CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1915, p. 4

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Psh « iti Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Telephone Numnber L. Libertyvilie Exchange. Entered as the Postoifice at Lbertyvilie.llu.. as Second Ca., Mail Matter OfiiiPaper for Lake cou-nty. sued Every Friday. '.dvertijing Rates Made Known on Application. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE W. J. SMITH ............................ .................................. Editor F. G . SMITH............................................ ......................... Manager M. J WEBER ... ...._............ ............... Resident Manager, Phone 109-J i George Hutchinson has been at the court house for 43 years-but he doesn't mind it in the least. He'd just as soon st.ay 43 years more. Lake county motorists should start a "silent cam- paign" of DON'T DRIVE IN THE RUT. It would help much in keeping the highways smooth, in fact, would help greatly to make the roads as a whole much better. It is hopeful to hear that the government is again fig- uring on putting Fort Sheridan into real use. When that'sj done perhaps the terrible rock~ condition of Sheridan road thrcugh the fort would be remedied. It's a shame the way that stretch is being left by the federal governnxent. It la ail very weil for the Italian reservists to obey their yatriotic impulses and return home to fight if they feel so hiclined, but those who go should be invited to take their wives and childreni right along home with them. Support-j iîig them for a year or two and some of them forever lu case the heads of familles get killed, would be more of ai "9war tax" than Waukegan should be called upon to pay. To go near the O'Plaine river just now one would think it was a REGULAR river. Its banks are no longer dis- cernible, in fact, fences are covered and nearby buildings are being undermined in some places. "No trçapassing; no hunting" signa on trees in many points are about two foot above water which has covered the wood or meadows where, before the recent deluge, the water neyer even had threatened approach.______ Some timie back when April showers were to be expect- od, they didn't con;e and everybody was anxiouz for them to, arrive. Now that they're not wanted, they're connng much too often, so much, lu fact, that the continuous rain ia menacing crops, etc. Farmers declare they are unable toget into theïr fields to work as the soil isso wet. They declaro that those who haven't sowed their corn are btter off than those who have. Isn't it about time that some real move be started fori the formation of a L-AKE COUNTY AUTOMOBILE CLUB? There are enough enthusiastic motorists in the sounty to form a mont important and delightful motor club. lI time auch an organisation could do much in the matter of road building and road n4aintenance. Perhaps1 tis isl a aide-lime which the Commercial Club of Wauke- gan might launch wth marked succesa. Ail Lake county voters have to do on June 7th is to maach to. the poils and THERKBY PROTEOTT LAKE OOUNTY"esnd make It impossible that such a state of af- fairm MGHT be brought about wheroby Lake county ulgt flot have a circuit judge-a most undesirable condi- tion. The tbree judges, Mesrs. Donnelly, Prost