CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 Jul 1915, p. 7

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LAKE COUNYY NDEPENDEN.FRImA-Y. il I N g.1915. ________________ ___________ ___Pagr e oeven Wciul(e4an ~et~4 r- ________ ______________ ¶ HIOLIC PRIEST BATTLE WITli FOURTII CELEBRA. SAID PRAYERS FOR ROMAN CANDLES TION PRO VED TO BE DYIN69_FOR TOLL ACROSSCITY STS. VERYSUCCESSFU[ .Develops That Priest, Passing Police Agree With Womnen that' Large Number Went to Elec- Spot Where Bishop Wat Waukegan Residents Enîoy- tric Park in Waukegan to Dying, Mnisters to Him. 1 ed an Insane Fourth. Take in Celebration. Rector Gansýer of (Christ Episcopal 1 Waukegan, July t. t nmarred liv serionsq accidents the chumbi, Waukegan, Sunday made a A freeforall battle with Roman Fourîli of Jfui' eleb'ratlon in Watt gtatement whicb interested his par- es ndîe, with (jerman suppiorters,, lin- kegan ihis year provi-d te le one 01 lahioners greatly and wbich satisfied ed ni) on one s Ide of the street, and th>e niost enjoyable ln yesars. thse feelings of many who had been the Fnglish supporters on the other. Theii>nrlcipal celebration wiis ai obocked by the squddpn death of Suf- was enacted at midnight Saturday, Electrir liarli, although band concerto Bisimît W. E. Toit ! et heChi. wth fully oune hnndred participants. had been given in the downtown cago docese. It wasf naught but a miracle that n0 streets dîîring the earlier portion of "It mBy luterest >ou to know," said oneF was iniured. Before the fracas the day. The Walokegan band and Mr. Ganster. 'that Blishop Toil wafç iroke up, men and small boys werp file band from the Allendale boys' not without fripuds as he passed 1chaslng cach other about the streets, ai-boul both gave band concert% at the away sud bhe pa8éid away Just as ha land irng Roman cauîdles ai each tîark afternoon and evening. The had frequeutly wisbed lie miglht, t hers icoattalls. Nlany a lad has his Allendale boys gave a gun drill dur- -mamelyý on thp. Sabbatb day and îlothing burned lit the- battie. îng the- afternoon and liresented a Very iluddenly, without pain and su!- \ihether Waitkegaîî enjoyed a -salle sery natty appearance. They went iering. Fourth, flic Sunfwili permit parti4el îbrough thier drills wlth the precis- *Furthermore, a uiemtioo!ftle tathu- liantI name l-Profi a standpoiut of ton of seasoned soldiers, and won OCchurcli. wag wth hlm as lhe pasj lie police offi( li aukegan enîoyed înari 'v lursts or alîplause. Wauipgan te bis reward. se, lits death was 1 aninsane îîoiay Foîîrtlî o!f.lly. The alwavs Is glad te wetcime the b r)ys make b le eaurs lichthe- police lilieve seO(do nmany others. from ibis ochool. <public genêrally had bt-en leil to be-1ha1 l lwîfaJoriiy shoutd rule in lis Th,- ball gante hetween the W\est iteve had surrounolî-d hlmi ai fl ~t av lot cetelration. At that the - 10Siders and the ILogan Squares lasted Twowoienha conetothe blsb- - iii e re lîeld toweress as no ordin- o long that thoge wbo attended could pahome oni the- pr>-'oiis Satirday iance prohîlîlta the exptoding 0 ornait flo attend the Park celelration untîl joightt. one o! tht-m b-mng a tralned 1nira> »-rs (in that day. i ening. The diancing lu the after- it e. hywrewt lma ea Thom. Tyrreill Wauikegans a-nu--Ian> enre. Thty- eeatatlohin damea-oie . Is o! the opinion iî ht a a nd evening îroved a poputar ,otreet, Chicago, Suliday afternoon, ilaw