CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 Jul 1915, p. 6

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LAKE Offlerf N1Y ky. il UY2, :1915. By T . F. SWAN Correspondent and Agent U#Knim ansd famly epeut Sunday Bt raisiae. Uir. and tirs. Silveter Schiele were Chicago viators Suuday. tir. and lire. J. H. Ayusley spent F, .1 dey of fast week with J. J. Roues a'j famlly. Violet Porteous bas returned to br1 home be .ater au extended viil lu Wsmbsgan.j The Ladies' Aid will meet wth Mr@.1 label, Wedneéday alternoon. July 7.M A danhter wus boni to Uir. and lira.1 Jsmem Kiiroy on Frldsy, June 25. Mmre. eorge Roslmg of Round Lab, viied (? del let week wth ber eleler. Mmre.0. A. Roam and @on Ayuley, accompanied by Mir@. Beee of Chcago, spent Wedfesday of last week at the J. H. Ayniey home. Mms. M. Klroy of Labe Villa, vilted Sunday with tIrand Irs. JamesKilroy. 11re D. A. Ayueiey aud lMre. Scbrîver of Hghand Park, @peut Friday with relatives ber.. & The regular bakery sale by the ludies of the church bas heen aljandoued for July. Miss Fioni Tripp of D7owere Giove, visited ber brother Sylvester and tamily a few day lut week. E. B. Blnbm entertalued is Sunday sibool claman sd a few otbere t hie borne last Saurday eveulng. Forty-one attended the choir practice last Friday evenlng st the 8. L. Tri-pp borne and libis week Fri-dav evening the choir wil meet at te . Wlcox borne. Tiie banquet tast Wedneeday eveing given by John flodge, manager of the locaisncb office o! the tMichigan hlutuai Lite Ineurance cornpauy sud hie &geuta was an event that marbed an epocl inl th& hitory of Lige lueurance lu Lake couty. Plates were laid for twenty-five and the bounteous feaut served by the. membere of tihe Ladies' AId wus thoroughly enjoyed, ategbt o'clock the. pbrty adjourned tu tbe churcli wbere a program, coneltlng of musec by the rea osrebestra a»d songe by tire. lltagesaid foiiowed by a very intereeting »ud imtrutlve telb by A. F. Sholdon, wa. rendrsd. LY~ONDLAKE 1 Mr. er berle salertalolg he le ter,c Mles Lia Obiber o bicag. Wia. Coper sud Ed Weiebopf pur- chaeud atos lut wee. IssuTifmfs0 Autiocli was a guest of! Pend au "?iUrsay.t Ja"abLia" of Moody instItuts, @peut les * t IL %5bScroOe'. GSo Liii.lire. Morton Jobuson as Mihen LIii of Cicgo vlsted ris.t tlvee bote TbI'sday.1 Robert Dyhal Ucsiett froua tbe PhluI- ilpisesviii ulve a terioptlcan lecture on1 "A Trip ta Toblo" Saturday evenlng, JuI Ued st Disrond Lak ijhnrcb. MUn. Hookemsy. mother of 1fr. 8.1 Tourne, p.sed svay éSsturday noua atj P"alaie. Fuserai service beld t Pain.i tins TUWsSY. Interment at Dlamondi Labe OCsmetery. 9. . Schroeder sud family sud Jack Lino vers Zion City viitera Runday. The Ladise Aid vilii old s bakery mais t Walter Lemera tome. Bat urday,July lrd. Mad Mouday July Itb. for litsboue.- fit 0! lie cbureh Mies Maie Ptrlch o!f Lbeityvllle, @Put Buuday wlîh ber leiter lira. Walter Lember. Wànt, For Sale, eOU ad* ln the IN. DEPINDIENT remch 15,M00psrsne wsly. lire. Rtobert Ricbardson sud daugbter Eva uf Grayslake, epet the week-end witb Ni-s. Kirtainger. The iamoud Lake choir met wth Mri. and Mi-s. F. S. Dolpb IoudaY evenlng. Mase Avis sud (lady@ Payne took a trip su owagisc, Mch , Baturday. lire. Howar-d Beach sud littie daugh-i serout Chicago, are epeudlnog the week wl tb Mr. aud lMr@. W. Beach. I'be usw tore building ie nesir com.1 pisteSd ndiM. Boosçinger is moviug is