and Bd- wards bave ail given good accounts of thenEelves and wbie their election is generally conceded, there la danger that this over-confident feeling MIGHT endanger Lake county's chances for retaining its judge. Officer Tyrreil, when he heard of the Rondout murder said at once that he wasn't surprised-the one th"n was that there had flot boom. more officers murdered by the tliievez and tramp>s which leave the cars at the junction. No sais that as many as 20 or 30 some times get off freight trains there, that they are desperate characters and that Uiey are bound Wo steal if given the chance and commit murder if necessary Wo avoid approhension. "l'y. always uaid thero should be at least two special officers at that jwUton an2d this Impterious kllling of Morrison proves kt. If ho had had a partuer Wo help hlm ho mlght have escaped deati-at leaat the details of the crime mlght be known anid a quicker search made for the murderers." WiII the commissioners in charge of Sheridan road near Kllogg's, morth of Zion City, continue Wo pernlit that stretch W romain in the dangerous condition it la, causing acidents and near-fatalities? It la apparent that it la the fault of the condition of the road, for there are lots of vehbilsa between Chicago and Milwaukee and accidents dén't bappen on them like they are happening on this par- ticular hlghway. Three bad plunges of autos whicb hit ruts bavb been recorded this year-and the end lan't yet hore. It seema as if the stretch deoada the attention of, the conunhasionors BEFORE somebody's lite la aacriilcd If ail thé is between Chicago and M.lwaukee were left in the shape o! this Kellogg bu itbere'd ho no end o! ac-' cidents along the lake shoro. On June 7th Lake county votera must not forget Wo turn out and vote for the bien who are W sait as circuit judges in thiS district. It la a duty which cannot b. slight- ed. .Tudge Edwarda, Lake county'Is candidate, the young n who, durlng bis Short term following bis appointment ha made good Wo an extent that bas surprlaed even his a«dent admirera, la entltled W b. olected Wo the position ho o29%w asks mat +th. auds 0. f vote- o0the%.u-ty Lak LAKE Oou>mTY IAEPUXbZNT, PIDAY. JIJNE 41915. SMOKER FREED BY - -- I..~...-- - i -- e. .9uron/ ?jew: i' ND "LEA" RAVE TEN INNINO STRUEfiLEj jof CiàertyvilleI Mro. Mary Rawson iras moved her hnu@ehoid gonds to Waueonda, 'e Iere see Nil] urake her home. Tire water ln the Des Plaines river, wbieh ted swoilen ta quite an extent aller tire ueavy reins, 1m recedrng Con- srderable. Alber-t Lyon@ iras requeâted u@ 10 put- liely expres, hi, thanks to tire men who resp)onded @o promptly and extinguished the ire at i) home Wedueaday. B. Dl. Loyd. accompanied by a. Clark of Winnetka, went to Merrili, Wis., on Wedneday night, where the latter ex- p,.rts to purcirae a large tract ni land. Mai-n', Jubiiee Singer@s will premeut a snappy prograin t tire Auditorium on Friday, June 18, under auspice@sof thc Lin-ola hautanîjua Assoiation. Wednesday of this week t.twen E. Woolrîiège closed a deal whereby he acqulred tire Lyric motion plactsrebouse, forrnerly towped by J. T. Robertson. Tire new owner ail close Lire tireatre uext Mouday for tirree days to malte Improvernente and for redecoration and t xiii again he