CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 4

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,ounty Independenti Waukegan Weekly Sun .l Offic Tslphone Number 1 i bertyvtlle Exchange. ai bePotaic at LibrtyvIlle, I., as Second Clas Mal lter Officiai Paper for Lake Counli. Friday. Adverlieiug Rate. Made Kuowu on.Appllctian. rioN PRICE. $8.50 PER VEAR, STRICTLY IN AOVANCEý rH............................... ......................................... Editor 'H...................................................................... Manager IER ... .................................. Rsident Manager, Phone 160-J RK A O p DADY'S PREUINO WER ID? THE COUNTY or LAiE I Who pays t he cots of the appealing of the Westerfleldj inherltance tai case to the suprenm court?1 The county, by Dady's defeat, bas to pay the. bulk ofj the. expense; th. county bas to pay for a certain amount of political grandstanding. The. county bas 10 pay for: The costs of the record. Costs of printing the abstract of the case for both sides. The costs of tlling fees in the suprenie court. The cost of the defendant 's briefs. Just what this total cost will. be we do not know. But, everybody knows that litigatiiig is very expensive and qine man estimated that this partieular case will perhaps eost the county of Lake from $3,000 to $5,000. That's wbat Lake county gets out of Dady's inheritance iidtliema who says it wasn't grandstandg or fli- tics en the patof Dady should not forgelt tatMlr. ;est- lrMlhd urged the. supervisors to stop and lknow: THÂT in thée supreme court the 0'Connell case, involving the. SA=E POINTS and that he fet Lake county should await1 tisaI raling. BUT, Dady perslsted in baving bis own case lfougiat And paid for by th1e county and.the 0'Connell rai- 1 e came before Lake county's case vas reached-and, 1 tarfeld's contention tbat th1e county was flot entitled1 Io thq fees vas upheld by 1e court in the 0'Connell case aad nov later-in bim own case. And thuz, needlesslyj *me a similarcame as pending, Lake county vas forced by Dady to proceed against Westerfleld wth no resuit ex- q*padded xepense, t.ban could bave been scored by a wait- t, iïruling ini th.0'Oonnell case. 13% ft's rallier expenaive perecuting for Lâke county, f«Orb. Il recalled, tbat non. of th1e expenme for Ibis per- mo gcornes out of Dady's $5,000 a year, even thougb W 09fd peramy bas bad tW stand t he expense vbich ITaxbuyers- theniselves disl"tke seeing the rate shoved 4ev.1o ô ad -à per cent-but, every lime there's a flght on to abovo il dovn, property OWNERS are makding money; l. )ms iglt ast1the sale, thle more il costs the property owam.r; tbé more figlt, th1e Inore cost to tbe unfortunate îm vho fail Wo pay their taxes. tii. nev supreme court ru]ing which says Ibat cam- p9ipI.gemade preulous Wo eleclion camiot be enforc-1 edlatèr, is"po=at. It brlngs relief to the publie vbich, 11«uws bas been buncoed by pre-election pledges by the bqbsWilli 11Me bope or expectallon of baving them fui-1 114& B, under th1e ruling, vhen one hears Ihese pledges bulg lad 1e can take them i vlh a bigger, grain of sait lbu before. ________ One of Lake- couaty's veli knovn men, a personal frImd of Dady, made Ibis remark the lother day ini a Lake couny village: 111 understand Ibal Dedy bas staked bis proesuonal- reputation on putlng Mesurs. Smith1 and 'Wsstuteld Bh hlu 1e bars." 1To v111ch th1e msn nho vas lstsuing repUied: "lWeil, fortunately, tbal repulation jti' vam Dady ,im"el suspects il is, so he hasn't mozch aI stake." Westerfleld bas rigit tW continue holding up bis head,i f irends in the eye and bearing tliem ayvic tnoy: "ALler &U, Carl, Il look»u as it Dady 18,persecut-1 ing u mo re than prosecuting you." Tlierels only