CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 2

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e, hsTw~ Down hy the OId Depot. Been there 20 years Phonme 47 LA E OO1NTY INDEE TE1. RRJDY, JUNE 18, 1915. 0C» ertyv i//e fiem s - xxxxx xx~ xxxxx xxxxxxx~xxxx To inaure publication in the Indepen- dent. copy mu st be in the office no ltr than Tuesday of eact, week. Adver- tisers, especialiy are uaked ta take particular notice ta this efiect. (Additional Local News on Page 4) Miss Marion Hapke @pont Sunday with relative@ lu Waukeg4an. Mrs. Lucy Slocum o! Chicago, le visif- ing relatives here th!s week. Mise Amber M. Colby has taken a position et Carrol'@uorth store' Mr. and lMra. L. H. Bryant o! North Chicago, viited friends there Wednsday. Gerbard Scbreck wenf f0 Wheeer, fil., ou Tuesday f0 @pend a week witb rela. Stella aud (eorgia Langwortby went to Momnence. fil., last wsek te visat their oncle. Wmi. Deker and famil> opent Sunda>' et Highland Park witb a brother, T. E. Deeker. Mir. and Mrs. Nate tiaher entertalned Idr. and Mr@s. A. E. Carrier of Chcago, over Sunda>'. lira. ldon Clark ie etertaling ber site-r lir". J. W. Stafford of Cincnnati, O (hio, for a week. MMrs D. A. Sctt fias been runfiued f0 E. A. Biahopi g.i inatu The W. C. T.. willl neet at the home of lire. Margaret Moore ou Tuesday affernoon, Jlune 22. Haying Machinery Deeriig and McCormick Mowers and Rakes. Osborne and Dain Side Dellver!j Rakes. Keystone and Dain Loaders. ROPE, CARRIERS, !ORKS, IETC. GOOD STOCK IF TS Schanck FROM .CIIANCK'S Hardware IT's Company GOOD) Libertyville. Mme. Stepheo's Beauty'Parlors, Msufinig. Shampoolg, flir Des radai Massage aMW Scalp Trentmnt5 CREÀNS, LOTIONS, SKIN CLEANERSa A«TMIVERY LAMET, 1 KAKE CURSn- THM0OF YouRt COMDINC Switches, Puils end Transformations. Good quiltu hair and can save you IfOnIl.Sga : :-». :.*. :-: Parlors over Gus Office Phono 1001 OUR FINE BREAD GOES FARTIIEST Our fine swest. and wholeaomne bread ie wel Worth waiting for. But yen don'i. have to wait. Ouîr baking ta doue in large quantîties and t regular heurs. Begin now--ask for Libertyville broui next time yon order froue your grocer, or get it every day at the home of the beet bread made-the LIBERTYVILIJE BÂKER.Y FRED JOCHHEIX, Prop. FL C. Burridge & Son.-Nuriery Stock TRANSPLANTED- -Cabbage, aulilower __________and Tomnato Planta& BOSTON PERNS in veral isizes Fairholm Gardena D7qelad Ro"d HARDY PERENNIEILS for autumn Ph one 1 02.I1 Lihertyville. lu ~HRRLL O. PQ~IOROnIy the EIAIINRNC Ljlt 11he U reprtsented Phone 154-R R lu. Misa Mabel turnieo !Grayalake epeut Saturda>' and Sunday wsvth tirs.Les Whitney and famil>'. .Mra. lOwen Woolridge la eutsrtalning Edward Kunkeand family have noved to Wa7usaukee, W18., near whicb rit>' Mir. Kunke bas purcbased a iarmn The>' expet to make their borne there per. maneuti>'. Nirs. J B. Roinson ut Evanston le a gueat of Mra. J. M. Von er ibis wesk. lira. Robiuson'a hushaufi, Who Io Dow dead, was Bt eue tîme pastor of tbe Llb. ertyville M. E. cbnrcb. àirs. Warren Ellisa and sou Dick, and her osater, Miss Fa>' Walker, nWho wa&s B teacher at th. local sehool the pa@t year, retaued to ibeir home f0 Stillwater, Oklahoma, on Monda>'. The Court of Honor had a eshort enter- talument followed b>' dancing ut their hall rhursday night of laat week. The Public Service quartet of Waukegau gave a number of âine selections. Dr. C. R. Galloway and daughters Miess \ene, Mavis and Mary Gall re- turned Sunday from oakdals, Pa. Mis Xene bhas finishefi ber ifret year's work at the eollege lu Roauosk, Vrginia. Joe Aikofer bas resigned bis position as deliver>' rlerk for W. M'. Carroli & Sons Co. stores andi taken a siinîiar po- sition wltb Tbs Merchants lieliverinugCo. Rtaymond Flagg bas takien his placeeat Carrol'. Keuneth Loveli. Mark Ellwisnrth and Forest Smith on Monday cummenced work for the C. M. & St. Paul raiiway as traveling audit clerkâ. «I lir n ork will nuf be confined f0 au>' n.