CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 4

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OurLAEOUT Lake County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun Office Tlephone Number I Libertyville Exchange. Entered abte Postuijice at- Libertyviiilii1 a Second Clan Mail Matter Officiai Paper for Lake (éoufty. eseued Every Friday. Advertiolniz Rate@ Made Known on Application. BUBSCRIPTION PRICE, $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. J. SMITH ...................................................................... Edîlor F. . SMITH.................................................................... Manager M. J WEBER...................................... Resident Manager. Phone le _% Those buttons which friends of thie judges have been wearing, bearing the words, 'II arn for the three judges" inay nov b. changed to read: "I WAS and AM for the three judges." The only trouble is that it now appears as if almost everybody WAS. The. election showed that any fight which WAS on vas betveen Donelly and Smfley rather than between Smiley and Edwards; as vas reported1 Snllley mnade his fight on Donneliy rather than Edward&--but, even that dldn't get him far. In fact, ho vas justoesof thosewho "aima ran."1 The.eepressions of votera of the district showed that thi ddz' beleve what Judge SuMey had said -about Jug Donnely, namely, that the, latter vas phyuzcaily un- at or the, office of judge. Rather, tiiey replied by au J o gd xpresson 'that they feit that a. man vho wbuld make sucli statementu hirnself was mentaily unquailied te take the. place'cf the. other. Tipping, plunglng and rearing autos have corne to b. so fréquent ln the. ravine district north cf Waiikegan that neighbors fLd tii.y cannot afford to spend tinie procur- ing détails cf the stunts, declares oesof thé. residents. Weil,4 it seems as if the. drivers mxght b. a littie careful and spread tieir stunts alcng the route rather than foistlng them ail on eue or two particular neighborhoods. That vould maté it luss burdensonle for the districts that are partlcularly affllcted with these uuexpected flops. Iu't it about time that something definite is done te bring abou~t the formation of a LAKE COU NT Y AUTO CLUB? With the. hundreds of cars there are ln the. coun- ty nov and witii the many enthusiasts of the. sport, it doos seuiu that a good vorking club could b. maintained vith succoas. Imagine the good that such an organisation could do lu the, matter cf road improvements, road signa, etc0 Tmaw hat a club cf thi sort cculd do ini a canipaign OfDON'ûT DRIVE INi TERUTS in Lake county. 1 Xdditonoe/ ?ews J '.Ci»ert~ve Mr@. Julius Treptow and daughter are spending severai days In Waukegan. Mir. and Mrs. Jas. Turner, @on Joe and daughter Miss Mabel of Graysiake, were caliers hore Wsdoesday. Miss Gertrudq Davis. le! i Saturday for Peotone, fil., ta attend the graduation exercisos of the lgh school hore. The Davies family lived Severai ysara at Peoione. Mies Daviesexpecta to hogonle two weeks. UAN TRIED TO ENTER~ §lOIE 0F JAS. B. SWAN A few minutes ýbefor9 three a'ciock Tbursday. morning, Cheater Dibble, a drngclerk tu Lovell'a drug store, and who ia making bis home witb Jas. B. Swvan, the macager o! the store, wea arcnsed troa siep by someane prowlion around the boum. Aring from bed ho siroulsd tram an open wlndow and demazrded wbat thme persan wanted. On rsniving no answsr Mr. Dlhble went down etatrs and opened the front door and faund bis ma iding