iles -~-~'-~ ~ - - YearI I con- ( ««»Mp oiltot ee roce di, âté Idloi ud A44 sve rlva t les. at viorn ou..h t sBioabou t lait 1d4-dru.ii clboerena dthei fairotou bar$0 is tatéta lit a Msa ieveat:5 'les vlchaeanen I t ni sa a" 3:5. tep amd ha o"a aIm surac car W da. ad Sa atte& Altr thI. e. boUpte is Wlce Plamom 4 otriARya ,lis as ho Ost prnt.oushm the but o et mtiea us, cedngt Thoe body vs taiosWtieCea UidertaWklng IL hasmogm Il3 luatrahsor.'boude lite ml alid et Mrcan tebs Preaad.lrc desth efté er hubaadtga pMdstam, clrgren sud vas put nder andu %sIanions of ethéai se, oie vieim e vt 0brV Moeteiy u OWboe Toit bmldethie tg ir aiv- lait ;WO gtstribeskot 2uslbi witeh stuanat te "et"« btai W. t dvl a cmmdar ote*gr asurtactie trust o etm anete a rs- stoteWa"t omt aking éba tn thWeu c ici toatis onethésit ue. Roaerta W.inaye nrsqch odheaMtin. i do rvenathe dv. tisougs honc ortie 114tdva navet iboqag"t4 anythln cte Th ody uil brngt ttheemchin aud rnt tiepage su vasva1t iug t tnds tofatite-otrdm ie v rdplve aTel rovetsephne eaomtmebr no m vuuch."t Jusgi ieforentisu veiug ervicehrn rst oeïmn hMiecr duhovrd Gli.- Wher, v« isctector. nt foi tat cf indt. e, tse ater aig succeoet 8fr. TonMiu Wkqss. bucoivedvr ti i ot aa trhoblas la a teousL state inotmna thh e a»M. aa b ust danpucedtie crfau the co-1 setths eot oattise endoft prv- idrstoy taiurkinatrspetoprausr Tien u it nâe thou tgeatouisea lth uavt voE effhgsat ie atwul alss loàidhdltidoeaIt va1 dos- reullôfo, labis seosat visie o., he Tise vfont the lead wnutlc lgesutaie 5er Ot ri W Couii- ti stxpolt km x ter he on bee «e Wthe.T@êMàý Nut oth o enfptg ve s- ehrisuto, rc1, Umts r se n-bi Mr. lavtluttr ovinsa m 1emde-t 16eU In ccukegM -le pltina t%&ttbe 4 g.p-ffl bain str"w fi kand YOUP. ROME sould b. oomfqsbl and athrAgtIydfurnlsed. Youwh fmre is obcopee A or dbI&%pe e-Z * aap Alm We-ýbuuy fmrldheo.ofteete ort.oI'~ ÂWL ed "e.thei*btersr.W! ,~..odho~i.pays tis oizfrh h fboth economy anif üm M8ÔU-eoft tâis lda rlu i Wh«u thse subjeot of Cau e oadrtontne and dee our stock of g9ood fUrigture lie bow utyllably and dÉWlffy and 0,*My itin ouWsel vos with our VERY LOW PRICES. ALL GOSP4NLY MAK-KED -QNt L. PRCE TO ALIL, o, *. s. .L a Pestoai. la Oievelais4 Obi. À litti. more thsa a year ai ôaWc a.eraig bis lits ta tkle chaircîs Was marriesitaMies Morie Autiet Johnson Lu Gre.churels, Chiaio> In 1874 he vas again th~e diocese 01 Chicago sad, roerofet. LPeter's churcbIl i 0mai . U, where ha rousalned i eli t e. MHethon beom retf of Christ Dplsopéci eercis of Wauk* ian. vhlci ho servei ortwentyuix' 'Years, locvi Waukêgan for Cblcap ln 1901 tahecme archdeaeo of tihe 0 IAIcS<Odiacse I l"sop Amdons» had lust arrived aie Plielpe Saturday, where ho vas ta 1spend hie. vacation. Telqss.zns ote sont' but up Wta aiwejmeubw hd mne boome located. HoevuW .U.cted ta hantent lacsta Chilgo, wlsbreupoat bfuori plans "Iiihb. lado. Preasinent. on Waàsn. Mrt. Toli bel the. disflnepa.of bav. tac Illed a Waukega q po Ionger tiss any other manivf ~eçp tien of ftther Gavin. 5Iv'ln charge of Christ chureis tasW Si ites and, és rector. maila a reMsr!ýaist record. It vasho 1viso pi M~ *d wga able to hv ree.thse aat- ftuI atone chercis, ti june partis bouse and, mdr, hW lmtseptrchase of thse summe? gou~ai tuce'slais. vas made pois", ..Ace!ily, tii. present statua and Ownerllpof Christ property, Waekei te ll ~ftraceable Wo Blshop ToIWî efforts wite a Waa. isegan rectoir.