CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Jun 1915, p. 7

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LARECOUTY IDEPNDEN. FII)A, 'UNE 1rag1e riev Itanoow'j beonged reaquror y Beau-. had tak- 'ourt sait decision stateO'5 r te the te iaî at ail lin- s 10 the lie court ady says ss a lav casée but er. FRATERNAL OR-- M~S UNITE IN IJ4 MEMORIAL PARADE ~embers of. Many of the Dif- ferent Fraternal Organiza- tions Were i n Une. The fraternal orders of Waukegan lUnited on Sunday ln a memorial aerv- le for dead members buried In te1 local cîrnetery.- The parade made a splendid sbovlng as il passed tbrc,îgh the down town streets.r Il vas led hy a cordon cf policemen, foiicod by a brasa band, then came County .ludge P. L. Persons, as grandL marabai cf the da Y. Tihe t.odern Woodmen/ vere nexitIn lune, belngt lrcOed by the Woodmen drill g tcam. Varicus maneuvers vere cxe. cutcd durlng « be marcb, tbe prettiesi being the forming of the lettons "M.t W. A." Thua vas dcns by means of! crossing tbe axes. members of nmre i et thc orders carrled bouquets vhichb voue placed upon the graves of de- of enlIstlng in tbe company of naval eraad members. Il vas one of the reserves vbicb ta 10 be organIzed un- fIne«s sowings of men ln a parade seen here ln gmre lime. Tbe Parade formed IlUnhe aIt the court bouse ai one-tbirty 'ciock. Il PrmCceded Ilorth on <ounty street ta Cayton treet. eaa to Genesee treet, lb t0 Belvîdere. enst ta Marlon bdsoulli ta the ceneery. At tbp etclryt there was the rol rail of the dead and tbc decoraîing of graves. The band then ]Pd the' pro. .',sion bac'-i t the city wberp It disbanded. This la thhe lirai year that the p lan of baving aeeral of the traterual or- ders unite in holding sfrvitcs ,utead cf doing it singiv s ah as heen the eustom lu Past yPars, The affair tiis Year was surîta ,teided suc, -a liht Il ls an as,îred ta, t that it ailt,,. rieeotTn. xt u'ar and inllfuture years. TI),'-Ian,Pis are 1,0 nf-St YPar nevw leatures a il be adt.'.land, der the leadersbip of Boatavain H. E. Olsen. F'uly fity members cf Bal- tery -C" are auxicus and eligibie 10 become menohers of the naval re- serve§. Wlthin a very short lime, poasibly wîthin te next veek or ten days, te young men wbo are eligible 10 jobn tbe reserves vili meet tnutthe arntor'J with Mir. Olsen and at tat time tirev wir] take out ibeir lu probable ahio ibat te offcers 3111 b'. Plected. Servtng lu the naval re- servsawtt! h.' a new exiperience for te ha!tery boys but titey are rallier enthusiastic over th'. prospecta mnas- mucit as Ibis semvire means neverai crutues on the lake. Then ton, ltera la the 'additlonal iuducenienlttat l cad- 'ta r te naial r,'sprvs In bail probaltity a ,ld lr ralled out he- f ,rf' te land t rool,,. Iti paîrobale tthat n tIoflte , ,t,-r, Xa ut, tan îoses, m ,,,.ual alt 'u'bth tid fot jy,,,, 1,,.%var wait) , Nuartagr, a It, lo,'afo tr a troop otf in lin.' ia«al r, ,.- T.,-., pr-rt:.iof t, It was ut",nti,t a.l,ýirlai e"'maIt lutatilêi b er.' for the'use Wooduen had te nost cra, stý,,f'tlip er,-r, -', y, ,a-rthe t t.'sees decoratp as tJ le8 ,,rietri d i t, Cite î 1 f() t d, o .o largesat order. Ir n other sfara t!, servi,-"sît* I- melr. AIt Cmi t!lie ouders which îook part agre- tlat i' E IR A T N E la mucli lebler 10 hoblb a initeçi sert- BACCALAUREATE AT Heydecker Heade Association. A eranntUno Mmoia D .1 BAPTIST CIIU R CI officeru au 11< hepad: iSent n sorlb'. W aukegan townsb'p P Presideli t'.T.Heyderkerr hiîgit arool. members of Ibis ypars Vice president Wîlam Hoban. graduatlug 'ass, went Io thte Frst S.