CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 2

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~a iw~m i '~w~ H ERE yon are, you farmer. who are se cropsand rnachtnery yet ,aeg*d to put up good gates. t. We bave just receîved'~ big shipuent of Iowa Gates te loin oui ou hie tria! juat te show yen ehat these miseR gates add valus te your (BrIS aad maya yon time, troubla md annoymnds-uinter and stimmer. (TU. .smaUo. f O. Ysuu9, le on euhlhlîloe et our store s*U uvi Nulo îLe hlg. heavy fr.me7the large Ne Drap la md teks s look ahi. Tic cnt 9 vires nnd ho. strong îLe gîte in haut. ~1,es yon a', Ides ut ibm voruh alibis Mcd. hy lova Goto Ca., leader. in the gaie. Se. boy- adjmtable h le, reine. siecl gaie business. SoUs les' sele a kw osen ohoirucilona: lot. Legs mli pnuiicy dot tans cnd le gsoe.euled ta eaUefy gos or go maBsrnn!b. ~s large îock Inaido. jeu met sese Mos. SenS any urne.' LJUIIITTIILLD hUIlER (O. Dowa 17 tii. Old Dopot Be.. tii... 20 yeare E. A. Bimhop~ Mgr. 14 ~Haying Machinery' Deerimg sud Mowerà aod Rakes. Oshorne sud Dais Sîde Dellverg Rakes. Kegutone sud Dais Looders. ROPE. CARRIERS. !ORKS, ETC. .GOOD STCCK IFITS Schanck FROM CIIANCK'S Hardware IT'S Company 0001> Libertyville. 'Mme. Stephen's Beautg Parlors Mm.icunsg, Shampoousg. Bair Dressing rneIal Massage aniS Scalp Treatment. CREAMS. LOTIONS. SKIN CLEANERS. Switches. Pulls ami Tran.lmmations. GiS qualitu hait ami cas save gou moaeg. : t.: :. z.: :. z-: Parlors over (bas Oflice Phono 100 OUR FINE BREAI) GOES FARTIIEST Our fine oveet anti whoie.onie bread i. well vortit waitang for. But you. don't have W vait. Our hakîng te don. i~iarge quantîties and at regular houri. Begin now-ask for Lîbertyville bread uezt turne you order frein yonr grocer, or get a every day at Une borne of Une bec: bread made-the LIBERTYVILLU~ BÂKERY FRED JOCHRUIX, Prôp. ILLINERY ÂND DRY GOODS W. have a large auserirnent of Ladien' Sprnng sud Summer Hua at 1.aaoaable pncea Hala msde te order a specîaity We carry a abs lins of Ladîee' Ijudervear, Wassts, <vIoves, Hosîery and No- tione at loy prie.. Parnsîana Coimet froin Si f0 te $3 00. A. W. LINDROTH LmERTYVU±E, ILLINOIS ICI» ertyvd/e fiem s - xxxxx xxx xxxxXxxxxxxxxxxxx To losure publication In the Indepen- dent. copv muet b. In Ibm office no liter than TUosdav of oacI' w.ek. Adeer. tIser., especially are a.ked ta take particutar notice ta thi. effect. AUîtieual Local News s. Page 4 Cheeter DibLie vas an Aukioch vieltor Mouday. Paul King spent Snnday at bis home lu Lake Villa. biles Ruth Caruey was an Antloch visîtor Monday. Davld Speara of Chicago. wae a eleitor bore lait Frlday. 1fr. and 1fr.. Bort Stier épent Suuday ad Monday lu Racine. The Epîscopai cbeir held a moonhight plcnic ai Lake Bluff Mouday uîght. Wm. .Gould aud friend 0f Chîcago. vialted hie parente ber. over the 4tb. M ise Marie Scbanck le attendiug eum- mer echeol at the Normal a: Doh.alb. Master Fred Butierfleld i. spendlng corne veeke wlih Inonde ai Antiocb. 1fr. and Mcc. R. C. Blggino epent Sun- day and 1fnday with frieudeatAntiocb. 1fr. and 1fr.. i~'red Bockelman spont Sunday and Monday with irieude lu Chicago.' Mrs. Amanda Siiocu ai Rin.Ine, was the gues: of M rs. 0. W. Neieb several day. iast veek. 1fr.. E. H. Smith le outertainlng ber eletor, 1fr.. Donaldeon of Wareaw, Ken- Iueky. ibis week. Mv. and Mn. C. S. Hoag epent from Sa$urday until Mouday evenlng wlth Chîcago relatives. Mn. and 1fr.. Nolan of Higbland Park, visked over the 4tb ai the Bond borne on Dîvielon etreet. "Hippy Hooligan' wae fined *3 and coote by Jueilce Davis on Tuesday for iioing lntoxicated. Mie. Juila Naas of Cadwell, Idaho, epeut lait week here witb ber eIder, Mn. H. A. Boyeo. j (lareton Smlth ni Evanston. wbo eponi I ,,~ere cent set Lb. John Liwreue borne bas returne4 haine. Mise Auna Moakleyand Chae. Kollueki ai tiluicago, epent a fov daye at the home e! Mis. F. Lighuhody. Lîttie Mise Carel Lukoy of Waukegan, speni eeveral daye o! last veek ai the Mn. 5.8. Wheeler home. 1fr. and Mrs. W. J. Wello are the parente o! a litile daugbier boru to tbem Sunday, the 4tb et Jnly. 1fr. aud Mre (ueo. B. Mason anti sou Frank vlclted relative. lu Oakvaod, Wl.., Suaday and Mouday. Captain Smlth of Chîcago. vlited over Sunda, and Mouday vitb Mn. and Mre. Wallace Bulkley aud famlly. Tic LaRe Cou~ty CLapier ol 0. E. S. viii held thein annual piculc ai Fuse Park, Nor~h Chicago, July 251h. Miss 'l'oie Rnclghi ai Chicago, vislied froin Saturday ta Mondey nlghl vlth ber eleter, Mca. Albert Faulknen. 1fr. and bir.. Chai. D. Proctor and son, MIse Ina Masou and Fred Carlcon epeni Snnday and Monday la Miivaukse. The regular meeting et the Earnect Worken ciais viii ho held Frlday afier- noon, Juiy 9, ai the home ai Mcc. Trlpp. Mn. aid Mcc. J. A. Treptov md utile îughtsr aid Mn.. Helen Glemeon moter- i le Mîlvauku Sunday, relurning Mon- Tii. H~er.Roa4y dais ef tie Methedint Suuday scheoi heid ibeir moatbîy meet. ing ut tii. home ai Mis. MutIle Ligit- Lady. Misa Carde Chard viii hon brother, attende~l lie funeri of fiemry Dito, a !rlend of the famiiy, at Oak Park lait Fnlday. Tii. Miesea Aiw~retia Llshîhody and Mande Leishton .pemt lb. 4h ai tbe home e! Mie. Maphelie Greeaiey ut Mesyialr. Mn. aad Mca. A. M. McLaugbuin md chuidren are speudins iho veet vlth Mcc. McLaughiln's parente, 1fr. aid M... l..v Fiagg. Ludvlg Sueemllch, vho epeni a couple of veeke bero viii hie unit, Mn.. Mattocks. retunned to hi. hem. la Wl.- canein Sunday. The W. C. T. U. yul meet vîti 1fr.. Mary Churchîll au, Jul> 18. There viii be eleellon cf oflicere md reporte 0f departmenle. lirs. Wm. Wheelor anli eon L'es leti Mouday for 11.. Heigite, fi. O., vhore they viii epeuli eoine lime a: the home of ber sîsier, 1fr.. 8. S. MIieheil. Sunday Be.. T. E. ileain veut te Cmp Epvortb, noar Belvidere, viior. ho aseleted lu tii. patriotie eervicee heid uer. that ovening and on Moaday. fie Phose 154..R returnod homo Tueeday, the camp mess- I Ing coming to a cloue 1foaday night. M auy ef iii. menuhere o! the local C. E. eoeiaiy are attondlng tht. InternatIonal Convention aI tino C. E'e wbich i. belng beld at tii. Colleeum lu ljbicago thie veek. lire. Clayton Cuuulngbam of Morgan Park, vielted viii Attarney C S. Dnrand aud famlly ovor iii. 4tL. lic. (Junuing- ham eponi Thursday at îLe Durand home. Tho work of do~onuting îLe interior of the Firet National Bank roome bas been completed by Wlibur Meredith. Tii. decoratlone are In Roman gaid and are very ariistic. 1fr. and Mre. W. H. Oemou.d, 1fr. aud Mrs. N.E. Proctorand1frs. W. Harrover of Antioch. ver. Lhbertyvîlle calleis Fr1- day nlght. Tii. Iadlee attended the Rebokah mooitag. Mcc. Euoo Shorn of Chicaga. opeut neyeraI days hene vltL ber parente, 1fr. and Mn,. Jas. Noish. fiLe retnrned te Chicago Wednecday ta pack up prepaca. tory ta moving to Sycamure, III, nexi week. Coniplalute are heard ot the carelese- nec. of eomo autoiets lu driving oui of tii. garagee anfi alleye witbout giving proper warnlng. Pedeotriane corne iline. bave avtui clou calie wbile pas.