CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 2

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-- LAXEC IMÂT.JULY 2, 1915. IAIBAOU OLO UI za a .Cbetyvde fims- A~ 'ON JUI Tueeday morning of this week there X.!C XX XX XXXX XXX XXX XXX wae e bis boulins@ deaN comfpleted when the Harbaugh-Milier Lumber Co. turned$ To insure publication in ths Indepen- Bert Swan ot Ares, who until reoently oe t-niesok0 obr ri dent. copy muet bu in the office no later lived here, bas ald bis store thete and and coal ta W. F. Frauzen, Jr., of Des- titan Tuesday of ssct- weeic. Adver- ha@ sccepted a position with ilrutour & Olatbe buIess h too mol chrg I.i tisers. sspecilliy are asked ta, tako Co. at Racine, Wis. The famiiy will go ofth usinesaltrnoong.stwekwr particular notice ta, thîs affect. 10 Racine to lire lu about s couple 0of reed thîtaerthat lthee Word ail but c DepuoI ae o lt orln Additieual Loca News en Page 4 On Tuesday lwo of the prize winnlug week's publication. fo ns ont bornes andi one colt beouging tu John Mr. Frapsen itomes f rom Despiaines, Miss Beatrice Woolrldge o! Pierport, K. Thompaon arctved ber@ front the where lho had been lu parttuership with a d n Micb , Ie vieiting relatives here. North Shore Country Club aud were cousin lu a big tumber yard, front wbich O Mcc. A. C. RîdieY returnqdBunday fron t ransferred tu the Thompson tarn south ho reentiy, witbdcew. Bie spont several O a wqk' vsitwlh fieue tWa foto!twu. dar@ bore wlth bis father, golnx over the awe9'rii fiens t lo Th e iiaCa e0!th etminster yards sud takiug stock. 13is father, Il ers ijerardScbrck etured estweek (luild. are pl"anigs lawIfete for s&tur. is said, has etabiished for hminislquite f rmardt o k rveilt rela4tives luday eveiug, July lOtb. The allair wîîî a reputation iu the itumber builuese. lu EREyo aeyo frmrswhoarapestfy&rhmmWbele, Ii wthrla nbe heldinu tsepark sud wîîî prove ta h fact the Frtanzeu famlly owns yards In crops ared machi er y Whoiagioet apt p oaci gaie.. W ee ,l nue of the mildsumer events. Candi«s, four ordrve towue West ofChicago. The re ots aenid gahi m et cf 1 owaGapu at osls bu 0 Càrpentere have starteti work on the ire creant sud cakes and pop rn will ho Libertyville yard wililho under thte sole@. *elJustret hw oua t hs te ae ciivlet or bouse being erected for Geo. Lippincot for sale. They will bave goo mnic. control of the sonunuder wfio.enaine L k just mv sh youtmoublattendti a isoe-.vlute u umr. on Second sre. Save the date. ln the business wiii ho conducted. *' 'iDecratrebav ben a wotrouteMWrd.aandciv----e St-ray The yards wore purchaseti tram the Cpt Decoâto bae ben t wrk n th Wod ws rceled ateSt rdayHme Lumber Ca., Jauuary 25tb, this Totalla roome of the Firet National Bank for afternoon that Dr. aUd Mrs. J. L Tay. year, qtite a number of Improveinui t he pui;at hree wesko. lor andi family, W ansd Mm'. J. C. being made about the office sud build. 900010 Mrs. M. E. William@ sud four chiidren F'oley aud famiily, and Mr. sud Mr5. Iug alter ('hurle@ IlIrbauob, Mortimer are makiug an extended iit with cela- Nick Wetzel sud son, Clarence, bad R. Miller sud EBarold C. Barbaugh sc- le ~ ~ ~ S1» of saîlina u tr gS s' aeenhiE. evra, telreo tires la Clereland, 0h10. arrivei In Kansas City late fl'rdaY qutred the business. Drop in ud taess a ok t Ih Thecut 9 wires aud bow strong tbe gate le bult The Missnes Loiesud Ruth Wippie of igbt. They crosset the Missouri No reason bas beenà asoigued for tb. CWvs ynu an idea of te.wntb o this _ Made by lows Gato Co., leaders la the. river auten ocîock Friday mornIng. sale of tb. yards, other tha, that it Was HC o as tbeItt;rais. teesgaebusiness. &1U18 foab a *W Rochelle, Ill., are viting wtb the Misees@B I Oser o strmtoea; jtosu pad pouhtry ~Jszsdi a ww&wow t l Yu r Era aud Ruby Wiliam@. lMr. sud Mmr. J. L. Clark etertained a good butine@e deal. Tbe company b.d se undqaostli k"ep stock Ila""e.pou flot pur Mateer ans'doue a good business bers and tue usw Mr. sud Mr. C. . Pettingili aud isniily at a farwqIl party tn bonor of Mr. sud ownere were weil llked. Ba etwe oe oMiwueweeMo .H.PIt r etTud yaMutBrds n ake on sud r Muler as tby il mke their future borne. ereniug.