habind a door. Dibble wbipped ont a :revolver and ordered tbe man off the plac but rot nsed tu answer bis question and sbawed no sikme of leaving. Dlbble then grahhed the man by the throat and kiicrPd hlm onf thelporcb. The fellow arase and attempted ta returu W ibhe porch when Mr. Dibble pushed the gun at the man and told him ha woulriii hlm full of boles Il ho did not Wave. HBestarted tW waik north aud Mr. Dibbie went lucide and calleà np Marcai Limherry wha caught the man in frontaof Kohner's store and put hlm under arreet. On arrlvtng at the jail the man, who le a big trapplng teliow, it the marchai aver the head with a quart whlioey bottie betore he waë locked lu a cell.jLlr. Swan and tamlly are away an a trip and itmay hthat thefeliaw inew the.lamily was gane. KENOSUA TEAI WINS OVER RAMAIIEAS Iuncase tue C. & M. electric does get a permit to run its The Ramareseont ta Kenosha Sun. '- cfChicae vi muchmore day ceere they gai tire short ceti o! a cars into tue e art o C icg t w l mean mDmorein- o terurban service direct from Waukegan into the metro- îîurry Dur ier, aUr big epit bal artisi, polis, fer, dolng avay vlth tue cbanging of car meas pitcheti biifiret game anti matie a ins pnchin l encouraging patrons te use tue electric Uins route. shalwInv'againgt many odati. The Keno. Itstt roquent changing that makes people hesitate atlsIl uIl" ho by thes way le om as e exwnper Jt co cmes W ,dtecting balis, usln tue electric. And, vith a through service te tue triedtet maie ne halleve aur twinler tei city tue electrlc road veuld n»ake more money and con- too many steps. But nathlng ting. uoquently b. able te do mlore for this and other cities in Captain Stafaord anti Noyer@estareti with mattera of franchis, etc. the stick eacb gelting ahomerun. Burge, _________________the noeIid sacker, sure fille Iu flue at cf oponntsof Cunt Phsicin Bovuthat station. The efforts ofopnnso onyPyiinBon Nexi Buuday the HumLait Fetis of te mMurprset hlm la assun#lng tue peint viiere it la net Chicago, came ta Liberty ville for a game. OÙl bMgbable but disgustlng in some respects, especlal- The score. ly1regard to tue nsvspaper "«publicity" vhich ho la be- Ramaea........100050110- îmg handed every tme neya la duil on a certain Waukegan NOIsO.........108 0 - paper. Tii. effort te compel Dr. Brovu or tue undertak- Sevor1aoanad fanetts cent rip ta ens vio are doiug county hospital vork te nlaie public tue ee the 9.m.. There ceoulti bave heen Mast cf "stil births",la tue latest metuod resorted te ten croceti t al hadth ie Lihortyvilie fans U~-I Dr LJ. u fae ..falistetoturu ont. "geti D.sBrown-but,, i fc f It all, heangles, te115 n"' Cap*In lfard playeti irtand llo frienda te "Let them go on and hang themselves," etc. The toIk hie place lu the euter gardon. publication cf names cf a motuer vhe has passed through The game ceas stoppeil a fece minutes that trying ordeal and thon la childisas dospite careful lu the firth cehîle the cbowers laid tire surglcaltteutien, neyer has bsen tue plan in Waukegan dust. Work bas heen started ut tillrng lu the among docters, neituer ameng undertakers and NEVER diamou i uthiL..fair groundis ehich cili lu tueecase of The Daily Sun viiose sympathies are toc o buInchape for next Sundays game. Ideen for tue disappointed parents te coudons such a prac. The 1,au exper!te do play uroot ar its tice, vhich nov is 11demanded " by the anti-Brovu games ut home lu tire future. publication. It's goiug pretty far, hovever, iu our opinion, te