L AXK ' COtTNTY ,PNDEN-',T. PRIDAY. JIJNE 4,1915. -~ -'L ~-jJ NCONSISTENCY IIOUSE PUTSBA tat we-l. ti 'u Ili ,î,, faiti> v eit I l f Wa lier tl Myril R'. bat ,- aIll ittttnsSteila Crowý if chiesgo. ssere the guete o JUD C.T. SMJLEY B Y LE61SLATORSI we c,î, rai i i ai p-tneIMiqe Auna Fank Sunday nll,Dl.na_________ By TF SAN iit,.i StF 'lt-i, a rion Mrs. Dura Blankeniburg wacs a 'ii ugo (Harvard Heratd, McHenry County) Bill Makes It an Offense for Correspondent and Agent wrf iLi'tn:ran-IinaLrout tiher 1viet tur '4ndal .IehrIi si- tMHn> Any Legisiative Candidate ____________________ Il_ -tyville sud J jtî,u'e and aiaui Fil r.'- bas Schulz sud @sin John ofiiitlitîago, of nywaspl or ie ao idalto Make Pledges. Moînt. vtsit.-l lis parents uûday audnl ttday. seekIng lteir support oin a ticket rail- Mi-.. Sil-e@ter ti i.1eloIl ent t'w-b '%Ir-. Eii, i sl.'iiitig tir ei mit h ~ Mn .Je'. liynond spent fil e l Il dically dîfferent fron thai on wltiell Springfield, Ill., Mal. 6-b os endi in Uicago. eatv.-nt relativets inttcae' agu. ~lie couglît Ibeir suffrage last NovPemI bisafternoon î'assed the Gregory* ,str'nîiber and whether tey -belivea pIb- but Ketuneth Kranner ut Highland Park. . ii i M rt '1- J.5 iA.--sarc Ttteed- iTI tiiega Camp Iliri- iof E.antion lie officiai lias lbhe rilit to htave bis lledge bllwhtct goes deep Imb ltte inoitteafaeitiiheet'St A.,KrtII e tiehofmre or elcitol di.i' e- in Mr41 .iouard-. cottage. mn. ilie.Iis t. d -11 l The bill protithitsa ay legtiaîi, e Win.. Zerse n sd tait.iv utreil ti, Mr t a.i ir- ,.-.Ilt.i ,!: o! at, h hec Ni a Ad1stenu ned at lte j udt il elect ion 0o canîdidiatevs bfo priniary r> e Paltie ëcratin aY b venive iui., ittiitý on- is A a.Prn i Ii , , i lite . ttlen tiiree juidiges . fithetti'ci r-froni makîng a written pledge to sul. Paturne levurit tn da'. bae iti' til it~ t tt1 Stisttlijda v il litber parents cuit court ssitl ieb.ele,-i.'tinir titis. jît lir' e.. Rot.standsoli Avnsl.t rsS Stknrtin d - id .., t, I ir i, 4v 4a.~îî'.~tt.u.d iciat disatrict. p ee-,'iort or foppose, direetly or indirectty, -iimtn rsdMs n.('oultty Judge Sittii, j dait>'cetrtain bill or mfiastre or suîî- relurneil ta Clii. agi Mondesaltîter . astit.cietSutia , IM'ti,;'4itt, ."ttt rtan'di it" t ltiil ttn usai[ulk-n lu. ftiibe.ta, or ii ati dae fo it ti-l exeul.'tii st at titi H. yaley lio, ber tst,r lits. S. I1: -1-. ila,--,ule sppearing on lte Republicaîtfc.I a iksI iilwfl o IitsRotue,,mtienit ttch .el.e ai la-r Franh ,,r. .,.t r. s-. ,-rt- -i.i p' amtahrihtrv-,-tticrketicetbtbout nom , .ehiîltii' ic I asonike I tttas fî__o buttc a -'rti,în trs un s' ti, u r ,ht.~.u ut ~ M No H.tt ti a ,,k ffi,*e of circuit jutige ai ait Itidépetn yperson, Il,.corporationt, club, U'Iliait llent. h-petita lso ii fih t laitity for J 1ieagii. sortet,. or association to solit-it I. lail-tt...ctl'îanr îcv 'as- itt chuer i r J tctu.--. '4rii. littli liater , - ti,tg 1.-r " iling tu acce'lt tit(,oftice'otftCOtit'. uyt> suri arlîtent pietge. ml -hat i,lthe i-onte flier trîther .rii,î' M. anoi 'l - f us -.!- t .1 ,it.