CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 6

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LAXER, COTTNTY INDEPENDENT, F'RmÂY, JUINE 18, 1915. Xrea- By T. F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent Oscar Penny of Chicago, spent Sunday wth ie uister, Mrs. Wrn. Cropiey. Anns Paulson spent the week-end with i riendé at Drue@ Lake. Franes Smith of Round Lake, ls vlit log Shis week with ber oisior, Mrs. L. A Murrie. Mrs. marguerite Stahnks @peut a few dtale Ibis week vith ber mother. tMrs. C. B. Aivord. The stock of the newiy incorporated Ares Tiie Mlg. Co. la hein« prepared and viii sonon h placed on the market. John Badge vliibave charge oi the plaelng of this stock. Barry Lathrop vho le empioyed la Chicago. le spending hie vacation witb hl@ mother. Je@. Lynch ls vislting with hlm. tir. and Mirs. B. F. Gridley aud daugh- ter ofi Chicago, and Douglao Marshai and larniiy ofl bvanstou. speut Sunday at the Pleasaut View terni. There wiii be choir reiearsal aI ltte clturch Friday evening. The concert at the chnrch tionday oveniug vas a decided success in a musical vay but owing to the inciemnent weather the attendance was flot up fb expectations. i amn prepared to do painting and decorating. E&tirnates furniseec on application. J. Philiinore, Ares. 37p4 Oin Wednesday, Joune th the officers and directors of the Citizen@' Bank entertained the Lake Coucty Federation of Bunker@ at the Cameran hotel. The @veut vas the annuai meeting ai the Federation. Twonty-four delegates re- presenting iveive diffrent banks partook of the bountiful repas& ssrved at aur weii kuavu bostoiry, and partlcipated lu an Informai pragram and discussion whiensumed. D. Md. Erskine ai Highland Park. preident oi the Federatien, pro. sided. The kenote of lbe program vas the duty and responibiity ai lbe couutry banker ta hie commonity. The ieading talite vers made by G. C. (iridiey and Bon B. Miller of Libertyviiis and' A. W. Vercas af Highiand Park. Secre- tary MeOil i fIhe W&ukegan Commercial MoççÇIatIUn Was the guest ai the Federatian and addrsssod the meeting -on business ce-operation. The meeting vas nnanimoueiy pronounced the mast .succoSini in the hlstory of the Federa- ition and a vots oi thank vaas extended tu ths Citisen'a Bank for their hasplaiity. The ioiloiolg officers werseiected for the ensuing year: B. C. Burnett, Wauke- gan, preidont; G. C. Grldley, Liberty- ville, ssretary; Frank W. Read, Lake Forest, tressurer; Ezocutive cammittee, Bon R. Miller, John R. Futon and A. W. Vercoo. TheliiMslima and tiuidred Ritzen- thaler are speudingi a week with their iter Olive in Napervilie. Mr. avi lire. B. A. Knopattpnded the vsdding ai their son John In Penn- sylvanla, on Monday. The Ladies Vernon coetery societv viii meet with tirs. Lena, Pegiow on Thurday aiternoan, JuDe 24. Mr. and tirs. Chas. Hersebberaer and son Albert vers Chicago viiter. on Bnnd&y. Thome wiii ho a Tempeanco meeting at the Graechureh an Saturday ovoning, Joue 19. The speakers viii hoBotR. MeGinnis, E. M. Umbacit and 1. H. Elauptieuerer. Blind Wiiio vii@sog. Thîs meeting wiil begin et 7:3l0. Every. uns le invited tu corne. tdi. S. E. Knedier and is. Chas. Stahi voesChicago visitors tionday. The. Independent isatis au. LA"E ZUICH1 m rs D ora tllaukent)uur retuned 10 Gar1y, 1lid , alter spenditug several vftees here. tire tiathis aud taraSD@, Jai-k sud Robert vlited bere Saturday aud SUD- day. Fred C. Setp vas a