sl>ouldtlhe enac-îîd whi>h %% Rî len - Joln E. Robeson. lisetor o! June 27tb. lie l'ad wstked lip the prohilit one aud att fr.,m exptodiny i> ttîds îurl Itetî.gv jtepsalowly and they, follow-,d clos e IanN sort or descritilon of exltosaîn e Mtoitcnicha in .gv behnd Asli rachd ht-anin, on-icFourtt.a stîrrinît independence day address behid. A Il, rpahed he ]ndin thi urtliehafternooii ltssifalements le '~-~ ow bs csew~ h iiaiil g' If oui-h aitordînatir cwa-> -Oth1h-In 'he$etdow bi cae wi(l cota d eokî-d freituent lursts o! aplilan-ie. big Ne8tmcî>î s wbi Iîîlilic ai îî..->l ± police aolitd lbe ecn>ow,,red te arr'est le wasilntcodnced l.y Mayor l-earce. the service ai Dlowiers <rov4-, ticesn iodlglti)trwn The motorcycle race held early in s"Medte wsh t rest As ie s or lig tfl r a,îi, in -ma i hIrt-, > h1 lieaflernoon proveul a strong draw- but am se l li(sc o thi- tori, lapsod.0 g lan . ca(] as these races alwavs do. but ashi-sani t, ti. lafori. ii, 5111>s a->.r- ,re>liiiho nan >~ Adi-îaled account of the race willt lie nurse Juin î'ed tebis adasut litis tiad Li nul, <iii o g mari-, fomid iIn another coliimn. did net even sI r> k e teli >lai foriyi> S5 h e s Fb>- I e4-sa, th.i- rstre->by Tl'le afiernoon freworks pro> ed a caugh bit l.oisutliai bis head ife]lt l > ri iii ii hhSunulay iîg lt tCdS inter- t»> e Itv 1te lhemajority ortîpeople at ter lai>, leiig a trained nurse, sli-- ,rutrîýl 1lisa n »oni an Wli')liewa tI(-iia rk. Tley a croifo!ftle apanese qfickiy looscned bis ollar aitri]Is lztît->l vanîroi cracher in the sorîtb coisad ii liîtthecîrtî ordor iarie-ty-and aer, qîuit- atectacular. CUff an di wht iliccoud fr dor.Tiihe eniîiîg distitav waneven more hlm,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ trila>li-atI-tkir itu attractive and a large crowd siic tiiaa ot fthon î i illi.oli.-anlher .car Io brlug Io I, tlie park In the e> coing for tiie-sole Cathollc chur>-ii iapliuued o tl'ait c i, eeeae h " l)pur;>o-,eof aatcluing it. fajong, and seelng tuat tbe N ici ui wi i ulii t imr ti- 1>-ýa> n .id rafety of lti ,idditioito the ioregoiîig attrac- i ombur r.'roîîsi. tif-ai ýtios. tîere were the usual feattîres h 0cese. lie stoptied t i aîî îem le iltîîe iIn Vil>gdias hat nearîr alaay-, claracterize a hnsa. tihetî i iscondition wag ir »l>a!IytI,»; a num <er f>niallc-eem *iof ! Iis natiire. jfoua ;aîîîl, kuillig. lie said tht- oirs nd, aijiro>s ail tli i ingera biiru North Chicago Affain. ,rayers for tlie dyiîîg. The nurse cd, lut in e4î-b caseie hme lion»-rîîdy The celebration at Posa iarl, Northi placed th-b>lisibolis large cross lu bi s îalumîîeî oasociscd, aînd ntii> ,i,> lau ilii agi>. attraeted( a large crowd and band.le lookeaiip at bier and emilel d W -uIîimned. ii wcre aropir repaid. North Chicago that hiappty amîli' wbch bal char- ,itoaysriail> -e îieddupon 1e put ac:erzed his lie nd ontetedlu OOK ARR ES TO oia -,,dit.1,1,e elebration.Thtie eontented ii olbthe presclîce cif the >rAgg1 AN PEÀ T TO pli sie Fr î-a - IAftE Aho wI TayAgLthewolU At FrtSheidan. eerdtedprigsont. he seemed P RE TS I iKlgita o! Pvthias hetd abi lute satistied waii h Ii- alp rnt TlNeW ration ai Fort Sheridan and rualzaîtn tuI, rlie is lassie loo pre acre inembers present from dif- thse Great ileyond, his journey thither fereuit cilles lu the state. 