CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 3

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..1 LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, J1 UN E 18, 1915. TMIRTY NEW IN- FORMATIONS FILED IN COUNTY COURT State's Attorney Charges a Large Number With Selling Without a License. Th- staies attorney 8prang a sur- prise- SaturdaY wbeu he fied 30 new indlctments against the Lake county mren on a charge of selilng lquor wlth- out e, license. The majority of the mei i gaiust whom informations have beei tlied conduct places in the Fox Lakte region. A few ot themt lireet Hghwood. The maJoritY Of the FOX Lakte men are te salie agailat whoun informatione were fled a few days ago csarging them with sellng liquor on Siinday. It le the belief that In the ni-w informations the states attornley will meek to show that they sold liquor outside of the regular hours and he ma y ýttemiit t prove that thîs Cou- èetituied meeling stithout a license. <'l'une Tieracci of Hghwood was arraîg-ned In coucty court this after- norn, harged wiih seling without a iieî-lie was fined $75 and costs 1110:1 -a( h or two counts and wasir- t1.-ný t- o sere 20) days In jail on thei tlîlrd ouni. Williami Schmidt peat] gqiii o a charge of s.-llng without a I-is-andi was fined $,5 on the fîr-T -outit, The second and thîrd ciiii n wer.- cî,îI nued and thle lasi i on. Tr winfi ri- nolie prossed. Fîunlo 1.a li of ilie uleil agaiflst Infiiriùii iiis ref i led today: l.irs , iluiliîg !;- ,-rge IPadelîiup, i0tai. 1-aid ichter. l! uold Niueiich. NilN. liaams. lxiii Krosnan, 1. N Irions, .1-1, Lund. '--r <laiton. SrnNai lesen. innaLechner. i Irard FHoward 1. « i.îProft A Tos, 1 V. 'llatti Silitidi. F, ni Tri.-kat heu s M NI.ose. ~.1,.1,J Sînni- Cr Iýfres Johinson. .1 % M\orclson %].,, lii'eb. FikStipeS , rIes Cros', p i i,» Tii-rai1. Pleas of 'Not Guilty' Are Enter-, ed by Fox Lake Men in Ail c of the New Cases. c Waukegan. lune 1-. Fox Lake saloonkeepera apî,eared in ou' s couîrt todas and witiiout ex- cepîin leaded not guilty' 't ti- in- formations filied against tfiem, cbarg- îng illem with selling liquor without a If -lise aud keepfng their places of l o- is<pen ou Sunday. The bail i ,aci case waa fixed ai $300 and thle laser. were met for trial ai the re-g lac terni which openus on u Jîe 29t slîite jury conesIn Ir,.ni Stuper. of -ighmwood, clîargedà w fln *elliskg ilîtor n itîtout a license. eti-rd a pipla of guilli anîl was filied .q-5 snd coUlas. Hi- pald a part of the fine and mil ipsy tlîe remainder wiîfi- n ihe next day or îwo Ssuteice nas lmposedlyJug I'ersrrns against four Fox Lakte sa-1 'ionkeepers on oid informations whlch have been lianglng oser themn for corie i!oe (iodfrey Johnuson, Soren Mathe- -on and Peter Cis>ion were fined $76 an sis i-a eci on the one count stili sianiig against them. The fine and i o-is In each case amouuted to about 1$95S.tîlînsou pald his and the other ilir- en iiu agreed to do so within tet ii-si Ico or three days.f i tarie., Cross caid ii- was unahîs o pav a fine. He was fined $50 andt cosi. and m'as sentenced to serve 10 tlas- in the couniy jail He was com- miîticd tu(lie counui jali to n-ont out te fine and costs on the roads aI Ii er îiay. After le conta outi lie fne he nîlli sîlli have 10 dayr to~ irviii jal. IP,lep .1, Veder fa tihi new prine?