CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 2

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WsIav bdjfgf~s maie lap stock of LJI UJJ L. every Ieugth IIAY- TIMF. SALT ONE DOLLAR One to a customer SCREEN DOORS AUl sizes Ready to bang Sure catch witb each door NOW US A GOOIQ TIMWE TO SI1INGLt ALL YOUR BUILDINGS Dewm Ly the. Ot Depot. Phione 47 Dean here 20 jears E. A.Bishop, Mgr. >0«0 Ou 74ft#r«'** Iio $tr la to buy jour Men'. and Boy& Cloâi- ing'auJ every thing the. Men and Boys wemr. Oppoite &e Nortii Garage. Libertyvle, 111 Flaysng Macbinery Deering and McCormick Mowers and Rakes Osborne ami Dain Side Deliverg Rakes Kegstone ami Dain Loaders. ROPE. CARRIERS, !ORKS, ETC. GOOD STOCK Schancl Hardware Comipany Libertyville. CIC/à .~'r~gu i//e ftems- xxxx~xxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tro imure pubilciffion ln the lndiIIIll.; deant. copv muat b.intheoffie noister than Tuesday of oaci' w.ak. Adver- tisers, especially art aaked to teks, particular notice to thiseaffect. Aiditiemal LocalNews et Paie 4 J. T. Roberleon of Chcago, was a visitor here 8aturday. W. F. Fransen, Jr., open; Suaday at hi@ bomne la DesPlaine.. Chas. Harbaugh of Lake Villa, was here on businese Tuesday. Fred Enderlin of Beloit, Wl.., spent several day. bers last week. N. F. Chamberlain bas rented the B. W. Appley houée on Fair street. Wm. Mcflenry returned on Sund"y froi hie trip to Wlsconsin. E. W. Fuller of Irving Park. vlited hi@ mother, lire, C. W. Fuller liaturday. lira. Jas. Neieh apent Tueeday and Wednesday with relative, ln Chicago. Remeinher that fine home made candy at *the Epworth League Chautauqua stand. l lirs. Balle James la reported as being very slck et ber home on the Plank Tel your friends about the Epworth League stand ou the Chautanqua grounde. it Miss Francia Blehop je entertalnlng ber cousin, Mise Mary Louise Winnie of Frankfort, md. Home madie candy and everytbing that's gooti as the Red asti Wbite stand Chautauqua e'eek. it Mise Nelle Gnlswolti bas taken a posi- tion sas tenographer wltb the Sheldon Sehool ln Cuilcago. Meusr. E. H. Wells, John Whitney anti H. W. Smilth were on the petit jury ini Waukegan lest week. lire. John D. Dollenrnaier anti chiltiren are apendlug the week witb relatives in Evanâton and Chicago. MIdse Arelia Valie of Chicago, was the guest of Mdrs. Chas. E. Mdason and family [ _. s.irpt d nt teo. B. Maton ýattýettirJuly Furniture Exhibition ln Chicago on Tuesday. jGlenn Hubband retunneti on Suntiay fr ~om Harvardi wbere he epent a week witb.bis unele anti aunt. IThe Lake County Chaptens o! 0. E. S. 11l hait their annul picuir t Fos Park, North Chcago, July 28th., L Mire. J. A. Dewey, who bas beau living bers for the past jean bas moveti ber boueeboiti gootie to 1258 Elmtiaie avenue Chcago. Cas. E. Mason anti family took a trip to South tHeven, Mlcb., lait Sundey on the steamebip City of Soutb Haven, from Chicago. If you vaut 10 enjoy the Chautauqua programe have nmre of the cake roues froin the Epworth Leagne stand before jentering. it Idre. J. W. Mundee leit lasi week for Cleveland. Oblo. where she expêets to make a tour weeks' viit wltb ber parent@. lire.illIe Doty of Winoua, )Mînu., le viitIng at the home of ber cousin, J. S. Gridley and with other relative@ and rien. bers O. A. Newsom anti family etarteti Tue- day moruing on an auto trip to central ludiana. expectlng tw returu bomne ia about a week. W. F. Prazen, Jr., entertuined isi father, W. P. Franzen, Br., and a counin, Oso. E. Franzen, both of Bensenville, fil., on Tuugay. The Prebyterian C. E. stand will be the kiedandi White one and wilI be ont-. aide the Cbautauqua lent to serve jour refreehrnent wants. itl Al the village trusts@ mate a trip te Lake Bluff