CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 10

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omm mm wlerelivedu ttre 1nld b cnzL livig" i Waukegau Weekly $unfat al -and Ia vas on e eCases viere, 1ke . , 1 ________________________________ dreds of other cases iu the statÀO =4 nation, 100 itüiot The sporvior bi il roht IoTociflta! &technical law Je rmoù,meiiacing tota *I- Thesuerisr itItrbhtwhçi 1 -0îdIat clark1 aws. -W atotohpp nov. inoSàe judges and O10lS who ait ini election peinct a ail day â,* ttw xaW atmbhape andaddeuu~ I.v~perormd LBQR a dioro"r of élection sOo named by the supervioru and, on eleotIbn. and ad e clahaed srfo rininnLA BO n r. ea ,C m fday fa4to b sow up because of thé ais. « t4eir P p âle, Li on, consitent c aspefre o.uta y psy? TIere's no aw making them hé -on the job;cit throws thom any l ay'noro ohAve ý ii rperl paili150 the wbôle thing into a rather chaotic state. that vo can continue getting EMFOIM M lEN te serve ___________ in those important capacities. * * *@0 0 0 9 e el ,a short tinte for the Panama exposl- S Lsake county mourns tho loss of such au able, honoat * O-t40n at San Francisco. and thoroughly comptont officiai as gugiiB gk, u- Waukogan Locals. 0> George Moflermott, by breaking 144 perivsor from Wauconda.. He vas a n*4ý 11 as igby @oto osbe1oCnda lc regarded by bis neighbers, by bis, fr$u4 210 classed as 0 1% O@60 0 0birds ai the Chicago <ion club shoot snobI and by hie business associte-;)êMOwa ' stood for Hans Chritiansen austalned a fall on Saturday brought down a pur«O the thbpg that are bout for the con munty vbchh of elo&t est while foliowlng hie tradeo that la counted lu' big numera. He lived and for the county at large. Mien like hilm are rnised of 1)wne e Deflalte Id ns. lso won two gold medals and a dut ide inan cm unty d"ateraoon. H a l di nglasa aervingilliah. Yesterday ho ellfeu autlnbhlls and was rushed to the, down by bteaking 84 out of a possible6 t"«a -4. -Jane MoAlister boapital In Waukegan 100. D. A. Hutton broke 82 out of a The more residents of the lake district that are fine . d rapldly as possible. Dr. Bellow@ possible hundred on Sunday. tbrug be taosatbrny' f~ hemor tatofic ,wane cal Intaattendance and founa F.GO. Deoman, <driver of ons of the thrug te tae' atone'socie, temoe1htofie ,te vlctlm had sustained a broken large auto trocks <liatIltothcbiide of caS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~o ,hW hti serigte$,0 orpi 0i f ara», abacut on the chin and a bad Chles¶o scnd ber, was arrested by saj. ftiM k itrc nsw' o âeeda àetn ls fl-ImmI sa*ré.I hs aedstitNewr lteàeed8O - u *eel otorcycle Policeman Callabân on tiobs OVe sé8 often, it wouild lower tbe tobishowIng ithi eàrlWai*aa turfeleved Waukegan Grand avenue tIbs aflernoon chargeildig af wb anings of the office and lb. blgialary itemb thoij 1taeblm*aIL in. that John cregg, famil- with drlying bis mnachine ai a spee018661 ho i~ :,..... jarly bnewn as "Bud: n well known'of 2.5 miles an hour. Rie pleaded llimt wold betocconspicuous, thus, tbiggU155 the L.o 01w1U5 Uon reisidenÉ of Waukegan, had p8sscd'guilly 10 disorderly <onduct and wag .