CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 12

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[TY1 WilI Arrive Within Next Few Days-to Organize the Lat- ter Part of Month. MLEN TO BE LIEUTENANT? Expected That H. E. Olsen WiII ~Be Appointed to Highest Po- sition in theCompany. Within the next tew days it ls ex- 4bOted confidently that orders wiii be roceived fromn the adjutant generai te prcceod with t ho plans of organizing a brandh of the naval roservos lu Waukegan. The resI organisation yl net take place uill the latter part cf Juno, as the battery oquiprount viii ant ho meved eut for sevoral days as a place te store il at Fort Sheridan must hc previded. When the orders te organite are received it ln expecied there vili be a tuather order appointing Boatîvain H. E. Olsen ns lieutenant cf th e rm pany, tis being the tille asslgued te the commandlng oficer. The elect- ion of the ollier officers prbably iill take place at the first meeting. Felcvwing are the officers as iiey wiii be lectod, One lieutenant. One lieutenant, Junior grade. Twco nsigns. - One boatsvain's mate, first class. Onu monter at armas, second ciass. Onu boatswain's mate, second clans. One gunuer's mate, second class. Onu& quaennaslor, thîrd cans. Tva mudicians. Onu coavain fer overy 20 soamren. Thirty seamen ls the minimum num- ber under vblch the. oulstment must not lat. Eighty seamen te the maxi- naum nunibor. Il la believed there uauls5siu e1151à5 A i'5 1 section of town. Itlis expected that the buiding wiil be startdason as possible. FINE PROGRAM 18 RE-NDERED.1 Last evenlng ai tbe Progrens club house occurred the last meeting of the N. C. L. C. A. of the year, and t proved le be a mont Interestlng one. The business meeting was occupied wih lplans for the Ice cream social wich the club will give neit Tuesday evening on the city bail lawn. Af er the business was couciuded a mcst interestlng summary of the yea's worlc vas read bIt Misa Beulab Keith. The summary had been pro- pared by Mies Margaret O'Keeto, whoj was hol present and inclfild also an outioocito the "dawning et a por- fot day," which tihe anIser propis- sied for thse auxiliary. The paper was lu Mise O'Keefe's best style and was listened te witb Intense Internet. MlIss Ward ln ber owu charflng way tban'<ed the girls for their ce-opera- lion durlug thse year saddsrged upoal I tbem talîtulueste the vont as il wvIIIli e resumoed next tait SIe has paovod SrsoIt a mont omptent chairman. baving ris»ed but on meet- lng, and having directud viti marked succeas many Important unterpriaus. lu a guessiug cetesl, Miss Margaret Doyle vas tbe lucky winner et the frst prize and Miss Katiserine Drnry cf second. The Misses Myfe Kol aud Elote Rudol dellghtfn4 oenter- iained wilS a violin duet as di Miss moee Scuman witb an Instrumental selecîlon. Dalnty retresismeuls vere served by lise Misses Nelsoni, Miidred fludde, Beulais Keth and Mrgaret Cohl. There la a gonral feeling of pride and satisfaction lu regard ln the N. C. U C. A. and a feeling tisaI tise gcod vont begun by lisetavili be evon moe succesatuliy carriedon anoîber year. There ls ne icubt but visaI Iis club la a permanent part ot the lIfe et Norh Chicago. NORT I lUILA00 1 IUNITED STATES The. Pregrous club baIl tea expect ta Set Ihfeir new suite nomu ime Ihis vet. They are trylng le arrange a gae for lis. Fourth cf Juiy aI tise big pelebraticu at Fonsapark. 