CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 3

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UNE li THEATRE Photps F. A.Suy"atsProp. Four Reels of the Best Licensed Picturea. Friday, June 11 A Jitney Elop..sst- 1 .relEsauY-c<îmed3t Festuring Cbarley Chaplin L»ve and Limbe * * M lu -Cornedy Biown loto Custody - - * fiograpli-tttrnedy satirtiay. JUDO 12 Stars thir courses change - ýi sperli i-reel Emnsu av n Featurniw Francie X.itîisbman and Elua gay, Thie Man who Figgered - Featurng Itiily QuIrk anud cteante rairnatig Pi-tîday .JUDO 13 A Child of the Prairie - iel Oi g h-.aturing Ton M ai Rose o' the Shore » I gaph i rama when Mother Vicuted Nelite Kaleru-Cornedy LY RI c rffl a lhIeatrt OWEN WOOLRIDGE Pi 1alitare e a rt-t ttti li tirt-lit Iia;v tI . i. fforît ti i aiid te ti y tt i taL li aIr- ielat- i lr- u tr. itit iltiut i vîîuu lw il FRIDÂY A Dsughtei'& Strange Inheritanire i 3rt-1I 'tlara[îh- i-eaîtirtuw Stirîta Tairrdý Thec Kidnapped Lover - lis Wtlilanîi iîtuhrii Sm1w S î- Thue Surprise of My Life - - Rairia.- BATURDAY The Sagle Bruasl Gal - - -ý- : eti tairapit A trrig wtetria --lt Fraîturiug NMare Rîltîts Olive'. GroatetIOpportunity - - FMoalaa F-atimting liabltTrunmie-l Ain't lit the Truth? i-aas-1 A atrt-ais BUNDAY An Amuateur Prodigal - - 2-rat-i Ess»anav- y-lurlug 'lils Ritîthin.l,î JoîtitpIl Byron ToIlai, Front a Life of Crme - Eiotn- Featurinu A ugutus Phîllit The. Cembination - Vitagrauh- Featuring Sidnley i)rew Admits 1 OC Childrq F. BAIRSTO' MAIWUP^CrUnEp or Marble and Gui Monument s Cemetery Work of E Description Correspondence Soli 16 Genesee Durand & Duri REAL ESTATE INSURANCE COLLECTIONS Trlggs BIag., Llbert, Ph...2. Ubeetyvill470-M. L Made Item aic arpeta à" ou COtb..... ANY SIZE IN 2h30 oilL te 1211 Tor partilculers mit e r M aue JA. GRAVES 5La1t.MO ?ar@. C. 13. Wilson la locate portable bouse at Dnîsce Iake makiug plans tai build the hi pour girls <at bas been epolo -tbis paper prevlousiy. The t prie for the bouse le $4,000,1 structure wlll be a fine addl the buildings lu that viciitl exact location of the new bon be near the George King fatr north of thse lake. eIIUa big club lu bis baud, leapeti Inside HO D IR T R JOES# TH9LI -1 hebo uls', bhtuthIe uit malt oser the - PRISONER,_ON F R I1ha.Rne Ing a unt-ousclous. he U TO X R IE tht-n sougbt out bis aged wifewho U TO X R IE wae 350 >-ars old Fach in ber turu OnE R 0 1 COLORED MAN, SENTENCED reeled tbe criishting blobes from lte F R Y A F 1 28 YEARS AGO FROM en.rageti negro-s club. Anti.aah lat-r___ WAUKEGAN FOR LIFEI d1edtmom ht L.effencîs . Diplomas Are Presented to the CONCLUDES TO GO 1< I watt about ise Ouclock ln the- Graduates of the Vernon STATE'S HONOR FARM 1 mrnring Wben tbe terribîle crime was Township School. A F T ER DECLIN ING AT1 comnmitteti sud Waukegau was ralseti Tt ie raotît -er-o- tI FIRST TO LEAVE PRISON 10 a lîtcb of great excîtement. Men Th isgrdaonerce el 1gtartet ln urutit. amuug tht-m îcng H a ts tsyear b; ttthslioieof te WALLS-NOW A MEMBE nIîmer Green,.