CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1915, p. 12

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T HISsale's innovation will appeal to every woman who underetaiids that the r adical reductions made for It have been selected and prlced solely by this store's many department heads. It is an Employees' Sale from beglnning to end. Our employes WTant to show results, want to show their employers what they can do to create a volume of business by low prices. EMPLO 'Y UREmany sections ave anl enterd io liaisual%ý,Ol-* a mot Oenthusiastie way. They bave erowded fWIr ëie4ý ges br1ntul of the ment unusual, timuly bargains tbat bavee v« in f zVe.v ery department head lias used Isa, or lier, own Judgment in makIbg the prices te cause a sale of tremèndous proportions. You *Wi do wefl te learu ail about this gieat big sale. 's, s L 49Yc 98e Outing Hats and d.hildrel 's bats. Yoitr hoie at 49e iàiSKILGOE. Catain 'hlile t Il i s value MI~S ILGOE. Ctainlasîs. Wonen's $3 $4-b $5 Hits, prived to goi it .......... .$1.98 Women's $5, $6 & $7 Hats, îrived tg) go at ........ $2.9s Missesa' Hats, oth lit to 2.8 iiiw at ...........$1A8 of îàle riftrssfoýr yàu. Not n( <esjrly a gret nunier of bargains, but the T* Miss XKdgorc h îS itad< 'nlreesopccî'îlv îîoteworthi 1lre thelyare- âme,2 HAI 9&v Women's 4a are îvorth to $2.9 at 98Ce Il c1ire $1.48 a nt d '0.98 lbats ....«... ...9$e Great Lot of Sample Flowrs (wotth to $1 for this Sale 19c This secîiningl.i înîpcssihle idite Miss Kilgor i h's enîî d tlîrough a sl*pecieilpîtrehase of a ( 'lia-g)hwinse 's saînple jute. A I remndaoils leto. The Corset Sectî6n --will b. condicted le w-profit bes. U~is section has never had, the valies Miss Fisk has hert, provided 1 for this great Empillovyecs' Sale. lJmîstial saings on the sîluniner grades. Note - legular 75c CORSETS -39c hruiderv trîîîiiied, Our SOc brassieres, emro<idery t r i m - si.59l F. L. CORSETS 1.00 Our~ Iiue o.X75e IjIn Y3C.-----Front lae corsets comparable ,at tue j Liglitly padded l>a- ofahadfatrW priep - sale prieed f tiste irassieres, $1 cd inany seas<,ii, 1% -fi at 39e. vidlue, at 59e. now prîice at $1.S 1K~ÇpfI Lot of Figured Batiste Corsets ($1 Value) for. this SaWe. 69c Thtis imuportanut coiset item Mis Fîsk waiits e<specially iiotc(l. Fie figurcd limtiste eoî:- sets (meîdiumî bust, long hipg) that seli for $1 .00 always, now 69e. Dress ,Fabrics Ïi1 Silk,' Strenuous Value-O iving for the Home-Sewer ---a Few Oniy are liere: Ini naking thi( selevtiotis of irrerc-handise for her sale, Miss Ilie lias eertainly given lier friends4 a iide chioiee, and matvclcss values. CREPE de CHINE 75o grade, 59e '36 a 11 (1 40-itîcl; w-ashable. M auny <01<)is and w'hite. Liited lot. CEEPE de CHINE TUB SILKS MIXED POPLINS 85c grade,65e 50e grade, 39e $1.25 grade, 95c 40i ii iNah alh I36 imcli striped Silk and wool pop- cirepes ini l)aitifiil wa>habIc waistiiîgs lins of 40 i ii c h dcs.igîs îon w'hite. PirettN range of vol- wîdthi, twelve new Liînîited lot. , ors shades. Iand Cotton g& Domesties An Especiaiiy Fine Range of the Prettlest Fabries Now So Popular Miss Ileiser is ont for newv laurels, sluc iill attempt to break aIl records for big selliiig. "P-rî,fits nîusit be (isregarded," she says. àà ,. SHA4D. VOILE 32-IN. PLISSE FANCY CEEPE L,14b SUMlNG 59e grade, 39e 25e grade, 19o 20e grade, 15e 50P grade, 29c a n d embodered 32).ineh uîîdenvear Waisting crepes in 36 ineh.,-pure lie widtlis - 38 to 40 iitripes. E a s y to stripes. Soft and able shades otf fast mcli. latîder. 