'uany from va»s beiiîg made as he woutd have iReceives Letter From Mrs. El- north aboie cilles attended, There Iwiahed Il. Andl, with tbhe pricat and len Protine of Spririq Grove, acre drilla, etc., duZing the day, the two women aits lusade, tht- spirit ý ASLake Forest. departeal tlils le te its greater re AsS.lng for the Child. Lake Forest sient the day ln the ward. nmode o! tht- omall village, and had an Mr. Ganster referred te tht- great On Friday mornlng Captain .1. M."emnently dellghtfîl Utime. The Dec- thigs hic Bsho Tot ailaccm-Cook of the Votunteers recelved a e ibine wlcb ishp Tit hd acom teletihoneieal]front a womSii living laration o! Independene-waa read by plished as rector o! Christ churcb l, atsîjring Grove. XcHen ry county, Hobart C. Chatiteld-Taylor on the vil- pointing te the leautl!nl Wauiegan a.king hlm.abou t tlîe two montits old lage green and was followed by a pa- ,church, the fine parisb bouse and thei baby that at.cbuhld mnsner lu Wauke- rade. and lu the eveuing an olal fash- beautttul grounde at Druces jlie. ail gan eihed hho give away Tht- womsuks snald siteitad read of the affair In theinddipyo!irwrs o! which showed the hand o! a master Sun. Soll sud informai bouse parties, exScutve, Ont-Who accomplished tu,.g». "i-ltponteal out that te corn- mun1lym b Whlcb h hadlliveal for 27 yer. must he iaeffecta of suclu la cihrct r. M.Ganster'a words ln ory o! tlht- biehop wsne very an- ut, and. as tue taikt-d, many an eye tite congregation was dîmmeal wilh re. At tht- conclusion o! tht- service, Rector Ganster biesseal a fiag whicit ta 10 fi>' at the- top o! a 40-foot fiag -pole t the summer camp, Druces ake. Tht- polt- was donated by te A. 8 & W. o! Waukegau; Superintend- ent Putnamn donated te fiai; tete -ciurcit, AUTOISTS ARRIVE AT DOOGE CITY, KAN. Wault-gan. July 1. In mnd axel deep, Wlankagansa itiotonists 10 tht- Panama exposition, arnsd MrB. J. L. Taylor sud !antily, a nd Mrs. J. C. Foley and !amily. d Mr. sud NMrs. Nid Watzel and -n.Clarence, drova ino Doalge City, Xnsas, laIe Wednesday nlght. Titis M~ring Word was recelved ltaI tht-yj ad arived safely In Dodgt- City aflar thse mot adyt-turous experiences 0rf eir drive, Two e! tht- big machines --me tuck lu tht- mud, sud ai- ugli two teama wera îrocured. l found necessary to procure a k and lackla lia liienate tht-m a autpîsts are followug tht- Sauta trail now and expected 10 rtart estate o! Colorado ale asat nigtL, ey left Wault-gan lwo weeks ago terday. -Ou flday aflernooe Captain Cook received a letter !rom 15e> same wom- au in which she renewed ter offer and sougitî tu arrange tht- detaia o! a meeting wlh te aolut-t-r captain andl techld's motter, Captain Coo deciared taI t heand bis wife will accompan>' tht- girl tolter to Chicago ou Tuesday o! nazI week witere tht-y will gel lits cbiid which la bsing lt-pt aI a boa- pilailunihat city. Tht-y will tht-n procat-d by train loto MoIteur> coun- 1' 10 te town ut-art-st tht-farma where Nira, Protine, tht- womau wito wisiett-o adopt tht- cild, lives. Ar- rangements wlll ite made it> telepitone lu te meanlima so lhat NMrs, Protine will its on baud wit a horst- sud buggy tu meet tent. Captain Cooli la moret ian pleaseal witb tht- succesa O!Vuse Sun ln' Sud. iug a home for tse ciild. Ht-gamys ha feels confident fromt tht- toua oflte lelter til lite cbIld wlll bave a gond bomne wtb Mis. Protîns. Tht- latter be recelved follows Spring Grove, McHenry Count>'. iii, lue 201h, 1915, Captain Cook: Sesing ln t Wsukegan Daîl>' Sun where a ciildi mother la seeklng a good home for a lwo mouts old In- fant, I amn writlug you. Wa live lu Rpring Greve ou a farta o! 200 acres and have cows sud horst-s and evt-ry- titing titat a former could wiah for. I bave fouir nice girls. Tht- country ail around hera la just beaît if ni. 1 waa goiug tn Chicago NMonda>' b adopt a baby boy ai tht- utw %unud- Ilngas home. We would be glad 10 get tht- ttIle lamh at once and bring hlm up ln te patsud light o! God. MRS, HELEN PIROTINE, SprIug Grave. Ili. P. S.