-former gberif! oft1ake icouuty Wa5 helt i nght ut Jane 2nd by OF THE HONOR FARM EMI- cOunt)>. lie was witb Ibose wbo tralil tIe Vernon townshipî graînniar school. PLOYES. ed the- negro wbo hati ht-tn running Fifleeti PuPîls recelaedtlhteir dîplornas. froin tht-ptact-. Tht- man was foi-. hs borcl -dtpots were JeaSmih,18enego hn.23 lowed 0ti te nid Peabody Place itAlbert Herocbberger, Wtllilam Kuet- yeare pacmmIedlh oa ht-wesi îiîY limita. Ther w Ted Kaedier. EitilltKeotîgitMr atrocleue murder aver recorded ISanîson had ht-tn working antibe garel Wylie. Laîtra tlantn, ,Etnra n Wakaga, wan h bea te iteot tht- t-ase. Tht-y flnalîy toundi ITîties. Marveila Ko-ilIt-r> brkstina death wlth a club. aged Mr. and Sfmitithilng ln tht-lt-ast-s anti Ttorsell. Esîber Giss. hotus Nlchioley, Mrs. Swift and their daughter ln btrant-hi-s0f a maIle tree. Tht- trîgbî- Lîtta [imbdenstochi. Annta Wollman, thelr home on Grand avenue, on t-net mnap-suetn nanti was hurried Dla,ît Frear aud Jeant Einigor, Wedneeday for the firet time t.0 jail ehere be was 't-pl for a inte Tht- exercises att-eeit laI ite HaIt aimes belng sent te Joiet for lIfe by Sherilf Chase Wetbb. Iiay chturcit. T. A Simtpsiont, ttperin- imprleonment, etepped outelde Wanît toLynch Him. tt-itdent of cn1flt host tttts.elivereti the wal. ad let 18cm behind 1 theaslaltoatî nîne ondocit iii tîte walitebouat attiresoatîti lorienthti te hlm ferevar, If he wlehem. A few îînilruîng anti1îmmetiîaîeîy atter lie diponnîs. cays saoha had refusedto ta ave wascapîurt-d a gang ut men ftme, Tht- follocîna irtograîn ixa-.renter- the rattan shop where ho was C tack o~ff tePrîce hbon -Grad ed: foreman. Hie feit hlieservices avenIue, among tht-m heing severai Song-National It3itn. were needed there wnrsc than ho i cmv promînenl rt-sitas ittht- cit3-.1 iiocation-Rev. 1Ilil iIîuPtfuelir- neecid fredom.Tht-y were, tht-ret-l make Plants for! r Good Lord." he mutiiero-o in Saitangîîg. tir lynching ternturtierer. Ittt' am eliti relI e-hisptr, "the grass I., joîsias greexi IIîowc t-r. tout-enptentanti other of - oiewlto lion- 1- omGis as utftîset to te o tuas tatt.-ted the t-ti 0changeIt-ir AGoot friand-Margaret WyUe. TIhenian Lad bt-tîti ie-taltttntside - itttititanti tht-y titinot mahie lte jedé- lait 'akes lte -ttL ituma Mann. of a alune cal lfor t-enta elgîtiai tîtt olithlIe jailtl hatthey ianîteti tlt Iritattes- Ahi-n lit-rs titort straight )-carsTitis eal s son bhi M ntahitît taI be bat net t-m ratîgiti a Z 111 '1*1ti. t tcttet tf lis ilt . li-I,.îte of (..Kiip E er. tif elt aes going on outatiep 1 lait t- at-b twenly-ftr , i tnitir. ftor te iicIegbm yeams ble Iate-n loch- erOP .- dtaspn a tone anti irnît cage. Wb-en serti bYhy lila- toc-n onu hua iron lt ute lit-atv [liat il ul sono- calla wereewtitIiri a Iha tds 1 ol readtliofiboth hit etiandtti td -itI tir-. 'li-,n be ttiot up Iii,. li-ati aimostt I iv tîtottchedth ie roof Titecago- s tottr ,u.. titrauti tnt-1hallfret e ttc,. Anti there e t-e 5e as te n hit tik- up l!. cellier in it. I sktilkeot initi- jaîl aitd tht-ce hie was t iisiti lib.%.tiige tClarke- nf tht- lotnît- ct rIsît otho-r officiais wbo targeti hfit t )î.iîat guit to lie t-rime ehit-h lit wa- hom i to huave t-ornyntioni.h ordhir ho prex ini a hanglng ln Lake t-o 1tti e-bilIte kîtewa jury votilti îtrtîr tin fase lie wet-n o trial, At- r corîlitiacix Soth it etl gtîlis and e-as given a life sentence at Joliet. htis Isliliti et Chartes IVitît nes e-ta siaies attorney; at tht-tine Aiti-mlo-a for Me h jtitKooagh. oT -.