CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Jun 1915, p. 9

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LARE COULNT--Y INDPENDENT WAUKIRIÀN WEEKLY SUN___ ~fl Toma- Il LEBRRTVVITJLE. ILL.. gRIAY. .INE 4. 1915. VOL. XXII.-NO. 37. EiRAYSLAKI3 MA MAY BE AN ACcOM* PLKE IN MURDER Young Man Arrested in That Village %0 Be Taken-to Chi- cago by Police Today. ARRESTED BY MocMILLEN. Case Concerns Murder Laid at the Door of the 'Father and Son' Duo inChicago. Lake county may 1e drawn Into one 0f 1the mont puzzling murder mysteries that bas confronted the po- lice of Chicago In some time. A man has been arre'Sted ai rystalce wbomt the Chicago police think may 1e an accomplice. A dispatch from Chicago saya of the mater: Chicago, June 2.-John Cicboe'd, ldentffied by eigbt persons, according to the inlman street police, as the .. Pectacied' member of the pair known as the -faîber and son" rab>- bers. was ta 4)e taken by Lieu t. Char- les Johnson to thle see@ne of the mur- der of Edwin E. Willts at 5f,49 Cot- tage Grove avenue thbis aflernoon. Clcbocki continueil b deoy 1the accus- ations. "-Is grother, Josepb, 17 years old, aino ia beld, btnth1e police do not believe 1e was the youtbful mem- ber nf the team. Detetives were sent tursystalce. Ill., today to brlng lia-k a yoth wbo 11s heid ihere as a possible accomplice l. the murder of Wiiits. According to Sherit< MoMNuIlpýn of arayslake, the youth resemnbies Cicb.ockl. He gave a wrong address In Chicago wben questioned. LOANS DURING THlE WEEK TOTAL $379596 -DURING PAST WEEK 108 Instruments Filed During the Week But Loans as a Whole Are Rather Low. DEALS ALL OVER COUNTY. Business of the recorders office for 111< week ending May 29. 1915: Num ber or ransfers. 84. Nuniher of boans. 24. Total n umber of Instruments fOed. Total amount of ioans. $37.596. Business lias heen fairly brisk but ,nans are st ibeow the average. Th. main deats of interest are as folows : In Aniocb township David IeIdier snid tn William Wiimington for a nominal eonideration 22 lots In Wi minglons sUbdivision on Deep Lake. lu Avon township Frederick D. Bat- tersbalI bought a lot on Hawley street In (lrayslake from Bert Boulden for ln Libertyville tnwnship Benjamin Il Miler and A. J. Austin soid a l lu their subdivision to Daniel J. OCon- nor of Chicago for $950 and OConnor rescid ilta oJoseph P. Mecavicli. F. EIdscu White of Amour & Com- pany bougbtth1e 'Kelly tarin of 116 acres lu southwest quarter section 12 for a nominal considerallon and also the Andrew Simpson farts of 80 acres lu southeant quarter secti.on 12 for $10.000. In Wauconda township timer J. Countryman oIf Dixon. I., bought the Jack Raymond farmn of 274.77 scres in sectîns 2 and 3 for a nominal consid- eration. the deed, however. bad $26 revenue stamp attached. stiowing the price 10 1e $26.000. Vedder W. Stone bougbt two lots In 11e village of Wauconda front Ar- thur C. Lueder for a nominal consid- eration. in Highland Park Alion Fuller. Morse hought 10 acresi section 311 east of Sberidan road. Itavinia. from John C. Fleming, Tr., under order of the Cook county circuit court Lililan fluxy bougbt a 50-foot lot on Homewood avenue front Thomas S. Duffy. In Highwnod Claus Dressen bought a lot on Llewelyn avenue from Char-I les . Manahan for $1600 and Axel Johnson hnught two lots on North avenue from Lleweilyn H. Lloyd for $400. In Waukegan John S. Schad and Benjamin Parmalee took title 10 1the norté haîf of t1e Searles' block on Genesee street for $20,000. Charles L. Stafford bnugt from the Joseph Ganeau entats a 