-i til eai a salirv(if $1.5, biit, i u i Ieiia anddt uo R --i îutiiitv Irt tt,,tr ioi: atitrit, a arntseni %%Xaukt .trn,,ii h follossiiîg his o tctiti.1)'tv ilsTt eblairiisacn id t oo ~d ,,sd Fi-'c' an. w ti t i Cticagi tO M ui jasliettratt in -h i r,ti', il.'p. 1 .z. A %N,. 055 il ct lie cu lied tii-board m flutsiper- tle Ptt but- l lits .0posion "b>-stating Edwrd is'pt ndwif of('bcaoý o Mnïav.lisuru. i -toialt t'tinîg uatd .sked ftls Opiion«ior helief" with reference ripent rte lie as tii M r. and sime. M s. EntatsStat, îtt te s taite rail roati maitt "iiitic iie.111.. tG. tireîtt tey raise iis sailaW~. i elling to leglalati se natltera The penalty Robert CUsmeron ltiînie ut uc r ditl a I r 1r.I.. Il R Kil Mi4t.s.5Alice Tita,ttt.'t ilo'r.t rir ar ie s'ornetof0f titetit lieI . iuld las-e preacni bed for sviolationi of thle law lu Harr Lbito t., let-'iiplîtsed in Misses FloI-i. ,,,e , r t ' i '-I n Of lutsp-ni lgl t.-r va( ,at;,,tî t.trtl.'lrirai td-; $2.041 ilien year. Hary Ltbrtpmotier s larnit i! The supervs tsr, ti -uit tail s-essin a fine of fronti$2,11to $,Ou.or lui i li ta u et Sfttiaa n sd M tîntda-v 'st t bI Iib.rtr v t tic-I et. s..h t'..IlthbNme. a lied 10 act upn î iot' nt t ter s uled pIrisofitent tntli te coîint t'jatI niot ex- ttis tte ient' C. J. Maisotn. Miss' Etia P,,I- s- 1lt, e Zlt t, h l'lui ait ittereasp or .. hper cenii. CAeciltîi iv > ilu; ,or itoth.t In cae Mm' .J. J. Rtdgcra rettîrtiîd Surndav to lirs.S. E Kr.c lr a.ti d t,' tllam -atl'r Mornl;t-irîtait anntue al aary t",mt'cl$a ettîti,. ss itteite th a lier homt rfelt sîcalter tri '-tt stitt %ver.' ttîtcitz., i-- 'l '- h. tv-'uLfi, îi n o,rteitiogt li,.tîi t$init c] s.lntg a at. t utl aae bt It.' ltiitie. dus o rt it cia ( $ )lt. 'rIletciel itell tit -.itt ties l % t, îa i sa reatives lier.'e it. sR tg s Stii i I r i s o l.d y o i v rg f 2 rl le e t h ili i e l Miss Emiîîa Rnîgge. ssie,. ins' l'eu itcinthet iretllt'st-ý%eiMm' t t*ank.' ti tt ai. o % t- .î tith tdurintg lte o-ur!ternitlittCook u a ei Pgir.e'.Sxcted 1,% aitor and re tpnigle a' atiitn ut thlic Ittitif1 M r. ndr- '41ii te [.ctîar andl hi1 d ren ing % ilt Mn-,sî , ditiaj, îvr * ounty.Andîtisitiet ls- tcentdoutne f mii bodies. spcnding lir anil '41tiftttil tils pre lenîttaitpaîgi tfon j tîtge ber paent- rettil edto(ii ii-agi. M. aie pnttnt ay t. i t,11i r. iii'trs W. Mie m . 4',Il,. i u.,.e - ra ilaat i e of i te (creuil c-ort wmas.begut - taiout Meyerat caler Wdntt, .tmns. eLeks agtt tiilgi-Sitîiiey,'" i a UTOfFUE ? U etetagMeyr a '44 te.'tni lairer.Jaesdu; - t,.'> 4biag hzits il ban inittîtii. ta ii'.'antid T 'JL t~ med uaîd l.iea iosslîcmlenecal.- pre l.adil i sd s tît tt,-t twitîi '_\eS Mm an"S itgri -a iiaitu a tfityeans of bisi'lremelît terni a.. tu Lo.ng Grave ahiereititedav hitsthe Cita' . trrtiti ir'.,t.s airerri,,,tt ise vallen l'U edneada; ettîtirity ititge to serv e.milit-e lits fri < C IT deatb ot tbeir utatb.'r Il ldits..Mrtie Bivi.îa-.- t tic-iitilse :'lto xieoti )c ,11 FEED Y U A H N '4 A y .'e s d a ntv t H i hi n ln rt Iîs nt b tha t ss ehtm. un d Pailtinte S ds lIn In t e senît of Its et iotînî as Il - D..'