av LARE CWTYXJNU IV~Ik~qIuDLAY, JUNE 18, 191:-. ~èft« gIà-fi Wko~r4P~ teY RecentlY the Sun aiked for the rs niolce nor la; latar rau Arllng- mmes cf reldanta of the cent- ton hotel. Munity Who art oves' 75 y«cým of ,MqS. MARY F- THOMPSON, aged àqa. A fer" numbar of *&mu 19906ed75 Pat; born July ltnd. 1839, have bean handed ln, amono thean llved la Wauliegau &inca sept, lètl the foliawing: 1914; came front Wbet Union, W. 1WILLIAM CAIiMAN of Grand arc SAMUIEL GREENLEAP, aged $7. 0n a 82 years 0W Feb. 26. He la loin iIn Battleboeo, Vt, Jauary 28, bale and hearty. rads fthe Sun dally Illll; maved ta Mcfleus'y munîî ln and rile ho uaaeglaaem, bs ige-e IM8 and ahortly afterwarda, came tua a hla riton ut tiebccn r. an Waakegan rher e oraç choc mer- Ilired la S.hta,.townsitp and lthe clty clut for F«er. He la théetctys aid- et Wankegau for a9 yêars. in &U the @«t reeldent sud rifl very deaf, ha 82 yean MPr. Carman states that he ia table to ha up and about, ha rends! bas neyer beau elci for more thon wft dillflculty of course; ha mta raIl a wach at a tîme at the mot-ad bia and i.sîeap la fahiî gp%0d si a nhoie. sick spolia eit tat have bain very .MRS. M. EMELINE VANDERMARIÇ nfcIreqent. Hils aPpetIte. ha mialas, la j -*-bgpd 96. hom ?aNew York ln 1819; li a:on uIteerru itved lan Waakagu 67 years: nom ra- li sgoda -l vrwn aide, rîlli daugbter, Mno. RIchards,.l Tiheu.flanwli hapleined ta prf nt 2' Shanona Place. Mrs. Vand8r- GaMea of other old-tlmeri rbo may marit le one of the lty and coutYa comarne uthe claie of those over 75 i Mot remarkab .le roman, shown by thelr trlends or relatives willgf ve in the fact tiat tIe fi ahi, to do man: h dt skdfr tiugu rblch persona far yowlger - Unsahi have lad to gire up. For in- R V SIC SA T etance. ahe readeape %. ebrold- RVSINESN ara, the tata. etc, file leàrned tva u UII "tat" sine the res 5. Mr.n. YW U -IS NT demr oeconalderablq a Van iv tiLEJSANTY l and ile abe la about tle houa, .11 IMARIN6i wIA , rON thse thme, aie doesn't go out exceptlnc la bevr baci chai r. Thirty yearta go sie lad a fail and broke ber leg: John Downey, P Colored Man @lune tien a wiacl chair han heen Fo ot hcgI r .aceaaary rIen ab@ madec»anil trIpeNrhChcg, sO ont of doors. Uro. Vandermarni dered Sent to Elgin. 0»a eesril, «emral and aniors lîfp yeny muci. In fact. for oua of teër Waukc:au. June iii 889. aIe la surPrsndy fmas't and! lavlng about a lot cf facta. taklng brigt lu sucb an Incobcrent stratn that It BARTEL TIEIINAN. gcd 92, hu rau nexIt telamposible to gel any lan ielans!. came te Ameraca lu 1828: beune ouI o! niat ha rai saylung, John cama te anulega aven hait entury DorueY. a colorcd man living at North U"; lram mtidauglutes Mr*. loi Chcage, ras arraigued lu county Roi!f. West Wa@mhlut gtsret; le in court Iis auorulau telie tries! for ils failyzooa balta for -ouif bisîayeari aiautY. Thc Jury dellbenated but a but doca't go Bray front house; bis feu, minulas aller bearlng the evi *aliîe la rond o l sl eml and does. The verdict mai that he ras kePiabrBdt ofthe tîmas, He Insane and ras a fit priait te b. sent READS THESDAILY WN CLEAR te thea-Insane asylum at Elgin. tLcss TIIROLIIH E'8'HY MQRNING and ltan aumur aller the bearnn diocusa.local end feIaq3al affali aDomrney vauon bis rai ta Elgin rlth rtti bis relativise, yWhllc i. ueDPutlY OPlint!!Elmen Green. - ae1% la eesdtm. îlq uigil a sno DOraieYhad isamwn SYMPtomi o! lu- eodt ho lauaired Onithout the <ase