CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1915, p. 3

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LA"E COUNTY INT)EPENDENT, FRIAY, JUE411.iag. mu~ Mme. Stephen's Beauty Parlors MAKE AN APPEAL ONE MAN DEAD IN ZION CITY IS TO ÀLEAVE IS GIVEN TO AMENO. L DYMOND t AUSTIN M icrgSa ponM il rsib T PE P EO L I F X L K O E EP R DS U ; Commîssionler Orvis Won First House Renting. faciMag e S aoing Scair ressi4j TO FO BlooI in te orriceedings Office in Kaiser Block. »ail Msaead Sap Tetet NOIS AGAINST BILL! FIRE ON MONDAY BUY ROÂ9 OUTFIT - hcg -- IETVLE LIOS 0CREAMS, LOTIONS, SKIN CLEANERS. __ AETHE VERY LATEST. 1 MAKE Illinlois Raiiroad Officiais Point f('orititued Froîîî iýze ()je Ifonya- Out ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 DaqrCiii y IJ lmngpvlo ýffý,jals iijo warant actio fi aIBERTYVILLE(,k ILLINhO IS 1.3 SwitcLes,.A~E 0Fff YOU ~îî rI l ises to Be a Valuable Asset a g; tr st h rie .1udge Richard COBNSCucllvssi htPo-ott srat cin Fie IETYIL, - LIO Swiche, Pllsaw~ Trnsfrmaion. Cr LmitBeir ti ta $4 rid t10 3 rho th e City cf Zion. BiIrke iiit4 (Iiit ort in Chicago to LYELL H. MORRIS *as cr edda v refused the riaht to the relatra Li etT>i AT L Ilos Good quaritu hair and can save gou Chicago, Mav 26.-A commtt ec of I here will be abu o if u5iireti te) file thelr lwfiiOl. holding it to befATRYA A se : ratlway Tircs en rrsrrghn guests d ssrîpointed ti %rar accord- The 7lon ( on ta aknIsfcen.btgi te ev 1 bryile - Ifni aîoeîîî Thîs, mi-uns the dismissal iLaCe fluildi.g. ralwysofei nf yesterday issued Ing t0 Borne. They hav( made reser aStepa bt haie good roa, I and a road' flihc Kîlto rtilî h eaoa~I'oi.12<OlcPoe1 c arer oerG~ Ofie hoe 00an artipes, f0 the peoiple of tie state vallons, some even ha iiig placde a ,machine, mantifacti red hi Monroe & who are reîregeîîu-i 1,V Attorney, Phne1 0 cseteetato teihtimtdcl osît for the stimuler.Sn a si ~ îv<ocPp si Pope andI State's A, MARTIN C. DE-CKER _______-freight trains to .5to cars whîî h ý1II W The guests who wcru 11rfi et :) and will he liseil toda, f. r the flrst bllt (ille Opp. li<tiî St. Eiectrlç station pendîng~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ n tuhlislgsaîr lirer eetkj i ifi u ie.Tt ahn u ýi iuolt The îurInclîstl ln t'le actulîa. 11 1 e ip Phone m4s ites. Pflýe 13608 OU I E B E D GOES FA T E T The, comin itee is composesi of Chiar- ruiiding hotels ani i it t ag-ý ,:early and cost $72, l ff l b 't hidad pPt-c tc to hase a dec s lotifuii 1i the strelt BREA traction Bukte____atfte,__on_)t HCAO LLNI ~~JLJI~~~~ l~es 1.fNfarkham, presidient of fheic lii evervttod> living in and arjuiid FOX tt fe-ah a tr ai eie whlen TituUda aMArCtt liecai.l Ii Baierk flicgn prerstn Lart offre tht'r tehe, nt, N)iT BCiO.IL Ou iet ivee l an whoî,iîvi, ît i nehe (entrai hale hfolden &rQuitute Lak : fee hi oius h lias been renfed at Pleasant Prairie. îurincipats and asked