-'s'. p. '-. t -~ Lake County Independent' Waukcgan Weekly Sun Office Tlephonso lumber 1, Lbertyvi Exchange. £aI.ssd ati the Poétoffice at Libertyville, IliI,.aa Second C&@@ Mal Matter Officiai Paper for Laie CoufltY. leemed Every Friday. Advertislng Rates Mode Known on Application. SUESCRIPTION PRtCE. SI.50 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W. à. SMITH ................................................................... Edior F. 0. SMITH ................... .................................................. Manager 'V. J %VISIER....................................... Reident Manager,,0 Phono 169-J Hlghwood residents charge the. state's attorney witii nglgecet Mercy! Io that possible after ail the bluster he lately bas been trylng te display?' The Gazette says the people o! Waukegau are "amazed at the FEARYUIINS8 of the, states attorney."'tTiiey are quit. right. The. "fearfulnes." of the public prose- cutQt in sometbing awfull Let's seel The. statels at torney gets $5000 a year and he bas an assistant wbo get s $1,200. Io the. prosecuting busiues in Lsake couty se extensive that an assistant lu needed te azoïst the. $5000 .a-year-officWa? To date Former Oounty Treasurer Weaterfield hasn't been accused of looing any of hua own or the county's mon- @y playlng poker. An indictmeut that h. boa don. so rnay b. askeïd any day. There'. only one nian who knows 'wbethier suc)ài i the possibility or not-and h. won't tel as yet. _ .____ The question lu, does a state's attoruey or public prose- cutor mauke better succeas at playing poker just because be IS state's attorney or.is it just-luck? Peniiaps tiiotii- ors vho "sitin" are awed by the. fear of a possible- "con- opù c".charge in case tiiey vin and tuat's wiiy a prose- etor irho DOE8 foilow the. game as a meaus o! pleasure and profit gets away witii it te his owu personal advantage as cornpared te the felovwiiho has ne officiai titie. Tiie fear nov la that friends o! State's Attorney Dady who have vatched his antics ately wfil b. afraid to Ilsit in" lu poker gaines witii hlm longer because o! tueir fear that, if lie loues, h. may cal luto use the, mlgity povers of. the public prosecuters' office, and, if two or three in the game happen te vin from hîm, iie may procure an in- dictaient against tuem on a charge o! "1conspiracyll to take hie mouey away from hum. Ohairman Eger o! th~e superviser. Monday told board members that meetings are te begin hereafter on the hour st in adjourument. lu other vorda, h. told the, supervi- sers he', golng te, start business promptly instead o! dilly- daflIing ii.cty council might also adopt a simihar plan aspecifled heur for beginning business ses-c sins nle dolug it. This is teo busy a world te hose an kour ber. and there vhich neyer eau be brought back. It iun nt knovn whether Stat'. Attorney Dady vil liii. aay action on tue uatter vhich Fatiier Gavin detail- ed lu bis Sunday address or not. The local priest went into a matter quit., in detail vhichi cluded in bis arraignment the state's attorney himsel! as veil as relatives. Tii. priest dld't mince words, and viien h. had flnlshed the. effect vau éven as intense among Caesrnany who heard hlm as Dady's "lndlctmenta" against Messrs. Smth and Wester- field. Tiers vas a reason for Dady not being 50 "active" in tab ip the matter the prent mnade reference to-IT States Attornuey Dady managed on. Thursday to fur- iai food for Friday's issue o! tue Gzette and thereby esi'ned a place on its depleted neom staff. Ineidentaily it may b. stated that tuer. has been no officiai stat.ment art lonulingbats he tue Natu rally h vouldn cuiffluametbed of gainlng prestige, isn't it, if such is tue case? 1 Buides paying tue state'. attorney $5000 a year and bis assitant $1,20 a year, it in recalled thal every