CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Jun 1915, p. 8

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ILLINOIS JUD4iES ELECT P. L. PERSONS AS TH1E PRESIDENT RATES Waukegan Man Named to Fi11 Los than 5 ines, sitions, in the State. L .- th nfi.25e finît insertion 5Stato probato and cou y judges or Illinois ln annuel 'eaia tQuiucy, Do yu mat tamarkfor Ill.,atood Turan Judee dPernsteLd farier? int Page on~esof eom egnasti uî loca t O doNA I artd h redau o enti.folth nng fer eeeetd ofTOto r esideBte?1Pth.ldent-y . Ü T shor,0doyonnent or u kegan. eetdpeieto h Do aeyou waut o a j r o m enetary-F. J. CamPeron a tends fgmer? ~Toroetheurtern luman M.Careloculn ofWh on'î yas 117ruunng Frust Vl-PesryL.den rsnanu- er, Chicago. "Woff WWNED W " Seond Vce-Presdent-R. C. Rci. Gaimburg. lu aur clueifiod columue initead of Executive commttee-J. M. Rahn, waiting until yon hein of a job? Pekîn; Judge Baruett. Peorla; Judge Thompeon. Pontiac; John B. Fithian, Joliet and W. E. Thomson, Jackson- Go After the Job-Do Not ville. Wait for It to Corne to You. Thlrty states attorneys of Illinois -Ralph J. Dady amang the mssng- Your ad ini the laueiied section of assembled in a speclel c(nvention et the LAKE CouýNTY itlED Quincy Thursday In cannectian mth wiii reacte thousanda of resideute of the aonnuai meeting of the State Bar Association mhlcb closod lait nlght Lake county and vicînity. Likely and the moveorent ta gîve wîder blrth some of tee readeni will îîeed a ta the "crime prevention" project. man for îome mark ta do. lfast night te tates attornleys The cost of a five line ad for one were eddressed by George T. Page a! i Peorie on "The Criminel, Wby H insetio isonl 2àc Ths i thl and What We Do ta Hlm." new w&y ta get a jolb. It t81 States Attorney Dady o aile quicer.county, did flot attenfl the convention quiokor. and it te doubtful if lie sent one of tilt 711 Ub N rrî assistants. IU le 1 1 IL. + FOR BALE + .............. + FOR SALE-Bay borne, &bout 7 yeans cid, welght 900. E. J. Janger, R. No. 2, Area, 111. 39PI FOR SALE-35 Duroc Pige &bout 8 weekeooiJ. T. tC. Zernen, Tel. 290-J-2, Libertyville. 89ct1 FOR SALE-Drivlng mare, 7 yrs aid. Chesp If takena ti once. Inquire E, gtolîman, R 2, Waeikegan. 39p3 FOR SALE-Light 8 oprlng mt. wagon, ebeap. Librtyvillie Bakery. fiPpi FOR SALE--Cbeap. combination riding sud drlvlug mare, runabout sud harnees, aima Euglisb baby cab. Dr. E. V. Smtb, Phono Uibertyville 32. 39e1 FOR SALE-S gaod dreamèe, 3 com- modes, 1 good large burner gai s lore. W. B. Appley. Phone 212-J 39ctf FOR SALE-A gantée drlvlug horne., fot aiadofai aytbiug. APPUI to D. N. Uàdgewood, D..rtild, 1Il. Phane 229KR SPdl FOR SALE OR fiENT-flouse et GraYa- laits. Mm. Nettis Masan, Ubertyville. 39PI FuR SALE-Youug plf.rfiY m"atchsd drlving eau, mi 1100 IbeoeaCh, aien, cutaleaf 2 laiU borne. Ownsd bi lse. lieW, A. 0. Schwern»u. lîner, lu. FOR BALE-Twnry.five haad olgesu" purpaiborsis, frau 900to 1800 lbe., two mares are lu alo. forerai soe.of seond band barusese andi wagon.. Terms, cash or on time. N. R. Ladd. plone,4, Liberty ville. 37et4 W. baire a aumber of fine homes for caliur rent. Dymond & Austin. Liberty- ville.. FARMS FOR SALE-la Traverse Cou ety Minnesota and Robet. 