tht-mi te fi, piîc- ALM C UF -lr in t sss tli for. aIz Vhit (hpao htrlnto Qifi gucits Iliat are more- Iil itil ofer oa mchine is iit entirely of l t it chilamberq lit flc co ir ArRE TLW h ave~ ft wtf O>ur iîaking ii dou iiin largt eago & North W'estern; W. le. flirt iute tîî hy r i i f 'r stet bas two scrapecrs whfcli nbouseion Chrca as poresn i tti LîeryvlsIlîn- î1fanttie ani S reîîar ou. i;e'ii ursidnif te(hpag&Alîtuan Onte wonîan at the tiii' of the fi re grade bofh sides of flic Street ait hl t- tortiev facot) Schw'artz as hil otin -o.B iilici front the Lietolitll orsa ilw iîudow Kie tie. If s calutf -i to cr-.. t. sAt toriie Fictif. Il is pri n c1 l ________________88__ G îi e o îetvlelrs!lttfii.(reatt leeterii. This commnitte, ihesb was, ilimcdiatel1, rislild te a tell miles a dav and will throw tht-, lieing 1I. Attorney Pope, andi D.O .BTEFE.D i t ii e ft ur h hioe, r gîead t ai leI' the foliowlîîg statement: 'iarfis hote 0.-r i. BUTToERvrd ht tae .ferii us repi-e cia a Ide 1(oi ofu tiers oir me t if e The railwa,'- -1 ;iincus na%. t i- lit luI l lrf th cenfer, niaking an oval - îr.Statlffoier fft"w er pr-snI EEINRYýRE Ipd to alîpeal direc'fly ta the prl, f ' It lier injuries acre h liit ai thai f shnPed rosît. The fiIs ltreet ta b-, Thna rd, hofeitt-qo AIiTTSATYEENEA. » L IBE R TY V ILLIE B A K IF11R~~~~Y1 I'bis -taie, for the defeat of tht- bill te site weuld lie nit antd artid in a (t-w graded wlll he 211h afreet. Th- Street msiaranlo peiton. i( h uo &OATOAE EEIAI .D .~~~.I.L1J.LJ.VJ..LI.enEcar ni i h lat offrigh tan t o dagis . toie Wbaitl lisrn as needed rt-pair for sente finie. Th- fit-fore rentiering his deelsion Jdge Lîbertyvilie,. Iniiaol. ]FRED JOCHRIX, Prop. tltre. Tht- question fi nue whlph batnter lrîîiiiio thafe iii cas tiiere aree for- hav. V.le SMadthIITHeatýifot oh h ___________________________________4____ iltally uffi-efs tht- publie. The ptut). fane.Sorm waler rushes down tlic road fit ripoines l lc e th ar fur'I DR. E.NV SMITHO light ought. tlierpforc, te lie Informeil his; is the- secoîtîliad lîctel lir-lsedo tth ie naeaf lte t he liun lhe f0e, tcco-houp HSf01 A A NO . SURGEOi asbthe lacis. This filt o îght te lie iliai las ut correti ai , ostei ofi, awithds.Mnaein;ýI ac h iiaio at icn tY 4 ::ss-s: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i defeateil luicauseý t wolild ratîse îtrie l0i statt iii ,ii sk îigging drains and as the rond ftiti-l that it will fie tricîf bt-fore up iilitnlir, siur f5ie05t ,rtl tnt" rease b"i ra'ta scrraper gees alitng e iiectel Ihat fftrfue tIa foe ohr LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Wlii(I hfle publicî of ]liînol, tue ast ýide f Jie i I waq 1ilits Street wîîî tic greatly Imroc oure. Thîis luroniise wao, gîsen i- L(.