trne a case seemingly bigger tiian au ordlnary justice case, or a case!fimportance out o! tue ordinary cernes up, that more bellu inaked for. Remomber boy a roquest vas made and graMldtbt tue Lake county Proseutor ho permItted té bIte au expenuive aide te help hlm put Voliva lu jail? And, btoWrd this expensive man conduct.d tue case, vRille !uk.i='s presecutor held his boks for blrnft Seven lhouuMd twe ihundred dollars a year OIJGHT te get tue services o! a nMa cempetent te bandie tue ordlnary crlm- ïBlai rssutim 01ofLake county, and, if tue mon elscte le tbi. eOlMela unable toe do It thon, 1k. amy mm whvo an- sUmmu1aocouat lieoubeuld dlg down lu bis own peciiet and psy for help ho may dote or need te nake a sliowing. !Th*. cetinued "Prseution" o!f ormer Oounty Treas. UrurWesterld by ialph J. DadyvWobappeu to hold the o09i0e e! state's atterney o! LaMe county tbrough tue mdbfl ofthepeople and lbreugh tue public' =a,- ?i!ofbis "pelltlcai atior," tue late Charles WMPe Wh utlmite ijob, long &oa e pte ofo ,ousrtonratuer tban proseuton. rusing Wuster. lian the "goat," Dady bus centlnued flrst mluoee ay AM t-em in amother te basstheue nanvho, tbreugh it i bu ùoed up bravely- andidod rosecuter th '0 alot u , inluaU tue niouey contaroversyhe, Westefd, liai 0 'V monsys on baud lu the bank and ho wauted a Mew u ll.g "t-bady's to e ihm turn theni ever to «»b stateor aujbodye"s. ,AÀud, have y ou motlcod lituat, * VI *ail bit fuusing,fd"y sstei date failed te make good My a cot o! bWis ts? Se, h. accordlagly digs up anether LAR COIINTY LADEPENDlENT, FRIDÂY JUNE 18. 1915. s s which h. hopes wifl cause the public to forget the status of the oChers already in the. courts. , Verily this ambitions young coûInty officialisi a seeker of advertlsing, rivalled only by men o! the class of Wilbur Glenn Voliva, the. chie! difference being that they get it in different ways. The. 19 members of the. board of supervisors note with interest the statement of a Waukegan paper that they "whitewaahed" County Physician Brown for the. second tirne. Personafly, a vote of 19 to 5 looks to us more like an EXONUMÂTION and VINDIOATIN than a WHITEWASK. But, we presume that there'. some sol- ace to the. Gazette, after trying so bard to iigetlt Dr. Brown. to calilIt a whitewash rather than oxoneration. In- cidentally it in furtiier lnteresting te note that the. samepa- per, after boastlng of its fairnesa, etc., and after havZn worked bard te 1"get" Brown, wasn't fair enough te prmnt the. finale of tii. whole controversy, nam.ely: the. majority comÈdnttee report, which wau very short and rigiit te tthe p oint. Rad the report been against Brown it would have been prlntedminfull, in big type. As it wau it vas but cas- ually and lncidéntaily referred to in an inconspciuous man - ner. One god tbing, iiowever, is that that lu exactly what the. public looked for on their part. State's Attorney Dady announces tbrougi the. Gazette that h. intends. "saving the county" $1,554 on all future elections by preventlng the. paynient te ail the judges and é1erI63 of election the. second day.' pay when they vork iute the, second day. Iu otiier words, when tii... judges leave their homes at 6 o'clock ln the mornlng te get tgs the polils wiih open at 7, and tiien wdrk through counting bal- lots3 until 9, 10 or il o'clock at night, U'8 going to tel the board of supervisors tha.t tiiese election officiais ARE NOT ENTITLECD TO TWO DAYS' IPAY but shall get only $3 FOR ÂLL THOSE HOUR8' WORK. That is a fine way te get efficient, iionest and trustworthy judges and clerks of election, ion'It it? And, we presume it wil be perfectly alrigit for lM te "ÏAVE" thisolurby TAX- IN<1 IT AWÂY from the men who are willing to speùd their time at the polils and apply it to Borne special iiasi5 ant" wiom HE (Dady) ntigit