8. V, in Casbolle and Luthernansetlement. Very fine land, Sb@ richiet .@ou lnthe world and whmr crops are sure. The healbieel linais tab. tound auj Low priou fr lande. For particlareaddrmi Geo. J. Vauderwai. Dumnt. àiin. S2pll + ?OR lBUT + FOR RENT-Gaod bouse, barnmu gardes W. B. Applsy, Phono 2124J, +I VWAIM + POSITION WANTEO-Hansekeoper, apsalsosd, have girl Sa a01.Id. Ndir- atenisar. Addrses"A. R." ladepudent OMM. . 89Pp WANTED-To hre a good Iumr boy tbal undertiandi gardes mrk. oaod bouefor good boy. Appiy thli officorli Pbom Ubsvlyvile 286-R. 89mi WANTED-Married couple, 7011Mg pea. phs paslrmd, a smner houmesS su d of lâeHava. Are, lu. Minmunet have eam. eporie nlagardeul.daer cul- ture, paulr»' ralsig. caria for hans, 00w, etc. A gond boume .ysav round as agooa &Mfor lhe rgbt parties. CUl or phono» yeveinua suer 6M3. C.] W.,MIglu, Aa, l. Phoo13838dSt DAUBS IIOUSES PAIN TED BY NONz UNIONWORKMEN Labor Oeratve Captured by Fort Sheridan Soldier Who Was Hidlng Nearby. WbIle Chicago mas facing the com- lng o! the street car strike Sundey. Highland Park househalders mere ex. periencing labar troubles o! their omn. Edmard Wirsching. e nonunion painter, bas beon doiatg a thriving business lu thse subnrb wlth brues and pot the entine Sprlng. Mail ot the bouses ho bas painteil have been mhite. Word a! hie actîvllies eppar- enlly reached union circles ln Chi- cago. Sunday night, juil attor dark. a Chsi- cago painter. mho gave bis name as J. A. Jones, got off thse train in High- land Park carrylug mitte him e cen o! maboany staîn. According ta theo police ho proceed- ed ta tise housse o! H. U. Glidden and James Mcfiride and daihei tise dark bramn stain aver the freste white paInt. Tison he ment ta the bsouge o! R. J. Boaly ta perfomm a sîmlat office. jansfalted tb 50e Prîvate Ralpis Ackenusan, U. S. A.. o! Fort Sheridan,. Page Eight IAK1à UN UW1N STOCKINiS AT THE E O f 9% YEARS * Waukegan June 10. M r. S. E. Vandemark, af 231 Sher- man place, a resîdent o! Waukegau for tise past 57 yeara, la celebratlng hem ninety-sixlh bîrthday taday. Altisougis Mni.Vandemark la wau- kegan's oldeut rasident, It lu doubti ni if tisera la a mans onr amnlut: section Who la btter po td.n is Europemn mmm or mis a cn better me- cite tise iistory o! tise great and alan- corner ai the porcis by mi"s Almfa to mention tiiet Mmn. Vanalemark ls Ktopcz. a mald Iratise Beaty hanse- sîtl able ta, dam bher stackings, and bol, but Privae Ackerman saw sise spends a great portion o! hem Jones. dine et needlemark. Tise soldier boy paunced on the Siso mas borntsu[ Plymouths, Che- painter mitîe Miss Klopcz pbaned fan atengo couuîy, Nom Yonk. June lotis. theo police. Tise poice found tise sol- jil:t co-'ng mes t to Grayslake. titi- lier slttlng on tise painter misen tisey B..nailit84.. arriveil. Sho mad the trip tram New York Jonos mas taen ta tise Hghland s ot 1 llînoîs ln a square rîgged Park laul, recently ovacuateil by à - cisaoner, and se has liveil 10 seon gela Lunardi, thse lepen, and locked up. To overmhelm hIs saut ho !ouud tiat thse jail ha. beonnuemly paluteil -and by markmen mitis mhom ho le nat frI-endly. Jones mili ho cbarged mîtis maUi- eioup mulciief and a demaud mill ho made tisaI ho ho beld to