- The party made up four tables yrsl aecut n r le o LIheTdVILLE LU ER VO. ItheRaar b al licrdoR.asd rt ltest Thtt9rvd. y àrpttina cvlogiw. Dawa 16 the OUd Depot. Be.. hiee 20 yers club et the Auditorium Frlday igbt Mr. sud lire. Pritchard more to il- rbicb work beo probahiy wili returu. F'~ne 47 . A. Biaop, Mgr.was àttended by qutesa large crowd. waukes. Wln., tbis wesk. They have ________ ir. sud 47re.A.eo. MacDonald adeorstheir home bere for the puni; ton TS IN Mm Go. aconad nd e suad their departure s ranch§M 88FN FOR baby danghter and Mr@. Lodge of Denr. rereted. TAKIN O ISE AND DUOSI iild, @pent Suuday witb relative. boe. The Preabyterisu Ladies Atid wiii ment Miss Mary Jenkîns let Monda for the witb lMr. H. M. Allbrt at tbe Manne Sunday aflernoon liarsbai Lmberry Ointe Normal et DeKalb, Ill., wbere she next week Tbureday aiternoon. Il wu@ w»s called tu N. R. Lad'e livery ta COR -fil attend the teacher's sommet scbeol. annouuced lest week that the meeting arrest Ncel Wurzek, wbo hsd become Phono 30. H aying M achinery tiedsr. r.Jae syokenter- wouhd at eC .Wrgthmbut abuive wheu::r z::::::vedhi M n m ae a chilte pae aacc hagd 08ount for taklng s horse sud buggy awsy froin Deerlag and McCormick Mowers ani Rakes. o! Walworth, Wi., sereral days let getting home front the East. The ladies lied tu a pont at Whbellng ounSturday 09bone nd ainSid Delver Rates wek. re it radyprearig fr teirannuai niaht sud keepiug the outfit for is use OshrseandDai Sîe ellergRaks.Mir. Frank P. Crisly sud chiidreu are bainar whch will he beld th'otOeufonuntil about five o'cloek Suuday Alter- Kegstone ani Dain Looders. taklug au exteuded trip through fowa. November Srd. noon wben ho returned it lu the liery. Tbey expect tu ho gone about two The Town Board bas apponteti Ed [t appeare that Wurzek could uos rent a o4 months. Muhîke Thietie (Commiesioner sud ho rig at Ladd'e sud that ho sent a young ROPE, CARRIERS, I!ORKS, ETC. A number of our local youug people started ou hie duties Tuesdsy. Mr. inu 10ent It for the eveuiug sud hat a beach party at Lake Bluff lest Muhîke bas been iuolructed 10 wage an together stsrted foc Wheiing rhere LEW FIE liday eventug, enjoying the moonight aggreselre canipaigu Iu the destruction Wuczek made off wlth the hors, sud GOOD STCCK ontnilWo Canadla thosties and other obuoxiotte buggy. iearing the local young min lirs Owu Wolcdgsad to cllden eedo, sud 10 endearor to gel the co- bebînti. Wbeu returuing the outtit ta Rixtr Mrs Own Wolrdgend wo hIlrenoperation o! pcopertyowuers sud tenter@ the barn. Mr. Ladd demnded su FORikeF eturued lnas Friday froni a two weeks Iu the township. Wberevec be wîîî ho sxplanstiou, sud upon noting tha the knownt IFI c h n k vaillintet bruan. , m.met witb opposition lu lrying ta do bis buggy had ben dantged sud a blalsket Webera lesell Ntemn.duty, the commissioner will go as fac as aud whip were misiug, wsuîed damages will give yot FR MMr. J. 0. Carson sud daugbter Mies the law shlows hlm tu bave thistles eut. front Wurzek, the. tellow 8tarted tbinge ta a Broadwa: H ar w ar Iabele etrne fom eK&b n tstwhich ended lu bis