-Please ltt me ht-ar from you at once, Our phone numbar la 516 Richmond, 111. wlth swimming paruies lu tht- new pools on varions eslates titat cluster about tht- village, motoring parties and golf and polo ai Onweutla club were features of tht- day elet-ai- lion. At Onwetnsitere waa music bot a!teruoon sud evsning, and a t-a dance on tht- out-of-doors pav ilion ad- joiulng te club followed a dinut-r and dance luntae eveuing. During the mornlug andl afternoon tht-ns ware tennis as wt-l. Mr. and Mra, M'alter S. Brewster, Mr. and '%ra. H. C. Chatft)ld-Taylor, Mr. and Nlrs. A. Watson Armour and Mn, and Mrs. tLt-dasitchell were among Ihose who antt-rtalut-d at hous parties oct-r te ourth. At ZMon City'. Tht- clebration et Zion City was mort- lu tht- nature o! a good old fasb- lont-alplenir. Tht-rt- was a baud con- cert, speaking. games, etc. Noise pro- duclng devices wert- conapicuons by Iheir absence. Other Ptaces. Anliocit, Grayslaît-. and severau other villages sud towns thirongtout thte county, bt-id ct-ebratlona titis year and -adn itad a good attendanca, Williain ait-tel anud fsmily o! North We-st sreel are visuluuug witb frit-nde in Grayslake for two oct-la. Droden'. Cigarette Induatry. Of te 7,000,000,000 cgarettes mani. ufaclured aunually In Osrmany FS per cent are produced lu Dreaden IWINS 25 MILE RACE ENTER HOME IN SIMPSON SEES NO 2 PLUMBERS ARE IN 28 MINUTES AND OWNER'S ABSENCE; CAUSE TO WORRY CIIAR4IED WITII VIO. 38 SECONDS MON. USE SKELETON KEY OVER TUITION LAW' LATINfiTUEF LAW Race Conducted by Local Or- 1 Neighbors Were Afraid Home Does Not Think lt Would Prove Commîssioner Orvis Acts, Say- ganization Attracted a Big ý of Mr. and Mrs. Ator Was as Drastic as One Educa- ing They Had No State Li- Crowd Ail Along Course. j Being Burglarized. tors Would Be Case.ces orCtPrm . Waukegan, Jlii>1IWaekmgaîî uns I , The PtîOlîle of Roit-Korl ar- aroril Thure Anderson, niding ait IrldiiIfn a npih>ur iiil ad ti o-î iii- >sotniwhat over ithe tiruillo i I - i ýgeWXVkegan, 3juIn 2. strockînac-hinue, won thet- >n>tiudîie i oitu -îun mii>0r rriof saiiew snuftiîiilIiitmmr i> s> ýi, hiuilu >mIssionirtî rsistoaycue stret, ran anueGren Bv mtifdayslatr yu aýokeat ix , 01 !rom the couîntry districts wbo attendt 1 andl Washington sureettcourse 5mon> inîthe mornlng totil liîi a -îu>,le mil'the iigli echool Ihere SupIt» i t ibtbhei :îy oruirnauces wlth regard day a flernooju Tht- winners and i liru> trangra--one 5atman, fi> lichr mi of tht- achoola in Ibat city., Is npos iii sc-rrIug pt-nuits, ec. Tht- men Made-*- oman, enJoYîng ail the oi ,-rri-, f d to the lroposed law soudlias aumî acre (Cart t{î,lelliei n Jd Chanlea TiiRE ANtJEISON-Tlime,, tue luonte, what would No~u do!