*Itb unes, the, less the contrasb between earnings and salaries. away todnv nt 8:46 o'clock ut is fined $1440. +_____t_____ho ~lme In Joliet. Dossîth lé; attri.hotecl tlarncy -Richiter snd Walter Blnok j The Ldake county supervisors ai the presont session bad 10 blond POlsoning- Mr. Gregg a were called to Waukegan. Ili., yester. moresaddubes o prfom tan hve verfacd ~boad rmovd to Joiet In a speclal train'day by a report Ihat the lunch wagon on the E., J. & E. rallro4 t he early wlslch they conduct bin hat clty had - at s ingle melson bofoi'e. Thèy were caloed upon 10 pan~ part of thir, week. Il isad been tbought beem struck by lighrnlng 8aturday raffl.toau ofcond9lence, in connoction Rtbith the death he miglit gt hetter under the treat- nîgisî and completely destroyed. Thsy of~. Appey. ife of die poor fainm superintendent;' ment be would receive In a hospital. recelved a long distance lelephone tho * nforbunato deatb of Former Oounty Chairman Té or llni Inutre me urt:to hrthat fet ne n- ÇMtnnecessitatod a similâr action and thon, lastly, "aIo edafrimetno!f rfuhrtl hr htVnet Wfétke bèard stifi *as in session, camle the death of bheir Of the sitoekholderd votedi to Inerea.e Fisher o! ihis etty, whon ha& charge the drectorate 10 13. The secretary, o! the wagon, was ln a hospital se- 61q eMr]Bokof Wauconda. Attorney A. P. BPsobien, 00W will riausly Injured. MIr. Richter and Mr. coftagu, 4certify .ta the requit of the vote adBlock 100k an early morning train 10 tben isend It tohe secrelary of state 'Wonte or O uerios erssed ibsoif1 wibh securlng permission tg inerease the Waukegan and found that the entirs suffôlen om astsTueday ho hspftl Dm ber of direclors to 13. A busi- ,matter 'Vas an alleged joke. They are sum MemPhus duayonth county hsia mat- ne » eeting wll hoe l next Fr'dy naturall'f pseved over the occurrence. te noprovo t-C the b majority Are tired of the constant nlght ai which tise regular lection Of -ilacin Journal, Monday. abu-Rt isadthothtdealincn c-Offlcers wlll aIte place. ta uns wzpagupgabou isand hon hat otal inconnot- Announeemnents recelved state thetTess h ouse pansed a bill1 " ý»loïp. en=e ac the Constant agitation vbiCb Finney, formerly of Waukegan, grad ,'In C'hicago trom $5 to $6 a day. Italpal ,hiuuj about t hofin littie hospital and therefore they 'et 1m ihe Catholie Central 1gb J. Dady, states attorney bas ln9trutiCt asa&iiur fot dvu ard10 sow beyre trodof t. ol. Grand Rapide, on Thursday .cd the members of lte board of su- ofy I«tdow had ttho tbý re ire ofit.IV lgt.The famliy formerly lived et pert'lsors not to allow Lakte couny if'wth tbesv ea #« httr as new bm delluitoly settled anfd thit steele Court and Cory avenue., Vau- election judges even $5 & dey. He -"The in Mure th"nPuwiII*move along éth m=oe amoothueus. bg.1n dcaims that It