ianRY foravirrai rea<m. For bthe ct. giase If lae detreg. He la tic mont part he rai peaceable euough fatber et Ma. Hoff, lIra. Tion. Tyr- but tro on tire mccii ago he soughi roi, ira.e, lian Marrtman, illg b te aies lie arn lfe rhite cmployed James and »liet Tlea'uan. lu oua cf Uic local faclorles. Lasd JOHNtu LOOMIS 87 yeae ols!. w. Sundai nlgbt, accondlng te Dr. Budd"ý. boisa I Laudis, N. IF. and camete f o! rth iChicago.,IA>muey agaîn be- Wauiepn ai aet fan the Amarican came violant aud lhraateucd ta kilt EpIr*»esa ouuauî u29 rsago. lh tha memben o! bIs family. He mas la vcnY gond heaIU niian iSluEsol netralues! rltb difftaulty. Thse police ;reathmr. gens dora tom. avani dey. mere calles! aud lbe rasloches! up tu Me ral'ce nil a cane but la spryandthe.- cll' JWai tNot Chicago. oaa veny ur-fooîed.FHa neyer amisses ,.- Tucaday ha mas brougit te Waukaga.t to-ndîng the Epicopal rhurch Saadnye8. and Iockcd aap lu tIse counly jiil itea nain or' ahine; haos'eada the daill.vy queawaat trial this morulng. and (Chicago paiersuing gialcas:lIn If the jury huadî aaay doubi alaleu, do *a. is arPPeitla Imgooad aud h'(;1 Iatuy's mcluidity alter bearin 'l'- icarlng hl but slghtIy airected. lea tes imony bis auru couducl duriug th.a laitier of Mno. John Bullaci. course of taie besrtng %vas saffiient GEMMCE litIrTCINSON. agad 77 t o nnce almout unyoce. The de'> nana ta Gonese cogunY, N. Y. lu 1838; lilyr sherlîf hait la standl by is ide came te Kenolqsa.lia1870 «ans!ta Ws. ths'oughont the trial and heep lIn- kagan samne Jean r;>pTy6i t court tnder restraînt. bouise coud uuuualy aven mince. belng Iiowney wava-d lits anms about I lu Ibn rpcorder's office, baving blId a gesticulation. If- iuitniil dconstant- place thene for 42yre înel a-lyaalfeuntyai voire nos'g a kegan toWn lark ln 1839 ands! hi >gh that the nîitesses could iait hb- servadl ever sînco, belug the Inruan- ltard. bout. He udas veni mail andun ies lits rentarks e eea to be a da-talal glasseas but part o! tbe tîma. lie gels that lie ever bail raId aatything abaout about rlth a'cane and! stîlî mainteins bis wlfe that ras derogauory. iii bils racins lu the lorer of the court secaned obseeses! lth tIse Idea that bouse re'hob.lIres the tife o! a ty sin nehait accusad ltreor tlîl 'Pleutbahotelr. lact. 1 GEORGE W. Dfver., qed 92; mas sueo bore lai lainsiontu. Maite; cm.... wo., G QO OO )c Oi, rien 18 yean aild andi lnau eei fiez; cama te Wauke"bn;. lîves loire jmost NO T C IC G . of tire@alaine aiti3ugb ho wnt wept1'ùi anti~~ ~~ sotra er , buing aaobg e% oi 0-"i<ag C .~~ss*faas 5 tirea oldmeent taa 1Ftlia a i rfs Taie Preshyterlan church leaîplan- tic ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~" ,odlvrraB l ngt linng a fatîhors' day fan next Sîsnday Ia ln u isnlgîî0ne ie*lh for bisanad If arrangements eaunlie made tIse yaars. He adoosut aven ue» a cane,. Bethodist wnIl Jon mllh hem. Thae lo gaIs about sai apnYly ai a man if mec anc îryîng ta organîze a mens MY:ts;hoiadcean't evon puai glabses lu chonus te funnlsh the munie. The reading; ha o asmihenevar gais!men- sprecial service mîlI beoluntae venlaug. @vernhoa mlea.lni tact, ils, age stems The Royal «Neiglibonu are planning tele ha avany scnacîednt a chlldren's day te lis givan et Iis for lmr. lHa as A Wkuýesla mer- Park next Saturdai. AU the mthes chant for yeans aund la 'nom rctired, o! the lodàe mitb Ihef r chllrcaunl living with hI& son, CoMmIssjlonér he Invi tes! la attend. Lunch mlU) ha Clarance Dives'. ln tho ols! DlvOn hiomueserves!. Fooaia sln finccoutil- Count itret. tieou after .tie naceaul raina and! milI WALTER FARNIrM,75 Jens aId. fMe iew 'Pay groutmd! qsfpmt wifl boret lu 1819 at 'Haff Day, 1I1, LIces!lbe an attractive place for chiltiren lu county itl lt., Iis summar. JACOB lMITqil£1R, 7f iras',ols!, The Northi seioot wmlibave asechooli hern 1839 aI Alsace, rance, lu Wali- pjcul at Fons parkt fO.ndrsday. 