îîta<k ai oI r Ihî ifle,,- Oit- aitîres nsdtii i ?îi tititi or Iîth.tî-- altruut---I -i T 'Aý So-itîgScltoniý i ut t I i ttu Ip INFOR14ATIONS e' No Sunchireien Fifiy Years. Mtvee1ht rieFILLI) AS LSULTL Tiiemo-are tlto-sgt-s. exactli atte IVht auset Smoitb t- ommit tht- - in e~~tat-h roý.Te ht- rote sare plt- ter trmible mimt-de0F A FA IY O utU1dY t - at-ht other. four tems lîlgh, Reat-nge!O AM L lt-ht In tht- htty yeama since tlb e ert AsSçedtatollihsornieof tht- laciq -lrra biîit neyer a as tif sunnîtîne bas al)tonl eii-axa ut crime. Ast Cier -tait- s Allumne'. Ra t t. S tfl nitowîa Ilîougla Iheir huas !ThoosTYrrt-ll toay rtlat-dthlitea toinformatinînri lu 't otutiTburutiay At otte ent or t-soI row nf cages- tht-';un,. anti as he wau on tht- fort-e againul Fret C. anti Imi ci Seipp, tvo lîraîa ani on lii.-outisitie sIls a mian on % at the lime, te factt are correct 0 ta bottt-m Who condluci a saloonu aI 8toolý At r, ot-lochi t-era exening hagte eOteal of is rememitrance. teL.ake Zurich. Tht-y were ichargati reaches toîtasd tuls a ext-m. Wilh 'Tht- Smitht tamiy was abouttlIe intrtietly cnuiclt. i te informa- * a sIng1ýle <ltIhe lot-hiaof tht- itt ,wor.gî sel ut negmos tht- cIlst-erbait.tiltîts iî e-as charge t ilat on lMay 31, lDriatcages,;rat-Ptutu plame. lot- bata bitoîer narnetiPansv. Thev IE0 t-ey tisturi te peace anti Ait-.fn o-o-et-y mornimag ne lia et maI e-eut ut tht- Swifte an Grand qitlof tht- tami1oh William C. t'rn ~tltt agi ul h ee h te a inFadteracin othcm ikeeadcalne ik et itagaîngia hlt-aundt-m le oer vailsaxuet-atîtithrat-teihos atit--nie- igt het nicalete iciee1 Va j a l i t a i n g e u i t t t thea r A o t aI l s i n i te s a b lt e yl i t a I n e i g o u o t 'Iv a ndh t t h t n w i l b e b o u h lte itiv cages tlit-k open agatît a petitîloîlatitiesse ta10tht- council jCaptant-towilh he Issuet immedilate- oe amdIth eas a lte toa ay tal te man 1rit'. Il'rteCounta ýourt to anaver tht- e-ho uvume ander lis lreathlit a t-y t-ie litmeanesl kinti utf!charges lrelermeti hy Bitouest- Who -iimauta mit-str ieen outlie ut tht- hlgb tons' people Tht- boys. ten about 28 or[-hapieus to hb, Ibeir brother-iu-taw. lii all for tet-- lgblst-ara Onu a lit Ncars ot, would go about tuen de- Bit-kut-at- la egaget in uthe occupe- Gtîrîîeîiy dusyt-n yeams ago he a-as once taken ] loving thînga tior tht- saka ut de-, lion ut breeey agent. at- 5 groesetht- roadta luhelp carry Ia bt-a vj,.s troying lbem. Tht-y voulti take off Accortîug te lue evîdeuce <bal bas en5 tImiter baock malte tht el. Eýt-gaes, tht-y woult cultio ulnsa ntibeau gixen te state's attorneyy <ha t- int-e be bas taîhiet about <a day ropes on awuings. etc. Th,,, at Selpp brother- visitat BIt-kut-at on beu ia set-n thet reas'ttiesîrucîlse tiesire wbich matie <hem fitmorial dayv. Tht-y gol mb oau ar- He Ht- Ililterate, as Weil as profane. Obuoxions. gumen t oit-r somtchlug, litlal clalmati, le luasien a murderer. Ht- lu serving St-seral limes I bat occasion tu anti as nearly as t-au ha learueti