lmaU............. liper, W A ....F.......... ReoeFred ............. XWattome. Wm T.......... nijael, Clement........... 14aeby, L B .............. Reoter. lHen rv............. Ilyatt. J S k- Nic,...... Miarmnes. Lament ........... * IcautI, Samuel ............. Instituts Ares ............ Jochhehm. Fred ........-. jarrett, C H .............. Just. F H...... .......... Johnon. Carl............. Jensen, Christ ............. Herm, Hen.ry .............. t<oon. Gso.l.............. Kruckman. John ........... Koelman, Leo ......... Kirby. A ................. Kohner. Max .............. Kaiser. Chas .............. ostia.Seve ............. Kullank, Henry..... ...... F.laigge.red ............ Kulgge. John .............. Kuipge. Caroline Est.. Kwroi, James ....... Kgqbe, WH ....... lige. Wm........ Kpdal.0W Mrs.. lo,,Franklin S .......... 3ayAtkinson Const Co ... ROlY. James ............. Hs -enry ............. WleGeo ............. U~~snBen ............ James.............. %sAdam ....... e*mtJoseph ............ KW '% Fred ...... K......m...B.c E ............. 140rtyvlhle Crygtal Springs 34*f0 .............. J.h............ aidellné, Nelson ... Llbotyvlle Lumber Co.. tàtpMonth. EaiT ....... LU4,bf1eld. HAJ....r ...W tee, Daugusta........... toë4foot, A W C rs....... la. at H E.............. iieldC. AlbertdeWt..... brin ls..... ......... vao, u ut.M.......... lthl,ADo rs........... Lqmern. WH.. ......... 3 l, Bro.............. Ed ....B............. JohinWH............ Gus .....a.e ...Ca e lesmDis A.......... m H .... He .. ... ..n Ce.ihntîa elvCo ....C... 34p$s4. yle le............ uaaasGoAB........... H May AC.............. HerpyrH.. ............ «I MiJn & C......... JOT*WLB.............. Mao.Ca............. W tq.Atan............ Uu..........R........... Nedits, eFr.......... M*oniye H............. 1c""i. coa Ba ..E.......... A .Cars........... & 'tro........... «Osoan.BJ.............. Xue. Chamyisot............ "no 4iW............. Jameâ R W........... ClFa L...... J W .SS........... jo MCo lk..F .......... 03)onl. WB ....... J ia>t ....J ............ 0.0............... n, Da]........... E F l.W........ ....1 r,' Sidah ney ............ C W .F............. N LeAuo ...te........... Uallrass. WMm.............. S A........ ...... = . fOld, R.............. le4 cJ sEp............ goetk hoes C...... elz ... .. .. .. W 8 nF ............ E h..Dics.......... w»l ........ 335, Publiv Service Ca...... g00 Publie Service Co......... 180 Publie Service Ca ......... 1196 Public Service Co......... 29o Public Service Co ...... .. . 186 Public ServicetCo ..... 1770 Public Service CO ......... 160 Flublic Sen'-t.'C t .... 340e uj-t iîn. fl. ........ ,1601 Qîîintin, Coe ....... 1366, R,at- J1C. .............. 840! , rîv Cen )F........... OSOîtRohrtvepn. .1 F............ X5llaligbt.A t........ 220 ~ nicivT -............. 460 i0.. ~.1~. . 56 eder t1i................ 100 Rltrc'nttsten, Martin... 80jPalet-. î'.' l . .. ..H. 110 Fitir l]................. 96 Rav. Goa ................ 1490 Pause 16rIl Mr,............ 395 lIce Mlotor (0........ 60 Rndke. Jutiiîv A........... 66 ea" 1.'Ca........ 335 Ray, Paul G ............... 120 Ryan. Joe ............... 365 Fcbnaable. R P ........... 