. yr ad amlyofHihlnd (l Fid, owitoflat l vurd 1c itîtidge. Ir ld nttb.' fcessar'.t mrn i l'ail, epeut Sanda>-anti Monday sitb tbe tieatb ut lIne t lis' ltine. se bel M itsses Matuîe Hîkiruiever aud CliaI itoli a special elecllontt 10elect 1 s À NCEhT -A Mn. and M re. J . ýA vnley. ing been 'tu-h the 1jaill .. ittentthe. tSbe Pihm visiteti Palatine t.unday. succe.sor, requiring lau elections vir tually, .mince the prini aIs- equires 'harles l'oelikenWalltalien sutideul> ili lcaves to mouru ber iestît a lîultnd iJohn Ftik andl John flua.' made at a prItar>- anditenaitielectlon. eacb Trv ibis ont your moton- 8unday eveniug anti on the arri vaI of a andtou lutn entI btldmen. l'cid.'. a tathen busittestriî. r' , iiiagviThîtm'tay. beifig clotheti ait t ile'sanie auttor- Take a large, ripe motb-bali. Strike physician hi@ aliment was Idtuguoeedas andi severai uther relatives. Funeral mer- Auguct FInueiick aud ilire. %%'lt. Tank l i suld netb- h. es exptns,ae' It energetically with a bammer îînt:I1 appeutiiin. An amhulance watt call ielewr bl nth wetlt Cue ne00 1I fnom Wauuiegen andthe patientnrenoved Libertvsile on Munday iî.ortig. Bar- wr Chcago viltraTueia>. the taxpayers of McHenry courul; il loses its shape. lix earefully wllb J to the boopital wbere un immetitute lai at the HaIt Da; ,cin.taty. Tte lMr@. Puai Seltalienkaine and ton Mark The quest ions thal itatunalîs' resolse enougit aster to dissolve it. Pour Il I 1 hrltelves then are niiese: Your gas tank anti drive awly .upenaiou wus perlormeti The upera- Royal Neicbbur@. 'ifwhmil . nFraIe werc Chicugo. vitureThineîuy anti Do te taxpayens ot NfcHenry count- htcanirbe tione. Ntotb-baiie are made tinwsseou n h ain al@a nmerc. ad i barge î'f the serv- Fritiay. r; want tu Inclur the stideti exîense lin assucsaulsi,-@@ptintl wat hegI r. haSeip andfiaiml v WerLake Ztinlch $1 1 0,1,0 In order to mtale0D T. Sînîl- np of a matel caldnapibaiene, reotdontemnd alrmSna.e>- a circuit judge' on@ of the bydro carbone. Next Monde>- evenirg. Jane -lth tbene clesSna- Do Ibe; favor thee dea of a puib- Napthaiene la a î.roduct or the wtlI b.. asvou.ert giveu utit the ehtnc. A CARD 0F 11-iANKS iau'el McTagirt it Sturdniai.'.vfr hi@ lte Official liaving ii. ownî .alary in- fleats' 011'.designateti chemcly musical pnogram. cosioting ut bath île a-i tît extend î.nm inîcere- thantos bore n e(en [tal. V. t- aer.' h,' t'. II creased 3 offi ercent atile t>n bo te omoait.HS vocal sud instrumental bas been pi-e- tb.11ilounrt rtilsuil ais, l.'Riyal ,eenlle-smie.dc îirm eîfto1anotitr'carlton ant Ilhbydrogen.In a soltution pal i.A uovutlate otthe eutert.sin- Neîghhosrt.raiîtr Liait .exprmestionsofDo tue>- favor a ipubliléofficiai rua-- Ihat permit, Ita belng atomnIzetiandi ment will be the use ot a playrnpiano tan sriupatbv re- cvit e ii u I of our lIMIUJIfDI A . 'iîg -elcePl tieotenang trbe- comptmesed il sels much the saine as punt it theuc.onîîaniuenl Prov-eetis ieriertiln 1,UUU in omL4IAT=1 tn t apari>- andt seehtag electtor on ganolitte. except Ibat.Inasotucli as Iii une tu belp pair ton bbc pianot. me-entlY - I 5 iit. %! i 'aIi. ttVIIGatt lilepeudeut part> ticket? itatricher In carbonI. l la more likely purchamisi, y the hureb.Do. the'. beliese ant, cmdt> officiltui î Inrpase carbon eots pur.'baseti b- the cbnrcbTENOFOVIKNGAF: ta sjus.led iitItrving itt do a-liat D T. Tt ic re eois .1 . ire dscoveer oftbe motb-ball 4 1 amn prepareti to dot painting antd WARREN r'tîte sundertakîîg ant illeImoe? application. J. Phillmore. Ares, ;l7l %Irwtt. Mr.