WAUKEGAN WEEK,,-LY --SUN \)1L X X 11L --NO. 37. TWELVE PAGES LIBERTYVVIL LE, L AKE COUNTY, ILL.. FR ID \ V, .) NE 4, 1915. ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE 'SPECIAL AGENT THOMSON NOW AN0THER AUTO CONG. FOSS' BR0. 'PERFORMS OPER= WOMEN'S 9 HOURONMADEDI ,MURDERED; THREE SEEKS JUDICIR PLUNGES INTO THE TO SEEK G0V. JOB ATION UPON HIP BILL IS BEATEN' FOX LAKŒEll0TEL MEN ARE SOUGiHT C-rlm i -shmpoi,-neof tire KELLOGG R AVINE Boston. MatssNa)r 0uenF-A SMAll CHILDI ikr n hrlf fti Progre-ssve candidates on the Repub- Foss, three times electedi governor by iVltickaver aanShutef th is FIR E 0N MONDAY ThOms Mrrion I Betencongressmnfrom ia s, te 1 dierFv Cia terosinC r te Democrats of the state, will seek ThIomasGraham, voted for tr S tnres,.ntook edng part th, ri ernont he Republican guberniatorial rno Mina- Dr. Mueller, Famous Surgeon, Spri"gi d i ,>a 17 h> At Old Lnmr r h o Senseless and Then Shot 1in the sp eechmaking which character Have Miraculous Escape tion at the september primaries on Operates on Hip of 11 Y e°"' m °." " n n mar(i the Fo WihOw evler ed tlea"lov" feast- aned reunion From Death. the single Issue of nationwide prohibi- Old Highland Park Girlear asuee <i ir os oia ýh-L akeuRegiondBurnsto th Wit O n evlvr on clpub i ica go. bythe uiila- tion. His decisilon has been announc- -- il received onfly 69 vo(es on nilalroldloda Aro POSE COR IINTY idts n h G O . laeweeall ONE H UR TS H IS SHOULDER. cd in a letter to Charles S. sird. Pro- IS A CR EDIT TO DRssagB invited at attend a luncheon arranged gressive candidate and governor In . ROWN. a for tes mssa Oaa N E A tBRSiO EAH Three Men Are Sought Be- fr the benefit of the fusion judicial, Accident at Sevent O'Clock 1911 and 1913, who had decided to After Case Was Reported to "o:e rsn u o ig cauSeMorrSon ad Qar- he occasion waS a getting togetheri Monday Evening-ls the acp .rssugsint ek Him by T. M.Clarke He Se- ded s et e eI«etr'usanrEtesiurin raue W iT h Sat ury ofProgressives who have left the-e Third of the Season. the eeubDica nomintion onaeero-deatsv Bui din tDet HisSains ------ --- puburay olia tyanndSignaling their .__hibition platform. ue .M lerFee age of the bill. while npresentati e -onJed nRis Thomas Morrison, aged about return to thre fold. A serious automobile accident )ç- DDr.was one of its chief opponents, years; a lifelong resident of -- urred about a mile north of Zion City Drth edusaeck liueeI of hic sagol,An's a ictimpts tosaive hs ern- a Leville townseip,.anda r- att lmEADQ ARTERSsOthe:eB-ah akP CIVILIANS AR E TO w::::r=:teA:e:± b:utte;;; rsWIFE 0F J.qN hlm bs Ille. °a' "" --ad , was shot and instantly killed just crosslng the bridge ,when She BE BARRED FR0" ago sas ethe sistnto r .oren z, Pe- uretrDudyshanessard nde bial atout two o'clock Sunday morn- N W B T E Y " ravine, about 8 o'clock last night1. Awotrtled th cfloun trywhn heper- W.DE KAY DIES IN o hredFox ake b otne],netheox uane ing. at a pointNuEt northRof'th swerve-d and went over Into the ra-!fre ucsfloeainuo ftePxLk oea o a iRondot dpot. H e ad bth odythe% ialbelow. th.eaothers.w ron hP. MEe-XIGjB UTSthe hip of Lolita Armour of Iae For- Monday after hielhad aroused all the was diovered aet. 5:4a. m. TheodyA 1)A11d ay t hcagowhersw n theien T UEB N O T ,est. daughter of the milllonaireemeat P A R 1IS RECENTLY guestmin the place, then entered the paticeredooing5forthrem. en A hT H R DA oapene.Chcar is sheaid nt vepacker, came to Waukegan last Sat- building to certan death to, get his no ceare thoukgtotohveerp- predha mpran n s 'aaune"w elyoly having been New Order Issued at Naval urday and performed one of his famn- lo'i elee oBei aigs that ie had hid away In an trate th urdt ehaeede epnovtdon WtI peoEtabl Ih- er iva ewa ur o