gooda Ato it. . Mr. aud lMré. ROY Chamberlain sud1 baby daugawte of Libeity ille, wers ýgueste at tie Chambertin home Sunday. Severs fromt bers attended the soctal Dîsmoud Las. Tbui-dav erenlug. lirs. Raber Radke vieited ber parent, Mr. and lire. J. Heckstoweiler at Area Suuday. Tbe Sundsy echool beld their annunal plcuic a& Wright-@ giove, (Gage@ j..abe, Wednseday sud epeut a vei-y enjoyable day. MIes Harret Biainerd of Wagermaua, Ili., la speudiug a feu daye at home. Min Auna Wrtz le bomne for the entammer vacation. Charlesud D wight Dolpb vere Cics. go vieltors Monday. On account of the Ladies' emetci-y eociety being unable to hold iheir igular June meeting, tbey ai bave au sîl day meeting lu the church basement, JulY 8. Everyoue velcome. A. L. Ritta and iarnfls au4 Mi%@ Emma Cbsmberlin sitended thé weddiug o! Clarence Rtsa and Misse essie Wallace usai- Lake Villa Ssiurday evecucg. Mis Emma Giabbe i@ vi@iting Misses Aile sud Theo Smith at Grayslake t ii week. Dont forget the Fourtiof JulY pienic to bé held ina Mr. Doiphei woods. under the management of the choir. Mr@. John Shepbei-d sp,-it Saturday in Waukegan. LZALZI1 lilas Alma Krueger i@. speudiu a few veeke wiih Calla iraîhauseu ai Buri- Iugtou, NI. lire. J. Dolleumair sud two) sous of Libetyvllle speut part .1i set aeek at F. Mitchell». Mri. anSdre J. A. MAison vereChicago The Ladies Aid met wth t. (V.- Baker Tbuooday,àlvérnoou, Jrly 8th. Till Mitchell wss a Chicago visitai- set Friday. C. B. Eaton aLd nie liabel Schaffer of Deertield have been vieiiting at C. J. Maenn'@. Mi. anS Ar&irs.Bitamall entertalued compauy f-or DePllaus Sunday . Hugo E. Gambie of LaIte Foi-est, a cvil engineer. died at tseLakte Coun- ty Generai besPitai Mouday ulgit Of tuherculosis. folloit an ilin5ss Of &bout i montits. He vas 55 yéars olS. Hé baS beeu a promineut en- ginesi- on the norti ahore for a nain- ber o! yeara. He vas beri-n lEvans- ton. HI. rrmaine bavé been ltou to Lakes Foiet. Panerai Wednesday, thence by train te Gracelaud scems- tsi-y. Chicago, for Interment. Ferry Hall, Laite Forest, bas a nev principal. She le Misa Marlou Coats. graduate of Veassai- anS intructor of philosophy et Radcliffe Collège. Thé announcemént vas made Wednesday at thé commencement exorcses of thé Lakte Forest Coliegé by Prési- dent John S. Nolien. Hobart C. Chat- flilSTaylor addressed the graduates. Bulis U. Graf, giaduate of 1907, ré- celvéd thé dégree! "Honorable M. mre. C. E. Webb and lMra. Boyiand. of Aztiocb. returned Fi-tay evenlng fiotCaifornie, and oter vestern slates e ee they speut several vw a vith relatives and frtends. Théy vie- liteSlu portland, Seattle, anS 'Filco. at La'<,e Vilt, vio vms siresteS ou a TRIS BXK OU BU8INEU BOXE THE MAN WITH A SAVINOS ACCOUNTr Never worrus-why should ho? He is constantly add'rng to hi& savingu and bhsm vingu are con- stantly e&rning hlm 3% Compound Interest lir@. Oso. Voit. sud tirs. childi-en from Anna, Ill., are vlsitiug Mre. Voltz*8 ocher, Ni-s Sherman. Mir. and Mira. RalpIi Knickerbocker of Chicago, @peuteverai dave of hast week visiting at the bane of Ed Therrieu. MisselRda Boresberger was the gueet of ber c'ousin, Mise Id& Behrens of Gleneo., Tmesday aud Wsdiesday. Mesdamnes L.. C. [Iole aud F. a. Meyer are visiting at the bomne of Ire. K. Chatesu 0f Galion, Ohbio. Mfr. sud Mr&. Batqi. lMr@. licadie sud Elmer Rsteh of Chicago, were the $nu day gocets o!ftMr. and Mr@. Clyde Batch. Dr. C. J. Davis ie vlaltlýg lMr. and lire. bAld of Chlicothe, Oulo. Mle Mabel Horeuberger wae the week- 1end guest of ber cousin, Mie -lîlan 1Edgerel of Chicago. 