beent onsp e court r alnaye--and Ihat'a i tavor.a mg frisdu pe lbt le e th.lesmand, trom lie1 éco sefar made by D4 tpialbMN Il vouldn't be ift lat ICEthle tacti Tbere'u nov talk Wo the effect tIsat, if State'sAÂttorney1 D*415unshbleW sat iumzaln ie lalest actionagnt 2«ulo Ovs"stand u'betore Judge Bure l tIaolait b. intenduiIIgagan uy"Iudict- nul" aainu Orvis lu connetion illi lie Sprîng elect- losue- Justlobial lb. "ludicmet" l*tcharge lsn't yet l*vzs, lafu tctl Un'l materia-just so lonasu1the statl' aKmywns Il and bas a fit vlctim and it s quit. appar- unâd Orvis la one of those in 1the state's altorney's bbulflunolomc e look for suythlng (and hils). Maides of Westurfed and trieids ofthe11.Gazele ;ýOo( not help but notice lu the other paper'snueo!fltse sqmceut ravap on lh. Westerfl zuastter Priday >uAW d piper, ootraled by Dady aparntly, made but mmli.. ofthse tact :7at e court ba i rued DAM (wtalclimean t ar of etWerBsl4 thse tact liait IDm4 bhad von anile - 0 * cout' lx having bis roqunt granted liaI 1the court jr Vl on the uterelmate as perlainlng to Wesler- VMtransfer TRL? ISuE W lie appellate. court. co n u vsaIthe.prosecutor i anigon.) 1I wu ao te grand jurr lih elped xelurn su ~ Imo~ ~~.hut you and Wenterfiold on lie charge of ~~~,; ~ ~ o th~~"Io e1. reècent grand jryenTliuru- idÎl-ais p&per, addlrng: looUt me, Mr. omitlh, asif tls'a h-I of a lot o Wulaiblu «Mie ter than ve knev of aI lie lime." "WèDneyer md, ol scout, abake band&. We'l1 be all riglit la th. shov-doulL1 We realize Ibat a grand jury -hemrs ony ou, aide a4-aint =an, and naturally tbal's alvaya 111e jdiedae" And, lie former juryman frovned a 1111e aud tbe conver- sation vas changed. Westerfleld's readineas, bis entire vifliagneas, 10 turu over 101the state lie inheritsuce lai tes ot $7,O0 hme- diately aler -the supreme court bad ruled Ibat 1h. uoney DM NOT GO TO L1rAIE COUIITY AS DADY DEg- MAEDECD, showo bis honesty, bis tinies nsud bis enlire cesire to bestraightorard. AUil ong, trom 1the very start, ho. staled trankly Ibat 1he didn'lvt w10 u, Mka amis-' take, tbat 1he didn'l vaut 10 Iurn il over W 111. c=ounty if il did NOT belonglto the county; b. vsuted a COURT ruI- ing. And, it lu proved l taI 1he ubovd good meue lu assmm- mng the stand eo did. Me readines W tura the mon~ over tothe statefoflovlng the rulingvblichuhoved îlDg NOT go 101th. county, rerneves a&U clouds that Dm4 ltried to tbrov over him. Amd, veedi4ctthat, the minute 1the supreme court raies on the lEST IATTER, Mfr. Westerfleld vii be JUST, AS EEADY tWdo ulih bat money vbal the court layaas hbuliastveli . llsrilance, tai fees-aad, WHAT -MORE could Dady or anybody else aïk or expecl Il'a a cincli Ibal Dady sud nobody els vould bave Iurned ellher1the inlieritance lai tees or lie lutereut money over W anybody any quicker, or hait so quick as Westrleld basdone. Te the lembers of helb. JhtY- villecbataqu n Àusm Your Commlttee on taeot eonesslng of Mr*. Lulu Matacie, chairmaa; Mn@. F . H.Just, Mm. E. W. Colby,, Paul Rai and À. C. UM ybalie osed a Lycen co uefur lb. coming vimier. lTe@ Cours betnsis a il Bembers, re concrt,'tva Iseurs.»adSo»nelady play reader, aMd wvil&aruans ou. etin- mut a mouluth ram Oclober la Mèrcit. Tb@ commills. look lime and greal pd aies uSlcitheb.talent. Tbey bad repra.aativasbe tbr bueans and b.ld sevaral meeliAg beote a slection vwu made.. 1 Lape lb. association and tlb.-publie yUl approciate tb. numbereSmlectedl. 