- t-n 10 Govennor Dunne. asking hi-n bothi,îîiî cIiOYcd on the George notItn10 gn the bill. SuprI Sinur-itru .1t NELLES-Time 29:52. Yon wonid catI a poli- iitfi ir i1 the- Lake counly achiotas. In iesar li)'rot Sorutbh(ieuesee street, MIARTIN iF-AA-\l Time 32:45.lIn the st-date 0o>(]Ilirul >srd, sire c(lîned tb take a mont- optiuuinîic n ens (rýis i-îns-iîgîeîlTbursday sud Therac wa :mrkeýtj mrv àr.andNIr. Hrr Atr rsitt-,thigso! tIi>-situationî andl ihinke sîlîl> IIIýfuiilind1ait îlif-keiilîihadt neititer a Tht- ace il-as arkederbut i>i- trtnlSr. tryAo eul- i g lat Sitt. Jones May lebc orrylitssat- I it - !,-..ltrruit. He sîliîr> sudit aa iaugt bu rîîrsu iare different. Resldeuuîsîof liaI Odrl necdlemsly, Ouas thal a rde r or stiectator mia-i îot evldentiy do uit irare for picle pr i tient- la wbat a Rockford imaier osys>îilldbiltaifflb>- jib. Today lue ne- ijured Or -ile. ectlon for oui Tbîîreday o! titis ae of the mailler: 1tîîrned asa vy n lieiund be wae at on awwok gai. rh..IwoPlmbrain Slien Sur. Cardional, o! the 11ifflee>itwo trangerii cntened the homîîe iii That Ilue new choot futîiîn aw -ur >li Th uw iibtrlu anutctui gcompnylimt - h- -ig--ofJul now aîîîî pfor endorsement by Govertiorformeal Orvs iiy are doung remodel- -Sla nfactr1n comany linît b>-ngto u35b rîet~~Dunne wonld be uusatisfai-tory l îgari î> iontnc act tr radera u> for the tart. seictu ma - baggage, sud dealîlta p)etligneieglu Wluneiîago county, la tht- contention ln okad(oOtne iypr chiînes were puiled 10 lite tape, The- hors, failed tri leave. o! Supt. R. G. Joues o! thet- îy Mit. ticeomor> b>- foliid Chartes Ast, îontestantst wers SmIley I-ti i. L.I efore Mir. auîd Sire. Alor 1>fl honme ;si-bonIssud the local achool board ai work on tbe sanie joli today. The- tuw Ilae If îîaased, will atlow Ortie nuade tii> following crm- Cookson. NIl. Rynlizel. Henry .SaaM,'tht-y liaitaked neighuuora tohec-p 7i coruty cliîren lu attend the loi-ai 1 plainte: ltMartin Saam, J. Nettes. and Tbirrcu yt- on tht- place, higli siboot et a greater buis10 he b AndersonI Foltowing a confereuce of thew i- t.Iy Iban to tb>- coîuty.]Figures liav>- Final Tiat noltiier or the nuen bad Smily Hiks as ladin iI th iit)o! tue neighbortsood, sud One 0,r -b>-i-ii oîuupled by lIn, loues sboo-lg a ,rate license, miiIi onac aIa loctn1g sO>hemnIr s iddth ualt cOstst spProxîmateîy $61) pt-r Second-That reilier if tbem bhad fiatrond sd am l ablekaba tO ! heme, l sadeîuedIat i callta lier yean for a high achool t-du-a teprm. to! Anderson lu the second trip o! tht- conînlittet- shotuld be diliatcbcd iii îation. ivter1>nis o! tht- utw law the Oaat emt course. Wht-n he made the tumStm ai fil Aton honue t10 inquire tht- purpose Ciuy o-lIt reteInt- but a trlle ot-r $19 Third-That they- relunuud to wonk Washington and West stre-ets lie îîf tht- iait of the two strangers. lm. lier(,attira fuonu lb> county as a achoot alter havtng lit-eu pnlled off. tas, leavlng ovt-r $40 ho lie paid by Tii> i-apa wilt bie hîtard ut-at Sat- either bast control o! the mai hume or agnethec chargin ofthfeb> neighluors uthe iîy. Tue law provîdes for mont-y nruay. The lowe'st fine under tht- ciîy miaJudgéd tht- distance, for Ire -urrick wlien the> yoting, wouuan siioke uu> anîl fuor iîition linlie tauuen out o! a dis- Ib it-eu crlngwli huîîî ~sa>l l'm SIre. Atonenic Iîulleln t-orri l t r d onance ls $lit.Under tht- staue tîwcnty-oint- mile clip. Tht- niai-ine Johin andîl1twcre marricol yasterday, over to tht- county supervisons. las> t rangea lrom $5 10 $200. Wihle Ilu disab5outî $60 a year lu lt-Ill ou Its aide, aud Hicks wao îlirown and w>- tboîîeiî w>- wonld comae to i teducate pactithîgli se-hoot