60 Fanhoru. w (C. ..... t........ 135 Ptuder, W Il.............. 835 Smith.E V ................. 60 Stevens. C N ............. 170 Scott. Raht N,............ 100 Swan .1 lH...... 11065 SftIe. C 3PJr ............. 090 hank, , I............. 68 ûhac.CHl............. 106 Pohanctes Hardware Ca.. 216 qmlth. E H....... -155 Suydsm. John............ 145 egert, Henry P ........... 605 Sturm, Gvo.............. 1765 Swan, F T ................ 280 Sapa Chemcal Co...... 70 qumersk, Emma Mr . .. 490 Speilman, Wm............ 970 Suydam, P A ............. 100 Fandinan. Salome......... 2401 PiUt H .Wi............... 60 Sage. Ts ................ 876 rage, Thos............... 4265) Schley, W .1.............. se, 9chree. Gerbard...... 24 b8auu W A ............... 1020 Emîhli. R A ............... 56 ddle, Grace F ......... _Sheldan. A F .............. 350 Standsrd 011 Co........... 7Sbadde.F C ............... 1060 Snow, Percy G...... ..... 160 Pchwandt. L ý....... 1095 *- 'IlW .............. 200 Swift, R BIl............... 315 ,Sebliclcer. F W ........... 165 Schneider, Relmer......... 160 StelnbrInk, John.......... 50 Suydarn, F M ............. 100 Sweetlng, 3 W & G C.. 080Bitz, Adobnh............. 665 Sawuseb. Emîl............ 35 Sayers, G P ............... 70 Bluasen. Fnan'....... 75Scbreck. R P ............. 2811 Sage, Hd................. 360 Bchreck. Carl ............ 646 sage, Wm ................ 115 Stnlzman. Wm J.......... 610 Spool, H .................. 1100 Stases.Frank............. go Byda, C .................. 75Scbroeder, Fred ............ 116 totzman. Chas. FP.......... 285 Soidern August........... S6lzman, Auguat.......... 285 sebvandt. Oust........... 56 Schnock. Herman......... 550 Supenlon Milkg Machine CG. 100. Opetîman, Win. Jr......... 230 Thonipson, J R........... 8356"'rfPp, B L............... Se Tnemey, Eart ............. 205 TrIggs, Oeo.............. 85, Thoropson. Mrs Mars ... 76 TrepitDr, Jullus............ 940 Trlggs, W C .............. 370 Tuylor. (ýlara .............. 60 Treptor, Chas............ 85 Taylor. J L .............. 85 *IPP, Austin W.......... 1775 T'Pngg, J Mli .............. »35Ttius & Luebbe ........... Mr.% tuis. Adam».............. go nitPP, F R..........._ 7t, Trigws, Ross .............. 176 Tnlggs & Taylor......... 21(0 Travis. A............... 365 Towuer, Sophie........... 57 ToPe,' Theo ............. 305 Thomas, W G ............. 27r.,Treptow & Maso» .... 766TaYlOr, Rose. ............ 66 Vowten, .laaephine........ 270 Vothen, R................ 116 Victor, Tony.............. 446, Van Darwert, Timothy .. 425 Wiant, A G ............... 700 WItten. R W .............. 76 Wells ango Express Ca .. elle Webnenberg, C A .......... 465 Ware. Chas ............... 50) Woff, Michael............ 235 Welch, J F ............... 6e6 , Wedllne, Chas........... 300 Wileox, C M .............. 36 1Wiight, aigg............. 1330 WJtson, Thas PE ........... 70 Ward. J A ......... 176, Wndland. Em;I...... 35 Whele, Williamn......... 50 Wells, j H ................ 630 Wrgbt. Heten Estate ... 290 Wright. %y pF............ 75 Wright, C F .............. 70 Watson, H A .............. 610 -Williams, W J ............ 225 Wells, E O ................ 