- liai at Guroe achool, vice Charles )teIhens. who recéutly auddeuiy left the hamlet for parts unknown. MNI. Vedder came from Lockport, N. Y. Mae front olti rarpets antiolti ciothes * ' ANY SIZE FROM M73 I2xl5 fect For parliculars write or cSi on J. A. 1GRAVES Uàbertyvmle, Illinois taItti- mînister bail lîrenu i NEW INDICTMENT hoe DADY'S SENSATION S Giduello cas 1s reîd a l(tme RETURNED AINST fa Kneo ia and ak w : e car-BROKE; INDICIS SUN et wit baviug made maytes1 CÀR 'W STEFILD eotteNrh etr alod MEN & IWESTERFIELD (Continued Prom Page Oui-) derc charge are tIti- neîînlîîîm titi-Wautcgan Ju7n=e irmi and as a nisuif no -nitefl states attorney thints rau tell more The public hiti been pnîmnet o bes relet against itim. Howi-ver, abolut the murder at Rontout lu wblch 1Wedneaday te loot forn *oetbing lite orirat u dw ti Thomas MorrIson, a St. Paul rallroad -,big" as emanating frum Statesa ai r-e sed pcriaitnnse wn tetdetectîvi-, waa uturtiuret irutall>' 1 tore11d' ofc i hemt sreant raeInes teetls thougitt the men who are - ltre>aOdrgofie dtt m1 for aitarge1ti er of à s.nelational lndltment" for a ltim f ay eosa1witb tbe crime are lu Wisconsin aud 1before the priment grand jury. Thi Iellonwaf an Kenshceosa.. iyto i i hent be . ..... -- i A - count>' pi-opi- ln ceuni-ctou wlIithte Ruasell monder was heard b> te Jury turing titi day. RETURN 16 TRUE BILLS. Titi-sPeclal grand jury complet-j lse work sutdenly sitontly aller ten SBaiurciay p. mt., althoughit i bad bei-n titought tat fnom the number of wIt- ni-sues subpoeuaed taite jury wouid he ai wont two or ttc-e daye longen. Furteen ludictments were relucueti Iota>', ma*,lng a total of suit-en, as two wer- relurned au Thursday. Titi report tatte state's attorney' was sei-king bo gel another Indietlment agaluat former Count>' Treasurer Carl P. Wetenfleld, proved 10 hi- true for oui- of titi iudtrienls retunned Ioda>' I th rnorrtter>rarged hiot wit enibeazlemeut. As te gratnt Jury was made oul oti ose of Nic iieserfieit's old leiterheauis. Titi liaI of lntlctnîenic frllon s Edward Cunningham, as'raîîlt wsurl iti-ni iiMIL fore the>' oould hi- extratitet. Aithougit a couple of dozen wilnes- es were called hi-fore the grand jury 10 luvestlgaieeiipi-r lotothe death of Ing-olf Hansen at Rusai-il a fi- wieeks ago, Il Ivas Impossible 10 s- cure an>' teflite Information whicit would hi- sufficleut 1u warrant aun lun tictuet ehiing tesued. Thi- 5151-a attorney di-claredti oday ibat the mal- ter bac bei-n hi-ftopen. SUPER VISORS EXONERATE DR. A. E. BROWNMONDAY (Contluued Prom Page Oue.I agýemeut bas bei-n 0) KIn ChIrago ouuhlas. aIl read about thei- larni liait as býetudune te count>' lins- Purpamel>' It wmm tip o 10hen newepaper reportera 10 prepare the public for iomelblng out of lte erdînar>'; purpesel> tite pa- perse were tlpped la mshow up ln glzrîng h.îdllnes te fact Ihal Lake countye $5000 a year public prosecutor was making an ai-. lempt at .arnlng hi& mone>'. In short, Wedsdiy Il was "per- mitted" to corne tram tite grand jury ro tisat te sates tor- ney' wasîworlelng up a big case witicit would give hlm lots of fres advertlslng. In ptcking Former County Treuourer Cari Wester- fieli and thse owners ot Thte Sun as te subjects for bi* big îdver- tising tunt, Dati>' howed gooti judgment ne te, electîng men wito are wideîy known anti one cmn nul help but admit thai the stales attorney'ttum cîeariy again provem bie ability tola ne up a hig stnelch of publicit>'. -11, 1, - pi---. '---'[-»-'- -"'-a"--'-v-stigattions T e mnsatilaut mi -lubutlitue James -MacLagan, cife abanîdon. i-tu The qît-tuti i.s Ar.- ne gonug ( n o iuiii-ln cuulîîîî 1110n mth the mititi1 lt r s n-ik onfin.