would ha unlawful for 8frd,' Vincent U. Prîc6 was given a bear- the opervisors 10 vote a saI*ry ot $5 "i ~ bardof upoviorsvitouta dssntig vte n ng for hie sanlty In caunty court o- a, day to the officaIs .who have recelv- s"d' -_hoWedils 8rni beUef that the printing of tho, day end, was ordered sent to the in-I ed tbat sum since the darlitag es., oooe %fl a4 Md o ào s aasy uni et Elgin. He was arrest Frank Moffett, r"cntly arrested on esszabemae n b.bali0fed a fesw days ago near the HoldrIdge ijie charge o! embezlng t rom Mack pif aud not, as au effort vas miade to tara» nortb o! Waukegan. and Cady, todny wàl Iessaed tramfiat1 ~ouhbe, h ieprnise f oMngont Sain* é 11r. sud Airs. M. C. Faher of San the ounty lu wben mouey squarini 7BA7 ~~s~.opban co.t. n$. q amo.T.e O _ <>~ Francisc.o are Ib. preud parents of a h is shortage was reCelv0d from h1g stadponl f rgulr bsInssbaby girl bornata the Jane McAlister mother A local .maiI who ciained np to m t"é taloiutf r Wbsns hospital In Wau'cegan today. The ho passec. a worthîess $3 ebeek for et »ukM,1gMbb .entaaMtaetto themsves. Who pOungster wet, 9,4 poonda. M"s. Moffett, waa walting for Moffetît e ftor board of any porion 4 b*or' expo g el gtthé l'aber who bas been bere for the lest emnerge trom -the coontY Jail. lntend- eu oof an kind of olftial *ceedings f10 an u-Ove wees, 'Vas formerly Miss Merrie 1ing 10 trounce hlm for bis act. But, tÉs.4c wit a~.tntel.oh Mr. l'aber la in Calitornie. a'st qutte so speedy as the released RdliN g~*nptboug sndugcul"sax~Iocoie"? The Misses Eda Morrow and Belle man, hence the Iwo didn't came t e tu ly ii postal 1av perniA1s any paper to moud OUt Dorsett, accompaqled hy Mark a-t gether ad Nloffett ls 11111 maklng Mr op qual only Up 10 10 par cent of Ibe bona i d. son of 14ke Forest, expect 10 leave In tracks. din Itu. ùch ala« vas Iréy conceived to cover fli a stûàtion as lieone which vas taken caro' of ti ythe board TUeday. Reforring to this change in be' \ t; ruthé aagette Tuesday sàid:. For tlîii<rvasion 1lie w 0FITA .A ol4'i<<(f seifhli ig fluIike d es t l tlll îgh tlw lIIa ils yýpHie oa will be disî'oituaî. Note the last few wod, paciear vii be DIScontinued," jusb as if it EVER RAD been fol- ë:b Vuuy aayb Th-ne w ownerg sud Westertield 9 "conspir ed"l in paying mnore for bt- publication of the delinquent tai list than the law perxmts and ha accorcingly procure il anh idicbmnent charging Mir. Westerfield and The Sur wltb "côhîapiraçy" because of that fact. Dady ALSO says that lb. ÊÙUPERVISORS'have heen paying judges and clerké of lection TWICE TOO MUOU for. 