Y' INDEPENDENT, FRLDAY, IM1 5.agF'v Instant Tapioca- Mar-o; p~kg. 10<'; 3 pankages for 25C S3oap - Swift's wi Ludr;10 bars for 35C ' Matches-Ba,'ber's l)î'aw - ing Rooni, per do'i boxeýs, 5c Baked ;eans, Plain.; No 1 va~nfor 5c; 6caîs for 0f Seaýsoniable Me,,'.ctandise That * [efy AllI Lace -3:6-yard boits; Last d,..Picule Platas-Made of *~~~~~~~~~ev Saepie irbIt pu- aper; 2,5 in a pack- o R $1650 Wash Dresseî, $1.98-Oie lot of w as-h di sses that sold as Iiigli a.4 15 0-ele<aranice sale $16-50 BQ1 Dresses and Suits, $8.95 -fiiv loi of silk e 1sses, euiîts uand sîîits< that sold atu higli as $l16.,- raiaîesale prie 3î95 Wash Dresses and White Skirts- Ied,îed to roek-bottq,î lprives; r<gilar$2.5 white skirts, 1.25 Crepe Rompers-t '<mc iin ail 4-()1l 0e' 1 rgi ila r 75v valu es riveda t 50cý %.#Ui1I luLte lu i1 Q.earace of 13each Suits-Beavih suits; rogular $1.75 and l 1.5oJ val- lies at ChildrexuaDroises- Iii tii-o<. lots. lot 1, 50c; lot 2, 75e; ,; 14n 75c to 3.50 S1.50Onderwzali.ns, 75c-Nva.tly trimned; Gervin's jî'ttieîats anit ipincess slips; iegîlar 1.50 valîws, 75c $10.938 1413en Buits,$30lîeî suis;vahe o se0la $3.OoWaists, $1.19 in lawnî, vtiles and organdies; $:3.10~aîîs Batlirobes-AII n are fail-w til OI'i fo( illie of lîatlîrobvs; ouir reg-ular $3.00 value for $2.010; $ý,_.uO aliie, I$3.50; $5.98 value, $4; S1.5( %valuie, $2.50; e-575 ivalue, S3.75 Children's Hats. $2_.75 valuîes .....$2.00 $.îvaluies ........ 1.0 v aies.......... 65c Boys' Blouses and White Shirts- i fi and *$1 (HI .li(s for 50c and-39c Clearance of Coatsond Sutts at Hia If Price For Comparison ofVPrices Note These: 350COASaod 17.50 I$1.75 Bed Spreada, 9c I -;~ilo,<<ledge; $1.75 value,, ---95C Ladies' 50c Vests, 32c-lii l ': aîr ; LaSts ahle)iiev 32c MusIEn, bc Yard- Bieaelled d) 1 Milvliele; 3<-inimusîiî- __ 5c _ _ Ladies' Union Suit-4 x., l is-* flN'ahlcti~, Lamt S 59é Princesa lis-\ad iead v fHi eaîbroider.v ,'l (MlXai -, 75c Children's î'arazoIs--li,k, le 'ir "h ite: 5,.O-Iùesl<(5 Apron Ginghams- Fa..t ni- 40i' lîhrvks last male prive, per, 5c Perçýales --la red mliiI; olir 12 aIiem, last sale p.ilie, Ladies' 50c B11k Hose, 25c- llîrgk îuîly ; Size 8' /, 50e val- < a< ~ 25c Ladies' 811k Gloves-I a $1.503 values,. . .$1.10 $1.00 values ...75c 75c values.... 55c 50e vahez .......40c 121/c Silkoliues,81/2C-1>at OP fieîî îed; last.salc priee, vdl. 8'c Cretonnes, 12V2c-Neat pat- teruls; v'Iuîes frorn.18c to 35e peri yard, this sale 12k 25r, Curtain Swiss, 15c-44)- iîîeh curtain sw îss 25(e val Ilv, at, per* yard 15c Dotted Swiss-l12 - andi 15 .) <otted curtai a swvss, ,speeial, at4 per yard loc Green Baiboo Porch Shade -8xg feet; reguilar $2.25 value at $1.49. Sarne as the above in 6x8 