- loi itaI suddte- tlni-r-i t session of ii re ailut ljurs ce- Jamper Ginello, rcii-lnu-, tlPIIitroýil us efu-ics l hese freutuent siahe]i-isei-ltThuirsulay chen ,grand i ipi-no> iiie-iigati to-is? ouai pnîufouî lsOr vi- > tr ri îued imd et niciiis-aaintst For- John Zan, burglarv ns itai the i-laigi-s tauuie go sîtui.niat eîlr loriOtsTrei--unr utîl P VWest- Carl P. Westerfleld, i-n]Iczletti ir on fine liniutioun bis stan-id l î i- rfi-lu eund M. J. Siîir îandl F.G. Charles Smith, luruglans - et(. I irau îng. i elies e til-majuiit s roi- ittii tf The DIfi Sîn 11t hi-cItange ClilIon Rozel le,aaa uit witth aiedi- d sif ii- ireontvi lltIdlei-ail-il 1<-ilfuir ofit i iiisrlacyl, theitinîîi triietit show- ly Sti-SIon. ii oi i ii tsiliîng -aid "conspireel *iPuouslat o! Peter Leimt, lorglacv------------------(tNRAI) -I tarie ti.e chiarges- aiiegpd oser-paynuit of fu'es for the Norman Horton, Herman Winkel ierel> becaîî-.e Miss- 'elcît pr-si-utedpulicaltiaon of lte e rcîiii-trtlai liaI andi Elmer Scitute, hîrglarv. etc. ttrin to me as supervicon. Persoualissihen 1Mr. Wenterfield wass reasurer. 1-in Pester, bungiar> i-lt tti-ci- is no rolîlîrs ln Ibis nitme' The 'sensation" îîairîîaliu created Kart Krugar, lai-i iny KING,.Laite Fores-rt'As a mi-mtuii- îîîrîîiutaabout tei-i uiitîoîse hi- Wojclet Pikul and John Baurm. as. uitheiii-ildiîng comoiîîtee 1i antio cause grand jury Indliitit', alcevur sult nibhi nt n nt In lfilcI iotlly iai 1h5 c-e nu err lad au> cnniplaint-u do cri-aie ibteni-al io l lite r wcbo m lanm tagaint thelii-management up tith, t i fi- ci-re turned agailsi clini an>' John Col-man, Albert Coleman. lion îîthelînspîtai cas deuhîrsieuld sat-aton-' eNogIdcie James Cousine mud Eugenie Graham, 1 uni-stoti i-inn nvasrrai-t as in hia i-f îg,îîtst auybody uuati, uaî gi-t ihem. nui nrdercfi cii-luc,- ,Suintueirivial uquesitions cause 1 l i u it-t ee i i. in- n ise Charles Carpenler andi William Car- l ultis iceiîotei ittno Î(iuiitaon o! it stii -. inia. -a uer. lamenni) uiltîan rouit hase doue umore itan iitic- Sals Attornteu ldY lias Ob- The Wetertleld Cage. îîr.linon-n ha-. forr i bs ospital. iîaîuco uiîîndreds of îict, nîitur n-ich \itinally te 'Nist-rfi-id Indlct îuîklt atrstuth-dctt cictiscstaaue > uie ui,-ît niut- ii- mot ilen-al ,-omu sud deflîlîtel> for tIi- gond of thei- riufs wîîen te ce ' cameé lu triai i-aitse te raseitas bpen gir-n aueh pepetif -I cuit adfo th>iws ead puli Y ii-l-Iti s -aid tai te claies iii ieuuoleuîf .aUiti- c util sa0u, oenî Ie if-o]esui as1r attorny willseek t provethat cri-ct ti i ne'linspital, lu faut, ce'ne -ewre iil aptho nes terti-ld 'iaoddd luspayroii durnu ithlii- as of doing ilbnon ciith mciti iteetmrteidrmnsjs 11w, tinte)liewau corntv treaulîrer IiIa-ioînulTenfolao f--Iescemtu Ii-li-idcîesma uit~~~~~~~~la (orone losrame i wl i-tsîîuu nterilTueaefortsou-fooa<titi-becutuse te titi- s ~attorney heu hi-eu otue sit-uw lt ist-ri-id hpai ceta iul o ri i ooelokteafle iii pre-ent fls une site of te tý, hýw hatWestrtied pld crta nîportiant reslunsitiIits of pruteci- salaies to cIi-ritansd lu lus bootks lu-lîgileioua. case 10 Cahudr of men sud gi-b an in- si-itdhîther salaries. i ---- - l - dicîmtrent. lîîgrand jury ivsIa susrîl' ater lit în înt ens w re MEYi ER, Li. icimont t Cagrepun i-r. Shorly ftertheInditmets env rword wit Mn. Kng" r-urui-t Nfr.'Ni-si-rfilt n-sa noified KNINIONS. 