40-foot lot on Center sreet for $2.000. Marie Knoblock bongbl three lots on Lloyd avenue from Samuel Yam- polsky. Leu H. and Morris R. Lux bought a lot on Ridgeland avenue near North avenue fromt Martin Lux for a nom- inal consideration. lu North Chicago Etbel M. Gartley bonglt a lot on Sheridan road oortb of Sixteenth street from Editb M. Kingsley for $1.800. The Anti-Toine Chemical Company of Waukegaa ilied a ertificateniflsa change of name la, Waukegan Drug Company with the Main office lu Wau- ELECTRIC IS TO GET STATION IN CIIICAEiO'S 'LOOP' Arrangements Are PraciialIy Completed Permitting lter- urbans to Reach Loop. KINZIE STREET TERMINAL. Deal WilI Surely Carry Where- by Cars.Run From Wauke- gan Into Heart of City. The reorganizatiofl committefi of the Chicago & Ntilwai*ee Eictric R aiiroad have practicaliy tbmpleted n egotiations witb the Northwestern Elevated and the Chicago. Milwauikee si >t.Paul Ratro0Ufur sublease privileges halwi1 ring the eletriQ trains of the interurban lto the city or Chicago 10 the Kinzie street stub of the eievated structure. The plan was ortginaliy held up and js stili indered by the fact tlat banks have flot takien kindly te the road and Insist on unusul rateaufor money, even asking that the bonds hae made 6 per cent. Ban.kerg podted out tbat wth a terminaliln or near the Ioop there wouid be n doqbt about future earnings and flnancilig wo)utd be easy. The train. w.uid cone over the igbt of way whicb the St. Paul has leased to the NôMTwestern eevated f rom Evanston to Witson avenue. and from there over the Northwesterfl's own right et way. Engineers have sbown the commttee thal net earn- loge sbould double with this lraffic arrangement and promise an increase of one-thîrd for the first year the trains reacb the loop. Presiden. Britton 1. Budd of 1the Eievated Railways Company said yes- terday mucb progress had been made. and that in hie opinion the plan would be successful. 'Eventualty, f hetieve, the MUàwau- kee line wil bave the Kinjq,tret stu," bce added. "The imater or equipment ls one of the main proh- lems to1e determtned, but,îlo far there bave been no bitches." It is underslood that the Milwaukfee Electrlc would operate uodep siluilar conditions te tbose governing the Aurora, Elgin and Chcago "ailroad, wblcb entersa1the cty over thebiletro- tiolitan tracks. Sbould Presîdent Wilson declare war the uniform rank oi Knigbts of Pythias of the United States Would respond te is Cati for voluinteers. <enerat W. H. Loomis of Terre Haute bias issued such an order tae1the or- ganization. John flouse, a H-ighland Park po- liceman. Tuesday saw twn maeked Inen holding up a train iust haf a bloc, from the station. He rau fpr- ward, revolver raised, &nd leXrned from the robbers themaelves tibt he was nt needed. TtLsy were ýonly m1oVing picture adtora. LACE WORKERS DE- NY STRIKE; LOCKED OUT, TIIEY CLAIM Assert That They Have Agreed to Return to Work Under the OId Conditions. DISCUSS THE ýtTUAT10N. Claim That It Is Merely an Ef- fort on Part of Concern to Break Up the Union. BULLETIN. Waukcgau. June 2 lhe striking employes of the Marshait Field lace plant of Zion City viewed with much interest the arrivali n Waukegan today of the secretary of h. Amalgamated Laceworkers of Amnerica. The secretary, whose homne la n Phila. rdeiphia. depos ited a few thouaand rdollars in one of the Waukegan banks, doubtiest wth the inten- tion of using il 10 pay benefite 10 the laceworkers who are out oi work as a resuIt of 1he strike. Il la said 1he secretary plans ta re- main here aonme ime