Chieagus viwitur Sun day. tir. and tire J. 1). Fîuk vere Chifago visitais Wednesday. tir. and Mire Fred Bisu are entertain- ing relatives lrorn Chiuago. tir. and tirs. Ed Lipoch of Chlcago. spent Saturday aud Suuday here vlitb relatives, The nowa chedule le nov into effes on the P. b Z. & Wauconda raiiroad, Z-Pee0rflie/d' Mir.and tirs Ray bord son a! Chicago. vere te week-end guesîs aoftMr. and tirs. C. W. Peltis. Alvin Meyer and train Piagge oi UinversiyofI lîlinois ai Champaiwn, returned ta their homnes WednesdaY mîrniuig Mesdames Geo. Stauger, C. K. Oirs- borne, Oea. Pettis and J. A. Rehuit J r., attended the quarteriy Mielon3ary meet- ing o! lbe Proshyterian cburcb Bt Arlinglon Heights Thursday. tMsEda Bsoid ai Mokena. le viil. tug Miss Ruth bidgervood titis vek. Mir. and tirs. John Palm uit Chicago, tiMr. and tMrs. Fred Ciristensan oi Illod at the home oi Wm. ,. B us Mobile, Alabama, are viditlng Mi@ss Sunday. The funerai ai George IQuentin vas beid ai Palatine Monday. Mir. and Mir@. Abet Carter were Chica- go viitors Tuesday and rougiet honie their son George Carter. tir. Redmond aifiOak Park, ras a bake Zurich visitor Suuday. Thée program given ai the cburch Sun- day Cbldrens l[)&.v aas veiliattended. The exercimes vere splendid. The cbnrch vas decorated lu white daisieo, arbîci syrnbolized purity.. tirs. August F roliitvh wa a Cliusgu i-aller Monday. Jack Prehm viited at hi@ home Satur- day sud îtuuday. Mise Catitern Br.wu-r waî a guest ai Misse(Gertrude Hlm tafoa arte Mir, sud tirs. Dotuton pent Saturday and Sunday livre. Nirs. tiakay alto bas been s guiesi at te tiapleleat hotel fo.rsesvri net-lu relurned ta lier boitte tin.LIicagu Mir. and tirs. P. Yttng have returned ta their hotel for the suttiiiu-r LDAMONDLAKE tirs. oeury Wehrnberg aud daughtor 0i l'iliprtyville s1eit Sunday a W m. Gjerbers. - Miss Edeti Erokine iof Chicago epent the paft veek vith tirs. A. Rtou@e. The Ladies Aid viii gt-e aunlu-e uream suriai on Andrev Efflugers issu-n Thurs- day evenlng, June 24tb. Every tune at- tend. 31ir1 tir, sud tirs. bieouMitchell returued home lasI veet frum a thr" e îseuutrip. Ed Srbick oi Chicago. s@pelt Sat-rday and Sunday ai R D. CoLe@. Mr. and tirs. Will Frosl t of ouud Lake, visited lier folk@ Sunday. John A.raun and daugitter Anna vlsited Barney iuaun uone day last vsek. A Chicago mornin: uaper carried a sensaîlonai tary ta the effect that lira. Scott Durand of bake Bluff had tated te il that a man posing as a Chicago reporter vlslted lier place on Friday and endeaver; te obiackmaii hier ln order ho keep frorn public print a stery about hier reglatering under an assuuned name a i te \orrison ho- tel, Chicago. Site said that she itad been at te totel under an aseumed name ha order te lake a reat and ln- ridenlalyl, ho trealed by lier Chilcago physirian suho recently opersted on liter. Site ssld bier husband ltad full knovledge a!fte tacts and lnisisted that thte effort to misinterprel ltte cir- rumalanres s'as nothing more titan blackmail. Deepite the fart taI the states attorney bas been active ln startlng praseculiensalleged af alieged saloon vieiatora in certain parle o!fte roua- ty, the police say that te men vito vere mixed up lnaua assauit rase in Norlt Chicago on Sunday told titme ltat heer vas aold freely aI lite Pour- teenlt atreel park ln Northt Chicago on Sunday. s. IDLE DOLLARS Get your idie dollars a per- manent "job" by depositing themn in our Savinga Depart. ment