wisii te bure to help hlm, a $5,00-a-year official, ini some case which he feels he needs iielp ou in trying, for instauce, the Voliva case at Rock- ford. Saloon hangers-on can b. got for $3 a day. Can the. men who are WANTED te do tiiat kind of responsible work be hired at the sarâe rate? Think it over, Mr. State's Attorney, before starting in '"saving" in that manner. Children o! Lake county and even adulte wiio read Fni- day o! the detaila o!fiiow State's Attorney Dady taught a buncii o! men at the, baciielors' "opening" hast Sunday iiow te play a new gaine of poker cannot roconcile the fact vith the public prosecutor's advertised re!orm, tendencies. It vv culd be a rather incongruoua condition of affaire, wouldn't it, in case one o! tiiose men wiior Dady taugiit the, garne o! poker Sunday shouhd be found in a raid whicii tue state's attorney might order soni. day seon and then, viien tue man vent on tue vitness stand, h e vould niérely say: "Why, yes; Mr. Dady, I WAS playing poker for mon- ey; I vas playing the game you taught me et tue Bachi- elors' Club's 'opening'" Wonder if that feilov would alm9st have a case o! "conspiracyt' against Dady on tiie theery that intue &nrt place h. had taugiit iirthe game of poker, a gamblng game, and tuat hater viien he vas play- ing it, his teacher bad had 1dm haled into court lu order te bave a fine impos.d ou hlm and thus indirectly make a shoving for th. state'. attorney's office! Still, tiiere is't much danger o! such a turn o! affairs- for it isn't the chasa o! men tuat Dady tanght at Third Lake vho are 1"raided" -it's the. peor foreigners vho 1ke to play poker just as veil as Mr. Dady or an y o! bis frienda who occasionalhy are nipped. But, possibhy they don't play as " stiff " a game-tuat may b, tueur short-ciniing or defect. Superviser King o! Lake Forest sounded tue one big note o! varnlng viien he urged tue menibers o! tue bord te take decisive action right tuen on tue county physician malter and thub save tue fine nev county hospilal fron being wrecked. H. point.d to tue effort to contlnually lunvestigate" tue Cook county tubercular hospital and shoved hov t bas been harmed. "lWe're ou tue vay o! doing tue same here if we don'l stop very seon tutu con- tinuons 'investigation'," said tuis able superviser frorn Lsake Forest. He vas rightl A&ND, tue board agreed with him. That lu tue uatisfylng feature o! tue situation. Tue board declively decldsd tbat it bad agitatid tue county hospital uit. enongh and by a no uncertain vote veted te cal a 2at. In deing se ve believe tuey dld tue proper thn; ve belve tebir action vill bave a tendency te per- mit the. hou pli te accomplish greal goqd for the. poor and sufferngof Lake county. Tue only thing ve hoe.il that tue burlal l b. cernpi et. and tuat thére vili b. on lm. mediale resurrection e! the effort te produce turim>il. We bave ne criticlio! the. munvho instigated it. They de-. laethey vere sincere,,ta uyatd sspriosl viii display the utuotcm" tie give tue county thebu lu hhir poer -lunlthe matter o! service, econor n md leo cly n tuaI thé abillle ofIbis institution t e&~ r orIâéecont wl dill»senyhi in stitution il. tee, vauable an aspet te b. hanp'ered by centinueus bar- rassing and uniess bmetblng unforeseen turne up ve me Lne resson for any further concest as te hov tblnge are )conducted tuer., fer, wltu a geedvworking coinmittee in charge o! tue place and vitu Dr. Brown having glvsn hi&~ assurance that ho viii continue giving the. but services that hoeu can,1' bound te outlive nilutaken critlclsm o! the >kal.Nowleft us all put our oboulder tethe tieel temake 1this county hospital the eue real county institution o! lt-s $'dditiona/ e.vLIONEL BULL DUYS ýWý 1 THE LYRIC RESTAURAÀNT of Ci eriyivi//e Un Thureday of laut week J. T. Roberteon