310 Wbeeler, S B Mr&a.......... 45 Williamus.' Jhn W......... 600 Wictts, Edît ...... ....... 690. Wilson, Frank............ 60 Wuolridge, Owen».......... 906 Webrenaeng, H D........ 206 Well, W J ............... 220, Wblgam. William...... *.... 132 Wilson, H R.......... *... 2075 WOolridge, B 1F .......... 602 Waldo, A W .............. *376 Wetch. John ............... 34n Wilson, Josephb........... 9' 6 Wright. Gea A...........z 206 Wright. May E ............ 24& Waolrige, John'Mns..... 240 1 WIeeflen. 1-erman.......... 365 Wsbber, Mis............. 66.Wicox. Mis R P ........... S714 Wiriht. .rmk........... 170, WIDIaus, M E ............ 1050 WaleU. William ........ 20 Oldt., J ............. 303 Meauffta. Paul............ 6960 Taylor. j L ............... $00 Miltchell. Oso W.......... 600 Spencer. John............ ".00 13mith. E H ............... 800 Ncholas, rlnk Est... 950 Quintin, Geo .............. 40 Bul'iley, Chas Est......... 80 (!oper, Edith S........... 105 Mller, W E .............. 116 Dymond. FP P............. 110 Meyer, H C W ............ j()2( Miller, B H ............... g2.5 Swanf, lattie H........... ro McCornick. John .......... lr,()Wright, Roy PF............ lin Wrght, Frank .1........... 21r,5 Wright, Helen A ........... 4o Hyatt. NMertie C ........... 70 Wright, WIrt............. 2r50 Loveil, Augusta........... 1.510 Willismon, Ono ............ 576 Wright. EmmaJ........... 420 Bond. R B ................ la 4 r Bradley, J A .............. Sg0 Dcker, W E............. 385 Erustlng, Louis ............ 115; Fosket, C M .............. 70 Oalloway, C R............ 110, Gridley, B F & E P .... 9(n Gridley, G C .............. 7f) Griley, J S ........ 41F. Gridley, tL P Estate... 125 'Hanby, L B .............. 95 Holtte, H H Estate... 110) Jones, C J ................ 100 Meouffin, Pault............. 1,1r'Meyer, Harry C.......... 280 Meyer, H C W ........... 100 Miler, Beni tHI............. 45Morris, Lyte H ............ '15 uintin, G 15Sauer,ARt...... 110 tsuer, Vie r............ 180 160' 1515 80 450 167'1 The 10~ 465 280 ',0, 24915 475 ures it 90 215 47f 35W E find tht 400 ers anda 140 ous tbrart 8651 surprise(] at the bl 23r, besît ::old rilht aloil 370 The sale of auton 125 215 -luvntany cases mi 145 hvIr sales to UNPI 180 Ail tlîls l6 beyond1 1105 nevoi- acquireil an 1"0 force that goes witl 35 Itlei evident that biles and automobile 1995 lid 0f depression ha 5 -tire to advertisiug. 105 1185 For nearly fi1feen 125 ifast fOve years. the 400 lir 'automoubile aceessor 63t. entiy and constatent 791i 40 And,. most Importa 250 zmucli as auything eh 85 By advertialng,à 140 tain types uf cars- 1635 45 înakiug It possible Wi. ~2500 ta 40,000 ln ay 366 or ies thon the sai 290 of 100 or 1000. To 1020 $1500 thon you could 890 t.utoniobile advert se heen tittie short oL 220 ofthtie advertlsing f 339 cediiîg yeilr. 4 60 Men like John N 60 Flattiers. A. R. Ens 50 75 ery, J. Walter Drake 260 0. tC. Frlcnd. the Sit 790 ~have IN<REASED I 1235 after year. 370 lBut It Is coi onI 645 the eftect ut adver 535 55 % the lending advertis 60 Schaffîter & Marx ln 176 soap andI washlng i 40 gin Watches, the N& 70 M 11k, Kellogg Corn 1000 56 Radistor Company.1 1235 Lawliiie, Certsiu-teE 735& Gay furnîture, Co 95 55 ~and Sniders Caisul. 