titîpli In 1fully at-cen feet es Jumped lu bisi W\aainegan lu spnî t îîur liuntmoon-u!Rockford, uMr. Simplson sav a Il cosiINFLU fS P R 1 Iet, and wtb the assistance ofi! o 1 -"Wlî, sure iî,iiare Sr. sud Nirg. about $100 a yean for parti puipitla U0nUP R metu onpusled bis macibin ej- obutinsiiotut of Su> îîganî I rememîier tht- Wsukegan hugh achoot. eharteal. The machine, howeî i i bud rnuw Ihat lire. Xltor ap>îe about go- f asta eea uto a' been damageal lu the crash, for t-iche Iiug 10SMichiganu 10uîîiitii>-temar- recat-nessoncof eldeui durnbtt agaîn Iort conurol at Spauldiug r> cor- rîage of lit-r uic opîlk ut 0o! o that s, fanr as hie buons noue o! tht-iTemE uer sud was thrown. That lic wa tht- uelgbboraý resched a stage whlch wonld catust- IIRLL 16ST TE tiot itjured in considered a miracle Mur. and Sîrs. Ator surît retuîrlu ti worry on the Part o! Waukegan. Rt- expects bu have fuill Informîationîon by witutesees. i-te rode a gocni race, their home lui V.aiikegatin osxt usek 'an Yauuîh bille witbIn s !ew days. fin- Not One, Rut Twenty, Seek buît seemed oser-auxIous, andt oas The nelhbions liave solu i-I th-em istII that time tuesasys ha would not Thmp n'Potina th ciaitg lis t-urines at the firrims 1>-y and uno ine elaîîîs iredit fi> rarst 1 issue a definitae tatement Topo' oiina h Coosonmae agoo ipresio litngarosedth supiconof hewîtl regard to tht- situation,.i-te dt- Head of Local Schools. LIth toheon e a ooint ie sconlîmu> ing arouaof tht- e cton o ! he i> tyelan-d that Sîîpt.Joues o! Rock!ord la ___ o-th 1>- petalrs ntl tt- ecnd îîurmusc o!thut ecton ! iii civ.rei-ognized aseont- of tht-leadlig adn- Tbp "lesned ht-ada" o!ftra states. round o! tht- course, when lic mis. - iatone o! the state and h li as g-tstlîlinois, Wisconsin andi Michigan. are juded he isanc atBESLEhinto respect for iebisjîdgmt-nt. poîîring lot Waukegan on ail trains, sîrctt uru, sd ws !ocedho ahe IIIlhiilInul S>atkt-gan has snythlng 10 fear tion ana speudlng 05051 o! Iheir flime tht- sldt-a-ak. ('oiiîason raced lis ts ma--SAÏT 1g ~frntmtht-bil wI bcb lu stlrrIng bloc> reading recommendatlit$presentt-d c hIne ah a forîr mlle clip up ibe ce- IS TO KIlAlI H tord pecople. by applicants for tht- position o! su- .ment rîiea-alkso Grandi7 avetieand .,.i iteneitnt of theitiaty s.ahnl. haes-e 0alclstriklngtw pel. le usci îoor Iudgment. andri7nid POSITION IN CAL. l CIILDREN SEEM 1 îlrohiablylianeve n-ounled urriit bad r>iiruîaiu lelatrruaiiShe writes Waukegan Friends jTO HAVE FOR6OT= t- ro>alîl il- lat road ra. ila iI ecnuted iii>r Vankegan T- I Eh-eN lIlKrledWConW sir e tt. Ridersansd -p&ctatiors agrea tract to Teach Again. ILfl JIRFE15 » LAW iliat tht- gamble wîtb h aî hode odals r__i__ n. fasor.o! tht- isîler. aîd the police J \ir>a Nliriain i-t-r>iev.fornuerlY ms- Many of the Youngsters Are of Wu ean cain tha thy wil jý,rItenent f te i Seen About the Streets Aft- claipdo wu the Hliif nauy indivIdual Wsukegau, lias signeda c ioutrai-I îo or aition agalii aIle îuî ts a race offiat- another ycar, as litailo!flue er Nine O'clock. un the residence uîurtof thet- uy.un i-bcools o! San tiltgo, ('aIi>orula Waukcgau,.lu 1 W5ord neachîd Waukt-ganu yesterday \\hat luis tecotie o! ;lue cnrfewr Illat Sisa lies.Iey lad dccidcd tiij)r>d 'itordinance? anoter var n Vaiforiaand hat So fan as «Xnov t is i>slîl ffect- BI<iCELE RATIN ,uioîhr xer nî(alfrtui. at>' tat -lcbutî fuir a longî<îorne tno apparent