1cool. color. Regular 121c Zephyr t 'res ql Gnghams, Now lic Regular 85c Imported Eponge, 40 in., at 49c Regular 8c New Apron hig4,arn ii,1d.5 Regular $1 Eponges, Sllk and Çotton,. Now 59C Wash Fabrice 10 y. ohIbrc,1c yd. cIf Wash Fabrics, 1c yd.Wah brc22 Yd 15 ai~ tie ~ ps iîtd 2eW' re Ceeprtd ___Rcgîlaî 29e Irish Mercerized Poplimîs. 9 rne Reeeption Voiles; 40 ineh 15v' 1riited Lav e Cloth; s li e e ri 20)e Sieer RRîe V o i ý,e s; printed. $10W ool -Fa « Weav e Crepes and Ratines. 50ec Loop Cîothi and 29e New th.. 15e IriiîIed l)iainond ('tepes, titd 0erintedC 3lCees oîong DE800B 5e 25e ueGngiusd Plisse Crepes. 29c, Exbroidered Crepe Voiles; 28 inch. 15e Priiited Dîess Lawîîs, shveet 20e Embu oidered t'n Pc Voiles, striped. All-wool tropical serges, Reg. 29cM%,een-zedMcssalettes;printede PrinteLae(ot;4ich 54 iuches ivide. Lcss RezuIar 50c Bed Sheets, 7Z! x 90, Salé Price 29c' Ihan înaker's cost. 75c Bleached Damask, 6-I nch, Sale PrIceý 5& ,*At 79e - 1hle-aehed satin damnask, $1 .00 qîiality. 70 i n c ; ptire linei. At 25-a iiew lot Of regular 50e giantt gisze bath towels, double tlircad. At 100-white lîuck j At 91/2 - regular towcls (20x42) of 1 121/.c b 1 e a e h e d fige union lineit. crash towelinîg of Bltaehed. 15le kind. pure linen; 17-m. Mt 22r - regula r 30e 9-quarter Peýp- pereil sheeting. A linitý of5/Lyards. Thel-louse Dress & Undermus-l1in Section$ MISS SUND, Capiain $4.00 Crepe Waists Pîetty chiiie and tulb silk blouses iiiînanV styles. ('hîoîse amîv for Miss Sund Has Exceeded ail Records of Value.Giving Reg. 35e Drmieng Sacques; liglit or dark percales 19e Reg. 75e Lawn DRossng Sacques; nlany pattern, 39e Reg. 75e dos. Gng. Mouse Dresse; wel mde, 39e Lot of Stret and Houme Drese;,reg. $2 kýndà, $ 1.0O Eeg. $1 Hou1e rese; ,higammnsad Perqais, 69e Lo-of Lawu Kimonas; two styles (1.5 val), 00e 76d dotton Onepe Kimonas in neat floral de sg3e Cover-ail Apons, reg. 50e kInd, this sae, 3 for $1.00 Gingham P#ttioe_(otrlp-e>reg. 25e qualty.- . 19e NOTE-XMS un as provided many un- usual groupe i. Wilsta of which it bas beU impossIble to toll'you her. A great svn may be wepeted, you Wast buyers, dot't fail to luvestigate. Specials in Underwear At 98e-uttuisliin combina- At' 98c-înuslin princes ti<îns that alw'avs sei for slips that forinerly sold $1.50. Lace anid embroid- tip to $2. Lace and em- ercd trimmed. broidery trimmned. At 71/2-36 nicli At 5e-regular blcachcd niuisliin of 1leaclied nnîslin the best 12-e grade; 36 inch width. 10 yard limit. yard lit. = The Iiosiery and Underwear Miss Bain will Attempt to Double Hler Business. Women's regular 75c Uion Suite-nOw...... 59e -Women'sS50c Veste and Pant* fine ribbed grade, 85e r Women's 25e Veste and Pnte; a cleam-up lot . ..17e 25c Yancy Top Vse 19c-lOc Ganse Veste.7 ir Chidren's 50c Union Suite; fine rbbed Jersey, 39c r Boys' 50c Balbiggan Suite (sus242 oi... ar Boys$ 25c "Por-osut" Unlem9w; Whte, tan, c5 or ildren's Underwear, six. 1-8 9;ss. 30-84, 25c Thf iauts'Vanta Vot-5 lots, greatly redUCeOd ' Womsn's 50o Boot-sfl t WtàÏbMP -(tan ouly . . .. 35c Womn's t$1 EverweaÎ Sockngs, 8Me; 35 grade, 25ec Mbi. reg. 35c Everwear Ztcane(1~~O).~ 2e Misses'l reg. 25c Mereerised Stookings (al simes), 17C Chidreli's 15o FinseOtt tio c ý p (finb), 10e Infants' rg.15c Cotton Home (sises41/ -1/2)..12e Two Extra Values Ilere; At 42e-women's 50c At 10e-a lot of o41ds and "'Radmoor" 100 per cent ends of 15e and 25e stock- pure silk stockings. Bootinsn colors. Thin hie iu style. Bizes 9 tO 101/2- egt mn:w j r At 2âe-a table of At i50' - regular odds and enso 5e Madras sit fancy silkR., Values ings of 36in. it. to ý9c. a t. Sections miss BAIN, fiptila Suits at ribbed suits1 siàzes 4, 5 'sud 6. Low n&îk,Îleevéless. j t-. ,, 1

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