60 nes3 bas suffered liII 70 that r! inanufactunui SP. out sdvertising. 40 45 go THE RUGI' 75 T contraction 605iV lnrgely adver 280 perceptible ln dutlIl 940 tisd producti; falt 40 nmore. 1435 Le.t me cite -the ce 1000 Interview with a r 7f) 1736 lu the Chicao Morn Il'yean. Hsving referi 260 taned by Chicago 50 higb-grade. ready-is 490 Bsjir, W 3 ...:........... 480 Sclineck, Geband.......... 240 Bctroeder. Marneat........ 240 Schwermàn, Augbt s... 240 Taylor, L J ............. 240 Tbies, FPred gr ............ 240 Thels, F L ................. 190 Titus, Joseph ............ 190 Walnond, Willam......... 4 àWheeler, Suue.una ......... 45 Whigam, Emma............ 4920 Wbîgbam. leI............ 480 Wright. C F .............. 190 Wright, G A .............. 240 C M & St P Ry al 45 tisaI Pt8 W Of 240 rghtof wayS8lM 240 %S 8 W, % s-hl 45 dist 71.......... S 5.22 240 W C RY that Pt o! B 145 1/2 lot o N w 95 (S W% N W 1) 480 descrlbed as fol. 95 tows: beg at the 155 N Ecornos %of 21() tut 2 th runalng 60 Sly on E lUneo f 125 sd S % 625it th 95 Wtt parI vitte :,0 NlUne ofsd 8% 2170 412 fithti N Wtt> to 370 to a plint 200 il E 1300 of Wliue &200 tt 6,20 8Bof N lue ofad 155 - th Nly pIan. vitb 310 ad W line 900ft ta 4 65 5ad N lh». lb Ml> 30 onsadNlUe to P 15 1 .2 b coutalnIug 30 1. a mare Or 620 less. .......... .30 11.20 30 W C R>' that Pt o! .110 N ofttl.afNW 310 'Y. tylng B Wly rt 155 of way of W CRy 0 more or legs .... 30 3 120 iPostal Telegrapb Caîble C. 4401 [ Amrna.» TelePhone & Tels. 0 graph Co..................5630, 5ChIcago Tetephons Co... 4780 DNorh ',ýAmerican Telegraph C . ............... 490 Western tlnion Telegraph Co 1185 5 MacIl iJnanlmous. Maive yru U17Y r.ilitant suffrsgists ln Crimson (Julcl?' "Nary." replied Broi Co lktb. %Wbcn th,- achoolteacheer drToped a hItrt as tu how ahe'd like ta vote wc"d have buci, glad ofa hance t oo nti)uîît.îybody thst ud Intentere wltb hiý.. B Iut by comun nliosent we. turncd the polie ever teo br an' al e tayed awnly sos thei'e s'àuldn't be any chance ut licr bc-la' embarrasa.'- Washington Star.î Berry for the Chiekens. Daothy was vIitlg her grandnar. pae lbthecountry for the finit time. Seelng a 4uantitY ut testhera sent- tened shunit the benyard, elbs shook bet head ln dlsiappZoal. "Grandpa.c she told hlm. gravoly. "you really ought tae'do somatbing ta keepyol chît keng trm wenrlng out go-Ban Francisco Star. New Moeve Against tumps. Vecause boring stamps preparatory Ito blas ticg IR un arduous task an ta-, jventor has devisu-,l an suxer drive» by a othqgaboline englns. THE PICTOIZAL XXVMlW 00.. M~2 Nortli 39t1î EStrpeoi. New York Oity. ,N. y. Iusiness Man's Best Insurance A33is Ls X(TY HO RSE-POWER ADVERTIBING TITE KINlI)TIIAT KýEFP.- ALI,('YLINI)ES WORKINUJ IN LLK [I» 0Fi SIN.~WEATHER WI.NSTHI-IA(!E E. 