3 MiseRoth Lld1erwood le5 vlslting Mle Edua Bosold of lobons. thie week. C. B. Esaton and Ushel lIchaffer are spending a kew days at the borne of the eiltter'& parents, Mir. and tMrs. Judeon Mason of Prairie Vlew. Mise ireue Macadie of Chicago, is the gueat of Mise Eleanor Meyer tii week. r i-. and lire. Rotnayne Stryker were rthe week-end guéste ut the boule of Dr. 7T. L. Knaak. Mis@ dith Stryker of Wbeeliug. empent several days of last weet vlsîtiug ber àcousin, Mies Laurel Stryker. 1 Joseph Bull of Pittsburg. Pa., le vimit- iug Harold %Vaut. Mies Helen Scbiulever @peut several daye visiting relatives in Chicago lamt s eik. lire. J. A. Reichelt. Sr., aud eblîdreu, CFaith and Maurice aud grandehild, Miss rElizabeth Relebeit left llonday for a two nionthe tour through the wpst. John Carueil was înjured quite badly by a @hot froin a tweuty-two liresi by hie playmate lMonday afteruoou. He is doing nicely. Mies Iidred Biederstadt le visitiuàc ber siecer, Mire. Roir Hagkln4of Wllmette, for a few weeks. Almon Powers of Chice.go, was a week- su ed gueet st the home of W.1. A. Whiting. Mies@ Mary Scbwiugle of Chicago, epent laet week visitiug ber eleter, Aire. Vu. Scb lie. ___________ Riay Kerr- of Lake Villa @peut the week ýend wlth finonde ber@. A baby b 'v %vas seicoined st thé home of Mi. and ire. Pauni Paulson on Mdo3day Jué l4tb. Ni-e Pauleon vas Iormerly Mi.. Frances McVey. Lake Foiest College, Asdémy sud Ferry hall 1 ave cioeed anS thée tudeute bave nov returned tu thir bornes. Mi@@e Frances Kemp expecte ta leave eou for a vlsit; to Cifortis. Miss Katherine Tlplady ln bsviDw ber vacation tramt Neuherry Library nov aud ie viiting friende at Geneva, Wl.. M r. and lire. Thomasi Ve.and echu- dren ieft Thuredsy June 24tb, ta, @pend tie eumurer at Duluth, Minnesota. lire Martin Meldy paesed avay at ber houre aon Vice Road Jue 28rd. fter an Bineeso! titres yeare. lMre. Ielody vas voman v&ho vas veli likeS sud respeteS by ail vhe beyw ber. We ex. tend oui- sincere syrnpathy go Mri. Meiody lu hie hereavenîemt. Mir. aud %Ir@. A. W. Aruour aud chul- dren ai-e oc-u3ylug thé Bermali (Jade houes ou Green Bay Road for the sum mer. Are. Edward F. Cairr opeued ber honte hère Msturday moriurî for a meting o! tje Lake Foi-et commttee oi tie Parent'@ Leagus. Normant Fal, wu h a@been the guset of Mr. end lire. Arthur T. A ldiç. bas re- lorned te hie homte lu Boston, liae. 1fr. sud Mmr. Henry Durand will go te Vrmont for the reanider o! the eum- muet. stopplng for tLe commencement es- erciées st Amberst Coliege, 0f vblcb tMr. Duraud ie au Alumunu. Mra. Cbzaries &"cxlasud daugbter Ida, are vlting uitfriende lu Mchigan. Mi. sud 1fr@. J. T. Pi-le expect to de- part for the East very êmon, te spemd the. rm"ader ot! the summer at on. of lia oes4ele resorle. Mir@. Samuai T. Cbaee sud daurhter viii the egmumr lu Calforçpis. A number of iouog people cjoyed s beach parti glveu by Mies Sadie O'Neai Sundsy alternoon sud aveulug. Mr. asdtire. Chatild Taylor cele. brsted ther tventy-fifth vrddiug ni- veeary Saturdal eveulng, .lune 191h. The thi-.. mail carriers wbo have been hsvlux Ibsir vacations the Pms Io ve0à returued s0 worma&gain Juiy let. Frank steele $peut part ni hie vacation at William* Ba, Ws.. The