if necescary and look after 1the Interests of 1the stri kers. A dplogation of forer 'rniîu,la.viî' of! the Marsatal Field lice plant aI Zion City, ineni alo have hec-n out of em- ployment sînce the lahor dificultieti stsrted. paid a vs lit lu Tite Son office today and volced ilîir grievani-es againgt illeir former employes. SThey delared tlîey are not nul on strîke. but lisse been iockcd out bY the teads of thie concern. Tiîey cay they have sgreed 10 return t10 1he lace tlant under the old workiog ceudi- lion, providlng nl hie men are ta- ken bai-k. but declare th1e firm refuses 10 do so. insisiting upon tàking hack onlv those wslomu they select. Theyý declare luis le an effort on the part ofthie irni 10 break up Ibeir union. "Titec trouble ln 1the frsI place was nul over wages or working hours,- one o!f11e commitîce sald. "Il was mou.tby because of 1the unskillied work- mcii wto wcrc placcd on machines. We dîd îlot strike but iîuply waiked out ln front o!f1the plant 10 talk tlhe situationî over. aftcr wc had heen de- îîîcd tiie opîortunity of talklng inside thie plant. Wlicn we finisiied the con- ference wec lad heen locked out and wcrc not allowed 10 e-enter for three lîourc. Since Iliat ime wc have beeni iocked oit. "We kuow for s fact that an cmt plove of tic plant has soîîgbl wit1in the last fcw days Io gel 1the old Vol- lys employes whio were je1 ouI last Failtecaiise tlîcy would not gel vac- cinated, 10 returu and take our places but they met witb refusais. So far as working ln a non-union shop. we could not do that betause ail the lace plants lun11e country are organizcd. If we were 10 work lu a non-union chop we would 1e Sth11e mnercy of the heads of thal plant 1e- cause we could not secure employ- rment lu a union plant. Itlaisoniy a mater of principle with us.' Tlîe commitice deciarcd fumher that corne of tlie men who have been imported fromt otiier cilles 10 work ln their plaices tisse relurned home when they lcarned of 1the conditions.1 Gibert Brown, tDavid Muir and John Lumaden. ail of Paîctiogue, N. Y., aer soute of Ihose, îlîey say. who have e- lîîrned home. So far as any of their own number returaing 10 work le con- cerîîed they say titis Isot true. D. L. Nogle and Henry RiebI wbo were aragned in court in Waukegan this moroiog on a charge of baving calied names aI corne of those work- ing eItue lace plant, were dismissed with a warning no1 10 repeat the of- fense. COUPLE WEDDED; LEAVE FOR NORTII Waukegan, June 2. Nrs. Louise Bairstow Strickland of Iis city and John McInnes of Duluth, were married 11hs aflernoon aI 1the home of Dr. Johnson. Only a few relatives and frlends weme preseot. Mrs. Strickland la 1the daug1ter of Mr. sud Brs. Jowitt Balrstow of Ibis city, and is well known sud popular, having lived here most of ber life. Mir. NMcbnnes Is a grain broker of Du- luth and a brother of Mrs. Dr. Gour- ey. Dr. Oourley and lis wife were the coutles attendants aI 1the wed- ding. Rev. Ganster offIciated. They wili leave tonight on tbeir honeymoon and afterws.rd wiil retura 10 the home oi Mr. Monnes ait Du- luth,- PRESIDENT'SENVOY TO ýMEXICO RETIJRNS Duv1lWust. Duval West, cf San Antoni1b r'exas, President WiIaon'a latesl spo. tilenvoy sud observer ilu Mexico, a now in Washington where 11e ai- -ived a few days ago trorm Vers Druz, and la canferring with the ot- Sciala cf th. Blute department sud ;he presideut. Tis pictume of hiu va& made ainh i urn. IJIREE PATIENTS ARE ORDERED CON= MITTED TO ELGIIN The Three Cases Were Tried at One Time in County Court TWO RESIDE IN WAUKEGAN. One of