CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 4

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1 1.,. La1 ke County Independent Waukegan Weekly Sun- Office Telephone Number 1. Libertyvlle Exchan s. gab.M tia the Postollice st Libertyvilie. Ill, asne &cond C..;. Mai.1 ate _________ I officiai Paper for Labo CountY.1 Advertielng Rates jkade Kuavu on *APlication. PRICE, 01.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN M~ANCIE M n 4.SM ITH ................................................. Editor S Ituiv I...................... ................. ..... - Manager M. J ýWEBER ............................Resident Manager-, Phone 869-J Let'. bSel Somebody said that O'Iearjý of Obicagoin betting tbat there will be 23 rainy days ini July. While we regret to thlnk that such a thing is possible, we hope O'Leary loses. Weil, it looks as if, in face of the sweeping injunction Issued by the circuit court Thursday against the Zion lace- strier, that the Marshall Field Cmany is determ!ined Ua have its help prot.ected. Eight deputies have patrolled 1h. plant and homes of the worknxen for some time and nov a court writ vbich vil sither protect the workmen or make serions trouble for those who violats il, will be en- clrcled about th. clly. It should brmng peace out of the dis- order vbich bas eisted there for some lime and wblch, the meu vho quit their jobs cannot help but admit vas of theit ovi - . ___. That Lake Villa state aid road, made of concrete, cer- tainIy la a satisfaction when one skirns across it in an auto. Slmoolb as glas&, and, it seems m'uch longer tItan two miles. Il bas eradlcated one of the worst stretches belveen Wau- Isgan and Lake Villa. The remainder of the road nov chaer 10 Fox Lake is in very good condition as a whole. Vben th. curbing along the new road la ail flnished il vil 'b. as fine a piece of concret. road as can b. found in the ale, aid, while 1h. delay lias been unfortunale, every- body vil b. satizfied wben the contraclors get their final estimate and are ail tbrough. The effort to make the boozesmoll at Lake Forest ap- pear to tb. publie as merely onion odor ia juil 1k. those aristocrall Lakes Foresters. The7v don 't like to cail booze by ita ovu naine only when they r. trylng 10 prevent la- bOrligple from uslng il; their own 1 b otplafrin $dom o$ ti," ines,". etc., but the fact ,ituulpan BOOZ&, and, they 1ke il in certain circles i Lake Forest just as much as the factory mien in Waukegan. The. dis- Iluction is muoh likç that made in higber and lover circles: U one caseil's plain embezdelensn the .igher dais Il la called "failhre i hi bgh finance;" it's like gabling and board of trade operaing-in one lhey oel l t 1laylgpke or"plthgle pones,"in mthe other they cafi "seculat- MUg on 1h. board." But, in the finle, it's ail the same- Jui gamabling aid juil booze aid juil ombezzlement. It's ouly a question of who pute il ouI, lte rlch or lhe poor. Buaday, July Mh, was a rather unusual day in Wauke- guand vlciaity. In th. morning a cold rain slarted fali- fgand laated most of tbe morning. Il became so chill ltat many a mai started bis furnace, "jil 9 gl ie* ,frtbehome" Imagineitt Furnacefireson July4th.As imy prions have sald: "Tbink oftlb.41h hereanai su- mer bal gone-stil ve haven'l bad aîy summer yel."1 r j.. T RolloMcBride Ullo cEtide about vbom Chicazo and Pittsburghi papoersiave pubîlihei volumes, on accuo iefMa ontierful relations vitb prl.mers anilother un fortunate. lu the. eti. R e fountiet the "Parting of the Ways'homne for these mon. 