'ind tIAs violated the statute. In other wordp, Dady syte bdard ha& ddne exacbly wbat ho aloosays the formm> Iras- Urer, Igr. Wosterfield, did-OVEUPAID BOMEBODY, pd teiKR HN t~e TATeTz ALLows. Dad also brings a civil suit agp.inwt The Sun ovueratýo r.covqralieged over-payment. Reo bas 'not b4 yelstvrWd aui, theb. iany judges and clerks of lection who9 b* yv"tn emhaicalydeclares, bave acceptdTWO DM PYwhnth sa mt aya tboycan 'Le i ST OUX. If the statute prevails linlthétreasury mabeti prola, Os just as absolutely in 'bue éeçetèIoq malter. r mom paraloel cases could flot b. concéivedof. Yet eo you thilkDady vil sue the judges and clerks to gel back that overcharge? And,' do you think ho vould have tbe nél've te'Chbarge the board of supervisors w M. '<cpnUP r ng" *heà they ovorpaid those election officiais? Stiil, hoe mlgbt -vbo knows? %veu the supervisors vbo are anious to b"-- ~ lav llive4up 10 ýdo not coudons bue diWgglgup of 1.1,1te înical t ~Which pïetnds te Infer that juc'ges eln3 c½ks of ,hi el but,"3 for r I £ ' r'~a-Tboy 8,WCýia menae 10 the seccrity of ta 'io1 x they lfaih-res cf thp polli 3 pb , ' Of-e î .e2inca." ailë sorts of trouble geting oktabl. r - epoui î 1 &I . ve Up their pr-7ate businpss f, : h a suqu. ,&l -*y y roni-th e lecbnical vint ( ýi i iseem e 10 tét li int«TprCtaion of *hat constt t,,,a'DAr b'Wla to it tiiat th3 cour'4 hë, ý &M1i Ôt thon nob"e oud ~~iioalIIoel Mdotala la z . ý »avor tata aura déni g. Mas i mi ibw Ur~~i4,1 hui s Ethel, Featured on Sohm, aflende Thot "elut imiet W» M'Profitable IThma ?alitln lThera-Ad*el t. e te. W, &M Darne, aephev b«et, % Nia la net 1Mr.Darfe' iabatée o. iSe rea-4 wùtm ipurb flaseveta slut it la vilue tà e me b ne wu 0 ,tes1e Lieeol Srymf seara. Ainona the flmuaploya v hlchho . as ldeýifle nOt a Mummy *ad lthe lhmmm 1""The Other Gil". Darrilém lai aisone. "Th1e Seat et VrlhaW. "Ou Harbor". ith James A. =se. Alter plairn la"'7 <>« 1,1 Mr. garrymee hIlSyotiu frtlons hi going tc, Parla th afUUy stlnt, an eccupttoumewta"atieug L t ibId M là fIa F for ci i. Mr. Barrymore a«Te1111 hmiwba eotgfned to Améerica*lhe fond hln ov artiste la th. camt eof"-ne er Girl"-Ilaau moue-lchut Eeg. SWilly Ilddlnger. Dorais Kan, an' fY iitrsaltvhich causeil hlm th Xk h&alai un the clé MW about tébIle, ticking le bis laut. Thea decldmd lter. vas more mumey la *g in picturea than ia paintinag i »ad vorked ila a flmber ef tre produoctions. r.Ba7rym oonsa aefue auramer ce nt Eocky Point.,ogIln.b~ afiat ho bas be trig la vI ers tle gel aequahated VItit goonter doms 1ho stta,0 bave lovu nh. la offered a fat engagment [eh nosame, Mau could refuse. lstory ropeated latsevith hi. this x isince on the esvp o! lais depart- for iuolky P<au ie o'Was mierel éngagement 5111 pg*e- .vi, "beavy' lin*-Tmj olnit ine", a Weil bItnowp asit h' le~ y.ýTeiie ýj vuîoq ei , "ktl êuellès Mr. Barrymore 10 anomber, rienr's exile.from 111e mansion lie S. REGULARSiWâ bkonie t. Oeilry in etifrrl ) iJ rame=ApIeP A, apecal eletIon Wl» hobe 4 ta WaOoaid& a to lpet a BUCOU ito tho late 50îievýo Broofts. bcaw bwbaS i sud, of bia tdà". lm>. di0,adbta r u mhscf t i u h "110 plU t nboBJ<1 Would k4cW d ASstran;o ~~ rfor the sest go su= MI bv1r. Brook. me laopS na>l 05MAeMMAL MAO ENTUUD THE UMN xVAIJLTe or YWIiiNATioN. 