âi0. TIAaB'p toba firtii(ea-.vdsrvd ' i, liaeipoe. otti itle' .tudgc Buîrke extîlaîneif DR. N. W. S1IELLENBERGER ,,, ~~ Woiilil bi: to tei ilt-iipictqii niiiel etrvi eiatig investIng in a rosit ma- tiii f1i reasonheiwlfucuf the t-t uT.)AHtf - - ~ ~ ,ýll li fil oftr s rafiwas i i( tisa, er life> Tht- tir,> ttctiiiig ap-ot tt tet s w ll A cr ba i iu tl îuugîî tic posit ie flaf iirand-iiir fildIz Lils-rfvvill- 111. By EARNEST V. MADISON derus of atil kînds. and wsould Inter- i htesa el a od f"t1 fere wit h Pfi-lslicy et railwa: oit. laratos at Fox Lake i, ii1,1ittt-Iffaie o f eut had heen ordcred and Is expect- uit w as "t ui'ceilisrdton Officmae Tu-idr-. 1nd riti .1l The iiss- uîîghiî e l,i-cttofi îz-d tn the one Stfl.n raliel anti tend toi etimte serions con- fie toitý'ith a large' tire. tiIsio f0 arrive mae au.da, dad oniav tw.Egîoltr-trlugtifiplfov - i.atIse tl Iý c'ool buisiess oirjsc" or oit thie otlîi-r banid sufi itegardIes, of a-Il professigons le the .I~A~ liousand potînds of thîs prude Oui court deplarîtI if was lflsfifffclent in DR. 1. L TAYLOR f-ietif reasoffe iniglit iii gfveii l& hici iti i t. p, iotîldti nlltir contrary. tht-)rpýti legiflato sS IE' CAiIMIUV slti ,11eb sprinkled on the streefs, from ta lsoe eti ocuin Ofc nFtNtoa akBidn paeohhs air eing îurometcd by îurganfzed labuir MITTEE IN STATEMENT. 29tl atreef f0 Shîloit blvd. Tbf, wlil ftieraie ft fhuis a e sauf h e ud uIESi1:3 adt 13'.ii rîsu' is bhi simuple andî îîiî terioti.. iîtîif , fî rofeli to force tht- railwayi ta t-nipiocv ____ ase tht- effect Of IaYlng the dusthae0rtfîch-efotl have If refugen.u theodwy ppst tiiose Whotuiî ute uif f-joýteîu t, tiiome wiîo î le nuit juîsî t tit le addfional men.î that they do n01 need. Ter-snwith- ýtr otewhhlaucapiac ntesi-fld.fottaavilnBodayopstePa Do tht- poprle wafi the railwavs rom- ilt u.snwt'ttit i h bc sme osnei h u le He added howt-ver that he Intyu.cio. LIS powtvrii sî'arctiligbt im ruuîsterions ti tht- Zamnhezi rit% d pt-lied to emploi mnîti that fht-" flO 1i jitdictai district siiftut I ote fer ramnh.TeZo oeadte lng] woui gladîs ht-ae and urît- simnple teulis. 'l'le Zamnbezi native j, note ini touCi ih ine.!iî net need at tht- cost of an Increase ,n adinntato flufdlng whichy arer t-s i t-oct DR. GOLDING unnetiîcds. \euther us the ment-lant who ulees not iu.lijevq- in ai raflway accidents, ait Increase in rail fi) T, SmuieN for ('tri iii t ige of tw' tlt anpulcbidnsî pree tht- reffrl mgtcaef DENTIST i. ~~~~~~~~~~~way eXpeîîses and ralssa) passenger ailutlftwt- cf thae bt-n pabnie bdig a reat i th- rnlie hini un substantlatfon Of HonS e1ar-10fu. 5 T hemrcaitio deriei fosthtifiasi and freigtIrafem and of congestionsdam.srFisNtonlBk Tht uterctîut wiii auverise kusseflit i îuake ut and deisys f0 trafic? If nef. in their Tliee i, ne iris afi luiness thal coat. but lthe dîrI sehtlfng on tht-mý Ht- s said ta have n-ferned 10th-Oi e r hone Nati.als. PBonk 7J casier fir Iujîi to st-Il Ilii goo.ias an.! [naktes easien fior Vou fto bluîv ewn lntt-rtst fht-y sbouit so