- l Proaldemit of Board. Mlr. Toit was presldentofteWu He always eau active ln local affaira and was a figure ln every movement at Importance lin the commni ty'fa yen?,. lie vas vldeiy hua iln tihé county and his acqualntance ln thse diocese wa@Dý aucithat ise wu t*a leadimg candidate tzom the .tart wh* ft was auggested that a soli nbis. op ha named in thse iocèse Mfr. TatI. waî auceeeded la thse Wass- kegan pastorate l>y Rector W. W.: Love, who îerved tie.yearsansd thtie presesit roctor, Mr. Ganster.ý teoi charge two yoars aga thîs Oc- a tober. 8. olowned conîlderabie prop ai ~la Waukegan np tW -aiew ye.ut «%, amgtise places being the nol'ti side, çcery store and adJolning luIf*s .le. a r asoho soId ta 'Wh. Pétio. The newest and most desirablè. styles in Parlor Suite~s motde up in the be4t gjrades of iruported tapestries'- #11 up- holstered, Turkish styles, rauglpg ini priee from *8.00 to $130,00 Oolden Ook, Mahogany and Circsiuian Wilnut, upholete red ini black or Spâniol Leath- er-ranging in price from - $2450<o$15é You wiIl have no trouble at al hi find- ing in otîr display of parlor furniture picees that wi1l be ini harniony with your tastes. Every modern home should have a Da- v'enport. It gives adual ser#ie-a' Da- venport in the daytixne, a bèd at night. We have them n uail styles, finishes and designs, upholstered with the best grades of Black or Spanish leatheri.1 $.00 to W00 kdromr Uir ~ture6 Our liîîwof h droo>m furni*re is the Iargest and îuost c leet ever shown ini Lake County. Each and evcry article is of the. very best construction ànd fin- ish, and bears ouî* guarautee. Drpssers, Chiffoniers and Tt*let Tables, "lihed in o e#g k,.jognt, Ibircamia n Enamel ,ranging ini price fromi to Dîinhig>Cha irs ii 9nfishest = huf- fetis and china closets, wifth upb*lsre or slip seat. Prices 02.48 ta. $10.50 Dining Tables in Colonial, Ait Miàion and Jacobean designs to mthbuf&ts, ehairs and china closets. Tops (42, 45, 48 and 54-inch; six or eight-fomt ex- tensions. Prices $10050 <o o Saturday * j We al-c ScIling for SàturdýLy's sp ec ial1, a Coloeial 4dsdgn Brass Bcd, satin finish; two- inch Posta; ten one.4nd' one -haif inch filkrsaind -tina and one-bAif' jr.O" ro4s, at 0111Y 0 Fa '~'h g~Uôh~should be au, exeept- ionally itbretive roQA ln tehçohçme. We are prepared tu n*ke it just as it- traetive for you as yoiur purse will per- mnit., Here, ini this section, wiIl be found A the handsornest furniture that haA v1 been before thét publie f or cons ià(OI- ation. The styles are alU uew-the pi ilucts of leaders ini fumiture design an4 t OC reate4 À Qa ghlses îi 'fflAt isin and Ja-. co e n dsigne, a îre~ r ng n i c h i n a C b i e t % t o mi n c IRugs fr'lb.feii*f~'alr muga for hall,, ruià for dinîng xroý aud bodtpnc, rugÏV I«rpohe- have them here w. 0 mndertui varIe*e of desigus, niiikes an' ds6izc. Prices fr rooxu-size ruge froîn g~ sn.oo = Odo r,à~IV StrxI1~ ult; qd cexed. made., and flâlehed lu golden oaL. Removeahiý zrovi- réiieo. APIIifit4esi veredwih utl4sà t4m AiI-iron frame, sanitary bcd spr iîîgs, ..... $2 Jq M 19.15 PilldwB fflled with niixed featlî crs and 1* covered with good art ticking le 4.1» e,. 1u*iîîlows $5.00 and Santa4 cUmofuche ti.boýt Hel ical fabsiq tp, #3.23 tb $3.0 "T4u STOLA4AD STOVMS DRA ) cOMM'ETE AUTOu.T1lUÇ%. TO ALÔ~ Largest amsrtmenit of brass beds. Every bed of best lacquored I*aas bearing our gaantee. Pric es fýom to$45.00. Imm !!2ý Z, 1 - PI