make bereaved mothera tue 1"goats 11cf sucbi a venoulous UNKNOWN M9AN IS and scurilous att.ack iu ventlug spite on aoumebody else. Iu re.electing tue turee sitti ng judges, the voters of KILLED AT GURNEE this district ahoved a vise consideration of the important Tire body of an unkuown mian ceas situation vith reference to tue judiciary, tue most import- faunti aiong tire tracks af the, St- Paui ant part ot a county or ditrict's organization. Judges railroati t Guru,-, early Sunday on Donnily Frat ad Evars ar ai mo vhohav shvu g andthie remains were takon ta Donnlly Frst nd Ewars ae al me wh hae sontir,- Treptow & Maon morgue et Lib- their ability, tue tve former by many years' vork on the ertyville. bencih, and Judge Edvards by tue several rnths' I"trial'"'Tire Lady ceas discavereti Lv merri given hlm tiirough appointment by Gev, Dunne. There Lrs of train crew No. 142 passiug ueemed te b. ne res.l reaon for maklng a change merely tirtrorEir Gurnce anti thoy carnbiil ta élove aothr mn wh asire frm a eigborg cun.Rondout cehere they notifieti the cam- elovte no~uermanvheaspred roma nighorig cun-panys ropresentativea. ty and t#ue votera looked at tue matter inthat light, shown2 The vlctim appears tu have been by ii.vot onMonay Âcordngl, te udicial mat- struck by a train, a Ladl cnt aven the tirs of the circuit couit vill continue mevi"ng on in the oye anti on tire liii a wel las broken sumes amootu ianner for tue next six years and tues. men bons tendlug to prove tbis tact. Hie viii continue te direct.tue destinies cf estates and indlv-ld- twas abotIlleycarsad n t nithiea uals vho may appear before tuem for trial luý the saine l ta indicate bislg ta dla careful Ynner tuat bas characterized tueir administra- in chauge in bis pokoîs. beo mae:om ontbcm ajdet e u dvr PAl VATE SALE for v t s n , b h i e r y e d r e u t e u b e Hâviug solti My theatre anti restau. iitue votea en esithat trantlievdDtueyoffer My reiteueon the ver entl-le'e tnac oM ofc reg i f tuetatfor saleat aIsreasanahie figure. bloc lmg for support. Ju ~ dadthi e county jurist,ipan.2gssveiasla. u =bssxyear ef ore hlm te furtuer prove bis ability ipbouograph (Clumbia) witb 40 doauble AI . .~records.1 kitcbeu cabinet, 1 coucb. 1 auj bIMMt& edknov neovan coninIue amn UggooU j uflss ttse, ï teut 9x12, 10 os tnck, 6 folt m, ho hms during tue try-out vhlcb the. appointment f1a40 removable a eils, comples iwtb repu. fA posile for hlm te experience. Re bu Mnore than corn eta tkss. assry "ec; 2 cmvascats, up to lb.expoctatlons et bis frienda lu inla fr-eut and it 1isatry COC ilh bmatremes rols, la certin b. wil continue up to the itad ho alroady 0heilir, beds, dresson anti many- Ibe bau set uhié bas hym .mlnmtly sticto C e bouglie q@saly s!leoon bu u wb& b ben «lamly atifacroynet only teor »e me ut the Lui eesurant, lawyers but te ltigaan wvil. IUhertyvflle. J. T. Robeutson. CLASS PLAY AND CHIMEN. "fiNT 10SUCCESSES Tihe ep lay laqi Thu rmday evening and the omenomntexrce i . day evsning hrought tu a close ane of the Mont suesaeful Yeartstthe public Leschobrs bas ever iuown. Seventeen Young people recelvetidi plamas tram th@ high ehool, anti eleven.. pupils necelvlng Ibsu troru the eighth grade. Large crowtis illieti the audi tOrium boib erenînge and a generai appreclaion of the efforts of the scholars and thaîr taachsr's was ehowu, The clamsplay "The Merchan tof Venire", 3(uP-to-date) was full aigoati bumor andi the Plot o! the play tentereti ou a rlch beiregs, witb wham r. striden t