opeued on June ¶tb. .How the otirer hall lives in Chicago aud wirat Olivet Intituts lm doing 10 help thein lice botter, io tire general theme of an illustrated leetaii to be given ia the Preabyterian cirurcb ncxt Sunday evening. Frnm seventy-ive to one irsndred steceopticon pictures will be tirrowu .on the ecreen, sirowlng sncb etsrtlng conditions and cusinrns as ahil malte tire iears ni erery hearer lingie witir pty for the poor and syrnpatirv for tlie ignorant and supertition,. Thre work ni Olivet Instituts hegan twenty- tiv years agoilnthe heart of wbat was Liren knn a@ Little Bell. Through great struggles and difficulties It bas grown up to:«proportions co large Lirat is requires a dozenbuiidings to bouse ts work, and a large force oi workecs to carry on ite varied activities. OEOIWE S. BULKLEY MEOUES A DENEDICT Weduesday xoring at Bloorington), Ili., occurred the marriage oi Helen Field Wagzner ni tht iry. to Gen. . SBlkley, sYoungest @oan W tfe and %Irs. Il W Bulloy. 'lfire brid e n a daugirter aif1Mr. and Mr,. Horece Wagner of Bloomtug- ton, and ie quine well kuown hers, nav- tug spent some ime at tirehme o! Mis Beesle Bond lat summer. Tirs corelaony ook place at 10.30 o'elock st ths borne of thre bride', par- ent@..Lb. bride', grandiatirer 1ev. Field, perforrng the ceremony. Only relatives of tb. Young couple were pressait. George ha.spont the majorlty of i, life boe., belng a graduat. ai tbe local higecheool. He sîo graduated wtth bigir honore from lb.e Unversty of Wl,- conslu ln 1914 and ha. ince heen a pro- feesor lu tirs State Agnlnultural College, Pa. It ta in Ihat Cty Lb. Young people aI malte tbier home, tire yonng man bavivg hut a bungalow there for iis bride. Mr. and Mce. Bulkley are epend- lug tireir honeymoon at Madioon, Ws, alLer ubîir tiey ailretaru breebefore leaviug for States College. Mr. and Mr@. R. W. Bulkley and daghter Mise Belen, Mrn. and Mres. Fred C. Bulkley, Mfr. and Mc,, George Boud, Mr@. Wlbur E. Meredith, Clarsnce, Rtobert and Mis, Boei Bond wsut to Boomlugo uon WedneSday Lo attend thre aedding. IS. E .J1owN fIE!> AT WAIJKEIAN IOSMIAL Tuesday at 1:50 a. m. asthtie Lake COUnty hoptl lu Waukegan occurnd the deai niflins. lMattîda Brown, wtt. oi Dr. E. J. Brown oi Libertyvll)e, et tire &ge ai 46 jearn, 4 montba aud 5 deys, the cause ofàlher demis. botug penîlouits. Mre. Brown had heesufilIfor severaf moutb aid about tua usekn ago as Wa@ takentuatheb. ospital ubere the underweut an otaratton oen dayé before ber deatir. SIte wusabora la 1869, bsr maiden usme waParter,tbs couple maviag boe tram York tate corne niaeteen yeans lhgo. The body usa hrought home frarn Lb. hosottal early Tuesday marnhug, and ou Thnnseday rnoringa«tarted on tI. jourrsy ta Allen, N. Y., for huril. Mr. Brown accompaniedlb.he omins. Tirs deoed uas socillmeuh., of tire Royal Nelgirbor lodge aud uwau el kuowu ta Lthertyville. Delly Oood. 