jald the Lyric restaurant to _________________________Lionel Bull, one of the two brothers ibo a re 1 n te re ted l n th e S n p rio r i iin g Dr. Emmet J. Brown returned leet Idachine Co. The new owner toot pos- week from Cowiesylîle, New York, viier esmeion of the business the same day, but he took the renuains of hie wile, who dled Mr. Rtobertson sitili had charge of the the preceding week, for huril. resaurant ountil Thursàday ufthIis eote when Mi#* Auna Bader assumed charge On Wedneeday Wm. Staffai, deputy of the business am manager. Mies Bads-r state inepector of factorise, stores au.d vas ou.. of the vaitreeses lu t4c. restau- place ai amusement. paid Libertyvillo a rant heiore s e toot a position in visit uand ta a representative of tue@ Carrlis north store. paver stated that in every establishsment Mr. ltuîlertîon and family wili move ta lnapected by hlm he found condition@shcg bu uyý@'weeh a Tory satlsfactory and In nat one place Ccago daotinl it a ee efi tione formpre oemaen. ueeasproducing conîpan>v, lista be Chicago tios fr iproemets.Thi epaksmanager for the eoneern. Be vas the very gond for the local factoriee, stores tiret man to operafe a moving picture and mercantile establlshment@. . i..1,, f-i1 . 1- Wed;esday eveninu tiro advance men1 from the Lincoln Chautauqua &essacâl- tion were present at a meeting et the local ssociation held ln the village hall,i wici as cailed by Prosîdent Chas. Averill. The gentlemen ontliaed thoîr plan for entertalomente te, ho furnieba at the coming chantauqua. A large number of the. members of the League ver. presenut at thse meetinDg. Prîsîdent Lynlc Theatrebore six jeans aigo. The. theatre ho soid to Owen Wooiridgs tira weeke agu. tMr. Eobertson etabllshed the restaurant abouit 2ý @are ago.. HENRY REIN, SR., DIED LAST SUNDAY Avrlîl, t the close of the meetingý 1Henry te-ini,Str., paosed aia, t hi appolnted soreral commttees ta look home about twa lioie.. uortl.at If alter the eutertainment course. Lubertyvillo a% 1:10 ,,>ciock Sunda.y- bs-en ailisig for severai years and bad c ÀDVRSEEN BRNS bs-en muite ill mince Februarv cof ti.. a r.: 72% 0F TOTAL SALES Itouahip abut igh~dtULi*rt>7u rir Cliag.. wuëe.. b.bad twl nin the NNv.ag on. Bow an advertisement ln the L.atkeMaIking business far about 25>-eare. H.. Count>- lndependent breugbt tue- adver. vas b,îrn n aeu, Gruiatny. tiser 72. oflhiletotal sales is told by Mr. behi .,I..aiem t,, uurn kb,,, hie Joseph Kohout of Rondout, whAIo lu In ire. a soein-ry. ta.> br..tl,.r.-. Frant the wholesale and retaîl cut fiows-r and (leoru, a i li.eau, aisela i#esr growlng business, iavlng purchased the Frantl-a vii..ý lires la (lerman>-. lntere@t of bA@ former partner J. O.-fSchu- The funeral vas bs-Ici r.,n the.'hbame mann niftSchumann & Kohout several;i an Tueedav 'eru.-n t twe,,iit monthe &go. service-s Asi«-lU .-undui-ted bI> Rer.fit. MIr. Kohout lu his lettef mayathat 72%, . 'rit-r f mcS%,iia usLutheran riturci, of ail hie sales vers- direêtiy traceabie to initrmeýnt lI..,la intu laAî.'sdecm..- the advertlsenent he liad lnserted lu thes-, sry. Independeut for thre.. veets in the; month ai May-. lu the past, man>- I CARO 0F THANKS advertisers have tated thbat they recsived' v ctuetr( halmt u good and quict esulta frum their ad@ u W. ieitnetuiitanat1 u tbus paver but thîs le the tiret time that neîgchbors and Iris-nde tir the.' induese an advertisen actually traced a certain and syniptir sabn useIn.,ur es-s-t pr cent of bils sales directl>- derlved inani berpanvemi-ut. ai hie avertisement. ilncieacIaal. Below is tie letter oft Mr. Koboutl whlch ougiit to be anather con'. ncing1 The independent le the cnunty's on- proof that Independent readere r.'ad the!1.1-aewel-htawyeey adrertisementsi as adI as@lthe uews. body take, It. Libertyvillîe, Ill,. June 14, 1 >15 Late C. Pub. & Pnînt. Coi. Libs-nyv.ilie, 111. Gentlemen: Encîasediplease, tinil cbect for $7.20 in payment for ni> ad lu yonr paper. 