blowa a lite sentence ai Jolet ienit-ntiamy.local tht-m up bat met lue make tht-m vert- atruchi. iie Ont- may as Weilu face tht- fats-tu be hdeceut for a lIma. Bickekuta cosîti hava bat tht- caso m iefore he eitst go of hie synspatby. "Tht- amily got ga baitanti madete lken UP lu Justice court aI Lake Zur- Wednt-sday tht- man vent outaîtue an mauy threats agaluetpeul. <bat lcl hbut feil litat au appeau wouid ha ut tht- higb atout- Wall for gond' un- ît-eître neîghborhood ou Grandt tken an he toohi <ha malter direct ta lt-sa he la ret-rut-t for bis owu fauit. avenue. carniet gunouail Ihe lime, pra- tht- tat-'s attornay and bat tha to- Rt-btcame une ut tht- 137 honor con- parlng 1Iorat-tte<b t-maItheir owu formations ilt-t. This la the tluiltkesl Ever> vîctus'ho are wrklng te sîste honoir gaine. Threats agaînut peuple'. lives way te gel action In a cae. fetrro, whlch cuvera a great sîretrlit were so commun that we bâti bagu utft-ounîry ibret- miles fretinthe- pris-.Itb geltîsedta 0IL.But. the- resanîmaut M T R~ V lE [Clted ou Walls. agaînsl tht- family ht-came au greaât N T E V ELR The Motor convicts. ibat. afier tht- pt-ilion waa presetuet St aThe honor cousi11tlulite anti tat andtilutht- tounicîl. tht-ysw hey baller LF O S V H St uIt--pl a lot ut tarin bouses. wbh gO9,1ontiof town anti tht-y moved ta IE T S V ast l ht-scatt-ret il over tht- great EanIo. Btey were mati IF 0 JIR A tract ut 2200 at-rt-s whlcb are nov Ibroutgit. LF fH R B t-ompjit-d lu eue great houer tarm. Wanted to Clean 'Est-^Il. 1'nter tht- direction ot Warten E. Ni. "Su, Jue came bat-kta Waukagau Anther, case lu vhich a mother a nd Allen hese bouses hase liteu moveti une nighî. bis plan being ta go out gave bt- re1ta10gave <bat of bt-r baby ou ruilera oser tht- country roadat lu isoIt ntighbbohnatanti clan""came<ollghm îoday wllh the au- antibrogis tot-ter b <u goup, ou Ih chit-lot I-t- ouni <a c oorsunncernent utfit-edt-ath of Mrs. Elale and rouht ogeher ntotwogropeont he hol lo. Hefoud te duteAalto, 24 years. wlfa of Walno Aalto, It-e bunor convicts tolug mest cot tise 1]lirakt. huwever, anti vas unable te of 723 Helmboîz avenue. Mr@. Aalto work. gel mbt any ot tht- homes. Sc, he asaiet away at tha Jane Mc.Aistar Thtrt-lu ul gu. nl a aret oîrt-t ou th- Sitt as<hati~ <~hoapital Thurstay nlght et 8 o'eloc'. guar, a o gun tt-vîo ;npac. apIrme t-icedt s tvne Sifan thebldir ait About a veehi ago Mr&. Alato vas guar, o th whle lac. Cpt.J. eet ie evege nd e hd I thir aken te tht- hospitai. The phyalclans C. Carver, Who bait army experieuce shedti al nlgbt. Ha valteti for the lnforimt e <bertalthae niy vay te lu the Philippines, la tht- officiai wbo door lu open lu tht- sornng andt<eu maye 'the lite ut bar baby vas by ,yville raPretanta tht- varden lu direct he ust-iebi club Inteat of the gon mens of a Catsaran operation. Tise &. Bluffchreetahoetao.Traiwhchaareteomith-b- mother ceusetet. The chut vhan cae o a oo ar.Teet h hh aret cmi h e.bort s aperft-ctly ealtby anti ap- n -- aiu lght watt-hman ai t-at-h group rible tited. The aget peopla sind peara 10 gmew stronger eecb day. ot cottages Whoeteeas hat averythlug lat-r f rom tht- effet-ta of Ibeir vounda. There