'Nauki-gan- Titi- om- of tesi-w Intictimeut About tweive plaints havi- al conte since te Itou ai-loi-k i- aptiirethifore Jutte Et lpitaI wes tedicatet Sîtce titin titi-n carts 10 pr-sent is bout. Tistuwa bas bei- n uohiug but trouble. 1 thinit sigueti b>'Dr. PF C. KulgitiauitAttor-tefrachgs oudbra o ni-y WV.C. pton. Titi-bond was for te formed" i n-d Bond la Reduceti. Mailer explainedt liaItti- commit- Att>'. Fl-ubi-n. nepneaeutîug Ni.. i-e batni-ad alIithi- tepositiona., W~esterfieldi asti-t Jutige Etinarda lu < ourati mosed titat titi-comfluttee redue te I.,,000 ondplaed veron resoloitions senti a letter bu Mna. hlm on te final îudîctmtent. "cou- Qui-ntin. a> mpatlîlzlug with ber In te sirar>,' andthie jutige dit so. fixint lors of ber hushanti, former citairman titi bond aI $3.000 mnta-a No niqui-st of te board. was mati- lu havi-te bond o! $5,0 ou te sanie intîctoients netutrned i C lfD1 î IENT egainul St-sassSmihretueti Titiy n-i-ie salisfiet to i-sue it ai the atnoOlt Cri iilitsthen public prosecot- on. Titi- botîtasti-t for ounteeimitez- zh-meut charge egaluat lrS. 'ester- filt was $3,000 andthtii- ame bonds- men signet tl who ignet lte final, usmely, 'Messera. lpton anti Klgiti. Wes.rfield in Stitemeut. Having hiart witat waa beiug con- ider-t b ylhe grant jury. Mn'Kei-e fi-ld sut bis attorney wene not sur- priai-t wite it-vhiardt bitte juin> lied nreui-t a aicoud iutlctmeuîi Astet what hi- thoîttit abouti l, Ni- t-rfilt sait: "i am toItli tatIitre fera to salaries paît ciirkInlutiti coont>' tri-asuers office witin I cas treasuner. Titi lac shlows a eutti officen te uecescary cIi-rkit bIndtf bcd as goot e force as au>' office i--ir bat 19 titi court bouse. i paîdthttim theirworlh anti au titi-woni turing iei lest year of ny t-i-m was tri-sien itaslu au>' pnevious year ofthtii-of- fice, lînsuihi>' tie total cii-ritbine cas itgiter Iban previoushy; Our forci- wonited hartdsuit wortet hale ulgitta nianyt fmes turing titi rush perlotis. The Other Casea. Itc-en quille uoticiiahle taItti-e ci-ne no Iutictmueuts againal meut ton ti- fil-gaisalie uf lîrtuor aibhougit a number ut Hlghwood men wen- called lu for taI Purpuai-. Il Was apparent ton'even that te staes attouney' ne- celcet sometlulng wbich hi- eunsteln- evideuce for Immedistel> aler te grand jury report was lu hi- flet In- formations againat three Hlghwoot men citargingt iem witsellng I- quor withoul a iceuse. Cunningham la te man wbo scit Hi-s, Venerable. a negro mînister, five limes sudthttin offiedthlie unwnlt- t-n law as a tel-use, Hi- ciaimet uIuftIul ViJIl~i 1 ENDS LIFE IN ItIS CHICAGiO RESIDENCE (Continned Frout Page Oui- f tions.' ilt-i cuuled ihal ouly oui- ide of any rmath-ýr 1- biard--tlîal'a nb>'Il le an i-as> i procure Indicîmeuis niticit later, nhicsri tedefense la pi-r- multedto1 presicttIls ide, are eiter noule pnussed iuor discegardet b> jur- i-s. ln the tudicî lu-ut te clati-s attor- ne> charges lIîol. witen Titi Sun pritti- et titi delnijoi-i tax bla, thet, ln fig- îîring up te cuist of came lu the yecns Sic.,Weisterfielîl cas Ireasîtrer, hi- os- erpaidt he îuoiiîhers 10 te exteut of $1,300. -Tue I hi- ct iiwiiltifr Mr. Nist-ru-ild c itiii-eîîobilifuns o! Titi-Sun mne parties titi-ni-tiii iotaes Siateii Ai- loi-ne> Detu rîpersistent puni-uit o! 'Ir. 