'cegan '$foc*' 1854Lho lib htcolgdya SM. pe1lnDttuip flBrook- ohi l stlea aeuie, .8 7as0!1 - -- O etmu Tua lIrs lu *4L1ç , -;oY140 iu 0 asup Ob~î 4t, j iJahi4lsta Jury or liait escaped from thc city. 'District of Columbia. Mtr. Theodore 1M.B' a4 utc o ayICet- nd-. tnedt sre e-dy An aeril raid on KaNairuhc, capital Blech vlslted Karlsruhe in 1906, and1 years aud mas posamaster for just 13 Iu'JaiI, pald hie fine anud conte Ioday o! Baden. lu wliiehi,'îweuty-three sera- bas niaI seau hie agcd lparents elauce ycans, îaciîng one month. H-e mas but silI mnt serve ten dayî launpal. planes tooi part, lis decribad lu mes that Uie. trustee for years and lu every office Justice Bals today unlted . ImImer- 8agci ncclved test nl:ht. -hloebeldi hc mas consldercd Ijonest, rnage lthe follarlaug ccupîam: Augl Parle reporte tIsaI beavi damage DmtVslfsCtfri xutOl efficientl and almmYs 1tulic entrusted Davitzanaad Aina Eluar, hoti of Mil- rai doue, but thc Berlin repprts sais!: Wiieîa s& uppi orf Ass' ulePt..g.a, i*e sai.. eh the ncsponmlbillty. He neyer fait- maukce; PFrank Wlnne! of laka Mile "The open tbru of Karlarulse, nhlch Pitt ,uudsr l' O bShk"u u iflLa leSiC, or cd lu hie trust at any lime. ans!IleuBeau of Mlauke.; John I.fnfodtetetro prloie"ý lula e t hst-batii.T. tteadad Eie dy B.tzeldKhyn Rctbhof sud f or for thfed raattacfhpeati'terth t liée a «M t glý% i "lle Mn. Brooks mas boru lu Cuba town- Hrsai ahii akt io an nt orifed w"sataced inte imti, sÇwnto t li eed ,".uuei,îe, is Shlp on the 1ev. J. L. Brooks' fa M. ilwaukcee. fr. Bais uuited. In man- bombe ds'oppad by hosile Brm.an. fto u*!.c 1447 0ay0*i".t"1 00a7M etul 5y0ise ahi> ,1ter ncg a wmdl kuowu mi i age t1* Milwaukee couples on Tue- fan au li knomu aeeau f alt -- - 2 ti. . lie dcalcd lu tIse Wau- day. $751 Model 83 Th>.is n1he I.rg..t 4-Cylinder Ove,-Ia.id Skia ili b. prudua,.d tiai yea, The New est Overlandi[% $325 Less than Las.t Ye&r, It bas the sume powcrful, econornical îhirty-ive horse- e~ower, four-cylindL-r motar, but weighs lcss. It bas high-tension magneto ignition. - 1; hal. the same underslung rear sbrings. It bas the con- 'renient arrangement of elec- tric contrai buttons on the steering column. It bas the same easy-wonk- ing clutch which any %vomen can4 operate; the e "«%~Y to handie" shiftlng levers; the smre easy ta steer with" w h e e ; thse same positive brakes. it bas 3.3 in. x 4 in. tires which is 'unusual on a car at this prace. In detail. finish, mèchanical fineness, comfarts iud con- veniences, this newest Over- land gives you ail there was in The, 1916 Overland as cssen-, îîIely tbe same as the 1915 Ovéland-the famous Model 80 Éhat sold for $1075. But the price is $325 Icss. The strn~-'Iine body is the saumèeus thse $1075 mnodel of lait mtaman. If bue the same magnîficent- fidtkh; '(filai leep, rich toue of dork Brewister green with flac hailine tnpg of ean ivory- white.' "/ -'t tise $05Oel more poWer. SAnd it cul yloa blot .7 $325 lets thé* st tut aon'm large 35 horsiliower Over- land. - WDejf{vrI me beind made now &il ovkdîe country. igveliv 0vetand dealer al- roady has s waitiîag lut. Ptsle yPtmr order immedi- ately end you coan be sure of a speedy delivery. 