'W* are ton &Pt to undennt» the mioral qualtty of a man's egulkr voca- tion, bis daily tuat, bic bianess to look borewbere spart fiais thia for hi& opportunhtY for scievhng char»~ ter and doing good. But there a noth- iEg asete at hn go deteruluative 3f a ma's chracter, notirlm& is. hât Tire "fat" and "]pan" bail gaine, aur-h ira corne to ire an annuani Iecoration Day @veut, wsa pulled ni ab tire Fair grounde Mouday aiternonnn belote a large ste audience. Alttnugb tirefine- ups wcre not exactly as scheduled thre 'fats' aere fairly 'fat'"asrd t le aus' ail Bomnewbat -Jean.' Tire @evarfnieigbteeu tu se'.euteeu marde tbe "fàto" lire victors alter a ton lunIng strugele, and an'corditng 10 tire "Jeans'" IL took eleven meni and tirres luchber, to do it." Tire gamne opened with tire "leans" lu tire tii-Id and witb O. W. Nini- nd Henry bînyse as btraery. Tire tiret tnain lninge1,nîked like a waik-a-way for tire fat, thre score beitre 5 trr 0.1t tire end ,of xl,, secornd. lu tire tirird tire "leans *fnîrnîd pitchor J- WV. Brown and eanried iunrinree taille@. Tihe four-tir &18ogave tire 1fats*' notner scure and tire filtir the -lI-axe tour more tu tire "fats" two, lu tire rîxtii, Broswn inst i@ contrat tvaîpleteiy letting tire "Jean@" bave Dive ru, tu tire fat" one for tire tung. Tht, gave tire as tiares ta tirs good and marie ail tire lean router suil, At tis stagee tire rt change in te "fat' Latterya-as made, Paul Ray taking tire Iitchers box and Brown playtug eshort. Tire "leas" failed to score aunle tire 'fate- bnoughin u ue.terri Ray was then n'alled away iroi tire ground, and Frankr Keta took Lire rox. Maynr Jay Morse taking Keru', place ru htireleld. Tire'*Jeans" galned nutbing lu tir elgirt wbîle tire "fats" brougirt ru four more rune, agaîn giving tireurtire advantage lîy 2 Tire nintr prove d tir 'e tire most exciting inlng witir tiree tons ir tire tuai ne and one for tlarrge rire and tire score waa Lied. Tire terîtr gave tire "fat@" tirree taillies but Lire jeans' couid flnd but two, tire 'ftst" winnlng tire victony for tire second cousecutive year, tire last Lime tire "Ji-ans' were tire victrrrs beiug lu 1913 Manager Cira. E. Xamerron tire Ram- areas, urnplred the gaine and IL, sur- prising what a Iltte voi-e ia a big man r-au do. Max Koirner ar-ted a. officiaI score keeper, altirougr nertirer tire littîs bat boy nor tire aater boy acre on tire job. We expe-Ltirhe Bond issue feui tirrougir. Tire game, made up ni local inusines, men, and played for tire general amuse- ment ni themgelve, and Lb, sttendiug public, 1a ou. irom aur-b ail proieselanals are banreri and vahici enu b.titled a "*Comedy of Erroes: Tire pnoceedc ni paosing sa at 1 21 are given 10 Lire Lakeside Cemetery Association, aitri wioee to express. tir apprecaLion ai It. Tire @core. Leaus R BP A Bayes H., c............. .......2 2 20 :l King, 1b................. ....1 1 5 0 Whirtney W,3b---------......2 3 4 0 KeliuerR., If ................4 2 0 0 Neisir,p .....................4 8 0 4 CorleLt, 2 b.................1 2 1 1 Smith R.,cef..................0 4 0 0 Lytle, rl ....................... 2 1 0 o Doleurnaier..................1 2 0 1 1 - 20 30 I Fate@ER P A Mly., ep...................... 3 4 1 1 Kern, p...... ................ 1 100 Frederick ir . .. ...............2 1 4 1 Suydarn,l ..................O 2 2 1 Colley, 2b ................_... 1 1 :3t0 Bernard, e .......>............ i 1 i1O Morsecf ... ............ 1 O 00 Nicholam i,.....................O10 i1 Morri P., 1b ........... ..... 3 S3 O6( 4lbnrt, c..................... 2 1 10 2 Brown, p. sme..................3 2 2 4 18 17 30 9 Fate....... 2 30 1 2 1 413-18 [.