CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 2

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LAKE1 COM4ITY IN])EPENDENT. FRmÂ'Y., JIJNE 11, 1915. Fly Time Coming Get behind oui' screens. The safest place for comfort. Corne and bring the measure with gou. We riut ang openinq. See our patent Door' Catch, hoids ail doors shut. Libertyville tulmber Go. Down by the Od Depot. Ho.. thera 20 Yeu-&. Phone 47* E. A.Bishop, Mgr. STAVER AND JANESVILE Buggies, s urreys, etc. A Large Stock, Prices Right Cone in and look them over Schanck Hardware Company Libertyville. "Mme. Stephen's Beautg Pariors Ma"ioerng, Shampooing.,Ilair Dressing !adail ,Massage and Scalp Treaiment. CRIEAMS. LOTIONS, SKIN CLEANIERS. AETHE VERY LATEST, I MAKE CURS.-ARHEM0OF YOUR COMBINGS Switches, Puffs and Transformations. Good quaIitqj hair and can save you nioneg. :: :-: :-:, :-, :-: Parlors over Gaz Office Phone 1001 OUR FINE BREAD GOES FARTIIEST Our fine sweet and wholeeome breasd t wail worth waiting for. But yen don't have te vwaitj, Our baking ie done in large quantities and at regular heurs. Begin new-aak for Libert.ville bread nezt tinte yen erder from you grocer, or get it every day et thaenne of tha béat read made-the JIBECRTYVILLE BÂKERY t' NImm JOCKHMESProp. beC.Sruidge & Son - Nursery Stock TK&NPLANTED4-Cbbe4o, Uaulillower and 'goma- to riant&. j 0I BEDDINe O -1e«ona, Geranjumi, Petunlas, ali oasV ftbenls4 H&lng Esk]>et&, Wlndow Boires. Fair !h .lînGardoens Phone 102-R~ .Cir6 ertyvd/e Yiem s - xxx~xx xxx xxxxx*xxxxxxxxxxxx To insure publication in the Indepen- dent. copy muet be in theoffice no later than Tuesday of oaci- wsak. Advsr- tisera, especially area skacd ta take particular notice ta this elYact. (Additional Local News on Page 4) '3eo. Doyle of Desrfield, was a viator bere Wednesday. Poatmaater Wghtuan of Grayolake, wap ln town Wednesday. John Bock bas moved froin Hlgb etreet to the B. Plummer home onDMlwîaukee avenue. Mire. E. Cavanangh of Evaneton, la vl.lting et the home of ber brother. P. Moyers. lira, W. C. Sllga baby daughter visted sveral tisys of thla we'ek wlth relatives boes. Jaa. B. Swan, manager of tbe F. B. Lovol On. drug @tore, la enjoying a tvo veokevacation. R. B . M. Aliurt attsnded the regular monthly meeting of the Prebytery of Chicago, on Monda,. Six auto loade of local liamon attended the banquet aud d&gres workaet Id llburn let Tharaday evening. C. 0. Nelson aud MiesaPlarenee Eflnger vlited et the home of the latter'@ rela- tives t Fox Lake Sonday. Mr.Albert Faulktuer and danghter Alle @peut everal daya thia veet with lire. Faulkner'@ parents lu Chicago. John Darrow and tvoaisstere, Treés Alice. of Waukegan, cailed at the home of J. E. Bond and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stevens and fauilly of Wheaton, Ill., epent Sunday wltb lMr. and lire. E. E. Ellsworth. J. O. Carlson and son Carl vlelted over Snndayîwlth hl@e daugbter, MI@@e Isabelle, who le attendiug Normal at DeK&bI, 111. Frank J. Wrght le taking a two weeki vacation from isiedutiess assist- ant cashier t the Lake Couuty National Bank. John Dollenmftler le having a two weeko vacation from hie duttesae chief i'rl, for tihe Sinwcr S.winz Machine Co., Thé condition of Miese Lucy Andrews, who le very ill Bt the home of ber brother, Md. E. Andrews, remaine un- cbanged. lis Beesté Bond returned Frîday from Downâ, IIl, nebere see pent two veeks et the home of Mra. George Bulkley (nee Helen wagner.