a Ietvt-yrémsmen tu bt-hava lil la ail right altar tht- llgbt go nul. Noue was kiliet tustautly, but the viii liva. ThatIn il.But tht- rather bati beau tu1aual l- Thatla il.murter vas set tovu se the mUt lng condition fer eome tlme befora Lest yaar *heu vork on tht houer atrocloua <bat t-ver tuai place lnUNL'e abe vwas ramovedto t he hepital. She fart began, smre silt> convicts vere couuîy and ti w as ail <ha Officille bat net vltallîy te retint tht affiects gROM Amploedetanti houset there. This coulti do 10 Provent a iynchiog. ofhbr phygal cofItîo. Zch day easen tom nome menthe there bave 'Il vas Smitha plan<o kil ail t t ht Ule oy fiwae eflif flcre anti :15 j beau 136 living lu the farmbousas. Who signet tht- petitien asklng tgtI vent out. Potier tht direction o! tht tarot su. tht-y h.e rdeetfrain towu, but hie Mrs. Aalto vas valu koavuon the- perînteutant. B. H. Faite, tisay have plans dît unt carry clear lhrough. We omth aite antiht-r daatb came as a put 2100 acres Into crope. ut-ver htart mut-b latar about l@I shock te ht-r manY trients. The tu- broter r te r-stet ie amly." neal arrangements hiaYe net yat bt-tn - te rtersto i aly» compltat. ~ DEAIL 0FTHE ERRBLE Officar Tyrreli uaturally vat Inter- DTAGEDO T ETERIL estait lu heamng vhat nev lfe bad . B. M. Ban'is. a on of A. P. Banks, ýe lu ae RGD IN WAUKEGAN beau given te Smith et the Jollet presietau orut<ha Elga, Jolai anti t andi la 28 YEARS AGO ARE SE- pententlary but he hamn't manch Eastern railîmat, 120)1 Sheridan roait, ýma fer CURED-SMITH FAMILY sympathy for tht- tellov beaese hilme veneLton. vas married tu La Paz, Bo- .en lfeI Ou a dark morolng 28 yeersago, remembrant-e of the terrible murtier livia, on April 21 te Rient Suitmsul. contract Jus Smith rouchet hehiot the kltcb- lu Waukegau ta ta vivtte Permit The brida la kuowu ai tht "Queeu of anti the an door of Mr. anti Mrs. Jamais Svift, hie feeling.sluta epeyad upan. Be Bolivie," andti a saidtota be vealthy. itien te hlvhe In u hat -la knovu as thea stili bau a mental plittumaeof Ihe avtol 'Young Banks lu cannectet vith <ha y. Thse Starrlng Place, JUSst Weet of Ash treet sigbt Ibat met hile gaze wht-u he hium. Unted Stat-s Steel Products cern- na lm te on Grand avenue. Tht-me ha vattdrîedt-ta tht- Swift home anti round the- pany et Valparaiso, Chie, vhare <ha rot, Just utIl the agat man who 'bat paossat Irea victime Iylug lu blot as a Ie- couple yl l ve. Ha I 19 yaars it 80 yt-ara eopenadtha teer tn go out sait ut Jot- Smllh'a desira for revenge, anti tht- girl lu 23. lu leuglb. Tht- cetutr part vhîrb gaIts tht- heavler travel Is ut cernent vhIle tht- sites are et macadam or crushatd atone, but tht-y are lu ha roleltl appt-ar te be ut tht- sarne matarlal. Ihp lu tht- present lime tht- cament portion out<ha roatihbhteu put lu plat-e but althougb tht- vork started lasI sommer anti shouit have ht-an cornpleteti laut fail at tht- lateul, the macadam portion lu net toua. Fallure o! tht- (hicago contra-tomý lu psy a faim price for teamatars te hautl tealune anti other malerial Ia saidtel be what lu holding up tht- vurk. Itlstesait ha t-an get a tew t-amuît-msata the prîce he offert anti ihat tht- work lu tiaggtug along uuly smail portions being complat-t at a lima. Tht- Lake Villa roat la une o! tht- Important blghways lu the couuty anti tht-'fatthIat illu clusedte turat- ft- causes luconvanleuce net oniy lu tarmers but lu autulutu. An effort Io lu ha mate lu gel tht- contracter te haulan tht- work se thal i il vlIha compîletdbt-tome the close of the present summer. IRFVIE W BOARI) ilYEN 10113 1'WER leN SIIILEPF~BRUL Springfie-ld, Li Junc 2.