&an@s..... 00 3 04 ;00 32-17 SLeuet out by Nelsir 21:'y Brown .5, by Ray 2, by Keri 5; ha.. ou balle off ai "Fats' 11, off ofi "Leans" 2; hit by pitcher, by 'Fats" 2, by "LeAn#" tua; bas, bits: Witneary. t5mitir, Frederickc, Maorrie, Alîhuri. Notes Tire regular hase bail edîton betng absent iis uh us irced ta cirroulcle lire above garne. Sire'cs aourbse hall editress. Alsous don't %ihnirtire 'lame dack' dance irad auytblng ou some ai aur lacal business men an Tuesdsy. Tire "fat" men hope ta b. latter and the "lean" mon leanen nez t jear. A~T THE TIIEATrPSJ "mrs. ciraptou'1-Crlte Chraplin lu Lireprize ring. Hts admirersutîl crbuckhe at tire bars îhought, and roar ubsu they se tire ple-ure at the Liberty Theatre Fnlday, June 4. The. u I n tirs train- tug quartera are a steady laugir, but uben Charhe l oppount ln tire rouedarena, tire iun lsimore tirtdouhl.d. Thore have doubiesé been burlesque baing matcirese@ver stoce tleb.irhao lb. drama, but tItis anc mock hemre& Il ont. It i, a tiree round "go" liraI gruwl lu excttement aid irlty at every bmua ctruck. Wirio IL muai he adrnltted Liat Cirante ain@ Lb. Ciram- plonehip ira a fout (autirte beip ofi h» bull dog>, everyone wtîl b. deltgbted witn tirs resuit. A Lwa-reel alde-splhtter. LYIIIC THEATRE JUNE 4-Cliftoný llTC,~ <ew À -JURY 0f six IN PROM - LOCAL-« CHURCHES JUD4IE TAYLOR CT. AREA 6IIRL @ETS FORTY DAY SENTENCE FOR STEALING A COAT Waukgen Xle 28Waukegau, June - Melhaisl-piscvsl.Six laYmen, e jury befoce Police j ofni aukegna promhtrent tirr Pr-eachiig servie,@ai tire M. E. eunr-et Magistrats Taylor today declar-ed tire rchants was called Int court thins nrru- xiii b eld neit Sd yas fol lu tin sa' smoking ardinauca of ZîonCity lug la ldentIfy a irat lire iad soit! ti) tire mnrniag ali Il oniqont Esc. T. E. not valid lntireir verdict of flot gullty irste 5g.O Wam illprech n te sbjet bIn tire case ai Alvin Blandi versas iiunday ulght wbllsvlsitiîng lin WKau' Bea ah peacr na ue ubjt"lu tire Zion 'itY. Hia guhît was admithed te kegan Miss Gladis Rîchardiion of Zloti Spirit of Bnotherly Ln-e'Tire Modern tire Jury.- but iei attonney declaned Cityly beLa coat frontlire buggy in Woodmaand Itnnal 11,elgirbons eul thre ardinance vald hi-ceuse aiof -which sire was cidhug. Sire say- the attend tLiii ervine lu a lbody. li,îirsýJunr-tlon scaed by lire gupreme cour-t gsodufrinofnecr-lian svsuîng at 7:310 [mer-e all ire8au tua- rOfstrahiig tire enfoncement o? certain coUpon nettnrtnlg sire dlscoveced the ,Latd eronn tnestliee. 'e lause.. cnetwes mlsshog. La.ter the police otrtedsemoný) th mbjpt."Th eThis la tire second lieanlng in tire piiked up Mien Pille Hauser alno eas Kluags and Lieir tRle mov e mr-ai- l'irTis case tiraI has been beld. Tire tirai, wearling e cuat euswerng tire n- address xvilire lustcated mv ::lirarîti- -heid a aesk aga, tasîve ventremenrr-tion nf tIre mlssiug garment wee n Mis Ricinar-dson ideutflfed ih E'- lai illustratins. The - inaîe lsm'-îrdiaiiy were summoîned and six ue- xaedfoePleMaitaeTyn .- lnvited. o ienamtigepeuieag auhsrîrsaltin s lnitdbougirt tIre oan, "Tc îr-nmîes il iuilann- cii e rslaxv.Tire aIer six Iteard tirs, ncînre Cristmnas etiealCricago -ne theubcase tut could mowmon extme t.nacr n e' Sire conld flot renrennîer tire mml-'f Sunday evcîning st I6:45. Ettinusiasti- Tire case xent over- until today. tin'. 