'Mni. and Mns. George Neson, vis bave bues sp.ndiug lb.evintur la (laliforula, yl returu tote 51home boresome lime l in h seer future. North Chcago maie the finest shtovlng et any uchocilu Inre ceunly Balurday, 'carrylug away Ïwo dirgi pri-les, oeeIla vitiug aud eue Ilaspeli. lut. boraine Deacon von ItrsI prise a gol medal, for vrltiug. sud Doris Dunakin yen trtinluspelllug. Mclii are studeta at th. nov Ceatral seheol sud bot are et thu 11h grade, North t Chiomgo aving n ti Iis year. Tlh. Ivto girls are striclly the pied- naet lte North Chicago achocîs. Lýor- aine Deaccu attended the North sciioci untIl Iis yean and Dria Dun- akin vent Ibrougi thlitirât grade at the. North sohool tisua moved into lth. SeuIlh district and atloaded lb. South achool utUl ti, year, vison the vas transfurs to the nuw Central achoci. LacreitInledue tu Mr. Kspey. h1 principal ofthlie Centralilael fer tise lue ehovinsumaeI aturaary. Tii Northi Chicago as hbave ai- vays mae a gond ahewlug lu lbese ccunty contens. Two years ago vheu the contensa ers alartsd lb. North scisoci won tirât prize lu vritlug sud last yean lb. South achool won sec- ond prize lu spelling, Aud nov ltae new Central scisool gels tvo unIrs. Ourn boys sud girls as vel as our un- torprising ciioens are helplug le put North Chicago on the map. The ahcwiug made by the boys and girls at Lihrtyvîlle Salurday vas a -credl te 15te Lakte couty achools. Tour correspondent pronouuced lise Word* lu the speling content, and aI- theughbcb didn't grade the vrlten vWont be dld hear lhe oral. There vore about 30 contestants aud escis vure gives 75 vrllteu vords and Ion oral. Out ot the 300 oral vends pro- sounei lets Ibsu 20 ver. misapelled sud &atI imuier lb.e ecilemunt of a content. A flue, sbowiug iudeed. Doris Dunablu, the vinner eut ot 85 written andioral varda. mlssei one sud that .vas te vord complemeut, vblcis bas Ivo meanlugs and tva spellings. Onu speled l ihb sud e and lb. other viit au . The mâan- iug vas givonnso lbe vord vas. called. vroug. 1 vlsb lb.eipeople who tell about the great épelers et 50 yeari ago ceuld bave huard lbuse boys snd girls spelli 15.1Saturday. The 6,0 bond Issue for a ucu sciiel-elob.henerth sude caried by a big msJenty Balurday ateruoon. Tii. voeu as 153 ton aud 8 sagalt ThiIs eaf that a uuv sohool viii bel bulil tI&isosmmen ou tise noth aide. Tlsoomtioz viii bu lu lhe vicliîy ai (%»r" aaruai on lithtrent. "eb.mcml Id se people vere not la tav'wof e puttlza u addition on the old buildinag os lith treet but yene WÂSIIES IANS OF TUE LEPROSY CASE1 If in Country He Cannot Be De- ported lintil German Steamers Resume. STATE I$ TO INVESTIGATE. State Board Secretary De- clares tnquiry WiII Be Made Into How Lunardi Left. Fedenal officiais annouuced Monday tisat lisegovernmeal isalirougb vilS Augela Lunardi, Highland Pan's pet dizappearlng leper, at east until the fortunes cf van change te an exteul te permit tise oeratlln et German lransatlautic lhues. If Lunardi bas hoon nescued by bis frlends sud put on board a ship bouni tor Itshy, lhuy salO, the, gaveruiment wI-i ho spared tise trouable of deperl- lng hlm. Lunardi vas valcbman aI lte Exmoor Couny Club utlS last Jtnuary, vhen il vas iiccvrei he vas a luper. Arrest.d on Feb. 23. Ho vas arested on a varrant is- sued isy tise immigration auMtiiles ou Fub. 23 and ou MarcS 2 b. vas given a hearlug on depertation charges. il developed tbat bis IuProBy isad developed trota causes exlsting prier te hi sarîval lunlis. United States ou may 31, 1913. He hsuded ln Ne vYork. cemiug on the Norths Ger- man Lloyd steamer, Koeng Abert. On Apil 2 