erreut. %% uczek was Friay. Mesleaele gadate fom Samtuel Kochie, wbo vas bounti over tried beote JusticeDvs u3oua icked for a f the Normal th]@ year. to the graud jury onu Weiuesiay ni lest sud reeeired saline, ith conethelb total VIVIAI ITSCom panyto p week on a charge of dieocdecly conduct, cool smouuting to $88i. Aller borcow. play with bui Rer. T. E. ileani veut 10Camp IE). eaiesld ber haeeen under tbe Influence iug money Iront seteral frieudesand support Mr.1 Libertyville. vorth o! tbe Rockford Camp Meeting ou of liquor wheu he got Imb trouble et hsnding over s bané book, ho vas 19ARI. i'ueday, where ho preaceed Wedneday Aptakic the dey betore. Aecrding to celeased. Another friend tried ta go bie sud a not.edt aflernoon a% two 'clock. Mc. HElrsecberger, Korble vas working bond Suuday eveing ly profferlng fî5IotaM f Mc. and Mlrs. AI!fred Xirby motored ta for John PItte vho rente the Bescb. McbiLmer.btvsrfst terpretation0 M Mlwaukee lest week Tbureday to attend berger' farro at Aptskinic, sud Ibat_________________ play bis origi ea Maaulc banqbet giron lu the "Feru Korbie trial tu olart a quarrel sud CHAM Roont" at the Hatel Piloter. tbceateued Berachbecger. Mr. Hersch. Jeif de Augel Mme Stph n'sBeaat Palo s les ercud Prie ba rluralberger lires on the fam, retailg te musical oorn* Mine Stphe "s B aut Pa lors mi. Getrud Deinsbas etunedhome sud about fourteen acres for Cle IAr Ba7LT ale ato eksrat tPetne ll, nuse. Mr. Herccbergercdaims th t LA Y! FE TEHrol hm.udal. Sluipooin.,liait Dressing where -ebe went to attend the graduation KOrbe' eaeuene s mte 0à radaiMassflanad Scalp reatment. eecisofPtnehgsbo. poliTIRIA GIRLSue Comedy Attoruey Paul idacOufflu ia lekingagD II IL CRÉAMS, LOTIONS. SIKIN CLEANERS. business tip ta Seatle, Wesb. lir. Suudsy oveing wilie Noel Durauti wa@ MacOfflin accompauled him. Tbey ex- tilvlug bls automobile noutb o! to iu ho SATIJRDAY EV1 IB ARE TUE VERY LATEOT, 1I MAKE pect lo be gone about two weeko. eaw tbree bores ou 1he aide of the road CURSUuu. THEM OF YOUR COMBiIOGS TeMse rc SîbsdHri andi loved tiavu hiscarountil aller ho J L TheMieneGreo mit ad Hrre boulti bave passaitte animais. On. fai UL 1 T H T u Swimchs, Pulls and Translormations. Bogoer returned lest week Tbureday fron thîe barees evideutly wanted a ride for il T Good qulituhit amiDsK5ib, . I, vitere titey have beau stepped upcrigb inufront of the auto as N T E PRài C»W urst hai andcan save you alteudlng sehoui for lb. paut year. It vas about tu poe. The mtachine IN T EP R moaeg. -: ~. ~ ~ .: :.: Mr. and Mr@. Almnd1Baldwin an etrnck thbre in u scb amauner Ibal tOO h I daughter Jeannette, adM. tosiniply r animal or theêbondi. _______MUSIC Parlors ovoreOaaOffice phone O(00Boutici af Chicago, @pent Baturday sud Mr. Dnrat]deyshebbarse was of sncb TePof0 Sud ihMr. sud Mms. E. B. Corisît. an appreelative turnof ind aller it bat! O S T A h ro A commite trainite varions Iodige lîppei rd h aciethat h.edid uat L OT O E T pnetsCa oi tbe 0. 9. 8. tbroughonî lbhe onsty so 0msrbcl a ut eedn' l deiedome ual know who thte owuer of te atinfied custi - O R FINE BREAD) G ES FARTIIEST huitd a meeting br Tussdai decide h nl. The damage to the machine the plici aorthunt tuaaboutty 0i lampa Onr fine eveet sud wholeuome bresti is lb. arder. wil ng aub.out 50,ate "i ha wel vorth waiting for. ,But jon don't Rév. T. . Boumi afficisted etthlog WoJ. eliand su d ea rsd I. haro ta Vait. Our baking te done in large fanerai o! Chas, Atyeo Tueedai ntorning W Jv e lsa daw ape ffr i " aîg ujcd LLa qusutities aud at replier houre. Begin ia tiho Gagea Lake M. B. chuccêt. Thete M roadai esgcapen Mon ls blg c ru tr e m O