1or,1 i-e sain ThI monin seen vnirmenwe NîlMss Riclardsn estlfled I- i ir- sinin ad awarubeatel ijýin. ummnned. Six aere acCepted, tire - rlned tir cnt tai o nthsi)s Crn ef Al are nordialli lu-1. ie nsecse.' a local iruerchnant.Sire ranned lir thr neexus.Tire rnercrhaînt was sent for ciii-ni' Choir reircarsalionn Seîur-day eening at William Wehs. attorney fon tire chty ientiled botirtire cnet and -etl'. N o'î'loek sharp cfof Von, contended lirat Lire ondinance btdd n erebr n -e Cbildnen'e lias- xeres x iii irehein tirat Blandi uas being tcieduder- baingmet 15Ilaer.utieac onSuda. un 1tl. hechldenfwas uaL Lire nid ondinance lhst coir- I -ierMIss Hauser- snthei fa-i tainpart of ere eclaed at valid i ltisidec ieHue t il an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~t Sda.Jeltl.Tcrrdenrftipasaiardcardnathnestar-y tiret tire -ast belougel mno tire Sunday scirnol wiii gis-e a slnieudid by thre Sapreme cour-t, but an alto. iradtâ h ucae il 'i program nuntire i-eniug iof tirabdate. 'gethen nea' ardinauce pasaed by Lt.her-sdtrtsrpniae ll Theirlet %@etn-nService oi tireseasînu City since thi nJunctfon agait tire -car orror, Lirat seomaîn i..-n't iii) eheld la tire M. i'. ihur-- ir aI1 . .William l'ber-,attor-ney for- tire de -o Hauset tirtliii-y co Is hr.-d n Suuday. June ;tt ftenne, rlamed tirat tire new ardm' -Hasr gr "yurstudt asgond as ber',." Pnîgrni naur-e wae exactly lire saine as Lire aid 'f tink sireliras siroun empli,ý-)of' 1. tJceaun i tlireSepter-dems Laliteiv ans.r-cept tirat Itlseas worded ln atittiectl irliorty -a, lot Violin, Keunetir Lin-il dfeetaY. Magistr-ete Taylor. as ire hauded oii-r 2n Voln.Foy Tylr Aftertire claelug arguments ai bath to 'nues Rihardsoin tire coaL mnri r 2nd n inli. FoydTeynnr sides tire case usaI taoire jur-y althIron. Finie, D)ali-Clline Instructions an tirs lau and a oOpy Miss Hauser was senteniei r 41 Bar, Mrin Tylo iOf tire instructions lsued lato iro in asIii tire rounîy jall. 2. Bar-.MrieT ii- lice departmentoattire chty ai Zion lu 2 i')iniilt , liwe luoth refenence Lo tirs smoking lau. ...............l........ ecînrrd Tire jury uas ount about a irafi bouc Road lu Happinesa. Mr.Ilcau Wells airen tbey returued tire verdict of Wc expert tire rinnds tairapinas. .t. (Quattte-*'Tlie Lord ls My litnnk- not gulty, like tinnse cuir-h iî'sd lu ireaver, rtnilire ..........1. .......J.lItRogers' 'Weis asiied an appeal ver), long srnd especi.rily very cornylex, Re v.ear Tg E .itr ar) I'rayer- sr. fays Jean FInnit Yet tirer-e are , eîrid 11ev.T E teai ' Fes-iCO ~sysrsouis airo go tirer-e by tire snpist 5. iifertor- organ la ilmploratina Thes aeek alttr ber th~er bougit ways And tire road Lirey pur-sus in .lunber Ircayer like this. "For-gis-easunu i b> To a Water Lily ...Mctioc il tepse sxi o-i- ioear tn. Lulu Mattîne tr-y to a psa us ' Lite. Judge Nut. 6. Solo-Seler-teil ....MiseFs LIncaric-iiiMen bave rommrily moeplsianurs 7. tianp SoIo-îaî Au Printemps 'lu tire critirlsai r-h hurLsain l tb) Bar-ranale ...-Gabriel' Mrflkdtit aron. hétirat au-is iuuancuaue. sud are mare Maraioondo-toayamsoira11 taler-satiratheses-erity whcbbraks M."h alou Tayl.....r-.. !cting ai a lic-e le a malt effective cure irearts tirsu ai tiat ubicir talla IMPO' S. Tu-Dayle nde........lartitî 1for bohor-i ieumar-isînand aclatica. il tently ou tire grave.