-Tht Shurt- laI! bill. auabliug boardis uf revîetle go bat-h any otuber of ysars anti place ou <he a laItoIlicate preperty which may have beau omitti. vas passeti hy the bouse today by a vota ot 110 te 3. The bill gises ltaeboard et ravit-w tha pover te ampioy counsal lu oh- talnlug bat-k taxes. At preseut the- only lt-gai officer empovaredte<osat- le tha stat' attornay. lu speaklng fer bis bill, Rapresen- lalîve Shutîtif sait that the Marshall FiaIt estata vas mate le psy bat-k taxes on $3.000.000. Ha cliamedth<al If tht- board ut rbvlev bat possasmati ltae power le amploy special attorneys tht- astat- ceulti hava beau madtitt psy bat-k taxes on $5,000,000. tug t-e Liomilt-ast-s ny seiîiîng tugs, tobacens, etc.. lu Zion &t tht- 1Fabry tmug store. The lutiapeutentis bat appt-aIet-t1 Jutige Laudîs lu the hope <bat ha voult Iissue tht inlunctien vbicb voulti Preveul tht- case front belug rit-t lu the- Circuit court lnl Waaukagan. Jutige Lundîlty rt-tus iug te lssae tht- restrainlng ortie, took tht- stand that tht- Case sblsutba rît-t lu the Lake Counly Circuit court anut hia courte viii be tahan. rhe t-dent-e vas pmtsanted bY a number o!vtuaessesansd <ha lutapendante matit a atroug effort <o have'aJutiga Landis tacite lu thair favor. DR. BROWN AND SU- PERVISOR CONRAD IN ANOTIIER CLASII (ContinatPFromt Page Oua.) aon asml vaa mate clear le hlm Ibat tht-y dasimedt luPlace <ha patient lhe ha omptai as a t-ouuty charge. that he asaa llllng te taire hlm as sut-h aveu though Prevleumîy tht tam. Ily bat retaInadtwIo Private phymi- clans. Tht clah baîveen tha dot-tom anti upervisor la eue o! e erles <bat have comae up since the investigation af matters set<ha hompItal edatteS tome lima age. $29000 ROBBERY SEEK $5,O00,000 0F JEWELS IN LAKE CASH AT ONCE FOR FORESTON FRIDAY C. & M. ELECTRIC Burfflars Raid a Lake Forest Reorganization Committee Is Residence, Taking Heirloomns Negotiating for the Sale and Silver as Their Booty. of New Bonds. Jewels valupd ai $2,000 were stolen The reorgaiaizaton commitie niolte by burgiars who ransecked the re 8 - tChicago & Mili auket- Elerrc Rail- dence of Arthur T. Aldis ln Lake F1or- way, headed by George- M. Rteynolds, est while t he famile were asleep early ta again actîrcly ai work on plans to Frlday, lune 5. lnelttded ln the boot take the property )lit nofretcrsltip were belrlooms and letters from by which ht lias leopt-eolra(t-d rince frlends and relatives now dead, wbicb Jan. 1, 1908. The plans are contIng- Mrs. Aldis treasured more hîghly than en t on the ralslng of $5,01ot olot cash. ber Jewelry. "The committee s now negotiating The burglars eîîtere.d the bouse v ta1h (Chicago anti Netw York hatîker- tbrougb a kitehen window, whlcb bad elth a viev 0 selling neee irst