> Mils Beatrlce Carg entertalnéd et B 11500" Party lest Frday evénlug for »eY"slof ber frlends. The party comn- poosd ibree tables. Ground was broken thls veek for a new home for Mir. aud lirs. John Welch on thelr lot on Ehu Court. The houes wîli hé of the bungalow type. Blebop Toli vîli visît St. Lawrence'@ eburch for confirmation neit Sunday et 10:80 a. mn. HelievlI aie celebrate the Hloly EuthBrlet t 7:45 a. m. The ladies of thé Alpha Club wilI bave B bakery sale Saturday, Jane 19, 2:30 o'clock. at Rayes Furnîture store for benelt of the Publie Llbrary. lp ,Mies Grace Bond vlslted ber cousin, Mies Eunice Bond St Gurnee last week, attending thé birthday surprise party of Mise Ruby Strang Frîday eveninz. Ovér one bundred pupils irom Lake County rural district secoole, took part in the conteste hld ty T. A. Simpqon at tbe chool bouse here lest Saturday. Lucian Ellsworth, wlîo ba@ compléted bie tiret year of work at Hobert College, Géneva, New York, bas returned to bis homne here ta Pend the sumrmer mouthe. MIr. and lira. Wm. Wacbstng and daughter Elsis, Oso. Sturm and daugbter, lir». Emma Sturm and daugbten Engene of Aptakîsît, vlelted at the home of Mrn. aud lire. Geo. Sturmn and fainlly. Wm. Rogers arrled l fat veek for an ext.nded vîiat wît bis bIssmenra, C. H. Avoilîl andi other relatives bors. Mr. Bev. H. M. Alîbuntit planning a général gond tîme for tbe boys sud vaung inu01 thé Preshyterlan chuncb next Saturday. Thé party wili méet ait thé church et 9:30 a.Lim. anti taklug ibeir dinuere vli spendi the day acoutlng. Ezactly four hnndrsd votes vers polleti lu thé tvo Lîbotyvîlle precincte lu the Judical electien Monday, 226 helng caet lu the tiret sud 174 la thé second pre- ciuct. For thé total vatéelu each précluet lu Lake connty mse.tiret pagé of tbim paper. lire. A. B. Cook léft Thursday for lierlden, New Hampshire, wbere e. iii pnd thé entmuer vlth ber eetér. lira. T. A. Mionra. lr@. Monroe, who *pent thé greaten part efflb.eirintér vib lire. Cook hors, rreuoti ta liériden about s montb m«o. Tba Epvo»lb Leagus vîll holti lie regulan busissemeetIng and soci au tbé M. E. Gym osn.Frday éveanu, JUDO' 11. Alilmoinhora st.frlende are Urget te attend am P"a@ for the summer moutha are la ho discussd. Mr. and lira. C. P. Wright and Ume Helen, lir. and lire. 0. A. Wright, lMr. sud lira. P. J. Wright, lir. and lire. Jaa_ fSwan andtwo ca elîdren. Gladys and Hobart, lir@. Wlrt Wrght sud daugbter Catherneu of St-. Louis, lof t Suuday for Nagara Fali sud Pottedam. New York. Thé party vili hé In the east smie tyn veeke. MieseEffil Buttérlléld, hootteepér and ceebier for thé Chicago Tléphone Co. hère. le bavlug a tvo veeté vacation aud bas gone to Aurons to visit witb ber cousin, lire. liahl Adaiî and vil! aIea viil vith othér relatives lu Aurora beforé retnruiug borne. lir. sud lire. George S. llulkléy returu- éd the latter part of asét veek froni Madîson, W!@., vhère they @ent "ovral dey@. Tbéy left Wededay sud vilI go ta Baltimore, Md., Philadeîphia, Pu., and Wasbington, D. C., before going ta their home at States Collégé, Pa. Thé Harbangh-lillér Lumber Co., bas constructed a etreet crosing o! cement iu front of their affiné ou Spragué street. The Inm several mouthe auo receiveti p'.rmig8lon froui thée village board to coustruct a croaslug at thé place men- tloued, thé compan, ta stand theexpeuse of putting it lu. Atty. Paul liacOufflu left Weduesday for a business tria to Pittaburg, Pa. Be ex pente %o hé gonée sveral dae. lir& liacOuffin lof t the sanie day for Urbana for Commencemeént veek. Rer alater, Mise Noms Lee Peck of Otawa, Kano., graduates froin ber llbrary vork tn thé Unversity this year. A spécial meeting ai thé Tinla Chapter, wîli beb. hélt tthé home 0f1lire. Roy F. Wrght next vetTnesday évenlug Bt vhlcb the poosiblity of glvlng a lavu foté thé second veek lu JUly vîli hé diseaet. TheIra girls are aio planning a trip ta thé Olivet Institute, Chcago, for next veek Frlday. Thé annual Cougregational uppér of thé Preebytérlan church beh eat thé cbnrch parlons this week Tbnrsday eveniug. Suppér le served at 6 o'clock sud a program is gîvén lu thé eveng. Not oîîly thé méinhers of thé church aud congregation weré urgéd to attend but aIl of théir frieuds