indicate ho %toulî fuir.' an t-npieyce- ,fi was ricit greahly dlisi gores tht-m and somewhaî u cet-ding. asangiIb-a xt-a >- br- d- ~~~~~~~them. It mimlliiem- the work of lits clenke whien thse cutoIntîerý Uhir nepresentafIves ai Sprf ngileld 1reig aigI he ev u.Lbrvl.Ilni i-oit ini.iîs sor lîioin f a erai t-ttnI jut siat uti mmedlaft-ly. andî did fief need tut suri and who mars th-m ht-auty. The MIon stores dt-n Citon the defendant. lorn Tht-) ecoeîî glfi ralfwayg oltato t fui-ci kfîeîs, befeheu tutu î it do aise bas greatly suffered tbnough th- 'Th- quo warrna pnoceedfng is DR. E. H. SMITH, lie ant. Ifli i uf igi li u trade ssi uI wuudi go lu. î,thle-ri cri h(4oi an tala oprto dhe, khfch laoehn blown arodb o.artlcc aceî IeMn ni DNIT la moi«t efft-chu t-fn pnomott-d liv haut- decl hihl lonaondi oa re ohf aen eon . ime, Mhr. w Or v Ei LA D NTISNTOA At liad ut flot be-eu attratltil luy the- adsertîuug. ling inaflc in tht-" largeif practîIcable flc woî-k fer which hc sw t. Iti lue luired ;wfndy weatben. Mr. O. F. Paterson,,ht dentnetl bundenan u tht- w defend-OCNY ATOALSAR 'l't- îîîeruhauît elo atlvertiseo belît-ve in servitce tii htî raindoads. Tht- raîlways of llinois. 'and wlîo aise, kîtea hialtewh h-nwyapltdra omsiniadiscd evn the nt- burden Cifo thei8~ defcd 12a.m ad a p Cuutoîtît-r-. Ih- tellm yu.u, uit iis aiivertismenîs, tile valnes lie In commun wîth those of the i rt-st of!hitetenwyapitdratCM180-adIseti flaIgtebre f_ e1 .m n a5p i ioffernug iio ýi a crtain ilas or ss-eek. lie sensi- the ýtes tht- countri. hase made large mîvet- enipîtu> Pe uld tht- atrk ,r n(ii fle eot- ltr. bas dont- gond wonk on tht- clty lirnt with tht- plaintif! whftrh la cus- AI f5utment'. expn-ssi~ te enable thent te pitoyer uld hast- te pa ii thtte rI strefs. Tht- main tret-t meas so bad fomnanY ln t-ct-y other lt-gai proc"d- LihertyrUle luir.ois Rto vou does luit muaki- i iltc'î-sans for Noun te tinte andi ask, haut frcight ln ylarge trainloada, If âafar> ail tht- tinte t-ii tiouglî he that many aulo drivers weofd tun 1lniz I m(ows oif only a (t-w faolaîed -V. fat have You guit te utav thal us a iîargaîiil proibftt trn hîaulfng trains Oif was lîcapacîfated fise st-ars out of a off o11 271h Street and go West f0 cses Ohr fi sta e Ihgt t t- HS .SEHNM y 'lule uîuerc-laîi ssiiht au enlises ni-ai me- tai, t 'i..i it i more thait 511 tara the large ins est-: i.Ovssi hth huh h îitellige-nc-e andi lui a1ppuils fuli t. île wanti %ou tei huuv with il ment% made for thua turpeise wfll blsi i. tar prttrod. whirfi I. itot improli- -ltioch ast-nue in onden ta escape th- action of Judge Burke Pnactcallie PHYSICIA< and SURGEON ar gtit.fu iit'uni b enerd alt-tas Inaditon ~ tîi'tî utig leîncl ~ Th- ot adr ostds anmd etît-t î-atmeesmisl fthePeftoî h,, s0Ofie ve Gs l knoi'isg- lifor-harii1 of ss'lat vielar oîftf ij n - vi rde fiadit-s tht tadition shotn ofluW if (urcufi Ioldg ito ýa h