mort- been leftt nlocked. They took thelr gage .5 lier (-uni tondis to secure lteo cholse of the dinlng-roem sauner. tbena necessary cash capitlal,- sautl Jacot) went lnto other rooms. New mani, counsel for te comnîittee. Tbree Scotch terriers iMr. Aldîs' today. "The commillee e tilot st-ll room awakened him is ltarX lng and the- bonds unless they can bie placed scratcbing at tbe door. le took ~a i a reasoîtable commission. Owiîtg revolver and witb te dogs on leasb to ultertaintîtes ln lte present finait- went tbrougb the bouse. cial sitation. there la difflculîy in In- Doge Becorne Excited. leresting bankers lui iew Issues of se- At the door of Mrs. Alîlis' ommthe curilies on termn i %% cb we contider dogs bt-came exctldanti Mr. Aldîr rea-onnabie." entered. There were no sîgnsos n au The nexa cash capital is retîuired for Intruder baviug lîcen Ihere. Mrs.:,It'e folloeing purposes: Aldîs was aeleep on a sleeping rorch Ti, refiod tntîcrlIing first Just off tht- room and liad nfot b-en , t.îrlg;tgt- btont.. ...... o 00 disturbeti. ftorelire riociî rs cer11 lieturntng toisiaronm. NMrAltîts latd f i(at.......... ....2t0000 t0 whip the tlogs in quiet ihein NVlten lttr 0o t erlit h .... . i,00.000 lie arose lat-r lte diarorered nîtîtiFor ltte, ct rttciiîîtttanti re t rachsis n te bal and investigateti haititliît tin . . . ... I. .500,000lt Then te e s of the totit erva re I - raI i/tti,îexîtl'ies t ti ttas (liîcot ereti and 'ilrs. ldts in- ti-icellatttt ilt '.(î t -ec teil ht-r t atalilesý Jewei Case Mloseng. Total ... .. .O4110 Iteatttif i ]jo-col. et-. nissing <rom lils \%i t e rii l-t tiçitl t opt-ratelils traints plat-e ont Iter drcs-oîîg table. Another Onil) tSot tliýtt.-trîteletated ot tn biox of trînkets and leters, flot nIottît term inatl ltiNtt l<ari etreet, great inlrin-ic- %altie. alowas goule. ît ugo. tias tîeit drae n upad ttîi Ailtong the jeta cia taken were a is tnotattaltitg ITe signatures of lte pt-art and enterait npechlace. a sait ,officiaIs cilte Norttsvestcrn elevaîed luire sud diantond ring, a diamonti andtihie iCticago, 2iliwtttkeeý & St. aud emeraiti marquis ring, anoblong Paul. of diamnonde setl it geonettrical destgni lng piatinum on a ring coliar of blacki luttle euh pearîs. JUD4E LANDIS RE= WORK ON1 LAKE FUSES TO ISSUE RE- VILLA ROAD PRO= SRII4 RE ~i ESESSLWL 1nrgoI lune 7-The appi ca- _________Samtuel Packard, Theodore Ftorby and Althottgbte summer sa at bandi te C- P. Barnes. aîîd others from lire- eork on lteé Lake Villa oati, te liraI - senting their blll of compîsînt whlii strlt ut state aId road i thtîe cnunt y, e-as tiled lu Waulîegau and wbich, if lu prngressing very siowiy anti la far paased on favorably wouid enforc.- from comioietiou. As foue man saititt Zion leases , was deuied ln Fed- wbo bad looketi il over-Ibe coutract-ra court bere Ibis afternoon ity reti or woîîld do well bto inisb tbe strtp oflemal Judge Kenesaw M. Laundis Tle road iîy uext fait at the rate be ta bill uf lte caimplainauts souglit to en- goîug iio'w. JuIn W. H' Fabry, Bradford Sinîmous The slrip uf road la about two mlles landi a cterk uamed Ellis, frem violat- Dr. Knighl, Who lal falattentat s. W ttI.50.' George K.ranz, tht- Young otan ostier. 