'Rankin, Vice President of the Mahin Advertis '0Comany of Chicago, sets forth somo lnteresUt4q = d flg- i an interview in arecent issue of "Printers' Ink," ad, uthat publication remarks, "we $eld tus foot" a4let £an- kin do the talklng. at nierchauts, hankers, manufactur- 011,crB who are eugaged lu the vari- cheies of the commercial world ane ig Way lu which asutomnobiles bave mg daning thse paît six months. omobiles bai been as bnisk as ever monufacturers have actually lucreased IECEDENTS7D FIGURl'ES. cite comprelieushon af men visu have iundensiaîîdhug a! the Iremendous th advertlsiug. t the splendid business lu autoum- li acceasonies duning tbe necent per, bas been due lu a vert lange mess- en years, and espechally during the ie manufactunrens f automobiles and niles have been advertlslng perahat- tant of al], adventlahng bas heiped as -Ise ta lower the coat of automobiles. demand bas beea created (un cen- -tbereby increasi thi, output and efor manufacturer» ta make tram yean of une madel ai about ane-haif Éme model couid ho madIe fan ln lots roa> you ca» buy a botter car ton .41 ton years ago for $3000. rtislng bas during the hast decade LmarveJauq., Eacb yean tise sioutit bas hncneased oven that of the pra- .Willys. Hugfk Chatm ers, Walter E. rikine. R. D. Chapi», Charles T. Jeff- ke, H. B. Joy, J. J. Cale. IL W. Fond. Ludebakens andI The Whte Compant lueur advertising appropriations yoan 1>' lu the automobile business tat rtloiflg bas been cotîceable. Take isers lu diffenent lices, sncb as Hart n neadt-to-wean clothes. Fahnbank in povder. the Sîmmens, Hardware, El- National Èiscuit Company', Carnation Flakes, Paria Ganter.. thte Amertcau None SuobaisMncemeat, Red Crave Led Rooflirf& Quaker Ouata. Benket 'cigate toliet artictes. Goodrhch tires, rp aci tou wttiln4 oqthat tijei but- ltie the past Ye«<'ln comparisan wltb ra 'wbo try te sett thein gonds witb- HT SORT Or*14SU RANCE. ,n lu the-saies of producte whihsare ntised Inin 'ie udyspapens la hardly limes', vbeream the sales o! ueadver- toff troim one-thîrd ta une-hait or case of Hart, Scbaffuer & Manx. An nemben cf this flln vas published rniug Examiner about the filnt of tise cred tu the 'prestlge vblcb vas main- i n 1914, as te leadlog market for made. clothlng, he spolie of the aur- tailineit of consumption due ta lbe outbreak of the wan ln Europe, sud then made this Important stel.e- ment: "Instead ut Indulgînit lu mgrked retrnohmectai andI reducthons ail along the lice, tise market was supported b>' the Most extensive advertislng that bas ever been doue bu tlhe histor>' of 1the ndustny." Man>' automobile andI accesson>' manufacturera follaved the Rame plan with profitable réaulte tp themasîves and their dealers. Ous o! the greatest thngs about advertlaing ta iis moral effect. Good advertislng créâtes a desine le the mind of thse neader fan the pnoduct advertlsed--automo- bile sdventislng bas bec unusuatly gond and witb the support automobile editors have given the Indusin>'. automobile deslreýcreatIng copy and news-storiea bave iîad a Most wonderfut sellilng effect on eveny readen of a newslJaper. Today neanl>' svery man la a poisible bayer. 