tise grand - - - - - - - - - - - -I- - y ..Am, I ain't a-talkln. The unIons bai Sot ta, taire care of me," .w as1 Joues only comment wbou asked bi vieme of the matter. He burlod bisi bead anem lu the blankets ta bide bis decoratefi eyoî. Indepeadsnt reachesanaUpoItaslu Lake Couste. WANTE- A reliabli agent ta oeil our flardy. Nortbèrn grown Nurseery Stock lu tis vility. Lberal lerans ta a responebiepanty. Write todayeuclosing reterence.. McKay Nursery Ca. <Gin. Offce> PardeevIlli, Wis., Nurserle. at Waterloo, Wl.. 8c WANtED-0aod girl fol 9 ..erai bouse. mark. Tlophono Librty ville 22. c3f j + LOST and FOU» + LOST-Cre.ent pin witb claver on Il', witt escawil ruby in cen ter. Cail on M.ra Obarles Herrington or leave at this offiW.. 0" mmmwo*J» L I -BWkcaand Whuite Pointer nag, \WANTED-4oOd girliorpmell bouse eviiy llcked, apotiil. Remard tor mr*. Pbnu.109-R. UberlyvIli. filM retuita W. . Wigbt, gHmif Day. fasti tise progress af tise monld !mom a lime misen tisera more no ralîroada ta tise age o! alnships, and fran tise tinte of tise tallom cenîle 10 tise etectric lîgis. lins. Vandemarit has beon a member af lise Methodist churcis fon tis euta flfty-neven yemns. Despite ber advanced mgo ise en- jais gail healtb. fi a Iregular about gettlng ýp in tise marning, ande seidoa goes fa b.d before nine o'- dlock ai nigisi. At noon toiai an elabanate neoat mai served lu hon bonor. Among thonse present more: Childe-M«ra. Edmanil Yeoman. ý9 Norths Utica itreet; Mrs. W. D. Wilde10o! uron, fouth Daktota; Mrs. JWlbards, a! 321 Sherman place; Mr&. f. N. Mlnskey a! Caloaga, Okla. balisi Grand ciildrn-GUtert H. Richs- arda, Mn. and Mra. Edmard J. Yeo- man; Mine Helen Vandomark; Ms Le.urs Vaudemank. Twa a! Mr&. Vaudemark's great grandchildrau more unable ta attend the blrthday ceiebration Iodai. Tse»' mera Dorthy and Gilbert ivea Risards. Rai'. and Mns. O. E. Boyce o! Hur- 'on, Sauth Dakota, and Mn. laures Mlnskey o! Ciampaign, Illinois, misa le a student at tiese tate uiîs'rsîy. more unable ta attend tior great grandmotisen's dinnet panty. Tis a ldepeudent taad@ aILi higià-pomered automobile andl e homse and wagon Friday night Imo young boys had e mîraculous escape front ilealis. They daIm ta have been lhromn tram under the hanse by the Impact andl one a! tise party assorti lie monlil have been cruaheil la deatte but for tise timely arrivai o! helît. Tise Young mon mho mere injureil more: CHARLES MOHRMANN-sou of Mr., and Mrs. W. H. Mohnniann. a! 146 South Jackson street. suffereil a number of body brulses. EDWARD HOFF-Age 14 yoans: teft oye bedly laceratod. Charles Mohrmann dlaims ta have houe drlving mest on Washington street, three blockts moît of tise Ton- bouse store, mhen suddenly the dîm- meil llghls of a big auto appeereil. Ho eeys he pulled ta tise ight side af tise street. so thet tise auto caulil pas mthoul sleckening ls speoil. Toc late lte ,oung man obsenveil thet tise driver ofthIe auto elîher taiied ta no- tice the horse and wagon, or that, becomlng con!nîed. turnoi la tise mrong aide ofthlie streot. Tise, auto. speeiling et et loast 15 mlles an haun, .truck the horse head-on. Tise tmo young mon more thamu fron tishe front seat and Mohmmann dlaims ho and Hof ore thramn dlrectly