the Patients, Deerfield Man, Made Threats of Vio- lence, It Was Claimed. WaVukegan. June 2. Threc ppc-luI., wo men and a wom an, were trîed for their sanity in County court in Ivaukegan ibis moro- ing and ail ufthilîi were.odered com- mitted lu 11e iîivaîî asylum at Elgin. Two of thelatienu-ts reside lu WaLuk@- gan and thic hiri lives in Dýe@rffld. Only une jury Na.s impanneiied 10 try ailtlhree of the cases. The muaI scrious case was that o! Thomas Laiî. :;7 ycars old. or Deer- field. Be was a farmer and la said 1 0 h a v e i a e î r a t s a g a i n t 1 1 i f e of bis s+r and uuso ia said 10 bave threaten l1e coîld hum down 1the barn,.lBe slmwavbac been estrlncd hefore 1e has cirried any of hic threals ltonexeeilion. The evidence showed that 111v religlous tendencles are pronouncel sud 11151 1e ia proue 10 worry consiuturblil. 1He bas fonds and goestu Elginiase a privale pa- tient. The eidure showed insanily in 1the famiiy as tIle vIdtima father bad liadt1the saine sîlment. Another case was Ihat ot*'Mrs. Lou- Ise oison of \aikegau. She ls 69 years old. Whiie 11r actions are flot 'or a violent nature liem relatives said ber actions aboutl the bouse convlnc- ed tbem sie il îîf sound mnd. She was sent luElii as a private pa- tient. The tiîird paienlt was thal o! John Kanta, 42 veirs ld. also of Wause- gan. lie has i-iln subJect to epieptic fls for couic 11111e and Il waa tesi- lied that hc bias .hown symplema o! insanity allhiiîiîlb11eneyer became violent. LEGISLATORS VOTE FOR A BOO11T IN SALARY. Springfield, 111,, June 2.-lMembers of 11e bouse werp kind 10 tbhemsclves today and passcd both t1e bibI ai)- propraling $26.270.18 10 eimburse tbemselves for îieir aiboad tares between Iheir hornes and Springfield and the Moore bill, iuceasiug their salaries from $2,40in, te$1.500 a ses- sIon and wilh nîleage ai 10 cents a mile for one trip. The mileage bill went tbroîîgh wilb an ememgency clause by the vole of 112 to 10, al members nol vulîng. Il bas already passed 1the scuatu-, soa1the money will 1e avaliable as suon as the gôvernor igusathe bilt.' The bouse blli was given a vote of 99 10 45 and now lias 10 un 11e gaunt- let in th1e senale. The increase could no1 become effective unlil 11e legisla- turceeercd lu 1916 convenes. The bibls or C. A. Young ni South îChicago requiriug 1the shemiff of ev- ery counuy 10 kecp two blod hounds was kiled, greatly 10 1the disappoint- ment of varionîs breeders oi 'four. fooled sleuths,' who wlll 1e out of a job. Madesenis 1bill for woking mens compensation fîînds and Hamluns bill1 10 requin- birlb reports withln ten daysalaso were kilied. POUR PAGES. ENGINE DRAGIS A FARM IIAND INTO MOVINGi MACIIINERY Man's Clothing Catches in FIy- Wheel and Is Dragged Into MovingMachinery. IS RUSHED TO HOSPITAL.ý Is Taken to the Jane MoAlister Hospital Suffering From Badly Mangled Limb. A. G." Weisnt, a farm hand, îles In lbhe Jane McAlistcr hospilal in a crîti- cal condition as a resuit of bai ing his line engine pump. Weiant has lîeen worlcing for corne Ilme on t11e Doonely farmn near .Ib- erltyvilie snd Tuesday afternoon while lie wss re pairing the gasoline englue 1ha1 drives 1the pumîls hI, ilotbcc 11e- ,campcentangled In the machiinery and mîa n ged be fore lie was rescued. lie says that lie doues not remember anything, lut 1te fact that 11e had reacheil up abo e 1the engine tu shut s ofr th1efilet Sîîuply sud Ibat 11e was dragged i10 1the plit under th1e engins arong thli moi ing machine ami tention of t11e other workmnen on t11e farm andl 111<y slîîiped th1e engins and dragged