vesteru polo cbsmpiouablps conteste vilIibe'beld et tb. Ouvent- ie Country club tbi» year lnseod o! ai Bt. Louis, as orlglnally ochedueiL The announcement vas made tUex. pectedly yeateuday, foliovlng s meet- tng o! the secutive board of the as- soclation, vhen it vis found ltaItih St. Louis grounds vonid net b. lu shape for lhe event. Barringtoo. *euet thé Pettveek lu their summe-r home. i. sud tirs. Leonard entertaiuesl relativevs Friday. The Loett Iamlly are nov living lu tbeir erarner home bers. Tho Artmgtonn ewbti Htgb si-boul held their picouic et L.ake Zurich Satur- day. Thev returued home ai 7:80 p ni.. NIr,. B Nortoi! use a Chîcawgo visitore Frlin.v %Irs, co. iiinker entertsiied ber fatiier. riitbér andIl sister fi-om Elgia over Saturdav sud Soude v Th. r,,adso!tif Lke Zurich are héîug ouled. Miss lie Tonne i. Vis§itivgu t the home o! ber gi-suduothere. TUE PRE-ELECTION .CMPAIGeeN PLEDOES ARE WOT OLDIN6 Fortune et issi bas fmvo"redMt Elizabeth C. Wa - anof Obicgo, and ber tires fatherlelse chi re Af er tires YesiuOf ePrilted ltiga. lion lie MVlof oh un E. W. WSY. min, former states attOrney bae won ont lu ber clalUlIoemûre tbhMSO,00 lu fe., coleçtëd by ber h.bnmsd du. lut bis torm of 09M& OS te Supreme court ThUreday bandeSdocvn a Sociles svardiug lhe fee uoney lu the Wayman setate. n0 linales of is obe lta the public trestiry vote gontrar, Io pub- lic pollcy &Pd tbéefrcentvolS. Tic decMsosi memsag bat Circuit Court CleIeiJohun W. %fuaiue lmuet toril over lie nouai b lire. Waiy min and ber OcIdeen, lt.eprincipal boiers tlb.former prosccutor s es- tata. The stand taken hi the state tribu- ual. re 1 lntbe déciuion gîven hi Judge Balvluof the Circuit court, caues segnsation la politicisl ircîe, as it vas a direct Milngt hat campalgit Promise or candidates for poltîcai oilice are net caforeïble is kvl. l'The oe or mlri of an officer, iavlns beeu ixed by lkv, bei-ome an Incident 10 thée ofceand itIo la- trai-y t publie polici for candidates 10 att.mpt Io attela onfce by ouce Promises,"Il thedoOlslofl reaa. 'ucb promises being Illegal, tber cannai b. euforced." Dli>BISIOP TLL -GL.E1NN .MERRY AT LINCOLN BLOOD PIO HAEPLMONITION (Glen onu V IlV -o tii. Co- 1FR14 À TIISTLE loilConcert Company lte afttnoon 0F NEARINGdaDEtT bis lecture en "u dWOUND; LANCE IT a Buinmer confirmation echool wil begin et the eburcb July 6, et 9 a. m. Ail tboés who do not wish tue confirmnation studýeQ to interfere witb their studiers t publice chool are ad vleed to corne to the nummer confirmation gwchool. lire. Wrn. Tank wae a Chiago visitor Monday. Mre. Wm. Tonne wasa Palatine visltur Mondai. Fred C. 8eip left Tburfday fur Bestrîce, Nobgsela. Re will returil thie week wlth hie wifewbo ha. heoit Vlitiig lber minier for a week. A few of the boys attended the plculc et Duer Grove Sunday. six young girl@ arranged a tennis court sud now are havibg great encese.u lu plsving. Mises Clara Prebta returned home @un- da &fiter a few daye viaît wltb friends la Dund". MWesMariou Jenqer, spont Suuday et ber homeboe.. A number of yrung people attended the barn douceli en at Boette Wednes- day alghlt. MWe Mamie Hokemeyer attended the fuserai <of ber grandmother et Palatine Tuesday. Mir. sud lire. Geo. Meyer entertalnedl relatives Tueday and Weauesday. 