was deeply lu lave. The tiret act showed a etreet seus lu lu Venice. Baeania (Orson Pipee) ad- mite ta Antonio itDale Colline) a senior captain lu football isam, Gratianio( Fred Pratîne) anoibernienti, that ho le lu love wlîh Partis (Marjary Taylor) a rlch beireesand re t t tem the celi af Portia's laiber, wbleb stipulateti that in Order tu, MarryParila ber sultan would have ta master s translation trou one ai thr-eLatin authar.. Orbtianlo sug- gesieti Basaro ue a -,poney" lu the exauluation, but mot being able to . gel bald at one Antonio valunteore ta lsse anos from ShYrnock (Marylieam a wealthy gamiben. Bhyl otrresAntoniolotoi a contract la give op a Pound o! hic bair neareat the bralu sbould his frlsnd Bassania fal ta returu thre " poney" on a certain date. Baseania passes the ezamination lu Caqsar, the examluation heing madie hatôre Abhle 8. Thrsedive (Gertrude DBvies.) Shylock, declares bis lave la Jessica (Eva Williams) Shyloce y ard. iSb@ @Purus hlm anti is locied lu Sby. iock's bouse. Launcelot Goblia (Blanche Sebanci) servant tu Sbyiock. brngs ber lover, Antonio, wbo rescues ber. Shy. bock bas Antonio arreeteti tor failure ta ksep bis bond, policeicoman (Verouica Sullivan) hailiug hlm ilu court. Sby. iock demande paymcut of baud. Senti- meut af the court le lu lavter o! Antonio, but the gambler insiste an bis right sud le about ta cnt Antonio'@ haîr wben an unknown lawyer appeare and notifies hlm that "il muet ho a pounti, no mare, no legs, and neareet the brain.'" Shyloci appear@setumped and decides ta allow tbe court ta have the Profesoor (Marion Taylor) take an ex-ray picture of Antanio'@ brain. The picture faied ta show any brain, and Shytock losI. Thre uuknuwa uawyer unmasked anti there stooti belote the astouished court noue other than Parila. The ecene clocet wi&h the marriage o! Portia anti Bassanlo anti of Nerissa (Vida Jamison) Portia's trieutitu Graianlo. Luchla Sanhovu playeti the part o! The Duite o1 Venice; George Stedman, Tubai, a frienti oi Siylocir anti captain of the Bel. mont football teau; Elizabeth Schan.'k, POIly, Portla's maiti; Elizabethb Cook, Antonia'& mothen; Liola White, Mro. GabLa, Launcelotse mothar; Emma Kein, Duiesn attendant; Bigb school baye, football playere. Everyone ai the partis were W@e1 taken, came of them as gooti as more traued actore. The commencement exorcisei were openeti LY a piano solo by Mr@. Fiora Duranti, ohe playlng ,Nocturne lu G Minon" from Cthopin.. The Invocation and Benediction were pronouuced by the Mev. B. Md. Allhurt o! the Preshyterian cburcb. Chiarles Edwin Lutan, wba le a graduate af thre Nortbweotern Con. servatory of music, sang tnnee salas, alter ail o! chi ho was oblîget t give encore. Mr. Lutton sang at the clan 1912 commencement eiercipser@henead le appreclateti by the Llbertyvîlle public. Mis@ Marjory Taylor as salutorian, gave the ceelcome ta the faculty, the parents andi the Iriende anti MIes Marion Taylor, valedictorian, giving the fan- ceeu, elrowrug citir caretully hilaufiet ceords tire parting of the wayo. The atities@ of tihe evening ceas given by thre Dr. Walter Dili sertt ai North- western University, wbere beli, prote8sor ai P@Ydlîolugy. Dr. Scott choiee as bis subject "Tire Hgh Sebool Graduate of Taday.