hlm from lîeneath IL Dr. Nart In of Libertysille was caîl- ed. At th1efitrst glance lie routd tell tlîst ln order lu save 1the man tbey muset rusbh Iim to a hocîîitsl and se- cordlngly an ambulance was sent for lu Waukcgan. By telephoning ah ead Dr. Martin had ail lu readntncss for hic patient ai th1e Jan e EAlister hospital and wben 1the man arriveil 1e wag lmmed. iateiy rushed to th1e operatin, table where for an hour Dr. Barkcr work- ed oser hl1M. it was dIscovered that hecides an ugiy cut on t1re chIn Weiant was suf- .feriug froni a very badly crusbed and mangled limb. MAY MANDAMUS THE MAYOR TO S16N PAY ROLL 0f EMPLOYES Commissioner Dietmeyer Says He WiIl Take This Action if MayorDoesn't Sign. THE SITUATION 15 UNUSUAL. Mayor Says He Hasn't the Right-Bulkley Says Courts Give Him theRight. Waukegan, lune 2. Mfayor Pearce on Tuesday Inforin- cd Charles WKorack. secrctary of 1the <brîl service cormmission, thal 1e wotild niot clan111e payroll of clty emoloyes for th1e la nt half cf Ntav 1e- s1.50 PER, YEAR IN ADVAN4UK ALLEGED POISONER ON TRIAL FOR LIFE Rir Mis. Cynthia Bufasun. Charged wth murdarîn by slow poison severai members io11r f an- ,ly and attempting tu kil1the others in order that she xight gatiaffy an illiciti love, Mrs. Cynthia Buffon la au trial for her lie for th1e second time st Saismanca, N. Y. At tb& fini trial Mrs. Buffoin was fouid i g1filty. The case was appealed aud a new trial odered because a conf os. sion of bis. Buffoni, which she muade -mid thon repudiat.d, waa admtted in ARRESIT TIREE MEN FOR BE6i6INfi; WIFE BEATERIN TOILS Three Men Arrested Tuesdayl 'Night for Begginci and Scar- l ing Women and Kiddies. ANOTHER WIFE BEATER. Thomas Holland Is Released After He Promises to Sup- port Wife and Be Good. Waukegan, June 2. Three men were arrested Tuesday night for begging on the streets. On th1e Complaint of A. J. Burton thre men who gave ibeir names as W. P. B4own, Wm. B. (Irisson and Wsn. Newman were arrested at tihe corner of Sheridan road and Water streel. where they had been standing mnst of the afternoon and evenIng beggino9 money fromt people passbng aI those corners. Nîr. Burton ssid Ibal 1e had seen them approach several people and that they had apîîroached him asbing for mnney. They wcre In an Intoxi- cated condition and frlghtened ses'- erai womenii Afier' watching 111cm a short limel Burton called tip the îpolice headquar- SUSPECTS IN MUR' DER CASE WORKI3D AT IIIGliLANDPARK Were Employed at Northwest- ern Military Academy-Had Stolen Gin, Is Report. ON WAY TO WISCONSIN. There They Expected to Re- sumne Their Work for'the Samne Military Academy. John and At. Coleman, lwo of the tbhe usectsln 11e murder of Thomas, Nlorrison. the Reondeut de- tective. are said ta 11e Highland Park men. At leasl il Is satd they bave been employed there some tume. They heid aL position at the Northwestern Mlitary academy, When Ibis Inati- tution was burned te 1the ground tbey found theniselves out of employment and decided ta go 10 Laie Geneva. wbere tbey expected ta secure am,- pioyment at 1the summer quartera of th1e aeademy on the shores oif1the lake. Out of funds, ihey are said ta have heen beatlng their way. An italian resideut of i-ighwood. who delanes 11e knnws about the men, becauso they romed with hlm -while there. says tbey t00k a revolver froin 1h. arsenal of the military academy b.