(ai lire FA IR AT UJRNIL tssi., renitlifaoor ut these C'itiago. a-ho sass at the modemn __________________ an.st-ed ,,.tai_____1___h1t91 if Jiti-sgise ltent tite conîsîi-canhunetor aill ttreath an> .tad ut an Frank Ls-wt- enution ru ss ictir ie>-are entild It îopt Nfr. Saal. (;%z. audiNumber f Autos Brought jalso beieve> tiraitthIe fair-Mintied tmop ee GILI~ I Mm- isml. tuin- " .'-.ii.it. aitii~U uer î MLOSrîglit trInnkinta sotera of ibis count> . 'lre Luir;Foiahr '-w. oies t; Many Visitors From Chica- m'IIfrîtan (nthbesle anti sole tonrtite Ann-uat Slaterpent ior Publicatione. Re-. liré. Barn.'>Amunu spent Ftiday at lire i.ue leia wIu bave ta-n L s-go to the Affair. 1iii-ee si. ttîiiitjutges . naniels- -c. H. ceipra anti Expendtnures Toa.eshîp Waukegau. ing their ter sudotiber niatte.'.. bi tonnîelli,. A Il. Frot tandtilt C. l-:i anti District Funtis. Treasuner of @ pet it e bireu! the week a îîh Mn. anti Tvo nhousanti people attendedti he msarl- MI&Me Betit anti Emma Cooik epeaitbe iMr@. Iràn.. Car ai',.. Mm-. Ell-n Lainb. ClebratiOn ai Vikings' Ott Peuples' Towensitp No. 43, Range No .0 latter part orlalst week uit home. Home ai Gurnee Monday. The aIut.w-h arfu Lake Couniy. Illinois Fscai Yu'ar Mié lrec m1Th, I1e. oraru '-..'r.ts.-- as ch acre ioity matie the trip In automoble= GEO. iiij I NSi i NU[IEnding Aprîl 5, 19i5. Mie ForeceMeer spent a t-w doyolhéblti ai th,- l lat-.'-i--rMa> :0, Practicaîl>- ever>- member ofthIe l 1<> 'wTownship Treasurer in accourtn inh 01 lest week wtb ber -sitter. M'4o.mChie m.,have ttl, p-u.oueitr, fsu . unr of.ranain, cal order of Vikings was present fA OU TSboiTusesI lis-on u lenvicl..wI a ' tn. ai hei-'.mctenv There was quite a parade of autos 1 liiiTrste l'hý% wql 1- beA Junettront Ciicago carryiog member. The1H S E NI C U Td Miss litunje Meyer @peut Tbur..day Tt,.laItnaita cgbnaime took aith then tbe Viking bsunti -i ot andS-eii. aitt ber lester [Inita. ,aer Lake Zet . bSundas so-1t -uii.-'.- iii dc,-i,.eof Chicago a'bicb furnished ilsc dr- HO S F R 3 E S I, uilnFmd the graves .otttjr'ii-lart-jiici.ir ' ing the day. There seere Bn many uL.aiti' it ltlu1 __________ autos presen' that il seas necessary Fo,.._...I.. . .. t"N o park tbem in a nearby fildt. lDsieAvaCedIo - -si li LAK.E J Sprnigfield, Ili. May- 27-Under ant Among the dlatiuguisheti g-ests at-, ept Uane g eIs [ t, ueiteil-vi 72f; iii f_ _dn. u il e t..'r JSn order issueti today by the stalelilve tentiing were A. W. Johnson. prei- Stili in Good Health and Is .,ii 17ilrl aywllhe)teve' Su.Stock commission catîle estimaledtiut dent of the grand lt-tige. He gave ai 'nohfJo' aiy du!. Joune 20.Ile worib $4,00<.hOO. kept et the olti talk. am titi a tnmier of chier prom- o teJb'iiy Hawthorne race track, Chicago, la mnent gaesta.anG lr, andi Mne. W leut eutertaed e_-1quarantine because tof the foot anti The