- He couiti fot havé selecteti a mucre intereeeîng tapit. Be anaîyîzeti the character of tire average higin echoal graduai,,anti drewco rmparilof a!tire tralulug oattire chilti today as ta tire one of one iruntreti years ago. Tire attitutit 01 the home, tire secirarleanti the cirurches taceard tire riiuggeneratiou ceas ehocen clearly. R. W. Bull ley, presitient aftie Board o! Etincationi, preer-utedtthe dipicmusta bath tirs higireciroal anti eighth grade, anti thariiedth e !aculty antialiltire teachers of tire grades for the interest anti efficient work turing the pasi year, qtingtirhe approval o! the Board se a wbols for tire cori accomplisbeti. SEN Il. MULLER. Attoreys ADJUDICATION NOTICE. Public Notice la herebi ivers tiraitthe fini- scyltrer Xxecutor oi tihe lust Win and Testament of Illie 1P.ijidies. deceesed. ailattend tirs Countr Court 01 Lake Couuty. ait àterfltmmrof te ire iriden aitirse court flouse lnWaukeaau la mai1 COrunie. on amire etiMondai 01 Aucult »ci.ts. 5. u nsud abertSUail Vrsonshartn claires egains salO ctate are nm" la"su requsssied t0 preftut tire same te 5510 Court lue adjudicration. .iofN o. aiusLRT. Executor. Wsutesan, tIlinois..May 29,lMt. Mayi29-trme 4-11 Independeut rres a U PoIiaIs Iu Leke Couaty. Chumrch ?/ews F ROM - LOCAL.- CHURCHES 'i Melhodist-Episcopal. Next Sunday Cbldrens Day" wiii ha ohcerved bath morulng and evening. Lu the marnlng at il oclack thers wililha appropriate music for the service an? Rev, T. E. Ream will Rive a briet addrees on the subjeet, 'The Chlld's Paceer."1 At this service al@o, bapticur will ho ad- minlstered tW children. lu thte veniDu at 7:80 the exercices will be lu charge of the Sunday ochool. The entire program will conelet of sîngiug and speaklng by the children of the, echool aed speclal music. The church willi 4e eautifuiiy decoratsd. "The Kind of Thluking That Maies Leaders" wUl be the cubjsct af the Epworth League meeting next Sunday eveuiug et 6:45. A cordial Invitation la extendedtotaail. TheWoman's HomeIMisianani soclaty wil bolti the June meeting next Thurs day afiernoon, Juns l7tb, et the home Of r]ns. J. B. MeGuffin. Mrc. P. L. Halcb will asist lu sntertalning. The choir wiil meet for rebearsi an Friday cvening tiisweek. Program for (2hidren's Day servicpeat Md. B. churehBuanday avening: Pnelude-Procmsionai ..:...Hammeral lire. Loin Mtiocks Prayer ................8 ev. T. E. Bsam Marcb Song .............The Energctlcs *.elcome ta You Ail ... Elizaeth William@ Children'a Day ............Richard Lytie Little Lamb@ are Wt ............... (iladyc Koan, Naehart Lyble Exercise. andi Son-'Tbe Bnci Bec' Prlmary Depariment Little Boy'@ Thauuis...Gearge Raton The Poppiese..................Elgig ris We are Glad Today....ioephine Pigr ViailuBolo-Beleeted... Gardon Fendick Lassons ai Chiltreus Day ........... Harriet Putnam Jeans Little One@s................... Sautna Goldenberg, Elînor Williams Uheer Up ...................Gladya Eger A Dalsy Lesson ......................... Flarente Goideuherg and Twelve Girls The Way Ia Do It .............aiph cale1 Lau relenat Grate..Cborus ai Young Ladies At the Crase........................ Margaret William.. Harriet Putuaru Announcements ..................... Offertory-Canzonetta.........Rock well Mr@. Mattocis Soo--Selected...Mise Lllah McCarmlck Vialin oblîgato. Kenneth Loveil Piano andi Organ Duel-Marche Triomp- haie............................. Gulmant Mise Evelyn Trigge, lMre. Fiara linranti tienediction........................... Postinde ............................ Flagler Mir@. Mattocire Presbyterian. 