- fore starting nul on Ibeir tripi. Altbougb 1the autborlties have imade every possible effort 10 lncite 1the Coleman brothers. bnping ltat lIey i miglît 1e able ta cast soins ltht on Ithe murder. their efforts Up tu th. preseuttlimne have been without ayall. The fact that th1e men lived lu 181g- land Park for a lime may be valu- a-bie lu establisblng tbeir Identity ln case they are located. The murder of M.%orison was one of 1the mnst brutal that ba% tak;en Pl ace ln Lake county ln a long tlim and th1e authorities are bendiug .very effort ta locale 111e guIty parties. 0 Wauloegan Io"a. Mr. Ganster sud soni,Wlii.wU ta Chicago Monday tu sAbe Kr. - ster who la getting on very fllCOIn i St. Lukes bospital. Her rscOVMUI7 i being marked witb unusuIlal sl i~de- cording to heit physlcianz. la t. she looka much baller now tbhm be. fore she went through th1e orde&i. The condition of John Gregg of lte Morrow fiats nn Sheridan road, la somewhat Improved. Mr. Greg bau been an engineer ounlte E. J. & 3. rallroad for seime time. A few dage ago 1e was stricken witb boort trouble for soine lime. Plans are under way for th.eoe> 1larging of t11e Belvidere sht ou«I, vert which long bas been 50 avo tbat t1e oadway was Inadequate au th1e sidewalks have b"d to b. a"s doned, causiog pedestrians to waF& la th1e road portion. CoiMmisioner DWbt 1meyer bas been considering th1ezut.- caus 1e anuaiapprpritio bas ters.1efoalngim.H ba aru- 001 yet Iîeen made and theme le a def- , 'ea T w-sh nrldl 11 cn d City Engineor DauBUt ta pvtola' cl of $10.00 ln city funds. When sud five minutîes afler Burton lodged ethe necessary planâanauj peiàeallof tommissioner Dietmeyem moved that t1e cumîspint 1the mien were sa'fely and lthe womk la b«189 doOe ai lb. the payroll 1e allowed, subjecî 10a1the locked behind the bars in11e celle present lime. The City onginus' ha approval of th1e civil service commis- of the police station. absout couipleted th lb. lanMd bhW rion, Mayor Pearce and Commîsaloner Muat Take .Rlodge. work wiliI>lie 10 figure the cool; ftlite Swayer cast negative voles. The e Thomias Holland gels intoxicated mrv en.t oilher tbree members of th1e council again and abuses bis wife lie w-llbe 11e impromet Fc n Urno 'i voted affirmatively and 1the motion sent 10 thse Couoty jolilta work outIton aneicare nd itildrmn f uM - waq declared carrled. a fiue of $50 sud cosîs. tnaeu r iîiEvi u Before the salaries co1e bpsid Lt Tu.esday nighl Holland wa Fred Larson of Cedar Rapide. la. however. it ts nccessary for 11e may arrastel on 1the comrlaint of hic wife Joe MeMahon. a nepbeo f ira. Bd. or 0 sgo 11 parol. ic ltiud who told Police Magistrale Taylor Sauter of Waukegan, died Sunday lu of Tuesdsy night woutd i Ibale h& that bier busband woîilîigel drunk at Chicago of heart failure. He Waa wel 11e does nul Inleud 10 do Ibis. a nearhy saloon theni corne home and lumow-n lu Waukegan. 1the Meliabos "The salaries should lie 1aid ta em- beat liem and that lie refnaed ta 50p- faitly hciug former residents ni lb. Ployes bv Thursday or Friday of this port, her. City. week,' NMr. Diclmeyer declared. "If Accordiug ta1the police. Boiland Is Word was received bare Plday ai th1e mayor dues nul stan 111e payroil an obd ofender sud has been arrested th1e death of Ml-s. W. R. Renal, of by 11e end o! ibis week w- will taire séverail imes for Intoxication and Shreveport, La., niece of Mma. T. Wa. ouI mandamuîu proceedings and com- crealiog a dieturbance. Thîsis 111te Mri iIi iy n ~ywi lîcl hlm hy court order t0 igu 11e fimt lime 10wever Ihat is wife per- Mri fii iy n eywi îîsyroll. le lias no legal rght 1a bob(? sonably made 1the complaint. 