1er. J. Belnrieh lsatterrdlngconferece.. Tbe Lake Zurich base bail teaun willl play Long Grove Juir 4 We wleihtheym succese wlth thoir rat Raie if the gsason. MieElizabeth IMLarthv was s Pala- tine viaitur Friday and at.urday. Mises Emmas Schneider was a Chicago viitor Thursda>. lire. J. Heinriwh and dauwilter Marie and son John vWi.îel relatives iu Crystdl Lake Sundey andi %i.nda. Mir. and Mr(% John Fînk enîertajued relative@ Suuday Mles Grânce Geory bas heen visiting wlth 1Mr. aud lire. Louis Geai-y. lire,. Chas. Seip and son Earl were Lake Zurich vioitore Friday. Mir. and lMre. (,-o. Jackson entertaindA f riende froui Chcago Saturday air4 Sunday. Mr-. and ire. P. listhei of Palatine @pont Sunday t iheir oummer borne. leroy Wuetenberg l.e visitlng wlth lis ister, lire. Barrim. Emil Frank waý s Chicago visitai- Tuesdsy. Walter Prehui and tire. boy friende opent Sund"y et las homeý Mr. and Mre. Jas. Dymord attended the auto derby Ssturday. lire. Jas. lJymoud eutertalnepd ber bro~ther Sunday. Mire. Cbas. Dishile i@eudlng several week@ wjtb relative. at Roudout. Mr. and lire. John Wabîer are hore for the summîer. Mir. aud lMre.ftedmoud epent Saturday and Suuday et iber aummer homne, Ir. Leonard ie erectlug another cottage. Mr-. and Mre. John R1obertson of. ioi-ber. Hé likéS te vont anS hé i 1RIJYT I4 U[[ 1I I[qli always 'ept ai hi& tak n matter! wbat it vas. He vas a bustier 'for1 bis age, ln faet, thé avérage pereoua Iu attemiflng to 111h) pasl a fast pas- never would have placeo hlm at 71 senger train on the Chicago, Nli iwati- years. Hie movsménts véré qui-k, keé & St. Pari raitroaS ou Saturday. his mind was dlear and hie memory Wilbur Kernoif, a tefi year olS 'Mil- neyer faillng. therefaré thé sudden. waubeé yuutb. vas thrown sud hadly nes wlth vili hé v as takén vas ail bruiséd. The boy uarrovly éscaped thé more sbocklug te hle famlly anSdéatb under thé vheels of a haggage frieudseévén thoughit seeme hé hlm. car, uhén throvu. for, hé roiled at self had a premonltory feeling that léet tén feet. and uben be regainéd hé mîgit slip off euddeuly auy day. bis feet hé ase net one foot front the _________________ steel rails. MRS. MARTIN MELODY Chas. Aiéyérs, détective lu thé cm- DIES AT LAKE FOREST. ployeor thé Elgin. Jollet & Eaatern ra mva, a thé boy, aud hé feared Ars. Martin Aitelody of Lake fttthé youngster would hé crused ta vîfe o! thé man wbo eold bis farta to déathbheforé thé englneer could brlng J. Ogdeu Armour. anS vbo subséquent- hie train te a stop. Meyers vaibed ln ly uamed hie »ne place "Xelody thé direction of thé youngster. vbc farm." dIed at ber home lu Laie. Foi-- eset Wednesday. thera took ta bis heels. Airoase felS Ars. Nlelody vas about 60 years old aud praIrie thé yeugter rau. sud hé and le survlvedl by ber husaud. NO had raceS ai lea8t a mile before childi-en vero bei-n etier ta ber or Maeyers caught hlm. te Air. Ailody'asti-et viffe. Aira. Aiéiody vas strlcken vîti pm. Thé youugseéi- as hrought te Wau- rlysle two years ago and bas heen lu-i keganu vhéré hé admitted te Mieyers capactatted éver aines. 1sad thé police i-bief that hé rau avmy fi-m bis home lu Mlvaukee oui Zl- THROUGH MAJESTIC SCENERV'day nlght. Hia parents came te Wau- TO CALIFORNIA 1kégan Euday muS took hlm bacb , home te AMilwauktee. Nouhere vîlI hé found sot-h s cou- tînonos pano)rama af stupendone e nu-n tain #cenery ae il, pr~snted suceeiveiy by thé tou..rini;rndnntaîu ranges along the cool mortclar route o! the Chicago. mtuyauties & St Paul Railway to the Pacititc North coqAt. Fi-rn the timue thé train plonges luto the AmoritnuRocie lu Illontane tontil It tunnels tue sou-cruued helghte o! ths Cascades lu wsehbingtGn, It le a trtp of grandeur thruugh a riatural part ofi atupeadou mu,utalne, vast loréstel heautiful vatérfalis. rnyeterlous canyons sud lande golden uitb grain anS green wlth oai-hide. If désire.] 