'anti makee It bis buainess ta ses that they bave. f004. osa aleeping quartera, anti a job, with a chance to "Icorn eXk. Mr. MoBrido bau focuse th ie attention of bading men throughont the nation upoa tii vcry lntereting huinsn problem. Not ouly mcany mon et motievale Mean, but corne of the ami5 social andi tiancia leaders of the eouuâtry are acacclatet i wth Metiride la bath cittea where he has eracteti Parting of tbé Wayal bome. He wl *Peak the aflernoon of the fifth day of lthe caulauqua. Dra Williain Ganfield 5*.MGAtWIIT>Of WiaCSonln a man celebrated lu Kenooba A«i lltY ImS el nsa wMelY kuowu thronghou Mie tate for bis clese 'iMakjaà *ud forceful speech anti for bis lnventigadmonconcernlng the .iela proiese cf be aerag boanint. Dr, Ganbeiti le Iumor- 'bomtati"l-an Orator am e 'eas iu aile thloker. Atternun anti lgIlt d"g «t ta! ibo taiuqua. LIIVVILLE, IULY 21-26 LÂKE .Kdd,~wna/ ?j4wsI MR. I j Il 'i of.C~»er<yvWe ~ Mise Marths MoCarthy jet t We<lnesay E for CâlifOrnia where the wli spend the - la uuJur. Many local people went ta Lake For- est, Ivanhoe, rayelake or other towns1 tu attend celebrations the 5th. 1 Mise Wilbebnilna Rettke ai Chicago, @peut Sunday anti Monday wltb At- torney B. H. Miller aud fanîlly. Dr. and Mrs. L. E. Golding vent ta Wauconda Sunday vihere they "pnt there day with relatives. ,On Morday they vlelted at Lake Orneva. Mise IreeBulkley bac taken tbe pool. tion 0t bookkseper at lie W. F. Franren lumbehansd coal yard office. Mise Bulk- ley worked for the Honme Luinhar Co.1 whiie tloy owned the yard.- Mfr. anti Mr@. A. W. LUndroth enter- talueti Mr. anti Mr@. Otto Sawalleb, Mrs. B. Orsenwalt ant i f.. retiericia Sas'- allah, al ai0 Chicago, over the Fourti. tir latter remainlng barrr untîl Thureda, evening. Mfr. and Mrs. C&syton gtapies ai Aus- lIn vioited at the boue of the formers mother, 1fr.. Mary Brown, over tbe 41k. Henry Jewett anti grandoon ÇA i nnet.. ka aIea spent Weduesday andi Tburgday at tir Brown haine. Misa Addle Miller le enjoying a twa weeko vacation train ber s'on ai the las' office ai ber bruther, Attorney B. a. Miiir.aý She lafit Tbursday for Wynue, Arkanss, whare e will visit cousins Thouts. Lîne and fanrlly. Dr. andi Mre. F. fi. Martin s'euttu, St. Joe, Mici., ou bunday, bing calledt tere hy the serions Ilnese of Dr. Martin'@ mother,tMro. fB. A. Martin. They ns. tururd Tueeday, Dr. Martin leaving lie niother soînewhat lmpraved. 1fr. audlMrs. Peul 0. Ray rutertalurd st a lawu party at thelr haine Monday evenlng, forty.five gurets bing present. The las'n3wsbrIlliantly ligbted s'lth uiany coloreti lanter. A nîce lunch *a0 sereeti, andi there va. a fne' dlsplay aif fieworke. A moet enjoyabîr rvenlug s'as spent. Several officers ai tirs Lake County Rehakal EAsertbly miet lu tir local lehkan hall lasi Friday nlght ta decide on tire date aid place forthe next county III "' tiiz o! t4lt n Ili n trîzi lir. 11 ,fficerg uI Lhe Aslemnbly are: i'Tesident, Mir@. W. El. Osmandi &tloch; Vie-President, 1frg. W. S. MeCil, Libertyville; Saecre- tary, lirq. Grace Bairtow, Wnukrgau; Treacurer. Mdrs. Alex Hein, Waukegan. Mesdames flairqtas' anti Hein vere ual presat at the meeting. It s'as decideti ici hultitheir uicountv meeting lu Waukegan on Septeinhar lOth. .11 churcà4?/ews FROM - LOCAL.