'inowo 1ta11e people of Wauksgan 1e- up 1the payrol lu Ibis manner. But He told th1e court that w-heu 11e was cause of ber numerous visita bOre ai thal 1 Ihink lie bas been mtsinform- Intoxicated 11e was not responsible for 'wIth ber aunt every summar. She diosi ed aud ivili change bis mind sbomtby 1151 lie did and asked th1e Ieinecy vm u about nul signina 111e payroii." of 1the court. Judge Taybor fined hum vr udeuly tram beart trouble ac- The mayo rnu refusing to sigo 1the $50,00 aud costa and alIow-ed 1the fine cOrding la 111e vire received by Mmra payroll expressed th1e belief tbat the ta stand In1the event that 11e is ever Morrisi. Mme. Morris was 001 able ta City cannot psy off any More obliga- arested gel away tn aitted11 ue lions ountil afler the appropriation or- Holiand then promiaed to take endMao Hwsbrthedroveor ito dinance has been passed. pedge and was gis-en is liberty. Arm Mao - khrtdoeoe rs Corporation Counsel BulkIey de- lu armiMr. and Nrs. Hoiiand 1sft the11eriwbbsstf emr. Nis . oni o tHck i-ares Ihat the court decions have station for their home. ilry hisîreet1eris eraToi ofaHl* lîel Iha a ity ay cntrcl dbîsfor th1e Westinghousîe Auto Supply durina 1the frs quarter of a fiscal D 'fIJI F>~I( brancîh at Detroit. year s0 long as t1e appropriation or- tý uIIU J~ ajnrAo .Sihmae11 oSr dinance Is passed wilbln that period Rlai dayO addSreV.Sm ithaadahe amo uftlime. These Items o! expense. 1e P>tVIaVl ( lIC day drsatWuoaonM - said, may 1e added 10a11e appropria-. CITY I15 I IÀRS DIES ay lion and t1e proceedlng ls perteclly_____ pnîld.1.,Jn 1-oao legaIn telw atate-Dailcy w-on a flibti ltheb. »tuat. - 'et.hee is orelateiawl. e- Mrs. Andrew Redmood. w-ho far 15 day lu behaîf of 1the pbeaMur lbor- le.'11e aorsal. - years lias been a reaideut 0f Waukie- men wben 11e poc ured téadcpos 'No. but I cao uuote yuu court de- gan, died inluier home late lest niuit. of an amnedment 10 lb.eit an»d cîshous un the mater' re plled Mmr. Nirs. Redmond. who was 76 years bill1 pertsbulclg ta fisbiug vitibL c Blley. of age, bai been 1b1 for 111e past year alnd ine ah ail liu inO tlb n0oiU JusI how t11e malter vilI turnouot andiil w-sa not believei that she vould uPon lte aise ni the 0d ltaI U« lie it le bard ta say. but with Iheir sal- live.through tho Summer. Icaugh attsmno.Tt eae scis eIdupIl s xpclei het11<. She Meata Ibis iîy 15 years aga a sapDeal for tho adoptfl ot .mal] rmy o! cily empoyes will from Libertyvlle. hoeaedu u b rta ~ feel rather discontnted. Mrs. Redmonti leaves a liusband mosI of lbt. iah itoakedl in Ibis uBa-'M and three çhildren. Mre. Edward Sal- uer w-nuid lIf titravu baek lae,* Theodore Dunn, who holdo' s paol- mon, Mrs. M. Hayes andi Vincent lRed- vater and as a coasorvalba iS j floionl a coilege in the state of North moud. Hem son condîlcts a barber lion lbhelimtlng airltheaise of ('arolina. Is viiting frientis and eba- shop aItue corner oifi3eidere andi caugbt on bQocksan"i luewum Itlvea bere. -- . Gonesse atre-sl. okje1, <~Mma Charlotlte V. Gulick. Camp Pire guardians tram aU 1the aurroundirig states wiil recaîve in- struction b Ithse lro f th.casp a a mieeting to be held at BaIlle Creek MLieh., June 3-10. Dr. A.-H. Gulick an:ý Ni, Charlotte V. Gulick, foundcrs end he"aof thse The Camp, Fin Gis. wl have active charge. of hw unisa,1 12 -R eicent. EED WN 0Fr for the el moati follova: 36; Mc- P ta th1e 5, aI tbe lîendent 3 an fle mision- ($50.00) or eachl là Clerk. 1915. June 4. Sthe liaI retamenîi tend the- listheue, n l'Skee.,ý Df A.Kusi ifed eul .sUt lfr., une il JJ.LMMLII.L n a s 0v 0 0 h p m ti b u a e a p t d d y d 0 9 t Il f

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