stona Station Prevents Public oue operations at the Lake County old trunk in the attic of the tower. wouled see mutride Teiec hat Mor-eront of beig pinned n ndte eiigMtce.General Hospital. He was assisted, ondon atthe Time of His The fire started fromt a defective son wassfit e Iaten insensibl ed in This Regard. st eering wheel. Another man was by Drs. Brown, Ambrose and Budde. Wife's Demise. flue In the kitchen and wa disoee asnW the t in tenhnedsithealso Injured, but the third ls said to HEREAFTER no civilian will Th patient was little Esther May .Puasnare scm .C.Br, ie oepred r sonrvovr oh i bly, When, on June 3rd, the new north have escaped unhurt. The two ladies be permitted to be present ait that Erickson, 11 year old daughter of Al- thIe ispa tche tmPaul, a riey rs.A Br, whefe o the Dro-en ain revolver. ere misi when shore battery la formally organized had a miraculous escape. They were part of the athletIc sports taking ýbert Erickson of Highland Park. The cenisuprtethiemblwaprtohnseetrdtektce w Rbet . taerofChcao s hron ro te aran wreno - piece of news which concerna Wauke. at about seven-thirty a m. Monday adbeoyew fou nd ca tain anoe n tatteryChfaomal..hurt in the, ast nd e rof t e is paeih uioimo nte cidwas suffering of a congenital ·<anpopebecause Mrs. De Key, Morning ]hrf rfi fWuea a y takes over the 1100,000 artillery stood on the road after the accident ampitheater on Thursdays. hip dislocation. While her husband was editor of the Se rse rn h lce summed a fn ofhaste t Rndot qupmntwhch h ibne bt apndand called for help. Her LIEUT. COM. COLE. Her condition was discovered by Waukegan Gazette 91so m&ear s ago, She re."d rm haekitche . tery C of Waukedand giving u p, re tred teAke oshod A8was very active In the Waukegan M.sraig fr. uhn,"l la a sortied n a psewasemadoete an Iofationn aiona garin - ju èr'lsat thaedsothe en o th rvin As a result of complaint being made Superviser T. M. Clarke of Highland E. church and had many close friends Pete," as he was commonly known luadshertcountryita t vicia meni a tenain I beiongurd in-histnd the hurried tofthe sotandeIto State's Attorney Dady that the Park. Mr. Clarke asked County Physi- hers: was just about to go off dnty.He sordinavnefott seuesection. 1turned the car right sideup The weekly athletic entertainmients at the clan Brown what could be done for "PLNGicER" OSESHISJ.WI. ahe ihtlrk arn br won.,, tra vofntefftthemn ord For, the new battery wIll make Its 'injured men were taken toe ooe aa ttinwihicu bxigtecidadt e ateshowIng im- Convictedg of rudJ.W.D wslmenghBcer.Herig e heduresarFrihrdnrteAknshus n n essuCO..ý age l Kayn who' made fortuneh in Blackte ltt r ow Ssreasherushed back and discover- st..tep he t Assimtn Ch rdiefonatioalarmy eadqartSerid. the,as ent tboD.gelld oofsWakea matches are violation of the state mediate interest as u sual, had the lit- Hills, hear of wifoesdeath. ed the entire rear of the building ln Poucpe Thome eas rrll ofaukChefeainahe gun hesofthe artional gov.i Osnt r rivl exaed th f enjuedlaw in thaet they have coime tobe tle girl brought to the county hosp Ital Special to the Dispatch. lamtes. Assisting Mrs. Born out of an ea nepoede ocnutenetfor the first time In history, men and after hie had dressed theripublic affaire, the above order was without delay. Deadwood, 0. D., MNay 24.- the buildingDmaertre n a throuh sarc ofthelocl ril-the Statemilta will store Its gunsleinjuries they went on their way. issued at the naval station today. 1He then got Into communIcation orhed hat ben rcivedfere g uanAetrnd-n a zorogh earh f tre oca ral-if thre arrangements now being made This accident was the fourth acci- And, in future, It will be strictly en.. with Dr. Mueller and laid t thee athon Paris, ofrs. ya n het fom 1-oftmoio nocking road yards In the hwthat thre men between state and national officials are Ident that has happened at this spot e c r i-1 uc i t aseDr naBa tonI Derlay, wfeomelyoh n bythe doosaof w t hersoccpie migi,!have%ëhidden hlere No tra(.