Dr. P. L. Prentte. chiot immigration tnspector, recelved fromn th deparîment of labor an arien et depertation agaînal Lunardi. Action le Ouf.rmed. The onder, on accotant 9f var condi- lions, carrted Instructions la doter act- ion an bls returu, and Lunardi vas ru- miS vaE 115(51&0 OWN RED IN CAR FOR IIOSPITAL TRIP John Gregg, an Engineer, Is Shown Keen Consideration by the 'J.' Railroad. HE HAS A SPECIAL TRAllN. Engine and Two Cars Consign- ed to His Services as He Returns to Joliet. Waukegan, .lune 8. A .3pecial train on the E.. J. & E. ilrond today vas provided for one etf the rallroad's dtck engineurs ln or- der te convoy lmti and his family, as well an their househeold effects fromt Waukegnn badi tol their former homo ln Joliet. The popjularlty oft he man vas evi- denced by the gatherlng at the depot athcy vere placed abeard the train etf qome 60 mens who cheered as their lcit tellew svrkman vas lifted inIe lise coachi. The man lai question was John Gregg. a *J. exsgineer, vho has beun alois for soime ttnod whose coni-. tion lalely liad not been IMPreving as ha4 been deslred. Accordlngly, it watt deemed ndvisable te bave hlm laiton back te Jliet, is nid home. and te 1." officials helped hlmgEt there ln a most splendid mannur. Tbey furnishtzd a special englue and train crew, they turnisiieu a box car for bis goeds and a ceach fer hfimself and lis vite. Erect B.d la Car. And, te make tbings more easy for the 50-mle trip down the ue, il vas arrs.nged lte have Mr. Greggas evulied erected ln the car. Se, vbiie the asat cf is offects vere being lakýn te the car h' was placed on a cet snd the bed -proper vas laktelutheedepot where Ilvas set up lu the car. There- fore. when thse Larsen &-HIollsd am- bulance arrlved wllln Orogg lu Il, he was ifIed f tom te ambulance Ie the car amld lise disers of hi. trieuda vise bade hlm geodbye. Gregg Ilfted ishand weakly and badte thorm gond- bye as tisey expressed lu sincere vords their hope that bo veuld socs regain bis heaitis and ho bacit at lb. thicttle. Titus. vhen afl vas ready. Grugg gave the signal vhich vas cariled uabead le the engîneer and the train pulied nway. il Seing eue cf h. mont unusuai procedures sud departures tromn the ciîy et a resident that bas been noted lu years. Gregg la onuet the met pcpular meu ou the reai and i frienis bave been much concerned over bis condi- tiou, vhich, Il ls hoped, vIl I mprove afler ho ls talion tutulbheJoliet bea- pilI. ýONE 0f SMALLEST WEEKS IN REAITY DURIN4i THE YEAR Last Week Saw Loans Total-' ing But $10,000 ini Lake County Real Estate. $150,000 DEAL IN H. PARK. Minor Deals in Varlous Parts of the County but No Large Sales Were Reoorded. Business of the ecrder's cilIefor the yee'î eading Juta. 5, 1915: Numbur oetIransfers, '7. Number cf lbans, 1. Total number of intrumenta fbled, leasoil en bis ovu recognîssuce. Dr. Preulîs -notifled' Highland- Park -ofi- o, Total ameunt cf leana, $10,033.12. claie, v o ot thu luper fuiecustody. Thi an ba ouathe quletest veek af 'w'Even If Luniardi sisould tutu up lise yuaan sd Icansare tl hgitest again the goverumoul vciald fmot ar- lu aver a year. Onu bg dasi et lu. resI hlm." Dr. Prentis sai. lereat vas Bled. Adoipis j. Lioitira - eof Chicago. bougbt about 45 acres on ORDERS INVESTIGATION,.lise laite shore lu Higblandi Park jutt Springfield, Ill., Junu 7.