- CHURCHES Methodist-Epiacooal. Preachu services net SuDday wIlli be held aithîe usuai tons. lm the tnorning ab Il a'clock 8ev. T. E. Reai wil preach on the topic, "The Naine Above Evsry Naine." late evenlng at 7:30 the subloci of the sermon will ha "The Voice. rou Above. There wiii ha speclal munie et the eveunnt service. "004d the S<urce of Refreehuent" wll bhe MimubWelofithe Epimrth League service Dnot Sucday evening at 6:45. Lader, Lloyd Willilams. The choir wlll ment f or rehearsal on Frlde;y evenlng at 8 o'clock. Every meinhr ar urge t ta hapreoeut. Si. Lawrence Epiacopal. HuaoW aâCouulon9:80 a. . iuatiy c ou9i80:a. &m.0 Moraing proyer 1il&a.n. AILE WEDS JNiOLD$~~ $5 59 FOR $50l The best cartoon on Old Doc Yak nowrnlm ~the Chicago Tribunê Fgpil- ty Dollars iun 1 ii tbefadta tie=rsn ub m i Ute bestcartoon for aur aid coude friend each week. Laeyu cartoon st the tickt o- fice sud we send them to the Chcg l= Trib- une.Weaeas ruin- lieChiagoDafly e bue's9 .&lm a te d Weekly. The veryK lat news of importance. omoaiROa, FNui Jjf911 WHEREi? AT THE LYRIC 0F COIJES HAVING SOLD OUR BUSINESS TO W. F.'FRANZEN,' JR. We woUd a*aH Ithose who are in- debted 10 us 10 kWndfrcai ai their office aidake seilement as soon ai convedNie. u r 1books wiil b. left with them untlljMy I7th, after which tine we "Ifl ave tliem. with the First National. Banik, wlio vii receave and receipt for ail unsettled accouais. In tbis connection we wish ta take tfii.opportuniiy 10 uhank aU aur eu>s tomera for the. favors tii.y Lave shown us aaâd wq would b. pleaaed te have tiies çon"lue to do busi- ness with the. new firni, who wiUl endeavor 10 give tii enaucvery besi Of servite.- HAIRBAUGH-M ILLER LUMBE'IA COMPANY . 1 -:i TREPTOW & fASON r Furniture and Undertaking THE BIG STORE LIBERTYVILLE là of great importance ta every one, the individtual the'Yanily, the Çounty and State. It is second ta noane in the. problema of human 11f e. It aught ta command interest beyand the. possibilities af in- dustries. The number of people wha are enjoying 11f e insurance caver is increasing very rapidly. Entertainingly related, it is a &tory warth liàtening ta, this &tory af Lif e Insurance. We are vain enaugh ta believe tliat we have a persanal ac- quaintance with the import *napersonages of Lif e Insurance, and whenever yau insist we MIGHT b. induced ta relate ta you thus &tory, because Lif e Insurance la what it ia, if far no other reason.ý JOHN HODME District Manager Branch Office, Michigan Mutual Lîfe AREA ILLINOIS luS DAUÇilTER ON OWN ANNIVRSARýY The Rey. Tbomnas Quayle, leader of the Loak. lWffl tProhibition forces, anti Mrs. Quayle celehrated their twenty-touith wedtilng annnlversaar Wetineti at their reaidence. Au a feature of the celebration Mr. Quyle affIoateti ai the marriage of bisi daugbter. Miea Mons Quayle. andi Luman T. Thurber of New Yok. The Inarriage was belti hefore a huntireti friende frim lte nortb shore district anti frorn the University of Chicago, where the romance hall t. Inception. Mrs. Quayle was matron of honar anti Mr. Quayle not only mar. riedià the couple hut gave the bride away. After the oeremony a luncheon wac serveti on the lavu. The bride cut the wedtiing cake wti a ovorti which bai been worn hy General Nettleton, great-grantifathar of the hridegroom. RAMAREA WIN AT 4dU 0F JIJLY CELEBRATION Alter being IdIe Sunday tie home guardâ wrnt tu Round Lake to take pari lu thr doinga anti trinnird Wadowortl ln a low gaine 9 ta 2, mucli timeteiming wasted huutixig bat balle. Hturling eteady ail the way, I)arfier, the lvanhoe wlzard stoppeti thre elieiy, aliowing four hit@, whiir terridie cîubbin by Rainarea put us a long way in front. Our sensatiausl backetop, Mir. John- mon, poieti the lougent bit of thre matins sud wae nlpped at the plate hy a lucky throre. It resea& dean tirer bagger, gaing aver the lstî fileders hbead. fStai- tord inter put one in thre saine place. Welch pitebeti a good gaine but lad weak support. The score: Ramares....... 