(,carried through, and, it is feltcer- itinafe dys neca tredfocebeorrhminsuh alightthoa Dr .BlacKellyg, ndt dife ofon bytegstofwchhre er IM Thm wasfoundtain they will be consummurated. Fur- turtle over the ravine and landed In The boxing matches have attractedMeeraedtopfrmhepr- W.D Kyneteeiorfl about forty Iirriws oundbeni the m pl hrmore, the plan further provides the water beneath, Somte of the occu- mnuch interest and on Thursday last tion without charge. Tþat was abouit the Whitewood Plaindealer and Rosn vrbdadseigtt obriloadaspclaen. ot dor the use of the national army's lpants bI)Png very badly injured. On the big auditorium mwas filled toe a e owe'sag.Th aou'uren Belle Fourche Bee, whose high aiRoe usieerbodyandeintht rill haleatiFrttSheidanwfr use or Sundy anoteracarwentuoerethefinancing In Mexico and later alteget eesf nteot lasthweeklhe ad abseclaen tking the aedrill purpset For tSheridneworbattefr. emban e arushing heogpacity. Many men were there from came here at once but found that 'the New Yor', led him into many side Dushane went out and joined the of~~~~ CalsMyrofWueawoTenwbtey r#nato wIldown the steep incline landed In the Waukegan, North Chicago and Bu. child would have to undergo a pre- difficulties. As Anna Walton, shivertn n cniyca ugs wa nuedi nacietatRnotComprise men fromt all north shore wmater and came to a standstill. The burbs fromt the south. in fact, the liminary treatment before the opera. Mrs. De Kay taught school 1in wr yng td scanti lgestoi, aà ouledofineeksago Morr-is ondwas cities and Include Chicago men. Capt. occupants for Bomeé reason or other fighit fans had their hopes built up for lion could be performed. This was 1Whiltewood and Spearfiseh years wowrmrigt e itecm Robrt . tavr as orall ben ereno inurd. ohsonemth ndago. Her parents StIll live In fort and warmth froin sidle the detne- ot inf th rae vcniy o Rh'odundansferred. fvrom athe caaly bto th e .o nt y alse o hadasoaltwandgorne exciting times in future. cansed by the fact that the child was Spearfish. She died of trbercui- Ing Pavillon. It was while In there had lived therc with is parents aillartillery division by order of the ad- loaded with coa ooe h rig. Bt hi hpsnwaeal sha l e ntoe pnDte Koperations ' losis e th jii, ý Ib. ý-was a )ikeable fellow Jutant 'general and he therefore is That something will have to be doneltered!usaly repefome. e a wséculonctd rcently fa e mebere that alla - me a: idt friends whereer hie went. directing formation, of theewb ta once to remedy this dangerous Complaint was lodged with Mr. It was necessary for the ligaments ofiprprspclainan r u n ingo altme er elookeid in a . r a niht t mdnihttr Ts" equipment The new battery'somebody'sCerat. A dlymore teahe- 1ady and he took it up with Acting and muscles to be stretched consider-ý lustNeverlYortuns.It was an old trunk and was stored mea ntre heRodot eot sy-williel b kon s BateyC, os laewoldbehadtofid nCommandant Lieut. Cole during the ably in order that the ball of the De Kay is thé man who launched In a tower attic four stories frou ingt: heyhiadt just alighted fromn a car Nothing definite has been heard any road between Chicago and il- absence of C'apt. Aloffett. The order femur bone could be drawn down and1 the Mexican National Packingn com- th a m (,ii ,e Chicago and Mlilwaukee elec- relative to the lauinching of a navalý wauk'ee. Even with great care a is the result. placed in the hip socket. Last Sat- pany, a concern in which former Pres- vetgr o