CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 Jul 1915, p. 4

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County Independei Waukegan Wookly Sun Offce Tolophone Number 1. LuburyIle Exciieng UaoM theSi Pouotfle et Libertyilie. Ill., am Second CLau Mail Matter Officiai Paper for Ls&ke CountY. fuss Every Frlday. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. IIIID8IIIICRIPTION PRICE. $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE »DW WISCONSIN UTILIZES SCHOOL BUILDINGS. Pive hundred and nine schoolliouses in Wisconsin were used as community contera in 1914-15, as against 86 s0 usd in 1910-11, accordlng to a report compied by Edward J. Ward of the social center bureau, University of Wis- consin extension division. Twelve hundred and sixty-five coiumanty meetings were reported i the former period, 9,081 in the latter. Vive years ago only one principal had undertaken the duties of the community secretaryiship. Last year 152 performed such services, In 1910 a dozen scheol build- ings were used as polling places. In 1914-15 over 100 build- ings wore se used. Not until 1913144 la any ichool prin- cipal reported as serving in the capacity of voting clerk. Luat year 17 school principals did this work. Net a achooiheuse i the state reported gymnasium equipment i 1910-11. One hundred and thirty sohools are now thus equipped. Fifty-five public achool libraries were in une in their respective conununities i 1910. Now 479 aucb libraries are in use. Two dosen young people's or- ganisations were reported i the public schools in 1910. Over 200 such organisations are now in existence. No community secretaries were regu]arly employed liy@=yarsago. -Last yeax neveu conununities employed such oftlcers. These ligures are taken from responses recevied in ansuer te questionaires sent out to 900 school principals tirougiiont the dtate. Neyer ask anybody to do anything for you that you would not do yourself. --- '. Âutoista charge that there in a concerted niovement i Mmio t "hold-up" pasalng autos and make the divers cou- tribute te the funds in the city treasury. If the conditions are as b.d as reported it would sent about time that an Investigation were cenducted. We ellt eii tates ÂAttorney Dady's fruitiess prose- catio>n of Fox Labiemlonkeepers coat the county over $UOO i the fiM t*wo cases trled. What will it cost the -taxpaers il bis detectives 1.11 as sigually i the rest of the cases as theydld in the flrst two? When Judge Edwards placed a prisoner upon his honor a few weeks ago and asked hinmte retura to court after ho bad got usl aud receive a sentence hie hoped bis trust would net be misplaced. Charles Smith, the prisoner i question, proved that the trust bad been ropoued In the rigbt perbon. Henry Ford, philanthropist aud owner of the great Ford automobile mauufactery, whlcb emiploya over 20,00 mon, it soms, loau'urated a national campaigu againat the. clgarbtte. ttbe rquest of 1Mr. Ford, 1fr. Edison made sa analysis et 20 brands of cigarettes, snd in reply- ing te Nr. fTrd he uald: 1"«The injurious agent in cigarettes comes principally from, the burning paper wrapper. The subdtace thereby formed la called 'acrolein.' It bas vio- lent action on the nerveceuters, produclng degeneracy et the celUs of the bra, wblch la quit. rapld awong the boys. XlnlIe narcotici, i" degumeracy la permanent aud uncen- trollable. I employ nopersonuhomokescigarettes." The Minister wbo testlled la the Tex Lake saloon case te the qffect that ho was a regular preacher, whon net en- gagdlu th. "investigatlng" niatter, admitted that he b.d drn;the booze wblch beopwrchasd at Fox Lake sud wblch evidence sa used .gaiut the. defendant. Ro made it empbec that be drank on][y uben houwas lvestigat- ing. bcauebis 1"preacherii nettocts" 1preveuted hi lIl~gonly on thoe occasions. W. pronoma on a roeg =dryVyecould excuse himnseif by maki1gg hiniself fée tuat ho vus really lavestigating the quàxlty ef booze in any eld Place even thoub not belng patd ferusaine . even adzmhted that bis alias wu a "BuMhp di "nh r Buscb"p -fine allas for a minster te