anti Leke Forest Tuestiay evening te apsct the gas etreet light evatem of botb village. MisEtta Boyle ant Initer Hernicesanti Mfr. and M"s.Gowrge Durant o! Chicego, motoreti bere datnrday ant spent Sun- day ai tb. C. S. Roag home. M re. 8. S. Wbselen loft Monday ulght for Chase, Kans, whoesthe was celîsti by the tealh a! ber mether, lira. Newton, who matis ber home witb a son there. The Y. W. 1. C. o! the Preebyternu bchb elti a meeting nt Are Tuesday alternoon anti eveuiug, the Yonng ladies takiug thein lunch anti eating il in the Miss Mary Fcr@ytheof Frespont, 0hio, arniveti laet Saturtiay for a montb'e vIeil wIthB ey, anti Mn. H.M. Alibunt ut the M anse. Mise Foreytbe isa sileroe! lre.1 Alburt. Norman MeKay anti hiesi@lter, Mies Catherine and Mis Margaret Scott of Chicago, were entertaineti Mt the C. Y. Greenwood borne over Saturday and I Sunday. W.,?.dlfoîý anuàÏamils bave moed froin Chicaga ta the country home ou the BuikleY Roadt ta@vendi the summer. The Remaria Base Balil club woee acceptet as uembere of tho Interclty Basehali association nt a meeting belti at Chicago heatiquartere of the League on Montiay. The reserved soats at the Chatauqua are limiteti lu number. anti @puce and are les, than ans fourth of the good seats. There are many mest as goti, for tiret corne tiret served. The Epworth Leagule will ce)duut a stand on the Chatauqua grounide lu wbicb they wili carry a fuliline of home- Madie Candie@, chuins, les crern, cons., lemon anti orange ades. l Mdrs. FloodofaiWarrenton, was quits badly hurt lest Saturtay whsn the bornes she was driving rau 'way and âhe wau thrown qut. She bt been to Liberty. ville turing lb. day ta do nomne shopping. Mire. W. Y. Weil@ anti son Chaprnan of Elgin, and lire. Lawrence Kinnan anti littie daughter, Margaret.Jane, of Genoa, are spentiing a week at the E. H. Wells borne. Mfr. Kirnen alo pent Sunday there. 1fr. and lire. George Clevelandi andi littie son arrlved Suntiay frozn Omaha, Neb.. for a vîsit with their parente boe. Mir. Cleveland wiiliseay two weeks while Mir@. Cleveland and littie son expert to remaîn bers for a montb. Mr. andi lre. Wrn. Brumna. Chaë. Brumnm and family, B.Nt and farnily, wbo lu company with partis frorn Highlandi Park andi Wauksgan. etarteti on an auto trip to Maninette, Wl,., on July 3rd, returuet home Saturday. The Snnday Scbool Council of the Preebyterian Sunday ecbool *wll b. entertaineti at the borne o!flire. B. F. Woolridge, naon Montiay evening, it being the regular rnonthly gathering together o! the teachere anti officere. H. D. Boyd took Otto Urpatel of Whseling. for a trip le Taylor anti Michi. gan countles, Wkq., lionday to show hlm nome lant i lh Mr. Boyd le agent for. Tbey mt~urned Tueeday night. Mr. Boyti etates that Wleconein crope are excesti. ing large thie year. Tne R-d and Whlite stand et tas Cbautauqua grounds will saili ye ie cream cones. borne matis candiee, soit drinks anti water melon. Dontfeu toý stop ou our way lu cr out of the big tent or buth. The Preebytenian C. E.1 will serve sou ight. it About forty Public Service employees from Highland Park, bad! a picntc at the home of Mfr. anti lre. Carl Hughes wsst o! Libertyville, Suuday, ependlng ail day ou the Hughes farm. Mn. Hughes wae formerly employet inm the Public Service office at Highland Park. George Stetirnn, who le ernployed et the American Wiire Mlle@, met with a painful accident on lest Friday wben his baud was cauglhc in a machine at wblcb he was workiug, Be lostthbe tp of one tinger on hie r!gbt baud anti emasheti one of tbe lngers on the left band. Water Commioeloner Albert Kilcbman etates that the tirinking fountain lu Central Park le stoppad up about bal the tinte becaue ome muchievous boys perlet lu dropping