under tise harse. -The horse burled me." seld ise mhen dlilusslng tise accident. The iuiured boy's fathen and broth- er are spendlug e big sum o! money 10 leero tise name o! tise auto amner. Tise occupants of thse machine did ail un tiseir pomer ta assist tise Injured boys. but they dîd nat apprise lisem o! their names and addresses. "Thora monto me mn and Ima mi-men lu the machine,' Moisvmauos sald. "Vos, lisey ilid stop, but 1 dîd flot knam auy ai them and thelg dld not tell us tisir mms. 1 dld Cet the ticense numben, homeven. It mas K-8261. My bratb. er bse legraphed ta fSpringfield ta ascertalu the amner'a nume." Mn. 2aohrmaun daimsis ahaome mas badly injured, lita legs mre badly lacerated and Itlai doubtful If Mater- matn mili ho able ta use thse hanse fon many a day. M., Tise tmo young Waukegan boys hail spont tise efernoon et the Mobrmann famm mweset o!Wukegan. They olt a tie rope onrouto and mero roturu- Ina aven tise road ta look for it misen they met mithte iaccident. Mohrmann daims tisai both bead- ligisîs on lime machine more broken and that tiso raditor mas leaking lu sevenai places mison ho inspeclei tise car bofore it mai driven amay. He belleves tise occupanta ta iy resideits o f Waukegan. ADVëRTIs'I NGI LÂKE UOUNTY ' LDEPEN\DEN"T, FRLDAY, JUNE 18, 1915. ESPIONAE EBEING iRADY IS NAMED PRACTICED ON THE ASIDELEGATE TO Ce & M. ELECTRIC A BJiCONVENTION hi 'Spotters' Are Said1 to Be at Waukegan's Postmaster Has a h l'oe Work-Many Employes Be- Big Honor Conferred on Hlm Mn ing GivenLay-Offs. a at Rock Island. ld > w a Net oiily lu tbe pubYlc much annOY- ortbe fourth conecUtîve time the o ed et the new ticket ruosof the elec- fronor of belng appoîntefi a doiegate . 1UfpL'9e I tric ralnaoad compan'. but the soi- ta thse international conventIon, Cath.D -'"tmf plye heisIes ha lth clle Order of Formagtera, han bison ploes bîmelvs, ha la tu co- icoferrefi on Daniel A. Gnady, pont- ~rilI .It ductors, are ail1 tonribiy l1cnil over mauten at Waukegan. a i« the rule wblcb, they declane mthout Priday mornnng Nfr. Grady returned bewitation, la arbitrar>', uncalled for from Rock Iland, Il., wher. b. of- and most Incouvenlent for tiremr. ficateid ai the Waukegan delîgate ta the state coonvention of Forreutena. On. conductor stated today tiiat at DesPite the fact that be bas beau leaut Imeive mon are doing tîme" I amed four timea as one of the four for rallune te observe tbe detalli of itat delegatea te the International the new mIle which says every patron 'Convention, Mr. Gnady mas the second man ta be appointer! aithle receut mut bave a tlciet when tee or air. meetIng. He left Wau'egan Monday boards an electrlc car at a Point mornlng for Rock Island, neturning wbene a ticket CAN ho purchased. early FIrWday mornlng. The interna-, VWy ~e even cant get off the car tional convention of Catbolic Order of1 oPrresters mili ho held Kt ProvIdence. , AE II ta go ta the lunch couniter ta get a Rhode tsamd. it had been pianned bite tae et; me can't ovon stop off thse ta hold the. convention lu Toronto, IIULDTS SOFT car to get a drink af mater, andi the Canada, but due taelthe tact tisat a nom tule i. bltting us conductors just large number o! dlegates ta lb. can- ai bard as the