Nortien lodge dillh tesam ofl Wankegan. îîas ut- iii t27i,!t. iw stivestfr5èmirrEtanston Suuiay 1moutb dIseae.are ueleased. They MWankegan gave an înteneetîng dil jFort3--three yeare agni Intial George Shti [tuI-m ... .... idr adM inw await actton by the t'n.Ited P.3tates Plat eliciteti applause. tHatchinson, town clent,fitrst enteretidttiut-iutiî 'tret lir~~~~~~ aniIeR e- eî oIau ueuo aIa utybfre the>- Dînner wae sers-et ai noon but the upon bis dalles In the court bouse, At u iari,---------,!t kega i'4nduy toi e eCh&s. itv e tb..an be shippeti oui of tUeestate. Inf.1 majorit>- of thoute present btia taken that imte be wae comparati'I opnatti'Tc-t.n t.iit ueost l sblgaua h~'annis animaie umong them may now tlunches' wlthQI ihem-ýr.. lor I reotdbma l buit.'m be sbiî,ped home. The animalew lunThesViing oren waorganîzeti9.5 Youngma. tie bas been at bis Post ltcicrîîtali"f'tTrt'te'. and, da A. (2ard andi tamii>0utCicavgo culie-s are petigreed stock. hati beln In qur- t veats ago. The local ortier le 14 yearn contntiously Vàr over two score years. Teeta-tîri... lm.1' on elaives bee Monduç. antine siace the duir>- show at Chi-' Idl bas grosen in fine shape ant ibeing probabl>- the oldest office-bolti- Letl tittil 'Int.~1 - cago. ls one of the erongest ortiers In the i er negtb of service In tbe state, lotigias lu, Pnitjlift ,Ttw[t- MSltDlla iu 09 holEvuuet..n i.s enti- cty-The Vikings bas-e preparet lî t nt------------t 113g Smc une wit ber brother.Dr George 'W. Mcîatrick, for more isnoiY OfthIe ortier.One paragraph îerha 1 h oui>.tt art 20 years a iea.ding figure in Ma- le devotedto 0Waukegaa. îeiling nor '4hens.tir.,Hîtcbinson fIrsteftereti Tta...rii. i1 lia t aisorn u[il daugtri.-.auj dcoiccircîe. as. electeti illaetolub - <ni>- the biston>-. but te nanies. ot aloison hibuit oson In the court Ibouse Tosip T ......en1et accoue! _1il Miss Etinu Kapp.le QIdWankegsnu eent ,commander liiichiet <ot Oriental Con-I officers anti a compleeinatal state- .lwsltt 'raai> tcekbtTownshi hoouri sniacs ti Saundui wlbtctmr parenits Mn. asti Mn, tstory atIlha annual eiection Thurs- Ment oSceofie on>-rcodr. A-lDti c tsp'lt Giro Kappie. day niglit in Chicago. lie bas been a it tbofhe sllcolntis iiscoser. b FaAI- einilîiteteipt. 11 ' .h7 Il Mlr. Dec.'. if i glîlst,l Par.. W"a rgi-ne-r anti aealtbîest in te world. 1 AE ThAIPRIA1 LX a lsito been town cler'c the greaier Iiiiî,nîauuiiTt're ,' Sur gustst ý irirure Ohetufices lecedaretherITOUoEXRAicerPatso ai-ert-tUeeyRYs.FrotTistibtTo EXTRAs FAREi) :I Sunda>- gHarriutME'.intenntne - - lieutenant com-' _____pr ftefr> be er.sit in it.i-ttr c. h 17 -manuder.;'4Willam Leslie Sharp, second iThrough'*Weemuîy To.urist Car Service e iu fbsrte tiact g attanse----------I.utît, : n You "In r.ach 15.00 pensons wenk- iteutenafnt commander, Robeti M.