hie ra s r f rontN owh t to that liasion aIl,0 ht-ene Sut sCo Order ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ l- us cencerne the tiaill hnsotrof( fCrii ug, ntaCa-t h rvn.Nwta a i e Sefra iercui et can fght-Lbrysi* N ii are buiiî. it. and mor- îumerous trains it wili lit- tuabu- office and if it a t'. a rîcît man changed, th- boit-s liant- ht-tn ent- ther 1îeu aonend t-qa haut for ht Lietvl.11 The unerchant wiu. ailsenlises taites a j.ridli ii Ilimi hitisi. necessarv fon tht-m to make nonteren lttd Oisuhcat o ihgatI n uo o kile fi srpo (ar ê1 a hoth fdt-r t-e Ufl tue-Ce andî lîkem . tel-l etier bu t l nt h lgol ibue.Ivllgsl11fithens alitiot. itd ltc hri, i ihgae n autuos nou keh. lu veri change fnon sf111 ftirtes. Hevsalit, OR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER a'onrk huke ta tell abiufuf tl. T'ley takle ant lîteneit in t. Il menti. !i addition te th-m tracks, 'Onî the.- uuthr tianîf Iti ce Smiley la tut Fhenidan road malt-ad of Iumnfng lthe racornit w'as ild mt-rely ta OSTEOPATHic PHYSICIAN tht-rt-fine s pluin tui the nîî-r,'luatît whîo aiiventise-. Si l iltua îr vard,, rouiuuhouses, etc., and for tht-tu li i' purimue fIlisiuaIls% titI meutaîs-. off as befere. ifr-ngtheî the quou warranta proce-d- ~tfdtn S. akgn U Ing.25MdsnS. akfl L aIl' tke i iig -fuertst ii itsluismni.. sa t euirairuie ft uorîiase otf suiditienal locomotives Il, hardIs kiiteus waIt ii uts te he sic'î In diedicatlon of tht- Yellostone Stre'Iuu a ltyîr-ot fieHui s %î ide-ast ake au an ea be tten tut-rt tliau els-lit- Lrt- trais il ahI aiso lit nect-ssary fuir asied bas tiier ii.Ia court appoiunt- Irail, ahîcit afîl mli flrougit Nlilwau-'d Fle t a ilcci as three o'cîock this 9-2 A, M.; 1-4 p M.; 7-8 p. JI Thie uîenî'hauîl whîî ailvertise'. knu m fui., tîtat lue t :it tht-m to add many engîneers, llremcn. nient bei sut of por heailih As a t-e front Chicago t0 Seattle,. a ltten atternoon afnd se coulde 00f be inter Sundays by Appointaient Only I9conductors, br-a'.emt-n and olev-i-jil i niii uotels'aî l rmSao hmino hcg.nea'ed as hoaafiat course hie pfirposei 'Ssi-l îlîeaîîîr iv aduverti.uug. lie- are sel! future cf tlic artit il pioles tei îfîeîr biu reliszh aîîuf tee Iabus-sfrMMyrTomsno hcao ae.Stt'qA aulverîigcîi.~ ~~~ therelor netai lt-st pîtroitt ann il îî bude eî e mr- u-.appltations ft, flue fauta is far atuose all be carriei f0 the- mayer of Seattle t-sen eyi that In aI prb hîlite ane n I26R o tii-v. j Ail tht- raiiways banc ht-tn compil- fluaf of tht- judge as shown In relata b),- automobile. Tht- firaIamended bill a'otld lie fl0d, Ht- Sait! J. L. EDDIN(L hf. . 