puiblc. At tost tmeîve vention are of Gorman deacent, It mai Ater an asbsene ai twa meelîs the ar .o declded to abandon the plan o! hold- Ramaneai returned ta the home gtounde mon," salit the conductor, "lr Dw ngth annual convention ln Canada Sunday and put Oineo ver the Hnmboldt dolng time for ieaving their car a fem until tbe close of the mar. minutes at the end o! the non or fon "Rock Island, Moline and Davea port FedsofaiCb iea..o. The tmore was m ta 2 permttin sois pasengr teslipare three of tii,. prettiest Cilles It 'and the visiters wene lnck *v tia escape a peor itu se aîeng ericktolnlishaseor lisen my pleasure ta vîst.' gnose egg because Dortiion ai on the ebadmtat elgatcktl si alit Mr. Grady. milund u oniilt f i . or ber pîosseseion. There nover has "Rock Island cleans ls streets byadgon ib.H ddnt been e rule wbich bas tlnred the con. the fluablng procese, and 1 ment ta allOw a bit until tbe eeventh and iannedi ductons as this one and, 1 tel oî i telldyou that the atreetso! R ock: Is.aIlntsenuof tbe ity lyggers. they ~ ~ ~ ln njulapevdath puic are as deain s OtelIdewalks oaiThe homne teat,,tarter] doligs trithe te ex spet eeastn ube i-Waukegan," sald ho. irst. liavisled off wiîb aclean igleto over fiM xett esanme i- Nr. Grady belle' es that the com- ttma charged outright before long as a e misloners af titis clty ehould Investi- - asadvanced on Burg&em out suntI suit of helng unable te carry out ln gale the flushing process, because ho sîored on Kirmbali's sinrglo througil the contends Il te ho a oheaper process lafield. 8taff,,rtl amwavros irai h a detail the nom rule." than the one now in vogue lu this lul, s§toi@ second and wheu %Iyero a lher o ly e leed ctnlclI lt. ia)gied tii ehort eenter Brick mas sent 1a3 î edmolyblee mn At the close of lire C. O. F. con- the mploes o theroadthata a vention in Rock Island Tbursday in troin third to sure death ni tue îîlmt*. th eplys r heradtht Y"- nlght the Spenish Wan Veterans open- Very hum. Barbour ocored;anuhu(, nthe tlem of espiosiage isle oxstence-ln od Ihoir annual convention in the gevond. He drew bisi tir@t malk. pilfened other words. 'spotters" have been as- auditorium. The Spanlsb Var Vote second, nent to thirti on a prsm iaet t signed te makre reporte on the actionîs are the only visitons ln Rock Island of the conductors. Thoîr mork is said taday mbo are permitted te visit the "'dl scoreil on anothor ont. t.U. S. arsenal on Rock Island, and In- We marked up oue mare lu tire tîtird te liave caused the "leay-offs' that have epeut thse promises. The vota mîli be and tbre i &ihe fuurtb which with the beon givon seo many of the conduet- penmltted ta lnspect the promises but final eount lu the oissî ai.uad u tur ors. ii filont be permltted te lnspect the Theconuctrs ay ueyT)elev th ,venlous powder and ammanîtion builid- elgt bs hb msPleuty. Theconucorsse tny nllve b>Ings. George Goehrlngen of North The viaitore gat their tmo ruarkere in ticket rule mas put into ffect by the Chicago la the local delegate ta the 'the la@& Of the ninth anti while they road because of the fer thet conduct-j Speulah Wer Vterans' convention. did't have mucb beening On the recuit ors more "knocking domn" on the the>' noLtbed Rudy of a shut out. tares paid them. They oey they have UiIffUER I( ) Tncrie1 ressont te believe that the road lu- IIUU[UVVL Lu CAR Itamanea A B R H P A Ej1 tonde ta get rld of aIllits aid conduct-t A )&ivie. 2î,........... .. 