-crets..> treasurer-Judge P. L, Baptial churcit on Sunday ntght to Persionsa hear te baccalaureate sei non C. T. Heýderk.'r scbed as masuer of preached by Rer. H. G. Hlgh. Thte cOtemonles et lbh' program rendered stîbject of lbhe sermon was "Thte Lat- ait thte cemetertes wirh inclu&d ent Power of Youth.' The text waa. these numbers: 1.0ke 17Z' 21, -Thte Kingdomt of God Band music. cometit not wtti observation,--- "Nearer Mly God 10 Tbee" Ahll for Io!te ktngdom of God is witin *Rocked lnthe' Cradte of th.' Deep"7OU." -C. G. Deicke. Reading 0f the death roi!. "Thte Star Spangied Banner' and "My Country 'Tis of Tbee"-Al. Decoratiug of graves. Titese societies acre repre-entpei n ielin.' of marri,: hloderi W\ýoolmen, bakr ramp.! Odd Feltow,-. \aukegan l,,dcr- Kî,igt s of P, tiia', Triho of lien, Mur. Rotai Arranuni Roya I Leagu. Court of Ilonor. BRoyaI Nighhoro, Lady Aacnhr, E . , i tli t ni be. Dlitpr'. of Rpe.'r, Odd!Fr! Ma-., ShpI,-dari toit-e. bIIEF WIN( IS1 FJRM IN DENIAL LAD WAS DRUNK Bitlon cf the Sun' 1 notice in your Issue of Junc 4, tWa nomerne ee bo vas passing -tbrugh Higbland Park on the oven- 1*8 of the 31st cf May, sav a recroît f"a the naval station vbo vas dun,"and va, belng suppoted by tva fridd. He aimo montions liraI h sav a policeman "rMakis"for t#oi. The coffcer vho reported thc alair In this, and the physîclan vbo attendeil tbe ycuug man iay liaI ab- sonltely ne trace et liquor could hi found on hlm, but that ho vas sut' foring the effects cf a bail faîl, îuch as any man vho does flot vear a unl- form migbt have bad. W@ are Iherefore forced 10 beiice jbtycur "readen" must live In a live- zone scmevberc iimscif, or pet,- r h e vouid net Jump ai conclus- as tu a stranger's condition so raadiy. GEO. W. WINO. Cief of Police; almwo a 'neader" Il was the first appearauce the sen- iors base made in teir caps and gOwn.s. They formed lu ]lue ln tbe lower part of th.' riurch sud marched 10 te oî,per part of the churcli snd to their lsats 10 the stratus of a pro- rru-'i,,nal march. The prograni wsas rendered as foi- Ch'Ioir proceus;onal. Twiriy>ation Pastor. .'nithf,-- . s-tanding. The Gloria Plair riisanding. llymn. 'l itoelesson. braYer. 'hoir respoxue. lymn. t'ermoy, i!y Pastor. P-rayer. Hlymu. lilsnedic lion. Choir reeponse. Organ postlude. The churcli vas Oued tu overflow. iug. Admission was by tiliet Up tu 7:50 oc]ock. after vbicb lb. cburcb was tmrown open t0 tbe Public. Tbe sermon by the pastor vas an excel- lent one and contaeud nmre excellent advice for the graduates. ELECTED IEAD 0F MEDICALSOCIETY Tbe Lake County Medical assScia- tion met ai PrOgresi club hall, North Chicago, Friday, June t, at 3 ocloex. the Incîsment voather provonting the outdoor meeting that bad beon plan- ned. The annual eloclien cf oilicers r.- siltcd in Ibis sloction: Président -Dr. O'Nell, Higbland Park. ""&Scy.-TreaB.