3 ou cau break thé jouney st Butte &us mate a sîde trip ta the wünderland of isîloatune. Another diversion te ta detrain ut Bc tàrres. Idaho. sud rakt the -'Tnïp of irihadowp,' a torty mile boatrinp dlown the ptctureeque "Shsdowy" St.. Joe River sud Lake Coeur d'Aieeut Spokane wbere thé jouruey avér the '-MuilvankfteI.agsin resumed, This lei an exclusIve fesînre ai thie route, sud eau hé taken vithont extracast. Os-or thîs route theré le operated daily tvoauperh ali-emeel trains -the Oiyr- piausud ai "The Colnmàbiaui. Tbey are the lIs woyrd inlu mini-, cornort sud pereenal erivice, si-S are the enly ail. steel traine operated ta thé Paclice North Cos@%. Front Seattle anS Tacoma ion i-au joruey eouth to Caili-nia over the aceuîc ltRainer-ghseta&" Route sud re- turu home direct frorn sither Las Angeles or San Francisco ou the steel-equipped "P"ctlc LimitedS' over the central roule o! this cornp*uy. By maklug this -Grand Cii-clé Tour" Dynu viii ses the principal show places suad the muet o! the vondorful rieourtea Lof the greal uset at s moderato coiÀe For information about loy tares, timo o! train@suadSfor descriptive veeteru Lliterature, apply te local agent 0f tb. tChicago, Milwukee & St. Paul Rail vay. 40c1 The Wheeisrviiie Church, DeerfielS Township The Buuday echoni nei Suuday ai Churc ervice at il o'clock, sddreas 1by thé Pastor. Thene. "The Value of a Boul ta GoS." tir. KelI viilb. e.l@tAe by 11ev. Protessor B. F. Mathi of tihe Uaiveraity of Chicago L>Ivinlty Si-bool. mTii.annal picute- wii b. iei4 lu ltse Woods by tic curcb oun onday, July 5. Ali are veicome. B. Harrison Keil, Paetor. - - - - - - - - - - a - - - - - - - - - - - Wankegan, June 24. Mlltte Elene Horuer, tvelve year old daugiter of Mi-f. and Ji-a. J. H»r- uer of North Bttrlck atreet, vas rush-( ed to the Jane McAlister houpîtal ehoi-tly bofore noon Wednesday to suf- ,fer an operation hIlci vas Seeaned noceaaary to, esve the. young gil's baud If not ber Ilfe. Several days mgo wille Piaylug &bout ibi- hopne, the littie girl rau a thistle loto ber tbumb. The votmS diS not boter ber uucb tiat afler- noon, but by night te. vs crylng lat pain. Hor mother appled i-et aid rameies, sud 515 flot feel at aII, alarmed that nlght about ber dausgi- tei-* condition. Wsduesday, bovever, vhentse chUida mother calied ber te found ber te h. ln a hlgb foyer, and lu great pain. Dr. W. 8. Bellow» vas saumon- ed aud he arlvled that thi.e hfd b. talon t1thloue MoAllter bospltai. wben placed upon the operatlng table Dr. Belows lanced the baud, sud inserted tubes te, carry off the pois- onous puas. Dld Suffragan Blshop William E. Toli, fos-meriy of Waukegen, have pro stitMon that his end Wall net fer off? The belief nov la tbBt hé dld-~ It develops fui-lier that the bisiop bad! auatalned Ivo previoua "spellIe" whIci may have been ligt apoplet- le strokes. Wben lu Waubegan recentiy Bieiop ToIl ln said to have stated te hil daugliter. Mrs. D. Lý Joues, practica. ly lu subetance as follous: "Thiq oid beart of mine la lhable te gve ont any day now sud 1 botter get my huai.' noms