cordialiy invlted. At the commencement exercises Of thé Balkwiu-Wallace collège o! Berea, Ohio, Harold A. Spctunas o'iven the B. A. dégrée cum lande, besdeu havlng an enviable rec-rd aesu orator sud a basket baIl ceunter.Heciéthé sonuafProf. aud tIrs. W. N. Speckmau luée Jame@) aud leswevéli nuw tu Libertyvilies Young people. The Preébyterlan Ladies' Aid s4ociety held tholr annuel lection o! officere at the home o!f Mr@. Fred Suydam lat Tbursday afternoou. Thé folioving officere vilI act for thé coing Yéar: lira. Mahal Waolridge, préIdent; lrire Minaié Dymonti, vice preeldént; Ums Jennie Kéru, mertary; aud lins. Besoe Grsenwod, treasurer. Bev, sud lire. T. E. Beasinentaln.d Rogrsenttbovlintntrevollng tbough thoîr daughter, MIdss Dorothy Basin 01 Alasta, Wsshlngton nadti Mnnmts. Bgla. Who in taklng a prePanlary saurses(or Nothv.elona UsIv«f.rMd The nogular uouthlye -ta a1 ibo lb isses Plaa d galber Ploies09 Baruesi Workens dml ofeet b.M. 9. PW»fld. Ilii., fnom Tburoeta aMou- iunayecoçi vliho ai a lb hfl q. Um Mary Buam reternsot witb of lire. Haggarts,, Fnlday.. June 111h. i9» yosg ladiesIoa ayantwvaor ibréé AUl meubons éan. urpgtlob. preant. vous a l st dPliam*lt flégi»nIg vll Sustisy, Jus. 20, the heure ofS ie lsai St. Lýawenco'aebuncb Tb&. l"Vespon service ofthle 50B504 wI hoasm folleve: Hely Cammualo vs 1Mas the M. H. cbureb Sustay 7:80 a. u., Sundsy schaei 9:30 iL .,~.aino u a oaliudb r. Mornlog prayer Il &s. i. venaang as tbe Moaoossaful oisif.. DOD W.WOU aiP ofAiea,&antUlmMisaFlpaChuibll ea aolo oumobora andi a quartolie gave 0130 li. F. B. Juet andthelb Misses Benîfret@eslstlon. Mra. Lulu Matiacte pl"MO Wilson @adtiBeat" ls Gin &M sdlg ibmofFetery and peetlluteou lb. pIp@ lb. camussosueât veek eloreissat thlb. rgan and ey. Resu edtheb ecrlpture Culvor Miliiary Aeat.ny at Culvsv, ladt. ast gaie the proyerandsutb$DM9oil1l Mmra Juste m@ou Lrela ia studont sa. MIe Mrlon Taylor pisyed tvalo 9 JAlsi Boeéhuorais!uet eveot Tues day froin Phoenix, Arsa, w be b bas bea for bI@ bsalth forer b.puti vo yoar u aie blf. lin. Boehm tatea ho laefelng guobut la uncertaln a ta bis Ifatums location. plmainnuuuber on tb. pragram, boy. ever, vws the "Drseu tai lbohphrtese playoti by KéuiNétb Loveil at Brat ioIdu, Làlyd Taylor et econd, Dale ColUIn on the Si aud Mise Marlon Taylor an the. br. eRo. Robert D. Scott of Chicago, @pont Satnrday and Sunday wittbBey, sud lire. B. M. Alîhunt at thé liause. Rev. Scott preached st Prèshyterlan chnrcb hère Bunday mornlng and lu thé evenîng gave a etereoptlcon lecture ahowlng thé work of the Olivatt Instituts aud the conditions wlth whlch it muet cope. The Institut@ le eltuatéd lD one of Chicago's innet nesdy districts and te doing a vonderful work there. The varions toucher@ wbo warked la our Publie Sebool boe for the paet scboi)l yeame bave returned te theln bhrnes: Mise Lois erw te Evaneton; Mieas Mary Davîison tulMarshall, Ill; lils Lion&a RobînsD ont Saline, Mlcb; UmIs Facule Colder te Tapekî. Indilana; lis Lo& la Rau.teDeckervîlle. licb; Mie Pearl Rowley to Sandwich, 111; ise Paye Walkr tuOkloboms;and lte Nttie Stolta Licce, Ilîlinois. Aboute@o'vonty-ivs Wood mec sud Royal Nelgbbors attspded the M. E. ebnncb Sunday nnornnng lu a body, Bey. T. E. Resta prsacblng a specIa sermon on "'Brotberly Loeé" to thera. Bev. Beau spot.eof the good vont of tbe berAéêclat erdm lufacommnultlse as vii as.or- dors. Afler tIi. hurcb service tho mou. bars of thé orgglaetloas usnchd te obs coustory vbers they decoratoti thé graves of déportaid Woau an sd Neghbors. Chenterlbblo, drug dort as the F. B. LovaliCas& *om, sd Louis Allen of Oak Part, ans beoplua "bacholora hall" during 41».amn ofaManager Jas. R. Bwvan d hi. famlly. Mir. Allen. who bas retired frein the dnug builuos.. bau fonad a covr ocupation. for tvo veeks et lems,. ihat of bolag cook fer tbs twa, sud If bis