--fr. Ambrose, Wauke- tani. Intteetlng papers were read by Trs, Gcurley andt Daniel@. Thr voeesixtoon doctors ln il- tendaýce and the meeting Proved a vory iitoremtins one.. Only a Blindfolded pian would buy anà automobile today without looking the Maxwell over There's no excuse today for any man who is "jollied" into buying a car before he looks over the 1915 MaxweILl We give you the Iwo vital thinga in "hi Maxwell Car and then the 17 new feaftues that have made the 1915 Maxwell the most talked-about car ever produced. Here are tihe two vital things that any sane muan wants wben he buys an automobile In the firit place -a handsome, real automobile that he can b. proud to ride in. In the second place -a powerful, fast, econornical auto- mobile that will take hbu any- where and bring hum back. W. give you thmse two vital things, andi then just about every otiier detail of re- finement, comfort and endurance. that you can think of. Take power and hiil-clirnbing ability, for example-when you buy a 1915 Maxwel you buy an exact duplicate of the. stock Maxwell cars in which "Wild Bil" Turner and "BiIly" Carlson broke two World' Re.- cords in two of the toughest, rougheat moun- tain hill-climbs ever made-ML. Hamilton and Mt. Wilson. Take speed ani endurance, for exampi- when you buy a Maxwell y ou buy a car made by the. sanie designers-tii. sanie chief engi- neer-from tii. sanie Maxwell Laboratory,- heat-treated, tested steel, that was uaed in th. Maxwell Racers in which Barney Oldfi.ld and «"Billy" Carlson botii broke the 3006. mile non-stop race records in Corona and San Diego. Read This List of Expensive Features. The 1915 Maxwell Ha# These Features And Many Others. Atrit ,e,,ne £B0dy WlPurenîesrI.t. 'uMy. craretai cr03 tente-s h s cir ' ., aled Ail ils grac,.. ,tyi. ad' -ap ,ac îe, ou li Enid la sacy cithe li&tas! ir(cedcars A iligh-Tension Magneto Nenrty ailtt iretgh Pried ca.--.bave hll-ht jtesb ffa"ertas A high ten,-,0masceu Cial..positive 1geitios The S... magneis.l h (rbt, l. Mss- 'elt is eqaPPnd, ite roGgu.ed an ne. efthl. hael ascalea ,made. Left Sida Dnvae-Csaîrsli Contrai, Leftiidesteer vitti cars.- iftUe5levers 1.n eeu e! drivag camprmet-eceler cetrl-haa bas ar.'eîd ly lsdiag Eak- eof epen.IVe Stss- blte-9asthe -Anict *d001et etral for the P-11ll t .,- t of,utaen mad e r.T",'M,-te' D..bic'SheIliRdisor .s'.h Sbosk Aboorbing Des ice '1tla51'.rl .cdi.t.r 1.aofbn'tdnsm8 desîge. gracrat , ,ur-d, . d il 1. boiutaW latrouble pesaýit il, expennIvrenduble bal type ad iisg Capac y. Irrdatrl uMoa dt-a tI, tae lu'.meanIora nIe...ab- Sarhlng ds., ,-aD as saab de. sl, b _ei1-enthe r.daîtar a I ,,litiancd di.tortiana et lbe trame, vnnoad b, roueloD- -f the raad.Tbh.Cl.,k ah- eorbisg daev'cIao]"MiMi.ciceathbspo... biii of radiator l-a.. The itOMY Fall 8-Pmsmcsger Body La- Ltpkeep, ciirburetoi, t't, rrtr --Iaad se the Mancu v an e- (et.'d'. ,g-.'d for,i alrt1.g ced Ieritt -ud-'r '-,Y rta ele oditia. Eaanamr t.ur 11,ttdted ebaedred. of dealrs acd --merla trrî.rcti. oa f ! îe O uatrY base prred il, aatae., Itual'.reapoas la lîraitis &cd li. hee~raal Y lar uampî o f tca,e. ilInnb ee amed is lo w up-tes»" cariarstr. lrreversible Stcerîuug Geàr The sgreateci margia ot catetyls ss ie IldId île tringgoal,- aoflt y tu. Mcbéat: i. TI aseI rmaribllsoerieg meeîa.ism la .1th île asnîvewcrm-aad'genr IrP. &bd inlau. Prr'Ity a-ver o 7 athlr type lien.lelin mas-Y Mesr. tînt le.3n7ithes . .ilblas il. The max- Adjustabla Front Sent W- bsriEg