4qI L 9 .Jc» J4 ,e t-t take: to the lAhe Coonty Oestral ~ Rd~.a5~. Hospital Sturtey,.-met vith D r. h htaobacso 'Brewn a tebomptel'uxstitg nom rT ecgue achofbe iii Not hsvlng sean Kranzg lce lait No- euiylagews _î vamberutil Isat vttk. he expressmm yse d Chlt5 a buh te. ot-« tht- bt-leit tonce etter etlng hlm 1HetChiLago Selle blam, oab tbat ha atilI atheredto1 hie prevlonsly oeLaSl, hu . 1- exPresati belle! thet the Young manman George Edmuat iFmtawva.WOt eheulti Dot ha operated upon, thus et vice presltent orthleaaclt. agreelng vitb Dr. Brown ln tht posi- tion he took vhen he appagat aoperat- On Wetinetay Senetor Gbam lab. lng. Inqulry aiea shoveti that <hae tuctl lu tho IlIlacla sete e bR ooly recommandlation for an eperd-1provdlntio at lishmltaaoenWRame- tIen camse froin tht- esteopatis. Thae ons tarmerly rotasti y îse oos* toctors. vIr vert calat lonto t-on- treasurer mhail go W o e tato. 1» sultation vert: Drt. Koli. Feiey.. bill vas irafted inlu ccordance, WUt Dnials, Arabrese. Botta anti O'Nall a Suprene t-aur-t tieclelan on hlb. h of Highlandi Park. Jet-t., J DYMOND t AUSTI Loane. lasurance, Redl Hatate tMd Haute Renting. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law t bile-a Home, Cook Ave. Pbonel61J LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H. MORRIS ATTOREY-AT-LAW Libertyville - Illinois Lut-e taliin. Ho' IPlise 152 IL OffcePhons 198 MARTIN C. DECR ATTOR'.EY-AT-LAW Ullice Opp. lOtin St. Electrie Staigon Jice Phone 84-S Iem. Phone 1860EI NORITH CHICAGIO. ILLINOIS PAUL MAC GUFFIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. fibertyvIle,Ililinois PauNS83 DR. O. F. DUTTERRELD. VETERINARY SURGEON. SSflISTANT &TATE VETEEINJAt.1i LibertyvIUs.. Illio. DR. E. V. SXITH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON H ti .tl-, ttt 2t. 4sud 7to 8 . m tint0- -- tRay Fttrnilure 8tIre LIERTYVILLE. ILUNOIS DR. N. W. StIELLENBERGER I3,Ti-bJAt-HIC PHYSIIAN ltaraud-Miier Bidiz. Liltertyville. 111. illbiltoturs 10i jntil 3 Toteedamo sud Fitoays s cly DR, 1. L, TAYLOR Office in First National Batnk Building sou e --1 I'1-p:1:30nd th S ut. ttcslleünoe in Broadway. nppomtse, Pars LICert3 VIlle. linoit. DR. GOLDING DESTIST tours 8 t0 12 arn.-i tu 5 1)ver irst National Bank ijIjîte Phone 19-J. lie&. Phone 157j-J. Libertvvlile. Illinois DR. E. HK SMITH. DENTIOT. JVER LARX, COUItTTINATIONAL BANK. iias-8 tu 12 a. m. andtie ào P. e. ÜAILY. Libertyvife. lüttois CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Phone 100 Office 0,cr Gaz Co. Libertyvill. Ill.- DR. VICTOR C. IIOEFNER OBTEOPATMIC PHYSICIAN 215 Madison St.. WaLukega, ]IL Office Heure. 9-12 A.M.; 1-4 P M.; 7-8 P. Suntays b! Appolntment OBlY Telephone M1. J. L. REDDING, D.V.,M. VETERINARY SURGEON Gradluat. Chicage Vat. CoHUeIII Office et Reeldonce. M71 Orai Av*. ?boue 1111W. 41; PUBLIC AUCIONER Cltoset ttntlon pald 0a1Sg aueio. sal". ad beet réc" t u II Ing Mmre. Al hinds of hure, waoaffe mat haine.. for sale or eIrhauge et ailtUnee. HENRY SMN pliesmm1e a 4or« ZOtCITY, EL.- PHONE 1140-M W. IH. LEIIWAJT' Violinist, Pianist anti Teéoho 308 CORY AVE. WAIJKEGAN, ILL.

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