1 vanqiao pralse the commitlse for Iber uulîriDu efforts. - 1t ua- munily viii bave trst I&cf..entertaiu- meute for tba vînter. It ia nov np ta the association lo look plesant anS talk about ibe good lbings la come, aud det lhe people round about us knav Ibal ve ar aailve. l'a "boosi' aur Chautauqua for lb. nommer and lb. Lyeeum for lb. vInter. The Cbaulaulua progmralais pfsndid, aud lb. addsd feahure et pay ground vork tor Junior ticket boiders wili b. a grand lLing. C. il. Averlîl Presidenl. BP- S. Tb"baocIation nov cOunlsiBofa litly bonafide Wathe- forcast for th. week begin. ning Wednsday dune 80- tSSUsdI byteU .Weathbr, bureau, For tbe reglon ot lb.oGreal et Tise wSe l b ulî.nstled Ib.o i %bhm dais of tbe week, clminstllg In a showererilrOd about Saturdaîibarhe. a"lr fair westher. The lendenci wili b. t oward bigher ampatures. westbPr wutL emnraurec soujeubati aboy@ lb. sesanat averag e isprobable. The Independen a lth îe oUay' On- ly 12-Pae vsstkly.-thffl 5WtmY eVrY. bedy takeea It. laaiertj aRebeoca James o!et a lg ber iliter. lisr. Dan riHall ftot Co r M white doing nm ou eéday. groSeiypOre. and n kmesS ta t bey Witt ci IL on tb. mornlng of Il se roported Ibat Ge. vir//e DAt ltheadlournsd moeting oftheb village Wà Uboard a petitinn was presentad by aI number of reeldenîs ouù'rblrd street I vsnvood. là &sking thal the stréet b. gradad and iel Lee. graveled and tbttbe roadbed be widen. I st vuable reterred to the sireet comnmillae. b urkaI tuseil The annuai appropriation ardinance L vau read and pased. The aidînanc a Marlels bave yull b. tound la anather columa o! thlo 7: :10e at etieven issue. w be 5th. Samuel Stein atsked the board for a ai Srmh.permît ta peddle daL une day a weel -tu -a and wanted tLe reaular booS e s - 1 i udgas of oowuntyar nthut.sure ver they ared o d rag $0,00are surof a11arM lmnttto decaeugliate statla te wcannofb. boote dorln 1 Ourm for vbich evene reaeeted but 1110 inte of the as selttiondIelim e aI ich ae theifféi vreestedn came so er lgeher h al il as becole a bnoed iluent in aeis vblbas T irshonder e26ae.Hev ectrlne naee n notvor T11ey anresured$1by. ra h nuiwbi. Reu a u 11111egamaandihoep noev orot ue door anO ieasitonngsereottreater o wenevsay ted as-h Th h ck evad Citch ugan peopl ; u aid hen orndaios forndaenbght Iaishop w T ofrobentrio- we 26 ynescrand.hsentbispefot2years rectorla foWauegaz fevas Iove nd r4veruede vho nd hie HeU vasa augan n lanan a aneyer ogauean hsd bois a sitin ere o teven flehia elevaedWl Iflshoprlc. eldhdfm wdad Oris c rceval l u;11 ad tre fdond allon,0for 1h i aisb, 11 sIlgovherom a moe nohbin finto oen ol mot olnent lu 1hitoc-H Wosred t yauand tsellnt soeuyas ore-lbuite. foren Wauega» feeskely lbai sudde eatur e $,0and h tamliy bsefl. sy-mpaiyfothe eniremecomurty. MDr it as a ig THnian Yabe an, ahmn aong mlen sudv bisce io s aserelowet lie enie iag psopal adfoch ont fLk o diinlexes.Fr Ifaey eue n Westerfiedbdfloe asden Itandaad tuDn- eover ethbat,O0wheri theceurtlaies 10 le cthy bed b.he thu fine he n, iadst Dady , vi athebsto apparent aishovear W ested\ old Akeargue thti o alWesterfleld h lagh su 1.1am1evs d soy, bte hlm pWeterfleoldioeve fthe ol supreme court Druledg fhn ord Westeled 10suresothe bringlng epese onehtm sudl torcing 1thnoorty ake 1adimtionanene o- tely oe Wubeie ad s itery in d vrng 'I cadof Dadyo whoe lie lime coesthy sutu 1h inhericetax feesx féUs, iilishows the uns fairneu ofW esteirl ae bong aled, voul ignorele o uremte cour rli vialrt ew vor tbn re s than sing tm etn, and eni KXNOW! a M Churoh» ?tws FROM - LOCAL.- CHURCHES MathodistLpsCOoal. preacblng serviff es oesuBnday wli b. »Id at tbe usualt ime. la lb. mornirig ht il o'cloek Bev. T. E. Reain wiii reaeh the sermon. In the eveffing at ?:8 Rev. C. L. Lockjear et Eranaton will preach. There wlll b. spe<,ial music bt bath berves. Thuon wll b. a very interestlng meet- l a ofhe Epworth L*agup naît Sunday 9ý - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - THE LYRIC RESTAURANT Under New M[angement-LIONEÂL BULL., Prop. Special Sunda!J Chicken Dinhers HOME COOKINO HOME MADEPIES EÂRLY BREAKFASTS LÂTE SUPPERS a specialty Parties and Danes Catered toi I ÂAll of the leading lineof oMCgars Our Branch Office The first five months of this year, 1915, this Agency wrote $33,33886 more insur- ance than we wrote during the correspond- iug period---to June 1. 1914---lat year. Â gain of over thirty-threethoiwmd dollars over the mare period of time speaks well for the Âgency-...we thmk . We have been selling a good volume of bubiness over the counter and ýit in our plan to materially in- crease the volume. Watch Us Grow. JOHN HODGE Distict Manager BranCh office, Mwichigan Mutual Làfe- AREA ILUNOIS r t 1 -1 Te ballen p lt I bouSi Bond. O. E transt dai. Wedné 0. B L be Je . esi The ln Es@ Tburb crovi tound of Bel botb In Wa, Mfr. Brui Jo il sud1 satun marin *about TIi. Assot asoi qua. Ladulte tiketd for ti cent. rbt a pair oai in doge train Jns. à.The dogs eau neisber hark cor E. Churchill etarled on bis job ai ferriug tLe aarly morning mal reau Liberlyville sud RoudoutTburs- H. W. Smith made bis last trip ceedai. R. Taylor, who han been living lu lba Lester lIat sud amployed hy t. Paul R. R., boa been transterred )rayefake vbera Le vilIl [ve per. enlii. *Episcopal Paritb picole vas Leld lnirais grave est af the river on iday. There vas a gond esimd r presaul and a very anjoyabte day $peut. anothen part of this papr wyul b. dan annauincemeut of tLe marriage nr Taylor and Mrs. Batile Mozey. So Libertyville. who vere ,unrried 'aukegan aud Mr@. Wmn. Brunîm, Chas. »mand tamly, R. Nein and tamily. vthaîeand famitî of Highland Park b-o lielhaye of Waukegan. teave day morning for an auto trip ta lette, Wis. Tha parly viiiLe gone It a wsek. *meunhere 0f tLe local Chantauqua tlatiou au Tusda>, vili slart setliug on ticket@ ter the coming Chautan- The price afI seson tickets for se ls $1.50 and cblldcen's seasion se are il. Seato eau Le rtesarved e veek aI 50 cents extra, or 10 for eaeL entertaiumeîit. rsduced. The board rot pad tu redue. the liceuse sud Stein failedtto takre out a permit. Several remideuts u Tbrd and Fourlb etreets aeked the board u b0 ave thoir walk fluces e etablised. Thor also aoked Ibat an audîitoual slrest ligitI b. pIaced on Founîh street. Bath mater. loft yuL the streel cammîttea. The Wetsbach Steet Lgtlng Ca. vas reprebentad b>, a Mir. Slngbam, vbo e£pfained ta the members tLe propoei- lion is eompany vas afferlnor ta sacure a cantraclt ram the village ta instalt a gae etreet llgtlng systein. Be slaled that wytb tLe blgh pressure (30 candie power gais lampa (Le village streets woiatd hbo btter lighted than nov andl ai quite, a reduction lu (Le presenit cos t.< Tb@ lights would b.ou.uuntuud on iran poste aud placed wberever the board' dosignated. Tho coet per vean tor eacb gels light vuuld b. $251 un a Ovre ypar cantract and $24 un a ton year Laeis. WltL tLe ton year contract the compan>, vould furuish and liali Fies glame street signe ou the liglît potes aI everyj street intersection. The@@ igus couldi heseeu troinfour aide@ and eau h. rend equally as vei lu in h day tume asm at ight, sud vice ver@a. TLe Pubtie Service Coc'a proposition for a Ove Sear contraI vwaà tu inotal @aveu 250 C. P. itrogen lampe Lu place of tLe oldare ligLI, at tiie rate of $41 5 -0 tor each lIgbt per year; 60 c. p. Tuugsteu lampe iu place of tLe 40 c p. incandes- cents nov uaed. for $18.20 eseL peryear;1 SOcý p.Tuugsteu nt 021,50 eacb par~ year. and 100 c. p. Tuugsteu at $23 001 @eh per year. 0lu a ten year coumnract these rates w.uuid Le .educeuf $1 for eaî-h lgbt lier year Tbe ligLi echeute vould Lhom indu@k 10 one cicioci every ulgbt ofthîe year. lustead ot the muoin- lightocseuuleThSe rates liubmltted aie causiderably