ud. eoreanontecould pre tricroad Tl d th d reerv division In Waukegan to takre' driver at night ls likely to run his trident Diaz of Mexico was deeply intervethm eruednotebrig trra.Tey Saut ey ýwante t,,thre place of the battery which ts be- car over into the ravine, and iIefhdsvrl opansta h udyatronh etre n o-etdbehhmlemd fruebidn rin,"ymny hm go i , adison. Wis.. and wanted Ing mustered out. There ts much happens to be going a ta fair speed It matches were becoming public af- pleted the operation- In the business and later lit went into money!" to ýnow, what tie a freight train talk thtait another military organiza. may mean Instant death. The high- faire," salidMir. Dady, "and I saw no Immediately afterward the child the hands of a receiver and Henry Thatwsteln eno i.M bounid for there would pass throulgh tion is to be formed ln Waukegan, way commission should lose no timte reason If the public could attend the was placed in a plaster cast so that De Kay, his brother, was receiver of t a s dthe aste en fhebim. He R d Tbut no officialiInformation ls obtain- lin getting together and by levyingthbodwu ohe rglyI s the company.isu beieedho have resahe hbis uk hiondout. They were informed that able on Bt. Major Smith, who ts in thre township raise funds to have the matches at the station why Wauke- tebn ol ehedrgdyi t A couple of years ago the Provi-bubeoehculesaewthi Ihie train would be along at 3 o'clock charge of the artillery division of the 'work done Immediately. Colonel gan shouldn't have themn as well. It new position and give other ligaments dence, Rhode Island, bank failure. money the floor had caved in and he Suinday mnorning. They remainedt in srate, when questioned regarding the Aiken is doing all in his power to see is a violation of the state law to have a chance to adhere. At the end of John W. De Kay, Henry De Kay and ad thetu prsdtgth. the waiting room. matter, said that there was nothing that something is done, and a special such affairs and seeing that invite- fv r i onhlhipatr atPesIodentaMetcanf wre ondictaedban etukprsdtoth. A bout two o'clock Morrison enter- tdsay, Justyet. referrIng inquirers to mepeting was to be held In Zion City tions were issued to people which will be removed and aitithat dr tim sthfederra andte ury othbnk hare-w' he n hissca red bod a odet convrsaton. e ased tem were tn enng ofDiCnteess etee bses tornbe te n mdeita ublthffir Iierlyshw-expected that the child will be fully calf a few weeks ago was sentenced trunk, the contente for which hehadl oueraton H ake tllulwhrethe statte and national departiments eLeut. Cole thre law and he agreed cured. to prison and De Kay was given a given his lit&, they were going and a few other in the manner shown by permitting with me that if they were allowed at This is not the dirst time that Dr lcancitedt argue00foranew.Hi trialr being J.,a he iu ion alng he amelin. Amo-thestae t us naionlLimy uil-camitteged o$0,0forands issonrPterDuhan, r.,a he mersIsatlter the angaed in.An ar- ings for teaBretntimeontis sectionU GE OL IEthe station they should be allowed in lueler has performed one of these John De Kay was abrotadtat the at the hotel, on seeing his father en- umnt iththe. he xac naureistake bisoe toe Irthectgin. Waukegan. 