'iîînî tht-se reaw)ii &roundi an s-ouit w ill sec- %I ii su hng informatIon asfYh-insmn le f-tatulthaf lie Supreme Court ýcar leaves Chicago for Milwauket-at.12 thah he coufd not say juit when this 1EEINR D.V.EO I.ttihiutoietîruaîswioalets. lo, irnhtm- tie proliostd It-gislation would re- cfr titis suate alittoof î___ibl fiai. i'ek nen un ii.adtt cin would he taken. desero tautle, lite nnd Mat-fy-n th I auiiîaiieaillie -iW îi.jn wttif att ap- une rt-la> wlll be Trom Milwauktee tht de1ino uelrJde GrdasCîaoVt ol wol oc rett aead t t Burke of Chicage isiith regard to tht- Office et Renidonce 779 Grand isu u h- .cidaii' suoyie' irn ste sicay e oin-l mcl fochh- om n lt djlta a iect att h-t Oahkosi Twet-'one cars wli he que warranto should gîve Mn. Orvis Ave. 'Phone 1134-W i>mgoiuîg 10 boy mi' geeuds te îyfîn u ît-sfaîswf. difional operating expenses whfc l ei bsIe aitee are trvuing ta beruefit me bt- advcrtising. ssould compel tht-m te tueur. Tht- office î,t u rcuif juîdgc fiais used ln titis manner. littît- cause for satisfaction," Attor- - __________________ Sauo.o0t pt-r t-ar atîd if would st-t-m tr. and M.%rs. Clayton Mark of Lakt- nev J1ohn I). Polie for tht- relaters de- UB I Filant-s touftv. ".fudge Blurke gave us PU LCAUCTIONEEIJIk -.-.u -s-.u- mus- ss-s-ssbe-b-s:- -:u- -L-TI- -I ZI-N- titat flic people- tar., entitleui t liavt- a Fort-st base ssued Innvitalions for tht-i ail thtIie is efe ehl n tloelt attention paid le arriantit ______________________________________________________ INZO ani h of(cm oi i it> hy 1oarrtage of te dauglilen, -%lis amnied bfll and s ou nay he aune we âcinaladbe _________________________ cals atd me tuaîst for t-e job. Six I.tdia Mtarie Mtark, and John Klimbaîl a ii de -o!" 1 thlnk at- allit have IbIsins . us - F A I SI~ ' 'IV aÇT VlhMf sta age Jiidge Iiuîînt-liy recegnized Saville ot Es'anston. Tht- cent-mon- amended bllI ready ta pre-sent lu th- hAIlnd for eres, agonst ail nde F. BAhT IY CîUJIJ YU NGI t ' ourt insîde et ten dayg. ians o aeo ectnea I ie lAUATRE FIis growiîîg tuttiiiesa for lthe office. iI take place aI the home oif the- l, dnawfng up tht- bll Mn. Pope HENRY SINE MAUFCTME 0 AU AUl fl'~~ physicalîs, ail t laI lime aaid. brideas paret-ns, on Satunda-. June 5. 'says he patîerned i affer a similan Phonoss 148 olr ZION CITy, U.L. LU rmIAN $15~ AN O T IfOYS gic ve i t iutni- flls tilme and 1 Miss Hlltn Danfortit. daugitter o-f bill whlch liadt ht-tn foughl ahl tht -______________ arble~~~~aH annenieiil t ast s' tu apain.- and manv ot Mr. and NIra. Frank S. Danfontit. wîîî ssav t0 Ilfil supreune court and whlch su; SURPRISE TrO MANT T EATRE Ply P~nm sliuting ln ZIon City ls an expents- !tht- articlea a ilîl lle liad prfntcd ln tut- marrîcd to Hale- George Pru- ii hl att. t a thhst- I ourtnNTHST F. A. Suydam. Prop. Ieh sns.A es rn y h aestei fet aete1I HSTf brands, of W'aukt-gan round If sa. Same plea tit lue )ladt grown old lit ti t the stimnter home of lthe Dan, titan il waa lit tht- caae lti whicit be L.ocal people are iunprsed ait the OnSatuirdas. nhght lie and anothen h evc n ii eoeotlad otsa on ae 1.