'This ls a feature that la overloaked b>' the producen visa doss not a.Ivertise.1 Tise big sales of automobiles toda>' are net due salety ta the adventhsing that vas dons ycstenday on ta§t veek. In a large measuns they may be attnibuted ta t!.e adven- thsicg outlent yeun and tise yean befons lent. The adver- tîsement whlch le publlsheJ today ULadoing sornetbing in addition toadaidng to the volume o! today's salas. It ii iepicg ta make the saies ut neit yoan and tise year alter. It Ia building prestige, estabiisbing confidence sud gathering momentain for the future. I i a god thing that Ibis leadership canat be socuned b>' slmply advert4slng for s yer or so-becatise it vauld not b. worth white. Your competiteo coule thon do thb. mrn thîng and taesava>' youn business. As G. Ed. Smith, Président of the Royal Typewriter Company, said ta me théO othen day: "W. muet .dven- tise ta the girl ln the bigis ichuol on the busine col- legs. because lu two or thnee years she wiii ho chaos. hng the typewnlten she prefens to use." Many of the peuple who are buying automobitoes nov ors menely ful4lling desirée that were created by adven- tîsements and newspapen stories they rad tva, Ibree or Olve years ago. Likevise the boys aud girls of 18 and 20 wiii ha automobile buyers r) and 10 years hence. Advertisiug la univensaîl>' suecessful If ontered halo, on a 3 ta 5 year plan. John Wanamaker has aptl>' sald: "To miaté aim.. cessaof advetising une muet be pregêri dtç ttick titre a barnacis au a boat'm battu.». He. sbfld kaov before be begins it that he muet spend monW»-lats Sf 1IL Sorne- budy must tell hlm éanso hat ho cannot hope to reap resulte commenaunate with his expenditgres oa>' lu the gamue. Adventliug doesn't jerk; it. pulls., t bogins gentiy at trst, but the pull la steady. Itl ncress day by day aud yesr b>' year untîl it eernts an Irestibte pover."- RIGHT ADVERTISING MEANS INOEPENDENCE. L 'EN visa are broad enough te recogulso Ibiscuill. ..'ulatlve affect of persistent, intetllgcnt adver- tislng do not become jianlcky vbenever tIbis happons ta ha a slump lunlise stock market on a %5ev rovolutlon ln Mexico. lnstead aifisastenIng ta, neduco tiseir adver- tialng even>' lime thon. la a fiunry of an>' kind, 1h.>' go right abead, knoving lisgt the advetising the>' do la tbein beat guaranles against'depresalon ha their ovu lices. Thase vho are mosl auccesiful support tb. mac- kot b>' Increaaing tir adveOitràln< stead et cutting it dovn. when iinfavorablo sauditioum ièreatca. The advertisling of autopoblieiaudsauloMobilta ecces. srtes durng theo peit ivo or thice e an bas ln a ver>' lange degrse bectce cause 'cf t4 bit sales that bave cojinued ln thase lines.Ibroughi thc recont' menthe. uîhen the sales of other>]"uury products foil aff. The big advettilng QI ,tbý eMdlg ton automobile adventisers bas belbed the eeUre iodantr-even 11,0. that di141nat adventice. Coimpellil la ldetun .aa good thiug. Yom ll flad tr4de sAI salas eodltions lu those particuis' hit'ifid w Wh" bave bat! a doge. big aslvertlsers, aucb as la. .utornoi0lcs. 'ilmclçing. Smokhng Tobacca, Cigauttp, nov lea a t more heattby condition than oti rHaes that do npt adlygitme eashsi euh>' or whicb have oahy onie or tva :004 04vertbes.i The vert tacthut t. woudertui Au !aIlIe Shows of New York and (loscagohave SIacwouass tdiliY yea by year untîl in 1915 thie aLtndM0aýIes. 