nov-ssk for Libertyvill# brascinet time rean ers linterceti lu tse Lakealde Mondai avl a a diîbeh ourêe PbiloerF o t e tk you order from yonr grocer, or set it every eeey ietrl.tucdorInaIe n*9P k day eitte home of tite but brait! mad-the 800en4Ubcyile Raijuilvwat a! Gagnea corners. Tb@e~ Mr. sud Mmr. E. A. Bisitop sud daugêt' parti was oracing teUibertyville trou WHIE UNESSI GUU L!1B ERTYVILLE B KERY h7Fr»sslartdou anand ln~têst îy ae aba1: Lam at -lo10eand Ise Io Valpaabocame uposan 74= T ME = - FOp-Cty, lad.. lut Fridey sud rotused aarov stretcebinnîhroad. aear pesaud Plam at - 25c, 30ecand 35e mmihonte Mondaw oeenug. tben, lovuga big cloud o! duoel h*l84 ie Poplin at - - 25c Mr. addUMi. Foyd Ruhbard o!fvbmadaitdIMetultfor Mr. Wells tn, R"ce Voile at -. Oliol. lilcê.. ethe parente o lvin 1 e têe ighvaî,. Alîbouêt oWa i I ~e girls oramJoue 2tb. lire. finêthd verydsow opeeti bis car staitef downa V ister of Mcm. R. V. Moss. phtor pSet*ang theauato, P48ains Iv of tête omepaatsunuder tête tonnae% but Tiaaue and Voile., so.n in tripest, soni. Dr.A13.aXg o i ber1Yfle, sud w:ovrs :uilcy rce1eted. Théesr@ er W'. hva s sigaaasoetBui ul Ldies'Sprig sudStmmerDra..ata ieroWaukegan, per!ommed attrea laies aud Ibrse.mem ln the N WMrEo H M O KSa 0 te 1,gsomable preces. Raa mcd# ta oder a speciaity. We carry a Grayalake, ut te Jane MeAlliter boa.uta-l cero! it actt irket at theepifICas aie lie i Ldu.' ndrvaiWalat4, Qioves, Hosîery and No- pit, . auk«Ma, ot n iUt six aons ers es tons et loy pics.Parisa Coz5affifrm$100t, 3.0 About tsn membere o! the Litectyville llghtiy iuoeti and the ou damaite to UP-TO-DATE CORSETS in many que A ,A l W 1.l a n D 0R A T uH o im .0 0.P.wnt tu Baringlon tête car vas a cauple of denteti fenders. el nf, *l.50 --A*3.0an Nmn n o oe s.m sai ------------ p IL IS'T,1915, W PAID a39122.9'4 aterest to our Savings mitord for the first six the of this year. Why bYOU' start an account V and let us psy you in- it at the end of the next six months? County National Bank al, Surplus and Profitas $100,000.00 Recoure", '750,000,00 ME GROCIERIEMR&TS, ETÂBI1ES AND FRUITS. ZLETT & FREDERICKSI LIETYvILE, 11-U 'Id Dutchi" ELD'S GREATEST STAOE SUCCESS IN FIVE ACTS eting and deligbtful comedy, no naine te better than LEW FIID8, of the fatuott teast'of and Fields. In ibli rollicking coiedy Lew Field,. iu aIl the pleasure you would get from a $2.00 ticet ry comedy wuccess. FTELDB te eupported by one of the inest cato vt feature film. " MÂRTM n sd GEORGE HABSELL wu,, ni iu the "'Hlgh CoSt a1 LoVing" on the stage, Fields in titis play. [E EXIPRESS, a famous En glishit os hall >tar beauty, pisye the part of the adventuress. LES .TUDELS ' who mnade a great suces inLa i iii of the Italian Opera S'gc in "'l'wîn Beds, will gmal part in 1101,I) I)TUýII." ES ]PRINCE wam the prineipal 4coînediîan a lith elis, May Irwin, James I-owers and most o! the big iedy stari§. The cast aiso containe Otto F. Ifofimnar *ett and an extremuly fine company. aan opportunity to enjoy a $2 Broadway [y at your favorite photo-play theatre. ,ERTY THi ATRE ,esday, July 6th !JL SEATS 10 CENTS of the Pudding in in the Eating. " The Inde- [amlfled Ado have been proven by hundrede of boners. Ask any user of theSe littie salemîen. leather to CorneI ýDS--SPECIAL VALUES Flaxona, sev«dalpatterns at Voileè fine quality at Shadow Vo ile at - - 25c -25c 40c 25ç, (ox w e have a fine assovtment à od Ginshama, Chsmbrayu, le in smail figured patterna and plain colons. c$1.50, $2.25 and $4.00. Best on the malitie.. Amovican Lady new modela at ,ta at $2.60, $3.00 and $3.50. NORTH STORE

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