1 presume the order has operations in Waukegan. He came time and, singutlarly, it sasaid he han ter the burning buldIng, broke from cati htispras tert followed that talk." here about a year ago at which timte remalided abroad ever since and serv. the trogbad ha t rddi el of thie wrangle is not known. The step of much closer relations between No Complainit on Private Bouts. hie performed this operation upon two Hcetnevefre was obtainedaginsvetrelhi earondn ftha red oHoarld outcome was that Morrison ordered the two branches of the mailitary. By Asied if the state had the power to children fromt Grayslake. After the Hutie h erihs been agirtivefrom ba ack and foislloead He bareo ,efollowed o ithm Th sation a as it- t hea hatermen wFllt hein T L S O K I s-top the bouts entirely even when operation these children were able haed to face the authorities for the act was finally dragged from the burning neadb Ry rnz1 bl pcer, sition to receive aid fromt the reg the witnesses are merely naval sta-, to walk for the first time In their ex-1 in, which It was alleged by the state pbuilding he was fournd to be so badly who o duty ia nzsatinlatterk guareryoThis ers ta ney aiyhe "I presume in many homes today tien lade, Mr. Dady replied that he Istence. Dr. Brown declares that the altremnwr qal neetdbundta twsncsayt u tiw hoo yInisthe lst tato itrrisonThmst impotan advante n ryhie e r ahring their had had no complainte along that little Erickson girl will be cared for'! e a hsbenliignhihhim iIn the hande of a physician. waF seen alive. which to date has been overlooked !n grandchildren about their knees and line but his inference was thaet the at the county hospital until she ls en- style in Europe all these years, his While aghting the lire the firemen -A few minutes after he had depart- strate organizations. telling thema war stories, stories wich law of the state did not even permit tirely cured. headquarters being In London most of did not notice that sparks were flying ed ro te taio aravove sotdetaIl many of the awful things of bouts by naval lads in front of naval Rr. Miueller's reputation ls nation. the time although he also was In and It was not long before the pavil- wasrot hed sbtanting a eo shogt P I A IS NA R L the great rebellion," said Rector recruits to go on. IHowever, the pub. wide. When Dr. Lorenz came to this Pariascotdothed iravg@r. n irctyadoiinadtehngn -af thisasMbt orring a h ahbt P I IGans ter of Christ church, Wau'<egan, lic likely will raise no complaint country to performr somte of his hip for former Dictator Huerta aef Mexico. to the hotel was ablaze. of iriis gun risntoalthairaonadif- Snda moning ading against the boys fighting aMong them- operations, Dr. Mueller came along to the war supplies whIch were aboard At this point the crowds who had ferenIlt occasions to frighten tramps. "EM N W '-Let us forget these awful tales of selves as the offleers assume the assist. Afterward he showed such in. the ship cliptured by the Amnericans gathered from all over the lake to When Miorrison did! not come back violence, deeds of blood, etc. Itnd thaet, to become a fighter for terest In the work thaet he decided to at Vera Cruz which cause dthe U. S. s the tire Jofndi th h ie to the station his friends thought per- Springfield, Ill, May 27.-An agree "Let us remember and teach the their country, thre boys must learn remain In this Country and complete govrt nd en ostkelsnio a regu ar and organizedneduckettbrigde.eme hiaps hie hadl gone to the caboose In ment to change the date of the guber. children the principles which caused to defend themnselves with their fists thPe fine work that liadt beeni started. war. De Kay admitted lhe made the line of about sixty passed buckets which lhe sleeps. natorial and county primaries of next thrait war; let us tell thtemt that uinder before learning how to use a gun. -_ purchase ln Europe of these Supplies bacI and forth trp he laet h A l 5 o'clock something went year fromt September to April now the organization of the Union it was butle.sneve h s ben a k n Am. b y romasi the a keinto the wrong with the signal tower and seems probable. Enough members ofI possericafsince.eurning sructure, and it was not lon Krn tre on h rc el-the