where they wiil earn you a steady income of 3% Compound Interest THE CITIZENS' BANK "KÂKE TRIS BN YOUR BUSINESS HOME' l Sale Daposit Boxes for rent Are§, Iflintoit J Margares Vedder. a Mr. and tirs. Norrî ie fChifagu, vers the Suuday gueesst theIomre of C. B. Easton. e Mesdames Fred ilarsiterger, i'biip Rommel and Lieder vers ths week-end guets aoftirs. F. Bosoid ai Mokena. Misses îlian and Grace Schiie, Almira Rockenbacb and Eleanor tMeyer viii ho graduated frarn the Deerlleid-Shirlds l% igh ochooi Thnrsday nigitt. tir. and tirs Ezt-a lk riîech of veretr, euterlained the Royval NIwlil,îîrs Thître- day eveuiug. Méise Margaret Ved-ler attended bhe Old Selliers'nmeeting at Highlatnd Park tiouday evvnng. ,f Iiies tidred Wbitiug entertained at dineter tor liss iren,- Hutchisutu, svio îwas toarried Tburuedav vveuing lui Ray Rteederof ihicagu. liMr. and tire. William D)undee ad Ilisseë Coblen oi Chicagou, iere tiie Suu- day gueets oi Dr. C. J Davis- Mirs. S. S. Croit ai Ciiaguu, te visitiug tire. LC. Hole tiis evit. Ucure Toms@ Cabin vas situwu in tiiree reisat the imacles ltrlday nigbt. Mies Sarah Domoey oi Wsukegan, ;vas the guet ai lire. Ed Blelmebi lasI vevk. Cbhildrenso Day exercices wili tue bcld in the St. Paul's Evangrelical churrit sud Presbyterian c burrh nexlt Sunday tuturu- iug. LAKE FOREST Nîr. sudtIrle tiarvin Bughittlhavel gane eaet for a vieil. ir, and tirs. Chasrles Coiue SIiu au gave a weelk-ed îarîy aItteýir hoinue last nek. tiraud tire. Josephi ieldPn lîad se titeir guests lasi veet tir. sud tire. itedmond Siepiteus of Cbioaga) tirs. George C. Clark hat§ guuuta Den ver ta vieilM@.tirHatluOd Sidney and frorn there viii go ta Clîlornla. tire. Erily tirAvoy le expe.ted ta depart muon for Caioria wbere site viii gpeud set-oral veets@ The baks Forosi Aeadcrny held titeir clase day exercices Satnrday. tirs, . .D Grannis bad as lier gucet lasI veek ber sister, Mise Susan Oit-en. tire.Hoitart C. Chattield-Tayior vito le at Fairlavn le expected ta return home by Joues 26h. tirsud tirs. Liurance H. Armour are expentioie a iicoun ltrn lte But-ke Roche tvinsë, Franciuu aud Maurice of Near York. tir. sudllire HugliJolirtstn Me-terney are h inte east fot-a isee tir su, Edarard L, Hasier died Suuihay evening at te Alice Hou- bueittai asmte resuit afintuaries received by a laui roitu bis htors-t Suîîday moruiag. He. loem is t mont-n hie dealt a vile aidt,>tire- lItte eiidren. The egitti grade graduatiotu exorcises vers beld ai Gortan Bail Wednssday et-ening. The Ileerieid-Shieid Eigit ehool Cam- uioacemcent exercises arere bld aI Ras lins Park Theatre Tbnrsday ereutug. The Whoetervils Church, Deerfieid Township 'Te Sundsymechoîl itext Sunday at 2:310 p. m. Commnion Service i2 :0 p. ou. addresss hy lte Hec. George Roberte, Jr,. paetor ai tite bale Fat-est Preebyteriari chutrit and the recepîisn ui ier u<ucm. hoens. Thte annusi picuie viii ue bt-id iii îbe foreat by te churri an JulIr ltd.Al cordially tnvtled ta be.eresjentwiut teir trieuds. B. Harnisaut Kel, Pastar. ANSEL LODSEKY SELLS FARM TO CHICAGOAN. Ansel bodeaky o! Nort avenue bas soid itis farm to a Chiiagean. The deai vas completed Sa4urday mamning hy John Griffith o! Lake Forest. Mr. Lodesky oarned 154 acres o! land on Milwaukee road jnst nntit o!fte old plank road. He recelced $125 an acre. Mn. and Nfre. J. Redrnond hat-e eoid te J. Ogdea Armour a ice-acre tract o! land. I la reported that tbey ne. cived tram $600 ta $700 