9a - thoUudi greaten than ovin befolc-the fitat Ihi b'ates eathle tva Automobile shows o! 1h15, a yaan s*en many mranu- facturera vere inciliaed ta 11e peeitrniutc,,ver. 5noire mendausly groaton Ibais ever beforei>' 4d.ncnstl'atee hotter than an>' wordj o!miflo lie p»e, e eltent advertising. Suppose, for erampto, automobile rnautactureib and dealers b.d atoppeâ advertimint IrMMOelY aMur the 1913 show, saying to tornielves: "Weil, vo haue syant a lot of mone>' ibis ye Mmd vo voI advu'11a %aaIy more." Why. te Man wbo in 1913 bad aimait made up his mind ta buy a 'car end who aclas idiibu ns ibis year. would have forgotten that IIhOr. aver u, subbaa tiing. VOUR DEST INSURANCII. N INETZEN Affem Wtt hoe a banner year for Ibome manufacturera Wbo oie vise eno«b tu, produce gaod bode, t it muet vth Public i#Vpr, sud wbo adven- tise ta lt the people knot ail aboét tbeir product and create la their mndi tic domino for that. &Vdcuiar pro- duct. tInçtiser varda, Sixly-banme -paver pdvetiin-the kini that alvays keepe ail clladdit ,(KRgtcturlng. Sales, Publicit>' and Advertising, 1101h locW a 4d Uiosaal vonklng togetior ha a tborougb co-operatlvp çpiit la aIl kinds of business voir *Ill vin thse race la 1916. And the smarn dvertising principles vlIck gavera Uic world-vide advertisor sbauld toen' the local dealer sud the local menchant, .lt's 1the constsst, Persistent advertislng tUat cmites value, an&' lb. store or OrIn visicis carries out ibis patta>' ihI continue oho mrasse its business vbether tb9e YNs are 4oo4 on b.d. Bush. usas built. an .thc nlght fanadtli tn4supPoMi b>' vîgonous adyirtiglng mot b1e cfectl e$, b>' transitan>' diaturianaci or Oadct£431qs. ,tdvertIsig, Mn. mcrcbuas mi a q Mn..Ntional Manufacturer, la YOUR, SURMST *1 hI?(laimamNSJ ANCS-and rnieinbr liatI hnuraa8 taieÀCair. of yau. visen ondlnary conditions arce.4.11151-FluaUS£ AD- VECRTISING WINTER AIE»SUMMZ* 1#' 0001>TIES AN» IN BAD-AND TOUII BUSINESS *WILta PROS- PER. PUOLUSI4EAS' NOTE: What Mr. Rankin has sald of National Business rings triai for *Vary manufacturer end dealer ln thîs love. Amalyte the suceesaful, 1h. growlng business of oui ommuait>' and wfthoul exccption It i le te "kmorn busîneus. Thc nbôeOt volet docu net- turC thec lue of Inade ta yo.ar store. And Mr. Rankin could huavb lioeven more lnto detiii n dlacumslng 110w the big automobile people, tire pPfO.Pi careal manufq cturens, ali linet, ame uslng 1111e paper end, piper. of th1w type fer tihinial work. The man outiiJO#40WS thal h2I can 1.01 reach the buyîng groupe of thl. hocalit>' by ueing the -medium which 11h. ,casumunit> ha n.idled iniintdimud. The Min oatoïde tille hl@ prodtict te your ueig hhora b> your pipir. And, to4ay. on the verge of new tnhumphe U0 bushucas, new comme rob 1 coniquete, nov national busines vigen, vi uig that you, Mic. Sminss.Mànetome. mike use of 11115 Iremendouai power of your ove local psperÏ n"lm PICTORIAIL RE.VIEW PATTEX 'NS lRI~SJ31BLE! IARNING n eoirpassm Meau yo find n trb.uh The FASOMDO t tub i* jo er -l , t. 1 ý 1 . . - Wauki law "vuWC toi O. Sm. repris la lus micnit s lano > mexio been i man, fe reporter haler ne balai fi HIe bas CaOt, rions ma bas Dmo ushie as United the rb &nt thw ammunm 1>'. If t cmn bad anus aî l~n i MOCh d unearlhi aras tt Chicaç Thoi «nM re elring custody monabl>' af the s L e ednCo Sibu ane Ei.~ UGE IJAME AIE 4 en Wh Roadout A tittle 1,05180 t let bale that a place. The part of thee vii saisi, tb mornlsa A -Per ta local bave cl Ila vili chicago poiltive amt