35 Hocuspaetimiser Ua.îuî t,,aanHeltidimmea-rLfahed ,. ,î - ua de igh*5 euig âst uî, n33 litci . aurai . o. tu acrRin-a-itii. vaîiiigt pe .. ait i. Ot<.u.î ao: tuto 5-Sw6ing snmkthw.ia O .m ia-..,-th oanc-t-ar.d.hi.ld, Therm-o.5phsi osing RHLi. i, . .i i uhu.a-,cmIni miihad on it tMgie lia. pe.d..ee.,n ter . . $725 UM~~ GARAGRakBoPoA Teehn.Da- lld 225J for Demonstration Deoifield, Illinois t, t aleaiU. .A ."'3 - ThrlandCompe Toledo>,, kllled aud six Injurd. %lltry damni flfl BROU S, iconîi. scîjools and on June 13i, 183 5 PÀ ÉNt tJge oul nethav -:1Isd. ne'lie n mrrIrd Carde A. seymoaar. h alrS A EN S :ecouldoft hae e ,bot d ow ee oryer gOe hl, 3S NT 0F NE jby oua of our miliary airneoad th P1uns IM ENTsrvves WAUrets occupants rare klîlt iî r,)hr nmy She asd lierr huslîard live lu Waucon- g fl I - *DCITYV caf wsobliged io lan a CONDA IMANa9 uasl koî ee iIISchirmeck."'DIES! Yx uephinglfor a 'car that lie llved The reDl<ED iom Pl 1, giethe fol.;MIN, d a l akMr, Brooks had lived Capital of Baden Where Man' os ngdeals:Wcll Knowri Resident and 0f. a scod i lt ie1le l I 'Althoiigh uh yanortheaetuIl nrage. lie ras ln the gencral me- Aged Parets ~esid, Bom- md, they arniveil ovaler uha ice Holder of Western Lake cnîebseswiiE.Gldufo barded Frord the Sky. tween 5:50 and 6:211 oliX Theyi County Heart Victim. isome years and later look up the other droPPed 130 projectiles of 90u and 155 Un~laes and at bIs death ras regardeul as 1WAUEGAN MAN RANTC. cllbr onthe abjects wiicii han bee WAS A LEADING CITIZEN.1 awealthy eint lni____t_____ rirlalyth H a* taken sick lait Jenuary wfthi chateau, an arma manutaclory. andtile paalyi c aeant and bis friendsi Asks German Ambassador for station. A greatntumlaer or lines fol4 Postmaeter, President, Trustee' had l.bee mchcoconefoertl rru Fct-- irs ilPrm- lored. A peutc ras ohserved In t , Justice of Peace and Super. lever Sinice. He ram an exceptionalîy inent State Officiais. allray station, lrom which traîna visor in Watîconda. large man PhYslcally and hieslei departed iaatllY, Proceeding lu a :auemsn etrta Izae Wauega, Jne16. norheat iretIo.1 Wauconda, June 16 Sutiparvisor Eu- heat and bis large desirea and goodi 1y ar ule- . Sucmachines mere subiected tb B 1gene W. Brooks, W'aac<îuula's îeadîng nature. tinsrlve ef almo at rantl k alvoen ues ateual nteFuneral frIday at 8 'clock train tin 1 te eîcl hatKaliulc hd ient ui.p rtlavron their uîtlaen and pramlnent man for years aebuehra uWacnacre ibeen boaubanded front thru)kythe outar tnt. at Snverue (Sahcrme, treaity-lhre wrs'aeroulanes, The.)- 1" sbr, Rastatsanl Karlsnuh, dc bsmrlge :0ole o- e-.Maioum In chnrgeu, Mn. Brooks 1 audson thelr retut-a i Blamont, lowlig a elCkniss from paralyualscfl beiug a membar of the Wauconda dore Blcch, manager of the PublI hie bor u aena.Alo hmihebatrtîl 'elf o au lodge. Service comlaany, rhose aged parents. returned except two," 10th, lest, lu bts denise Wauconda bisi aiter and ber three chIldren arae Mr. Blcch'a relatives in Karlsruhe loses aL man wlîo lad ietl more offices Wlllng to Let Ih Ache, resîdente of the Capital o! Badan, ana: than any reeldent of tlie village or' A barefnoted 4arky, mille Iêatnl iwlred itate and national officiais ln Dotos' and Mrms. .1. Ilieh. his par-1 township, among tlîem beleg: Cotton onelday, ser bis ig tué cadi, ente; %Ira. Vndcr, bis sistu-r, and ber Village presidetit. ba ld, lat iBudhurthlitaf:&Aftsr an attampt t aoertaf n wbethcr os' thresc elîdran; '.