4 3 2 2 2 0o ore as test as thein places can be GO LD S W Ti Burge, 3b ........ ..... 4 1 ) O 0 i suppllod hy nwom la claimed Staf IT Kmir, wI.........4 O3i2140 i that et -the presont ttrmethero are JC.e TUJÛ AD.....RT.........p 'j3 jt) r) 0 2 (il only twelve of thse veteran employes, lR ITW ARiE 11V yero il ............... 4 1) 3 1 o1 ai_______ Barbour cf ...........i 1 1o00 (),O et m rk ohaton ............ i l 1ii ) o Watskegan 31111e 12. Il rri,r!............. 1 i ) il0) ib 11LTt m uu u aSUi Ilu e ead-an collision betweon eatiuye.i ........... 1 0o0v0O0o01 M27 2 to the grand Jury for be bas admltted Humboît Fetîs AB It H P A E hie guit. Lind, uL*............... 3o t; o )0 He loft Wmukegan tma meeksamgo DabY, rt ........... 4 004t>() O alter retaunlug insurance coliectioua Coubre,c .............. 4 1 2 9o0o0O Jobuson. Il..... o o 2 1o o!f about $100 mhîcb b. coliected for fiollaatb.......... 4 4o 0 41 1 the lirmi. Sînce thon tisoy have trlod Cook....h............ 3 0 t> 1 2 1 ta find hlm and oniy Wedneaday dld Wemar, 2b ........... 2 )il O1I0(t0Otbey iairn that ho mai morking at Purduni, 2h .........- 1 2 1 4) Bmeoide Country club. Olonca., and Neson,0..............2 00 00 1 tiot, 0o1o ( ivms lIvIng Ln Highland Park. The Kopp................. 2 1 O0O0 Il 0)arneut follomsd. - 2-24 8 2 It la aiea reported that several Raiuares ..... 1 1 I3 0 1 00 x-8 cieambcpned oteame Humboit .......ai0 0 o 0 0 002-2 caabed by Moffet ivarions Wmuke- Summarygan piace« îtien aimleaid thatMo!- Summaryfett retained certain collection.smisicis Threa s Lac bite, Coutre; oacrlfice bite, ho maile fan the Waukegau Gazette. Bunge. Dotiler. @taon baies, 1St&ffad, Moel'maonuinLleu. lijra . etrsor. imail2.Davis 2. Hie youngen brother mai an autama- Kapp; truck out tiy Dortier 19, bybIesea nfoa iolWuea. Kopp ; bai on blla o flrer 2, off Tise family came ta Waukegau several Kopp 6; wîld piteb, Kopp: bit by pltciaer, years mgo from Paitoon, Ili., misoro Noet, s. NtèetbeY lived for yeana. Mr. Motfett, Nttt a bit on our aide for extra baaeo. PrIor ta hie deatis, mas a judge a! that aijere led mîitb ree cingles aiU ta the couuty and tise famiiY mas at one samenie@. time ver>' Weil ta do. Mmm. Mofft 1Tise home boy@ dît came izreat wîîrk and ber tmo youugen sons are oxpeet- stealing lmeo. ed bacý lu Waukegan any day, postais ltudY bail tbe viaitora lookiug like a ta local tnleuds statIdg thal she mas bunici 0f backmooda bitterse due ta leave Nom Orleana very soon. Nineteen strikeauts and be mainlt amer ozertaug bimeif ether. State's Attorney Dady au Saturday J. B. Morse & Co. bave offered the pIck filed! au Information agaînal George Of ai tram bat un the stor@ ta the KOett o!fox Lakte, cbarging hlm mith leaàians batamuof the tlamareasinl the selllng liquon mîthout a llcenae. This game nis Sunday. ilaone of a numheof ai milar Infor- N ext 8undoky the Kenoaba ecmes ber. mations that have beau filed! agaînst ion a retUnu gaine and tise baye eay tbey Fax t.akre saloonkeepems. are golng ta gel