lover <Lau under the pre. sent eontract aud Iwuuid mean a saviug of severatLbon,,real dollarsi. Botb propusitiions viii b. thoruuglîl cansidered tietore fluai action wiilliey. taken. The. board thon adjouu-ued to Juiy ,th. evening at- 6:45. The subject. "The Prophet Jonah and hife Message." Leader. Mins Elvira Mondee. Ali are cordially lnvtted. The monthly meetitng of the Ladies' Ald socety wll b. ield nest Tuesdaî eflernoon, Juty EA, at the home of Mrs. Mdari I. Brown on 1)1' ja loeîet. Mrs. E. W. Butterfield and Mris John Welch wili sulsI la sntertalning the society. Neit Wednosday evsning, July ïtîh, a ves Important business meeting o! the Snnday woot board wili b. held lui the church parlais at 8:30 p. m. Alil ofiere and toeher urged to attend. Si. Lawrence Episcoas. Boly Communion 7:80 a. ni. Sunday schooi 9:30 a. tu. Mornlna Prayer il a. nM. A.T THÉ THrATrPT For the Lest cartoon onu Md Dur, Yak now running in the Cicago Tribune flfty dollars ln gold wulil b. païd 10 the pereèOn enbui.ttsnihe bet Icartoon for oui nid <omic frleuid escliweek , Las- )our cartoon at the Lyrie Theatre ticket ofic-e and we send tbem su the Chicago Dall Tribune. The Lyrir la aiso >uuning the. Chicago f ally Tribune Anicnated Weekly. The. very latent new@ 0 lEui. partance, commencing Friday, JuIy 19. ,,JiJ t)uteb," bwFeld@ greateet stage succees in oive sets, at the Lberty 'Theatre, Tused,. JiiIl. For nterest- ing and dellphlfni înrnedy, nu naine fi better known insu Leis Fid@. of the lamons teain of Weber aund Fields. la tbis roilickingtcomedy Lew Fbid@. ulli give oun ail tie plesure you wonld get from a $2.00 ticket Ia a Broadway comedy sucessn. Mr. Field in snpported by one ut the finee4t canto ever pic!kmd fur ateature film. Vivian Martin and tieorze Baqseil uho play aitL hlm la the "High c'ont ut Luving' <on the stage, support Ml,. Fielin lu tlilpay. The casi alo contains Marie Chartes Judels. ('harles Prinee. Ott-, F. Htfnian. Ubetor tiarnett and an ex treuiuu. fine COnîrinY. indepencient reader' BE OXE. J1. T. Roberteon and amiliy nioved thef r bousehald goode to Chicago Thurs. day. The many friands bers wish thein sucees lu their new homne. They wili reeide J' 126'8 Elmdais Ave. The tamiiy went trom here on Thur*day to %pend a few days with relatives ln Morocco. mnd., Lefore going ta their new homne. Bey. Edward S. White and Mesrs. W. Walrond, Wilbur sud Wm. Attridge went ta IChicago Wednssday tu attend the fumerai ut Bishop Toil at the G3 race Episcopsi churmb. It <e reported that fulty two thousafud persans attended the Pervice. Blohop Toit orlzanized the St. Lawrence Mission in Libertyvilie about, fiva ysars ago, holding services lu iîLe Woodman hall untit alter. the CUlni ehureh waa purehaeed. St. Lawrences@ cbureh wf il roiss Blshop Toit greatly as be did mudh isork for It ever pince the Mision w. started hereby hlm. lind-r bis personal assis tance the ehurch bas mae grear stridie, increasîng a lumei. bersbip eaeh year. SILK AND STRAW HATS-Just the ttîingo for bot weathar. J. B. Morse& co. 41e1 m a 1 lsw 1 Rube Kuebk Wbltet tb.m t Je55,i Wlfe a Sund&] Thurw Ciark w ith Ji lft for Our sud Es honse. (barl, Tuesda: ont tLe Vaitey t s;.end ct Orian- ed tc, lM Sunday Mtr. s speut tl The ia"T Su. X to 3. 1'. P. Bar lac Ser vit Pr. C Mro, i Muilwau Mary 0e eud iriei relu lu.', day vvh. p aris It-Xali S We un r CîuIe in ReuluS t. ray>l July 7, A puit village i liion oi vaw di. Improvu question ta agir ti laceu married home uof Many r. ta add t They vi Westernl Juset ru worke. eariv.-) A dain barn ai , JDiy H,1' F b Fre The t t>, 12-psi body ta Rea We pianos beterp &bout tf Kimbal The Victrol market. Wil ltell Corne Players Comni

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