-(Bpectal.) norla of tise couty IUe, fron theb -Dr. St. Clair Drake. secrets:? cf tise Doiner and Pulles estates, for a state board et hoaltS, ordr.i su lu- nominal cosldratian, but ilamps lu vestigation today te learn 5ev Angelo the &Moutnt ot $150 vere aSisi lu lb. Lunardi, tise eper et Hiablani Park, desi, sbovlug cousideratlon lu b gel out cf jli Ihere. Heuaise vanta d'et' $160,000. le Se sure thal Lianandi rualiy bas ta- . ther dsaia cf Interest anas. fol- keou a ahip for italy. loyal lad Atlocb tovnshsip Cari le ucller * Orîgin uofmiilk ndutry. beugst ft m i. Il. Hoyradt part Bi11 Whs tiret made by Si-LAis ofettise soulheast quarter section 7 for et Boan-TI, empenon cf ChIns, 3000 7,200,. B, C. Among thu Greits, Ailototie lu Grant township, Ida A. snd Char- (384-322 B. C.) la the tiret w"o Mn-lu. J. Arbogat botaght s lot lu Nin- lieu IL. It vas uat mtif A. ). 5"0 Sovover, 1h51 Il bogan te b oultivatei Permiag Club subilvision for a nom- In Bss'op@. tlb. grat eqgs botag tba 1tal 115ii*iUiL br.ugbît norn hla by s»Ma mousIn. Wanoeuia tovu".p W. A. Goàe jboulet 40 screz lu northbestfuater la 'VIIagh -0f Deerfield, Malade H BraY beuX b. loo o ontstreut 0F WAUKEMANDIES fr ont Charlo tte L .ois on al frc Ilî . IN B K U U IM L Ï N . Y 000. 5 In Lte Bluff, William J. Rattij O bouoht thç Butaa property ou ltaotne, avelie, .n ear the laite, for Word Received Here That Rev. $8,000.1 Iu Waêugas, William S. Keith Dr. Jesse B. Thomas Is Dead boughe tbgtU lots lu the odO Lansing at the Age of 83 Years. subdtv1siW 'ou Northb:avenue fromt Samuiel Sch*arts for a nominal con- WAS A BAPTIST MINISTER. sidetratioà n.' Myrtie C. Stahi bought the Hans Hanses oPMiY ,en Lucia avenue for Pastor of the Waukegan Bap- Church at the Time It Was Being Buit. TWO I<~ ÀRMWord bas been received bors of the ÇOIS L SED; AÀRE Burgess Thomas, theeloglia N EA t AUKEiAN' Stabý a gd C oirsilancunco Ivo im- Portant fana dea4 near Waukogau. clidMasl-si The' 0. Pioufatamon Grand of Wal'îegan te David- general manager of lbhe,; *illiug Company et Rcndoutt; " manager of 'the Arcady larmase of-,rIdu eeker. Ho plans crectlig,.sola fiie' buildings on the farm sud' -r% -iise lboroughbred borses' snd eatîle. There are 153 Acre~s ud it scid for $126 an acre, or a ecnsideratji&u of about $19.000. The second salIe was taI et 80 Acres eutlb. John Heplug farma just imset of Wspitegan on the Dugdale read. adioiuiublorth Chicago. This farm brouglt 1200 an acre. The pur- chasse s la fl Pilsgerald. a mau con- nocîcO vwith A Chicago banit. Ho aIse Intends ma»kjcg many lmprovuanents ou the Plae, TIwssday Froy saturd* y -I - minister and a practicIng attorney ln Chicago ln the early '60s, snd pastor o fthe First Baplist chureh lunXau- kiegan at the tînne the prusent struc- ture vas belac built. Dr. Thomas, vise vas 83 years aId, ls remembered hy many cf the eider citizens ln Wau- kegan alheugb the present geuera- tien nover kuew hlts. Dr. Thomas became pastor of the local BaPtist churcis on Nuvember 30. 1862, and remaliaed bore until Augurl, 1864. During the lime ho vas hure the vorli et building the church was underlaken but vas net conîpleted at the lime ho loti. At Brooklyn vhere ho died, ho vas pastor emeritus of the; Baptist temple. Dr. Thomuas was bore at Edwardsville, MI., the son or a Justice' of the Sulîreme court erthIis state. Afler practicing law lu Chicago for a time. Ibat 1s, belveen lthe years et 1857 and 18G2, ho entered lhemliatry, sud at dîtterent limes heid pastorales; He was at one Miun a professor lu N4ewton Theological institutà auIl wrote msny books on religicu opi He 15 survived by lb. widow and four children. s?13Dl{ IN, AUTO RURAL CARRIERS Mar8hal iuHran of Deerfmekd (iET A RAISE JULY aa Wing, Hlghland Pk. FIRST IN THE U. S. on. day receully Maishal George Herman et Deerfldli 5w an auto cota. ilg. tbtougia 1he village ai floglnulng JuIy 1. 