adopt. Evidenceocf a 1"preacb- or" who goes out on such a mission should be taken with a gran of salt, no matter wheterbo intes' in nt a Wolonueper or perbap aa ninister of the ïospel. LI Naval station lads aud boxing fans about Waukegan have just board explanations emauating from gortb Chi- cago as te uliy State's Attorney Dady compelled the naval authorities toexeclude spectators from the. boxlng bouts heMd by the recruits each Tbursday at the station. It seuthat tb. commandant openly criticized the state's attorney's office for failure te prosecute the nMen wbo on Ténth street attacked sud beat up two uniformed sailors sonm uth ago; bis remarka about the failure et the Pr ocutors office te punisb the off enders made the prose- eutor feel peeved, sud the uext thiug that happeued was: Thé "ttes attorney, in looking about for sometbing te do co.cenng the. Naval Station, found the box*igfuture, andb.honinuodlately drew bis ire down on it wit a veng- eace. Prestol Ohauge! The- commandant'. criticisoi vus av ngd, âdtue boxin g f&ns were eliminated from tbe station. Xddûr./Yiw1 Louel Bull as a vieitr ln DeKalb Bonda>' andi Mande'. Nni E~l. rnai i.ft Th'.,' e Ch&@. Bernard usot to Delavan Lakte, W te.. Wednesday, where he wili camp out uit saine Chicaga friendefor e Week or langer. The Mises Margaret snd Janet Ell.- wortb ai Osbkoob, Wis., are ependingj oome turne at the borne ai their oncle, E. E. Ellsworth. E. W. Butterfielal andaLiamiiy entertain- ed Warren Fontseand daughter Mie Dais>', and Mrs. Bele Corbin, &Hlof Elgin f rom Saturde>' 10 Tueuday. Mir@. E. E. Ellsworth en'tertained ber lter, Mr@. A. P. Bouseof Blair, Neb., severai day. Ibis useit. Mrs. Bouselu an ber way ta Rat l)ennis, Cape Cod! wth ber hubeiid ta @pendl the sntmmer1 et tbair somamer home. The "booster" parade for the Librty- ville Chautauqua, ublcb uase cbed>ed ta maire a tour of the canot>' on Thureda>', wau postpone on accaunt ai rein. Tbe parade lil be beld the first day that the Cloud@ stop wseping. There uil b. a big 'Piea' Festival and Contets" ai tbe Chautauqua tout ou Toseda>', Jul>' 20, the de>' before the opening .f th. Libertyvile Cautauqua, ta b. given free ta, ail ebildren as ueli as grown upu. Ever>' ebiltram Liberty. - ville andl iroinmiles arounal this town are luviteal ta corme and parîlcipete. Parent@ bring yoor eidren. Ever>'. tbIng free. Miss Ella Ejan ai Baraboo, Wis., ubo ban been speuding a montb wiib rela- tive@ andl friends in Soutb Bend, md., and Chicago, @pent a uek uitb ber aunt, »Are. A. L. Travis. Sb@ retornsd ta ber borne Thuruda>' marnIng. Littie Beatrice iTravis i@ entertaining Tessie Bolaban ai Chicago for a motb. Ou Wednesday the Travis famil>' andl their friende made an auta trip to Greenwood andalHebron, 111, Wrn. Wbs.ier received word lest ueit from big ulfe ubo wltb ber sou Les utartea an a trip ta lIeselgite, f8.[D. , t'aat an ie if t1wh...g drive w-ee u tbtcegibete broie or %Va ie>', S. D., ou Jul>' 6%b, allauiug the drIve ubeel ta corne off. There was no bail reaunt troue this breaidaun other thon' the train was beid tour baurs befare tb. trip cauld b. resumefi. A later letter frona Mr@. Wbsee s>'arrived as tbeir destination. DRIVERS CAREESS -ABOUT AUTO LAIFS Too littîs attention ie paid b>' same autaints andi motarcycliste regerding the state lau pertaiuIng tu ligbtu ou ail motor vebie-is. For the benefit of thee violatpre us reprbnt a part ai section four ai the state lau on mtai vebicîsu, b>' speciai requset. In this connection Maeshal LImb.rry volunteers the in- formation tbat thene la a fins ai $10 and up for ever>' violation of Ibis lau anal werne ail drivers ta b. more erefui &bout ligbtiog lamps alter sun-down. BoesilaIbatte sens elaw uays regard- inf lape *Wbe uon an>' public igbuay ln ibi State. durIng the period frona .inset ta ove hour before suris., ever>' motor bicycle sIal SMcaryesllgted iamp asud ever>' Butor vebicle tua ligiteal lampe, ehowing wite lighte visible abailetunw bundrefi 200) fret la lhé direction tavard wib ciehu motor bicycle or vahlie lu prucsedlng anda ean Waim exhîbilà et 1a" nue ligitua liamp whicb