1 tbint you will b.. giad ta hear ab int the @eeilig plaver .f that litle ad. il botk e-arefui recoîrd of ail My'sales and found that It eaId 72. of aliii'. ales E that 1 made. I thitktbat'e a good record and ia ebowe that your euh- seieres are readini nat onl>-ns-w, lin >our paper but lootiniz aver your adi.c as '.'eli. )'urs trul>-. Joseph KoAiout. Melhodial-Episcopal. Services nezt Snnday viii ho field at il o'clock ln the moruing ail at 7:30 itn the a@venlng. MIse Oliphant viii sPeak and slng at bhou service. The public t. cordlally lnvitsd. -Onîdance for lhe Saut Winner- vili ho tbe ubWet ofiteEpvorth meetingr noît Sunday ovening at 6:45. Fred ProfAne wii load the meeting. The Installation aervice of the lrp irorti League officers elected for the eneuing year wil ho held ns-lt iunday eveiinir as the cloue (if the public service. The leaguers wiii attendîln a body and wear League colore. Presbyterian. 10:30 a. M, Bunday as-boul. Mdornlng Worsbip lliaclock. FSermton, "Tho Seretoffiuccee" TetJohnl 3ý,0. Ch rîstian Endoavor 8:45 p. m. 7:30 Evening service, germon. I 'n. linehing l"aith," 1-tiob 1::., Test aur velcome. St. Lawrence Episcopal. 11oiy Communion 7:30 a. m. Sunday echool 91:80 a. ni. MAorning Prayer Il a. ni. Evenlng service >8:00 p. ni HaIt Day Church 10:1)> a.m. Sunday ectioni 7:47 p. m. Preaclîing. 'rbureday evening meeting - . ni. Bs-nj, J.Trl',k*v. Mnifu.ter CARO 0F THANKS 1 tut.' this iu..tbud to eh,,w my pincer. tpPrerlation and thougbt for ail wlî @,, kindly came to our assistance ILuti mî,et hour of n.'ed, during the miikuso anId death of my wlle. 1 fant aur focur plîy@ilcians lndividtially who did &Il in theIr lpower to relieve lierreufterlng 5 M,', Dr. E. A. Brown, hasî.Ital phymician. and t he aide staff of .,poeratorm,.specialv t i-m dJear nurses wl,,, exhuited mll eartiiy îcow.'r and triod su liard ti, reliem. and humored and pettpd lier to the laet. and the many acte of tindneme and ...urteey eztended to , nself. Again I wilh n tharît aur di»ar nelgliborm and !r,..udi each and ail wh.,dîd ail In their p.w' and irought sm) many beautIful i'a'e Also t )r the leptter of ccneolation. suri pati» and re'gret sent me by thii.t N\ii. Dr. Emimett J. Br-'wD ------------- :::sZSsUUZ s _ _ 1 TIIE LYRIC RESTAURANT Under New Management- LIONÂL BULL, Frop. Special Sundayj Chicken Dinners HOME COOKING EýOME MADE FIES EARLY BREAKFASTS LATE SUFFERS a specialty 'Zarties and Dances Catered to I Ail of the leading linos of Cigars s~s~.::sssus:SsssssSSS55S5 ------------5SU M i WE DID During the month of May, 1915, we sold $20,917.88 of "Old-Line Life Insurance for the Michigan Mutuai Lif e Insurance Company. This may not 'be Twenty Thousand Nine Seventeen Dollars, Hundred Eighty-Eight Cents.: The amount of Pre.ium waa $682.82, an average of- practi- caiy $32.50 per $1000 inurance. Nothing very big, but we did it. Yours truly, AREA JOHN HODGE District Manager Bmanch Office, Michigan Màtual Lif e ILLINOLS Church ows FROM - LOCAL.- CHURCHE-S a large volume, but it is . 1 -. 1 - .1 ; 1 1 I;eo. Waukeo tend th,. clapa. E. Bri by UeO. were lu Pari@ Ilezali î W@ ar comne In MWs vialtodf day and Juat r. vorto. early. '1 Burlîngt Frank lon as Frank L, ~and des.- Miller an aud ee.n" Ilcar *pelàt Su W agi>. Bort i Elitjor M of their é Mr@-.B M r#.Pal uldi I I b: agi 'I S bide hbo@ saturdi. Monte at bons-. S-ra n* 0.r 1~ Mdn. 1 Friday. WH macter a year., i. fr-iei-ndea Chid r. until Jui of the .CLi Evtry or queted 1 A. Chf cal led on Miss A been ml V \r. an the .gra. Tbursda Mr.Jre firgt ('l t Waut, DEPE N weekly. Real We piano§ better j1 about t Kimbal The Victrol market, will tel Comý Pîayerî Com: