnage abroad. H. said tiie terrible bloodsiied la St. Mary@ cemeterv, Waukegan. will cause sucii a revoit of feeling that people, more than before, viii turn te Christ and realize that in Mim and HisCIIILD IS SCALD- word in solace and conifort. Peraonally thie writer feels that it peniiaps is nice te look at the situation lu that man- ED WIIIN IT FALLS uer but it tal<es a bigger, breader and more charitable mind ti aura to comprehend tii. viole situation in that INTO HiOT WATER liU e rytofeel that way but have trouble getting ___ ourselves into that frame o! mind. To us it looks as if the. Amton, the lutile iwo year nId sou world la net only growing worse viien tbree-quarters o! of Mr. an] Mr. Martin Zubac, Tantb its population is at euch othere throats, but that ita pop- street anti Southn Sheridan Bo, a]. ulace it aud, blood-mad and blood-thirsty te sucii an ex- etrobably !atay cldcen aume fea. tent that It will b. surprlsing if the. other oue-fourtii does lon tub of bollng hot water which ntgtiuvove.ere thie ti'e-quarters settUe tieir trou- bis mother had place] on the kltchen ble bytheextrmiatin pan.If he orl isgrowing MrsL. Zobec was engage] luntiolng botter it's a mighty revolting nuiner inu vMci it's being tefalywahn this monlng dons. It's inconiptable witii ail tii. spreadlng o! Christ- balmcx ustle] a tub fuli of bolim; ianlty in the nations Involved te aee them iu the pligit water and placa] Il ou the floor white they nc7w are iu. It does aeem that, ît Ohristiamity has ac- 'upsonnecltes n the UY~ne.îbn coripl"sed tii. tMngs ve had hoped It iiad, one vouldn't ho the lt ,l on laying on heur amoug other tMungs o! 10,000 priesta or mninsters be- ho might tumble loto the boiing wa Mag on eltiier aide o! the tronches i uropean batell, ter never entered tha maind of the - mother. Sha was ont o! the room shéotlng at eacii other and forgettmng wvat t they'v been harey Urea or four minutes, When -adpreaciing al thes. years: TROU SHALT De enlte Ue itohn again h. to" ý"washorrifie] to ce thte itUle tllow #MT . The worddmay be growlng better, but itisstrgglîng abotrithle t aati a rather circuiteus route it's pursulng. theing buxtae] co serlyti Hehed la m.eretin te ote na~st~t'5 hocli wacsOugreat thet ha ha] not It i nersig ont ta tae"AtonyDady ha] (fane to ccream. waxes sligitly warm over the tact that The Sun gave inti- ' can't Imagine hnw Iu the woriti It happene]." Mme, Zobec gald. "Ha mation that h. migiit s.nd detectives te Fox Lake SundaY muet have trie] lu follow me ont or te se. t.bat the saloons are losed, bi nference being tiiat, tha bouse or waîketi over to the aie such oexplotation doesn't tend to Ielp law enforcement. o etb, da ositoniane The. Bun, unIlke the proaecuting atteruey ISN'T PAR- tub an] from (the nature o hie borns Il would appiar that he muet have TIOULARLY DEBIROUS 0F PUiN BELIsrG FFEND- feilen hac'cwards. MM of this or otiier lava IF SAMD VIOLATION CAR tDr. Jolley was commune] lmmed- ~ cu.*~ Li~ scii .,,, laeîyand rendere] tiret ai] trial- M B E VNTD Thaerefore, uy puviicity s 8.5 as he lmten'LWhon quetioned about tha &mn gives, violations can be prevented, we have doue juat accident (hic attemnoon ha naid lIat à whiAI the childa borns ware very se- asbig a service or bigger, than Mr. Dady or any ether ves ha it vas possible the liuh proboutor who la paid te get convictions, caan ende. ao- feowinlght recover, Ltte Anton sbyif TEE aux bd lsued the same kind o!f wnnng v aefrax om LA&T WEEK THURSDAY instead o! tii. one tuaweek hersait rether than bave hlm ramoye] wblch the, state'a attorney takes exception te, THÂT to a hospital. SEEOUS STABBING APFRÂY would not have hap- Charles Oi1cm, cou of C&ptain H. E. pene LUT13U» Y AF MNOO aftr th ass i toson, of 198 Rldgland avenue, has LA8 8NDÂ ATEROO afertheasallntracel dwodto!fa&l the candi. bdgt'drumk in Fox Lake. 1"An ounce o! provention la datas Woto tha axarnlnatfon 10 wontl >moretham a po ndthe naval acadannyait Annapolie, hoa "s fur publicty more tban they do prosecuters; publiefty b a]l lande] lu (hlm] places, an excie!- pgvv morevioltion of he lw thn is mm- i Ingly blet. honôr, for (ha Waukegan pr ty mr vai oso! ThIav tnf ttt ao ' -ahd1Young man. White tle systîm of for Wuaiyh ESCT.Gufnuae ho bave anar cng examnantion papers la soute- oeAtdoffenses. For exaample, in case The Sun could what differeuxt than lIatinl vogua proeuàlhM many privato poker gaunes that are beinglay. be equilvalent to about 90 par cent. 1 *Mtiýesuright &Ion& it would b. more helpfuto the. 0faiF THEEMIN vho indulge, f ar ~r hnSON.~v if we vlw . able te brlng about sucii a condition where Utl mafater wu it o! the violators o! the law migit b. possible. i lit I stentorian faibloa. Allr er ite. %,lastYox Lake- if the. salooniats can be made te close log for a moment lttie sau seid Ùl> up raser tisa sufer after vllating the law, ve f eel we qulIrng,"Cboooor«Not qute sab 2Iedwt heneexlntizh ane dong eo a littie more than a public officiai wioio alis ta».] aaa. Theu is face bifghb püd o tg thm 0$ e& 4 Cow! bo sold triumapatey. o h T fi ci a a v 14 'i Notes Hapie trie] out with McCann Sunday. OIson fille] in et third and di] gou] work with the stick. Doi fer pitche] tle lac% Inning juct ta see if lie coul] BEe col], Bui McHenry trie] to bol] up the irame alle lho omme] a chew uff the ump. Nolilngdoing. Mselloy baudle]tUe indicator au]dlie side@ bis regular wori lie soppe] a tbrua tromnuduy iiOIe wtlh ie bea] an] went down for tb. count. A lady who was watching the combat wee very machlIintereote] lu unr dimai- nutive manager. "My," @lie remarie] "whet a noisy masot' Nexi Sunday the tei goes fui Fox Laie an] there alîl ho a N. D.igu ex thie home grounde. POLICE BREAPLK UP LAKE SHIORE 6iANE 0f FISH THIE VUS WauiftagamMay 22. The police have broken up what they bleheve to lha the gang tiat haîe bean commitng the numerous rob- harles, that hava occurre] on (ha lalia front of late anti ecovre] aevintY fivi pounds o!f fch tInt wae clolen hroan Nelson Jenson Wedneitiay nlght at (he asemeim. The men arraste] weme "Deb" Fred Martin, cge 23, "Haptpy" Joî Milti- more, aea30, andi Peter MBulueY, aea 30, thay vere bel]util (heY con- fesse] that thay ha] broken ito, Nlse Jeuson'c shao'e ou the leke chore an] tole 75 pounds 0o? cuoke] ih. The Police believe ihat thay hava, now completely oundeti up and' lirokan a gang thet Iu lime woul]l have liecomne more daring but which' wame now nothlng more (heu novices. Or "chaap low down doormat an]dl tîleves," accor]ing te Connuisesloer of Public Safety Powell. fludependent meaches aU Polnts ln Làkî Connu'. - t> 11 * Morses 'are chtap, only the * best can be raised at a profit. iPURE BRED, IMPORTED IN DAM PERCHERON STALLION o on carenlce no. 65w$ A combine] battinse fest and a comsdy Li errors resuite] in the dent ot the boye trou» Antiocli by a score of 18 tei 2. The home boys cullectedt a total o! ourteen blugies, of which Stafford eaily carche] nI! the honors witi two triples and a humer. Anlioch went out inuîîrdec lu the fi rot and second but score] une lu the third without the &id of a bit, Two down dieu Baut got a flte on (Oon's hont going ail the way tu second BEe stole bhird atid came home on a wiid plicli. Tbeir oniy other rua wae put îîver in the sîxth. lIant let off with a nice two- iaggcr, their lirst bit, wu@ sale at thîrd wieu the tbrow gui away lrum OIe and cors] un anoiher wihii piteli. Red foilowed witb another tito base drive to lft but was 1,41t etranded, Ramairea picke] a marier in the last ot the upening round. Oisonîiau] Davis walis] and Dorlersecciiced them ahea] but (ils was cauglit trylug lu îount ou lie play. Stafford camîe arise witb hie tiret triple and Davis sciiru'î Kicibaîl souci]. Nothlng doiug iii the second but we got a cuuple mloresin the tht]d. loon led off agaîn and delii ered with a ueat cingle tu ieft. Davis tanned an] Portler drove on oîut tii leit for the second out. Staffor] wey walied ipur- posely and ha an] Oison polie] aà douhl eteal and score] on Kimbali's cingle to center. Oie lsdolff an inthitb1h wiih asingle throngh short, Davis foule] the tiret une in an attecipled huns and thon crosseid the opposition hy punching &ùe next one over their beeds liudy gutin froton a wvide thir] strîke, lilling the corners ' when elong came Brick" an] @hut une over tlie right lielderso beau for a bomner, scoring tour. Atter ibese big doîngs Kimbail walked. etouý second and third and score] on au crriir et the plate. Iu tAc clxti Doricr single] and rude home un Stafford's triple iii right. lu the eeventb itycre wam saleo nua btîct tuy thir] an] coun)ted whîilethe ndt tiarce eme being diepused (if. The big hlowoft tam" lu the ciglitti. O lsîîn bit, Deviesacrificed, lioriter cloute] for two short mussAeduup itriek'sruIler, Kimbal was sale wlîen piteher lumhle] hie. Myers cingle] tlîrîugli thir]. Bar- boum sacritice]. Johnsoîn cingle] aud Morris droppe] as a TFxas leeoeuer baci o! second and got aroun] to tlie count- ing station betore the bell rang, recuit eigbt vrus. This proved îuite an ample oul!iciency and our ci]. very generîîusly passpe] up their clienoe to bat lu the Manth. The score. Ramace-a B R H P A E Oison, 3h ..........i...)3 31 2 3 Davis, 2b ............. 4 3 1 2 3 0 Dorfler lb ............ 4 3 211 1 O Stafford, Ilf........... 4 3 3 1 () O Kimblas... ...4 2 1 1 1 2 Myers, el.......... «ý 4 2 1 1 O 0 Barbour, r! .... .*......'3 0 0 3 0 O Jolinson.c ...........4 1 2 7 1 O Morris.,p.. ............ --I 11 0 7 O IN 14 2é le, i, Antiocli ABtR H P A E B!ànt,le.. ......... .... 4 2 1 10 0 1 Jackspe.. ........... (Jo o o 0 i Red, 3b................ 4 0 10 1 2 Rusell, lb .......... 4 0 1 10 1 2 BerniecIl.............. 4 t) O 1 0 0 el........ ...... 4 0(i 1 0 O Suyder, 2b...........3 0 (iè 2 3 0 Horan rI ........ .. .3 Oi0 0 il0 Wilton,p-.-........ 3 0 0 O 4 1 2 3 24 l) 7 Laciarea .... 102 0 ,1 18x1-18 Antiocli....... 00 1 0(i 1 O0 00- 2 Summary Two base bite, Doriier, Bant, lied, iliree hase its, Stafford 2; hume rut, Stafford; sacrifice lite, Devis, btordier, Barbour 2, Johinson; siolen base, 01@ori 2, Dorfier, Stafford 2, Kîihbal 3. Bant. Jack; @truck ont 1y Morris 6, Dorfier 1, Wilton 7; base on halls@cotf Morrne 1, ouf Wiiiun -- Henu. J. Trickey, filister. SEASON Of L itt i, Wi@., Mday 14t,1l'il R C)D N E Y LoebHammel Reaity Co..Qean u-a, ie Dear Sir:- PL B. SWIFT, Owner. apeddchenu-e ber@' for a ien wtli, ------ moeaemeens lu get &long. -__________________ look gond for tbis year. Pasture is very, ~ 7 good. Barley an] oaeslooi fine. Yor, W eihave jusL company lias cerielnly treete] me feiriy, end i bave absolutely nothina iii arn. opeflec ouir... plein of. Tbey bave dune more then tiey el] tley wold. i wouud lke to seel more peuple troci Libeniy viii' e nýSodd vVaterPlanlt np here an] settie. i thiuk tbey wsoui] ie It. Very trnly yoo e, it George Amnnt. AI AREA )F 1915 AT FARMS weet o!fIAbertyville, Ill. J. B. HABERKORN, Mgr. «:Cali tat l 01 Sîft Drilks ii iiyqti tity uîîî shor noice Wedeliv'er tii d alem nywhere. Area Spring Bottling Works Phone 311J AREA ILLINOIS H May 2Oth, 1915. Mr. Herman E. Maiman, Special Representative, Wauconda, 111. Dear Sir.