ý division of the road. tirs. John Barbour enicrtaiued at a part>' Weduesday evenlng lu bunur ut trie tirt wedding anncr4ar> of lier daughter, lire. Earnest Mcliouald. Mem- bers of the wedding party and gueste were lnvited. ber father. Mir. Noteman of lGreen fBy, Several o! the men whu n ere ljured Wis., for several weeks. laet Sunda>' evening when their big car Clarence Loveli on Monda>' went f0 turuefi over and was smasbed near the Evanston where he bas accepted a posi- Cater bridge, were bere Wednes3day in Clou wlib the Hill Drug Co. another auto f0 take sOmeo! the bruken Vctor Dansa@, who bas ben attendlng parts of the car back te Chcago. the Howe srbool for boys af Howe, T. J. Hampel o! Juneoville, Wls., la Ind., bas retuned f0 is home boe. conflinsd to is bed wlth sciatier reuma- The Misses Mande and Hazel }utterield tism ai the home of bts sister, Mirs. K. B. leD Ntlnay f,,r lee.Col . to peud Pritchard. Mr. Pritchard and famil>' ther r t ,ro %% s e tictl ru n lU i*eý'tI es wîl Mure i.,MM]lwaukee as osonuas Poo- there. sIble. lirs. E. H. Weil@s vaited from Frida>' lest week f0 Weduesday of this wesk witb ber sou, W. Y. Wells and famly of Elgin. Robert Dusenhsrry, who @peut several weeks wltb E. W. Bntterield and famly bas returned to bis home lu Tuxson, Arlacua. Mirs. J. . Hyatt returned Saturda>' from the Preshytertan bespital, Chicago, whsre she nnderwenf an operation about a montb ago. Local pint dealers deciare thai white miied peints bave advanced fift t per cent ln the wboleaals price dnring the lest sizi>' days. lilas. Elsie Wood of Waukegau, lMr@. E. H. Purdy and two eblîdren, DeWitt aud Vera of Higland Park, were guesis et F. R. TrIpp's lest wesk. Mark Ellsworth and Forest Smitb bava finished their firet ysar's work lu the Universty of [Ilinois at Urbana, and râturned home lest week. Mir. and lir@. G. M. Stemhrldge ou Monda>' moved from the Hyatt bouse soutb of the elecýrle lins to Wm. Kunk'a new bouse ou Park avenue. Arthur Mler, postai cierk et the LibertyvIlle poatoffice, la enîoytng a two weeks vacation, Mils Mayme JenkIns 1 in assstng ait the poetomee. The ladies of the Alpha Club will bave a bakery sale Saturda>', June 19, 2:30 o'clock, Pt Raye@ Furulinre tore for benefit o! the Public Librar>'. C. B. Dix, un@ ef the deliser>' lerks for the Mderchania Delver>' C., bas@resgned bis position and accepted eue as machine operater at the Lyrlc theatre. Mir. and lir@. A. C. Trlggs and son Leon and i@ iswfe o! Elgin, were guests ai G. A. Fredericka and !amily and other relatives several days thîs week. lire. Glen Smart and twe sens, and Miss Flossis Smairt of Carotbsrsvilie, lad., returned Wednesday alter a visit at the bomt, o! J. T. Robertseu. Rler, T. E. Beam weni to Danville ou Monda>' where be attended tiée Sunday achool convention heid there. He went as a delegats from the M. E. Sundat school. lire. Wm.