%r. Ceca-r, brother-u- 'lllage trustes. worklug th ldbufrta liter n ýnot hie relatives bail been lnjuned by îem o! Uic Waukegaun îan,,ls etn offices'r Village, poemaster. tied. set biss fo on a atump Bnd the acte of the hostile airmen. In thç Cerman arm>-. aud was not lu rown justice of the Ileace. said: *Wellles 'pain away non; 1 Hie parents are llfelong resideute Karlenhue Tueeday to ;,rotect aud di- Towin superv-lsor. doeut ý.re. you hurin yeielf mumuil u(4 Karlsruîhe. %Ir. ltlech sent tele- rect the moVemenis of bis faanlly.. ie ras tremldent at bis deal li of ye do me." Mr'. BWec made one attempt to get tic Wauconde bank, a pivate istI grames te the eecretary of etate andl a telegram tirough 10 li1s father, fail- ýtution .Nhich lie organlzed soma yeatrs AxaI Huseby ans! J. A. Morriion, lu the (Jerman ambassadoir at Waeh- lng lu Ibis attampt he wired 10 i@tie ago. At hie deat b ise asa super- chargea Inl informations mih havin: ingtoat. D. C., begglng tbem ta mIre andl national officiais asling theai to vIsor from Wauconda townehip, bav- aoîd lîquoir mîthout a lîcenie. rare ai hie expease the true causaltieHse aidIn l the iarCh for lits Parents and leg been elected t0 that place some rcgIzed fIn counly court Wad. tht e igt aeiIanwbethcr or relative,. fs er fo ucceeding SupervisorrTiey ueas laa !"o glt' no i ovdoe iatmtwihI-8Heaalred the f;ermanbambas- J.sck'Zly..n1: who. Itlalerecalled, dlod Iandlis'cearemefota. fohllvdonsbd etwî fsador, nhoa leremldleg Ilu Wazhlngtan, ashort lime ago.iChreCosw w t1d$5an1 State of Illinois, Coupty of ;ee. 9IL In the County Court or 80W Lace comnty of the Juty T«"4nA. D4 1915. In the matter of the satate & J ohn Selig, 8r., Deceaaed. 1Notice t. e «rà of Pr.aenttlmg 01 1Final Accotant and Final Rap",t To John Selig, Jr.,,Mary Rebley, Jaoob Sellg, f'red Piu, Elmm teed. Charleir A. Selim, Frank Selfs. iM Follett, LOUle Sellf:. Pearl Selfs. M amie Selfs, Clarence Sclig and ait Other Personas lateredld PLEASE TAXES NO'NC That e»U the 19th day of Jidy. A. D. 1igle, t the hour of tes o'clock à. M.. la thc rni ai that tîme occupied a» a Cousrt Romm by the 'Voûuty ourt .1 Bilà Lak(e County. ln thé Cout fblé, 1 1the City of Wamkeéan IÀKe OMIst3r, Illinois, 1 mhaflipremeut my 1h51 *0j count and FlaiItàort a# cU586t of the li Wfll and Tulitaiw it John Selfs. gr., deceaad, amgi aU that the sme b. *gptoed mmi ibt mald saase be dectara f etiel ag clôddand my bond reeimed, et whM lmstiand Dipane ion caea ar asi oujed if Yom aie nt go tu do. Dated at Waukegan, Illinois, tif, lott dey of lune, A. D, 1914. CHARI1LSS A. SSUG, SXecutor ot the Le.et:WIlgand Test- amant of John 'Selig, Sr., deceauF est. MARTIN C.,DUCICUR, Attorney for Ezecutor. W1iy. lit joueiM. ADJUMICAT10N NOTICEt. Public Noticelah hrciy ulveu tat the Sucrcr, AMmkh*mt*oe the Estate of Catherine 000»0«e, flheu- ed, riS attend th* Coumty CM*fl'at Lake County. at a teom th~ * < . 1 holden aithei Court Roues, la Watt.. gan, ln saki Oouaty, on the Olm gtni day of Auguat ucit, 1915, rhm Mdil rbere ail pereon. bavlug cllas againat sait!satsieare notified aid requasted tu panent thc mmctomsat! Court for adjudcatom. 'U ý- 4 1 , W. kg&an, -e. 1ZS 1