affaire lu abape." Th-is remarit, comlng fi-ou on.evito aeeued tbh. lu the bout of healtb ratier Indicates a premonitlon that hileud vasu't tir avay.j lu one of Po rvo "atolls" vhlcb Blsiop Tol S reoently, il came over hlmwvile he vaa cuttiug theo lavuBtai hs borne. He va. szed wlth It aud fell over againet the aide of the bouse lu sncb a mauner thatt he cut bis torebsad qulte badly. Hes hecsme unconeclous anSvhile It thont was termeS a falnting epeli. the fact that he flnaily was caîled suddenly tbrough apopiéxy Indicates tiat it mnay have been a sigbt troké vhlcb he atalned on that day. Mi. Tol vas an ludfatîguahîs Greening's Big Nurseries Monroe,Micli. 1500 Acres 10,000,000 Treet, Shrubs and Planta ÂLL NORTREEN GEOWN Trees you can trust tmsto aiane AraPedigreedbhied Trees are whoie root antd gi-n firat clas.fruit. Green. lue trouesar*extsnatvely ieraun throughout Lake conmty. Perfectly hardy. fuil oflitf. PETER BOCKZ. AGENT Phono 192-J LàbortyvilL i WHY NOT BUY YOUR NURSERY STOCK FROM THE KAiAMAZOo NURSERIES k NDGET THE BEST (4ood s3hare of our businet§éu cornes from old custor- mers; some of them have bought of us for years. That speakia well of our produets, don't it. Btstter have oui- agent cali and talk it ovni-, and remieniber Kalamazoo grown mtsans QUALITY. P. W. SCHIàICKE, Agent Phono 238 Laberwyvmfe. ni GRAND CELIEBRÂTION ~jULY TH Held in DOLPII'S GROVE, IVANHIO Under tht'management of the Choir Refreshments -wiIl b. on sale. and young throughiout the day. Everybody corne and have a ggood time. i f m ) CLO L4( MilIwol Iy B F The g. Induatry W. H. D Ileunced follovtil lng mate vîli ceai plant un are aubin resumed. AIl Ir CesW yards, aI Men. au the City The pi lu the n la th..nn eucés be by aribti p'lbey 1 ~ipon the Settién *l viiDot ilareS. T muet be theet mi sud stra. Foilow adopteS 1 tiues Pri Pi-esice- Fryei,-N 'I -Wher, lng indu cause tht tsi-t their of ovus, ei-s. theli general t Incidents, Ing couti " Wherg ta elîmizi Juriedictl. luaiated i between ail hi-anc pi-oviding al dlsPii arbltratio stoppage ti-actore i-lai-e thel ciple of e termits te the ge Ilectîve etveen ordér te strIkes ai otiiervîse présent building âne of s tan Inter- to anbîtri meeting sud mate sible to nierthe 4 luterees overbead output an the huldi: TO C STI (The ai vis vas sud credi whlch Pr glaS te 1 -ED.) oThé 1 1 have Per i-e' conrniu lu one of 1 vas r publicatic race ti-aeî vae surpi out i-et e The fat .5 and pu for vui ovu pape -1 solS brouglil t ceue agal bave lies fessional" Inaavary ers", but dl-t Hyls cash 10 a fered moi Thes Jui trial. Ail 1 aE te pron t e ne I'nbUslhed âcquaiuta Resp I THE CITIZENS' BANK I Sale Deposit Boxes for rent Ares, lUinoisJ merry la a Chautauqua min of long ex- perleuce, vhomeo ppearences have ev- éryviere been the canus eo mucb tbooght as Weilias thé aujéct of mucli favorabls comment. Tié Ibird d&y of the. Chaitauqua. A TEN YEAR OLD RUNAWAY BOY IS TUIALTIN ETf> À IL! Special Sale of Thermax Electric Irons During JuIy at $2.75 A inarked reduction Irom the regular price of WhS efficient end satisfylsg iron. The number weof fer is imlted end sn. gou wiII observe is thie durs- (ion of Ibis. BARGAIN PRICE for a dornestic irn1ulemeot whose best advertusemnet wiU lie relâted by eeg neighbor who bias orne. Payable in 3 inst.allments POBIHC 8[RYICF Co. OF NOIRTHERNIMINOU q

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