10:30 a. mu. Eiidrens Day proigrâm by the Sunday scbcoi. Chritian Er'deavor fi:45 p. ru 7:30 Eveuing @ervice, "The D)Ignity of Lsbor,"topic. Congregationai supper this week Thur@. day svcning. Children Day exercîses will be heid et the Preabyterlan Bunday echool neit Bunday moruinga t 10:30. A progratu of exorcises andi drills by the primary and aider chiltirer bas licou arranged for as follaws: Sog-"Over Land and Sea .... ehool Beeparisive Reading.............. «**» Recitatlou-',A G reeting"..BiancheTriggs Sang-" We'll Try Bard, Wou't You?' .. -....**-- _ ", ......Pri ar Elereise-"Ood'sotGitte" ....-8i 1 Girls S;ong-Aleep lu the Manger'........ .. .... elen Esther Wright .~Mildred iRay Sang-"Hi@c blidrensi' Day..... School ExercisehbY Bigla Little Beginnersi.. Song-"Queer Little Cradies ...Priniary Atidrese...... ............. .Paptor Recitatlan-"A Free Cancers"........ ...................Wilson Oloudori DHril-*'The Ativont ai Suumer ..... . ..................Te cIsc Girls tut iarotn-*Giaiues»s. hou.. Dla Pierce Sang- Ouward .................School St. Lawrence Episcopal. Holy Communion 7:30 a. ni. Sunday scbooi 9:810 a. in. Morning Prayer 11 a. rm. Evenlng siervice 8:00 p. ru. AREA TILE CO. IS TO INCORPORATE rTile Company Operating in the County is te Be Capitaliz- ed for_$35,000., The De Buet tMe tsctory at Ares, wbIch bas contlnuoaly aperatei for eigbt years and hbas furnisbed quartz cernent tile doars for many leading buildings tbraugbout the U. B., la ta, ho Incorporatati. The capital stock of this company, for whlcb Incorporation papers are be- lng taken out for conducting the tIle factory business at Area, L&ie COUD- ty, wlill hoS36,000. Nîr. Geo. M. De ffmet, wlth offo-es lu the Chamber of Commerce building. 1Chicago, bas financeti the lndustry fram Itla lnfancy. The proceeses useti In mauufacturing these products bave been worked out Bt the aid Roce- feiler factory and floor tîle now being made there are going Into the niceet new buildings now being constructei thraugh recommendatlon e? the lead- lug architece. Roubert Bt. Lammens, superintendent of the factory, stands blgb lu the coin- muuity and be wiil continue lu the camne capacity wîtb the Incorporatei company. The business will empioy more men and this Industry will ho 1>ew6roeryand Market AT IIALF DAY 1 have opened a grocery and meat market at Haif Day with a high grade Une of groceries and fresb meats, and respectfufly ask your patronage.. li Day Grocery and Market J. H. WIEMERSLAGE, Prop. E"TJTHE TÊTPS The Sage firusb Gai, a il-rosi Vitagralih drame, yl hea bowu Bt Tihe Lyri- iheatre Saturday uight, Jurre I2th.Tb.- picture Me a etirring western teatr- aud laa draime well worib soelng. Mason'a Jubiles Singera wlli appear et the Audiltorinu on Fritiay evening. Jurre 18i. This concert wlll ho given undr.r tihe auspices ai the local Lincodui Chantaurrua Association. This c jpany of enter- taee was bore test 'Iimmer wlth thre chantauqua and gave a vory gond prograru. The leader ai the troupe le a reutarkable dîreetor wltb a splendid volte and the members are dune enter- tainers. At the Libertyv Theatre on Friday, June 11, wiil ho cLown "A Jitney EIsç,rr mens," a Charlie Chaplin lilm thai tart* witlr a chuckle and end@ with a r,,ar. The fnnny buinees leading up to the olopoment le excellent preparatlani for ihe ilirgbt af the couple lu their jrrn..y auto. Two reels ai genuiné -Sou.Il andi- go" farce. AUCTION SALE, r wlll ssiI et publie aurition withrrut reserve opposIte Lhartyvlie school bouse SATIJRDAY, JUNE 12, 191-5 at 1:30 p. m., the followlug goodr anti furniture: O gaod dressrswlth nrrrrc, 6 gooti commodes, 1 parlai sable. 