20 2 001 0 04-9 Wadswortb .... 1 00 0 0 01( 0-2 Note Watson vas Viven a tryout lu the outlleld whsu Barbour iurt hie leg on tie rougi eraunti. White'e grave may be a gooti place ta pacture cows but it le na ur place ta play hail. Dave and Arts Calte arriveti bere Sun- day too bate, as ail aur teain lad left for parts unkuavu. IMosi of aur visitilng teams generaily are lrere by 1:30 but Dave anti Arts teant cbowed up on the groundo et 3:30. Nezt Sunday thre Wsukegnn K. of C. trou tomes biere bor a gante. whlch proinietobaangood aie, as heybhat the boys test tinte. Kimbaîlbhm takena ajob ne uightclerk lu a hotel et Gary, Imd Ilagrady tsars hi@ Xe ai t shoit. Plans are under way ta put ou an exhibition gaine boes it Ithe Chicago Federai League tam lu September. Watch for anunceinto. Wr a pianos a 'neter PI about thi Kimbal The'ý Victrolis market. will toil Corne Players .Comn bath rai ,Bulir leave'r' ýýSsîurda The 1 TMI DRI Th. Gales. Who tor twenty Yeauubave maS. a aeffli"MWsttiy tt olmore 'tia" dam 0£ the AMeulcn Indian.They wUi appear la costume antd have on thé te t u a Idin furmhlnac anti &mMb s ala,. à faltbtai a"t woutiertul entertannt Nigbt cf tbe fifth dal of lb. Obautaugua. JULY CLEARANCE S-ALE Every Saturday During July lEvery Saturdag of this month we wiII hold an ail da!j Clearance sale, giving 20 Per Cent Discount for cash only U ThM is the season of the year when you are wanting something inthe. fine of furniture, and we «Ir you to see our stock before you buy. Com. early and look over the.artcles isted below, which are ail first-clasa, dependable gooda. No inatter what you want w. wiil iake you a price that wili appeal to you on sight, for gooda and price wîil teill. story. 20% DISCOUNT-m-TERMS CASII===ON THESE 6 Puai Carte 6 Go Carte SHWh Chairs 20 Hammocks 3 9X12 Rugs e Vacuum Cleaners 3 sets 8 Dmers oaci 2 sets 5 Diners naci 1 set 4 Diners 6 Library Tables 6 Foot Stools 6 Taborettes 6 Pedeetals - 3 elehne Stands llahnyBcd i doz. Reception Chairs i dos. Bedroom Chairn and Rockers 1 dos. Rockers 2 Folding Wash Banches 2 Couches 3 Costumera 6 Claties Bars 12 Child Chairs and Rockers 4 Square Extension Tables 2 Breakfast Tables 1 Couch Hammock Odd Lace Curtains Framed Pictures at one- hall Prace. 1 Wardrobe 3 Writing Deaks ditei Ord J pent tihe lisJob, John W @pont tht Vauzant. Mont AI Mdoutsy s clement go. $peut George i and relati Mfr. au( loIto theal Mfr. andi Wn,. Sinit ifre. 88À~ * -arrivet Itr( will mor juat breni dsughter. C tf"rt aud farnili Irving I MicAhliter puet week ha home s. Mdrs. (if trou Ant underweni week.ý Wm. Va, scdrd bus Mise Ms Donner lel in Dakota - Urselt ROn, reli the Carni Mission ai Thi wili1 mise. The 4th thre Gray tuent pro' ever l*eui <redit ic i provlded & ont thr01 va. the 4 4argeouel the (iras receîvedo quantity oening W 01 agisut Il Iu tie Iari Miit andi pîeaeed w prüvidrd drenlen la The next la thre 04jI aud ev.,ry aIl previu nelgirbor * Prof. K Andrews' *Juiy 15 *Geo.F. Autiocb. WiN., let I h oe lu L -home We& et Bane. WlIi Sel *go. vie te Mulr. Co CýIcago f M acter Monday, Reai

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