reveuge. _________ A2T THE THCAT-P-S At the Liberty Theatre on gaturda>. June 19, wmlii be bsru -Che Mau ron Texa@"(ib, a qne-reel western drama that makee itaeitrongiet appeal througb tue micr. playing of the actor lntrusted with the ame part. The @tory ai a brotber'i love and bis eenge upon hb@ iisters wronger. je clngs cloeeiy talite bheme, and le lifted out of Sbe plane of mneodrama by the artiltic mark of tb. entire cait. Not uince Dustîn Parnum madi piaygoers famillar witb 'Te Virgintan" bas anycone approacbed quit@ so close to the bero of the Owen Wlster novel, ai the man from trie Lone Star state. limions Jubile Singer. mili ap>,ear at the Auditoriumn on Frldq evenlug, Juno 18. Thts concert wii b. given under tih. auspices of the local Lincolnu Lbaulanqua 'Asiocation. Thi-% company of enter- tainîe m ai bore lait sumnier wltb the chautauqua and gave a very good pragrain. Tihe leader of theltroupe leaa remankable itrecior with a splendid voici and tbe mombers are fiue enter. lainers. ADUJUICLMATaION INOTICE. Publie notice la iseraby glven thal tise Subecribem, Admlnitratrlx o! tise foatl..O! Joseph Staffel, deciaaed. il attend tise Coaty Court o! Lakte CountY, at a tormstisetepl4, tee holden at tise Court Houae ln Wmuie- ga, ln said Cauuty, an tise firet Mon- dai o! Angust noît, 1915, misen and misereaail persans hmvlng clalma agalnst said state, are nalîfled and equoated ta present tise saine ta said Court for adjudication. MARY STORPEL, Admluletratrix mîth is WIIAnnexed. E. V. ORVIS, Atty. far Admlnltratrlx, Waukegau, Illinois, June 7tis, 1915. Wkly June 18-25-Juiy 2. selg Aer'eihie Tise t rt nof belià mrpaue la l Spesrweil pleesd miIýX aIL tis.cou. Pan», smi valiser la o m m eU msaer, tmIaed'mWUiitiemu thau te bnlng enter talamiat 1te . A mi..ttug MWb poeed mam have ual match learnlng nor amii; but Ifhh as cammon .enie and aometiig fri4andly lu is belmvior. lb oomeiiatéemmu salade more than tise brlghteel C.taM wthM ig dia poetom-Addlo ? t= à or ad*Jj<arli iis.s - Nat oiait to & mweaIt itl- 1thwl hatlademm ai liii topo -»rw4 E iO,~ f ahabit. 'c2peçn frmil a4p.A itU~k.O=aacuhbt ner 'e FRANK 1MOFFETT IS, ARRESTED FOR AN EM4BEZZLEMENT WeII Known Waukegan Young Man Is Charged With a Serious Offense. Waukegan June 10. P7ran k offeît, for somo lime a rea. Ident of Wmukegau, the famîly hay- lng lived on Steel@ court and aiio lu the Lamnyon Blats, la ln the cannty jaul mhere te taces a charge or embeazle- meut pnoformed hy Mack and Cadi. local inaurauce agents. Nloffett mas arreated at the High- land Park balel Wedmegday evening and brougbt to Watiiegau. misene te Theodore M. Ourit. Prosldent. W. BSilth, Vice Proaldent. F. W. Churchill, Secrotar, and Managor 1 . .Mon. O.Witt L. Jons, Gen. Counsel e ~TELEPHONE 8S1 eSIECURITY TITLE & TRUST CO. ABSTRACTrS 0F TITLE TITLES GUARANTEED Capital $1 25,000.00 WAUKEGAN - - ILLINOIS 7 j 1 $, sLI£ Vol Ai Wauk Col, At MEEG bard ion- Stipe a stir abould ar th. Maketo thateoit meti proiseni The et- aM"da te lu d that Il ta Il la attorne usootini Clark bfite,. th. oe te th. 1 and am D Dasiy mbea.f Sld t for bic *e"a d Intch si tract Dada mcaouni ahip of that hi soneti that ho Dight doors i lnfea tutu, l01 out ou accasia for hlm charge wblcb of thes board f seemedl mars te 000 a y Th. vote de ta bave the cai sucla au oral au Snited g exp ta he n The i the fun W. Bro o'ciock. court h, ln auto purcha. flairs tarney that il favariný Ioma b, tian Jut reprdio district Thse mi but It toa, nom legilat LEAVI one bthe au Sas ta permien, oed ai b theh REAL ESTÀTE TRANSFEIS Furnished by LAKE CÔUNTY TITLE & TRUST Co. Abstracts of TitI.. Tubae Guenanteoil. Matonic Temple 8 Sia. Waukegan. Juuae 8, 1915.