1916, tise compen- 1aip hc asdhmt ePO sation et escis rural lbIter carrier tor i ooncead iecf»frI a route et Iveuiy-teur miles sud over. vaa raiaing a Cd of et awvicb lu- six days lu tise vek.shailho 1 1,200 dcliat.asd per aunum, payable monlhly; ou roules îvenîy-tvo miles sud lestan ,ssu odfer Hlgblad Park tbree lventy-four miles, $1,152; on roules Teda rvus iagllgces Ivouty miles and huas than Iveuly- but li e ý 01. AI luttise car luom- Ivo miles, $1080; on routes eIghteesu mintôI Higland Part sud Herman miles and less than lvonly miles. kept ifter il, up aud dovu oee areet $960; on routes iloon miles sud hugs sud suother. mai17, laudlng ln front tlisn elgisteen miles. $840; on routes Of b ol.aithe '-mcrigbI tourleen miles and legss ISsusixteea viaure 35.IU258Whted Il lu *top. miles, $720: ou roules Ivelve talles "l've gel blà.nov." muaed Herm aînd legss lian tourleen miles, 1672; as h. lespeditos bI hs machin. mai ou roules Ion. miles aud basgsSsu n usised op tle1i#u driver of the auto. Ivwelve mlles, $024; on routes elibI Thoru. tapon tmotry, bu touai that mIles and leue tisu ton miles. $576, the drlftr, ne ther than Chiet on routes six miles sud legs anulghtt cf PoliCe W4 of Highlaud Park. mliles $5Z5; ou roules four milesansd The D..'ftld Marshal ls a aev man logs tisan aix miles, $480, A rural ounlise lob'tbegetore vas net acqualul- carrier dbrvlug eue tr-veetly route .d vitb bis uesl-ost ne.l ghbor-mta l. ssallbe pald ou tiseisasîs for a route Did bu puteShlm? Weuld that bu oue-laItl te lenglis of tise route serv- etiquette? Net barily. ed hy hlm, and s carrier serving Ivo The lucideqt ensaisi ngbt theu 1li-veetîy routes sallitho psu on lte vien lise Iv. ofilcevi*hoo haida imai fer st4oute oet eu-baf cf the sd tormei liseur rt acquaintance. comlilued lijagtho h etisei routes: îîrovldod, tisaI, lu the discretion orts lise poJ(tmaster general, the psy cf serve thelr ovs relal4s net lesa 15* carriers vso turnisît and malulalu fifty miles lu longth May buo gled aI thier ain meter vebîcies sud vise net oxceedlpg 81,800 pur, annuta. A Phenomenal Clearance of ail Sprîng Cloth M lSÛRt From what the original prices were you now save exactly haîf on any silk or cloth sq3it in our stock. For instance, the $25 handsome green silk suit you admired you can now buy for $12.50, sinch bargains as these ail through our stock. Au, sûfts Priced to Clear -I ~U priée ou Use ."Éa This tremendous sacrificing has neyer been known to take place before in our histor at this advartce date. We are going to sleil every suit here in the next three days. Sizes for ail size women. Seo our display window for specimen values, FABRICS: CO 3~: Gaberdines Beliln Poplins Copenhagen Serges rlavy Checks 'Sand Fancy Putty Checks New Grays Noveîty Black Weaves Green Coer a ns $22.50 SIJITS et ONE HALF $25.00 SITS at, "FE tIALF $2 7.00 SUITS at ONE I1ALIÈ $30.00 SUITS et ONE BAIF $32,50 SUITS et"ONE, IALF $3500 SU ITS at ONE HiALE $40.00 SUITS at ONE BALIF $45.00 SUITS et ONE tIALF I ý ý jl - 3Sééthe -Ma1fOff Window Disp1a7 EIlXPECTrED IN Ci $10.00, SUITS at ONE HAIF $12'50 SUITS at ONE HAIF $14;.00 SIITS at ONE HAIF $15.00 SIJITS at ONE HAIF .-$ ,5O SUITS ut ON0E HAIF $1.50 aLS t ONE HAIF -$&0SIITS at ONE HALF $200OSUITS at-ONE HAI m a- 1 (lm 4,Mý-

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