AtSt £AK ON sp a ind ntercntat refotbas 1>-enin-ad>- 10 etforue il. Ithird. ho lîresîde as heu ,dliiiTIi>'ýh,- ututns îîcititeur> lav-eit i-ait- A i u~ P RKc l il-boi*o!ofSan Dît-go, cii lu Iliîr ,attenutionu tiat Ihere i 1 n.t wrth hoor aq )pv be q"h alu tm he wtey aheu> th- en î i t l> a i o l tti' fsî.jlw oerks t. sudt hat la n o t t olî e h- in Every Sense of Word- 'etadanu ailthutt-sr>orn i seterhoa-n. caus 'er o t iudIstctneads h rt North Chicago. .Inly 6. c> States>, as tir. Montessori, walt ahelr ostebea or te yistie la *'off" Tht-Prorea clus iig elebal1ut eco-utizcd tetîc aaîcaover asuthueif tbey <do not agrat-. The rogessclu's ig elerationTht- cizy o! Aurons îassed a cur- bas come sud gone anoithle big t-vent worIda nuosl famono educatorese, !l e tw orîiinauce sîmilar to tue ont- lu was il hat oul bedesied.Thegiviig etilrts atthe- Califorui.u atte \\'a lktgan abo Ut tlest-n yeara ago lut waars ailubatcuinlic deird he hfair twice a oct-l. The leadtng maga- for unI Iliese years itlIackdltnenforce- Progeasclu mantaici hai itgh inueo!flb>- Unitedl States for many meut. A few daya ago tht- matter reputation for dolng big thIngs. The otwas taken up In the clty council day starting ouI with a cool breaze mi mhe "ivi gtepasstht-rt- and It was decideal to enfonce warmed up mait aller dinoerar ndo! Nadam SMontessori. She 1s, with- it. S i uce that ime tht- policemen lu mad a ineendng or he ay. ont donît, tht- mQgst capable womsu uhat city bave ht-tn sending childnemi made aIneernainlngo e the teachen o! the infant classes In the- lomet-after ltae curfew bell aounded. Th- neratoalbadopne it or. lInSSsukagan It la a common eigbt day wlîh thaîr Sut-at muai-, and an- w'Ilod taty.rtstatsela to see Young cbildreîî on tht- streete trandtecodaldylong, bat-n e wits ht hela l ter oint-&c lock sud althoîîgh somes tt-raiue tht crod ah da moat fortunste un nt-iuyiiug this o! the police ollicer& niaIt- il a point Two o! tht- hatteat haIl gamns@t-verwmae lue I Norlt Chicg furuisht-da o na compauy miae ur oeting to scnd tht-at-youngaters home, tht-ne St--O agoo! the elate fair. are s0 many o! tht- children about fitting dedication 'for tht- utw grand that It would keep tht- olficere busy stan. Th moring ame ht- n M Miss Bt-atty comptlett-a ler to st-ua ail o! them home. Somt- have taend. Thge moscuog gameanbt-tw- third year as superlutendau.t o! the auggasted thal tht- ordinance mighl tht- utwPrnorcîm eaant f G1ur- public achools o! San Dit-gm, Cal., site won iont better If it wene a 11111e net-s ascaoet3imn gaa o thel lu- ewredwi neight- une stirt with regard 10 penalty. ning, scre 4to lutfavo o! itaThis was discueaed when tht- law Progresa club. Streed ptched bis moutha fliloueli on fuîtlipa>. It la was passed huit sas dlsîuîtssed as0 too flns.t hlul and m rne tra base, hitsexpectt-d that seawilI rctnrn Ici \an-, radical, seere lte fealures o! tht- game. -Iu the aflernoon tht- ganit betwe-n lte Kenosita Higit Life aud naval station aiso setutoeta Iinningsansd end- ed lunlte, Otit, score 8 t0 7, lu fsvor o! tae Naval station. Botit wtre red bol gantes from tart 10 finish, Thte speaklug pregram was carntt-d out as plauneal, TuaIt-font- the- speaker, Wanda Krause gave a beautiful rau- dilion lu pantomime o!ftht- national song. America, Tht- dance hall wss crowded aIl day long sud did a fIne business,.u Intae eveuing te grand display o! fireworke was given under tht- charge of