nurStaenie suer wvhlel opsuaIntlsa l'r$5exd htra uch a,.»» gwr Mx t199a V.1 au le- oserJ godriveanad castrel th"a C h"4 Ta1915 Maxwell ba a fI ra ve 5on -esee.. ger ntu.ace Dar holatad mustln e g -,ge & aQuartertris starter. T'ibs starter la eniaseat. troule lysai coI adeI body. Th. front *osa ffmlua.ts. ro rsm ."oa fet a lre, le lanrt lIe Maxwelle teerleg s« ad eeily opuated. th Gmttscar rea117 o etable fer il. driver. Nô am paol fipI rn h Three-pesd Sidiag t s g ru s- o cIL areisles tfo r i :r le o'wr ue. Tia mrab Ies antonL C ariUelm yor t hrSn. Ait.a i sî s ro I AiE higb Iiasi cars base a ateint camerlevis-ionmped Eee for tE peser et ethtafront in ie s I ot l - u r t a m a l s . b t il E n t h e b o t . r a a e i n s f rf a rPe o le. . M o n t d r iv e r a ' c sa i & a o f o te b n h so n , D am U * a r i e.u h e rim o o f .I a s t r Ilt. - o a h oeaiig n m wn madet ta n b-»n a u&lm up i.mSy ate »u. » - t* It pr Ir are I h sr 'ne hhxwal Compmny'sGuaranne of SerSc to Max:iiwei Ownes No othi. eatouiok% ishbacked hy a more robahserice"dia t aigmarateed eOum, Maxn wd WS. Mme.àl=. 2POW Maxwell .eIo --la every pait .4éii. c«Mutam ealways readr te si" expert advic% b maim -. juteus mdb5NI t rmusmable paces. lio SPldIO tdaxmm srvice ergaium as perfetad and cmplubod by tii.chi. 0,. ansd Mmxwderaàs»d -%SerieBrnche. Sxte- g u M well «S . Sations ame so Ioated hrmo ut Ii" eu 6M fata Mmxwadmelocm. supplyamy pu« form a n wewihhlna few ho.. Ifmti insà mé Muzlwd SS i s a0. ef fegreat avm mu e ed bukxwd Ow»Me Order a Maxwell fom n snow, and Wh= you want it , doiverid, wc wMi 9ivic you your cr-not an excu use n eivery ~j~-ft ' Em VER OA IS.-A MAXWELL ROADW 0" -rt rtofg.yclîl',aIil.Maxwel l'h7%èmpring epcuaofath"i.1915 M«savriil 1.the ca-à aostlg '""'testiae 'tf.eong m, r-ilipticlafront oPInJM ced the tîr,.r laartùr'r rllipiie 1a-*pri.9. tînt il -. d . -itbr-ry 1aigt. 1151ElrirdCa. Th.aM.xasjelft,sa ou 0,r enseticl et the bitA- «eL prleed machinesn a& itt f11 t ,ir ceut. Orne Sins of Tire-Aunli.Skids oa The Maxeail ncartlaoseset thls salossI sesla lb 3.,id as lire... cwilwbsri car'7 but m epara tirs and lutoCeeais.e o se tala. seiu. luaI go al z13A lEçI Irmnsu ami iE em. A famau- MalhtetofsaI-ski a r na arearollai Once Wsr ho"tI M UM AC -- 'bl El r ftsmase - 4.,po ,~03U eT5M BROWN & SMITH ,ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS,' etîv-A 0F 1BATTERY TO BE NAVALRESERVESI $1 00,000 Equipment of Bat-' tery WilI Be Turned Over to New Organization. Withln a day or two the $100.000 equipment of Battery "C' of Wauke- gan wIil be turned over t0 the new battery organîzation at Highland 1 Park wbich ln future wiii be deeig. nated by the same title. An officer of the national guard of the state vas ln Waulcegan two or tbree nigbts ago and offlcialiy mustered out the ment- bers of the local battery. When the equipmer.t has heen turned over 10 the new hattery the oid mllitary or- ganîzation here wiii bave pasaed cut cf existence. This dcci flot mean. bowever. that tbey viil ot continue lIn a similar service for a big majorlty of tbos wlic formeriy beionged te the battery ber@ bave expressed their Intention Pa. R tvv LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT. PRIDAY, -J t'NF 11, 1915. Art f;- %t

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