- 1 acknowledge with thanks, check for One Thousand Dollars ($1000) which is payrnent in full of Policy 110792, camred by my late brother, John Heu, Wauconda, 111, n the Old Michigan Mutual Lif e Insurance Company. The above Policy was taken out through meut urgent solicitation by yourself in July, 1912, death overtook the inaured on the 4th day of May, 1915, you and the company deserve commnendation for paying this claim in so short a time. Again thanking you for kind and courteous treatment and wishing both you and your good company the succeSS 1 feel you deserve, and hopimg this may reach my friends and prove to be of service, 1 amn Yours truly, Mary Heus. Sister and beneficiary of John Hess, the deceaied. JOHN HODGE Manager KR A suri Tryi Lee's. . >h ci Church ?/ws PROM- LOCAL - CHURCI4ES Mthodist-Episcopal. Preaching services et the M. E. cburch will be held next Sundey as tollows: ln the morang ai 11 o'clock the subjeet o1 the sermon wIlI he, "The Value oil Christo Tears." la the evening et 7:80 there will be a Baccaieureave fService and Rev. T. E. Ieam will proacb on tlie toplc. "Presling Towerd Ideals.' SpeîIalslng- Iiug for both services The public sm curdially invited tii attend. "An Evening with tGreat Bymns wil be the Pubjeet of the Epwortiî League service npxt Sunday eienlng et 6:45. Misso Mary Mason wili lead. Sunday school je beld cacli Sunday morningpromptiy a lOo'clock. Classes foral figes.. Ail are îî:rdially Invited. The officiai hoardrmeetingolfthe churili wilI tic beld next Wednesday eveuinir ut 8:30, at the close of prayer meeting. The Ladie%' Aid solett seili ho held next Tuesday etternoon, June ltat the ehurcli parlor.. Presbyte rien. Moring service 1ilF%. m. Thenie, Memoriai Day. A discussio)n of the value of Memorlal i)ey frcoî n a(bristien otaudpolnt of view. Sunday Schooi 10 a, m. Casses for aH. Chrstian Endeavor ft.45 p. in. No evening service ln the churcli, the congregation unitiug witlî Ni. E.. ciiurch in Beccalaureete service o 01Hgb ifehool. Lecture o!f1ev. Scott pîtlîîue(d for une week, June (;, 1915', Congregational suhlper Jonc luth. St. Lawerence Epiacopaf. j Eoiy Communion every Suuday 7.45 a.. c.FirstSundaytn montbl 10a . Mdornlng Prayer every Bunday exccpt1 above 10:30 a. Mi.1 Sunday school 11:45 a. mi. AIl Hoiy DaYc. Hoiy Communion !:100 a. Mi. Hait Dey Church 10:30 a. m. Mdemorlal exorcise@. WiVi 1 îmarch to ihe cemetery following the exercimen et the church, 7:45 p. mi. Preachingsor vice. $uhîect, "Moue. and Lincoln th. Patriots." IA wesicome le extended to a&l to attend A draft horse of the best quality, weighs today 2,307 lbs. Illinois Stallion Board certif icate No. 8340. 1 tîiîîk a'uolt hy Bon k:weî' ill he wortlî at luast , ' M) tmore as a four yveit'ohdI tliai> a tolt fromi the' sa ieîmare hv t' -NIhors.- t ual tra vvIs fro m stanîd tii stan>d iii Lake' Collîity. A two vn'7îr îld filly 1)y H'ii La3wi-viice l ia (Il for $40i0, anxd tlirve' yearlinîg stiid tolts biat e nold for $1,400 'l'lie Gui-riii Brothers sol a fouîr year io1d grade gehîiîg by Boun Lawrencîe for 2. Stalhions of the quality of Boi> L.awrenîce standI for e.iii. It %xviii stîrel jîay yoi ti hruîg yoîîr mare toiiii~ti. ,rhî' great danîger just tîow of conttagions anîd infectious diseasc's both to liorses anîd eattle atnd the (langer of traveling to so vainable a horst have catîsed us to stand Iuîîîî at hoîîw, at RMdney Farms, this r4n*i- son1 at the, Iow jirice of *1 5 to iiîu'îîrs'the mare withi Ed fit Boy M r.. W' Who [Lore g ever th wRIth xi M rit. Mise Libert.v àMr. a geL, el well'o. Cham. gan. Liotie acre iii Have Bil Bov W 1).u8, vp.-ndIû, Laët , wurk "i by test Co. M re i Wenkeb Tueedal Mark tlilcagi> Heurs tîves li Mfr. ai ti J. L, bd le ejient Si et Anti 'lîck i w-ci. cn tI.,fl. R fi M" L v .itiug itlml Mitcrele M ii bell, Fo i S tac arr vn iel i t'-a on o in tIi ing pt Crentin leîins lu sixlut ,A-mln r liwet y vtartlut vomiiiltl vice jirci bnembler exaispie ehould 1 actIvtty .ertng

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