emali etones lu the pipes. Soins -bad" boy will get a good lecture if caugbt dolng the miochief. The Intiepentient bas received Wrord te transfer thé paper goiug ta S. J. Deinlein at Morton Grove to McHenny. ht le sai t Ibtlin. Deinlein bas soi ismotion picture theetre at Iortan Grave and bas movet bis !amlly to Mieury, where ho ha. purehaset a gnocery and market. Mre. D. A. Scott bas opened up a lunch room lu caunection wltb the Libertyvllle Hotel aud aiea plane on opeung anuie cream parlor lu the usar future. Mre. Scott bas hati the entire interlor of the botel redecorateti anti on Montiay paintere etarteti work on the exterlor of the building. A large b.d of! loyers hi" bhesu laid onut on the spot of the olti grandtstnt lu Central Park whlcb atite gesatly tu lb. appearance of tLe park. Theappearance o! the cannon bas aise been improvet by a cuat of paint. The grandtetnt vas nazeti a evw eke ago lenause of il$ being ln unsafe condition. The new concrete bridge aven lb. Deslaines river huilt by the Libentyville village anti township le compietati anti contractor John Darrow bas ahîppeti bis machiueny te V.isconein. Much a! tbe gratilng ou bath the et anti weat enda is etili unfinisheti, but It le expactet that Ibis work wiliisoon b. tiens anti the bridge acceptai] by the commissioners. 'On FrIday of lest week a man by the name of Williams vas arneateti by Marebal Lirnberry on a charge ef atiultery, the warrant haviug been evoru eut by a brother. The brother'cdaims that the tiefendent bas alreatiy senvet a tari n luWisconsin on the came charge. Williams had a heerng before Justice Lyleli H. Mdorris, vho continuedthte case t0 Fritaj rnornlng. He vas taken ta the Lake county jail upon failure ta furuish $500 bond. Nolt Wstinestiar, July 21, l the open- ing day of tbe second yearly vîsit o! the Lincoln Chautenqua te Libertyville, anti wiil continue for @lx tiaye, eutilng July 26. The prograrne for the entine ait day. are @nli to be or the higbeet ciase. Some of the best talent obtainabie yul be at the big tent in both afternoon anti evenlng melon@. An atitedt enture thîs seaaon will b. the Junior Chautauqlua which wlll b.ý held et the play grountie every rnornlug from 8 to Il o'clock, anti the Cildren's tHour in the aiternoon o! each day. The children holding âeason tickets yl b. allowed toattend the JualorCbautaucîue. The proirrn for each day of the Chautauqua leas@follows: Wednesday., Juiy 21 Aftrnoon-i"ormal Upeniug. Prelutie, The <raven Orchestra. Atidresa, Dr. William AL. Ganfield. Night-Popular Concert, The Craven Orchestra. Lecture. Dr. William A. Ganfleld. Thuriday, July 22 Afternoon-Prelude, Alpne8Singere and L Yodiere. Lecture Iteeital, Kipling, WiI. SItem Lloyd Davis. Nlgt-Mduâical Entertainuent, Atlpine ingere and Yodlers. Addrees,Coumiuuu. lty Welfare, William Lloyd Deavi. Friday, Juiy 23 Afternoou -Prelude, colonial concert Comnpany. Lecture, Glenn N. Msrry. Nlgt-lieal Entertalurnent, colonial Concert Concert Comnpany. lraratic RecitaI, Mande Willis. Salurday, July 24 Afternon-lirand Concert, Ellis Brooks audi hii Military Baud. L.ecture, Wialter R. Poole. Night-PopularConcr, Brooks* Band. Sunday. July 25 .Aternoo-Prelude, Beatnîe Wellec r L.cture. itollo McBrmde. Night-Courert and Cartoon Lecture, Beetrice Wellsr Co. Indian Entertainu. tueur, The Galee. tý Monday. JuIy 26 Afternoou-Concert, Chicago Artiets Quartet. Lecture, Edith Strickland Iloodie. Night Leture, Judge GeorgeflAdn Grand Cloing Number. The Ope'a '"Martha", given in costume by b Chicago Artiste Quartet. During the past three waes 20 bushels of etnawberries have eeon pinkati at tbe Lake County General Hospital. One hundreti anti ifty quarte o! canneti bernigbave beau put up for wlty