shed be.oomituateal au ta throu a red ligit vible in iii.reverse diretion. The nuinher plaMtehe tIbick ai the motor vohule shaI b. sa ligteal ibat 1h. nom- bureson «MIdplat* shali be plaini>'lesribis anud Intellible staeitanceof150Iet."' For sorne reasan uoknoun ta uis tbe k. at C. team [rein Waukegan allinot materials for the game sebeduled ut the fair grendeboe Suuday, tberoby disappaning e large cro wd of fane as Weil as tbe Itamarean, ubo usis ready ta put up the gante ai tbeir Ile stinging frointhe last defeat. We enut figure out the motive the K. oi C. tsam b.d lu dimppointing us as tbsy ucre ebaun ever>' courtes>' on tbeir fast visit boe. However if tbis actiontiunul sxplained b>' tbe manage- ment, the>' uill neyer b. put ta the trouble of comme ta aur grounals again. The llamareaa'arenow membee ofthe Inter City League and bave the folio a,' ing gamne bookeal: mi>' lStb, Kenosha. Mdac Wbytes at Lib.rtyviile; Jul>' 25tb, Fedoral Lifesiat Lib.rtyvlie: Aug. lot. Ramarea aInicHa-or>'; Aug. Sîli, U. S. Naval Station ut Libertyvilse. Dont furget neit Sonda>' Kenoelia Mac Wbyteu came boe for a game andl also remember the bains boys have ouI>' lant thee gaines Ibis season and those &Hl b>'ans score. Corne out and ses tbe gamet. Owiug ta the lacst ibt the manage- ment bas booked same extra fasune la the Inter City I.eague ta give the fsan a good exhibition oi ibe National peatime, the ladies lu the future willi b. cbargred the minimum pricesoai15 cent.. flisatnic,. Ouut-AÀnytilng gound st thU atmtible wek? Tou knou. Borne Uth1 Iouida't taeMr vue toi-" - HAVING SOLD OUR BUSINESS TO W. F. FRANZEN, JR. W. would aok ail tii... Who are in- d.bted te qs te kindly caU at their office and make settumnt as soon as convenient. Our books wil l e l.ft with thetu until JuIy l7tb, aft.r which tirne w. wil leave theni with the. Fia-st National Banik, Who willi receive and r.ceipt for ail unsettled accounts. la this connection w. wish to take the opportunity te tiiank ail Our cus- toniers for the. favors they have siiown us and we would be pleased te have thesu continue te do busi- ness wi thei new fia-t, Who Wini endeavor te give them the very beut off service. Respectfully HARBAUGH-MI LLER LUMBER COMPANY - UBF£TYILI nFROM -LOCAL -CHUROHES Preachinoe services flext Sooday wliii h heid at the usua] time. la the mornfng at il o'ci<ck 1ev. T. E. Resamwh preaci4 on the tapie, '-The Faith Su. cireied Bout." In the éventas at 7,80 thers wiii bc tirât B short song ,urvime and saune special mette by the choir a(ter wbicb a short sermon wiii b. preached on the object. 'God and tbe Comman Place." Alil are Invited to attend. "Our Actions Away Froun Home" wil b. the Rubject of the Epworth League service neit Sunday evening et 6:4". Ledr, HaraId Haggerty. Ail Leagurers or" tab. ob. d Quarterly Conference af the Bd. E. churcb wilii.bc -eid neiwsek at the churcb; time of meeting to b. au- nounosd iter. The 13ueday ecbooi board voted ta hald tb. annual Snnday echoni picnlc at Dlamand Lake an Thursday. Jui7 29. 0 -il Miss 'Jesf ýIv Mise Lucy' Isabelle Andrews pas5ed au.>' at the home of ber brother, IHarcns Andrews in Lihertyilie, sari>' Sondai morning. JolyIil. She lacked but a few day.aif bing 54 lenrs of age at the tinas ar ber demi".. Mie .drewe wamone ai even cbildren lu ber father's fai, tbree ai ubom preceded ber lu destb, ieaviiig ta sorrow tua brothers and onesster. Ber brother are Marcus.and Soward Andrews respectivoly -of Liiaertyviiie asud Lakè Forest, ad ber Blter, lire. AiliePrice of Libertyvili.. But In addition ta these af the irumediate fanail> circle, @hoe leaves man>' nephews and netes bath bers in Lib.rtyvilie and lu other commonitiet andal aie a large nuanher ai friandls at Diamoud Laike, Waoconda anal Liberty- ville. Mise Andrews uas haro lu Fremont towuehip Ibis county,. .li.v26, 1861. Her fath.r bavinu disal ubsu abs uae a uitile chlal &bout four years of age,- she live la Freinant township ntif 1901, when wltb ber motber abe moved ta Waucouda, ubere @ho reelded for about ton yeans, or until ber mother'. dealli. About two yeaere aito @b came