house committee on elections are not psil o oesaet ihdrw O TRACE OFl 10. ta by.thisfmensthmeedancngravc- Krnzsare dw te rctt l-said to have been lined up for the fromt the others and set up an inde- t lion.wssvdfo opeedsrc cate the towerman go that the signal change to insure the reporting out of, pendent government. Let us emt ILa L D NIT E NDC I-tion wr botfit gisst ,ystem could be repaired. About a the bill In this form. The committee phasize the truths of justice, the eual 6 R E TE C RH hude etnrho h tto etonight voted to postpone action until iyadtedme a-u e ntheroelawtereab ofotyerMsti hudrdfet othofte tain eTuesday. There 'isanuunderstanding 1itx) and freedom mt offimande-but let us Ofthoteat hetiof tChcao.fhirems saw a huddled formo lying several feet that the action of the house commit. forget to picture these harrowing W HO († THUBOxfa tingh leilatiron set sin de" ofstemcomidngt foarom Chica sTei west of the track. He stopped and tee probably will guide not only the tales." H H efieatlasTight mithe bhousea Sping-(ttergse aigpraidwt found it ws the body of a man. A members Of the house but the senate The rector read Lincoln's Gettys- fed.Teo omite iIlealzn IN BAD SMASH theP " tel °°e"g' o"° heng"ueris sed-h <]oser look showed him it *as Mor- ___ " l.burg addirss, No word hias been ireceived of Char- ten-rond o-decision bouts fell five taie i. My2.Ms h e hoel ris caledasistnc qucky ad he ieed ecme rihteedaftr Heusd te hemeo aSemr eavens,22Va olprnciepte o esshort of a constitutional major. tiaR anesen and her two mlilC ed rminor Injuiles. hut mot of temr Heicti asstae to lan the sttin.A eht was fired and did not wait to day as one to emphasize the need Of ber, who hias disappeared as comnf- of 77. The vote was 72 to 67 dren were instantly killed when their escaped unharmed except for the lack phic is an assune bthe ttook pic'< up his coat. Therewa nothIng showig reverence to those of the pletely as if thre earth had engulfed Suppiiortiers of the bill failed lin an automobile was struck by a north- of clothes. Very little time was alow abutth catwhehmihtasss n1aihgn nbfr n orcl him. efort to keep the measure technical- bound passenger train on the North. ed the guests to leave the hotel ad mericely alance o se that Moson Heut tleftst Thursday a after his n bemothere rea. Western road at the crossing «f the te ankaiataeo h was de ad. Therte ws abultra: wriondlocating thre owner. the heroic deeds they performed In MrseS.Le.TuSev ifens, hadepaid avist1l alive by a postponemlent of further Durant road, two moiles south of this "ost ofrhmto dvnaeo h in the victim's cheek. The bullet had Thre bill clerk at the depot hiadt anrstarting arM maintaining all theset(o Gurnee and Waukegan for the pur. osdronbfeth anun-ctyHrhsadCrtan anntm ad were attired In only the lodged in the back of Morrisonr's skull opportunity of gettting a good look years the beautiful parish. He took pose of warning acquaintances of her men1o-th rsul. onseq(uently the who was driving the car, was so badly clothes they had been sleeping In. Therewere wo vciousgashe on t thethre men nd incasethey re ocasio to sate hat vry son no son ho ha cased chcks or hi. hil canot berevivd.bIswillbe ue- inuredehatfe haslittl chace of The otelwhichhad eenlaland the forehead and touofthtesheat atcanghit should be able to establish an the COMMIttee havIng In hand the nt, d s y n n ,90 lesto push ifurther the nmuch mangled r e tmbl aet tpo r nta ein a we yA w r e n h e d a w a y f r o h i m a n d t h i s n a l s a i M o n a y :m e m b r s n d a k t e i r i d n p ov i - t b l a e " s a u p rv a i t e e n t T . m n e k o i g gsatnodi s g e h a d t o m b l e d c a f t r e ar h a do s u m m e rn h a r eo I t w a s a t h e e - s t y