'Nisierfieldl iver ainni- Dady waa asti- t 10 Iîî lisopinion on liii-mat- t-r 0f nlîýru- t nfuntis anti inheri- icîuue ti a ulurr'.Hic opinions et tuai lime. glu nto the count>' boarti, ni-ne vo ueci. i- Cuti filatiitermina-- lion so iusisitilt thfat lie was rfigbt a si-ny lileabie mau sud was cousit- bitIhlitebu(ýiulil nemoved Tri-saurer - ene ouifoti-esi-ny influential mem- 'Ni-tenfil-tifruits office lorsa fi-c'hbucs bers o! <hi- board turing tietilime hi- butu sienri-pliceul iim andi hi- lluet Sevraiypas ao Qentn r frnultitis terni.iBut, thai began te i-outy Ireasurer but c-as defeateti forseut titi- preak ittorwiet e b asei- ri- titi-nomination, n h rclrwohsbe n Open* Garage ai Libert>-ville. releuliug in iis ,t rantdi-ver since eut Afler mosiug frit Liheriysilie fromn lteilimex 111h- has corne totay in Vernn, uenin eectd te fis li-te indictuieut prucuneti b> hlm liegragen a Qu oenîun-citttei- firtpb. agaînci tce ut en nameti. etvvrllie, standing just noctit o!fthe Mc Ni-sti iiltn'as servi-t will pneu-ut Indepcuutent office. li- con, a nubpoena ,hortnls afier noon, DepuIs- duçtthlie garage nîit succeas for Sheifif Grve'tioing 10 hic boitai on si-ni-ml >earsansd a couile of yeacs Northt Pal avnuei. Mn. Wi-sterfilîd ego soIt ouIto t ti-pr-sent uwuec. expressi-ti l,ci'îîsurprise n-heu toIt Since tat tinte n. Quentin lied net n-ie iati tuc-ir doue sud wluen li, lui-enl an>' îartlcîîlar lune of huaI hiardt lirai Thci Sun ownerg but bei-i 3ni-un, ter-fore sote lime ago ie- an luhied. Iis I1rii-lnl'-was titi-grîsI ?magedtelupuni-hase te hi-sIe n luChi.-er. 1cago, soIt hic home Inlu blertyvihii- Hi-accring ] ht iurri-t îown tuîwn. satdusouedthtii-e. procuret bonuîsiteut antiwenîto tuiti- tIni-consersation oser te hone ina .courthouisu whi-e e uad hic tri-uts Queninu lîrother-in-iaw, Sic. Baker. sîgutette $5,liii lbond which ne---a-k hi- salit Seburda>' mrnuiug- 'Mrs, i-t fonriim. tQueini uunahie 10 taIt te yenu ahi- EDITORS NOTE-NtumII>' the la proatrati-tib>' lte aboit for site public expecîs The Sun ta express il- tnew nu tesson wby Mn. Quentin - eit on titis mater but l wac pre. aitonît do 'wbal hi- bas. The>' bat iciPitateti au sutideni>' and sa lotsin u bei-n happy sud hi- seemedtelu hi-con- lte ta>'taI we reserve aur expres- teudet suddliet iis new wuc luI Chi- sions until futher facto became c iage. Alpari-utl>' titi theaten business Içnown la us. hbhieun panniug out very satisîse- One ting is apparent, ltaI a "con- toril>'. jutgiug b>' wbaî hi-bat sait mpirmc>"' apparesitî>' s aflamî li igbt, 1e hic wlfe aud oters. 'It ile oui-utnd ltaI white in tite ndictrment tthoce unaccountahie Ibinga lit hap- Messrs. Westerfield and Smithire pnI-n l 11e." nameti as bbe "arcit conspîratora." Burial at Palatine, teborne o! Mnm ltaIt e REAL CONSPIRACV sla e- Quetina famîl>'. Ing haîcitet mAnd cared oul in oter him tesecIure tbem. LEAVES HOME TO 6ET SHAVE; JUAS NOT BEEN HEARD FROM Telig bis wlIfe thatli- wss golug ducn utown to tel sitsved, Harry NIf- hi-c. ot Nortlh Chicago. hifI hic hume ttc-e wi-i-is ago. sud tnnm Iluat lioîîr otî lie bas nuo tbei-n ceeu unrIteant frnit b>' relatîi-s . Miller wih hbis wifte asutfour bat nmade Norlt Chîcagn et i huma toc mas>' >eers. li e s employet i e lteý Ciiou eF-ni- Co. plant aud ne- rove ilitwho dollars a day for bus laiton, A nunmbeir f North Citicago ceai- dents bi-hi-ri- bat SMiller deliberatel>' aitatidni-d bis avowet bs-t oui-s, but ti-eeare e nunuben o o!leu hat fi-an i- cummîitîid suicide or mi-t wlth foui play>' Surs, Miller sud i-r four citiltren wer- mos-dto b ukeatiiganb>' oui- of Lait. countys pour masters. Mcas Mtiller is now maîittug hi-r home wlth e hîotiter et 230 Nortit Ciestnuu aIr-et. Site has bei-n ahie 10 procure wort, sud Ibene ta nu toubl but wht hec famil>' wiii be prupeni>' caret foc. Mlisa Ida