11W Satn FIeaIjPower H«»is te the Comrninty. lu 01,0 o eratIc , fh e f. ainee t an t . cf lafea î herir amduet or 'h basthe A~~~~~~ Nwi duwtenc fe aSa '*'--bd"tbu" mon Uefta Woermlieu. it a à»a esmkvee om#eh "dta vor boter M&l~ ~ thre I&Ut hmR tw> h S. tforàAbâte& be' FromChiçgolu r-' e.ý U bniuawf frmn ord muanl dvidnde ut4 etbvgo gv 'te amof *e60i Ae iN otteeacmoas Cic. emerdym" o 1 ge ubsattalma.whohae b ongMd thbeuwe f *0 qla ombl iyMIlt9NuhWe ralroa ge au" ité,eseht *9 tonbfs M te vo t3 .m lHm.garaîedthePfa l e catag mo ab wfia. pla batopln lI auurbn taînglue i'S saSe -m Sud Imfor@. ga o ii-Wuante. bruItei.n A ilt "haa b'eau me" AuIvbeoOsFip.M.tralnssld i4 de t Mbiaitus, ho madeW8a10 on et. peu lnmocokddT rsa t7 dw ont100511<l104110-1 waaea ptuuat Inbave 511vow tu a a deole la li4e e vor ywhAco maere b l1e ' t sttheeara My uh te flb dopVie ave beeneusi ar eig " s I.«bi»Iu mte by tzte 4h Nrt Weten atiumoum la. Whrnadollr la BP breà1 fofiers fM. naroamon.tes ~aocJ>' 44fichlm ratewu * out of lmbeand ctmenetairnmU'tedt. en Théiinyt he r l. m a ferDan a o!S.uaWwigaas If m« heo v.e upj- Atitt usa 1111à »Wmaeu ~etglo cf S.mve hadd mr or ore t oins.. 'ba udlr lma04 te baa udl the« tawdfl Wup thegrant hevluib f. ut s. e tu»remete aAir o! olia.a5rp. Westrn ddpolaivesha u, WhoIalya"a .om ta greait1 nebr. an>' a a ukl egsn véIilat= "» u&"aUSBIbUl ca r oa evs loatedabout thé sle lu nilàbumhae vere~~~~~~cmirh M ta liaeede îemtrîa. ll0 moue oe ubnrs None aukg dDt eterdar.ThaIn eyrmîwtIhom la oopeaderlaom- ne" a ozlidsq! pople ther vlngOt a ualps ! atng.h d 11e# ruhfor t rs rîmn, pla ard. de AIaqql he 4 Nol. ae o f ad lt* Mles nd cmmene frm t e t a uniers er zAlnsri" sdmfi ouofebakpltohéîthth aur ét ida u let emrb100 every iau n a lu ir u lld vlihl hearilt laef1 In 11 *6 Win a eed lhme.a Ilnd conmrstonap e t prahe arme Thun1 e s thae.p~ro boueo a s net philanfo Itsilua ct l e rubis;a an lte B>'hm!pe loe îver 11*1 a s akr, Tdollarla eà o! t * bulae oe ris v 1f banîsthegrbt 1e hgvo e n l ui he nv laçi u d 0 Ipia vlisto aIai sttins e- 11 clki -a e t lite heto u.l 0 ores Citic as sud auegaboutet Mdia. aad »bSvlmae o!"*otu mueamonIy n Cigomnwo-W epa uh. u0ery baut«inA ar AS ltelb ed ht aosaer traînste taith&at o f m e et thevoIy ers, tbe ça inlu thlr ffcesla iae U1 hePerm i lho y .ptat a'pomet, gO Wiud e man l T e n10trs a Iuisutté ta c n, f tAate In tbe rush fo t.erais.mTrain Placard- eld o 111e o m4iauel 1 métont fbe ba lltale wth ter .ga4y -eIhat Go t.i tire.blèt« ibJ.«Umin lenant tent nesui, el r ïétat. h e aos t rin l pCiao 1e !O II& PI in t 3uean vnth an ead ii. er'aid of pres. Tmusar Nortll stws, ortat o aauIe lmasedt, hé' ahty »f lie odê ide onte ahd sdta t epel'(e rivea tha bada Th!bUl S u f ba o s ovrloç 'bia i r ajis 1c fu't*4j- bas lyn vi n ew lI â,a 1- hé abw 110 [:1 1 Express wind la taited f oi n e, 4É Thefcithe odIstance.t, té, - lo twed, ..c& a aS m Quteeff. o aia ad h U fgo I ý~ I to Er twrtg bu Sra ilO&Y d q0mto1 aire ci go bel met ha ter bot a UOna Ue h I>L--------,

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