1 gooti parlor suite ofi-, plaes, 1 large willow rocker, 6 rocklug chairs. etpice- parlai set, 1 large round carved i eten- @ion dliiulg tabla, uearly naw. 4 common table. 5 dlung chairs. 1 guod sidebuard wlth writing tiesi, 4 iroun hotctat.. 1 maîtresse, 4 spriuoes, 4 wash howirr andi pitchars, 4 stop jars, 1 chiffourer. 1 washlng machine. 1 large 6 humner gais slave with 2 avens, 1 large 4-burner gasoline stose wlth aven. 1 sanitary couch, 1 new tee box, 1 Singer .cwIng machine, 1) lace eurt.ainu, 2 pair portiers. on,, green, <re rdr, m gaod pllio, 1 9z12 velvet rug. figood Italien um..fixe;, 3 Di 12 rugrain muge, 2 porch oet a lot diehes, 2 mirrore, conle crr.ilng utensile4 andi mnsyother articles tooi uiiir.. ire ta mentiaor. l;suai terme. with 2 per -cnt di-. u for cash ou sumo over $10.i1t W. H. Appley & C, - Pr,p Lakg Countys big week1Y-.NDlf k STOLEN Worry Ia dread poison t]îat saps froir the'iniîid the power te) think. ¶ýTbat weakens the-. will andîrl suiits ambition. ¶wThat holds ini itself the roots of sicknesr, sin and failtîre. ÇThat is mlow to warn but quit-k ta act-that nags, gnaws and under- mines the entire body. Thein coiîes the crash. 1j'lherefore, as we rid ourselves of worry, do we open the door for Health, Happiness and S1Iccess-. * * * * 'Show me a man with a clear brain, a bright eye and a mind that is free from ail worry--that man has known protection. " STUFF Protection AIl titat ha, beetr acr.atnilisirod ir tire leelopemnent of science, art or business, 's ce its permanrent ericceso ta tIhe grandi tien o f iroIr-riion. I. Iras ever ireetianti will continue la lic Illat tire strnrg ebîlI proter-t the weak, tire wiseeanrIexprerietîceri ihall advise itlorse trot well rîrformeri. Every lace af naturre rloiorrtrates tire niecriand valu,- af proteotiori. Tire falling ]caves guard the tenrIer spring floweoro tili tire roor. is strnrg. The seeod enfaîis the iLant germ. Sunlight, snoc, nain anrd warmtir are all in tiroir way but agente of ah cise nature ta guard andi oave tire spark of life tirat haî been placeti in somnegking delicate, andi weak-somnetiig that ta liv,- MU'ST HiVE PROTiECTION. Every one knowo tirat protection j, a groat incoutive. Trhe kuaceletige that cee are îprotected enceourages us ta etnike out anti cin. Protection je tire real gurd, thre real necesaity for us, befone we can La r.otally happy and successful. lu your ocen life, protection ha, played its important part. Your healtb, ceesiti and development from day ta day have de- pended upon Ibis ane great factor. JOHN HODGE District Manager AREA ILLINOIS We i pianos t Latter p about t.l Kimbai Tire 1 Victrolâ market. cejîl tell Came Players Comm bath rot Bunlir beaves I Saturdsa The li dise The L DRt Clemen lady frier Sunday. B. V. seere grie at Winr George Win. i Chicago F. C. M~ miliwaui Snnday. L. j. Fenlonr Wauieeh Ciro Allentain day. Mr. aud] visited fri FOUNI mois 9a0 0,cr thon wlth the Mems. Drainage tional ch at Milibu Mise A! Satnrdaî Arch IB charge o1 M,sion [) tîme ther ýLast ~ wori o by tet. Coa. AUl tbc The Bext Ca. Paris I lil Si Weare Corneiru tezaili S îLe (i mreet icit day. Jun Th4 La K rusenra June lOt The g rr 7,-ar Brg Banse W ateg werr Lila Bai tRich aud prettiiy green SBt Ilverod ti ta 0thernes that ail Hernia Alret,-r 1 B. wam Dr. Byl.. getbing a w A n,.e chi, %Ir.lPei Tuêsdayý -d liv NI1r Newtm, ilO fuîr r .James dliorse si "st and S rer tre- home or cd back est Som( Reai

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