ýeerd Four Reels of the Cemetery Work of Ever) young man f rom Vaukega wene druv unalle ho fake ai thli practice vif law. merel- tha ke oun pfhonon sto-t s uf-K bucklhom br.gcend in etc.,as flîruigi tht- tît--f viftio for thal re.asututbai gyern t.,a BetLcead Pitrs ecipinZion and halfing ln front of tht- Zion returucd ontce miore. C IDDESO ýpeInts sufficlently stnong.' said. "We edy which bt-came tamouls by carias Ladies Frday, June Correspendence Sollcited stores tht-y saw tome yoong ladies If fa alfi uiposible for a juido' hfTUI 'wl angno bilIug wthe st-ttn if l adra s . uThi smple~n a mut The___ mdlld10aîal h- ttnin h pi>-sou nrnljoinet e- BURNS; O I HLft jIN malt-rially. li arn convinc-d Judge ohd fvolt malter from te body that A Tras.ass.o No doubt tht-v had tht- idea that han- caeBinh'u utfrn nmaueF(urke wllle it n oun favor. SINGLE DOSE rt-eyvsa nur stomach, 116 rt-ese Stsa ' wer 'nieto bo fa"'tryreu caýýý1-M doub>- confident vif this bie- gan on th- stomach and constipation' able. i--tnigLi: - ia'm-a-II6 (in s~ cre (rn o nr oalkeg an d ht- w n îo o r luifumlv> ht-umî ai A CRIT ICAL STATE s fie neferned sert-rai tmes ta [NSTANTLY. *t Ila th- but iOlfody Tmahe tia ceunIr>- Mank antotsîo tî- tuuflpyia i hie; comilî ta Waukegaîî to ht-ar the viehave t-ver o(L i tagrapli Vitsterni Damna W&ikw li> slngled onf a voung girl and nment. Tht- itusttle puy $55,000.00 pt-r cse On lils menfîs. I ht-lt-st if was DCE OD rgit Broncha Billy's Brother __________________aakcd ht-r te contc fer a ri de witli t year for fthe sers icet vif a Circuit Little Johnt /ubeu. 1,5 ntuttfls nid thts witicl led ini to insiet fliat he __________&_BOND,______________ Est-aa> Iana themt ln tht-fr buggy. Captaîn Wl- efde aî h- r -iîî- n o !Sr~~î. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ bît~tt case PHONE 1140-M .0Sattirdas. Joue Du a d trChief of police, bappened ta e ht- shotld fnasîs iipon a man wh a fSeia alSaiea cubaIl tht- wav tbroug. Tis case is ouI>- -~ - sfart-d malt-ad o! alnioslfinishd as Th - leuraPie& standing ut-ar and grabhing tht- uoung gîve a man's fuil strength lthe 'wbolc cd tu the terrufil hurin tlt- recel ed ai Mir. OrNs awould luke ta base it ap- LEI L T :1 rtehl Brouadway Star Fealunema h took hlma off to tht- police sta- 'day titrougl shprever necettany ln tes' îays ago wluen he f urnt-d a piahit-)an. . H E 'À D lIn the Plumbeusa Grup - REAL ESTATE tion. On searchfng Sybnandy tht-y that office- If us ut a charitable po- of scalding hos att-n ii tr hfs lied>. Violinist, Pjonist and Teacher Edimon Comedy r~~ound a bottle of whiskey ln his sition and tiout. of tht- candidate uit-fis et ,iiI appt-ai d t-ado uvel 38CR V. AKGN L Edueun t'iunedyINSU RA NCE poc'utt and a package vif snulte. uut-td It trent flit staîîdîuolnt and no fuli Tfue Sut aith Ilifhnîu Tht- cotoetrt R .TtS 'sI~ ~ 30 OYAE AKON L S-unday, Jonc fi t R .TH S GN The Secret Rolons - -COLLECTIONS 'hfiw's a fellow going to get se. man wfuo Is ait-catis