- lng thoee placee and îLe practice ebould be etoppoti. Word reached hore thie week of the manriage aI Frank P. Locteto 1fr.. Alice Demrniug at Chicago. iast week Mouday. lir. Locke vas a reeldent ai Libertyville for many year. and Mm. Locke le a daughier of W. W. Snlkiey. TLey vili live ai Pulirnan, M ici. Lionel Bull bas received a notice froin hie attornev lu Chicago ibtI ho Las been grauted a patent for an improvemont ou the Superlor rnlîking machine wbich bic company manufacture.. Tii!. patent vas granted June 29th and tbe number of tht. patent le 1.144,346. Mrs. C. N. Durand and Mien Blanche Osharue were the Llbertyvilie gueste ai the marriage 0f M les Mona Quayle ta Lurnan T. Thurier ai Nov York, vhich oceurr.d at hec home at balte Forent lait week Wedneoday. M ce. iiurand piayod the weddiug mareb. The Independent o! leet week falied ta cbrî,nlcle îLe marriage of Mre. Joe. Beekier af tus clty, ta A. Labiadgeiine et Area, whicb occurred at the St. Joeepb's Catiolic cburch bore lait Mon- day. 1fr. and Mcc. LaMadgeline viii reside on the fnrmer's larm near Area. ltev. aud 1fr,. W. b. Whlpple came bere au Manday to vleit viii friende. Ou Tueeday they lot t witb thoîr tva daughtere. Lob and Rutb, vho had been vieîilng ai Ihe William. borne, for Wooeter balte, viere they viii visit a brother of 1fr. Whipplebefore they returu 10 thoîr home lu Rocheile, Mr.. Harry linger. o! Nev York City, le vlsiiing ber eleter. Miss Holen KoLule, at lie tbo. home o! their aunt, Mre. Mattie DuBolo. M rg. Rogere and Mise Kohnlo ieft tue veek fer Lake Superior viier. ihey plan te epend the three veeke vacation Mise Kahnle le enjaylng fronu ber vork at iii. Sheldon echool, Chicaga. LIbentyviîleand Area triendiof Edvacd Dnier veto ebocked la hear e! ihe death o! bis vileai ~neeton, Canada, a lova near Taronie, lait veet. fier deatb vai calieed by hume reoelved tram the lgnltlng et paraffine vhlcb ehe vas moît- lng. Mn. Dnier vas manager o! tic Siieldon Unlversiiy Pneu hero aud ai Aria several yeare. The Tinta CLapier ef uhe Weuimlnsten Gulld vas eDientained ai lie hein. ot Mies Beeste Bond on Tn.eday evenlng. Final preparatione ver. made for tie lava foIe vhich tbey viii heîd lu lie park tii. veek Saturday nlght. Tho Chapter viii have geod muelc and vîlI mil Ice cream and cake., berne made candie. and pop cern. Mn. and 1fr.. (i. A. WrIgbl retunned Snnday from their oaatern utp and M.. and Mn. C. F. Wrlgbt aid Mies licha aid Mm. Wlrt Wrlgbt md Ulule daugh- 1er Calierine reiurmed Tueedai mormhmg. Wlrt Wrlghi, vha visîtefi avez Sunday viii hie brouhers ber.. together viii hi. vils aid daughuer leit Tuuday aller. noon fer Ibeir hem. lu Bt. Louis. Keaneti and Florence Loveli accom- paaled b7 thein methsr, Mcm. Augucla Loveil, aid Von. aid Mavie <Jailovay aeeômpaiisd by their faiber, Dr. C. R. Gallevay, undervent operabloas upon hem bielle il ibe Pre.hytevtaî boopikal lait Thuneday. Dr. <iallovay' r.turiied ber. Thnrcday anfi Mcc. Loveil md iii. young peopîs ou Saturday. The fittb aunual plcnlc ai tii. Home Mlcsboaary eeciety o! lie M. E. church viii ho heid at the home ai Mn. Chai. H. Cheevor. Tisureday ailernoon. JuIy 15iL. Those aîtendlng viii take soin.- thlug for ibe picule. Bupper viii ho .erved hy the committe.. Tbf. aunual picale le not limited ta tbe membere cf ibe eoclety as aIl are cordfaily invited ta attend. JULY 9, 1915. SEVERAL TIOWSAN> AUTOS PASS TUROUIN TOWN Libertyville had no public celobration ol îLe Fourtb and thero was an parti. cular demonetratlonln observance cf tbe day. la ueariy ail towne ourroundiog thie vIllage oubliccelebratlouewere held. Aside f rom the numoroun dieplay of lire- wurke, anfi the big crowde at the theatre. lu the evenlng tho day would have pameed off very ~uletly were it Dot for the giaut automobile parade wblch started Saturday anci neared lie finish lueeday morulng. Nover lu lie hletory aI Libertyville 101k. bave there beeu iO mauy automobile. ceeu golng tbrough this town as on Monday. Mauy of the automobullote etopped for refreqhmeutc aud mauy more for gasoline and for repaire. It le eald that at one o! tbe garages alone over fi vo huuc.ired gallon. et gacollue wore .old f rom Saturday