ta Libertyvilie "id made ber borne ultl ber brother. Mise Andrews bail been in pon heatb for the peut siaht yenre and for tbe lest tirs. motis had beau con. fineal ta ber b.d ammoot continau 1y Wben @he uas able ebe attendea tii Methodilot ciurch. The louerai wau beid from the home ai ber brother, Marcue Andrews, Tueeday aiternoon et 1:80 o'ciocit, 1ev. T. E. Beain officiatlng. The remaine uers lid st rest lu the Diamoud Lakte cemeter>' beside ber deceaseai parents and brotber. CARO 0F THANKS Ta the kind neigbbors and oympatbetlc friends, ubo auuited anal consoied ne lu our late bereavement esueed b>' the departure cof aur ioved ane, Mi@% Locy Andrews, us bupe aur genuine apprecia- tinou wi) b. fulyunders3toad. Mr. and Mlr@. Marcue Andrews, Mr@. Aile Price, Mar. and Mdr,geward Andrews, Mir. and Mu@. W. S. MClain. K. 0F C. TEI FAILS TO APPEAR FOR MlAE 6 Clothes Bars 12 Child Chairs and Rockers 4 Square Extension Tables 2 Breakfast Tables 3 Porch Swings Odd Lace Curtains Framed Pictures at one- half Price. 1 Wardrobe 3 Writing Deaks TREPTOW & tIASON Furniture and Undertaking LTHE BIG STORE LIBERTY VILLE Mi Plain, Simple, Straightforward Insurance, without any Fads or Fancies, Frilîs or Feathers, is what the Old Michigan Mutual Lufe offers. Shakespeare long ago pointed out the folly of attempting to paint the rose or gild refined gold. lu ail their simplicity the contracts of the Company are -good enough for us" to offer and 1 good enough for you " (or for any one) to buy. In a word .the insured pays as littie as possible and the Comnpany gives the utmost it eau afford for the payineut made. JOHN HODGE District Manager Branch Office, Michigan Mutual Lif e AREA ILLINOIS IIU i lo. a.SMITH .............................................................-..........;àEditor k1""mra e turuàrlr 0. O, mitH....................... ..............................................Manager kaaaCt' avstrltvsaa .iWEIER ...................................... Residant Manager, Phone 1 60-J frieni, for a week. PASSDAWAY SUNOAT I ChurocI ?/OWO 18 esJesie Huer, ila lrt brateal perforMeupon tbe tither, li piano higbly pralied b>' ber a ciautauquam attraction ot rapidi teacier. Sander Radanovitu ur growlng reputatton. Hotb ladies are thie Lyceuna Arts Conuervator>' of momber. of tie Colonal- Concert C ic ago Company appearing on the third day. Mins Huser. oesfuthebmuet cele- jafternoon andl night. ILIBERTYVILL!B IULY 21-26 St. Lawrsnct Episcopal. Hol>' Communion 7:30 a. Mn. Sonda>' scbool 9:80 a. mn. Mdorping Prayenlil e. m. 96 Win. maved corner, Ch&@ vacatic MJes. E front Dii Mise. ai Week C. j i4 tira>'eli Fred wau.'oi Misé Barry Mr. Oak Pa Mdr. anud tm esr irvini an oper retun e work Il fflore. J".551 ln Chie, ente, Id Lo 1.1 et IÀ4 meet w M rm aug lthé Fred Wig-e F.i L'y Mr ta Lai. et-veral thé 'or l'O-nioLt t'feu. a, fieý' The 1 à.. thiu L The k~itb M at t e The H. Fc fril. Su ode C. iM gan. 'a Week. Oin i at 2 U'e cernater patbvy c An Who hW Mlarle. phoane mornin and tif rond e Hulett pehauff( thrown tbougb The au Reî We pianos better abouit i Kimba The Victa marke wjîl te PI ayer Cain bhu Buiriý JULY CLEARANCE SALE Every Saturday During July lEverg Saturdayj of this month we will hold an ail dai, Clearance sale, giving 20 PerCent Discount for cash only 'Mis is the. season off the year when you are wanting sornething in the fine off fumnitur., and we aak you to see our stoc before you buy. Corne early and Iokover the. articles listed below, whici are aU f irat-elase, dependable goodu. No matte- what you want we wiII anake you a price tient wiIl appeal to you on sight, for gooda and price wiIl teli the. sory. 20% DISCOUJNT ..TERMS CASHI=..ON TuIES! 6 Pugh Cartes 6 Go Carte e Hlgh Chairs 10 EHanmooka 3 9x12 Bugs 6 Vacuum Cleaners 3 sets 6 Diners each 2 sets 5 Diners each 1lcet 4 Dners* 6 Llbrary Tables 6 Foot Stools 6 Taborettes 6 Pedestals 3 Tee oeStands 1 XsahogBed 4 doz. Reception Chairs ido&. Bedroom Chairs and Rockers 1 do&. Rockers 2 Folding Wash Benches 3 Couches 3 Costumers b. 1- lien mammmmmmmang

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