-Ruaktn- Mn. Wels la alto ai Iniallihire cure fon Inartie.- Viollu Obigato. Kennethi onili Punch. 9Benediction Tire Indepeudeut tenda aIL 10i. lrgan i'ostiude.,re. Lulun Maltocko St. Lawrence Episcapal. HolY Communionu es-i-y Sunday 7:45 a.mi. FirtSundayin mout iti.3iîa r.n Mornlngt Prayen every Sunday rxi'pt'1 airese 10:30 a. m. Suuday scirnol 11:45 a. mn. Ail Holy [laye. HoiylYiinrna Ot a. M. Timea Change$. "Before us acre manried you eald you'd lay cloun youn lihe fan me" tbe sOben. '! knu I," irereLnrned sol- *mrn1y; "bat thIs confaunded flaL la sa tiay Lber-e'c no place ta lay aiy. tbtag doua." lut Thoy Bath Gel It. Borne people jurnp at coacluo* othens are more lelaarely in makin" tireir ruistaktà.-Tbe peliosa. lu Information Wanted $1916.88 The Michigan Mutual Life will be iple.ame(1tt re- c-eive information regarding the îîrement postoflice ad- dress of aiy parties named below, holding Matured En- dowment Polic'ies with Comnpany whih'h are duae and unpaid for ainount stated. NO. OF POUCY James G. Hammne].....Des Moines, loua ............ No. 24403 William E. ScYsu... . Chicago, lh ...............No. 23847 James Ellia, Jr..a.. sbNo. 27533 W,.. G. Coluil .... ....EmerSon, Noi...... No..,...2.7?8W72 Emil bManche ....... .Huatington lad... ........No. 28M0 Herman Zuevgart.......Chathon, loua ............ No. 29844 WSr. L Joaes ........... Sas»hean Ohio .......... No. 304«3 Chas. T. White ý.........Cirdflel Ohio .......... No. 318«8 W.o E. Bosals..........Sioux City,.loua ......... No. 3220 Gao. H. Cabeen.........Alda. 111............... ......No. 21375 Wm. W. Palm ..........Trina.Ohio ......... ... No. 22184 Edmond W. Gren........ Scrntona. ....P........ No. 34399 Thom"s WilhM« ......s-Madsan, ra ...... ...... No. 25875 Max 0. Thiele---------.....Tacomua, Wah........... No. 25971 Joel B. Lo . .............KamasaCity, Mo......... No. 26011 Porter"tl lHumaé...... Philadelphie, Pt......... No. 38=0 Chattes fRoosn .......... Wasco I................ No. 38M6 John Brodie............ Hincldy, bMina .......... No. 40294 James L Robinsoun......Cncinnati, Ohio ......... No. 43183 Winfil S. Bperes........Osceola, loua........... No. 46904 Chas. H. Sachea............Rocheater, N. Y .........No. 47532 Alexander Evns. ......... ai Sprngs, Kat ...... No. 48892 AMOUNT DUE $ 35.47 51.0 Sm8 18.3 470 8&47 4696 10.00 103.00 136.90 87.93 124"S 14.00 17A47 44.0 4"S2 65.03 65.3 34M5 150.00 450.00 345.82 ILLINOIS NOTICE! TH1E LYRIC TH-EATRE 1 US NOW IJNDER NI!W MANAGEMENT Commencing Monday the Theatre wiII be closed down for three dayis for re-decoration. Beginning again Wednesdayp, lune 9th YOIJR PATRONAGE CORDIALLY SOLICITED OWEN E. W001RIDGE Sein' ýacatiI Exer Tie pi iapt Wl" Fred G ure Sanda., Sunda. Geo. (Tay. Ans railioa badly inujured Vain lant as lunu ti K F A sui Try Lic Ried e! DR JOHN HODGE District Manager 111 for, Mess wagim Allai day a tire i th1.-o more g er-er t k ver-, Try s Bithtie 1 M srio lnret iy tire ainr-k -r-an Manda br,, u si c the loe fathier-. )àr fi t'-L 1. M-ra.t parnut ltr T arth r r- Mir s elfrics M r-s Er-nept 'n (rai -.veral Mcru Mo'nda et ira, Heur (i.A. Il Rusa ti.s ro Ikro. e nitni

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