Hfmmelrclf, of titi H-u- mane Soc-b>'. bas otti-erdt 10 ielp titi unforbunate woman. ter f0 cost abouti $500, butl ie doesant itnow wbere thte moue>' la comlug nrom. Ifieaskti-ttii-boardtoluaîpropnfsli- $3l00 for lte iuctîîîte wort fibis year, .fr. Swift of Liberlyvîlle attreas- et te huard ab i-ni-taloîîg similiaf i-esasaIr. Barreil. Titi-bord atopt-dt tiis reculutior: Whi-rias. fi-attheuastati-n !rom us reorge Quensin. e foi-lier mi-uter and citairmatof ttis bordî. oui- wh-o foc uan>' veuns hi-Idsvarions positions of trust ini ti-. cuîîty. witici i- hilt dii honor iandi-i-idit 10 itfmaeif and is towil. Titi-cifore, Il ni-ims filting that ive, te board uf supesisurs of Laite con- il, ulîoLild expresaslutte public sud 10 his fanull>'. iun appreciation utfitis sterling qualillea, bis devotioirobu ti> aut te pleasaut relations ltaI ex- lit hiieut enhim anti otitermeut- hi-na o!fti- hoardi. lie i-hRi-sols et, Tit we do hi-nib>' expressa on asinceri regret at itse teati o! Gi-urge Quentin andti lt Iwe extentounr sympathies ltis ber-su'- et wlfe. Ant Be It Furtiten Risolvi-d. Tiat a i-up>'ofuthis nisolution bhi-nci-utbubis witoc, sud tatIil ho aluniad upon our records. 'BEAT DADY TO 'BROWN SCORES IT'; SUN MEN AT ANOTIIER POINT IN COURT ERE SUN- HOSPITALNATTER MONS IS SERVED'By a Vote of 20 to 5 His rwo- ____Year Contract ls Replaced t OWNERS 0F SUN, HEARINGI by One-YearContract. WHAT HAD BEEN DONE BY CHANGE ON DR. BROWN'S GRAND JURY FACED ST- REQUEST TO THE BOARD. UATION INSTANTLY BY $300 Given to Farmers' Insti- APPEARING AND TENDEf - tute for Year- Dady to Start ING ANY BOND ASKED BY Civil SuitAgainst Sun. 'PUBLIC PROSECUTOR.' County PhysIcIen Brown addresed %lesars. W. J. Smtith sud F. G. Smith th0e supervisors Tuesday p. m_ lun ub- of the Dal>' Sun sud Lake County lu- stance as foiliows: dependent, dld not give States Attor- 1 Seel.g tai corne nuesTion has ney the satisfaction of havlng a r arisen as ta the legallty of the two- r-seutatIve froni the sherlff's offmelyear coostract whici the board made serve the subpoena ou titem fôllow- wth me ati ts tant session, 1 do not lng the -"indictmeut" by the VSfld cari to plae my fn-ende on the board jur-y Thuraday. for. Iustead, Mesrs. Smith hasteneil ta the court bouse atInluanY Position witere they may hi- once when they became asâtured that eritteized. Accordlugiy If the mem- such a step had bhien tati-n bY thelbers fi-el (bat ther- le anythlug 111e- prose-uior. There theiy "beai hlm f0 gai about the iwo-year contract 1 t" by appearlng before Judge Ed- wards wi thit teir attorney, Alec Beau- would auggealttat you caucel the bien, and bondsmen. who were ready contrai-t sud relustate the coutnact ta aigu auy bond whlch Dady migiti wiich existed prior to the maiiug of demaod. So, Dady lost a l1111e cheap eald con tract whlch explred June 30. notoniety ou that phase of the casei whîch hi- no doubt was banltlng ou. 1l115.1 *Ddy thought about $5000 wouid Suriervisor Kinîg moved the pals- lie about rigitt sud no objection wa'î agi- of a r-solution canceiling the made. The bond vwas silgned hy1 two-yi-ar rontrart anîd rei-nalating the Mlessrs. Smith, Chtarles Monison,. oI contrai-t aud prosfding for the lînoprietor of the Globe, sud Commis- sifoner E. V. Onvfa. Waing down 1mIaklni( of a tIiew contrait fr onui year tieti-ari-et lat-r a half dozen other froim luIY 1. 