kuowi.dgs of mlzlug pilleansd dope aiea, luclude. cllnsry expérience "Pèrey" can't kick Bt vhat 'Ferdie" là diahlug ont to hlm. A reunion of thé Léonard famlly w»s held Bt the home of Mr. and lire. L. J. Amee on Mitlwaukee avenue Sunday, Mire. Amas helug a Léonard hefore ber inarriage.. Six of the families of the sevsu Léonard brothers and eteters vers reprèeneted. there betng twenty.ulué ont of the survivlng membere of thé family présent, Dinner vas sérved under a large tent on' thé lawu. Tbree of the famille lilu('bicagzo, ail tbe otber membere of the party living In Lake Count-y. DOARD TO LOOK OVER SIDEWÀLK PROPOSITION At thé regular montbly meeting of thé village board liouday uIgbt the moembere diecuoed the motter of pasolug an order to Bil property ovuers wbo bave falléd tu put, lu vaike along their praperty aud it vas propooed tu maire a tour o? theéstréots lu thé village to gét a fiue on ail praperty wbich bas n alka. If thls proposition le carrled ont l vill meon that every cwner of thé village proPerty vbo bas not put Ila a vlk ylrecelve an order to do mu n iais pécifie number of daya. Other huseaceonithe meeting wue the graentlng o! a permît to Sen Steinberg of Lake Foreet, to peddle freeh Bainl thia village one day a week for theé mnofa $25 per year. At this junctur onue ai the trusteee etatsd that a certain other 5mbh veuder comlng to tevu every veek ebould hé made to taté ont a permît or cease comlng hère. Tbe treasureres and certes reporte voe aooepted. Ail bille were allovèd and ordered paid. H. B. Eger@ bond required for a plumberes licenie vas accepted. j. w. Butler vas présent and asked thé Lourd tu take action on the matter of seworextenpion in front of hie property ou Mechaulce Grove road, and also aiked for a permît for twn extension@ of the watér mains ta is property. Botb mattére vilI lie actéd on at tbe adjouru- ed meeting set for Jue 1 stb On June 3rd thé Çbévr,,let htor C'o. for whicls C. A . Schréck fisI l>cal lealé, shfpped sud deliveréd to déalérs -541 cars, valuéd at $344,178. i "MEMBÉR 0F THE FEDERAL REERVE SYSTEM" ASK THE MAN WHIO CARRIfS A CHIECK< And h. wiUl tell you that ho wouldn't thini of doing Lis business in any thr way, b. ,,bause it is simple, saf e and convenient. ::: Pau gour Bis bu Check iLake County National Bank- Early June Pus AlUne eatl n cud pea at 9 onta, or 3 cana for 25 cents. PHONE 31 Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food 25 ohts, special at 20 cents SOUTH STORIEi III o o o o o o i * * * * * o * * o * * o * * o o e o sossssssss* e s Money in Calves Save one-haif yen,' f.ed bill and selU ail your .ailk and butter fats. Use Rydes Çream Caif Me04 a perfect milk substitute for calves at lets than one-haif the cost. Evemy pound maltes one gallon of ricli nutritious gruel, supplying ail the food value found in Give it a trial HAR BAU GH-M ILLER LUMBER COMPANY T!LEPIIONIE 50 132 Sprague Street, Libertyt ille, Illinois. Onie hloek catit of Schaîîtk's Hardware. CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGETABLES AND FRUITS.I ýccr:"x CORLETT ]Phono 30. & FREDERICKS LIETYILLE, ILLý MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS W.. have a large ammortrnent of Ladies' Spring antd uminerIliats at reaisonable prices. liasemande to orîlér a seceialty. We carry a nice liue of Ladies't nderwear, W Blets, Gloves, Ilosiery and No- tionse at low pnicee Parimiens Corset from $1.00 to $3.00. A. W. LINDROTH LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS (iROCERY SPECIAL FOR JUNE pruces on ail these items limited to quantity on hand. Best YeIIow Giranulated Corn Golden Rod, Naptha Washing etMeal Powder Prwh lot, 5 pound bag for 15 cents Per package 4 cents, 8 for 10 cents c Besto U W. W. CÂRROLLi & SONS COMPANY '4' mi 1 - 1 ý . , -! 1 Culver.

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