wealthy as fa lîuuîuest. î r.sided uit- lis C oronuer Tay- - -2-rt-el jKem-Draun ___________ quainfed wih a gil"' a h de- Jumdge Donneilhi iait conttentiy ask fesa-l-dat flue Petrosua' tlnmier-F lA A S D A A FeatXining Tom MitovS and girl voae tht- 'f sypt y kt alsie(o et i A A S D Triggs BIaig., Libertyville ft-nahng.s rHpe wslit char iged w ! forel- uto yîal>.tkuu eahsuuuuo etuare a garet, Cou"nislfeng.t' Ht-l wsn bld flia askh a! Th-t- anotht-r reason wby tht- ft-e serdict hemng that deaf f ret- nauited deda le Their~ ~ ~ h Vsle F d D Phone 2, Libertyvill-, 470-M, Lake Bluff strange girl ta go vint wfith tht-m ln a' otena vif flie district sbouid apps- trein furm5 reî'e]Fd fuy the oseruuriuhmiu Wuea-n Tuia-fg Featuning Isabiel R-a b__________________ uggy- was fol tht- rIglt metivd of sound busilness st-fat ln nehecting th- uîg ou a pail (fu bot watt-r imorning aitIhîreé o'cloc'i n ateayo Tii. Silo~,e liagy-omd C-L FORin acqaite.ndli ne doubt men for wom thcs- sould vote and The motter et tht- chd sas lunes1-60 yeana Se eaves te muir er - - S e i -C m e y A L OaBS adm it ted i l w en le w a î fo un d gi t su p po rt .udge nilit-> btc am se of bus tra ed hi the accid en t an d a mi un-F1 lo s a hu aand and fi e c id ren : Mrs . ayt Bep - Saled hidi will be necefved for tht- b>- a jury and fint-d $15.0. flt-is pliysfctills and mental>- and ahi.- f1t testifs ai tht- mnquent. Site wsat 1 George Ton, Edward. Frank, Walter .9 auditing et tht- records vif tht- Lake Tht- defendant faîied ho put ln man bis clean. just a*~ fearless applica- fi s crîtucat conufflion of fitaiti porand Georet-ogins. Site ht-aves alto IIIQYCant- Gent-raI HOSPf ai fnom teht- aatc yestenday aflennoon when thon vif fthe iaw Io tht- fiait- lni band, tu)t fhe accident maid lthe sîîock cmnýw itsadtrebohr:Ms lime lthe propents- was purchaat-d the case came up. ie appant-d Mo~n. and who, il fa admit ted hy hta eppe- t oci, a tin.' is aliost flore titan Titema Morn Srs. John 11cCarhy,- frntm lthe Lake- Breeze Sanfttonium day mernînt- but "-. f. E. Mihhs, who neo:. frnm lthe atanuipoinîs of abîl. slipe u, heur. James. WVillfam, and John Clark. She Made freins ci carpette Compauy up te tht- present time. was tvi lry flie cise had tvi go ta Chii- mm>-. totegri>- andI heailli ta quallied 'FIic' child's falfuer gave tIhe ster- ltave, two granuichidren aiso. and oId clIodes. . Bids are te be ln not lat-r Ihan cage and thie case was poatponed tîlu in a mmrked dcgrce for tht- office Z)f ef thte taccident. H-e sad fuie vife liali lIra. Gtgins had lived la Wauke-, AftV ~~E DfM 80f if un OI. li b adnetedteTuesda>. Sybnandy dhd net appt-ar, Circuit Judgc. prteî ta scnuh tht- ifoor it gan fort-fie>er t wat barn s,.. SII ..RO. ChiranLke Cen1 __nluumada adonntn wa mad bu Mar yo.ur bale for- Cirui Juge 1iptu .tu fu. tîae1 afufmtu ngau u ntk

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