* Kunke and son William sturned on Thnrsday evenug of lat epeuf six wesks wlfb ber daughter, tirs. Drake. flThe Tiria Chapter <o!fbe Wmetmuter, J Gj uIid on Tusaday postponed t beir 8bnp to the Olivet Instituts wblch the>' were planning for ibis week Frida>', on ac- conui; e! the nnsettled treet car condi- tions lu Chrago. The ChaPes will meet at the home o! lirs. Frank Wilson for their reguler meeting nsxt week Tuesday ereulng. Mirs. Charlotte Protine iett aturday te viit ber iter, lirs. F. E. Clark and famly ai Urbana and attend Commence- ment week. Her usîre, Mise Helen Clark graduating from Liberai Arts and Science. Mrs. H. E. Paddock and lira. Chris Eder, both o! LaValle, Wls., are @pend- lng the week bore at the home of their brother, Superviser H. B. Eger. The ladies report that the cyclone which @truck ibeir home town Sunda>' lght dld very murh damage. A Lawn Fete. No the weather doeg not feel like eue, but tbe weatber man bas premined us better a!lfer June 22nd. Saturday eveniug, Jul>' lOtb, la the dais set by te mem bers of the Tiria Chapter wbo are arranging the event. The>' promise good music, and a âine time, se save the date. L&Barre Just, who has heen attending the Mliltar>' Aademy at Culver, Ind., bas finisbed hlsyear'-i workand returned home Thureda>' evenlng o! last week. Ris mether and the Misées Bonifie.d Wilson and Beatrice Carr, wbo had gone te Culver te attend commencement exerzises. returned wlth him. A privaite dancing party o! the alumni of the igh achool was beld lu the M. W. A. hall last iaturday eveang and was attended b>' a large number of the old graduates and their frienda. The affair was gotten np b>' the Clas. o! 1913 lu houer et the Clasa 1915. A number et the ClasA o! 1913 met for beach part>' at Lake Bluff lu the alternoon. Misls Oliphant, who waslta Liberty ville duriug two weekti lu Marrb conductlug a sertes o! apeciai meetings ab the M. E. cburch wil be bers uezt Sunda>'. She will be present at both the morning and evening services and wil speak and @log at both. Mie Oliphans la expectlug te start upen a trip te Califerula the lest of this month t0 visit ber parents. Mir. and lira. George Koon entertained lira. hoono graudmother, Mr@. K. Clapsafdile, and ber parents, Mir. and Mir@. T. E. Clapaaddie e! Kaukakee, freim Saturda>' to Tueada>'. Ira. Koon'e lier, Misa Zuluhelle Clapsaddls, wbo bas been rIIt ing as the Koon home fk r the pas% lire weeka, returued te Kan. kakse wih hber parents. tMrs. K. Clap- saddle remainsd for a two wsek's riit at the Koon hiomie. The annunal Vongregatlonal aupper o! the Preab,terian cebnrcb, was held in the churcb parlora laut week Thurada>' evening. Supper wae aerved at exacti>' @lsx o'clo,-L aboîut une bundred gues being seate(] ai the tablea. Durlug the supper, the varions uficers of the cburrh and sunda>' ebhool and et ber church or- ganizatluns% were called upon te make reporte andi speeee. The ev5ut provea to e ho ne ofthe met.loeked.! affairaeof the church. LtflertyvIte was vlsitd ffaturday even- fou by severbi promînent temperance leaders wbo poke from an automobleý at the corner uf Milwaukee avenue and Sprague street. lu the party wers John P. St. John, ez-Governor or Kansas, EugeneCbafin, twice Prohibition nomines for preeldeut, Dr. C. J. Hall of Calfornia and Milst Buckingham. Tbey are making a tour of the country iu behaif of national prohibition. Theý man who was arreoted early lamt Thursday morning alter hoe b.d tried tu gain entranceef0 the Jas. El. Swan rosi. douce. on Miwaukee avenue la whlcb attempt he was frustrated hy Chester Dibbie, was llued $3 and costs lu the alterooon. Friends from neur Ares came over and paid the fine and costq aud he was reieased. rhe man testified thât he was under the influence of lquor. It lsaialeged that a conductor on the electrie put the man off at the local station inatead of carr.ving hlm f0 Ares. Complaints