tht- Tom SlcKnney aud Son firm, sud Ibis, aasnont- sas iteard 10 rt-mark, was tht- lest t-ver at-tn lu North Chicago. Nol a drunt was sent on te grounda axcept ont-in lu îmcearty mnom- Iug, and he wasa tmIsu) ulckhy hy Mrn. Wells, the park policeman, thaI se-do uot think Ihat ha lut-w that h a sm tht-ru. Nul an accident marrad the perfect day and te Prog- rt-sa club eilli ba atst 1e sont added 10 theur treasury. kegan 51 thal lime t1 islit her rt-la- tives lu titis City. Milas Belays home la t-ascIi> op- posite tht- main autrauce 10 tht- atala fain sud already a number o! Wau- kegan residenleselto ara plavning to taiýeIluthue Panama exhibition, are planntuir b malte Miss eBtaity a t-- chia l be<ora rtturnng 10tt-lr homes lu Ibis ciy. Average Normal Nation. Tihe obJeet o!flt.* average normal nation la to have more pnosaetty 10 lse more taxes tb hulld more bal, Ilesitipa 1 astltmors market» 10 Ball mort- gooda 10 have more pros- pt-rit>' 10 ralse mort- taxes 10 butld more batîleatîlpa lu set-k mont- mer- t t o se-l] tonnegonda 10 have more prosperils imlsuEn nuntil somethIn~ tUnfort-se-cui bîpuns-Lîfe. Supertor Fortune, lBnt titat botet cltrk a trille aups cllousg? Why ahouidul ts ebe? ZHa la pentoîttea lu rt-main ln Ibis hos Indafiultely. ieta lano mare Iransitor guest. - No lestitan twenty-two college graduates, two o! wbom wsre wom- su, bave aRppiied for the position. Four were graduates f rom NIMichigan universlty, two were graduates ofItli- noie state, another was a graduate fromn Chicago, and two or three hall from Ann Arbor, 'Michigan. Just what action the school board wili take et 1is next meeting la not 'known. aithough lt bas been whisper- ed about that T, Arthur Simpson, county auperintendeut o! achools, may lie o! fered the position. If ha ac- cepte the of!er o! the achool board hie will do the work Lui conlunction wit bhie county school work. and wl receive but $100 a yeur. Howeven, many believe that MIr. L>impaon will not accept the position and titat the board wili lie compelled te, empioy an out o! town man 10 flli the vacaucy caueed by Mr. Thompson resignlng lte office. CANNON EXPLODES; DOCTOR MAY SAVE M A N'S EYES16HIT Waukegan, Juiy 3. Tbotîîasa 1taton of 738 South Utica atreet liad bis face badly burned, bi&e riglît baud eplIt open, and II: la pos- sible ]wii-tuay lose theaigitt of bis rightt eye ar> the rseiiit of Waukegan's only serions l-ourth o! July accident. Hatton was' ramming pwoder loto thîe nîuzzie o! a gun when it exploded. is. face was badly iturned. especial- ly ou ilie rlght aide. Hie right sys s> os also burned and 14cerated. Dr. Goiirtey wa smummoned sud for many minuites lie waa busily engagad lu picklng powder from Battons face. The ramrod, made of wood, split loto pleces. one o! whicit aplit open Hat- louas left band. Dr. Gouriey heieves bie will he able bo save Hattoîts sigitt but relatives who wiinesed the ac- cident deciare it a wonder that tue was not killeal. The cannon was a home-made affair but ha dbeen uaed bylils owner for 15 years. Thse ?napendent 1usd. &IL F. BAIRSTOW MANUFACTURgA OF Marbie and Granite Monuments Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondence SolIcited I16 Genesee St Waeikegan1 yeeî ofi- qua lust tb DiggbL clear cOt lut fsuit. 4e Ghau5et cIri t- t-scie 0 7uA42e naisSe .5M>7 24 19M,00t t1.t13 ni -U5>> ýtor- ,ars. tter iber Th- 0--

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