an acre for thte tract, cTte Irnlpendenît msai&L. DIAMOND TliIEF IS CAPTURED AT PJIILÀDELPIIIA, PA. Detectives Claim to Have Ar- rested Man Who Burgiariz- ed Lake Forest Home. Waukegan June, 10. ln the arrest of Frederick Craun at Philadelphie, Pa., detectives of New York city and Chicago believe they have.captured the world'a moot adroit diamond and Pearl thief, for Craun l8 none otlier than the man Who robbed the Arthur T. Aidis home in Lake Forest o! Jeweiry valued at uPwards of $3,000, they say. Craun wua picked up as a suspect by a Plainciathes Policeman. ai Phila- deiphia Tuesday night. He was ta- ken at once ta detective beadquarters where ho was "frisked" hy officiers and diamonds and Jeweiry vaiued at about $1,500 were found secreted In hie clothing. Pava tickets, found In a pocket o! his beit and made out by a Chicago pawn broker, rpveaied tbe alleged crook's identity, Chicago detectives are now atteniptiîîg ta secure the jeweis whichi are belleved ta be those stolen tram the Aidis borne. Lale Thursday afiernoon Slheriff El- vin J. Criffin left Waukegan for Springfield, Ill. livre lhe A1i1file s demand with Go%.iDonne for extradi- tion lapers to lring te slleged criuok hack ta Wauliegani for triai. Iti u ruîmored that Sates Atorney Dadv wiii attempt to indiet tbe slieged crirn- lnal before the \[arch grand jury lu, dismlssed. The horne of Artur T. Alis et Lake Forest sa. baîglsrized on Son- day morning, June 4. Seversi million- aires homes have been bargiarized in Lake Forest prior to that trne. >Ira. Aldi.' sleeping aparttnent on ilite second floor was entered and tva boxes were stolen front the One contained practicaliu ail her jew- els: the other contained old letteru. front ber parents, written hlli a cen- iîry ago and prlzed more than sny o! her possession.-. The letters were lat- er fonnd slong the right-of-wav of the Chicago & Miisankee Eiectric rail- road, riear the Sacred Heart Academy. Aldis. vbo occupies a room adjoin- ing that of lis wifes4 boudoir, was awith"ened shortly before daylight on the niglit o! the robberv by the Iran- tir larking o! three Scotch terrirs iluat lie keepiu chained in lits lep ing spartmeît. The dogs tiere stralît iîîg frantically at their leashes. Aidis arase. picked np s revolver and unnsnapped the chaiui ofte ter rier wblch seemed most exclted. The dog immediately leaped aetlite dont leading loto Mrs. Aldis' bedroont ,Aldis openpd lte door and followed the dog. Mrs. Aidis vas sleeping on a sleeping îorch apening out of the room, and bail not been distnrbed. The dog. a!ter eniffing about for a moment, dashed into the halivay and raced doun te rear stalrwa-y halo the ktcliîen. Aldis failowed, revolver in band, througit the dining raom and the remainfter o!fte touse. Flash',. satls' ied tîtat nothlng suas amliss. lie pick- ed n thlie dog snd carried it harktut li., ront arbere be vas rt-chaîned. I actuaib ilanghed at rmt sel! foc ut-me taken in' by lte dog,- remark- cd Mir. Aidis ister. -I 'as !orced <o cliastîse the dogs ta keep tuein quiet. Then I vent hart t0a aeeD." N'indication o! the talîlifal dogs' svartiiig diii nol comte out untii serv- ants arried seseral itours laler. The builIer reported Ibat tîte ailsersuare vasq îîîissing tram the dîffna:raorn. Aidis and bit aife, reraling the te? riers'a arning. lncesbigabed. Tîtei Nirs. Aidis, vith s cry o! d»s may. noted te disappearanre o!f te tare boxes tram hem dresser. Furlter