to Mouday nlgbt. it would eeem almuet impoeehble that over lire hundred autos golng towarde Chicago were couutod la the epace ai two houri Mauday aSter- non., but neyerai local mou toot tii. time and trouble to cil for twa houre and keep cunut of every machine goiug eouth betweeu tbree aud five o'clock lu the atternoon, and aile man kept watci. until moyen o'clack lu tii. eveuiug, aud i. said to have couuted over one tboumaud machines golng the une dicectlou. AUTOMOIILE TRIF TO RO~ST CUAUTAIJQUA The adrertteîug conunittee ai the Libertyville Chautauqua, are planning an automobile booster tnp through tii. coupîy for Thureday, Juiy 15. The Booctere had oDe laet year witb fine reenite and are hopîng to have a botter DoIt Tbureday. Anyone with a car le invited to join the party, briugiug famlly and a basket of lunch. If anynne can accommodate more han Choir Monde tbey are asked to notify Paul ltay before M ouday nlgbt. AIl who are planning to malte the tnp are requeoted ta be at tht gas office Dot later tban P aclock an the date oet, ready to decorate and st&rl. DïJ~~TCPS FOLLOWINIi A CLEW-Tbe (un L>electlvo" eertee. a: the Llberty Theatre, FridayJnly P. Water rats, policemen, detoctives, wild adrenture. ailoat and ashore. aud the brawu, bravery, brain. aud beauty of the girl deteclive, are ail componeut parte aI "Fallowlng a hue," wblch lu thie case, almoot resulte in ibe death o! ibe lutrepid lady "gumehue," aud leade to tho capture of the gang of river thieves. The motberiy aid îady wbo wanted ber drama lihe her tea: Good an' bot!' would reveai in thin t~'n.ceei Kaleni ltnth Roland, lu con. formity ta the accepted idea ol a detec- iive'o invariabl14 cuetom, doue a dioguise -a woll fltting ouit o! maIe garments. Sue sbows ta great advautage dnring the entîre action ol tue photopiay. Inde pendent adt-roa4 by 25.000. .LAWN FETE 1IY TIRIA GIRLS SATURDAY EVE JULY lOTIt INItIE PARK GOOD MUSIC LOTS TO EAT Lawns at ~emat - Poplin at ON JULY iST, 1915, WE PAID $3,122.94 In interest to our Savinga Depositors for the first six months of this year. Why don't YOU start an account NOW and let us pay you iii- terest at the end of the next six months? Lake County National Bank Capital, Surplus and Profits *100,OOO.OO Total Ruourcem, - 750,000.00 CHOICE GROCERIES, MEÂTS, VEGET&BLES ÂND FRUITS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phono 30. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL New combination Col. Sport Shirts~~ ~ 3 way Ioop tieu~ poikadota and 'flflrt U1P~ Straii, SiIk and White WooI Mats aad SiIk Caps WARM ~VEATIIER ~41>ECIALS J. B. MORSE & CO. EVERYTHINO FOR lIEN Telephone 14 Lîbertyville H.C.Burridge&Son-NurseryStock TRANSPLANTED- Cabbage, Uauliflower ______________ and Toma~ Planta. BOSTON FERNB hi sever~ai aimes Fairholm Gardens Dymond b.d HARDY PERENNIELS for autumn Phono 102-R Ub.,t7viiI., lU. i "Th~~f of the Pudding is in the .Eating." The Inde- pendent's Ciaseified Ade have been proven by hundreds of sat1~fied customera. Aak any user cf thetie littie amiesmen. - lOcandiSe 25c, 30e and 35e - - 25e Rice Voile at Flaxons, several patterna at VOile, fine quality at Shadow Voile at - - . 25e - 25e -40e - 25e Ând iii the Colored Wash Goods w e have a fine uaaortment Ginghama, Chambra7., Tissues sud Voiles, moine w suipes, moine in mmmli f igured patteras sud plain colon. NEW UNE 0F HAMMOCKS at 90e, $1.50, $225 and $400. Beat on the market at these prices. UP-TO-DATh CORSETS in nsany qualities. American Lady new modela at $1.00, $1.50 and $3,00. Neino Corsets at $2.00, $300 and $350. W. W. Lorroil Es sons Lo. PHONE 29 NORTH STORE Ph... 47 For the Mot Weather to Corne WIIUTE DRESS GOODS--SPECIAL VALUES

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