______e in ai bts desk ever>- day anti Iem- Bai-k taxes. -19941144 C 1>- through the Indepqmindent Johste sesue ndChstr m th h ite taire to tit.'PeelitJ- Coast forme his work as efficienbly as a man Sai'eIlti. Irt% ....1 i *Gurne>-. secretar>-eMrl - vituae.Hi g sesT,,,ur-- i te ___________________________ ueetrem[Iei-v ueandti or tbie low fnmfers en ougs.He g em te.ue l tinTui'iî11;1 N., Rh y ou eau tourney îu Caltoris in luxury J b rest ig'btly-ripon, hlm anti bis Most TuiititînIl es-----------------..1 tic ou "THE PACIFIC i.IMITEiY' outhtu1 Intimate trientis say [bey catirsees i Clkago, Milwaukee & #3t'upn i lis> ver>- lîttie change Iu hlm for the let Total Balanceuntiie.cît11$tii.48 'I the gantent no-extra tare rain lu &un itteen or twenty years. Epuiam'-ireîiatrden t t 'W e D on't W nt lit A ilFrancisco. provitiing tbrougit service, HI, long years of service as town Ditrnict No.. 4J_-----------......$ 15'. 78 f. V/e D o ' W an I A ilchange of cars lu both Sar ident anti assistant In the couuiy nec- Ditric.t Ni. 12J---------------....... . 4 M;pl Francili su LiitA mels .ýjrve 1,thorders office make bim a valuahle isitrict No mm['-----------------.... 1 of)i(1 Our Officers and Directors bei. termini in tne moraiug.ltbutegi ing a full enaxsoye for hie memory le not lm- District No 91 ...........:lit'-)58 In lieve in encouragiag the savings day t10 et sutinfiactorily locatti. pireti anti ha bas littie diffIculin la iotrict Nu. !12......-.......5317 :12 pli You esu, vii loti Clilurnia EtilpO loOklng ap even the mout anclent rec- iAtstict No.W ... 93 - - - -.:2,9 24 t, habit and are glad to devide tienstlof till, une lo taire anti fur a fein ords. District \t. !14 ..-------------..... 60 44 ci our profite witb our customers doliart, more mieelte greut "Nurtit '.tir. Hutchinzon keepe "bachelor's" itsrict No. K1............-----.. 2WI97 281 Wondrlauti'-nbe Paciik- North Coast quantere in the tWwer.of tbe court [Dlstrict No. 1; ....................450 15 Er by allowing tbemn anti Puget Surand Couty-tbeu lounrte bouse where be bas fIltetp a ront. District No. 9- .----------------..... 16328 Or humeotiter te i bag... Mlwaukee. & St. OcCasionally he invites bis moat lu- District No. 9S .........----------..4.S0(11 an Pau B l urh 'iaotliiotb tmae fiedstoÊst imthee ndDitrctNo 9 .................49 2 C 3% Compound interest 3% prt oni#u :1:"Trait;of thl e j1mia"h s la alays coflBldered a great Disrct Ni. 100 ........... .....'. 14sI ON S VN Swik-bi rus.., ttre'niuîty nionral btottor for ?ew bave bati the prîvilege. Ttle-edtne . i i2h 5 rba cngeât, iu ai-c-ntiîe îakn trltoeaîosa-in yeetertiuy Total xpediture. Lu.t.in' 1;1.,011P s s :uss ss:s------------------m : GREENINGS BIG NIWRSERY 1500 ÂCRES MONROE. MICH. TIhe <.rt-tritiL tree', aill grow. Es ery trire guar a fit,.el t ni. t' n [aille al s 1ud .î ity . 1l'.ed ig recdI tactt ;tbî froiti the ..nîu,,it.1 'the r., gardern i rflamen ta s h rubs .a hloi b .. sto mialle bo ule a i uu tng.uttracti ve. I I'TI~i~(1O K, AGE~NT Phone 192.j Libertyville, 111.I beê:ss:m:usbsso 1saammasmmaa Tu ruai,.,. lien ,.t ul griqed 1, v :415 ert îýjit2. il, ýed Il î-.. i -8 i.. ni.it -cap.. -a .adv erti, ÙIRL ELOPES AND WEDS IIEFOR60z IN(i TO THE FAIR Gladys Mathews Jackson De- parts With Unsuspecting Parents AfterWedding. William Niilthews,' Iltlawife sud .aughter, Ipft Chicugo for the Pana- Sa-Pacilice fair Wednesday nlght. M.r. and Nlrs. Mtathews think their da ugbter's name la Miss