1915. lîrombueu t tusiness men pnofered auy Siipi-rssoc tIartin presenti-i a sul) "bord -Idd" that might be desired. u4tîtute cisolution provîding for the ,. the bond had bei-n signed for thi- appearanci- of the men whom caucellalboî of iDr. Brownun contrai-t Dads had sougîtl the lndictmeut and thei adsi-rîising fnr bîds for tit. againsl sud thbat ended the malter for counu> lhOsicin p Iositioni for the the pr-si-ut. Titi case cannot corne, comîug year. ta trial ountil fall when the petit jury rouies mInt session.l1 Martins resolîttion n'as lost L4 tta The charge,' *consplraey," as ex-,6 ' titise sotlug for il- Conrad, Fm- pliled lunte iudîctment whîch hi-- mous, Gffosa. Hutton, ýIartIn, Mieyer came public today, waa quit- as ex- 1îWauitegan,. Kingas motion carrled plaiued In the Sun last es'eniug î ' GIlff chargea that osercharges were made!2 0 a51 Gou vouig for lt, the other by te Sun sud couutenanced by '%Ir. fis-e sîîoe îîaued meti sotiug againss Westerfld as coîuts treanurer. il. That' s where Dady claims a 'con- rMrl r-iue resolutioît pro- aplracY" waa formed. Mri rsne The action of t)ady lu a-,tlng for an iigta ii 'n ftecni litdictumeut naiuralIy came as a sur- physî1cian ai the hospitai hi- limiied prise 1tatose on the oulside, but to ta bis conit as a iloctor. It bast by those inside, who tknow of this am-,'a 18 io 7 vote niten King's motion bitioua Young mansap"petite for ad-1cridttali. hswovte vertisiug, pîîbllclty sud sen geance crid1 lbel.Tos h oe againat titose who May hasve crosed for it were:(Conrad, Crapo, Emmona, hlma, It %as 001 the ieasî aurprlsiug. Gos. Hutton, Niartnilu,9yen (Wauke. lu fact, bow hi- could keep sBtili 80 gan.> - Ir,~ ' long on Westi-rflelds malter bas caus- ed some wouder among bis fn-ends AUTHORIZE CIVIL SUIT. for the patsi s-nirai months. 1 Stati's Attorney Dady asked the HEARI) ON THE STREET. - board ta pas-r a resoiution authoriz- Soute o! theci-marks made hy prom-! ing him t10,firt a clvii suit against mnent Waukegan business men sud of- 1 the Lake ('rints- l-ublishlng and ficnals of the city and rounty foilow-i ing Word of<hei- ndlctmneufs heingiPrlutlug (Co. b ci-rover $1.347.,n'hlrh ni-turned lncîuded titisi-. hi-aIl-gi-s former ('ouuty Tri-asurer 'Dirty polities.' Wi-sterfli-ld îîaid sald flrm for pinn- -. 0nu. nlitics" Inth elnqettxisIn13ad "M'at's happenedta 1 Dady-Has heigthdeuqntt ltIn13sd bast bis hi-ad compli-tel>'?" 1914. Titi board voted hlm the de- «What bas the Sun doue 1a Dady' siri-d authonlty. "The Sun muat have g01 under W. J. Smith, presideut outhlie nom- Dadys bide at some limie or anotiter."i pauy, ttdta hi ii utW "Dadys lookiug for sonne cheap ad-I sttd baIbscvlui vertisîng." welcomed by him sud hi- explainea Toa allo! whlch Sun repri-sentatives ta thi- board ta hi- fi-lt it wouid have merely smiled aud said: "Pardon us, hieun more court-oua 1a hlm if Mr. but hi's the muighty states sttorney Dady bad bi-gun te civil suit. hased -anybodys lable 10ahi- indu-ted aux lime." a n lte same aileged farts as hi- speci- _________ ied ln titi grand jury indicîmnent ne- quarters In lte cil>'. The bomb may cently ri-turnhld against lte linm, expinde there ere long, and il mi' rather titan havi- start-dth ie cimhuaI Sound even louder than the present artion meutoed. Titi civil actiouils one. the rdinary method of detersninIng This i. the second limnein hli- aeg1 doverrtre ul bspr reer as stale atorne>' that Raiph j. ticular case, Dat>alantdte criutiu- Dady ha een ahi, b procure an tn- aI action liraI ià&, ai f trio dîcîmnent against the editor of T he Afti-r iearlug pli-sa fnom two cep- Sun. Thte finit instance was a few