-Devld Arado and mite ta J. J1. O'Connor, iota 18 ta 23; block 6, Deerfleld Park. Q. C., il. Joseph Ancishoîzer and mife ta Cas- ptar Stauh, mest part lot 2, village of l'.enhoe. W. D., 8500. J. H, Wiimerslage ta Adeline Ciotz lot li village o!flait Day. W. D. $1.100. 'Elizabeth Kuitan and buubaud Io Fredit. Docker, nantis % lot 9, block 2, TIffmuy'e mrd addition Wau'egau. W. D., 12,Z00. June 7. 1915-S.W. Becker anîd wl!e ta John Anderson, 20.36 acres iu woat ball notheast quarter section 13, Vernon township. W. D. *2,646 Iii Ernst Bock taO0. W. Oison, part block 5. Shedy Naak subdivision an Lake Mlarie. W. D. $500. June 9, 95F C. Wiibur Lumber Co. ta Minnie M. NiMllien, lot 1 Druce Lake subdivision. W. D, $1M1 A. C. Born ta W. T. Maypole. 4 acre lot adjaining lot 10, blac 1, Haw. ard Park, Fai Lake. Q. C., $10.- C. A. Nemeamb. Jr.. tareaise J. £van". lot 37 and soute 3 lot 38, block 36, Wahburu Park, Nortb Ci.- cla. Deed, 81»80. Esate of Laonz Ott, deceaaed, te P. L Slljeatrom, atrlp one rod wide and 20 rade long la nothwest % toutbmest l% section 31. Deerfieid township. Q. C.. 8100. W. Zdaaamiae and ie ta K. Lui.- micz, lota 31, 32 and 33, blockt 43, Wasbburn Park. Nontis Cicago. Q. C., $1.00. Wm. Kubitîs and i!. to K. Pawr- lanis, lot 4, block20, Wahburn Springs. Waukegau. W. D., $1,682. lsa" DeCaudres to F. J. Winkel lot 14, Ookland subdlivision, Grayila*ce W. D., $1. .Mary DeCourdes ta C. E. and Susai A. Wasbburn, lot 36, Oakland subi- vision, Grayalake. W. D., $190. F. C. Wllbur Ca., ta Harriet Dalley. 11liota lu Druce take subdivision. W. NÂRIÂE LICLNBES. Arthur Daismen. Chicago ....2 Pauline Bathite, same............ 20 Edwin J. Bigelom, Milmauke...24 Norma M. Hoer, same........... 21 Emmi D. Fritsch, IghlUnd Park . ..23 Ora B. Hardy, saime ............. 2 tuer A. Anderson, Racine.......... 29 Christine 8. Anidersons, a"e...19 Thomai KellY. Fort S3hevidan...34 Mlai erkA. Chicago .............82 DeElbert E. Botta. Milwaukcee ...34 Lermine Lubemetaikl a"me ....22 James Nut, Chicago............. 23 Tenais Osner, Forest Park, Il ..26 Herman Deobo, Beeehor, BI ....21 Augsta Calby, Prairie Vie ...19 Charles F. Trieben, Elgin ......... 21 Lilîlan DeMien, same ...........1la Robert M. Wilson, Mon City...26 Kate Smedloy, same .............. 26 Victor Pionien, Grayslmke ......... 2, Emlly Luniug, Chicago.......... 21 Hàugo E. larson, MUmwaukqe, 28. Bortha Fenko, saime. 28.-1 Oriel M. Thsoas, Milmaukee, 22. Elsaa Stucitert aime. 22. Fred Wien, Mlwmaukee, 28. 'Hildegarde Rakaw, amule, 22. Charles W. Linoburg, LakteBIl 111., 23.n Irma Emerson, aime, 18. '7 i A.rthnr Adama, Gnayalake, Ill., 27. Cas're Richardson, same, 18. Rocco VaCCO, Chicago, 27, - Dollie Riefle, samo,18

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