Gladys Ma- hews. but George A. Jackson. Jr..,o« '1 (il Kefimore avenue, knows better. tie and Nliss Mathews were secretty marrled ai the Ntethodist Epîscopal church at Wýaukegan Yesterday moro- tig. Young %tr. Jackson-he Ila 21- would flot make a statement, but his r.other expWaned that George antd Glady.. fmet at the Bircbwood Country Club. Chicago, a yeur and a haIt ugo. Recontly Mr. and Mrs. Muthews an. nounced they were golng to Culifor- nia and would take Gladys wlth them. The Young couple Pnoimptly decideti bey would be married ln secret be- fre Gladys depanted andi carrled the tlan into effect. The Jacksons wlll leave for Califor- lia on Aug. Il andi the brldegroom tlans to revYeal the marriage secret tohs parents-in-law uit the Sun Fran- cisco exposition. Mir. Jackson la an employe of the *mery, Peck & Bockwood brokerage frm,. Chicago, andti bs father la usslet- fit caahler of the Continental andi Commercial Bank. .Nîrs. Edwin C. Day of Highland Park, wife of a real estate man, found her washing huti been censorei Wed- nesday. Everything hati been cut. Si1k stocktngs were minus their feet. 11lk itaJamas were eausheti Into rn- bons. Underwear andi petticoats shiirt- waios and bed clothes-u-li had beea rutned. '.Ira. Day says the goods were worth $300 undr blames a former srvant, wtnom the Highland Park po- ce are tnylng to locale. , 1 r.- g ai e -r.- 'i.. t'a.'are. yI..rt uniîle.. ihlaIta' ri- 'lu 'ie 1 , ';,t' nt itîc tntt.i" ?I O . i i . une i t'l'laie . . "4n i)oi't seI,:il% a bot kitchett tht' 'urnr Corne in anid sce our ful l ;il, of FL ORENCE Oil Cook Stovea T he fit ,t I Stues made. 1'uIIy guaMa " re. d hether ')ou have deccdeýd t buy an oil stuve or flot,etu show yuu thi'. bite. Absoltitu1yÎ reliabie-simplest ru TOM WALSH,. The Hardware Man Grsysilite, Illinois POWER SPRAYING AND WHITEWASIIINEI Clean Quick Gauranteed Work. Cow Baras, Chicken Hoise!F, et&. F. JELLEY Phone 319-R Uibertyville, Illinois In the Darket Heur. When Weurxy lite. breathlng retu. tant breuth ath no hope sweaer than the hope of death; then the beeloua- sel and the best reief-i10 cher the spirit or te cheat the grief, the only lam, the 0111Y comfort heard. corn In the mugie of a womanlm ume&-ma. Win Arnoldi. Page EUx MU~ LJOE ý B RI AGI GAI FOI CLI LIF W lýtb a negri: ciîghr Y( d1er, Sat othel that bu ratber aide. i Si'mth 1t tan shc sumi' o emloyî tiers 1 slo 1 o the n tiecans, the pit hlm ton [Iobuor h' t,. e -t ali l", rmk i 1 ir, ihe 1r. te moent~5 ;,ot amin moent --n ait a"',omi s ' Tea i- 'tti.li o ào, nbuti ias sI ti . it \'ow t hi mil irom bel Itasei-o S if bs ]il Ir n nLn tihe sec- nearI>- S Smith «roniî a iteinz tt TPhe mut fuli]. ne ittac .tç CARI BIL] TI Accidei danI noi A larg Omnar Ca driven i !'n to a i'oati jus at fQur SThe pobf places young in averett mtreet. a: riding w WILS crîu we.re ber The s twent>- n -witneaaet tirsyMan. nigbi or etber rig opposite There andi Curt chine bei have suc the tact per'>-,TI to escapq 'bat refui because i sieuti It curlu, Ce andti iis lion wort Il rtac k lb sbieiti w: none of t Eddie Monda>- in cash i SArndt o0f 10>- wae Claren. Zion City City-, hie