inîvestigation reveaied the !sct <liaI a screen bad heen removed tram aasindow lante kitchen. Suspicion waas ast on a man vito lîad been gisen empioyment aetltte Aids.lhomie te das before 1-te tad heen bired to assiuuil aith tbe work n te garderi. He aras found ta be îiiising suien lte Investigation vas lutrsiieti bythe Lake Forestl Police. ut suas reported W'ednesday that a number o! rnililonalres homes bad been robbed o! valuale jevelry dur- ing lte past fear veeke, and tailte reports o! the titefI iîad net heen made public upoti sdvice o! prhsate delect- ive agenches. Il la exîtecled ltaI Steriff Griffin viii return ta Waukegan suit the ai- leged croot bout the middle o! next "Thte greateat business o!f lte United States ai titis moment isla tat o! making sure aur national defenees," said Congreasmafl-elect George E. FosWedneaday ia Chicago aI te iunrheonofo the Association O! COM- mercae at ite Hotel La Salie. He vas enthuehaafically appiauded. Fred L. Rossbacht ralied attention ta the ad- vaillages le Chicago o!fltse Ad tien's convention thorens nazieek. PROMINENT MAN KILLED; 15 TIIROWN FROM A POLO PONY Edward ieonel Hasier, sideiî knovn as a horsernan and polo player. vas titrovo from bis noonol Sunday afiernoon and dled laler ln Alice Home hospital ln Lakre Forest. Mr. Hasier vas, breaking la a nev polo pony. Wlth M.%rs. Hasier and NI. Hildebrand, who bas been coaciting the Lake Forest polo players, hoe vas rldlng through testreets aiflte lova. Ia front o! the home o! Mr. and tirs. A, B,. Dick lte pony suddeoly reared and Hasier vont aver hie neck and ianded rather heaviiy, Unhuet ln Piret Peul. Mm. Hasier, deoeounted and mau la ber husband. but he vas aiready on hie feot. brushing dîri trom bis ciothes aad deciaring b. vas unhurt. He remounted, The hors. hucked,ý reared again. sitoek bimeel!, and th rev hie rider, TitismeMr. Hais- ler did not arise. He hail strurk on bis bead. Mn. and Mrs. Iý,lç.tdroe upit heir automobile ai ibis mnoment, and had the unconsclouts man taken Inlo their home. Physîrians ordered Hasier te lite Alice Honte and be dled there sever'î itours atter te accident. His ekuil had been crushed. Il r. liasier vas lîresidettasd treas- irer of thev E..lisasier Compasny, fruit dealers, aI 19 South Water street, and lied un Lake Forent. [le va-i t)om it i dingbourtîe Honce near Chitchester, Sussex, Engiaîtd. on. laat 12, 1871. He marrled Nllss Hielen Persis to)rd o! Chicago in l9uuJ. Tiiere are three chiidren. DADY WOULD BAR COMMON ALCOIIOL FROM DRUG STORE Waakegan, lune Il. If State's Attorney Ralisit.t. Dady ha successful la the effort be has on foot. every drngglst la the clty su-ll be pro- hiblled tramn seilling grain alrohol vithaut liraI recehvlng a physician's prescription. Dady le saidtot have made lits intention cery clear. Wheth- er or not te viii ho able ta ptîntauch a plant into ef!ect remaitîs itolie sueut That he lntendedtotakait its action he le sald la hase announced since he flied criminel informations agaitîst taro local drugglsts citsrgIag thymt witit sellang iquoir vIthout a lîrense. Thal druggists are net supposed ta retail wblskey promiscuousiy except uluon a bpyshcian'e prescription Is Imite generaily recognized but itis la the first time tihe right a! the druggist te sel ordlnary grain airahol bas been questioned- Wht»Ien a mart cames Int my store and skit:for . it or a quart of grain alcohol the &aces are very sigit lthe be vanta Il ta drtn'u" one drug- glat said. "Aicohol la tueed more f re- tiuentiy for rubbing purposes titan fat- anythig else. If people are pre- vented frrnm secrrng It except upon prescription It vonid verk s grisat hardsitip upon many and I faitopae vhere Il la gotng te do auy gond. Il funks ta me as utif t s straining a Point prebty fine viten a druggust te net permlîted te seul a simple article as grain aicobol.