bave been board $hat the eiectric lueo bas been makiu1< Libertyville a dumping place for drunks, carrylng theni ail trio way front Lake Bluff with- ont attempting to put them off. Childreu'o Day ex-rcisvs wsre hsld at both the Preshytertan and the Methodiat churches on Sunday, At the Presby. tertan cburch the progrâtm was fiel,1 lu the mornlug Bt 10:30i, aimost ail of the numbers heing given b>' the cbildreu. Mir. AlIlburt gave au lnterestlug talk for the childreu which aiso proved lu le of great interept f0 the grown.ulms The cburrh was prettily decorated andwas f6usd îvitb peuple wbo atteuded t.he service. The Methodiat iMunday Pclîool had charge o! the eveniig service at that church. Whlle the program nas out eutirely rendered bv the cblîdren, It proved to bo a muet îuteresting uf0rët the 500 people whu are rpportod f0 have atteuded. The decurations were ver>' prett. . oth the cominîttees of the two churches are fi, be congratulatcd upun the euccems ultheir efforts. WEÂTHER REPORT Weather forcast for the wveek begin- ning Wednesclay dune 16. issued by the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, 0. C. For the regiou of the GIreat Lake@: Showers ln the upper Lake region Wednesday and Tburoday and again ou Monda>' with temperafure slightly aluve the seasonai average. For the upper Miseissippi vallpy and plain»saafes: Scattered ebowere are probable Thnrsday and agalu ou i-n- day; temperatures rather above the average are probhable. b1er t:: TEATRE Photply F. r Suydant Frp-. Four eels of the Seat Licenaed Pictures. Frida>', June 18i Colombe . - - - 2-reel Biograph-bramna The Stage Coach Driver and the - - Solig-.Wesiern Drame Featuriug Tom Mix lInTThe Park - Charles Chaplin sa1,av. June 19 la Tihe Dragons Claws -2-reel-Lubln Festurinu Miss Veima Whitman IM ThMm Frons Tenas . . . - Belg-Drama Ham and the. Jitaey Bus - ' * Kalem-Comedy IFeaturilue Lloyd Hamilton and Bnd Duncan ffnuday, June 20 On The Stroke 0f Twolve 13 --reel Edîson-Drama Fieaturing Gertrude ticCo>' Mutang Ptes Pressing Engage- moniet - Essaa>-Comedy "MEMBER 0F THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM".y .. .... Increase Your Own Salary Every wage earner ia alwaysinterested in an increase in salary. Why don't you increase your ualary yourself by de- positing a part of your income in our Sav. inga Department where it wiII pay you. ~3%. ( Compo'und Interest --- 3% Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profitas $100,000.00 Total Resources, - 750,000.00 D R AIN T H AT LOW P L ACE Make your land more profitable. Increase your tillable acreage by in- stalling the Danish system of drainage. Let us explain it to you. The cost is Iow. .Outfit for installing furnisbed free of coat. HARBAUGH-MILLER LUMBER COMPANY TIELEPIIONIE 50 132 Sprague S., Libertyville, I blockcast of Schancks hardware CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGETÂBLES AND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30. LIBERTYVILL]E, ILL MILLINERY AND DRY GOODS We have a large assertment of Ladies' Spring and Sommer lBat,. at reaaouable pricea. flats m&de te erder a apecialty. We carry a nice liue of Ladies'Underwear, Waiatg, <Gloves, Hlosiery and No- tions at low pricesg. Parisiana ('erset from i DO f0$3.oO. A. W. LINDROTH UBF£RTyvILLE, iOS Early lune Peas Ali e eating meadium sized pea at 9 cents, or 3 cans for 25 cents. Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food 25 cents, special at 20 cents PHONE 31 SOUTH STORE <, .' W. W. CARROLL & SONS COMPAN-Y 1

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