feet; $1.75 val- ue, at 1.19 Last S al1e of House Dresses-Siiecial at 75c. 1)ist vaps given free witli ec dre's Bathing Suits-We hiave plaeed ail athing suits on sale and they defy al cotripettioli. $1.50 Corsets, $LOO- Your cliqive of aîîy$1.50) corset onoi «ii'shelves S SUITS 25 22.50, COAjjnd 11.25 2O. OeÂÏ and 10.00 SUITS10 .100ý COATS and 5-00 Bilk Pe#ticoato-pi'eul sî>eeial for our býast Stale: $4 Silk Pettieloats ..$2-.7i- $3 Silk Petticoats,. .$2.00 $2.5Ô Silk Petticoats &l.50 50C Brautsle, 8 - Fi îw quality 50e br4ssiei-P.s pie ftd or our Last Sale, ad% Middy 41ouses -Oitr $1 .3! values oin sale at $1.00 anîd 4our $1 .001 valuies oit sale at 75c Chlldren',s White Dresses -Values upi to $6.50, prie- ed for our Last Sale at 98C 'i 8432 Oon't forgot to visit Our bar- gain Caunter. Many spécial, items hiave heen placcd on sale for your benefit. Black Bateen Petticoats- ('ireular flounce; $1.00 values, Last Sale price 79c Wash Hats-For ehildren, in pink, Mue anîd white; 75c. values, on sale at 25C SPECUALS FROM OUR PURE FOOD -MARKET -Fresh Wiseoiusin Peas-Hart, silted; eaily Jello--AII tiavois; thiree Tetley's Tea - Mlixed, y, lb.,Ju1ILe, van 16 e2cts o )ekgsfrgreen label, IL atifor 32c jc 35c 49c trielty freshit - Sugar Corý ,Fancy swee Mutad (ol I l.v', ry Bismarck Herring-[u a eandled; per dIoz., and tender; eau 10e; 3 ca'ls lb. tin for ro c an ~6 ni- - - 16 New Potatoes- Faîîev Virgitîja Cobblers, lper pk. 5Qc1 Mushroorp- Peecanade1 stems, irnportéd eau . 19C Rme'a Cocoa- Va -size ridfor this sale at I oc ' Sardines- Marrie Eliza- bethi; skinne dand boned; vait 25e valute, per eaui 1c 100 i qw8039 A s T s L E Butter- ('ivanieri consin; zzc TUNE 15. Page Five age, at, petr package, Sereen Wire- -Galvaniized, 30 nhieles wideï good grade; regfflar 22e yard, now, yard Sherbert Glassts - On stand; etehed design; .';egutlar $3.00 valute at, dozen 1.9q5f Suit Cases-Made of tLbre; 1< gularly $1.35, sl2eeial at 19&. _ Hamlocks-Lieih'renit ccl- ors; iîegular,$ 0.ispeeial at 3.29= Water Pals-.12 qt. size; galvanized; special at, each 17c Mop Sticks-Extra Iîeavy; regularly 25c; at 16c Mop tickt-Reglar' 10e valuie ai 7c 5Oc Clothie Wanher, 25e- 2th Century Clothes Wash- er; last sale price .75c 25C Shaker Sifter, 15c-.-One- ia mi action; well made; 25c valiue; last sale price 1 Sc 95C Ga8 Light, 73c- Lindsay iniverted gas light complete Iast Sale price 73c White Plates-Plain white, 7-ineh;, regularly $1.00 doz- va , hast Sale price, dozen for 59C ý Pillow Ticking-Your ehoice (iuMr 35e pillow fieking at, 20C Curtain Nets-.Large'lot of eurtaiii nets that forînerly sOl(l at 35e anîd 3k- per yard, on sale ai, yard 22kc Palmolive Boap -Otur rvg- niai' 10c bars on sale at two for 15C