- Othere seema ta take the aute viev ot lthe tatter. There are hundreds of peouule alto use alcohol ta rub lthen- selvs tler they have laken a bath. There- are extremely fear people arbo drink aicobaila fartat. the aumber is s.aid to lue aimost negigibis. Travel to Califernia Through a Maze of Sceukc Wouders Titi-enu i.arit utfight-seeing i. bthe main ressu s b .s anare g<tuiM'est Ibi yev ttcehure.vuti suiî sant lii selmur a ro)ute titat suiii trirsde the ut- wst in sritry and setv-t Thiie î-oîi urtieriiut u itht-Ih irag., Milis ut.-,& st. SPaul Raiiay~ta lthe Pevin Noithii oast tedtire entiueubly bite roauit fthriliuîg moutîstin vtewd, il pettetratps lt-heîhert(ifth-ee gret raagee-thuii. ot-lies. Bitter Route and Catv-s8lts-wîtb es ery timc i li the ourney di'deleug salu e wvttls oifîîriesýe@- a.i ui,- ai band, ta lui- eîîuîîyet frnit tl.e ai stei, av îrue-îîatitiîteut traine, -fie tlymptan and -The tulumbian.- Side trip tîuthe- suîderiand tif belitutu stan n,-tile nmadle trum Batte and tu "ainterz NatioasiPark tram Tat-ama If desîred. rau cau leave bbe train at St. Martes. ldusho, and ariboîut extra î-oueî talie liw'-Trip oh Shadave-,*«a iorsy- mile hiat tripi dosun the ptuturesque -Siîdî,wy- St Jue River ta Spokane, writue lthe jout-ney aver ilue hua auLuee' le reeumeîi. Titis t- au exclusive feature of titis route. Fronu Seattle aud Tacornayou jauruey sout tir er the Raiier-Siatasa Route to Calfornie, titeuce relura homo direct ftram cber Los Angele@ orSan Francisco on the stsei-vuiputed -PacilirLintted" iscer thte Ceutral Route oiflthe Mivwaukee. lu titis vear of loy lares jon eaunds a vagi exieut ai the voudoîful West at unaderate ros.I.lvetigaîs nov. Ssud or cal] for western sravel itemature and fui Information. Addreesa loaa tagent oilthe Chicago, tilwvaukee & St. Paul Railway. 39e1 BUYS 160 ACRES FARMERS UR4iED IN LAKE FOREST TO STACK MRAIN AT A BliG P R ICEI The crop 1i r etn omte A bgacre transaction ilgured la eltatement:t Friday'st real enstate rmarket news. coin- tis snefoee aaiy prising the Baie o! 160 acres ai Lake should occur the wheal crop titis Forest on Deerpa th rond opposite the year vili exceed lte phenominai country estate of J. Ogden Armour as crop a! tast year. and twill prebahiy be the site for a country home for Ciif- mare titan 700,000,000 buchais o! via- Tard M. Leonard of 87 Kast Eim street, ter vbsat atone. This mens that President o! the i.eonard Construction tbe tbreshing autfits, raiiroads, eie- company. catera. etc., viii ho crowded ta the The Lake Forest proPerty acqulred utmOfit aud a groat part o!flte grain by Nîlr. Leonard bas a frontage of ans viii stand ln the field for weeks. mile an Deerpath avenus and la an ex- Stacking viii gave grain and straw ceedingly attractive plece of îîroiterty. vhich migitt othervise bc spolied beiag o! a roiling character and wIth ln wet veather. a fine gravto! trees on a consider- 8tac-ilng viii Put grain l.hrougb a able part o! the praperty. Thes tract comple sveat wbich viii improve vas acqnlred from tva different