use. Beelies thie, veeit amnunt afi fruit whlcb vas pre- sarveti the patients have enjoyeti tresb etrawbannles eaeb nigbt for tie- sent. Lawns at Piques at White Poplin at PHONE 29 T4evill board met at an adjourn*d meeting Tbveday nlght of bu.t*eek end Passet a omber of aldewalk ordinancee. The @ewer camuuttes was smpowpred ta a,rlertlse for bide for extension cf the séwer on Mscbailce Grove Roati. thia eiteuelan baving been eshet for by Joa. Butler ant othet&. Mr. Nagleseboud for licenoesti wer dlggr wua ccpted hy the board. After the bille were aliowed the board atitourned to Tbureday, Joli 1.5th. Bev. Edwartli. White went to Antloch Suaday mornlng wbere ha helti the Oreas Episcopaliabn servies ever balti lu theJ village. The s erviceswere hsld lu tb. aId Chitian churth hene and were very largsly atteuded. Bey. White wiil go ta Antloch freqnently to contiuct services. The late Biebop ToIl was rauch luteasted lu tbe MussionatAntlocb bavlng pannet to taes personal charge of the founditig o! tbe Mission. Bey. iMcLaughllu of Mli- waukee, conducteti the service at St. Lawrence'e churcb bers Sunday. Sun. day eveninug ev. White conducteti ser- vices at Grayelake. CDAU'AU QAU TO OPEN NEXT WED- NESDAY, JULY 21, RIGHT N",ow By soloctu eh gooda from ovor. 100 patterimm rouoed in pic,"uttailored to yotrr meazure .and bui a, th, same lRuos that haveo-made the bouses of B&. V. Prico & Co., and J. I. Taylor & oa houaohold word with tou- anda ;of the boit dressed mon An th'e country. Uf ju noed a !irst-claas Suit, miade An te lateet style, by expor- ionced workmon, and guaranteod ini evoryrespect corne i n d look ovor ths a Bs and let us take your measure TO-DÂY. J. B. MORSE & CO. EVERYTHING FOR MEN Telephone 14 'VEGETABIES I Libertyvilie1 1 FRUITS _ CORLETT & FREDERICKS Phone 30 MEATS 1 Libertyville, 111. 1GROCIERIES ' MULLINERY at ON-IIALF PRICE DURING JIJLY and AUGUSI ALI OUJR SUMIMR MATS wiII 6e SOLD BELOW COSI. No exception. Get your ne w bat now at HALl' regular pnice. A large assortuisut, the vsry latest "stye. UNDERWEAR, WAISTS, GLOVES, HOSIERY AND NOTIONS AT LOW PRICES.:-:- PARISIANA CORSETS $1.00 TO $3.00 :. A. W. LINDRO-TH UB11ERTYVIL1LE, ILNOIS -The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating. " The Inde- pendent 's jla@L;ified Ad@ have beeu proven by hundreâs of satifled customers. Ask any nser of these littie salesînen. . .I1c and 15e Flaxons, several patterns at 25c, 30c and 35c Voile, fine quality at - - . 25c Shadow Voile at - -Rice Voilç at - . 25c --25c 40c 25c ,NORTH-STORE Il 6 For the Miot> Weather- to Corne WHITE DRESS GOODS--SPIECIAL VALUES And n te Clore Wah G odaw e have a fine asaortment And ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o i th Cooe WahG ds Ginghams, Chambrays, Tissues and Voiles, smre in stripes, some in saal figured patterns and plain colore. JNEW UNE 0F HAMMOCKS at 90c, $1.50, $2.25 and $4.00. Beit on the mnarket at these prices. UP-TO-DATE CORSETS in rnany qualities. American Lady new modela at $1.00, $1.50 and $3.00. Nemo Corsets at $2.00, $3.00 and $3.50. W10W. £4Crroll 4 Sous Co* *ioe~pI orTA!itbRAL TUIE U. S. GOMERMENT Alwy refer tomak apayanents1 wit chcks bcau.. tà more con- venient and tii.y hold the. cancelled checks as receipta. This bank offers jotheii sanie facil- ities and respectfuily invites you to do your business with them, with the suarantee of irompt, accurate, an ependable service. OPEN A CJJICKIN4i ACCOUNT TOuUAY 14ke County National Bank The oldeet, 1argest, and itrongest bank in Libertyville Capital. Uurplus a"d Profits S100,000.0 Total Remouroo, - 750,00.00 :s::s::::sss ....... -------------sss: il. L- wé 1 men D. N IOR Ufi[Ril icimul represented

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