r-ai-utlivea of titi Lake Co. Farinera' yeans ago and the f acio are weî Intitut- for more finsuelal support, knownn the public-te case againatl the supers icora today. on motion of The Sun editor then was drupped as,Conadaplroprîatet $300 for the lu- qulckly as il h.d bei-n uprung. AI- stitîtte work during titi- oming year, thuugh Osdy hati endeivored tu bu 1.1. E. Berri-lt, president Laki- Co. miliale The Sun at that limne b' gi-t - Farmers' intiltute, bold of inite wort- ting an indîctment whîch had no legs itngsa of the Institute Hi- told how ta stand on, he wasn't discouraged lie instItut- ni-rda fînds ta work sue- and ipparenl> has been iooking about cesafully andasakedthlie board Io aid. ever Siflce te cee il hi- coulti fintian.-etl of havlug piauned meetings other possible toundaluen. As w i .a sat yi-ar In i-ver>- township of titi hi-fore abuve, indictmenta cm lue pro- eoun ty, hampersd comewhat by the cureti against anybody b>' an>' statla fooi-moitih disease. A shore course attorney' who ha, the desire hack of 0 lIve days la plauneti for ni-il win- Pj5ve Thr. DYMOND L AUSTEN Loans, Insurance, Real Estate md Hate Renting. Office in Kaiser Block. LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. ELHANAN W. COLBY Attorney-at-Law Ilise ab Home, Cook Ave. Phonelfi3-J LIBERTYVILLE, - ILLINOIS. LYELL H, MORRIS ATTORET-AT-LAW Libertyvilie . lilinois R. 12Luc-e Blidit _e Pui 5 R. OUcelPhbans ti MARTIN C. DECKER &,TToaNEY-AT-LÀW office opp. 1ilsn t. Electrie staion Mile Phtone 848 Be«. Phone 1360R, NORTH CHICA0O. ILLINOIB PAUL MAC GUPPIN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. IJb.rty,IU.. Illinois rZozz Sa DR . O. F.BUTrHRID. VETEBINARY SURGEON. AMhIXT ÂT TA UkNÂtrMWAA. Libertiville. Inois. D&. P- V. SXITH PH-YSICIAN AND SURGEON 110-c8 tts1) . ni 2totaud7to8p.m Oifice user Ei Furniînre Store LIBERTVVILLE. ILLINOIS DR. N. W. SMELLENBERGER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN l Trigge Bidg. Lîbertyvlie, 111. Office Boucs 10until. S Tuesdaym and ïrdays ouiy DR. 1. L TAYLOR Office in Vivat National Bank Building aonfla:- 1 to 3:30 aud t c. t . 8esbleuîcc inBroadway, oppooite Para DR. GOLDING DENTIST floucs 8 ta 12 arn.-i ta 5 p.m. lirer Fluet National Bank Office Phone 19-J. "ls. Phone 157-J. Libertyville. Illicola DR. E HL.SMITH. DENTIST. 3VMB L&AIS COUXTY NATIONAÂL DAM. H20u8-8 tc 12 a. m. and 1ta ôp. M.» D)AILY. LibertyUhe. isl CHAS. N. STEPIIENS, M. D. HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN a"j SURGEON Phtone 100 011k.e ove, Gus Co. DR. VICTOR C. HOEFNER OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 215 !.jadison SL. Wackegan, ID. ornce Houri. 9-12 A. M.; 1-4 P ML: 7-8 P. ]ML Sundays by Appointmont Only Tulephone 3111111. J. L. REDDINO, De.V. Me VETERUNARY SURORON Giraduat. Chuicago Vol. Cellaill Officie at Reilmoe. 779 Gaumd Avi. Phone 1131W. 1. PUBLIC AUCTIONEIIN Cloosat attention puld 10enuo n auction wWtane d boit reuit, abI Iug saâme. Ail kinde of hors., wago.s ma barnosa for @"i or ezeblange at *il limes HENRY SINE Ph....s 148 or 48 MION CITY. ILL. PH-ONE 1140-M W.H. LEIIWALDT Violinist, Pianist and Teache 308 CORY AVE. WAUKEIXAN, ILL-. Durand & Durand REAL ESTATE I NISU R ANC E COLLECTIONS Triggs Biaig., Libertyville Phone, 2. Làhost7vill.470.M. Lae Ulul f. BAI RSTOW RIANUFACTUREAOP Marble and Granite Monumnenis Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence 5oicited 116 Genesee St Wetnke«an Paore Tkree

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