ovu- qualitY. ers, eigitty acres heing purcbased Tbreshing from te stack requires froam Michael Buiger and eighty acres less belp tbeu*sbock tbreshing, whicil f rom Edward Kennedy. Mr. Lbeonaérd viii equaliz î the coBI o! etacking. giving as part Payment Tor the latter Stacking furmistes good etorage ja farta o! 170 acres near Detroit, witb absaiuteiy ne ceet wvitcit ould biicb. Thte consideration isn nt dis- prevent giutting tite market at goy closed. but it Is understood the Lake one time. Forest properties have been heid ai The grain mni tbh remaved for about $350 ant acre. early vorklng o! the soi. Sl.acklng Whlle no plans have heen decided makles It Possible to Piov !oiiowing uPon as regards Improving the prop- harvestlng, Eariy iîiovlng le ans o! erty It 18 understaod Ila agenerai the ireatesitfactors lu lncreasing tue way M1r. beonrard suili estabilsh ,L yieid. Dlsclng lte land eariv sa the fine country home there. next best lhInx. GIREEINGS BIG NUSRY 1500 ÂCRES MO!IROE MICH. 'llite .reettitig trees w.iii gros i sery trce guar- aîîtiei troc t,) nantc. and Cujuslity. i'iitreed. et <ck uitleujîcul vîtîtthe buit st cettitut i-arut in faut s-ers îhing front the irtbaîu té) the ros,. gardtiri >Orniaieîtal sitrube tivi huilés 1tmte linue surraundingut attrauutive. I>'EER BO1CK. GN Phone 192-J Libertyville, IiL IKALAMAZOO NURSERIESI ,[j LÂMÂZOO MIIGAN G RONVE RS Fruits and Ornamental Trees, Vines and Shrube. Our producta do well in Lake County as we are in mre Latitude. Our prices are reasonable for reliable stock. F. W. SCHLICKER,- Agent Phone 236-R Libertyville, 111. Bell s System A quick, sharp turn of the littie crank on your telephone, aftet you have re- ptaced the receiver on the hook on completiîig your conversation, notifies the operator that the line is open for use by other subscribers. Courtesy to fellow subscribers demands that you perform this littie service, which requires littie or no effort. Failure to ring off causes extra work for the operator, as she must ascertain when you are through talking, and this addi- tional work goes to slow down the service. HeIp keep the service up by invariably ringing off when you have inished talking. Chicago Telephone Company A. R. Andrews, Manager TeiephotoaMI0 Page Six ANNOUNCE MENT Having purchased the mneat and grocery stock of the store on Lake Street, 1 will conina. to operate this establishment as aut EXCLUSIVE GROCERY 1 wiII stili Carmya complule k ie of MEATS AND GROCERIES At my store on Seyimoee Avenue. Yours for service, L. A. MURRIE A& E ILI oI Peler Chicago. la a ser an aI lac the Futur cago, ai Four Nc piaced u police, r sattit. bu funted o lire. Their FRA N STAN I FR A N qkr v tat liet a friend attauli. badivtl ut bim Io t attended ed the ir alieged t An ex sere ecil ic tIlne. Dr. Giab as yet m -red a réported condilior vers mu ('aliaban North t0i The utc 10 base 1 Ibis lui Il saîttDr friendsaa mairebit Street. The F J une tjh, the vthirit is hest bel The scitu YJune els 1 ý.- AREA 1 DRU RY] D IMrs. 1 Loca Oni Conci Per wl Edaard mneri lai iow l îg The gisen i atternot that Mr desd oni home o flovu-rs, maiue huril Niary's perform ch uru'lu the rest dec-ca seu siheu-tr flot sdm ssay, ,,lîi Ighu lltuil eh,- pt a short tbe mir. %lrs 111 wliotui lime, ta eilutattu ie wiimsn Dr ývi Sbur ai (1013 a downo i litnt luir- thoucit te gligI Bo near. an Miay UNI Victir ILLINOLS 1

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